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05 - Train The Trainer - Using Appropriate Training Aids

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Using Appropriate Training Aids

Learning Objectives
It is intended that this module enhance
participants understanding of the use of
appropriate training aids

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• Reasons for using learning aids
• PowerPoint
• Writing effective slides
• Various Learning Aids
• Handouts
• Writing effective handouts
• Selection of learning aids appropriate to subject

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Reasons for Using Learning Aids

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Learning Aids
• Reinforce what you are saying
• Verify that your point is understood
• Identify what is important/essential
• Enable participants to visualize or experience something
that is impractical to see or do in real life
• Engage participants other senses in the learning process
• Facilitate different learning styles

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Students Remember
• 10% of what they read
• 20% of what they hear
• 30% of what they see
• 50% of what they see and hear
• 75% of what they say
• 90% of what they do
• The learning process must be an interactive mix of media
to retain attention, interest and to stimulate learning

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Types of Learning Aids

• Projection • Non-Projective
• Video playback • Blackboard
• DVD • Whiteboard
• CD • Models
• Computer slide presentation • Exhibits
• Computer software demonstration • Handouts
• Simulator • MP3 or Audio Player

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Reasons for Using Learning Aids

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Advantages Disadvantages
• Allows advance preparation • Technology – equally
• Ideal for showing diagrams, capable of making us
appear either professional
charts and illustrations etc.
or incompetent
• Can sequence information
introduction point-by-point • Tedium for participants if
this is the sole media
• Don’t have to turn your back
on the audience

9 | Train the Trainer

Before the Training During the Training
• Arrive early to make sure • Use a laser pointer or the
the facilities are functional cursor rather than pointing
at the screen (back to
• Check the aim and focus of
the system
• Check slides are readable
from back of the room
• Check other learning aids
are to hand
• Relax

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Reasons for Using Learning Aids

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Writing Effective Slides

• Using corporate templates, styles, designs and layouts
• Presentation flow
• Text slides
• Animation and graphics

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The Flow of Your Presentation

Your PowerPoint Slides are Not

the Presentation!

You Are!

13 | Train the Trainer

Presentation Flow
• Use of some PowerPoint features interrupts the flow of the
presentation, such as:
− Adding texture to your slides
− Using “gradient shading”
• Use of other PowerPoint features, enhances the flow of the
presentation, such as:
− Embedding text in boxes
− Using custom animation
− Using graphics that relate to the material on the slide

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Custom Animation & Graphics

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Less is More!
• Think of your audience
• They have to combine several eye sweeps with processing
− Minimize eye sweeps
− Positive results move from left to right

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Presentations vs. Documents

• Distinguish between a document and a presentation
• Avoid the presentation-as-document syndrome
• Documents are:
− Annual reports, strategic plans, market analyses, meeting notes
− Dense text
− Highly detailed tables, charts and graphs

17 | Train the Trainer

Presentations vs. Documents (continued)

• Presentations are:
− Clear and to the point
− Easy to read and understand quickly
− Have learning objectives and only give information that relates to
• Rehearse your presentation before its first delivery

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Question 1
• What makes a presentation effective?

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Custom Animation & Graphics

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Visual Aid Panel/VAP

Advantages Disadvantages
• No advanced preparation • Time-consuming if you
required, have a lot to write
− except when displaying a • Handwriting may be difficult
complex table/chart/ to read
• Turn your back on
• Technology is not
dependent on electricity
• Cleaning the board
• Can be used by students
for problem-solving, etc. • Can’t go back to something
you’ve erased

21 | Train the Trainer

Visual Aid Panel/VAP

When to Use Tips
• Today normally used as • Make sure that the board
support to electronic has been cleaned
• Bring your own
• To explain a point in chalk/markers and eraser
response to a question
• draw horizontal lines with a
• To present information pencil/straight edge
secondary to the main
• Draw complex diagrams,
subject charts, etc. in advance

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23 | Train the Trainer

When to Use Tips
• If electricity is not available! • Check the room and
equipment beforehand
• supporting a point to the
main subject • Get your own paper
• Group work – ideal for • Write out important pages
summarizing in advance
• To provide a written record • Don’t write too much
of points made
• Carry a collection of felt-tip
• Bring along some Blutack
24 | Train the Trainer


Sticky Notepads
When to Use Tips
• Brainstorming sessions • Write clearly so you can
• Easy to move so good for stand back and view the
• Use different colors for
• Good discipline for focusing
different groups
thought (not much space to

25 | Train the Trainer

Audo CD’s
When to Use Tips
• Good for language learning • Check the equipment
– use of English
• Can it be heard from the
back of the room?
• queue up the CD in advance
• Play short bits at one time
• Break up longer clips into
• Check out copyright
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Video CD’s
When to Use Tips
• Good for language learning • Can images be seen from
– use of English the back of the room?
• Pre-queue DVD
• Heads-up on key items
• View relevant sections
• Review after showing
• Check copyright
• Don’t use as entertainment

27 | Train the Trainer

When to Use Tips Example

Combines fun with Choose a simple game Make cards with

learning such as bingo or pictures of buoys and
crosswords lights
Useful for knowledge
reinforcement Issue a small number of
cards to each student
Play bingo by turning
over recognized cards
when instructor
identifies buoys or lights
Winner is the first
person to turn over all
their cards – Bingo!

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Computer-Based Training
When to Use Tips
• When pre-work is needed • Costly
prior to starting a course • Verify secure identity
• Good for advance or checking
remote learning
• May want to support further
• Good for testing level of with a written test

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Practical Sessions: Simulators

Advantages Disadvantages
• Can be used for • Cost
experiencing dangerous
• Time consuming
situations while receiving
advice • Supervision requires skilled
• Trainees must participate
• Exercises can be repeated

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Practical Sessions: Simulators

When to Use Tips
• Practice re-enforces • Be suitably qualified by the
learning manufacturer
• Typically used for • Practice repeatedly for the
familiarization with exercise you have created
shipboard operations.
• Arrive early and verify that
equipment is ready for use

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• Are specially prepared notes used
− As support material illustrating or introducing a particular point
relevant to the course
− To be sure all recipients have the same information
− To provoke discussion
− To obviate note taking
− For student reference after the course (could be electronic i.e., web-
based, CD-based, etc.)
− Because they convey authority

33 | Train the Trainer

What Makes a Handout Effective?

• Brief, containing only essential details and presented in a
logical sequence
• Accurate and complete
• Designed clearly and attractively (use of white space)
• Include diagrams where possible
• Always has a title
• Planned rather than ad-hoc
• Standard size
• Pitched at a level appropriate to the audience

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When Do you Distribute Handouts?

• Before
• During
• At the end

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Selection of Learning Aids

• Take into account
• Practicality
• Suitability

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Question 2
• How do you prevent inducing sleep in your students?

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Selection of Media
First Second Third

Work individually Form groups of three Share problems in class

discussion session
Think of a training topic Share your plans with
you will be giving. What each other. Why did you Time – 10 minutes
media will you use to choose specific media?
support it?
Time – 6 minutes
Time – 2 minutes

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Thank You


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