10 Aviation Legislation: Ref Lev Answer (A) Answer (B) Answer (C) Ans
10 Aviation Legislation: Ref Lev Answer (A) Answer (B) Answer (C) Ans
10 Aviation Legislation: Ref Lev Answer (A) Answer (B) Answer (C) Ans
10 Aviation Legislation
10.1 1 (4Q) Regulatory Framework
2Q Common Questions
10.1 1 Role of ICAO;
Relationship between Part-145, Part-66, Part-147 &
10.1 1
can write its own can write its own
requirements requirements as must follow ICAO
1 10.1 A National Aviation Authority that belongs to ICAO: b
without notifying long as it notifies Annexes exactly.
anybody. ICAO of differences.
SARPs which are SARPs which are regulatory
2 10.1 ICAO is an organisation that publishes: mandatory for recommended for requirements for b
member states member states member states
an annual a document signed
a sub-group of the
3 10.1 The Chicago Convention is conference held by by all ICAO b
United Nations
members of ICAO members.
are legal are documents are incorporated
requirements which produced by the into the Annexes to
4 10.1 Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS): c
all aircraft operators National Aviation the Chicago
must follow. Authority. Convention.
develop and publish
make laws and
standards and
5 10.1 One of the chief functions of ICAO is to: regulate aviation maintain aircraft . a
international air
transport services
international civil
may be established international civil
aviation may be
Which of the statements is NOT stated as a purpose of on the basis of aviation may be
6 10.1 regulated by a a
ICAO equality of developed in a safe
subsidiary body of
opportunity and and orderly manner
the United Nations
operated soundly
and economically
Which of the the following ICAO bodies comprises
7 10.1 the Secretariat the Council the Assembly c
representatives from all Contracting States
a bilateral
the Chicago a United Nations
8 10.1 An ICAO contracting state is a state which has signed agreement with a
Converntion contract
an aeroplane with a
an aeroplane or
maximum take-off
helicopter with a a multi-engined
mass of more than
9 10.1 A large aircraft is classed as: maximum take-off aeroplane or a
5,700 kg, or a multi-
mass of more than helicopter
engined helicopter
5,700 kg
of any mass
A Part 147 organisation is approved to carry out
10 10.1 maintenance operations training and c
An organisation responsible for the airworthiness of an approved approved under approved under Part
11 10.1 a
large aircraft must be operator Part 145 M
12 10.1 Continued airworthiness is ensured by compliance Part 66 Part 147 Part M c
hold an appropriate
hold an
type rated license be employed by a
A necessay requirement for personnel issuing a CRS authorisation issued
13 10.1 issued in Part M Subpart F b
after maintenance is that they must by the operator of
accordance with organisation
the aircraft released
Part 66
14 10.1 The requiremebnts for the management of continued Part M Part 147 Part 147 a
airworthiness are to be found in
Aircraft used for commercial air transport must be Part M Subpart F Part 145 an approved
15 10.1 b
maintained by a organisation organisation operator
Can maintain any
need not employ is responsible for
aircraft for which it
maintenance staff the continuing
16 10.1 An approved operator is the registered c
unless approved airworthiness of the
owner under its
under Part 145 aircraft it operates
OPS approval
aircraft and
organisations are components are organisations are
Under the requirements of the regulatory body
17 10.1 approved and certified and approved and c
(competent authority)
people are certified. organisations are people are licensed.
18 10.1 Defect rectification is: restoring a required every 50 only carried out in a
component or
flying hours on
system to its the hangar
some aircraft
original specification
is any maintenance
need not be
is carried out by the which must be
certified by licensed
19 10.1 Line maintenance: pilot on the flight carried out before c
and authorised
line. flight to ensure flight
at specified whenever it can be
whenever the
20 10.1 Scheduled maintenance is carried out : intervals of calendar fitted into the flying a
aircraft has a defect.
time or flying hours. schedule
The process of determining the cause of a failure by
21 10.1 means of analysis of the symptoms and/or the results rectification repair trouble shooting c
of tests is termed
The process of restoring an aircraft or aircraft
22 10.1 restoration rectification overhaul b
component to a serviceable state is termed
2Q EASA only Questions
10.1 1 Role of EASA;
10.1 1 Role of the Member States;
10.1 1 Relationship with other Aviation Authorities.
advising EU coordination
aviation rule making
member states on between EU
23 10.1 EASA's primary responsibility is for all EU member a
issues relating to member states and
aviation rule making ICAO
Acceptable Means
Airworthiness Rules (IR) and
24 10.1 EASA defines its aviation rules by the issue of of Compliance b
Notices Certification
Specifications (CS
issue their own adopt EASA
aviation rules based must comply with aviation rules with
25 10.1 EU member states on EASA standard EASA aviation rules changes as long as b
practices and with no deviation they are notified to
recommendations ICAO
a Basic Regulation
the ICAO Assembly
the issue of EASA issued by the
operating under the
26 10.1 EASA was set up (enabled) by Implementation European c
authority of the
Rules (IR) Parliament and
United Nations
Council of the
European Union
assists the accepts the has no role in
European cerificates, licenses facilitating market
Commission in and approvals access for
27 10.1 EASA a
negotiating and issued by other European industry
concluding bilateral member states of and is purely a
agreements ICAO regulatory body
Third Country aircraft operators wishing to land in one the NAA of the
28 10.1 ICAO EASA c
of the EASA countries must be authorised by country concerned
accepts inspections
accepts self
To achieve standardisation among EU member states carries out of National Aviation
29 10.1 inspection reports a
EASA inspections of NAAs Authorities (NAAs)
from the NAAs
negotiates working
certifications and
signs bilateral arrangements with
licenses issued by
30 10.1 EASA agreements with foreign NAAs to c
foreign NAAs who
foreign NAAs help certification
are members of
does not affect the ensures that each has the force of law
The rulemaking co-operation arrangement between
31 10.1 independence of accepts the other's in the EU and the a
EASA and the FAA
either rules USA
2Q QCAA only Questions
10.1 1 Role of QCAA;
10.1 1 Law No 15 of 2002;
10.1 1 Law No 16 of 2000
International Civil
Within the international regulatory framework for European Aviation
Aviation Federal Aviation
32 10.1 aviation, Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) is a Safety Agency a
Organisation Authority (FAA)
member of the (EASA)
European Aviation International Civil
Aircraft registered in Qatar are maintained to standards Qatar Civil Aviation
33 10.1 Safety Agency Aviation b
laid down by the Authority (QCAA)
(EASA) Organisation (ICAO)
International Civil
The operation and maintenance of aircraft in Qatar is Aviation
34 10.1 EASA Qatar CAA c
regulated by Organisation
The State of Qatar has adopted the maintenance
35 10.1 EASA ICAO FAA a
requirements of
provide essential
are identical to
information of an
Airworthiness are the Qatari
36 10.1 Airworthiness Notices issued by the State of Qatar administrative, b
Notices issued by version of EASA IRs
airworthiness and/or
technical nature
the ICAO Chicago
37 10.1 The QCAA is established under Law 15 of 2002 Law 16 of 2001 b
includes all the
requirements which
lays down the basic
have to be complied establishes the
38 10.1 Law 15 of the State of Qatar law for civil aviation c
with in respect of QCAA
in the state
civil aviation in the
10.2 2 (7Q) Part 66 Certifying Staff - Maintenance
10.2 2 Detailed understanding of Part-66
defect rectification
A Category A Part 66 license holder with an the whole aircraft
39 10.2 involving trouble closing of cowls c
authorisation can certify: after a base check
non-avionic defect
A Category B1 Part 66 license holder with appropriate the whole aircraft rectification minor checks up to
40 10.2 b
authorisation can certify: after a base check. involving "C" check
avionic checks
A Category C Part 66 license holder with an the whole aircraft any mechanical or
41 10.2 involving complex a
authorisation, can certify: after a base check avionic work
test equipment
is applicable to non-
can be issued
must be issued with certifying
42 10.2 A Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Licence: without Type b
Type Ratings maintenance
evidence of
evidence of basic an authorisation to
43 10.2 A Part 66 Basic Aircraft Maintenance Licence is: knowledge and issue a Certificate of a
experience and type
experience only. Release to Service
A Part 66 license or an authorization to certify can be a Part 147 the competent
44 10.2 a supervisor c
revoked by: organisation authority
For a category B1.1 basic license, the experience
45 10.2 requirements for a person who has completed an 2 years 3 years 5 years a
approved Part 147 course is:
For a category C basic licence, the experience
46 10.2 requirements for a person who is qualified as category 2 years 3 years 5 years b
B1.1, B1.3 or B2 certifying staff is:
An applicant for a category C license must have and hold an or hold an
and appropriate
47 10.2 completed a minimum of three years appropriate acceptable acceptable c
type training
experience as a B1 or B2 technician engineering degree engineering degree
full type training
course (Level 3) for
familiarisation type
full type training his first type and a
To obtain Type ratings, a Category C Engineer must training course
48 10.2 course (Level 3) for familiarisation type c
successfully complete a: (Level 1) for all
all types training course
(Level 1) for further
Before a Certification Authorisation can be issued, task
49 10.2 Category A license Category B license Category C license a
training is required for personnel holding a
License holders are authorised to release aircraft to
50 10.2 service in accordance with organisational procedures Part 66 Part 145 Part 147 b
laid down in
51 10.2 The minimum age for a Part 66 basic license is 21 18 20 b
the competent
Part 66 basic knowledge examinations are conducted a Part 145 Quality a Part 147
52 10.2 authority or a Part c
by: Department organisation only.
147 organisation.
Part 66 deals with certification of staff for maintaining
53 10.2 over 2730 Kg over 5700 Kg of all weights c
mechanical and
54 10.2 The B1 category of a QCR-66 license is: mechanical only avionic c
limited avionic
55 10.2 The Categories of a Part 66 license are: A, B1, B2 and C A, B, C, and D A1, A2, A3, and A4 a
The purpose of Part 66 is to provide a single standard maintenance the competence of
56 10.2 exam questions c
for: training certifying staff
Under Part 66, maintenance technicians must have
used by the aircraft needed to issue a used by the aircraft
57 10.2 adequate communication skills to read, write, speak b
operator CRS manufacturer
and understand technical information in the language
Type training can be carried out by any organisation
58 10.2 Part M Part 147 Part 66 b
approved under
What categories of a Part 66 license are divided into
59 10.2 A and C B1 and B2 A and B1 c
What category of licence holder does NOT require type
60 10.2 Category A Category B Category C a
What period of recent experience is required for a
61 10.2 1 year 2 years 3 years a
basic licence to be granted?
Which of the following is a sub-category of a Part 66 Piston and Turbine Aeroplanes with
62 10.2 Aeroplanes c
license? Engines Turbine engine(s)
Theoretical Practical training in
Which of the following is NOT necessary for type
63 10.2 knowledge of trouble shooting Legislation c
training for Category B holders ?
aircraft systems aircraft systems
Part 145 Approved Maintenance
10.3 2 (7Q)
10.3 2 Detailed understanding of Part-145
Authorisation to certify work on aircraft can be issued
64 10.3 Part 145 Part 147 Part 66 a
by organisations approved under
large aircraft and
aircraft used for
A Part 145 maintenance organisation can be approved aircraft used for
65 10.3 commercial air all aircraft b
to maintain commercial air
transport only
transport only
Line or Base
A Part 145 Certification Authorisation can be issued by Quality Manager, or Accountable
66 10.3 Maintenance a
the: his nominee Manager
must all be kept can be discarded
must be kept for a
until the aircraft is after a successful
Maintenance records and associated maintenance period of time which
67 10.3 permanently flight has been c
data is dependent on the
removed from carried out with no
type of record
service defects arising
Class A or B or C
Only one of Class Any or all of Class
68 10.3 A Part 145 approval can be given for: only if Class D is c
A,B,C or D A,B,C or D
also approved.
A Part 145 approved maintenance organisation may equipment, tooling, office space for the
69 10.3 maintain an aircraft or aircraft component for which it is hangar space material, approved Accountable c
approved, subject to the availability of suitable technical data and Manager
certifying staff
A Part 145 approved maintenance organisation must
National Aviation
70 10.3 provide a copy of each certificate of release to service aircraft operator. EASA a
to the:
Under Part 145, any condition of an aircraft or the aircraft supplier aircraft design
the aircraft supplier
component that has resulted or may result in an unsafe and the NAA which organisation and the
71 10.3 and the aircraft c
condition that hazards seriously the flight safety must approved the NAA which
design organisation
be reported to the operator, the competent authority, design approved the design
all details of work
carried out
necessary to prove
a summary of details of all staff
Under Part 145, a maintenance organisation must all requirements
72 10.3 details of work employed by the a
record: have been met for
carried out. organisation
the issue of a
certificate of release
to service.
A Part 145 organisation can maintain aircraft or aircraft by the aircraft in their approval by the Accountable
73 10.3 b
components at any location specified operator certificate. Manager.
to issue Certificates to carry out quality
A Part 145 organisation must employ staff qualified to
74 10.3 for pre-flight checks. of Release to audits on the b
Part 66 standard
Service. organisation
A Part 145 organisation's Exposition must be approved National Aviation Accountable
75 10.3 Base Engineer b
by the: Authority Manager
A Part 145 organisation's Exposition should contain
contracted accounting purchasing (buying)
76 10.3 information related to its management, maintenance a
organisations. practices procedures
procedures, quality system and
managed by the
administered by the
independent of line, base and
77 10.3 A Part 145 quality system must be: National Aviation a
production systems. workshop
A system of labelling all tooling, equipment and test both Part 145 and
Part 145 Part M Subpart F
78 10.3 equipment giving information on when the next Part M Subpart F a
organisations only organisations only
inspection or service or calibration is required under: organisations
an appropriately an appropriately the Base
After a base check in a Part 145 organisation, the
79 10.3 authorised Category authorised Category Maintenance b
aircraft can be released to service by:
B1 licence holder C licence holder Manager
Part 145 internal audit reports should always be given National Aviation
80 10.3 accounts manager manager concerned c
to the: Authority.
comply with the
Any organisation contracted by a Part 145 approved
also hold Part 145 quality requirements
81 10.3 organisation to carry out maintenance or repairs to hold OPS approvals b
approvals of the contracting
aircraft or aircraft components must
If requested by an authorised person, evidence of a
82 10.3 Part 145 certification authorisation must be produced 3 working days 24 hours 10 working days b
management Part 145
structure, requirements,
maintenance maintenance
83 10.3 Four essential parts of a Part 145 Exposition are: procedures, quality procedures, quality a
procedures, quality
procedures, procedures,
procedures, Part
contracted approve contracted approve
145 requirements
operator procedures operator procedures
If an aircraft is operated for commercial air transport, OPS approved Part 145 approved Part 147 approved
84 10.3 b
then all maintenance MUST be carried out by a: organisation organisation organisation.
can allow the Part
must provide a work must obtain the
If contracting out maintenance work to an approved 145 organisation to
order detailing the approval of the NAA
85 10.3 Part 145 organisation, the operator approved under decide what work to a
maintenance for every job carried
OPS requirements do within the scope
required out
of their approval.
In a Part 145 organisation, compliance with company Accountable
86 10.3 Quality system Chief Engineer b
procedures and Part 145 is monitored by the: Manager
"No aircraft can fly for the purpose of Commercial Air
complete aircraft components fitted to
Transport unless, after any maintenance, a certificate complete aircraft
but not to the aircraft but not
87 10.3 of release to service has been issued by an and components c
components fitted to to the complete
organisation approved or accepted in accordance with fitted to the aircraft.
the aircraft. aircraft.
Part 145" This statement applies to
completion of an
an organisations the syllabus for
88 10.3 Part 145 has paragraphs dealing with: aircraft technical a
exposition. certifying personnel.
Certificates of Aircraft Type
89 10.3 Part 145 organisations are authorised to issue Part 66 licenses a
Release to Service Certificates
should be internally should be internally do not have to be
audited at least audited at least internally audited
90 10.3 Part 145 procedures: b
once every five once each year by because they are
years by the quality the quality system. audited by
competent authority
each year.
has a maximum of
is of any size as
Part 145 quality audits may be contracted out to has less than about 10 maintenance
long as it is
91 10.3 another approved organisation where the Part 145 500 maintenance staff actively c
approved to do so
organisation: staff engaged in carrying
by the authority
out maintenance
by personnel not
responsible for the prior to the issue of
by maintenance
92 10.3 Part 145 quality audits are carried out function, procedure a CRS after base a
or products being maintenance
ensures that all
issues the maintenance can be
must hold at least a
The "Accountable Manager" of a Part 145 authorisation financed and carried
93 10.3 category B1 or B2 c
organisation: certificates to out to the standard
certifying personnel. required by the
on each certificate
The extent of approval of a Part 145 organisation is in the quality on the Approved
94 10.3 of release to b
specified: manual Certificate.
includes hangars,
apply only to base do not include office
95 10.3 The facilities required under Part 145: workshops, storage a
maintenance accommodation
and offices
must be big enough
can be shown to be must satisfy the
to accommodate a
sufficient by looking requirements set
96 10.3 The hangar facilities of a Part 145 organisation: single aircraft of the b
at the past records out in a hangar visit
largest type
of the organisation. plan.
cannot continue with
must provide must provide
maintenance in bad
A Part 145 organisation approved for line maintenance hangar hangar
97 10.3 weather without c
only accommodation all accommodation
year round during winter
parts supplier parts supplier maintenance
The Maintenance Data which a Part 145 organisation
98 10.3 catalogues, catalogues, manuals, c
must hold includes:
maintenance maintenance airworthiness
airworthiness manuals, Part 145 directives, Part 145
need not have
access to
must have access must have access
service bulletins or
99 10.3 A Part 145 organisation to manufacturer’s to manufacturer’s a
letters as long as
service bulletins service letters
they receive
The number of staff required by a Part 145 must be more than is only specified for is determined by the
100 10.3 c
organisation: 5 people. senior personnel production plan
are supervised
must remain may issue
directly by the Chief
101 10.3 The Part 145 quality compliance monitoring staff: independent of certificates of a
Engineer or
'production'. release to service.
serviceable and
serviceable and unserviceable
only serviceable
The storage facilities requirements of Part 145 require unserviceable components can be
102 10.3 components need a
that: components must stored together as
be labelled
be segregated long as they are
serious cracks and
Unairworthy conditions which must be reported failure of any worn components
103 10.3 permanent a
include: system and minor corrosion.
while fitted to the
Under a QCR-145 Category A (aircraft) approval, a while fitted to the
104 10.3 aircraft or in a in a workshop c
component can be maintained: aircraft.
mechanics, Managers and
Under Part 145, which of the following groups must Managers and
105 10.3 supervisors, maintenance a
have their competence established? quality auditors
certifying staff & instructors.
quality auditors
Under Part 145, all tools and test equipment requiring
106 10.3 labelled calibrated weekly. immediately before a
calibration must be:
Under Part 145, certifying staff must be qualified in
107 10.3 Part 66 QCAR-146 Part 147 a
accordance with:
does not change
must be held in the must be monitored since the principles
108 10.3 Under Part 145, Maintenance Data: Accountable to ensure it is up to of flight and safety b
Manager's office. date. standards do not
name, nationality, name, training,
name, nationality,
109 10.3 Under Part 145, records of certifying staff must include: scope of scope of c
authorisation authorisation.
all maintenance certifying staff only, certifying staff only,
staff, for two years for two years after for five years after
110 10.3 Under Part 145, staff records must be kept for b
after employment employment employment
ceases. ceases. ceases.
Under Part 145, the authority to release aircraft to maintenance
111 10.3 competent authority Chief Engineer a
service is given by the organisation
Under Part 145, which of the following must be mechanics,
112 10.3 supervisors and certifying staff only. c
qualified to Part 66 requirements: supervisors and
certifying staff
certifying staff.
a senior person or only the
a senior person or
group of persons Accountable
group of persons
113 10.3 Under Part 145: must be nominated Manager need be c
must be nominated
to the Accountable nominated to the
to the Authority
Manager Authority
initial and recurrent initial training is
initial and recurrent
training is required but
114 10.3 Under Part 145, training are both c
recommended but recurrent training is
not required recommended
Which of the following changes to a Part 145 Change of
Change of name of Change of
115 10.3 organisation need NOT be notified to the National Accountable c
the organisation Personnel Manager
Aviation Authority? Manager
10.4 1 (5Q) OPS - Commercial Air Transport
10.4 1 Air Operators Certificates;
any or all
A operator approved under OPS requirements can be line maintenance scheduled
116 10.4 maintenance work b
approved to carry out only maintenance only
under Part 145
A Post Holder
Accountable responsible for the
A operator approved under OPS requirements must Manager and a Post
Manager and a Post maintenance
117 10.4 nominate persons acceptable to the authority for the Holder responsible a
Holder responsible system and a Post
positions of: for the maintenance
for line operations Holder responsible
for line operations.
A operator approved under OPS requirements must
his Air Operators his Part 145 the maintenance
118 10.4 operate aircraft, in accordance with the terms and a
Certificate exposition manual
conditions specified in:
aeroplanes used for helicopters used for
all aircraft used for
119 10.4 OPS 1 provides a single standard for the operation of: commercial air commercial air a
any purpose
transport transport
aeroplanes used for helicopters used for
all aircraft used for
120 10.4 OPS 3 provides a single standard for the operation of: commercial air commercial air b
any purpose
transport transport
To operate and maintain fixed wing aircraft used for
121 10.4 Commercial Air Transport, an organisation must be OPS 1, and OPS 3. OPS 1 and Part 145 OPS 3 and Part 145 b
approved under
To operate and maintain helicopters used for
122 10.4 Commercial Air Transport, an organisation must be OPS 1, and OPS 3. OPS 1 and Part 145 OPS 3 and Part 145 c
approved under:
10.4 1 Operators Responsibilities;
holder of the Air Manager of the Part
The responsibility for the airworthiness of an aircraft Manager of the
123 10.4 Operator’s 145 organisation a
used for commercial air transport lies with the CAMO managing
Certificate carrying out the
the maintenance
A operator approved under OPS requirementss aircraft organisation's National Aviation
124 10.4 c
maintenance programme must be approved by the manufacturer Quality Manager Authority
aircraft's design required and
If a operator approved under OPS requirements aircraft's design
status but not performed
contracts out all maintenance work to an approved status and the
necessarily the maintenance but
125 10.4 Part 145 organisation, the operator approved under required and c
required and not necessarily the
OPS requirements must retain adequate knowledge of performed
performed aircraft's design
the : maintenance
maintenance status
If a operator approved under OPS requirements is also must be completely may be combined is not needed
126 10.4 b
approved under Part 145 then the operators separate from the with the Part 145 because it is
covered by the Part
Maintenance Management Exposition : Part 145 Exposition Exposition
145 Exposition
The final responsibility for compliance with operator approved
QCAR - 145 National Aviation
127 10.4 Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins lies with under OPS b
organisation Authority
the requirements
When a operator approved under OPS requirements
the operator The National
contracts out all maintenance work to an approved The Part 145
128 10.4 approved under Airworthiness b
Part 145 organisation, who is responsible for ensuring organisation
OPS requirements Authority
that the Certificates of Airworthiness remain valid?
10.4 1 Documents to be carried;
serial and part
pilot reported certification after numbers of parts
129 10.4 A Technical Log has entries relating to a
defects base maintenance changed during
A Technical Log includes details of defects arising line scheduled base scheduled
130 10.4 flight operations b
during : maintenance maintenance
Technical defects that occur during flight are recorded aircraft and/or
131 10.4 aircraft Tech Log operations log a
in the Engine log book
10.4 1 Aircraft Placarding (Markings)
The requirements for placards and markings can be
132 the Flight Manual Part 145 Part M a
found in
10.5 1 (7Q) Aircraft Certification
1 (2Q) General
10.5a 1 Certification rules such as EACS 23, 25, 27, 29;
The minimum airworthiness standards required for the European Aviation Type Certificate
EASA Certfication
133 10.5a issue of an aircraft Type Certificate in the EU are laid Requirements Data Sheets b
Specifications (CS)
down in (EARs) (TCDS)
the National
Type Certificates for aircraft operating in an ICAO Authority of the
134 10.5a ICAO EASA c
member state are issued by State of aircraft
Type Certificates for Airbus aircraft meet the standards
135 10.5a CS-25 CS-27 JAR-27 a
laid down in
The EASA/FAA Certification Specification for large
136 10.5a CS-23/FAR-23 CS-25/FAR-25 CS-29/FAR-29 b
aeroplanes is
The EASA/FAA Certification Specification for small
137 10.5a CS-23/FAR-23 CS-25/FAR-25 CS-29/FAR-29 a
aeroplanes is
The EASA/FAA Certification Specification for small
138 10.5a CS-23/FAR-23 CS-27/FAR-27 CS-29/FAR-29 b
rotorcraft is
The EASA/FAA Certification Specification for large
139 10.5a CS-23/FAR-23 CS-27/FAR-27 CS-29/FAR-29 c
rotorcraft is
10.5a 1 Type Certification;
to an aircraft, to an aircraft
to a single aircraft if
engine or propeller component such as
it is safe to fly and
140 10.5a A Type Certificate is issued: design if it is safe a instrument if it b
has all maintenance
and meets all the meets specified
requirements. standards.
10.5a 1 Supplemental Type Certification;
an aircraft
a single aircraft,
component such as a design change to
when all
141 10.5a A Supplemental Type Certificate is issued for an instrument, if it an existing aircraft, b
maintenance has
meets specified engine or propeller.
been completed
design if it is safe
has all maintenance has completed the
and meets
completed. maintenance.
National Aviation
146 10.5b Certificates of Airworthiness are issued by the: JAA licensed engineer a
Following a major defect, an aircraft's Certificate of suspended until the invalidated and unaffected
Airworthiness is defect is rectified must be renewed
147 10.5b a
after the defect is
Aircraft without a Certificate of Airworthiness may be the Chief Engineer the manufacturer a Permit to Fly
flown if authorised by of an approved
148 10.5b Maintenance c
Certificates of Airworthiness remain valid until the aircraft is for a specified time indefinitely, subject
scrapped in service to annual
149 10.5b c
A Permit to Fly can be issued to enable aircraft only to aircraft with without operating
150 10.5b delivery or export valid Certficates of restrictions a
10.5b 2 Certificate of Registration;
to an aircraft,
by an authorised
to a single aircraft to engine or propeller
engineer when he
151 10.5b A Certificate of Registration is issued: identify the aircraft design if it is safe a
has completed
and its owner. and meets
National Aviation aircraft
152 10.5b Certificates of Registration are issued by the: ICAO b
Authority manufacturer
10.5b 2 Noise Certificate;
the Competent the Competent
Authority of the Authority of the
153 10.5b A Noise Certificate is issued by ICAO b
State of aircraft State of aircraft
operations registration
10.5b 2 Weight Schedule;
After initial weighing, aircraft in service must be
154 10.5b 2 years 4 years 9 years b
reweighed at intervals of
Aircraft transferred between two operators, each with
9 years after the 4 years after the
155 10.5b approved mass control programmes, must be weighed before use c
previous weighing previous weighing
by the receiving operator
10.5b 2 Radio Station Licence & Approval.
is only necessary is issued by the
must be carried on for radio International
156 10.5b A Radio Station License a
the aircraft communication Telecommunication
equipment Union
10.6 2 (5Q) Part-M
10.6 2 Detailed understanding of Part-M
10.6 2 (1Q) General (Not broken down in 66)
10.6 2 (2Q) Subpart F (Not broken down in 66)
10.6 2 (2Q) Subpart G (Not broken down in 66)
hold an engineering ensure that the
also manage the
157 10.6 The Accountable Manager of a CAMO must degree or organisation is b
Quality Department
equivalent adequately financed
1 year after the
3 years after the 5 years after the
Under Part M, an aeroplane Technical log must be aircraft is
158 10.6 date of the last date of the last a
kept for: permanently taken
entry entry
out of service
any aircraft with a
small aircraft under large aircraft over
159 10.6 Part M applies to Certificate of c
5700kg 5,700kg
aircraft to be issued
managing the
with an the contents of an
160 10.6 Part M specifies the requirements for maintenance of b
Airworthiness aircraft's MEL
Organisations responsible for maintaining commercial
161 10.6 Part 66 Part 145 Part 147 b
air transport must be approved to QCAR
Under Part M, any occurrence that could seriously
162 10.6 72hrs 24hrs 48hrs a
hazard an aircraft must be reported within
Aircraft Continuing Airworthiness Records do NOT Operator's
163 10.6 Propeller Log Book Flight Manual c
include the Technical Log
scheduled defect rectification
A certificate of release to service is necessary before maintenance but but not necessarily
164 10.6 maintenance and c
flight after carrying out not necessarily after after scheduled
defect rectification
defect rectification. maintenance.
A Certificate of Release to Service must be issued fuel and oil
165 10.6 engine runs an approved repair c
after replenishment
may summarise the
must fully detail all work carried out
need only list all the
work carried out and cross refer to
166 10.6 A Certificate of Release to Service: maintenance b
during the work pack
procedures used
maintenance. containing full
An aircraft component can be maintained by certifying only if type rated on while fitted to the
167 10.6 in a workshop c
staff qualified under Part 66: the component aircraft
Certificates of Release to Service (CRS) are issued by National Aviation
168 10.6 JAA licensed engineer c
the: Authority
If a defective component is removed from an aircraft, both the component
the component
169 10.6 repaired, and refitted to the same aircraft, a CRS must the refitting only. repair and the c
repair only.
be issued for refitting separately
does not change
must be held in the must be monitored since the principles
170 10.6 Under Part M, Maintenance Data: Accountable to ensure it is up to of flight and safety b
Manager's office date standards do not
Certificate of
What certificate is issued after a mandatory inspection Flight Release Certificate of
171 10.6 Airworthiness b
by a Licensed Engineer? Certificate Release to Service
The identity of the
Part 145 approved
Basic details of the
Which of the following need NOT be specified on a The date the aircraft organisation and
172 10.6 maintenance b
Certificate of Release to Service? was manufactured. certifying staff
carried out.
issuing the
certificate of release
to service.
12 months, after until a date specified
173 10.6 The duration of a CAMO approval is unlimited which it must be on the approval a
renewed certificate
only if it is approved only if it has more
to issue than 10 staff
in order to be
174 10.6 A CAMO must have a Quality System Airworthiness involved in b
receive an approval
Review Certificates continuing
or airworthiness
Recommendations management
annually, with sub-
every 2 years, annually, including
An independent audit to ensure compliance with all contracted activities
175 10.6 including all sub- all sub-contracted b
aspects of Part M Subpart G must be carried out being audited every
contracted activities activities
2 years
the Quality System
the Quality Manager
the Quality Manager may be replaced by
must hold a basic
may also be the performing
176 10.6 In a small CAMO managing less than 10 aircraft, Part 66 Category B b
Accountable organisational
or C license with
Manager reviews on a regular
type ratings
develop and control directly supervise all
For aircraft being managed, one of the functions of an produce weight and
177 10.6 maintenance maintenance a
approved CAMO is to balance statements
programmes carried out
A CAMO must notify the authority if they propose to
178 10.6 Quality Manager Accounts Manager Shift Supervisor a
appoint a new
rectify all defects functionally check
When carrying out an Airworthiness Review, approved carry out a physical
179 10.6 arising during the all the aircraft c
CAM staff must survey
review systems
the old CAMO must
a new set of aircraft all retained records
When continuing airworthiness management of an retain the aircraft
180 10.6 records shall be shall also be c
aircraft is transferred to another organisation records for a period
started transferred
of 2 years
A small aircraft, not used for commercial air transport, Subpart F or a Part Subpart F Part 145
181 10.6 a
can be maintained by a 145 organisation organisation only organisation only
A Part M Subpart F organisation's Manual must be National Aviation Accountable
182 10.6 Chief Engineer b
approved by the: Authority Manager
not used for
used for commercial
commercial air
with a maximum air transport with a
A Part M, Subpart F organisation can be approved to transport, with a
183 10.6 take-off mass above maximum take-off c
maintain aeroplanes maximum take-off
5,700 Kg mass below 5,700
mass below 5,700
the Accountable all Certifying Staff if
the completion of
A Part M, Subpart F organisation must provide office Manager and all the organisation
184 10.6 Maintenance b
accommodation for other nominated employs more than
Managers 50 personnel
does not require
Class D1 Rating to can carry out Non
carry out Non is not approved to Destructive Testing
A Part M, Subpart F organisation with a Class Rating Destructive Testing carry out Non (NDT) for another
185 10.6 a
in Category A or B or C (NDT) if the Destructive Testing organisation without
organisational (NDT) having a Class D1
manual contains Rating
NDT procedures
1 years relevant 6 months relevant
Certifying Staff in a Part M, Subpart F organisation 5 years relevant
maintenance maintenance
186 10.6 may only exercise their privileges if they have a maintenance b
experience in the experience in the
minimum of experience
last 3 years last 2 years
Compared with a Part 145 organisation, the
187 10.6 regulations governing a Part M Subpart F maintenance the same less demanding more demanding b
organisation are
a person who has
been assessed for
the Chief Engineer
a person holding an or a maintenance
In a Part M Subpart F organisation a certificate of qualification and
188 10.6 appropriate Subpart supervisor b
release to service (CRS) can be issued by: capability and is
F authorisation authorised by the
listed in a current
Chief Engineer
list of all certifying
serviceable and
serviceable and unserviceable
only serviceable
The storage facilities requirements of Part M, Subpart unserviceable components can be
189 10.6 components need a
F organisation require that: components must stored together as
be labelled
be segregated long as they are
Any non-compliance with Part M that could lower the
190 10.6 safety standard and possibly hazard flight safety is Level 1 finding Level 2 finding Level 3 finding b
categorised as a
Under Part M, a component that is "robbed" from a
released with a overhauled before
191 10.6 serviceable aircraft may be fitted to another aircraft not a "lifed" item a
Form 1 installation
provided that it is
An approved Part M Subpart F maintenance
192 10.6 organisation must retain a copy of all maintenance 2 years 3 years 5 years b
records for
In a Part M Subpart G organisation, Airworthiness wants airworthiness has no Quality has design
193 10.6 a
Review Staff are required only if the organisation review privileges Manager capabilities
The records of Airworthiness Review Staff who leave a
194 10.6 Part M Subpart F organisation must be retained for at 2 years 3 years 5 years a
a Certificate of
The certificate issued on completion of an an Airworthiness an Airworthiness
195 10.6 Release to Service c
Airworthiness Review is Certificate Review Certificate
10.7 (5Q) National & International Reqts
10.7 Maintenance Programmes, Checks &
2 (3Q)
(a) Inspections
10.7a 2 Master MELs, MEL, Despatch Deviation List
10.7a 2 Airworthiness Directives
10.7a 2 Service Bulletins, manufactures service info
10.7a 2 Modifications & Repairs
Maintenance docs: - maintenance manuals,
10.7a 2 structural repair manual, illustrated parts
catalogue etc.
196 10.7a "Letters of Transmittal" are issued with Service Bulletins manual c
must be
Modifications and inspections detailed in Airworthiness
197 10.7a are mandatory implemented before are optional. a
Directives (ADs)
the next flight
the National
Airworthiness Directives related to aircraft, engines,
198 10.7a ICAO the manufacturer Aviation Authority of c
propellers and aircraft components are issued by:
the country of origin
Which of the following is NOT contained in or ATA Chapter
199 10.7a procedures for loading procedures c
applicable to a Weight and Balance Manual ? numbering
weighing the aircraft
The approval of a major design change is indicated by a Supplemental an Airworthiness
200 10.7a a Service Bulletin b
the issue of Type Certificate Directive
Alert Service
201 10.7a Which of the following must be complied with All Service Bulletins Service Letters a
authority of the authority of the state
type certificate
202 10.7a Aircraft Maintenance Manuals are produced by the state of aircraft of aircraft a
origin registration
authority of the authority of the state
type certificate
203 10.7a Aircraft Maintenance Manuals are approved by the state of aircraft of aircraft b
origin registration
Approval of the initial issue of an aircraft manual is Statement of Initial Supplemental Type
204 10.7a Type Certificate a
certified by a Certification Certificate
Which of the following documents need NOT be Radio Station
205 10.7a Noise Certificate Aircraft Logbook c
carried on an aicraft in flight ? License
Service Bulletins that affect airworthiness of an aircraft mandatory AWNs mandatory ADs by mandatory ADs by
are treated as by the NAA of the the NAA of the the manufacturer.
206 10.7a b
State of Origin State of
need only be
Any change to an aircraft that affects the operation of a is classified as a is classified as a processed as a
207 10.7a b
required system minor change major change Flight Manual
an appropriately the Competent
approved Authority of the
a Category C
organisation that is State of Design or
licensed engineer
also the type- an appropriately
with the appropriate
A minor change (modification) to an aircraft must be certificate holder, approved design
208 10.7a authorisation issued b
approved under Part 21 by under a procedure organisation under
by the Quality
agreed with the a procedure agreed
Manager of a Part
Competent with the Competent
145 organisation
Authority of the Authority of the
State of Design. State of Design
a minor repair which a maintenance task
Elimination of damage by replacement of parts or a minor repair
may be approved and hence does not
209 10.7a appliances without the necessity for design activity is requiring approval c
by a Part 145 require approval
considered under Part 21
organisation under Part 21.
an appropriately
approved design
When a damaged part is left unrepaired, and is not an appropriately
the Competent organisation under a
covered by previously approved data, which of the approved
210 10.7a Authority of the procedure agreed b
following is NOT allowed to evaluate the damage for its maintenance
State of Design with the Competent
airworthiness consequences organisation
Authority of the
State of Design
1 (2Q)
(b) Continuing Airworthiness;
10.7b 1 Test Flights;
10.7b 1 ETOPS, maintenance & despatch requirements;
10.7b 1 All Weather Operations, Category 2/3 operations, &
minimum equipment requirements
with more than 5
acceptable to the nominated by the
211 10.7b Flight testing must be carried out by pilots years experience on b
authority authority
To renew the Certificate of Airworthiness of aircraft within the 60 day
any time before the on the anniversary
212 10.7b below 2730kg, Airworthiness Flight Tests must be period preceding a
renewal date of the last renewal
carried out the renewal date
For aircraft above 2730kg, the interval between
213 10.7b airworthiness flight tests may be extended by the 1 year 2 years 3 years c
authority to a maximum of
require all
require independent
not allow identical maintenance to be
inspections for all
214 10.7b An ETOPS maintenance programme should actions on similar certified by a a
critical systems Category C
Flight Manual and Flight Manual and
If an aircraft/engine combination is suitable for ETOPS Manual and Type
215 10.7b Maintenance Type Certificate b
this information will be stated in the Certificate Data
Manual Data Sheet
flights likely to
flights in icing automatic landing
216 10.7b All Weather Operation approval is concerned with encounter c
conditions capability
are not needed should contain
Special maintenance requirements for all weather since the critical provision for are the same as
217 10.7b b
operations systems are periodic sampling of those for ETOPS
triplicated performance
The standard ETOPS maximum flight time on one
218 10.7b 60 minutes 120 minutes 180 minutes a
engine to an adequate airport is
An aircraft with 60 minutes ETOPS approval is
at normal cruise at maximum at single engine
219 10.7b permited to fly routes where suitable emergency c
speed airspeed cruise speed
airfields can be reached within 60 minutes flying time
its maximum range its maximum range
The longest route that can be flown by an aircraft with as long as a as long as a
220 10.7b 2 hours duration c
120 minutes ETOPS approval is diversion airfield is diversion airfield is
always within 2 always within 2
hours single engine
hours gliding time
flying time
Where maintenance of "All Weather Operations" certifying engineer contractor's Head of aircraft operator
221 10.7b aircraft is contracted out, responsibility for ensuring using the test Engineering c
adherence to calibration standards lies with the equipment