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Community Health Nursing-D

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1. What is the main focus of community 7.

At what level does public health nursing

health nursing? start in terms of salary grade?
A. Individual care only A. Grade 10
B. Family care only B. Grade 15
C. Population care only C. Grade 5
D. Community care as a whole D. Grade 20

2. Which subspecialty of nursing focuses on 8. What is the primary role of a public health
providing healthcare in schools? nurse as a Community Organizer?
A. Occupational Health Nursing A. Providing direct patient care
B. School Nursing B. Motivating and enhancing
C. Community Mental Health Nursing community participation
D. Public Health Nursing C. Managing hospital operations
D. Conducting research studies

3. What is the philosophy of care in

community-based nursing? 9. What is the main goal of community
A. Care provided at home only health nursing according to Ruth B.
B. Care provided only in hospitals Freeman?
C. Care provided as clients move A. Promotion of illness
among various services outside of B. Prevention of health
hospitals C. Care of the sick in hospitals
D. Care provided in clinics only D. Promotion and preservation of

4. According to the World Health

Organization, what does public health 10. Which level of clientele is NOT part of the
nursing combine? four levels in community health nursing?
A. Nursing and public health A. Individuals
B. Nursing and architecture B. Family
C. Nursing and engineering C. Population
D. Nursing and finance D. City

5. What is the main role of a public health 11. What is the role of a Health
nurse as a Nursing Care Provider? Educator/Counselor/Trainer in the nursing
A. Providing nursing care to the sick module?
and disabled in the community A. Records nursing interventions
B. Providing nursing care only in B. Conducts health teaching,
hospitals training, and counseling
C. Providing nursing care to healthy C. Monitors the status of individuals,
individuals only families, and groups
D. Providing nursing care to animals D. Manages national health facilities

6. What is one of the functions of public 12. What is one of the of Public Health
health as defined by Dr. C.E Winslow? Nurses mentioned in the content?
A. Preventing diseases A. Good physical and mental health
B. Promoting illness B. No need for leadership potential
C. Prolonging illness C. Interest urban health settings only
D. Encouraging unhealthy habits D. No membership to professional
nursing organizations required
13. What is the main function of the C. Makes statistical analysis of data
Department of Health in the Philippine for interpretation
Health Care Delivery System? D. Manages national health facilities
A. Serve as national policy and
regulatory institution
B. Conduct statistical analysis of 18. What is a requirement for a Public Health
data Nurse related to working in the
C. Manage selected national health community?
facilities A. No membership to professional
D. Provide leadership in health nursing organizations required
promotion only B. No need for leadership potential
C. Interest and willingness to work in
the community
14. What is one of the responsibilities of a D. No interest in urban health settings
Change Agent in the nursing module?
A. Monitors health status
B. Motivates changes in the health 19. What is the role of a Role Model in the
behavior of individuals, families, nursing module?
and community A. Conducts health teaching,
C. Records nursing interventions training, and counseling
D. Manages national health facilities B. Records nursing interventions
C. Sets a good example of healthful
living to individuals, families, and
15. What is a key requirement for a Public community
Health Nurse according to the content? D. Manages national health facilities
A. No need for leadership potential
B. Capacity and ability to relate
practice with community health 20. What is one of the qualifications of a
activities Public Health Nurse in terms of
C. No membership to professional leadership?
nursing organizations required A. No membership to professional
D. No interest in working in the nursing organizations required
community B. No need for resourcefulness and
C. With leadership potential
16. What is the primary function of a Health D. No interest in working in the
Monitor in the nursing module? community
A. Monitors the status of individuals,
families, and groups through
various contacts 21. What is the responsibility of a Researcher
B. Conducts health teaching, in the nursing module?
training, and counseling A. Records nursing interventions
C. Makes statistical analysis of data B. Monitors health status
for interpretation C. Uses observation, interview,
D. Manages national health facilities survey questionnaire, physical
exam, and other methods in
17. What is the primary function of a Health D. Manages national health facilities
Monitor in the nursing module?
A. Monitors the status of individuals,
families, and groups through 22. What is the main goal of the Health Sector
various contacts reform according to the DOH framework?
B. Conducts health teaching, A. ensure equitable health care
training, and counseling financing
B. To achieve better health outcomes
C. To enhance health system 28. Which aspect of the FOURmula One of
performance Health aims to ensure the quality and
D. To promote inter-LGU linkages affordability of health goods and
A. Health Financing
23. Which element of the FOURmula One of B. Health Regulation
Health focuses on fostering greater C. Health Service Delivery
investments in health through D. Good Governance
A. Health Financing
B. Health Service Delivery 29. What is the purpose of establishing an
C. Health Regulation Inter Local Health System similar to a
D. Good Governance district health system?
A. To ensure quality of health care
24. What was devolved to the Local B. To reduce healthcare costs
Government Units as per RA 7160 - Local C. To centralize health services
Government Code? D. To promote private sector
A. Structures, personnel, and involvement
budgetary allocations for health
B. Regulation of health services
C. Health service delivery strategies 30. What is the focus of the Local Health
D. Health system performance System objectives regarding the upgrade
indicators of health care management?
A. Local health facilities
B. Private sector participation
25. What is the ideal population size range for C. Inter-LGU linkages
an Inter-Local Health Zone for optimum D. Community empowerment
efficiency and effectiveness?
A. 100,000 to 500,000
B. 50,000 to 100,000 31. What does the composition of an Inter-
C. 500,000 to 1,000,000 Local Health Zone NOT include?
D. 10,000 to 50,000 A. Industrial facilities
B. Health workers
C. Health facilities
26. When was Primary Health Care (PHC) D. Clear boundaries
adopted in the Philippines through the
Letter of Instruction (LOI) 949?
A. October 19, 1979 32. What are the four cornerstones/pillars in
B. March 15, 1995 Primary Health Care?
C. January 1, 2000 A. Active community participation
D. December 5, 1985 B. Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
C. Use of appropriate technology
D. Support mechanism made
27. What is the underlying theme of Primary available
Health Care (PHC) as per the LOI 949?
A. "Health in the Hands of the People
by 2020" 33. What are the four cornerstones/pillars in
B. "Quality Health Care for All" Primary Health Care?
C. "Government-led Health A. Active community participation
Initiatives" B. Intra and inter-sectoral linkages
D. "Health Equity for Future C. Use of appropriate technology
Generations" D. Support mechanism made
34. What is included in the B. Referral for secondary care
Elements/Components of PHC under 'E'? facilities
A. Essential Drugs C. Performing minor surgeries
B. Education for health D. Community participation
C. Expanded Program on
D. Nutrition 41. Which activity is an example of secondary
A. Breast-Self Examination
35. Who are referred to as Village/Barangay B. Crutch Walking
Health Workers? C. Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
A. Specialists in health facilities D. Physical Therapy
B. General medical practitioners
C. Traditional birth attendants
D. Public Health Nurse 42. What does the assessment phase in the
community health nursing process
36. Which level of health care is a referral A. Identification of resources
center for the secondary health facilities? B. Documentation of procedures
A. Secondary Level of Care C. An estimate of health achievement
B. Tertiary Level of Care D. Selection of nursing interventions
C. Primary Level of care
D. Quaternary of Care
43. What does the term 'health deficit' refer to
in the assessment phase?
37. What is the role of Intermediate Level A. Gap between actual and
Health Workers? achievable health status
A. Performing minor surgeries B. Anticipated periods of unusual
B. Serving as a referral center demand
C. Providing emergency care C. Condition promoting disease
D. Assisting general medical D. States of wellness

44. What is the purpose of goal setting in the

38. What is the focus of the Sanitation of the planning phase of nursing?
Environment component in PHC? A. Choosing courses of action
A. Education for health B. Carrying out nursing procedures
B. Treatment C. Establishing priorities
C. Nutrition D. Declaration of purpose
D. Expanded Program on
45. What is involved in the implementation
phase of the nursing process?
39. Which level of health care is devolved to A. Documentation
the cities and municipalities? B. Goal setting
A. Primary Level of care C. Assessment
B. Tertiary Level of Care D. Carrying out nursing interventions
C. Secondary Level of Care
D. Quaternary of Care
46. Which example falls under tertiary
40. What is the primary focus of Tertiary Level A. Breast-Self Examination
of Care? B. Mental Health
A. Specialized care by specialists C. Immunization
D. Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
53. What is the primary goal of the controlling
function in management?
47. What is the focus of secondary prevention
A. Conveying information to workers
in healthcare?
B. Assigning job responsibilities
A. Rehabilitation
C. Measuring and correcting activities
B. Early detection of disease
to meet objectives
C. Immunization
D. Identifying referral laboratories
D. Promotion of healthy lifestyle

54. What is the purpose of evaluating actions

48. What is the main purpose of the planning
in the context of nursing procedures?
phase in the nursing process?
A. Determine effectiveness for future
A. Documentation of procedures
B. Goal setting
B. Assign job responsibilities
C. Carrying out nursing interventions
C. Provide first-aid treatment
D. Identification of resources
D. Identify referral laboratories

49. What is a key element of the planning

55. What is a standard procedure during a
function for a community health nurse?
clinic visit for a community health nurse?
A. Conveying information to workers
A. Greet the client and establish
B. Measuring performance criteria
C. Establishing a vision for the future
B. Implement 'first come, first served'
D. Identifying referral laboratories
C. Refer all cases to the physician
D. Identify referral laboratories
50. What does the organizing function of a
manager primarily involve?
A. Assigning job responsibilities
56. What is the main responsibility during the
B. Measuring performance criteria
triaging process in a clinic visit?
C. Implementing planning to achieve
A. Manage program-based cases
according to protocols
D. Providing first-aid treatment to
B. Validate clinical history and
emergency cases
physical exam
C. Perform physical exams on clients
D. Identify designated referral
51. What is the main purpose of the directing
function in management?
A. Conveying planning and organizing
information to workers
57. What is the role of a nurse during the
B. Linking people on the healthcare
clinical evaluation stage of a clinic visit?
team together
A. Convey planning information to
C. Measuring performance criteria
D. Documenting progress by
B. Assign job responsibilities
comparing achievements
C. Arrive at evidence-based diagnosis
and provide treatment
D. Identify referral laboratories
52. What does the coordinating function aim
to achieve in a healthcare team?
A. Measuring performance criteria
58. What action is taken during the laboratory
B. Linking team members to achieve
and other diagnostic examinations stage
of a clinic visit?
C. Determining job responsibilities
A. Greet the client and establish
D. Identifying referral laboratories
B. Identify a designated referral B. Wait for 1-2 minutes before
laboratory when needed inflating cuff again
C. Manage program-based cases C. Inflate cuff until pulse disappears
according to protocols D. Note point at which pulse
D. Convey planning information to disappears

64. In the referral system, what action should

59. What is a key step during the preparatory be taken if a patient needs further
phase of blood pressure measurement? management?
A. Assist to seated or supine position A. Refer the patient following the two-
B. Make sure the client is relaxed and way referral system
has rested for 5 minutes B. Conduct one-on-one counseling
C. Explain the procedure with the patient
D. Introduce self to client C. Give proper instruction on drug
D. Accompany the patient in
60. In blood pressure measurement, where emergencies
should the cuff placed on the client's
A. Around the neck 65. What is the correct position for the arm
B. Around the upper arm 2-3 cm during blood pressure measurement if the
above the brachial artery client is in a recumbent position?
C. Around the wrist A. At heart level by placing it on a
D. Around the leg table or a chair arm
B. Above the head
C. At the side of the body
61. What is the purpose of conducting one- D. On the chest
on-one counseling with a patient in a
healthcare setting?
A. To give appointments for the next 66. What is the recommended time interval
visit between obtaining two blood pressure
B. To refer the patient if needed readings during a visit?
C. To reinforce health education and A. 10 minutes apart
counseling messages B. 1-2 minutes apart
D. To accompany the patient in C. 5 minutes apart
emergencies D. 30 minutes apart

62. During a home visit, what is emphasized 67. What should be done while the cuff is
for the health worker assessing the home deflating in the auscultation method of
and family situation? obtaining blood pressure?
A. Reinforcing health education A. Listen for pulse sounds
messages B. Inflate the cuff rapidly
B. Allowing the health worker to C. Place earpieces of stethoscope in
assess the home and family situat ears
C. Professional family-nurse contact D. Use the bell side of the
D. Giving proper instruction on drug stethoscope

68. What is the significance of taking the

63. What should be done before obtaining a mean of two blood pressure readings
blood pressure reading using the obtained at least 2 minutes apart?
palpatory method? A. To assist the client to seated or
A. Deflate cuff fully supine position
B. To explain the procedure A. Study of the occurrence and
C. To record the BP and other distribution of health conditions
guidelines B. Performing nursing procedures
D. To ensure accuracy and reliability with ease and deftness
of the readings C. Measuring the frequency and
distribution of health conditions
using Vital statistics
69. What is the primary purpose of D. Giving health teachings regarding
conducting home visits in nursing? disease prevention
A. To assess living conditions of the
patient and his family
B. To establish close relationship 74. Which theory is mentioned as an
between health agencies and important concept related to
public Epidemiology?
C. To give health teaching regarding A. Natural History of Disease
the prevention and control of B. The Multiple Causation Theory
diseases C. Ecologic triad theory
D. To give nursing care to the clients D. Wheel theory

70. Which factor is considered the most 75. What is emphasized as an important
important in influencing the frequency of point to consider in the use of the Bag
home visits? Technique?
A. Needs of the patient A. Having the bag well protected from
B. Acceptance of the family contact with any article
C. Policy of a Specific agency B. Cleaning the bag very often
D. Past services given to family C. Arranging contents in the most
convenient way
D. Containing all necessary articles
71. What is the first step in conducting a for emergency needs
home visit according to the provided
A. Make appointment for a return visit 76. What is emphasized as an important
B. Observe the patient and determine point to consider in the use of the Bag
health needs Technique?
C. Greet the patient and introduce A. Having the bag well protected from
self contact with any article
D. Perform the nursing care needed B. Cleaning the bag very often
and give health teachings C. Arranging contents in the most
convenient way
D. Containing all necessary articles
72. What is the main purpose of the Bag for emergency needs
Technique in nursing?
A. To save time and effort
B. To minimize the spread of infection 77. What is the purpose of the Public Health
C. To record important data and Bag in nursing?
observations A. To establish a close relationship
D. To establish a close relationship with patients
with health agencies B. To record important health data
C. To carry essential equipment
during home visits
73. What is the primary focus of D. To perform nursing procedures
Epidemiology as mentioned in the with ease
78. What is the significance of the Multiple 83. In the Maternal Health Program, when
Causation Theory in Epidemiology? should the 3rd antenatal visit ideally take
A. It emphasizes the role of multiple place?
factors in disease causation A. During 2nd trimester
B. It studies the occurrence and B. During 3rd trimester
distribution of health conditions C. During 1st trimester
C. It explains the natural history of D. After 8th month of pregnancy until
diseases delivery
D. It measures the frequency of
health conditions using Vital
statistics 84. What is the recommended interval for
Tetanus Toxoid (TT) 3 vaccine
79. Why is it important for the bag used in A. After 6 months
nursing to be cleaned very often? B. After 4 weeks
A. To save time and effort C. After 1 year
B. To establish a close relationship D. After 1 year 99% Lifetime
with health agencies
C. To prevent the spread of infection
D. To contain all necessary articles 85. When should the supplementation of
for emergency needs Iron/Folic acid begin during pregnancy?
A. Starting 5th month of pregnancy
B. Starting 6th month of pregnancy
80. What type of epidemiology attempts to C. Starting 4th month of pregnancy
analyze causes or determinants of D. Starting 7th month of pregnancy
disease through hypothesis testing?
A. Analytical Epidemiology
B. Descriptive Epidemiology 86. Which health teaching is NOT included in
C. Intervention or Experimental the Maternal Health Program?
Epidemiology A. Newborn screening after 1 month
D. Evaluation Epidemiology B. Birth registration
C. Importance of breastfeeding
D. Schedule for post-partum visits
81. What is the primary objective of the Field
Health Services and Information System
(FHSIS)? 87. What is the purpose of the Output
A. To minimize the recording and Reports in FHSIS?
reporting burden at the service A. To ensure data accuracy
delivery level B. To provide summary of data on
B. To ensure that the data are useful health services delivery
and accurate C. To make reports useful for
C. To provide summary of data on monitoring or management
health services delivery purposes
D. To provide a standardized, facility D. To minimize reporting burden
level database for in-depth studies

88. At what frequency should Reporting

82. Which component of FIS is considered Forms be prepared and submitted?
the fundamental building block? A. Weekly
A. Target Client List B. Quarterly
B. Family Treatment Record C. Monthly
C. Reporting Forms D. Annually
D. Output Reports
89. What is the primary focus of Family 95. What is a disadvantage of female
Planning Counseling in the Maternal sterilization (Bilateral Tubal Ligation)
Health Program? mentioned in the content?
A. Newborn screening A. May result in hematoma formation
B. Breastfeeding support B. May be uncomfortable due to
C. Proper spacing of birth slight pain and swelling
D. Treatment of diseases C. Requires physical examination
D. No known long term side effects or
health risks
90. Which component of FHSIS serves as the
mechanism for data transmission
between facilities? 96. Which family planning method is very
A. Reporting Forms effective in 3 months after the procedure
B. Target Client List for males?
C. Family Treatment Record A. Male Sterilization
D. Output Reports B. Pill
C. Condom
D. Implant
91. Which family planning method is also
known as Vasectomy?
A. I 97. What is an advantage of using the pill as a
B. Male Sterilization family planning method?
C. Female Sterilization A. Permanent method of
D. Implant contraception
B. Reduces gynecologic symptoms
C. May result in ectopic pregnancy
92. Which family planning method contains D. Requires physical examination
hormones like estrogen and
A. Female Sterilization 98. Which family planning method does not
B. Male Sterilization protect against sexually transmitted
C. Pill diseases?
D. Injection A. Pill
B. Condom
C. Female Sterilization
93. What is a common disadvantage of male D. Male Sterilization
sterilization (Vasectomy)?
A. Reversibility is difficult and
expensive 99. Which contraceptive method is
B. May result in ectopic pregnancy universally available to all postpartum
C. Requires physical examination breastfeeding women?
D. No known long term side effects A. Lactating Amenorrhea
B. Injectables
94. Which family planning method is a C. Male Condom
permanent method of contraception for D. Mucus/Billing Methods
women that does not interfere with sex?
A. Pill
B. Condom 100. What is a disadvantage the
C. Female Sterilization Sympto-thermal Method?
D. IUD A. Cannot be used by women with
medical conditions making
pregnancy dangerous
B. Decreases sensation during sex
C. May cause allergy for sensitive
106. What is a disadvantage of the
D. Requires daily intake
Basal Body Temperature method?
A. May cause allergy for sensitive
101. What is an advantage of the Basal
B. May decrease sensation during sex
Body Temperature method?
C. Requires daily intake
A. Reversible
D. Temperature increases 1.0°F
B. Identifies fertile and infertile days
during ovulation
of the menstrual cycle
C. Encourages male participation in
family planning
107. What is an advantage of using
D. Protects against microorganisms
injectables as a contraceptive method?
during intercourse
A. Does not interfere with sexual
B. Encourages male participation in
102. What is a disadvantage of using
family planning
injectables as a contraceptive method?
C. No need for daily intake
A. May cause allergy for sensitive
D. Protects against microorganisms
during intercourse
B. Suppresses lactation
C. May decrease sensation during sex
D. Requires daily intake
108. What is a disadvantage of the
Sympto-thermal Method?
A. Cannot be used by women with
103. What is an advantage of the Male
medical conditions making
pregnancy dangerous
A. Safe and has no hormonal effect
B. Decreases sensation during sex
B. No need for daily intake
C. May cause allergy for sensitive
C. Encourages male participation in
family planning
D. Requires daily intake
D. Suppresses ovulation

109. What is a key advantage of the Two

104. What is a disadvantage of the
Day Method of family planning?
Lactating Amenorrhea Method/LAM?
A. Can become unreliable for women
A. Cannot be used by women with
with abnormal cervical secretions
medical conditions making
B. Needs cooperation of the husband
pregnancy dangerous
C. Can be used by women with any
B. May cause allergy for sensitive
cycle length
D. Requires daily temperature
C. Short term FP method effective for
only 6 months
D. Decreases sensation during sex

110. What is a disadvantage of the

Standard Days Method of family
105. What is an advantage of the
Mucus/Billing Methods?
A. Enhances self-discipline and
A. Protects against microorganisms
mutual respect
during intercourse
B. No health related side effects
B. Can be used by any woman of
associated with its use
reproductive age
C. Cannot be used by women with
C. Encourages male participation in
menstrual cycles between 26 and
family planning
32 days
D. No need for daily intake
D. Involves daily hormonal injections
116. What is the outcome targeted by
the Infant & Young Child Feeding
111. Which misconception about family
planning is mentioned in the content?
A. To improve exclusive and extended
A. Causes abortion
breastfeeding and complementary
B. Increases fertility
C. Leads to weight gain
B. To reduce screen time for children
D. Improves memory
C. To increase sugary drink
D. To discourage physical activity
112. What is a role of a Public Health
Nurse in a Family Planning Program?
A. Provide counseling
117. What does exclusive breastfeeding
B. Deliver babies
C. Perform surgeries
A. Introducing formula milk from day
D. Administer vaccines
B. Feeding the baby only solid foods
C. Giving a baby only breast milk, and
113. What is the goal of the Child
no other liquids or solids, not even
Health Programs mentioned in the
D. Providing water along with breast
A. To reduce morbidity and mortality
rates for children 0-9 years old
B. To promote environmental
118. What is a benefit of the Two Day
C. To increase adult literacy rates
Method of family planning?
D. To improve transportation
A. Promote male partner involvement
in FP
B. Can be used only by women with
regular cycles
114. What is the main objective of the
C. Requires daily hormonal injections
Infant & Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
D. Leads to weight loss
A. To improve health and nutrition
status of infants and young
119. What is the recommended age to
start complementary feeding for babies?
B. To reduce air pollution
A. 6 months
C. To increase smartphone usage
B. 8 months
among children
C. 4 months
D. To promote fast food consumption
D. 12 months

115. What is a key message on Infant

120. Which of the following is NOT a
and Young Child Feeding mentioned in
characteristic of complementary foods
the content?
for babies?
A. Avoid breastfeeding altogether
A. Unsafe
B. Introduce solid foods before 4
B. Timely
C. Adequate
C. Initiate breastfeeding within 1 hour
D. Properly fed
after birth
D. Limit breastfeeding to 3 months
121. Which law promotes rooming-in
and supports breastfeeding practices in
A. Milk Code
B. Food Fortification Law
C. Rooming-In and Breastfeeding Act
of 1992
D. Expanded Breastfeeding Act of

122. According to the EPI Law, how

should all EPI vaccines be administered?
A. Only to children above 2 years
B. At the same time and same site
C. On different days
D. Only to children living in endemic

123. Under RA 10152, what does the

law provide for regarding immunization
A. Mandatory basic immunization
services for infants and children
B. Mandatory basic immunization
services for adults
C. Voluntary immunization services
for all
D. No immunization services

124. Which of the following is

considered an absolute contraindication
for administering DPT vaccine?
A. Low Grade Fever
B. Convulsions within 3 days of
previous dose
C. Malnutrition
D. Mild Respiratory Infections

125. What is the primary focus of the

Food Fortification Law (RA 8976)?
A. Mandatory food fortification of
staple foods
B. Promotion of rooming-in practices
C. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first
6 months
D. Voluntary food fortification of
processed foods
1. D

20. C

2. B

21. C

3. C

22. B

4. A

23. A

5. A

24. A

6. A

25. A

7. B

26. A

8. B

27. A

9. D

28. B

10. D

29. A

11. B

30. A

12. A

31. A

13. A

32. C

14. B

33. C

15. B

34. B

16. A

35. C

17. A

36. B

18. C

37. D

19. C
38. B

57. C

39. A

58. B

40. A

59. B

41. A

60. B

42. C

61. C

43. A

62. C

44. D

63. B

45. D

64. A

46. B

65. C

47. B

66. B

48. B

67. A

49. C

68. D

50. A

69. D

51. A

70. A

52. B

71. C

53. C

72. A

54. A

73. A

55. A

74. B

56. A
75. C

94. C

76. C

95. C

77. C

96. A

78. A

97. B

79. C

98. D

80. A

99. A

81. B

100. A

82. B

101. B

83. B

102. A

84. A

103. A

85. A

104. C

86. A

105. B

87. C

106. D

88. C

107. A

89. C

108. A

90. A

109. C

91. B

110. C

92. C

111. A

93. A
112. A

113. A

114. A

115. C

116. A

117. C

118. A

119. A

120. A

121. C

122. B

123. A

124. B

125. A

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