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Tetracyclins 2020

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Names Natural՝ Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline Semisynthetic Methacycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline,

Properties Demeclocycline, Tigecycline

Target 30-S subunit of ribosome

Mechanism of action  blocking tRNA connection with ribosome

 preventing adding of new amino acids in the growing chain of synthesized protein
 form chelate complexes with Mg2+, Ca2+ ions, resulting in inhibition of different enzyme systems
 inhibit protein synthesis
Type of action bacteriostatic

Spectrum of action is broad Gram “+”, Gram “-“Cocci, Spirochetes, Bacillary and Amebic dysentery, Doxycycline is active
Pathogen of typhoid fever, intracellular pathogens. Especially dangerous infections, such against Helicobacter pylori
as plague, tularemia, brucellosis, cholera, borreliosis, siberian ulcer etc
Tigecycline tetracycline-
resistant strains, MRSA
and vancomycin-resistant

way of administration orally

Tetracycline can be Oxytetracycline is Doxycycline, Minocycline also i/v Tigecycline is poorly
used i/m used only topically absorbed orally and must
be administered
bioavailability 50% 100%

distribution  easily penetrate through the different tissues and serous cavities (synovial, pleural, ascitic fluids)
 placental barrier (shouldn`t be administered during pregnancy) and breast milk
 penetrate well into the cells, they are also active during intracellular infections.

BBB poorly cross blood-brain barrier even during meningitis (except Minocycline)
regim of administration The most prolonged action have Doxycycline and Minocycline, they are administered once in a day

excreted by kidney and liver

Doxycycline, Minocycline
excretion (90%) excreted by bile
Uses  Especially dangerous infections: cholera, plague, Siberian ulcer, brucellosis, tularemia, borreliosis
 Rickettsioses (typhus, Q-fever)
 Osteomyelitis, infectious arthritis (including gonococcal)
 Chlamydiosis
 Mycoplasma pneumonia
 Urogenital infections
 Skin and soft tissue infections, the antibiotic of the first choice is Minocycline
 Amebiasis
 Stomach ulcer disease (Doxycycline)
 skin and soft tissue infection, intra-abdominal infections, and community acquired pneumonia (Tigecycline)
Specific side effects  First of all, fast developing cells are affected, which is expressed by inhibition of hemopoiesis
(thrombocytopenia, leucopenia, anemia), spermatogenesis, as well as disturbance of intestines, skin epithelial
cell division (dyspepsia, erosions, ulcers, stomatitis, glossitis, malabsorption, dermatitis, photosensibilization
(except Metacycline.)
 Catabolic effect (hypotrophy, decreased resistance toward infections, neuromuscular transmission disorders).
 Hepatotoxicity.
 Disturbance of the development of teeth and bones. In children the syndrome of “tetracycline teeth” can be
observed, which is expressed at the age above 2 by eruption of yellow ”tetracycline” teeth with irregular shape
and localization and predisposition to caries development.
 Fast intravenous injection of Doxycycline may result in development of cardiac failure and collapse, the reason
of which is fast binding of Ca2+ ions.
 Increase of intracranial pressure and meningism among children of early age
 Vestibular ototoxicity, mainly typical for Minocycline
 Diabetes insipidus. Demeclocycline is an antagonist of antidiuretic.
 Teratogenic action
 Pseudomembranous colitis
Secondary resistance develops rather slowly and has a cross character
develops rather slowly and  Alterations of transporting mechanisms (decreased membrane permeability to tetracyclines) or acquisition of
has a cross character efflux pumps, pumping out antibiotic from the cell.
 Synthesis of protein, disturbing binding of tetracyclines to ribosomes.
 Production of tetracycline destroying enzymes, very seldom.

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