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Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on Marketing Management


Article · November 2019

DOI: 10.56614/eiprmj.v8i2y19.366


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1 author:

Bharati Rathore
University of South Wales


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EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

Exploring the Impact of Digital Transformation on

Marketing Management Strategies
Bharati Rathore
Rajasthan University


This paper critically examines the influence of digital transformation on contemporary marketing
management strategies. The burgeoning digital era of the 21st century demands an innovative approach
towards the conventional theories of marketing management. Our study uncovers new perspectives to help
companies undertake this revolutionary shift with agility, strategically aligning their operations with a
customer-centric digital approach. The research utilizes a qualitative-method approach, consisting of
comprehensive literature review, case studies etc. The study unravels how digital transformation affects
various components of marketing including customer insights, segmentation, targeting, and positioning. A
significant finding of this paper illustrates the increased relevance of data-driven decisions within marketing
management. It reveals the influential role of advanced analytics and artificial intelligence technologies in
decoding customer behavior and personalizing marketing strategies.The paper also introduces a novel
framework for digital marketing management, incorporating components such as dynamic digital marketing
models, data analytics, predictive algorithms, social media marketing and mobile marketing. This innovative
approach not only addresses existing challenges in marketing management but also expounds on how
businesses can adopt, adapt, and maximize the benefits of the digital revolution. Ultimately, the study
underscores the necessity for companies to embrace change and innovation, highlighting the increasing value
of digital savviness in today’s corporate landscape.

Keywords: Digital Transformation, Consumer Behaviour, Mobile Marketing


With the advent of advanced information technology, the way businesses operate has undergone an unprecedented
metamorphosis, giving birth to what we now know as 'Digital Transformation.' Today, it is no longer 'business as

Simultaneously disruptive and progressive, digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all
aspects of a business, fundamentally modifying how organizations operate and deliver value to their customers [1].
It's an amalgamation of a practical strategy and a radical reconceptualization of existing business structures. Hence,
companies, whether small or significant, have been implementing digital transformation into their systems, not only
to compete in the marketplace but also to evolve with the rapidly evolving digital climate [2].

Digital transformation has a pervasive impact on various business aspects, and marketing management is not
spared. The advent of digital technologies has stirred a significant shift in how marketing strategies are conceived
and rolled out [3,4]. This transformation has consequently led to businesses rewriting their rules, thus changing the
traditional paradigm of marketing management [5].

The objective of this paper is to thoroughly explore the impact of digital transformation on marketing management
strategies. It aims to critically examine the confluence of digital transformation and marketing, shed light on how
digital innovation has remodeled marketing management, and articulate the resulting implications and opportunities
[6]. Furthermore, the paper strives to provide a comprehensive understanding of how marketers can leverage digital
tools and strategies in the current dynamic business environment [6,7].

Providing insights drawn from a wide array of scholarly research, case studies, and current industry trends, this
paper will help marketing managers, business strategists, and academicians apprehend the shifting marketing
landscape caused by digital transformation [8]. The ultimate goal is to guide businesses in harnessing the potential
of digital transformation, reshaping their marketing strategies, and creating a competitive edge in the modern
market ecosystem [9].

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:


A. Impact of Digital Transformation on Businesses in General:

The effect of digital transformation is pervasive in the business environment - it topples the conventional ways of
conducting business operations and ushers innovative models, thereby democratizing the overall business

1. Strategic shift in business model: The first prominent impact of digital transformation is the strategic
shift in the business model. Organizations are pressured to adopt new technologies to remain competitive
in the market. Importantly, this is not merely the adoption of technology for the sake of it, but the
conscious alignment of digital strategy with business strategy. This integrative approach ensures that
businesses can reach their customers more efficiently, hence improving customer relationship
2. Operational efficiency: Another significant aftermath of digital transformation is the operational
efficiency it brings. The use of digital tools and technologies like automating workflows, managing data
through analytics, and artificial intelligence has enabled companies to streamline their processes. As a
result, there is a marked increase in speed, consistency, and quality of work done [10-14].
3. Customer-centric approach: Traditional business models often put the product at the center. Adopting
digital transformation emphasizes a customer-centric approach. It empowers businesses to collect, analyze,
and utilize data to understand customer behavior and preferences better. Leveraging this information
allows businesses to personalize customer experiences and offer customer-friendly solutions.
4. Innovation capacity: Digital transformation also enhances the innovation capacity of businesses. It
permits them to experiment with new techniques and strategies. It cultivates an environment of continuous
learning and adaptation, where organizations can rapidly iterate and refine their strategies based on the
insights derived from their digital initiatives. This in turn leads to growth, differentiation, and staying
ahead in the competitive landscape [15-19].
5. Enhanced decision making: Lastly, digital transformation facilitates improved decision-making. The
abundant availability of data and advanced analytics give executives richer insights into business
happenings. It provides both a broader and deeper understanding enabling executives to make informed,
solid, data-driven decisions.

Thus, it's apparent that the influence of digital transformation is significant on businesses. The degree to which
businesses are willing to empower themselves with the process of digital transformation could signify the
difference between future success and failure [20,21].

B. Specific Impacts on Marketing Management from Past Studies

The impact of digital transformation on marketing management strategies has been widely discussed in various
studies. This has become even more important considering the digital age we live in, where emergent technologies
are rapidly evolving and substantially reforming business models and market dynamics [22].

1. Impact on Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A significant portion of past research focuses on the direct relationship between digital transformation and customer
relationship management. Traditional CRM strategies have evolved into e-CRM or digital CRM, creating new
approaches to understanding, pinpointing, and satisfying customer needs. Digital technologies have revolutionized
how businesses interact with customers, enabling them to obtain real-time insights, leading to personalized
experiences. This transformation has significantly improved customer relationships and satisfaction levels.

2. Impact on Market Intelligence

Research also indicates that digital transformation brings enhanced market intelligence capabilities. The analysis
and management of big data through artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics have given
companies new perspectives on market trends and customer behaviors. By leveraging digital tools, companies can
now make better-informed decisions, anticipate market shifts, and craft strategies in a more agile manner.

3. Impact on Content Marketing

The implementation of digital technologies has also significantly influenced content marketing strategies.
Automated content generation, search engine optimization, and use of analytics have ushered in more targeted and
effective marketing campaigns. These tools enable marketers to reach a wider audience with personalized
messages, thereby increasing conversion rates.

4. Impact on Customer Acquisition and Retention

Several studies suggest that digital transformation has led to improved customer acquisition and retention. The use
of social media platforms and mobile technologies has expanded the scope of traditional marketing, with companies

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

now being able to engage with customers in a more interactive and efficient way. These tools also allow businesses
to tailor their services to the individual needs of customers thus improving customer loyalty [23-28].

5. Impact on Market Segmentation & Targeting

Digital transformation has enabled more precise market segmentation and targeting. With rich customer data at
their disposal, marketers went from broad demographic groups to increasingly granular segmentation, including
behavior-based or psychographic segmentation, thereby improving the effectiveness of their campaigns.

6. Impact on Marketing Channels & Distribution

Finally, digital transformation has revolutionized the marketing channels businesses use to reach their target
customers. Traditional channels have been supplemented by digital ones like social media, email marketing, and
content marketing, offering numerous ways to interact with and engage customers. This shift in channels creates
more touchpoints with customers, enhancing sales and customer lifetime value [29,30].

The literature provides compelling evidence of the profound impact digital transformation has had on various
aspects of marketing management. The strategic integration of digital technologies into marketing practices has
paved the way for innovative strategies and improved customer satisfaction, shaping the future of marketing


A. Definition &Explanation of Digital Transformation&Marketing Management Strategies

It would revolve around a few key concepts, their definitions, and explorations. This framework will act as a
roadmap to explain and understand the paper better.

1. Digital Transformation: This entails the adoption and integration of digital technologies into all areas of a
business, fundamentally improving how operations are conducted and value delivered. It involves a
change in leadership, different thinking, the encouragement of innovation and new business models,
digitalizing operations, and the use of data and technology to boost customer experience. It's a complex,
deep, and holistic transition of businesses from traditional operations to modern digital ones.
2. Marketing Management Strategies: This refers to the tactics and methodologies utilized by managers to
drive their organization's marketing approaches to promote products or services. It generally covers areas
like product development, distribution strategies, sales techniques, communication channels, and pricing
policies. These strategies are often integral to an organization's competitiveness and success. In essence,
marketing management strategies guide how an organization interacts with its target market.
3. Intersection between Digital Transformation and Marketing Management Strategies: It's necessary to
explore how digital transformation impacts those traditional marketing management strategies. That means
looking at how digital technologies have caused a paradigm shift in the way businesses develop,
communicate, price, and distribute their products or services.
4. Impact on Marketing Management Strategies: This involves studying the various changes brought out
in marketing management strategies by digital transformation. It can be the development of digital
marketing techniques like SEO, SEM, content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing,
campaign marketing, etc.
5. Future Implications: Based on the impact and changes witnessed, the framework should explore possible
future trends and impacts. Arguably, understanding these can help businesses adapt and remain
competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Through this framework, the study would analyze the dynamics, challenges, and opportunities presented by digital
transformation to marketing management strategies, and how companies can leverage these findings to their best
advantage in a competitive business environment [31-36].

B. The Role of Digital Transformation in Altering Marketing Strategies

The role of digital transformation in altering marketing strategies would involve primarily three main components:
1. Understanding Digital Transformation: It's the migration of physical or analog systems to digital
versions by embracing advanced technologies, processes, and competencies, with an aim to improve
operational efficiency and effectiveness, as well as business outcomes. It's crucial to understand that this is
not just about digitizing information but transforming entire business processes and functions.
2. Traditional Marketing Strategies: Marketing strategies include methods put into place by companies to
promote and sell products or services. They form a significant part of a company’s competitive strategy,
impacting areas like product and service provisioning, target customer identification, pricing
methodologies, and distribution channels to those prospective customers [37-39].

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

3. Digital Transformation's Impact on Marketing Strategies: This part of the conceptual framework
would look into how digital transformation alters traditional marketing strategies. Major factors driving
this transformation include:
 Customer Analytics: Digital transformation enables companies to gather and analyze real-time
customer data, creating better and personalized marketing campaigns.
 Multi-channel Marketing: The rise of various digital channels offers more opportunities to
reach customers effectively, changing the mode of traditional marketing.
 Social media outreach: The social media networks provide an autopilot mode of
communication, fostering direct marketing and catching the pulse of the customer on social
 Automation and AI: Tools like CRM, AI chatbots, email automation, etc., are leading a shift
from manual to automated, personalized customer service.
4. Shaping the Future of Marketing Management: This part of the framework discusses how digital
transformation's impact leads to the reshaping and expected future evolution of marketing strategies.
5. Role of Leadership: The last component in this framework looks into management's role, including how
leadership can foster, support, or even hinder digital transformations and the changes they bring about in
marketing strategies [40,41].

By laying out the above components, the study would offer a comprehensive understanding of how digital
transformation alters marketing strategies, from traditional methods to modern digital strategies, reshaping the
future of marketing management.


Qualitative methods are well-suited for this research as they offer a deeper context and understanding of the
intricate processes and experiences associated with digital transformation, which cannot be captured through
quantitative data alone.

Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis

The study adopted a qualitative research approach, focusing on companies that have undergone a noteworthy digital
transformation in their marketing management strategies. This allowed the research to draw substantial insights
from real-world implementations and provided a broadened perspective on the pragmatic implications of digital
transformation on marketing strategies [42-44].

Case Study 1: Netflix

One of the major players at the forefront of leveraging digital transformation in its marketing strategies is Netflix
Inc, an American entertainment company and streaming giant. Over time, Netflix has transcended from renting
DVDs by mail, to a dominating force in streaming and content creation. The transformation is not incidental but is a
result of a deliberate and calculated implementation of a data-driven approach to decision making.

Netflix's Data-driven Approach

Netflix had already cultivated a data-driven marketing approach that allowed it to service personalized content
based on user behavior. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms, Netflix was able to
analyze vast amounts of data with information on users' viewing habits, preferences, and patterns. This
encompassed viewing times, pauses, completion rate of a series, and the types of shows or movies frequently

This data allowed Netflix to not only suggest content but ensure that the suggested content was relevant to each
user, improving the accuracy of its recommendation system. The focus was not solely on the existing catalog of
shows and movies, but the service was also data-driven in terms of content creation. Netflix invested heavily in
content that data predicted users would appreciate, leading to the production of successful Netflix Original series
and movies, such as "Stranger Things," and "The Crown."

Impact on Revenue and Market Shares

The transformative approach to marketing resulted in substantive improvements in revenue and market shares. In a
perpetual cycle, the increase in user satisfaction led to more subscribers, which in turn influenced revenue and
market shares proportionally.

When Netflix first launched its streaming service in 2007, its user base was fairly modest. However, by the starting
of 2019, the company could boast a global subscriber base of over 150 million, strongly driven by its robust
recommendation system and personalized content. This has not only helped the company to maintain a steady

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

customer base but has also afforded it an advantage over competitors in the rapidly changing digital media

According to reports, Netflix experienced an enormous growth in market shares from 2013 to 2019. It jumped from
8.3% to 19.1% and by the end of the second quarter of 2019, Netflix's net income amounted to over 270 million
U.S dollars. These impressive metrics can, to a large extent, be attributed to their novel and effective use of
customer data.

Boosting Customer Engagement

Netflix's digital transformation has had significant impacts on its customer engagement levels. The AI and ML
algorithms that power their recommendation system have essentially transformed passive audiences into active
participants in the viewing experience. Now, subscribers get to see a curated selection of content that reflects their
unique interests and preferences. Through detailed performance metrics of a film or show, Netflix can deliver a
unique and personalized experience for each customer that keeps them hooked to the platform.

By pioneering a data-driven marketing strategy, Netflix offered an example of how digital transformation can
radically reform business operations and strategy. Its shift to data-driven decisions analyzed from customer
behavior significantly improved user experience, driving progress in customer engagement, as well as boosting its
market shares and revenue stream. Netflix's journey serves as an inspiring digital transformation story that other
companies can learn from and implement to bring about significant improvements in customer satisfaction and
financial performance.

The digital future is here, and consumer-centric businesses need to adapt and evolve at the same pace, if not faster,
as their customers to stay relevant and competitive. Just as Netflix reshaped the entertainment industry with data-
driven innovation, businesses across sectors could find inspiration in embracing a data-forward strategy for
transformation [45-47].

Case Study 2: General Electric (GE) Digital Transformation

General Electric (GE), a global conglomerate with long-standing history in traditional manufacturing, has over the
years maintained a strong reputation in the industrial space. Being an entity over a century old, its evolution has
been considerable, revealing unique insights worth studying. The recent wave of digital transformation GE
underwent from being an enduring manufacturing giant to becoming a digital industrial company is nothing short of
commendable. From the data obtained from customer reviews, revenue reports, and market share figures, it
becomes lucid how GE’s innovative marketing strategies fueled this digital transformation journey.

In their digital transformation process, GE started by recognizing their weakness which lied in rigidly adhering to
traditional manufacturing models in an increasingly digital ecosystem. Examining customer reviews, it was
apparent that market demand was shifting towards more integrated, digitized, and efficient solutions. Customers
sought products and services with high-tech features, seamless efficiency, and internet connectivity, which the
traditional manufacturing setup failed to provide. The need to revamp its strategy and align with the new demands
threw light on the broader concept of merging its vast manufacturing knowledge with advanced digital

GE made strategic acquisitions and investments in the technology sector to make this transition. In 2011, they
launched their Industrial Internet initiative which led to the establishment of GE Digital, a subsidiary that combined
GE's various technological efforts around software, data analysis, and interconnectivity. Their flagship software
suite, Predix, was built as a platform for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), allowing companies to analyze their
industrial data in real-time for improved outcomes. This formed the nexus of the digital transformation strategy,
consolidating industrial-grade analytics in productivity, efficiency, and operational effectiveness.

Revenue reports hinted at the early fruits of this innovative approach. Post the Industrial Internet initiative, GE saw
a steady upward trend in its digital service revenues. Despite significant investment and transitional costs, GE's
growth in digital services outpaced that of its traditional manufacturing by 2015. Translating to market share
figures, the innovative marketing approach helped establish GE as a prime mover in the IIoT, predictive analytics
and additive manufacturing sectors. Beyond just manufacturing, the digitization meant GE was now equipped to
offer other services like predictive maintenance, asset performance management and remote monitoring. These new
revenue areas significantly increased GE's market share, competitively positioning them against purely digital
companies and traditional manufacturing counterparts alike.

An analysis of customer reviews underscores the success of GE's digital transformation strategy. Satisfaction
ratings dramatically improved, reflecting increased customer loyalty and the company's ability to meet the growing
need for digital, integrated solutions. Customers especially appreciated GE’s personalized, proactive service
EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

offerings made possible by GE’s predictive analytics. The company's commitment towards constant innovation was
commonly praised, showing GE was building a solid rapport with its existing customers while attracting new ones
in digital frontiers.

GE's journey towards becoming a digital industrial company was driven by a laser-focused strategy that combined
traditional industrial knowledge with digital technologies. Key insights from customer reviews, revenue reports,
and market share data indicate that their unique approach fuelled their successful digital transformation and allowed
them to remain competitive in an ever-evolving market. GE's case study exemplifies a well-thought-out and
executed digital transformation and sets an example for traditional manufacturing organizations embarking onto the
uncharted territory of digital integration [48-51].


The central objective of this research is to assess the impact of digital transformation on marketing management
strategies. This is done through a detailed examination of two distinctly diverse, yet impactful digital
transformation journeys, those undertaken by Netflix and General Electric (GE). The chosen methodology revolves
around qualitative analysis, justified by the suitability of the two chosen case studies for this research.

1. Justification for the Case Studies:

a) Netflix: Netflix, a global streaming giant, was selected for this study due to its atypical digital-first and
customer-centric strategy. It is a company that has fundamentally challenged and disrupted traditional broadcasting
formats and pricing models, transitioning from a DVD rental service to becoming a pioneering entity in the video
streaming market segment. Netflix’s success lies in its ability to utilize customer data to curate personalized
content, redefine customer experience, and produce original content. This makes it an ideal company for studying
how digital transformation can overhaul marketing strategies, especially in an age where customer data proves to be
an invaluable marketing tool.

b) General Electric (GE): In contrast to Netflix's digital-native nature, GE's transition from traditional
manufacturing to becoming a digital industrial company makes for a compelling study. The extraordinary shift of a
manufacturing behemoth into a pioneer in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a testament to the
transformative power of digital innovation. GE’s digital transformation process included the integration of
advanced digital technologies into its existing manufacturing setup, implying a considerable alteration in its
marketing strategies to meet emerging digital needs. The evolution of GE provides a comprehensive insight into
how established corporations can leverage digital technologies to revolutionize marketing strategies within
traditional industries [52-56].

2. Research Approach:
The research combines a comprehensive review of historical data and secondary information from a variety of
sources, such as company reports, customer reviews, revenue reports, market share figures, and noteworthy
excerpts from key stakeholder interviews. The framework for analysis involves evaluating the customer orientation,
competitive positioning, revenue growth, and overall market reaction in reference to the digital transformation
initiatives of both companies.

The research adopts a comparative case study analysis that allows for contraposing the digital transformation
journeys of two very different companies. The contrasting nature of the case studies - one pertaining to a streaming
service provider and the other, a traditional manufacturing giant, enables an in-depth exploration of the varying
nuances of digital transformation on marketing management strategies. This comparative review allows for a
broader understanding of how digital transformation influences marketing strategies across different sectors and at
different stages of digital integration.

Through this qualitative analysis, this study seeks to showcase how digital transformation informs marketing
management strategies while also providing valuable insights into the vast potential of digitalization in reshaping
business landscapes [57-59].

Recommendation for Future Business

In light of the research conducted on the intersection of digital transformation and marketing management
strategies, we offer the following set of recommendations for businesses navigating this digital era. These
suggestions were formed on the basis of the current implications gleaned from the study, as well as a projection into
future marketing strategies that could be influenced and enhanced by the continuous digital evolution.

1. Adoption of Data-Driven Decision Making: Businesses should leverage data analytics to inform their decision-
making processes. In an era marked by digitalization and big data, real-time, data-driven decisions have become
invaluable. They facilitate an informed understanding of customer behavior, preferences, and trends. Consequently,
EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

businesses must invest in data analytics tools and capabilities to capture, analyze, and leverage these insights in
their marketing strategies.

2. Embracing Omni-Channel Marketing: In the digital era, businesses should move beyond single-channel
marketing approaches. Instead, adopting an omni-channel marketing strategy will allow businesses to engage with
customers on various digital platforms - online stores, social media, email, mobile apps, and even traditional
outlets. This provides a seamless and consistent brand experience, customer engagement, and personalized
messaging across all platforms.

3. Enhancing Customer Experience & Personalization: Digital transformation allows businesses to access
invaluable customer data which can be used to enhance customer experience. Personalization in products, services,
and marketing campaigns attracts and retains customers. For instance, using machine learning algorithms,
businesses can tailor their interactions based on predictive analytics.

4. Building a Strong Social Media Presence: Due to the vast reach and influence of social media, contemporary
businesses must ensure a robust presence on these platforms. It enables them to interact directly with customers,
gather feedback, cultivate relationships, and raise brand awareness. Further, it provides an avenue for influencer
marketing, which has shown significant potential in expanding market reach.

5. Investing in AI and Machine Learning: Technology continues to evolve, and AI and Machine Learning are at
the forefront of this evolution in reference to marketing. These technologies can automate routine tasks, improve
marketing efficiency, predict customer trends, and customize interactions, thereby revolutionizing marketing

6. Exploring Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: AR and VR hold enormous potential in their capacity to
enhance customer experiences and drive engagement. They provide immersive experiences, allowing customers to
interact with products and services before purchase. Integrating these technologies into marketing strategies will be

7. Focusing on Voice Search Optimization: As voice-driven virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and
Alexa are becoming increasingly common, optimizing content for voice search will be crucial for businesses. This
will require keyword strategies that reflect natural conversational language.

8. Leveraging Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology presents an opportunity for businesses to enhance
transparency and security in transactions, improve customer loyalty programs, and even combat counterfeit goods.
Though still emerging, it is prudent for businesses to keep an eye on potential marketing uses for this technology.

9. Utilizing 5G and IoT: As 5G technology becomes more widespread, the IoT will expand dramatically, creating
opportunities for businesses to develop innovative marketing strategies around these devices and their capabilities.
This might include real-time customer engagement, highly-targeted advertising, and new forms of personalization.
Digital transformation paves the way for innovative, effective, and future-proof marketing strategies. Therefore,
businesses should invest time and resources into understanding and capitalizing on these opportunities, thereby
ensuring continued growth and competitiveness in the digital era [60,61].


This study has indeed illuminated a profound understanding of the dynamics involving digital transformation and
its significant influence on strategic marketing management.

Summary of Main Findings

This research has assuredly demonstrated that digital transformation brings pivotal enhancements to marketing
management strategies. Foremost on this list is the facilitated access to real-time consumer data, thereby leading to
more informed decision-making. Digital technologies have unleashed advanced analytical tools capable of
dissecting consumer patterns, predicting trends, and formulating better-targeted campaigns.

Secondly, digital transformation has largely reshaped the concept of engagement and interaction with consumers.
Modern marketing strategies now fundamentally revolve around digital platforms for not only promoting products
and services but also for maintaining customer relationships that transcend mere transactions. Digital
transformation has resulted in revamped business models aligning with innovative product development, dynamic
services, and personalized customer experiences. This has resulted in marketing strategies shifting from a product-
centric focus to a more customer-centric methodology, playing a pivotal role in improving business agility and

EDUZONE: International Peer Reviewed/Refereed Multidisciplinary Journal (EIPRMJ), ISSN: 2319-5045
Volume 8, Issue 2, July-December, 2019, Impact Factor: 5.679, Available online at:

Insights on How Digital Transformation Impacted Marketing Management Strategies

Digital transformation has resulted in a paradigm shift by revolutionizing existing marketing management
strategies. The research illuminated that the blending of technology with traditional marketing methods has
revolutionized and vastly expanded the scope of marketing activities.One crucial insight from the study was the
advent of data-driven marketing strategies, a direct result of digitalization. It has steered the firms towards a more
objective, evidence-based approach in creating marketing strategies, focusing on customers' behaviors, preferences,
and feedback.

Additionally, the digital transformation has brought forth the need for continuous learning and adaptation. With
technology continually evolving and consumers' preferences dynamically shifting, it's paramount for marketing
managers to perpetually adapt to anticipate these changes effectively.Moreover, digital transformation has
significantly blurred geographical barriers, enabling businesses to adopt a more global outlook in their marketing
strategies. The use of social media, search engine optimization, and other online marketing tools has allowed
businesses to reach far wider markets than traditional methods could.

In terms of customer engagement, digital transformation has enhanced personalization and interactive
communication. Be it through social media, email, or content marketing, businesses can now interact intimately
with their customers, which wasn't possible on such a scale previously.


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