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Abu Dalbouh, 2020

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International Business Research; Vol. 13, No.

6; 2020
ISSN 1913-9004 E-ISSN 1913-9012
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Improving Digital Marketing Strategy in Jordanian Air Aviation

Sector for Becoming a Regional Training Center
Mahmud Agel Abu-Dalbouh1
Irbid National University, Jordan
Correspondence: Mahmud Agel Abu-Dalbouh, Irbid National University, Jordan.

Received: April 20, 2020 Accepted: May 20, 2020 Online Published: May 25, 2020
doi:10.5539/ibr.v13n6p139 URL:

The transformational processes of the global economy and the development of digital technologies necessitate a
conceptual review of existing management strategies and their improvement, a change in the processes of
obtaining knowledge and assessing their relationships. In modern conditions, to ensure the effectiveness of
activities, the necessary element of management is the use of innovative information and digital technologies in
business, which allow optimizing costs and optimizing financial results.
The expediency and relevance of the study, which is aimed at assessing the relationship of digital strategies and
their impact on the Jordanian aviation sector, is substantiated. It has been taught that the availability of digital
technologies contributes to the improvement of management strategies and educational processes, which allows
them to become training centers at the regional level. It was determined that the development of digital tools
(content, web pages, social networks, advertising, video and other marketing components) and their application
in organization management strategies contribute to streamlining the management process and gaining
knowledge. It is argued that the process of education and training of managers depends on the approach used by
the organization’s digital tools, as well as the type and industry of its economic activity. It is taught that the
training used in the Jordanian aviation sector, as a managerial survey compiled by design specialists, explains the
degree of accessibility of this sector of the economy and confirms the need to establish a training center at the
regional level. It is proved that the establishment of a training center at the regional level will ensure the
promotion of employees of the Jordanian aviation sector, state support, a new image and loyalty, which will
make managers at the local and regional levels aware. To justify the relevance and necessity, a statistical
one-way analysis of variance was carried out for the influence of factors on training processes in the aviation
sector of Jordan.
The main results of statistical one-way analysis of variance interpret the importance of this study and the need to
improve the digital strategy, and its application in marketing activities, which focus on 3digital. Unique practical
recommendations have been developed that are based on customer focus and focus on three digital strategies
(clients; educational product; digital tools), which will achieve the organization's strategic goals and positive
financial results.
Keywords: digital strategy, air aviation, training center, e-customers, marketing, efficiency
1. Introduction
Throughout the existence of mankind, society has developed. It is well known that in its development it went
through three stages: agrarian with a predominance of agriculture and manual labor, industrial with a dominance
of industry and post-industrial. All developed countries have already passed into the third state, which is
characterized by dominance in the economy of the service sector and the emergence of information technologies
and computers, which entailed a significant simplification of the lives of people living in these countries. In other
words, we began to live in a consumer society. However, the company does not stand still, its further
development and the increasing dominance of the services sector over production have led to the fact that
information technology and the IT sector have begun to play a key role in this movement, which greatly simplify
the very mechanism by which a person receives any service. The advent of the Internet and the reduction in the
cost of access to the global network have become a real information (digital) revolution that has changed our
lives in general, and the economy in particular.

139 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

The development of market relations is due to the high level of competition, which forces the management of
organizations to review the management strategies used in order to maintain their competitive position in the
world market. The transformation of management strategies in connection with the global globalization of
markets and the development of new technologies allows us to change the management process and diversify
production and approaches to its organization, and digital reassessment opens up new opportunities for the
quality of services for their pricing, promotion and competitiveness. Modern business conditions lead to the
fulfillment of mandatory conditions to ensure the effectiveness of activities and maximize results is the use of
innovative technologies and management strategies. Particular attention should be paid to the development of
digital organization management strategies, which dictate the conditions for ensuring specific positions and
increasing the share of customer loyalty and their satisfaction with the organization's product / service. A digital
strategy is a marketing plan whose goal is the general development and transformation of a business, the
popularization of a product or brand. To achieve the objectives, research is conducted on the market, audience,
competitors, their own competitive advantages are identified, suitable digital channels and specific tools are
selected, and relevant technologies are used.
In modern science, there is no single approach and methodology for assessing the relationship of digital
strategies, as well as their impact on the Jordanian aviation sector, which confirms the relevance and necessity of
this study. The high level of competition in global markets, the transformation of existing mechanisms for
managing organizations and the availability of digital technologies contribute to the continuous improvement of
management strategies and necessitates the conceptual need for the establishment of training centers at the
regional level, which should be examined in more detail and assessed by the level of significance of these factors
based on the application statistical univariate analysis of variance tools.
The process of organizing the aviation sector of the Jordanian economy, which we are beginning to adapt to the
new marketing environment in stages to solve new problems, focusing on marketing research, determining the
needs of the market and consumers, the attitude of customers and their loyalty, analysis of strengths and
weaknesses, as well as promotion, requires additional research. using digital tutorials. The intensive development
of Internet technologies and their applications in the economy leads to positive results and economic benefits,
which in the conditions of transformation of the world market is important and necessary to ensure specific
2. Literature Review
There are many studies in the scientific literature that are aimed at the development of digital technologies in the
economy, which are a driver of change and are reflected in studies (Chunch Heman & Ken Burberry, 2013) that
conceptualize the need to use innovative tools in the organization’s management system to retain customers and
market position. However, this approach does not allow to determine specific directions for improving the
strategy, which will ensure not only the retention of customers and competitive positions in the market, but will
increase these indicators, both in quantity and in qualitative measurement. It is worth noting a study (Dare
Chaffey, 2017) that outlines the process of accelerating technologies and communications in business by creating
a new approach and communication management strategy, which, unlike the existing ones, is aimed at improving
interaction with key consumers, but does not allow comprehensive management of all the processes of the
It should be noted that modern business conditions determine the need for the use in the activities of any
organization of innovative information and digital technologies in the formation of strategic goals of
organizations. In the scientific literature, there are several different views on the use of digital strategies of
organizations. Digital strategy is a unique competitive advantage in electronic marketing all over the world.
Digital marketing strategies are practically characterized by applications in the world of technologies for
sustainable business activity (Sunil Gupta, 2018), using new digital opportunities. Current business conditions
have led marketing managers to use many marketing communications forums as a digital strategy (Alexander
Reason & Damian Ryan, 2018). E-business firms are gaining sustainable competitive advantage through new
digital strategies (Philip Kоttler., 2017). The impact of training on the applied digital marketing strategy is
mentioned in the study (Linda D., 2019), however, this approach does not reveal the main essence and mentions
the main tools of digital marketing in building a strategy, which does not allow us to fully determine not only
tool at assessment of their impact. It should be noted that not all the approaches presented consider the features
of the influence of digital strategy on the learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan, which requires more
in-depth research.

140 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

3. Research Problem and Research Methodology

Тhe theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the objective fundamental principles of the modern
theory of digital marketing. In the research process, special methods of cognition were used: analysis and
synthesis - to develop practical recommendations for improving the strategy of digital marketing in modern
conditions; the graphical method and the method of constructing analytical tables - for visualizing the results of
the study, statistical one-way analysis of variance - for assessing the impact of digital marketing factors on the
learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan. The key data from the World Bank, the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, and the International Monetary Fund , International Finance Corporation,
Jordan Central Bank and selected banking institutions, academic us of domestic and foreign scientists,
economists, marketers, etc.
The transformational processes of the global economy significantly affect the marketing system as a whole,
including its containing elements, which each organization determines for itself based on strategic goals and
initiatives. Since the intensive use of innovative tools and information technologies in business quickly finds its
application, it is necessary to consider the features of the impact of digital marketing strategies on training the
aviation sector of the Jordanian economy to form it at the regional level.
4. Analysis of Data
Features of training in the aviation sector of Jordan are related to perception, culture, propaganda around the
learning process and the need to establish a training center at the regional level. The creation of the aviation
sector of the Jordanian economy was in 1966, in parallel from the development of educational institutions and
academies. It should be noted that the transport sector of the Jordanian economy is 2.1 billion dollars. US GDP,
while participation in the aviation sector is 500 million JD. As for educational institutions, there are 5 of them in
Jordan, in which there are multidirectional training programs, this sector occupies an example of 5% of Jordan's
gross domestic production and amounts to 42.2 million dollars. USA.
To create an overview of the state of knowledge and justify the need to assess the impact of training in the
aviation sector on a digital marketing strategy to improve efficiency based on data (Civil Aviation Administration
Annual Report - Jordan, 2017). A critical analysis of the literature in the framework of digital marketing research
was carried out, the period from 2013-2018 was chosen as the start date of the analysis, this is due to the fact that
the main digital marketing reviews from the analytical aspect and the interactive form of digital marketing
communications are mainly activated during the specified time period.
5. Discussion
a) Features of the development of digital marketing in Jordan for the implementation of aviation training: social
networks; content; webpage.
Transofmation of global markets requires continuous improvement of existing management methods of a
modern organization. The process of making managerial and managerial decisions should ensure the
effectiveness of the organization. A critical analysis of research in the field of digital marketing made it possible
to substantiate that the development of digital technologies requires a conceptual review of existing management
strategies and their improvement, changes in the processes of knowledge acquisition and assessment of their
relationship. In modern conditions, to ensure the effectiveness of activities, a necessary control element is the use
of innovative information and digital technologies in business, which allow optimizing costs and optimizing
financial results. A methodology for assessing the relationship of digital strategies and their impact on the
Jordanian aviation sector has been developed and proposed. It is taught that the availability of digital
technologies helps to improve management strategies and educational processes, which allows them to become
training centers at the regional level. It has been established that the development of digital tools (content, web
pages, social networks, advertising, video and other marketing components) and their application in organization
management strategies help optimize the management process and gain knowledge. The creation of a training
center at the regional level will ensure the promotion of employees of the Jordanian aviation sector, state support,
a new image and loyalty, which will inform leaders at the local and regional levels. Using the tools of statistical
one-way analysis of variance, the influence of factors on educational processes in the aviation sector of Jordan
was evaluated. The main results, of which interpret the importance of this study and the need to improve digital
strategy and its application in 3digital-oriented marketing activities. Developed approaches and unique practical
recommendations based on customer orientation and focused on three digital strategies (clients; educational
product; digital tools) that will achieve the organization's strategic goals and positive financial results in modern
business conditions.

141 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

b) The main aspects of the development of digital strategies in Jordan: innovative tools and their impact on
business processes
It should be noted that the development of the digital economy essentially connects the relationship between
customers and organizations at the level of using innovative technologies that are based on a complex of digital
marketing. The relevance of the digital community and its usefulness for understanding training in the Jordanian
aviation sector has been investigated, and the client’s role is to create a branding story that is dedicated to brand
performance (Sonja Gensler, 2013). Studies of digital training strategies for the Jordanian aviation sector are
being explored such as: content strategy (CS), Internet (WS), social networks (SM).The training process in the
aviation sector of Jordan reflects good image-based aerial training in many areas, such as: safety training, a
suitable environment, simulation, electronic advancement, new technologies, a good training plan, skills,
experience. The main results of such training focus on many aspects, such as: cost, training hours, locations,
technological equipment, promotion strategies to improve the aviation training sector to a regional training
center (Civil Aviation Administration Annual Report - Jordan, 2018). It is worth noting that studies in the field of
training in the aviation sector of the Jordanian economy allow us to understand the motivation of clients to create
and disseminate an advertising campaign in order to reflect a positive understanding of the values of training in
Jordan, and positive trainee clients create stories with brand names that affect the new brand for effective,
sustainable air traffic education institutions. Digital marketing promotion in the aviation sector of the Jordanian
economy depends on social interaction with the benefits of training courses, which reflect a positive image for
customer satisfaction and increased loyalty. Consider the types of digital marketing strategies that have been
recently used to create social networking sites and encourage customers to respond interactively (Daniel Rowels,
The results provide a way to build and stimulate a positive customer image about digital marketing strategies for
training in aviation in Jordan, influence on the Internet and spreading a brand image to build loyalty for learning
success, there are many digital promotion care strategies to attract customers and increase loyalty, in general ,
Jordan's aviation education policy is based on a US model, such as the Michigan Institute of Aviation and
Technology, Aviation School and Wyotech. In Jordan, in the aviation sector of the economy, training is trying to
become the best in the Middle East, having received an international certificate of training, high technology,
safety, experience. Training should maximize quality, values, image, satisfaction and create intellectual
knowledge in the field of aviation training, integrate solutions with information, improve a training-based
information solution to help industry, there are many problems that specialists face because there are not enough
funds, experience, specialized equipment, management, integrated training management, training needs analysis.
To improve the digital marketing strategy in the Jordanian aviation sector to become a regional training center,
statistical tools of one-way analysis of variance should be used, which will assess the impact of the new strategy
for each variable on the digital learning elements of the aviation sector. Analysis of variance is a method in
mathematical statistics aimed at searching for dependences in experimental data by examining the significance
of differences in average values. Unlike the t-test, it allows you to compare the average values of three or more
groups. Developed by R. Fisher to analyze the results of experimental studies. The designation ANOVA is also
found in the literature. To do this, we will carry out the following classification of strategies: content strategy,
web page strategy, social media strategy. Cornbrash’s alpha is 0.86, which is explained by a high degree of
suitability, stability and validity, which is presented in table 1.

Table 1. The main results of the analysis of variance assessment of the impact of digital marketing factors on the
learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan
Variables N. Items Alpha (a)
Improve Digital Strategy (IDS) 6 0.86
Content (Co) 7 0.89
Web Pages (WP) 5 0.81
Social Media (SM) 8 0.88
Standard deviations are 3.81 and are presented in table 2 and reflect the degree of change in the effective

142 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

Тable 2. Standard deviations of the analysis of variance assessment of the impact of digital marketing factors on
the learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Improve Digital Strategy (IDS) 54 3.76 22.33 12.9291 3.81040
Content (Co) 54 3.33 23.44 13.8430 4.47073
Web Pages (WP) 54 3.65 24.00 14.5614 4.21659
Social Media (SM) 54 4.08 25.44 15.6342 3.99117
Valid N (list wise) 54 Х Х Х Х

The first standard deviation content strategy is 4.47, the second web page strategy is 4.27 deviation, and the third
social media strategy is 3.99, which reflects the degree of information reliability. To interpret the main results of
analysis of variance and assessment, the impact of the new strategy for each variable on the digital learning
elements of the Jordanian aviation sector and the reflection of the significance of each variable, it is necessary to
consider their collinearity, which is presented in Table 3.
Reflecting the training of the Jordanian aviation sector and explaining the influence of each variable by collinear
tolerance, it is worth noting that the obtained economic-mathematical model is suitable and reflects the presence
of 3 strategies for promoting training in Jordan, which provide an improvement in the new strategy, which is
aimed at the benefits of training and communication support features digital technology.
Depending on the coefficient, the beta result becomes 0.066, which means a change in the needs, desires,
preferences of customers, after which it will have a positive effect on increasing the number of customers and
enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Тable 3. Colinearity Statistics of the impact of digital marketing factors on the learning process in the aviation
sector of Jordan
Model Tolerance VIF
Improve Digital Strategy (IDS) 0.701 1.432
Content (Co) 0.689 1.654
Web Pages (WP) 0.703 1.452
Social Media (SM) 0.744 1.511

The main parameters of the one-way dispersion model are presented in table 4.
Table 4. The main parameters of the one-way dispersion model of the impact of digital marketing factors on the
learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0.612(a) 0.612 0.578 0.63455

To conceptualize the main results of the study, it is worth interpreting the main results of analysis of variance,
which are presented in table 5.

Table 5. The main results dispersion analysis multicollenarity matrix of the impact of digital marketing factors
on the learning process in the aviation sector of Jordan
Pearson Correlation 1 0.612(**) 0.639(**) 0.609(**)
Co Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
N 54 54 54 54
Pearson Correlation 0.612(**) 1 0.597(**) 0.650(**)
PW Sig. (2-tailed) 000 0.000 0.000
N 54 54 54 54
Pearson Correlation 0.609(**) 0.650(**) 0.517(**) 1
SM Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000
N 54 54 54 54
Pearson Correlation 0.643(**) 0.334(**) 0.328(**) 0.229(*)
IDS Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.025
N 54 54 54 54

143 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

To conceptualize this approach and determine key results, it is necessary to analyze the following hypotheses:
1) there is no statistically significant relationship (∞≤ 0.05) between digital strategy (content, web pages and
social networks) and marketing of Jordan as a regional center for aviation training ;
2) there is no statistically significant relationship in (∞≤0.05) between the digital strategy (content) and
marketing of Jordan as a regional center for aviation training;
3) there is no statistically significant relationship in (∞≤0.05) between the digital strategy (web pages) and the
marketing of Jordan as a regional center for aviation training.
There is no statistically significant relationship in (∞≤0.05) between digital strategy (social networks) and
marketing of Jordan as a regional center for aviation training, as shown in Figure 1.


Marketing Jordan as regional

center for Air aviation training

Social media content web pages

Figure 1. Conceptual aspects of digital marketing in Jordan as a regional center for training the aviation sector

The intensive development of the digital economy in the world and the introduction of innovative business tools
determine their application and use in all sectors of the economy of developed countries. The development and
use in practice of these tools and technologies provide all the necessary prerequisites for creating a new era of
marketing - digital marketing.
6. Conclusion
In modern business conditions, to achieve all the strategically important goals of the organization, the necessary
condition is the use of innovative management methods and tools. In order to achieve a competitive advantage,
HR must adopt a new training strategy in the virtual world (digital) marketing strategy in Jordan, which depends
on the following: 1) aspects of training diversification, understanding of market needs, applying a better strategy
by focusing on the many shortcomings of these strategies and their improvement; 2) differentiation of content
types, development of new pages, expansion of media applications, focus on e-advertising strategies 24/7; 3) the
use of innovative e-business tools aimed at training people in digital marketing; 4) the use of various electronic
marketing tools, such as: television, media, social networks, content, web pages, focus on 3 digital strategies. It
was taught that the availability of digital technology improves management strategies and learning processes,
which allows them to become training centers at the regional level. The developed tools for analyzing the
influence of factors on educational processes in the aviation sector of Jordan using statistical one-way analysis of
variance can be applied in the practical activities of organizations. The results of the study are unique practical
recommendations based on the methodological aspects of customer orientation and focused on three digital
strategies (clients; educational product; digital tools) that will achieve the organization's strategic goals and
positive financial results, taking into account all critical factors. It should be noted that achievement of all
strategic goals and positive financial results, taking into account all critical factors that directly affect yanked on
digital marketing strategies and the development of learning processes in Jordan atsiatsionnom sector.
Significant in the process of organizing effective marketing and developing its digital tools are the central
government bodies of Jordan, whose policies can intensively implement these technologies and their applications
in the real business segment of the country.
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144 International Business Research Vol. 13, No. 6; 2020

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