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Steps in English 1 Unit 8 Test A

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Unit 8 Test A

Vocabulary 4 Utwórz zdania przeczące.

1 Podpisz obrazki wyrazami z ramki. 1 Ben likes milk.

Ben doesn’t like milk.
grapes chicken potatoes onions 2 Carrie and Alex have lunch at school.
sausages cheese
3 They live in the town centre.
1 2 3
4 You make nice cakes.

5 Toby watches TV after school.

4 5 6 6 I get up late at the weekend.

1 potatoes 4 5 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki w

formie przeczącej czasu present simple.
2 5
3 6 Rain eat do work play get up
5 1 I don’t play tennis.
2 My cousins __________ meat.
2 Zakreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do 3 Max __________ his homework.
pozostałych. 4 Mum __________ in the town centre.
1 strawberries / feathers / grapes / 5 We __________ early on Sunday.
pineapples 6 It __________ in August.
2 potatoes / chicken / ham / sausages 5
3 breakfast / dinner / fish and chips / lunch
4 mushrooms / cheese / carrots / onions
5 crickets / tarantulas / ants / chocolate 6 Przeczytaj tekst. Następnie zakreśl w
6 American / Colombia / Japan / China poniższych zdaniach właściwy wyraz.

5 My name is Cathy. I live in the UK, and I love

food! Some people say that British food isn’t
Grammar very good. They think we only eat fried food
like fish and chips, but that isn’t true. In the
3 Z podanych wyrazów ułóż zdania. UK, people like food from other countries, too.
Indian and Chinese food are really popular. It’s
1 doesn’t / Amy / eat / mushrooms cold in the UK, but supermarkets buy fruit and
Amy doesn’t eat mushrooms. vegetables from other countries. So you can
2 walk / school / don’t / Tom and Ian / to find strawberries, pineapples, lettuces and
potatoes from January to December.

3 cat / like / Grandad’s / doesn’t / spiders

Cathy 1doesn’t like / loves food. She
doesn’t think it’s 2good / true that people
4 homework / do / don’t / day / every / I in the UK only eat fish and chips. Lots of
people in 3the UK / India eat food from
5 garden / don’t / help / in / we / the / Dad other countries. The UK is 4cold / hot, but
supermarkets buy 5fruit and vegetables
/ fried food from other countries. You
6 you / uniform / school / at / wear / a /
can buy strawberries from 6January /
July to December.

5 5

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Unit 8 Test A

4 His favourite meat is
7 Posłuchaj nagrania. Zaznacz (✔)
nazwy produktów spożywczych, które
5 His favourite drink is
carrots grapes 6 His favourite snacks are
bread ✔ apples
chicken strawberries
cheese ice cream 5
ham tomatoes
sausages orange juice Extra
potatoes cucumber
fruit lettuce 10 Przetłumacz na język angielski
poniższe zwroty.
5 1 Cierpliwości!
Be patient!
Speaking 2 To ohydne!
8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami i
wyrażeniami z ramki. 3 To jest tradycja.

have breakfast time early 4 Ale zabawa!

half past eight o’clock for lunch
Erica What’s the 1 time ? 5 Czy jest smaczny?
Steve It’s __________ eleven.

Erica Great! It’s time 3__________. 6 Czas na obiad!

Steve No it isn’t! Lunch is at one o’clock.
Erica Not for me. I get up 4_________
and go swimming before school.
I 5__________ at six o’clock.
Steve Six o’clock! I have breakfast at
11 Przepisz poniższe zdania bez błędów.
__________. 1 I always does my homework after
5 I always do my homework after
2 He doesn’t likes onions
9 Ułóż zdania o tym, co lubi jeść i pić
Robbie. Zastosuj wyraz too. 3 We gets up early on Saturday.
Robbie’s favourites
food ice cream and chocolate 4 I go never to school by bus.

fruits strawberries and bananas

5 You don’t never buy me a present.
vegetables mushrooms and carrots
meat ham and chicken 6 Carl not has lunch at school.
drink milk and orange juice
snacks crisps and biscuits 5
1 Robbie’s favourite food is ice cream,
and he likes chocolate, too. Total 45 Total 55
2 Robbie’s favourite fruits are

3 His favourite vegetables are

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