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Habitate Design New Directives

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Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781

International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST

- 2015)

Habitat Design: New Directives

Ar. Asif R Khana*
Head of Department, Associate Professor,Al Salama Institute of Architecture,Malappuram, Kerala, India.
*Ph.D Research Scholar at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.


For a city in transition not only is there a need for planners to provide accountability of development and growth continuum but
also ensure a pattern for objective spatial description network. Orientation towards ideal cognition and provision of a framework
for accountability is vital. Interpretation of the structure of mould forming the physical environment made up of people and space
with time playing an integral contextually relevant catalyst is essential to evolve experiential knowledge about the urban stature.
The planned or self evolved urban grammar owing a perceptual sense of order with accountability for continuum could often be
treated as the base order with perpetual indicators defining the edges of physical realm associated with a developing conurbation.

The studyprovides insight into new urbanisation trends prevailing in India and approaches propagated by individuals,
organisations and statutory bodies for realizing a better built habitat. A theoretical ideation: Critical Proposition Theory, a
decisive framework to ensure progress in the right direction has been derived, supported by graphical - visual illustrations with
cognitive reasoning. It is apparently evident, how these cities are envisioned with time would determine the practicability of
subsistence for future generations.
© 2016
2016 The
Authors.Published byElsevier
Published by ElsevierLtd.
Ltd.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICETEST – 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICETEST – 2015
Keywords:urbanisation; imageability index; urban renewal strategies; urban built morphology; critical proposition theory

1. Introduction

India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh – largest country by geographical area, the second – most
populous country. India has the latitude of 220 00’N and longitude of 770 00’W which denotes its graphical
alignment. The specific latitude of India suggests its position in Northern Hemisphere. “The terra firma of India is
bound by the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan and China” [1].

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9846163636, E-mail

2212-0173 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICETEST – 2015
Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781 1775

Traditional dimension of space in an Indian City could be analyzed based on indicators like ethnicity, caste,
religion and language. However these approaches were gradually superimposed by governance, politics, economics,
commerce and demographics, when new cities either emerged or got conceived. Many new cities were envisioned
by Indian nationalist leaders post independence. The basis of most of the planned approaches had strong linkages to
western theories and principles. The level of successful implementation of various plans however remains
unconvincing. Whatever the approach might have been space in an urban context definitely has its own disposition.
The architecture of an urban environment tells history and frames images. This perceptive generated can be seen
as stage set for various episodes and happenings to come about with transition of time. Regions in a town differ
according to their evolutionary rationale and functions. It envisage a morphological image of architecture which is
relatively permanent, however transition or change is imperative with time. Gradual commoditization of
development and changing patterns of social life has brought about a paradigm shift.
The rapid demographic growth in and around Indian cities is changing the physical dimensions – the size, shape,
density, land uses, spatial structure and building types – of its cities. Increased urban development puts intense
pressure on existing urban infrastructure to support quality of life. Urban growth often manifests itself as
overcrowded and very high-density urban forms, claimed to contribute to crime, physical and mental illness and
poor living conditions. The current physical form that intense urban growth takes is therefore generally considered
to be unsustainable [2].
The notions of space in Indian cities (present context) in general perspective are increasingly based on global
comparative imageability basis. However the legibility of arrangement of utilitarian needs amidst rising numbers of
prosperous habitants, successful middle income group and poverty struck economically backward group is quite
flawed and disorganised. In most cases intervention to provide coherence to new cities as well as existing cities
which are facing tremendous amount of increase in population and urban sprawl is linked to infra structure planning,
public health, housing and governance. Less significance has been given to understand the transition over time of a
city and associated issues of unplanned organic developments, notably the slums which have become symbolic
image associated with any developing city under review. Space and its representation are central to understanding
architecture and urbanism.
On the face of it, the city is two things: a large collection of buildings linked by space, and a complex system of
human activity linked by interaction. We can call them the physical city and the social city. Urban practice and
theory must connect one to the other [3].

Fig. 1. Urbanisation Index

Source: The McKinsey Global Institute . India's Urban Awakening: Building Inclusive Cities, Sustaining Economic Growth. 2010.
1776 Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781

2. Urban Morphology

2.1. Human Settlements

“Human settlements contain people and societies in a physical environment consisting of natural and man-made
elements” [4]. In relatively simple terms we can relate settlements to any form of human habitation with certain
structure based on native organic pattern or a planned development, gratifying to needs of a certain density of
population. In developing countries there is definitely an evident rift between urban and rural settlement patterns. In
order to have cognition about the aspect of settlement pattern and resultant built environment, it’s quite significant to
be aware of the attributes that bring about concise symbolism or highlights the attributes associated with the pattern
formation. The urban pattern is a result of the relationships between people and their social, economic and physical
environments. “For all that, the city is one of the most remarkable, one of the most enduring of human artifacts and
human institutions”[5].
Reviews of succession of settlements indicate that topographical influences were a major factor in determining
the affluence and growth continuum of a society. Many of these settlements were located along potent rivers and
lakes, in deltas or along coastlines, cultivated eco systems and mountainous terrains. Whatever the context of the
topographical setting and other influencing indicators might be, the inhabitants soon influenced their urban
environment to mould the micro as well as macro settings and modify it according to their needs. “The socio –
spatial dialectic, as it has been termed, is a continuous two – way process in which people create and modify urban
spaces while at the same time being conditioned in various ways by these changes ” [6].
Thus urban form is not only the architectural form of the city; it is also a cultural manifestation. These statements
provoke thought and point the direction of progress to the critical significance and vitality of the role of society and
culture in the progression of a settlement pattern and resultant built environment. “Great architecture and ambitious
architectural theory relates architectural progress with social progress” [7].

2.2. Imageability Index

A rational basis is always required to correlate - explain the manner of configuration of overall linkages of
various dimensions that make up a city. Considering this notion of approach aspects like order and structure
provides scope for elevating our understanding of the aspects that provide a conceptual as well as physical realm of
experiential quality to the cities we live in. Order might be identified with recognizable similarity of parts in a
similar relation to each other while structure are formed by deep rooted linkages superficial as well as
internalized,anchoring various sociological attributes. The resultant notion of spatial disposition would reinforce the
relevance of organizing principles in urban design. Spatial disposition which influences the composition of various
elements in an urban context encompasses the whole. This approach predominantly constitutes the organization of a
settlement. spatial disposition or spatial character is an ideation used to interpret, design and realize human
settlements. The settlements exist as adaptations of natural topography and dependence on resources drawn from
much wider area.
“The art of planning and design is to arrange the elements of the structure into a system of reference that
supports the process of living, and which establishes a spatial logic eliciting responses from the many actors who
contribute to settlement –making” [8]. Aspects of Time and Place provide the divergence in the general imagery of a
space. This is brought about by the organization of various elements of the structure and the relation applicable
among these elements in a given context and scope for continuity; this governs the spatial expression of a built
environment. Converging towards settlements; multifaceted and active entities made up by diversified
representation of various communities.
The imageability index explains the process involved in cognition which would create the general imagery of
habitat realm in a person. General imagery of a city could be rightly observed as the blending of the collective
identity of its diverse occupants exemplified by built realm. This would contribute towards meeting the utilitarian
needs of the people and for evolution of a sense of identification or more precisely a provincial identity. Positive
image formation of habitat realm as part of cognition is constituted by the following acts; perception, convergence
and recognition based on information received from external environment and its interpretation. This phenomenon
over a time results in convergence or towards formation of a symbolic distinctiveness marked by regional traits
Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781 1777

leading to formation of general imagery of a place.

Fig. 2. Ideation - Imageability Index

Source: Author

3. Urban Renewal Strategies

3.1. Urban Renewal Planning Approaches

A quick review of cities in developed nations enlightens us on progression towards shifts in settlement planning
approaches. Initially the urban sprawl gave way to development of industrial cities associated with mass migration
and concept of people residing close to workplace approach. This was followed by the upsurges in development of
sprawling suburbs - satellite cities linked to the core city by express highways, bridges, tube rail systems etc. this
brought about deconcentration of major cities. Leading to acceptance of the idea of spatial separation of home from
workplace and the rise of commuting culture. Over a period of time, popularity for this approach started to recede
and movements towards compact city form and investments in the redevelopment and revival of city centres got
preference. At each of these phases of evolution and transition of these cities we find relevance of proper planning
playing a significant role in ensuring positive spatial planning and designed spatial habitats. Many of the important
and most significant changes around the world are associated with urbanization.
Over the last three decades, urbanisation has shown unprecedented rates of growth, devastating the physical form
of our cities which have been unable to deal with the swelling numbers. While this compression of people in a
limited space symbolises optimism and is characterised by many positive attributes, it has spelt doom for the urban
form of our cities [9].
Urbanisation could be considered as an irreversible act of land use transformation. For a city in transition, not
only is there a need for planners to provide accountability of development – growth continuum but also ensure a
pattern for objective spatial description network. Orientation towards ideal cognition and provision of a framework
for accountability is vital. Indeed, whether the factors are controllable and predictable or uncontrollable and
unpredictable, the understanding of the attributes/variables would lead to an ideal environment. Clearly how these
cities are envisioned with time would determine the viability of subsistence for future generations.
Understanding the relevance of such approaches, the government might consider spatial development plans
before clearing projects under the second phase of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM)
from 2014. Spatial development plans are more comprehensive as they take into consideration not just the city, but
the adjoining region and its impact on the region.The new requirement will mark a departure from the first phase of
JNNURM, under which planners drafted city development plans focused on zoning to receive support for urban
infrastructure projects. Indian cities were divided into zones according to their land-use, such as residential zones,
1778 Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781

commercial zones, public zones, institutional zones, religious zones, industrial zones, mixed land-use zones, natural
areas and open spaces, and so on.
Spatial development has six layers: economy; mobility and networked infrastructure; affordable housing; social
infrastructure; heritage; environment protection and disaster zones. A Bengaluru-based not-for-profit organisation
working on urban planning, Jana Urban Space Foundation has submitted national urban spatial planning design
(NUSPD) guidelines to the government— based on which spatial plans will be developed by cities[10].

Fig. 3. Framework

Source: Ramanathan, Swati. Portfolio, Jana Urban Space Foundation, Jana USP, Web, 18 Nov. 2013

Similar ideations with stress to a thought process to envisage how a successful city could be evolved by
combining various attributes was also highlighted in activities of Mirabilis Advisory and Indian Habitat Centre
under a partnership known as Urban Habitats Forum. The Mirabilis Matrix is an analytical framework for urban
thinking. It encompasses three verticals: Hardware, Software and Governance. The horizontals are: Liveability,
Competitiveness and Environmental Footprint. It provides a way to think about how different elements come
together to form a successful city.

Fig. 4. Mirabilis Matrix

Source: Urban Habitat Forum. Mirabilis Matrix, habitat summit, Mirabilis Advisory Pvt. Ltd, Web, 19 Nov. 2013

Relevance of a proper framework to ensure effective revival of existing cities and development of new cities in
India is further being explored to be initiated with much more vigour by the present government. The Jawaharlal
Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781 1779

Nehru Urban Renewal Mission is being replaced by Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
(Amrut) is beginning of such an initiative.

4. New Directives

4.1. Habitat Design

Multiplicity which forms the basis of our national fabric should form the basis of any conceptual design
developments propositions. Unity in diversity leading to an integral whole should serve as the benchmark for
prosperity and well being when nation building is being conceived off. The established ethos of cognition and
enlightenment has always been linked to understanding the rationale behind the act of knowing the contextual
setting by giving due importance to habitat factor variables. At this point we should reiterate the relevance of proper
application of innovative technical knowhow, advancements in science and technology that we as a nation have
mastered, while envisioning new built environments.
Portrayal of the urban habitat realm and decoding the factors that shape the strategies accountable for revival,
transition and continuity requires proper deciphering. In this context, progress should not be a mere replication of
developed countries approaches in terms of infra structure - imageability but contextually relevant, sustainable, and
logical solution. In the present scenario of globalization there is a decisive need to recognize and understand the
urban realm in terms of user groups, functions, built environment, infra structure management, science &
technology and behavioural aspects. Evolution of a proposition that affirmatively integrates the various domains of
thought and action, formulation of attributes which would serve as a point of reference for comparison and guidance
is crucially required.
Interpretation of the structure of mould forming the physical environment made up of people and space with time
playing an integral contextually relevant catalyst is essential to evolve experiential knowledge about the – urban
stature. The planned or self evolved urban grammar owing a perceptual sense of order with accountability for
continuum could often be treated as the base order with perpetual indicators defining the edges of physical realm
associated with a developing conurbation. This proposition of interdependence of various aspects and understanding
of relevance of chronological evolution, resulting in a particular kind of spatial order which elucidates the
underlying aspects in a city based on certain settlement theories is significant aspect. This provides retrospection
about factors which contribute to settlement –making and determine the relevance of structure in the overall physical
design of a given space incorporating conservation, continuity and urban growth.
Solid – void symbolism shouldpave way for various physical as well as visual linkages which woulddefine the
pattern/grid of habitat realm.A spatial transitional interface constituted by physical, social, cultural, economical,
institutional, infra structure and organizational elements of space making structure which sustain human
communities. This is capable of expressing and externalising a sense of place and identity for the user. In simple
words we can state that perception of habitat realm is initiated by perception, it further then leads to meaning
formation based on cognitive process.

Fig. 5. Ideation - Urban Pattern

1780 Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781

Source: Author

Urban realm is a constantly transitional space completely interlinked with its user, the total embodiment of
function, perception, and sense of belonging. The activity generators associated to it are in a continuous state of inter
weaving dialogue. The resultant Populace – Habitat Languagepaves way for the built order often identifiable and
highlighted by elements of urban design. The tangible process – product interface is a representation of various
domains that constitute the sociological order of a community. With time - changing perception and divergent
scenarios, the conception of Form, Space & Order – habitat design is to assimilate the knowledge, beliefs, purpose
and values of a contemporary society while giving due importance to the precedents of progression.

Fig. 6. Ideation - Urban Built Morphology Framework

Source: Author

4.2. The Critical Proposition Theory

The critical proposition theory is drawn from different factors influencing the physical design, social and cultural
aspect of the city. In short it is a synthesis of the spatial relationships of various elements and reflections of the
paradigm shifts associated with the transition – progress of a community. A board level understanding of the
effective parameters that constitute the theory would induce better understanding of the built environment and
resultant imageability as a whole. This perspective would definitely elevate the understanding of affective aspects of
the users as well as the direction of transition of built environments and their built morphology.
A model for depiction, decoding, scrutiny and interpretation of the urbanrealm, urban structure & influencing
parameters and the paradigm shifts associated/influencing new thoughts and approaches forms the basis of this
theory building. The habitat design is perceived based on cohesive union of two factors that catalyse development:
the horizontal and the vertical factors. The horizontal factors are made up by the society and the realm in which it
subsist namely; the people and the environment. Meanwhile the vertical is constituted by scientific knowledge
pyramid of progressive disciplines such as environment systems and planning, infra-structure and transportation
management, architectural perspective and urban design, building structure and construction systems, and
sustainable urban development. A thorough pursuit based on an integrative union of the horizontal and vertical
factor based on action research would help envision cities and plan development frameworks for the future, along
with proper consolidation of existing developments. Such approaches would lead to evolving innovative proposals
for the re-use, re-development and regeneration of the built environment as well for successful realisation of new
development proposals.
Asif R. Khan / Procedia Technology 24 (2016) 1774 – 1781 1781


Fig. 7. Ideation –Critical Proposition Attributes

Source: Author

5. Conclusion

It is apparent that the impact of urbanism and the space envelops catering to various activities have a critical
impact/influence on the inhabitants behavioural and sociological identity. With a better understanding of the urban
realm as an end product of a process, it’s possible to better comprehend the fabric of habitat design. The notion of
urban realm requires understanding at vivid levels. The different perspectives of perception exhibited – by the
inhabitants/occupants happens from different combination levels/abilities of reasoning and divergent responses to
the context – built environment and functional requirements. A proper understanding and evaluation of the links and
need for transect for relating these linkages is vital.


[1]Ramachandra, Sowmyashree. M.V and T.V. Urban Pattern Analysis - Major Cities In India; Bangalore : Indian Institute of Science, 2010.
Lake 2010: Wetlands, Biodiversity and Climate Change.
[2] City Form Network . [Online] [Cited: ]
[3] Vaughan, Bill Hillier and Laura;The spatial syntax of urban segregation; Progress in Planning, April 2007,Volume 67, Issue 3, p. 205–294.
[4] Doxiadis, Konstantinos Apostolou;Ekistics: an introduction to the science of human settlements; New York : Oxford University Press, 1968.
p. 21.
[5] Kostof, Spiro K;The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History; New York : Little, Brown & Company, 2001. p. 40.
[6] Soja, Edward W .The Socio-Spatial Dialectic; Annals of the Association of American Geographers, June 1980 Vol. 70, Issue 2 , pp. 207–225.
[7] Schumacher, Zaha Hadid and Patrik. Mainstreams and Avant Gardes;The Berlage Institute
Report,summer 2003, Vol. 6/7, pp. 225-229.
[8] CSIR.Guidelines for Human Settlement Planning and Design. Pretoria : The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South
Africa, 2005 Reprint.
[9] Mehrotra, Rahul. RMA Architects . [Online] [Cited: November 1,2015.]
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[10] Urban News Digest . [Online] [Cited: November 1, 2015.]

*Theoretical Ideations, and Visual Illustration with cognitive reasoning cited in this Article are based on Minor Research Work carried out by the
author at CEPT University as part of his Ph.D Program.

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