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(Answered) Final Revision G5 Unit 1

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Al Tamayuz in Science

G5th First Term

Prepared by
Dr/ Zeinab Salah
‫للتواصل وحجز مجموعات اﻷونﻼين على برنامج الزووم‬
Tel: 01014731686

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G5 Final Revision on unit 1 (answered)

Choose the correct answer:

1- Both plants and humans need …………. to survive.
a) Shelter b) air c) carbon dioxide gas d) soil
2- Green plants and animals are similar in ……………..
a) size b) structure c) growing d) moving
3- All the following structures exist in green plants, except
a) Stems b) fruits c) blood d) leaves
4- Plants can make their own food through the ………… process.
a) respiration b) digestion c) photosynthesis d) thinking
5- Green plants can absorb nutrients from the …………
a) Water b) soil c) air d) food
6- Without …………., plants can’t grow well and will die.
a) Sugar b) soil c) oxygen gas d) sunlight
7- ……………... and ………..….. are from the plant needs that help it make
a) Oxygen - water b) Sunlight - carbon dioxide
c) Water - earth worms d) Nutrients - oxygen
8- Green plants produce all the following substances during photosynthesis
process, except …………..…
a) oxygen gas b) carbon dioxide gas c) fat d) glucose
9- The plant placed in a dark room for a week will have…………...
a) green leaves b) long stem c) strong roots d) few leaves
10- Manufacturing of the plant food take place inside the ……of the plant.
a) Stems b) fruits c) roots d) leaves
11- Carbon dioxide gas enters the plant leaf through the ………….…
a) Chlorophyll b) stomata c) stem d) xylem
12- Photosynthesis process requires all the following, except ………....
a) water b) sunlight c) oxygen gas d) carbon dioxide
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13- ………… absorbs the sunlight during photosynthesis process.
a) Chlorophyll b) stomata c) stem d) xylem
14- The plant produces ……………... through photosynthesis process that
gives it the needed energy to grow.
a) oxygen gas b) water c) carbon dioxide gas d) sugar
15- The kind of stems that extend underground are called ………….….
a) climb stem b) tubers c) runners d) wood stems
16- …………….. plant has climb stem.
a) Potato b) Tomato c) Vine d)Pine
17- The human circulatory system includes all the following structures,
except the …………....
a) Heart b) Veins c) arteries d)Lungs
18- Food materials (glucose sugar) are transported from the leaves to other
parts of the plant through ………………
a) xylem b) phloem c) roots d) stems
19- Blood rich in carbon dioxide gas return back to the heart through …..
a) arteries b) veins c) lungs d) xylem
20- …………… system in plants consists of tubes that water and nutrients
move through it.
a) digestive b) Respiratory c)Transport d) Nervous
21- The system in human that moves blood in the human body is called
………….…. system.
a) digestive b) Respiratory c)circulatory d) Nervous
22- ……..…. help the plant's leaves to get water and nutrients from the soil.
a) Roots only b) Xylem only
c) Roots and xylem d) Xylem and stomata
23- Plants can produce new seeds by ………….…..
a) stem b) leaves c) flowers d) roots
24- The movement of seeds from a place to another is called ………….…
a) seeds germination b) seeds dispersal
c) seeds reproduction d) seeds growth

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25- All the following can help in seed dispersal, except …….……
a) wind b) human and animals
c) water d) soil and sunlight
26- From the ways of seed dispersal is floating on water as in ………………
a) tomato seeds b) coconut seeds c) maple seeds d) burr seeds
27- Seeds have spines, so they can ……………..
a) float on water b) travel by wind
c) stick to animal fur d) be eaten by animals
28- Which of the following living organisms can make their own food?
a) animals b) humans c) plants d) all the previous
29- All the following are ecosystems, except ……….…..
a) desert b) tundra c) rainforest d) space
30- Hawks get their energy by eating ………………...
a) plants only b) animals only
c) nonliving things d) plants and animals
31- Plants are from ................ that get their energy from the sun to produce
their food.
a) decomposers b) consumers c) producers d) nonliving things
32- Caracals obtain their energy by eating ………………..
a) shark b) grass c) mice d) butterfly
33- All the following living organisms can’t make their own food except …...
a) hawk b) pine tree c) mice d) butterfly
34- Fox feed on rabbit, so fox is considered as …………...…
a) producers b) preys c) predators d) decomposers
35- Living organisms that cannot make their own food are …………….
a) producers b) consumers c) decomposers d) b and c
36- All the following are types of food for primary consumers, except ……..
a) grasses b) seeds c) fruits d) eagles
37- Secondary consumers can eat only …………….
a) producers b) primary consumers
c) decomposers d) tertiary consumers

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38- Lion is from …………….….
a) producers b) grass eaters c) top predators d) decomposers
39- The predator in a food web usually eats more than one type of ………
a) producers b) consumers c) decomposers d) plants
40- The energy can flow directly from ……………..
a) a Grass to an eagle b) an ant to an eagle
c) a snake to an eagle d) an eagle to a snake
41- ……………… considered as consumer living organisms.
a) Humans b) Plants c) Animals d) a and c
42- All the following from decomposers, except ………….…….
a) bacteria b) fungi c) worms d) snake
43- All the following organisms are consumers, except ….
a) deers b) lion c) rabbits d) millipedes
44- The process which happens to all dead organisms is known as …….……
a) photosynthesis b) decomposition c) breathing d) reproduction
45- A hawk depends indirectly on ………..
a) grasses b) snakes c) foxes d) eagles
46- what is the correct order of a food chain?
a) Plant —> Hawk —> Snake —> Mouse.
b) Plant —> Mouse —> Hawk —> Snake.
c) Plant —> Mouse —> Snake —> Hawk.
d) Hawk —> Snake —> Mouse —> Plant.
47- Waste materials produced from millipedes and worms are rich in …….
a) water b) nutrients c) oxygen gas d d) carbon dioxide gas
48- We need more energy during …………..…….
a) sleeping b) listening to music c) watching T.V. d) physical exercises
49- If a rabbit dies in the desert, its body will ……………….
a) grow b) stay c) decompose d) freeze
50- Rabbits eat all the following, except …………..…….
a) grasses b) carrots c) seeds d) insects

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51- If all grasses were removed completely from an ecosystem, rabbits in
this ecosystem will ………………
a) increase b) decrease c) die d) not be affected
52- If there are no predators in an ecosystem. the other consumers will…….
a) increase b) decrease c) die d) not be affected
53- If there is no primary consumers in an ecosystem, the producers will…..
a) increase b) decrease c) die d) not be affected
54- All the following factors pollute the water, except ……….………
a) sunlight b) animals wastes c) human wastes d) plastic garbage.
55- If the amount of grasses increases in an ecosystem, this directly
increases the number of ………………………
a) caracals b) hawks c) rabbits d) lions.
56- All the following are top predators, except ………….……
a) hawks b) tigers c) butterfly fish d) lions.
57- When there is a gentle rain in a desert ecosystem, this ecosystem may
a) harmed b) improved c) destroyed d) collapsed.
58- Ecosystem can be effected by ……………
a) climate changes b) pollution c) human activities d) all the previous
59- The marine food web usually started with …………….
a) clam b) algae c) zooplankton d) parrotfish.
60- On extreme hot climate, the water of a lake …………………..
a) increases due to evaporation. b) decreases due to evaporation.
c) change into ice. d) has a lower temperature.
61- If the climate change is suitable, the population of a species will ………..
a) increases b) decreases c) die d) not change
62- In a food chain, the energy transfer from …………….
a) a predator to a prey b) a prey to a predator
c) a predator to a producer d) a consumer to a producer.
63- Healthy marine environment is important for survival of ……………..
a) humans b) lions c) fish d) deers.

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64- All the following are human activities that affect a marine ecosystem,
except ……………
a) flooding b) throwing human wastes
c) overfishing d) throwing plastic garbage.
65- Which of the following two living organisms don't have direct food
relationship between them?
a) Parrotfish and shark b) Butterfly fish and shark
c) Trigger fish and shark d) Eagle and shark.
66- Seabirds build their nests ……………………
a) on the water surface b) on the top of mountain cliffs
c) deep down into the sea d) deep down into the river.
67- The suitable habitat for microorganisms to survive is ……………....
a) hot water b) warm water c) cold water d) boiled water.
68- All the following may occur due to habitat loss, except ………………..
a) increasing of population b) decreasing of population
c) extinction of some organisms d) decreasing of resources.
69- Coral reefs are considered as resources of …………….
a) food only b) shelter only c) food and shelter d) food and pollution.
70- Algae in coral reefs provide food for ………… directly.
a) primary consumers b) secondary consumers
c) producers d)top predators
71- When water temperature increases, algae leave tissues of ……………..,
so they become bleached.
a) Seabirds b) coral reefs c) clam d) sharks
72- As a result of coral reefs bleaching, they will be ………….
a) increased b) enlarged c) survived d) died.
73- Both of sea turtles and …… are present in the same marine food chain.
a) deers b) jellyfish c) eagles d) tigers
74- When coral reefs ……. the seawater, they may ingest microplastics.
a) evaporate b) filter c) cool d) warm

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75- All the following processes show coral reefs in healthy conditions, except
a) growing b) bleaching c) reproducing d) filtration
76- Habitat restoration projects allow scientists to ……….. that occur to an
a) increase harms b) decrease harms
c) keep harms d) increase damages
77- The place in which we can take care of small pieces of coral until they
grow up is located in …………..
a) seas b) air c) deserts d) forests.
78- To reduce pollution, we have to replace white plastic forks with ….…
a) wooden forks b) black plastic forks
c) yellow plastic forks d) green plastic forks.
79- "Zero plastics" project that is applied in Egyptian coastal communities,
means that the using of plastic products decreases by …………………
a) 0% b) 10% c) 90% d) 100%

Complete the following sentences:

1- Different plants have three main common structures which are roots, stem,
and leaves.
2- Plant food is a kind of sugar called glucose that provides it with the energy
needed for growth.
3- Humans and other animals need to eat to get energy.
4- Plants need carbon dioxide gas and they produce oxygen gas through the
photosynthesis process.
5- The stem carries water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves of the
6- Soil is the source of water and nutrients which the plant need to make its
own food.
7- Some plants can grow without soil.
8- Transport system in the plant consists of two types of vessels which are
xylem and phloem.
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9- Water and nutrients move up the plant's stem through vessels known as
10- Phloem transports food from the leaves to all plant parts.
11- Human circulatory system consists of heart and blood vessels.
12- Heart in human circulatory system consists of four chambers which are
two atria and two ventricles.
13- There are three types of blood vessels in the human circulatory system
which are arteries, veins and blood capillaries.
14- Inside the leaves of the plant, sunlight allows carbon dioxide to combine
with water during photosynthesis process.
15- Apple trees have wood stem.
16- Shrubs have wood stems, while most flowers have upright stems.
17- Pine tree has narrow leaves look like needles.
18- Animals and humans need oxygen gas to breathe.
19- In plant's leaves, light energy from the sun is converted into chemical
energy during photosynthesis.
20- Sun is the primary source of energy for all living organisms on the Earth.
21- Human and animals get energy from food.
22- Nearly all of the producers on the Earth are plants.
23- Primary consumers are animals that eat plants.
24- Food web shows interactions between many living organisms.
25- Humans and other animals need to eat to get energy.
26- Producers get energy from the sun to produce their own food.
27- Consumer can eat plants or may eat another consumer.
28- Any food chain starts with plants (producers) and ends with decomposers.
29- Living organisms include producers, consumers and decomposers.
30- The interconnected food chains are known as food web.
31- The nutrients that resulted from decomposition and returned to the
ecosystem can be used directly by plants (producers).
32- Humans can eat producers and primary consumers.
33- The organisms that break down the remains of dead plants and animals
into nutrients that return to the ecosystem are called decomposers.
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34- Food web is the interconnected food chains that show many different
feeding relationships.
35- Scientists who work on restoration projects to have healthy habitat for
plants to survive are called ecologists.
36- Throwing plastic garbage and waste materials into a river cause water
37- Heavy rain causes floods which destroys desert ecosystems.
38- Seabirds eat small fish that swim near the water surface.
39- Removing plants in ecosystem negatively impacts primary consumers.
40- Microorganisms are producers that small fish feed on to get energy.
41- When the marine habitats are destroyed, the number of living
organisms in their food webs is decreased.
42- UV rays coming from the Sun, break down plastic wastes into small
pieces called microplastics.
43- Habitat loss is not only decrease marine population but also it is one of
the main causes of extinction.

Write the scientific term:

1- The living organisms that can make their own food. (Green plants)
2- The vital process that takes place in green plant to make them survive.
( Photosynthesis process )
3- A liquid substance that plants, animals and human need to survive. (water)
4- The source of energy that the plant uses to make photosynthesis. (Sun)
5- A part of the plant that supports its leaves and flowers. (Stem)
6- The part of the plant that absorbs water and nutrients from
the soil. ( The root )
7- The part of the plant that is responsible for fixing the plant in
the soil. ( The root )
8- Features in the plant's roots that help the plant to get more water and
nutrients. (Root hairs)
9- The part of the plant that is responsible for making its food. (Green leaves)
10- The stems that are extended above and along the ground. (Runners)
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11- Tiny openings in the plants leaves that allow gases to get into and out of
the plant. (Stomata)
12- Vessels carry glucose from the plant's leaf to all the plant parts. (Phloem)
13- It pumps the blood to all body parts and receives it again. (Heart)
14- Vessels that carry the blood rich in oxygen from heart to all body
cells. (Arteries)
15- Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to veins. (Blood capillaries)
16- Parts of the plant responsible for reproduction. (Flowers)
17- The process of producing new plants. (Reproduction)
18- A community that contains living organisms and nonliving
things. (Ecosystem)
19- Living organisms that both humans and animals need to
survive. (Producers or Plants)
20-The area that provides food, water and shelter to all living organisms
which live in it. (Ecosystem)
21-It is a model that shows one linear set of feeding relationships and energy
flow between living organisms. (Food chains)
22- They are consumers which feed on secondary consumers.
(Tertiary consumers)
23- The animal that is eaten by another animal. (Prey)
24- The consumer that hunts and eats another animal. (Predator)
25- A group of living organisms that can live on decaying
organisms. (Decomposers)
26- Organisms that represent the final link in the food chain. (Decomposers)
27- It is a process through which decomposers can recycle nutrients back into
the soil. (Decomposition process)
28- It is the harms that happen to air, water and soil due to human
activities. (Pollution)
29- A human activity that leads to decreasing the number of fish and
affecting many marine food webs. (Overfishing)
30- It transfers between animals in a food web, to help them do their activities
and survive. (Energy)

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31- The number of organisms of one type of species lives in an
area. (Population)
32- Increase or decrease in the number of organisms. (Population change)
33- They are organisms that are too small for people to see with only their
eyes. (Microorganisms)
34- It is a condition in which coral reefs turn completely into
white. (Coral bleaching)
35- A process of returning a habitat back to its natural state before harm was
done. (Habitat restoration)
36- It is an area in the sea, where scientists take care of small pieces of coral
until they grow up. (Nursery)

Put (√) or (x):

1- Plants, like human and animals, need oxygen gas only. (x)
2- Plants and humans need water and air to live. (√)
3- All plants need soil for growth of the seeds. (x)
4- Plants and animals are similar in the way of getting their food. (x)
5- Many plants need soil for growth the seeds, some don't. (√)
6- All plants have roots, stems and leaves. (√)
7- Each part of the plant has its own function. (√)
8- Plants need water and air only to grow. (x)
9- Stem of the plant absorbs water from the soil. (x)
10- Plant's stem has hairs that absorb oxygen gas from the air. (x)
11- Plants use the energy of the sunlight to make their own food. (√)
12- Photosynthesis process takes place in the plant root. (x)
13- Green plant can grow in a dark room. (x)
14- Roots of plants collect sunlight and carbon dioxide gas from air. (x)
15- Water and carbon dioxide are absorbed by plant's root to help the plant to
grow. (x)
16- Light is important for plants growth. (√)
17- A tree trunk is a type of stems called runners. (x)
18- Flowers have a kind of stems called upright stems. (√)
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19- At the beginning of germinating some bean seeds, they can grow without
soil or sunlight. (x)
20- The plant grows in the soil lower than on the paper towel. (x)
21- Xylems are smaller tubes that connect the stem to the leaf. (√)
22- Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of the plant. (√)
23- Human circulatory system consists of the heart and the lungs. (x)
24- Arteries are vessels in human circulatory system that carry blood rich in
carbon dioxide gas. (x)
25- Oxygen gas enters the human body through the two lungs. (√)
26- Blood moves in the human body in one direction. (√)
27- The reproductive parts of many plants are flowers. (√)
28- Plant's seeds are formed inside the flowers. (√)
29- There is only one way of seeds dispersal in nature. (x)
30- Human could be one of the ways of seed dispersal. (√)
31- There are some activities that don't need energy like listening to music. (x)
32- Birds eat insects as a prey to get their energy. (√)
33- There is only one type of ecosystem on the Earth. (x)
34- There is no interaction between the components of an ecosystem. (x)
35- Hawks, crocodiles and sharks are top predators. (√)
36- Producers don't need consumers to survive. (√)
37- In the decomposition process, the role of decomposers comes before the
role of scavengers. (x)
38- Hawk can get directly its needed energy by eating beetles. (x)
39- Birds are secondary consumers because they eat insects that feed on
plant. (√)
40- Predators of living organisms may be a prey for other living organisms. (√)
41- Food web made up of two food chains or more. (√)
42- Dead organisms don't need energy. (√)
43- In a food chain, the energy transfers from eagles to mice. (x)
44- There are some consumers that can eat both plants and animals. (√)
45- Nutrients that present in living organisms bodies returned to the
ecosystem after death. (√)

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46- The suitable ecosystem for plant community ecologists to do their
researches is natural area. (√)
47- Consumers and decomposers can get energy directly from the sun. (x)
48- Recycling of plastic wastes reduces pollution. (√)
49- If there is a heavy rain in a desert ecosystem, it will be harmed. (√)
50- If producers were removed from an ecosystem, the consumers will need to
move away. (√)
51- Food webs don't change if their surrounding environments get
changed. (x)
52- What is happening on land doesn't affect what is happening in marine
ecosystem. (x)
53- A desert food chain doesn't contain any type of fish or sharks. (√)
54- Overfishing is one of the human activities that affect the marine
ecosystem. (√)
55- It is better to recycle the waste materials than throwing them in rivers
and seas. (√)
56- Zooplanktons can make their own food by photosynthesis process. (x)
57- In a marine food web, there are many top predators like sea star and
sea urchin. (x)
58- Healthy habitats provide living organisms with clean air, healthy food,
water and shelter. (√)
59- Forest fire negatively affects the marine organisms. (x)
60- Pollution affects both of food resources and animal habitats. (√)
61- The flow of energy in food webs is not affected when the natural habitats
are destroyed. (x)
62- Both of jellyfish and sea turtle are consumers. (√)
63- When the temperature of seawater decreases, coral reefs receive more
algae. (√)
64- Coral bleaching occurs as a result of throwing plastic in seawater. (x)
65- Living organisms in seas and oceans cannot differentiate between real
food and plastic waste materials. (√)
66- Jellyfish can get its energy by eating the sea turtle. (x)

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67- If coral reefs are destroyed, many marine food chains will be
destroyed. (√)
68- Coral reefs depend on butterfly fish for food and shelter. (x)
69- Coral reefs are considered as a suitable habitat for sharks. (x)
70- It is better to keep natural resources healthy than applying restoration
projects. (√)
71- People near the coastal areas must replace cloth bags with plastic one. (x)
Correct the underlined words:
1- Respiration process helps the plant to make its own food. (Photosynthesis)
2- Oxygen gas is absorbed by plants' leaves to make photosynthesis
process. (Carbon dioxide )
3- When a plant is placed in sunlight, its leaves become pale green.
(dark green)
4- When the plant seed begins to grow and makes sprouts this process is called
reproduction. (germination)
5- Human can get their food from air and animals. (plants)
6- Each of xylem in plants and veins in human are two-ways vessels.
7- Veins carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients. (Arteries)
8- Human circulatory system consists of the lungs and blood vessels. (heart)
9- Many insects are considered as secondary consumers. (primary)
10- Decomposers are living organisms that depend on other living organisms in
their food. (consumer)
11- The first link in any food chain is a consumer. (producer)
12- It is better for any predator to depend on many species of decomposers to
get its energy and survive. (consumers)
13- The predator is the consumer eaten by another consumer. (prey)
14- Sheep feed on grass, so it considered as a tertiary consumers. (primary)
15- Decomposers always harm the soil. (benefit)
16- Recycling nutrients back to the ecosystem is the main function of the
consumers. (Decomposers)
17- The polluted water has a positive effect on coral reefs. (negative)
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18- Top predators are decomposers that present at the top of food
chains. (consumer)
19- Due to rising of water temperature, coral reefs turn completely into
green. (white)
20- Microorganisms are small pieces of plastics in the size of rice grains and
they cause harms to marine organisms. (Microplastics)

Choose from column (B) what suits it in column (A)

(A) (B)
1-Sunlight a)is absorbed by the roots of the plant.
2- Soil b) is necessary for plants to survive and grow.
3-Water c) is not a basic need for plant growth.
4-carbon dioxide d) a gas which is produced during photosynthesis.
5- Oxygen e) a gas which is the plant uses during photosynthesis.

1 2 3 4 5
b c a e d
Column A Column B
1- Chlorophyll a. Transport nutrients and water to the plant's leaf.
2- Phloem b. Allowing air to enter the leaf
3- Stomata c. Absorbing the sunlight of the sun.
4-Xylem d. Absorb nutrients from the soil.
5-Root hairs e. Transport food from the plant's leaf
1 2 3 4 5
c e b a d

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(A) (B)
1) Coconut seeds a) sticking to animal fur.
2) Maple seeds and dandelion seeds b) floating on water.
3) Burr seeds c) being eaten by animals.
4) Tomato seeds and apple seeds d) traveling by wind.

1 2 3 4
b d a c

Cross out the odd words:

1- Carbon dioxide gas — Water — Oxygen gas — Sunlight.
2- Roots — Stem — Leaves — Sunlight.
3- Green plant — Shelter — Water — Sunlight.
4- Heart – veins – xylem – arteries.
5- Plant – xylem – phloem – blood.
6- Producers – consumers – non-living organisms – decomposers.
7- Sunlight – consumers – glucose – photosynthesis process.
8- Fungi – snakes – millipedes – bacteria.
9- Lion – sharks – tigers – foxes.
10- Rabbit – sheep – bacteria – goat.
11- Eagle – hawk – rabbit – crocodile.
12- Pine tree – grasses – houseflies – apple tree.
13- Clam – sea urchin – zooplankton – algae.

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Give reasons for:
1- Photosynthesis process is important for plants to survive.
 Because it helps the plants to make their own food.
2- There is no life on Earth in the absence of plants.
 Because plants produce oxygen gas during photosynthesis process which is
important for all living organisms to breathe.
3- Roots have important role in photosynthesis process of plants.
 Because the roots help the plant to get water and nutrients from the soil.
4- Stomata are present on plant's leaves.
 To allow air pass through it.
5- Green plants can make their own food.
 Because they can make photosynthesis process.
6- Chlorophyll in plant's leaves has an important role in photosynthesis
 Because it absorbs the energy of sunlight that helps the plant to make
7- Circulatory system has an important role for human to survive.
 Because it transports blood and other fluids throughout the body.
8- Flowers are important parts for the plant.
 Because they produce seeds that help plants to reproduce.
9- Xylem in plant is a one-way vessel. (Xylem is important in plants)
 Because it carry water and nutrients from roots to leaves.
10- Seeds of maple or dandelion plants can disperse through wind easily.
 Because they are light seeds that can fly with wind easily.
11- Burdock seed can stick to animal fur.
 Because they are spiny seeds.
12- Sunlight is important for all living organisms.
 Because plants absorb sunlight to make their own food, then humans and
animals eat these plants.
13- Human needs to eat some animals and plants.
 To get energy and to do his activities.
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14- All the food chains begin with the producers.
 Because producers makes their own food by photosynthesis process.
15- All the food chains depend on sunlight.
 Because all food chains begin with producers that depend on sunlight to
make their own food.
16- Consumers depend on producers to get their energy.
 Because consumers cannot make their own food.
17- Soil fertility depends on decomposers.
 Because decomposers return nutrients of dead organisms back to the soil.
18- When the number of one species of consumers in an ecosystem increases,
they will die.
 Because they will not find enough food to eat.
19- Food webs can be destroyed due to pollution.
 Because pollution negatively affects all living organisms in food webs.
20- Death of algae may leads to moving sharks away to another place.
 Because sharks feed on different fish that feed on algae.
21- Plastics are very harmful to marine organisms.
 Because plastics are toxic and sharp.
22- Coral bleaching happens when the water temperature rises.
 Because when the water temperature raises the coral reefs get rid of algae
from their tissues.
23- Both of rising water temperature and ingesting microplastics are harmful
for coral reefs.
 Because rising of water temperature cause coral bleaching while
microplastics are toxic and sharp.
Tel.: 01014731686 18 ‫د ز ب صﻼح‬
What happens if.:
1- Plants can't get carbon dioxide gas from air.
 Plants can’t make their own food during photosynthesis process.
2- We put a green plant in a dark room for many days.
 Plant leaves will be yellow (or pale green).
3- We put a seed of bean in a wet soil for many days.
 It will germinate and grow well.
4- The plant stops making photosynthesis process for several days.
 It can’t make food and will die.
5- Plants can't produce glucose sugar during photosynthesis process.
 Plant can’t get energy to survive and grow.
6- We remove the flowers of a plant.
 Plant can’t produce seeds for reproduction.
7- A hawk is place in an ecosystem contain plants only.
 The hawk moves away to another ecosystem to search for food.
8- There is no sunlight reaches the Earth's surface.
 The plants cannot make their own food by photosynthesis process.
9- All types of decomposers are absent from an ecosystem.
(There is no decomposition process done on the Earth).
 Dead organisms will not be decomposed, and their nutrients will not return
back to the soil.
10- All primary consumers disappear from a certain food chain.
 The producers will increase while secondary consumers will move away to
another ecosystem to search for food or they will die.
11- The number of secondary consumers in an ecosystem decreases.
 The number of primary consumers increases.
12- The climate change is unsuitable for a population of one type of species.
 The population of this species will decrease.
13- The seawater in which coral reefs live becomes very warm.
 Algae will move away to cooler water and this causes the coral bleaching.

Tel.: 01014731686 19 ‫د ز ب صﻼح‬

Answer the following questions:
1- What are the main parts of plant?
 Roots, stem and leaves.
2- What are the basic needs for plant?
 Sunlight, water, nutrients and carbon dioxide.
3- Mention three ways of seed dispersal.
 Water, wind and living organisms.
4- Form a food chain by using the following living organisms :
a) (Lion – Grasses – Deer)
 Grasses → deer → lion
b) (grass – rat – hawk – snake)
 Grass → rat → snake → hawk
c) ( small fish – seabirds – bacteria – microorganisms)
 Microorganisms → small fish → seabirds → bacteria
d) (clam – sea star – algae – shark)
 Algae → clam → sea star → shark
e) (parrotfish – algae – coral reefs – shark)
 Algae → coral reefs → parrotfish → shark
5- Mention how we can decrease the using of plastic products?
 Replace the plastic forks with wooden ones.
 Replace the plastic bags with cloth ones.
 Recycle the plastic products instead of throwing them in the sea.

Tel.: 01014731686 20 ‫د ز ب صﻼح‬

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