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04 - Train The Trainer - Effective Instruction Methods

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Effective Instruction Methods

Learning Objectives
It is intended that this module enhance participants
understanding of effective instruction methods

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• Instructional styles
• Management and leadership
• Instructional methods
• Selection of delivery method
• Question and answer techniques
• Workshop on effective Q&A
• Presentation skills

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Instructional Styles

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Planning & Development

• Training material requires that you seek a balance of
instructional styles to match the learning styles you are
most likely to encounter

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Instructional Styles
• Authoritarian
− Instructor controls flow of content for student to learn
− No relationship with student
• Demonstrator or personal model
− Instructor models what is expected of the student and acts as a
− Encourages participations and caters to different learning styles

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Instructional Styles
• Facilitator
− Instructor designs and facilitates activities
− Students take part in the learning process
• Delegator
− Instructor designs and facilitates activities acting as a consultant to
the students learning process
− Students responsible for the learning process

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Discuss as a Group
• What teaching style do you mainly use?
• Does your style facilitate achievement of course goals?
• Should you consider new styles or continuation of teaching

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Management & Leadership

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Instructor Conduct
• Sets the tone for the conduct of the course
• In the classroom determines the success of the course
• The instructor should
− Review all of the instructional material well in advance
− Rehearse the delivery of the material
− Arrive before the start of the class in order to check arrangements
and equipment

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Instructor Conduct
• The instructor should (continued)
− Lead discussions and not force or dictate opinions
− Respect the students
− Be appropriately dressed
− Refer to building safety rules

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Course Management & Leadership

• Carpe diem – seize the day
• Involve the student in the planning process
• Start with current student knowledge
• Start with simple concepts and
progress to complex
• Accommodate the participants
preferred learning style
• Identify goals in each learning domain

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Course Management & Leadership

• Create practical meaningful material
• Facilitate immediate application of skills or knowledge
• Include frequent break periods
• Provide feedback on student performance
• Use praise to reward learning

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Student Management
• An integral part of an instructor’s job is student
• Students must be kept motivated
• What issues are likely to be faced by an instructor on a
daily basis?

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Discuss as a Group
• Problems you have faced in delivering instruction and how
you reacted to solve the issue

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Some Solutions
• Problems you have faced in delivering instruction and how
you reacted to A non-responsive group
• Talk to the group as a whole and re-emphasize the reason
for the course and that success depends on their active
• Schedule keeping
− Don’t worry about minor variations
− Keep an eye on the block versus the schedule
− Workshops and breaks provide opportunities for flexibility and
adjusting schedule

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Some Solutions
• A too talkative participant
− At a break, remind the participant of their role and that there is a
schedule to keep
− Ask the student to allow other students to participate
• A non-participating student
− Determine at a break whether the reason for non-participation is a
role clarity problem or other problem and take appropriate action

• A know-it-all expert
− At the break determine the extent of experience and background
− Remind the student of the role of a student

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Some Solutions
• Argumentative student
− Define roles and emphasize respect and roles
− Refer to higher authority if conflict continues
• A group that constantly comments to each other in the
− At a break, define roles and state that the behavior is disrupting to
the class
− If necessary change seating arrangements
• The definitely wrong response
− Rephrase and reward the answer

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Instructional Methods

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Many Options
• Lecture
• Lecture followed by discussion
• Panel of experts
• Guest speaker
• Brainstorming
• Videotapes
• Class discussion

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Many Options (continued)

• Small group discussion
• Case studies
• Role playing
• Feedback sessions
• Worksheets and surveys
• Exercise with index cards
• Exercise in values and beliefs

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• Strengths
− Facts presented in a direct and logical way
− Can contain valuable inspirational experience
− Can stimulate individual thought and open discussion
− Useful for groups > 15
• Limitations
− Experts are not necessarily good instructors
− Passive audience
− Learning effectiveness is not easy to assess
− One way communication

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Lecture (Continued)
• Preparation
− Of all material
− Apply a time and content limit to maximize effectiveness
− Should include workshops and anecdotes from experience

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Class Discussion
• Strengths
− Creates a pool of ideas and experiences from group
− Very effective after a video, lecture or experience that needs to be
− Facilitates full active participation
• Limitations
− Groups less than 20 people
− Can be dominated by the more vocal and the less interested/vocal
may not participate
− It is time consuming and needs direction to remain focused

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Class Discussion
• Preparation
− Requires facilitator to plan how to guide the discussion (question

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Small Group Discussion

• Strengths
− Allows full participation
− People are more comfortable in small groups
− Enables group consensus
• Limitations
− Needs direction over purpose
− Groups can digress
• Preparation
− Specific tasks or questions to be prepared for group to answer

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Case Studies
• Strengths
− Facilitates development of analytical and problem solving skills
− Facilitates exploration of many solutions for complex issues
− Facilitates application of new knowledge and skills
• Limitations
− Participants may not see personal relevance
− Insufficient information may result in inappropriate conclusion

• Preparation
− Case must be well prepared and clearly defined

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Role Playing
• Strengths
− Dramatic realization of situation
− Provides opportunity to appreciate another point-of-view
− Allows exploration of possible solutions
− Provides an opportunity to practice skills learned
• Limitations
− Participants can feel exposed or threatened – some may feel too
− Appropriate for small groups <10

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Role Playing (continued)

• Preparation
− Situation and roles to be define clearly
− Clear instructions required

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Selecting the Delivery Method

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Selecting the Delivery Method

• The foregoing instruction methods use three basic
categories of method either on their own or as a combined
− Lecture
− Discussion
− Demonstration
• To assist in selecting the right methods lets take a closer
look at each

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A Lecture?
• Purpose is to clarify information
• Large group
• Short duration
• Is to convey information
• Requires significant preparation
• Requires audio-visual support
• Instructor-centered

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A Discussion?
• Purpose – to solicit and involve the student in content
• Limited to small groups
• Require considerable time
• Limited audio-visual support
• Useful in an affective area
• Promotes understanding and clarification of concepts, ideas
and feelings
• Numerous variants and the discussion method can vary
from teacher-centered to student-centered
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A Demonstration?
• Transmit the big picture
• Small group of students
• Short duration
• Significant preparation time
• Use of audio-visuals
• Useful in developing skills
• More instructor v. student-centered

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Selecting the Delivery Method

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Use of Q&A
• Their planned use
− Creates an environment of interaction
− Distinguishes the presentation from other instructional methods (i.e.
• The four primary reasons for using Q&A are:
− Motivate students by gaining their interest and attention
− Promote mental activity
− Involve students as partners in the instructional process
− Obtain feedback on the students ability to recall, understand and
apply what they have learned

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Types of Questions
• The most common are
− Open
− Closed
− Indirect
− Direct
− Rhetorical
− Hypothetical

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Open & Closed Questions

● What is
■ An open question?
■ A closed question?
● Which is preferable to use during a learning session?
● Why?

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Indirect & Direct Questions

● Indirect questions are asked of the group as a whole and
anyone can answer them.
● Direct questions are asked of individual students, and only
the named person can answer them.
● They should be used during free discussion and a wide
range of responses is desired
● If no response is received from an indirect question try a
direct question

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Rhetorical & Hypothetical Questions

• Rhetorical questions are:
− Asked to achieve an effect, not necessarily to receive an answer.
− Sometimes used to gain attention at the beginning of a discussion
• Hypothetical questions are
− Those unsupported by fact or evidence
− Assume certain conditions that may or may not be true.
− While they can be useful for exploring ideas, you must tie the
concept back to real experience in order to enhance relevance

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Making Questions as Instructor

• A good question should be carefully worded or “framed”
• Well framed questions are:
− Short and simple: questions should test knowledge, skill or attitude.
They should not be used to test the student’s language or memory
skills i.e. lengthy, complex questions should not be used
− Well defined: each question should contain only one problem or
idea for which only one response is required

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Well Framed Questions Should

• Be relevant
− Questions should concern the subject matter under discussion
− Relevancy can be aided by re-phrasing the key learning objectives
and using them as questions
• Understandable
− Students must have a reasonable chance of answering the
− The student should understand the question and then be able to
draw on experience and recently presented information to answer it
− If the question lies outside of their knowledge or experience, it is
unreasonable to expect they can answer it

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Well Framed Questions Should

• Emphasize key points
− Questions should be thought stimulating
− They should challenge students
− They should be open questions
− They should emphasize the key learning points
• Provide feedback
− The greatest source of feedback to the instructor during a course is
response by students to questions from the instructor
− Responses are key indicators as to how well the students learning
is progressing

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Selecting the Delivery Method

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Effective Use of Q&A

• Split into three groups and develop 5 or more appropriate
questions for an STCW discipline you are all familiar with
• Time 10 minutes
• Explain to the class why the question type was selected
• Time 5 minutes per group
• Total 25 minutes

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Selecting the Delivery Method

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Presentation Skills
• This next session will focus on improving your presentation
• We will work through a series of presentation exercises that
will focus on various areas of facilitating a presentation

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What Are People Most Afraid Of?

• Speaking before a group 41%
• Heights 32%
• Insects and bugs 22%
• Financial problems 22%
• Deep water 22%
• Sickness 19%
• Death 19%
• Flying 18%

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Coaching by Objectives
• Each practice
• Specific and observable behaviors
• Video observation
• Group instruction will assist you
• Learn some new techniques to expand your facilitation

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Selecting the Delivery Method

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• This is your starting point – exercise 1
− Introduce yourself
− Name, position and responsibility:
− When you give a presentation how would you like people to see
you? (confident, professional, etc.)
− Cite a quality that describes talk delivery
− Briefly describe the work related area or subject you expect to be
instructing on the job

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• What is scanning?
• What might cause it to be problematic?
• What can we do instead of scanning?
• What are some benefits to our solutions?

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Initial Skills Practice

• Relate an experience you had communicating
• You have 90 seconds
• Look at page labeled exercise 2 for ideas

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Components of Communication

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Components of Communication

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Components of Communication

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Body Energy
• Gestures
• Posture
• Foot placement
• Body movement

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What Your Body Language Communicates

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Body Language

• Nervous • Calm
• Distracted • Focused
• Insecure • Confident
• Unconvincing • Credible

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What Do We Do with Our Hands?

• Pockets
• Behind back
• Prayerful position
• Clenched fists
• On your hips
• At your side
• Gesturing

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Vocal & Body Energy

• Relate a story you enjoy telling about yourself
• Choose a story with action so you can use gestures
• Describe the what, when, where and do so as vividly as
• Show us what happened using gestures

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Using Visuals
• Position your body
• Talk to the audience
• Look at your audience
• Breathe
• Point to the screen when you
are referencing a slide

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Questioning Techniques
• There are a variety of formats for questions. Some of the
most common are:
− Open
− Closed
− Directed
− Indirect
− Rhetorical
− Hypothetical

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Questions & Answers

• Raise hand (signal to audience that it’s Q&A time)
• Select
• Listen for issue
• Break visually
• Re-phrase
• Where do you end? Questioner or other?

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Things to Keep in Mind

• Have at least one learning objective for your presentation
• Please keep it to 15 minutes as we will have to stop even if
you are not complete
• If there’s confusion your audience checklist is in the
workbook for reference
• Have fun and don’t make it too difficult

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Thank You


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