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Ethics Application Form MBA Adv Entry July 2011

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All Principal Investigators (PI) undertaking a research project which involves human participants should complete and sign this application form. The document Guidelines for obtaining ethics approval gives full details of how to complete this form and is available via the research pages of the UWIC website. You should refer to this document in order to avoid unnecessary delays with your application. As a PI, you are responsible for exercising appropriate professional judgement in this review and for operating within UEC (and any School and professional) guidelines in the conduct of the study. Participant recruitment or data collection must not commence until ethics clearance has been obtained. Principal Investigator: Supervisor (if student project): School: Type of researcher: Programme enrolled on: Project Title: Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Cardiff School of Management Undergraduate Student MBA Advanced Entry July 2011. Customer Relationship Management for Retaining the Internet Customers

PART ONE ETHICS REVIEW CHECKLIST ERC1: Will the study involve NHS patients or staff? No

If YES, you do not need to complete Part Two of this form. Instead, an application for ethics approval must be submitted to the appropriate external NHS Research Ethics Committee. Complete Declaration A overleaf and forward a copy of your NHS application plus Part One of this form to your School Ethics Committee for information. ERC2: Does your research fall entirely within one of the following three categories: Paper-based, involving only documents in the public domain Laboratory based, not involving human participants or human tissue samples (eg electronics, chemical analysis) Practice-based, not involving human participants (eg exhibitions, curatorial, reflective analysis, practice audit)


If YES, you do not need to complete Part Two of this form. Instead, complete Declaration B overleaf and send the completed form to your School Ethics Committee for information. If NO, you must complete Part Two of this form and submit your application (Part One and Part Two) to your School Ethics Committee for consideration.

Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010


DECLARATION A I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct My research involves human participants and ERC1 indicates I must obtain ethics clearance from the appropriate external health authority ethics committee. Signature of Principal Investigator: Date: Click here to enter a date.

DECLARATION B I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct My research falls entirely within the categories described in ERC2 and I do not need to take further action to obtain ethics clearance. Signature of Principal Investigator: Date: Click here to enter a date.

Brief synopsis of project: The research proposal is mainly web based data collection and evaluation in which the writer has pointed out that certain CRM techniques are important to retain customers while two companies are working in the same niche market.

FOR STUDENT PROJECTS ONLY I confirm that I have read and agreed the information contained in this form Name of Supervisor: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter a date. Signature of Supervisor: <Supervisors Signature> School Research Ethics Committee use only Considered and supported Name: Click here to enter text. Considered and not supported Date: Click here to enter a date.

Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010


PART TWO APPLICATION FOR ETHICS APPROVAL Expected Start Date: Approximate Duration: Funding Body (if applicable): 01/11/2011 3 months None

Other researcher(s) working None on the project Does your project require ethical approval from an NREC or other body? If yes, please name the NREC or other body N/A Does your project use Human Tissue? No Has CRB clearance No If yes, which organisation N/A 1 been given? holds details of the check ? DECLARATION I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct Signature of Principal Investigator:


Date: 01/01/2011

FOR STUDENT PROJECTS ONLY I confirm that I have read and agreed the information contained in this form Name of Supervisor: Click here to enter text. Date: 01/11/2011 Signature of Supervisor: <Supervisors Signature> Research Ethics Committee use only Decision reached:

Project approved Project approved in principle Decision deferred Project not approved Project rejected Date: Click here to enter a date.

Project reference number: Click here to enter text. Name: Click here to enter text. Signature:

In cases where a CRB check has been sought by an external organisation, confirmation from that organisation that a satisfactory check has been received is required by UWIC at application stage. Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010 3


A PROJECT DETAILS A1 In order to give members of the ethics committee some idea of the nature of your research, please answer the following questions with regard to this project: Will you take blood or tissue samples from participants? Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing OTHER THAN repetitive training exercises of a type which form part of the participants normal activities (such as athletics or music training)? Are drugs, placebos or other substances (eg vitamins) to be administered to participants? Could the study induce physiological or psychological stress or anxiety significantly greater than the participants are likely to experience in their daily lives? Does the study involve participants who are unable to give informed consent? Will the study involve children? (NB: Projects in professional practice involving those under the age of 18 in a public place (in school or a statutory setting) with the relevant permission are exempt) Is pain or more than mild discomfort likely to result from the study? Will financial inducements, other than reasonable expenses and compensation for time, be offered to participants? Will deception of participants to necessary during the study? No

No No

No No

No No No No

A2 Briefly describe the rationale behind your project The ever changing world of internet where companies sometimes have not physical presence, how they manage to retain their users? A3 What are the aims of the research? To find out and evaluate the CRM techniques and objectives behind companies working in the same niche market but with different number of customers A4 Will you be using an approved protocol in your project? No A5 If yes, please state the name and code of the approved protocol to be used2

If your project does involve the use of an approved protocol, please indicate when answering the following questions, which areas of your study are covered by the protocol A6 What methods of data collection and analysis will you adopt? Secondary data collection, questionaires A7 What remuneration (if any) will be offered to participants? None A8 From which group(s) will participants be recruited and what sampling method and criteria will be used? Click here to enter text. A9 How many participants will be involved?

An Approved Protocol is one which has been approved by UWIC to be used under supervision of designated members of staff; a list of approved protocols can be found at [INSERT LINK] Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010 4


Click here to enter text. A10 Where and how will the participants be recruited and what method of initial contact will you use? The web site owners will be made formal requests to answer the questionnaires and request will be made for an in person interview if possible. A11 What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project do you have? Click here to enter text. A12 Student projects only What previous experience of research involving human participants relevant to this project does your supervisor have? 10 years B POTENTIAL RISKS B1 What potential discomfort or inconvenience to the participants do you foresee? None B2 How do you propose to deal with the potential risks? N/A B3 Do you intend to use a questionnaire to ascertain an individuals level of physical fitness or health before accepting them as a participant? If yes, please give details. No B4 What potential risks to the interests of the researchers do you foresee? None B5 How will you deal with these potential risks? N/A C CONSENT C1 Will informed consent be sought from participants? Yes C2 IF NO, explain why informed consent will not be sought N/A C3 IF YES, describe how informed consent will be obtained and attach copies of relevant documents Letter to say they are willing to take part or on the top of questionnaire. C4 If you are using an approved protocol, has the approved wording for Yes participants been included in your Participant Information Sheet? C5 If NO, why not? N/A C6 If there are doubts about participants abilities to give informed consent, what steps have you taken to ensure that they are willing to participate? N/A C7 If participants are aged under 18, describe how you will seek informed consent N/A C8 How will consent be recorded? Signed reply or completion of questionnaire D OTHER DETAILS D1 Will participants be informed of their right to withdraw without penalty? If no, please detail the reasons N/A D2 How will you ensure participants confidentiality and anonymity?


Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010


Questionnaire will be anonymous. D3 How will issues of data storage be addressed? Secure Password protected data stick D4 Are there any further points you wish to make with regard to the proposed research? None NB: When submitting your application, in addition to this form your School Ethics Committee will expect to see copies of the documentation you will use during your project. Depending on what your project entails, this may include: Participant information sheet (See Section C) Participant consent form (See Section C) Parents information sheet (See Section C) Parents consent form (See Section C) Participant questionnaire (See A6) Health questionnaire (See B3) Letter to the organisation at which research will take place Refer to the document Guidelines for obtaining ethics approval for further details on which documents you should provide and exemplar forms for your reference when compiling this information.

Application for ethics approval v11 June 2010

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