Aim High 1 Unit 8 Test
Aim High 1 Unit 8 Test
Aim High 1 Unit 8 Test
Vocabulary Reading
1 Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined 3 Read the text and complete the sentences.
words with a suitable word or expression.
1 Sportsmen often become well-known people.
A diet fit for a champion
American swimmer Michael Phelps consumes an amazing
12,000 calories a day. He starts off by eating three fried-egg
2 We need to discover what time the train leaves. sandwiches loaded with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried
onions and mayonnaise. He follows
3 My aunt is a woman without a husband. this up with two cups of coffee, a five-egg omelette, a
bowl of cereal and three slices of toast topped with
4 I prefer meat without fat. powdered sugar and three chocolate-chip pancakes. For
lunch Phelps has half a kilo of enriched pasta and two
5 We cooked some eggs in hot water for lunch. large ham and cheese sandwiches covered with
mayonnaise. He finishes the meal by downing 1,000
6 Eating three times a day is normal. calories worth of energy drinks. For dinner Phelps loads up
the carbohydrates with another half a kilo of pasta and a
whole pizza. Then he drinks another 1,000 calories worth of
7 Tina stopped eating chocolate last week.
energy drinks. His diet is designed to give him the energy he
needs to complete his five-hours a day, six-days-a-week
8 Everyone in my family is very strong and well. training regime.
1 Michael Phelps takes part in competitions.
2 The sandwiches he has for breakfast contain
9 We often cook a chicken in the oven on special
different ingredients.
3 He has and pancakes on his toast.
4 The main liquid he consumes comes from .
10 My steak was very easy to cut.
5 He eats so many carbohydrates to get .
Marks: /5
Marks: /10
4 Read the text again and answer the questions with a
2 Complete the text.
complete sentence.
A traditional English breakfast is bacon and eggs. People 1 How many eggs does Phelps eat for breakfast?
used to their food in butter, but now we know
that this isn’t very . To reduce the content of 3 2 How much pasta does Phelps eat every day?
in food, many people now 4 the
bacon at the top of the oven instead. However, things have 3 What drinks does Phelps have during the day?
Dialogue 3
5 What time / you have / breakfast / in / morning?
A 4 ?
B My brother’s got two cars.
6 Linda / go cinema / every week / to see / film
Dialogue 4
7 How / people / go / work / in your family? A 5 ?
B Sam usually drinks water.
8 My father / go work / by / car Marks: /10