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Qutub Shahis (1512-1687)

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QUTUB SHAHIS (1512-1687)

• In 1323 AD the Mohammedans set foot on the Telugu soil and established kingdoms.

• But in the 16th century, the notable reason for the rise of the Qutb Shahi government in
Andhra country was the decline of the Vijayanagara Empire after the death of Srikrishna Deva

• Andhra desham was broken in many ways.

• It was the Qutubshahis who united the whole of Andhra for the 3rd time (the first were the
Satavahanas and the second were the Kakatiyas).
Name of the poet Name of the book
1. Feroz Tasalnama
2. Quli Pursi Sanatnama Qutub Shahi
3. Mohammed Quli wrote books in urdu and qutub Shah (Sultan)
Persian languages.
His pen was Maani
4. Wajhi Qutub-e-Mustari and Laila-Majnu
5. Gawasi Thootnama
6. Ibn-e-Nishati Phoolban
7. Khurha Tariq-elchi-Nizamshah (persian language)
8. Alichin Taipoor Hadaikhul Salatin (written in persian language)
1. Quli Qutub Shah - 1512-1543 A.D
2. Jamsheed Subhan - 1543-1550 A.D
(Ruled only for 6 months in 1550 A.D)
3. Ibrahim Qutub Shah - 1550-1580 A.D
4. Mohammed quli qutub Shah - 1580-1612 A.D
5. Mohammed Qutub Shah - 1612-1626 A.D
6. Abdullah Qutub Shah - 1626-1672 A.D
7. Abul Hasan (Tanisha) - 1672-1687 A.D
• The post of Tarafdar is almost equal to Governor.
• After the fall of Bahmani kingdom, Quli qutub Shah founded an independent Golkonda
kingdom in 1513 A.D.
• Quli qutub Shah was not only a good administrator, but also a visionary.
• He used to spot the weaknesses of other states and took advantage.
• In 1529, after the death of Sri krishnadevaraya, the vijayanagara kingdom started to decline
with internal brickerings.
• Qutub Shah spotted this immediately and went into action.
• He fought battles with Sitapatiraju, who was called as 'Shitab Khan', a subordinate ruler of
Gajapati dynasty, defeated him and captured Orugallu, kambham (khammam) mettu,
Bellampally, kondapalli, Metuku (Medak), Panagallu, Kovilakonda and other forts and
expanded his kingdom tremendously.
• From then onwards he fought battles continuously and merged most of the Telugu regions.
• North of river krishna in his kingdom. Though he was shiat Muslim, he had given high level
posts to Hindus in his court.
• Araveeti Ramaraya worked as Qutub Shah's chief of army for some time.
• Shah gained popularity among the Telugu people and was called bondly as 'Bade Malik' (good
• In the end, Jamsheed, third son of Qutub Shah, murdered his father at the age of 90 years and
ascended the throne.

Jamsheed (1543-1550 A.D.)

• Jamsheed, who killed his own father to ascend the throne, was not liked by the masses.
Though he was a good administrator, he was also very cruel and brutal.
• Daulat and Ibrahim, his own brothers plotted against him but their coup was failed by
• Then Ibrahim fled to Vijayanagara Kingdom and lived in the underground for 5 years. In 1550,
Jamsheed died with a fatal disease, and Ibrahim came back to Golkonda.
• He murdered Subhan, the 2-year-old son of jamsheed Brutally and came to rule the Golkonda

Ibrahim Qutub Shah (1550-1580 A.D.)

• Ibrahim Qutub Shah was capable, courageous and also a good administrator.
• He was noted for his religious tolerance. As he lived in the vijayanagara kingdom for several
years he had become bond of the Telugu language and literature.
• He patronised a number of Telugu poets and was praised as 'Malkibharama'.
• He built a border wall around Golkonda fort, phoolbhag gardens, Ibrahim Patnam tank and
Hussainsagar (in Hyderabad). The first bridge over the river Moosi (existing today) in
Hyderabad was also built by him.
• The Golkonda kingdom flourished under his rule. He also protected people and their assets by
always maintaining law and order in the kingdom.
• Historian perishta praised him for this. He patronised several Telugu poets.

Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah (1580-1612 A.D)

• Mohammed Quli Qutub Shah, third son of Ibrahim came to rule after the death of his father.
• Though he was very young at 14 years by then, he was trained in all fields required to a ruler.
• He was a great scholar and wrote several books in Deccan urdu.
• He also would recite poetry in Telugu, though he did not write any books in that language.
• He suppressed revolts in the kingdom with the help and support of capable army officers and
always kept law and order.
• He patronised artists and scholars equally. The city of Hyderabad was built during his reign in
the year of 1591 A.D. (started). Later, he also constructed architectural wonders like charminar,
chaar kamaan, Jama Masjid, Darulshifa, Dadmahal, Gagan mahal and others in Hyderabad.
• He loved a woman named 'Bhagamati' and named the city on her name. That is the city of
Hyderabad, capital of Telangana today.
• But some historians say that it is not true (that he loved Bhagmati and named the city as
• He also employed Hindus in high level posts in his government.
• The charminar was built inmemorating the complete eradication of plague, which occurred in
Hyderabad during his reign.
• Sarangu Tammayya wrote the 'Vyjayanti Vilasam’, book during his rule only. Mohammed Quli
qutub Shah died in 1612A.D.

Sultan Mohammed Qutub Shah (1612-1626 A.D.)

• Mohammed Qutub Shah, son of the younger brother of mohammed quli qutub Shah
succeeded his uncle after his death.
• He was also a good administrator and a peace loving person.
• As he disliked battles, people lived happily under his rule, according to historians.
• He not only patronised poets, but also wrote poetry himself.
• There used to be several persian poets in his court. He also encouraged writing of scientific
books in persian language.
• Mohammed Mumeen wrote 'Risala Mikdariya' on weights and measurements and a doctor
called hakim Takimuddin wrote the book - 'Mijanut Tabai qutub shahi' during his reign.
• Mohammad qutub Shah was also very interested in constructing new buildings. He built the
Khairatabad Masjid in Hyderabad and also laid foundations to Mecca Masjid.

Abdullah Qutub Shah (1626-1672 A.D)

• Abdullah, eldest son of Mohammed qutub shah succeeded his father as the ruler of Golkonda
kingdom and ruled for 46 years continuously.
• But the decline of the kingdom started during his reign.
• He was only a 12-year-old boy when he ascended the throne. As he was still a child, his
mother Hayatbhakshi Begum ruled as his guardian.
• Under her control, corruption, and carelessness of employees increased and law and order
situation was frequently disturbed on one hand, Abdullah had become decadent and on the
other hand, the Moghul rulers started threatening the Golkonda kingdom.
• Shahjahan who had become the Moghul emperor in 1628, attacked the Golkonda kingdom
with all his might in 1636. Abdullah could not fight against him and made compromise.
According to them agreement
• Abdullah, ruler of Golkonda had become a subordinate king under shahjahan, the Moghul
• Abdullah agreed to pay 2.5 lakhs of Hons annually to shahjahan; and
• It was agreed that-in the Friday prayers in Masjids all over the Golkonda kingdom, the name of
the Moghul emperor would be mentioned instead of the persian emperor.
• Thus, the great Golkonda kingdom had come under the control of Moghul empire. Also,
during Abdullah's regime, the European companies started to act independently, not caring
for the opinion of the qutub Shahi rulers.
• The Dutch occupied santhan and the English stopped paying taxes in Machilipatnam and
chennapatnam. Abdullah sent Razak Kuli Neknam Khan, ruler of Karnataka region to suppress
the above revolts.
• Neknam Khan suppressed them capably, recaptured Santhan region from the Dutch and
collected taxes from the English: Abdullah died in 1672.
• Kshetrayya wrote his famous 'Movvapadalu' during the reign of Abdullah.
Abul Hasan (Tanishah) (1672-1687 A.D.)
• After the death of Abdullah, his third son-in-law Abul Hasan came to rule.
• The famous brothers Akkanna and Madanna held key posts in his court.
• Abul Hasan gave the title of 'Suryaprakasarao' to Madanna and appointed, him as Mirjumla
(Prime minister) in 1674 and later appointed Akkanna as chief of army (Sir Lashkar).
• Though Madanna served his master faithfully, he was adjudged as partial towards Hindus.
• He took a number of actions to protect the Golkonda kingdom.
• Kancharla Gopanna, who worked as the Tahsildaar of Palvancha Taluq and had later became
the famous 'Ramadasu' was the nephew of Akkanna and Madanna.
• He used revenue collections of the region to build the Sri Rama temple at Bhadrachalam. For
misappropriation of government money, he was imprisoned by Abul Hasan (Tanishah).
• Because of this, the name of Tanisha had become known all over the Telugu regions.
• In 1685, Aurangazeb sent army forces led by his son, to invade the Golkonda kingdom.
• As some officers of his own army betrayed him, the forces of Tanisha were defeated.
• Abul Hasan fled to Golkonda fort from Hyderabad and hide there.

• In the end, he made a peace agreement with the Moghul rulers.

• According to the conditions of the above agreement, Abul Hasan had to remove Akkanna and
Madanna from their posts.
• But as Tanisha delayed their dismissal, several Muslim leaders joined hands and executed the
brothers on the night of 34 March, 1686, while they were going home, after political
discussions with Abul Hasan.
• Their severed heads were presented to Aurangazeb. With this brutal incident, the Golkonda
kingdom further weakened.
• Auranagazeb took advantage of this and attacked the kingdom himself.
• Battle between the two sides began on 7 February, 1687 and continued for 8 months.
• The Golkonda army fought very courageously. But one of the army generals of Golkonda,
Abdulla Pani betrayed his master and opened the gates of the fort at midnight on 3rd October,
1687, through which the Moghul armies entered and caught the soldiers of the fort offguard.
• Though courageous soldiers like Abdul Razaq Harry fought hard, they failed to protect the
Golkonda fort.
• The Moghul armies occupied it, captured Abul Hasan and sent him to Daulatabad, where he
was imprisoned for 13 years and died in 1700 A.D. with him, the era of qutub Shahi dynasty
• The Qutub Shahis ruled for a total of 175 years with 7 rulers between 1512-1687.

• Their capital : Golconda.

• Founder of the Kingdom: Sultan Quli Qutb Shah

• Official Language : Persian

• Greatest one : Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah

• The last one : Abul Hasan Tanisha

• Builders of the city: Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah

 Hyderabad (1591)

 Charminar (1594)
• Foreign Traveller: Mir Zainul Abidin (Persia), during the reign of Sultan Muhammad Qutub
shah (1614)

• Travernier - During the time of Abdullah Qutub shah


Khajainul Phutu Mahafir:

• Amir Khushru
• Depicts conditions in the Deccan in the 14th century.

Tariq-e-Feristha (or) e-Ibrahimi ‘Gulshan' (Persian)

• Written by : Mohammed-Qasim-Ferishta

• Dedicated to: Ibrahim Adilsha

Hadiqatun-us-Salatin Qutb Shahi :

• Alibin-Taipur Bustani (Persian)


• Written by Khafi Khan (a contemporary of Aurangzeb)

• There is a description of the conquest of Golconda kingdom.

Tarikh-I-jafra by Giritharilal Hakheel

Sultan Quli Qutub-ul-Mulk (1512-43):

• He was the founder of the Independent Golconda Kingdom.

• He was from Persia, belong to HANDAM Dynasty.
• There exists 2 clans –
 AKUNELU (White Sheeps)
 KURUKUNEL (Black sheeps)
 Sultan belong to Kurukunel clan.
• Parents – Maryankhathoon, Adees Khuli
• Titles – Bade Malik ; Khawas Khan.
• He was defeated in the hands of Akunel clan and taken the asylum of Muhammed III.
• He was appointed as Tarafdar of Golconda in 1496.
• Declared Independence in 1518 AD, after the death of MD. Gawan.

• Vijayanagar Empire – Sri Krishna Devaraya

• Mughul Empire – Babar, Humayun

• He was defeated in the hands of Sri Krishna Devaraya in the battle of Goni.

• He gave importance to Telugu poets with the inspiration given from Bhattu Moorthi at

JAMSHID (1543 – 50)

• Murdered his father to come to the throne.

• He conspired against his brother Ibrahim Qutub Shah ( Tarfadar of Devarakonda, Bhuvanagiri).

• He was died of Cancer.

Ibrahim Qutub Shah (1550 – 80)

• 1st to receive Sultan Title.

• Father of Urdu Literature (Chasar of Urdu).

• He introduced a new religion – Charasia.

• He was a patron of Telugu Literature – Malkibha Rama.

• He developed Golconda as Egypt – II by developing the trade with Egypt and Arabia.

• The practice of donating precious stones to Poets, Scholars.

• Hussain Sagar was constructed after the name of his son – in – law (Hussain Nizam Shah)
• Participated in Battle of Tallikota, 1565 AD

• There were many Chatuvus in Telugu during the rule of Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah.

• He lived in Vijayanagaram for seven years and learnt Telugu and Sanskrit.

• He spoke fluently in Telugu and treated Telugu people with respect.

• He made enormous services to Telugu literature.

• He used to organize both Urdu and Telugu Mushairas (readings of poetry).

• He was the first poet to write Ghazals.

Telugu Poets
Addanki Gangadharudu

• Native place: Golkonda

• His real name was Korlapaati Sriramamurthy Gangadharaudu.
• He was the Court Poet of lbrahim Quli Qutb Shah

• Addanki Gangadharudu dedicated his "Tapathi Samvaranopaakhyaanamu' to lbrahim Quli

Qutb Shah and mentioned that the court of Malik was adorned with persons learned in Vedas
and Puranas.

• He was the first Telugu Poet who dedicated a Telugu Kavya to a Muslim ruler.
• His famous Vakyas:

 Chilaka Palukulu

 Nitya Kalyanam- Pachcha Thoranam

 Kadupu Challana

 Piluvani Perantam
Kandukuri Rudrakavi
• He belonged to Janardhana Kanduru village in Devarakaonda taluk of Nalgonda region
(according to B.N.Shastri).
Literary works:
 Sugriva Vijayam (First Yakshagaana in Telugu). It was dedicated to Lord Janardhana.
 Janardhanaashtakamu (First ashtakamu in Telugu) (It is a romantic poems book).
 Nirankusopaakhyaanamu- (First social Prabandha in Telugu. It was dedicated to Someswara)
 He wrote a Kamasutra named 'Smaradeepika'
 He authored the Shatakas- Baladari Shatakam, Guvvala Chenna Shatakam
• Ibrahim Quli Qutb shah granted Chintala Palem or Rentachintala agraharam in Nalgonda
district to Kandukuri Rudra Kavi.
• Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah met Rudrakavi when he was a royal agent at Devarakonda fort.
Ponnaganti Telaganaryudu
• Native place: Patancheruvu
• He was in the court of Ibrahim Quli Qutb shah.
• Telanganarya wrote Yayati Charitra (Earliest Accha Tenugu (Pure Telugu) poem in Telugu
• Subject of this poem is the marriage of a king named Yayathi with Devayani and Sharmishta.
• This poem was dedicated to Sardar of Patancheru Amin Khan, one of the vassals of Ibrahim
Quli Qutb shah.
Mariganti Singanacharyulu
• He belonged to Kanagallu village of Devarakonda region in Nalgonda district.
• Titles:
 Shathaghantaavadhaani
 Ashta Bhasha Kavithaa Vishaarada
• He was in the court of Ibrahim Quli Qutb shah.
• lbrahim Quli Qutb shah granted him Vaadapalli agrahaaram for his maintenance.
• Writings:
 Dasaradha Raja Nandana Charitra
 Seetha kalyanam
 Above two poems were dedicated to Lord Sri Venkateswara.
 Varadaraja Sthuthi
 Sri Ranga Shatakamu
 Ramakrishna Vijayamu
 Nala Yaadava Raghava Pandaveeyamu
Mariganti Jaganmadhacharyudu
• Title: Shataavadhaana Satha Lekhini Sarvabhouma
• Book: Sri Ranganatha Vilaasamu (Prabandha)
Bhakta Ramadasu

• Native place: Nelakonda Palli

• Real name - Kancharla Gopanna
• His Master - Ragunatha Bhattacharyulu
• He was the nephew of Akkanna and Madanna.
• Ramadasu authored Dasaradhi Shatakam and Ramadas Keerthanalu.
• Kabir das, the famous Saint philosopher of North India visited the native village of Kancharla
Gopanna and taught him the Rama Mantram. On this occasion, Gopanna sang the Keerthana,
'Taraka Mantramu korina dorikenu Dhanyudanaithini oranna'.
• Abul Hassan Tanisha got eternal fame in the field of Telugu Literature because of Kancharla
• Kancharla Gopanna composed many keerthanas in praise of Lord Sri Rama and became
famous as Bhakta Ramadasu.
• When Kancharla Gopanna was imprisoned in Golkonda, he had written many keerthans on Sri
Rama. Some of them are as follows:

 Paluke Bangaramayena Kodandapani...

 Ramachandrulu naapai chalamu chesinaaru..Seethamma Cheppavamma..
 Ee theeruga nanu daya choochedavo...
 Teliyakane mosapothini deva devudivani..Seetharama swami ne jesina nerambeni..
 Ikshvaku Kulathilaka ikanaina palukave..
 Nanu brovamani cheppave Seethamma thalli...
• The structures of Qutub Shahi period were of a composite type, a blend of Persian, Pathan
and Hindu styles.
• This architectural style was followed in the construction of monuments at Golkonda,
Hyderabad, Hayath Nagar, Vinukonda, Kambham and many other places.
• The Qutub Shahi architecture reached its zenith during the reign of Abul Hasan.
Main features of Indo-Persian style:
• Arcuate Style
• Arches in the place of pillars
• Decoration by using the images of birds, animals and flower motifs.
• Use of mortar
• Abdulla constructed Hayath Nagar after his mother. He built a palace in Hayath Nagar.
Tavernier described that it was as beautiful as a french palace.
• The Qutub Shah ruler gained eternal fame by the construction of Hyderabad city. Mohammad
Quli laid the foundations of the city on the banks of River Musi after a proper geometric
planning by Mir Mohammed Momin Astrabadi who was the architect of Mohammad Quli
Qutub Shah.
• Sultan Mohammad Qutub Shah laid the foundation of Mecca Masjid and its construction was
completed by Aurangzeb.
• Ma Saheba tank (Masab tank) was constructed by Maa Sahiba. (Maa-Sahiba was a title
endowed on Hayat Bakshi Begum, wife of Qutub Shahi Vl)
Structures by Sultan Quli Qutub Shah:
• Sultan Quli Qutub Shah, the founder of Golkonda or Qutub Shahi dynasty constructed
Golkonda fort in the middle of Bhagyanagar.
• During the Kakatiya reign, Golkonda was known as Gollalakonda.
• The unique feature of Qutub shahi forts was the construction of Palace- Fortress Complex.
• Masjid-i- Safa in Golkonda was constructed during his period.

Structures by Ibrahim Qutub Shah:

1. Ibrahim Bagh 5. Bridge on River musi (Purana Pul)

2. Phool bagh 6. Wall around Golconda Fort
3. Langar Houz 7. Hussain Sagar
4. Ibrahim patnam tank
Golkonda Fort
• Golkonda fort, the brilliant among the monuments of Telangana has a glorious history of many
• It denotes the culture of Telangana and the glory of Qutub Shahi rulers. Gol means 'round' and
Konda means 'Hillock'. The fort built on the round hillock is called as Golkonda.
• The original name of Golkonda was- Mankal (Gollakonda).
• This fort was first built by Kakatiyas and later developed by Qutub Shahis.
• This fort was fortified with massive granite rocks during the Qutub Shahi period.
• Golkonda fort, which was under the authority of Kakatiyas was ceded to Bahmani sultan -
Mohammad Bahmani as part of a treaty in A.D 1365 by Raja Krishna Dev, a feudatory of
• After the death of Sultan Mohammad Shah the Subahdar of Golkonda Sultan Quli Qutub Shah
established independent Qutub Shahi kingdom with Golkonda as the seat of power in A.D
• Golkonda fort has 8 gateways, the main gateway of Golkonda is Fateh Darwaja'
• This fort is built on a hilltop which rises about 400 feet high.
• According to historian named Ferishta, Golkonda was an international trading centre.
• It flourished as a trade centre of large diamonds and gems. Golkonda region had produced
most famous diamonds including the Kohinoor.
• Charminar was built based on the Minar Mosque in Golkonda fort.
• To serve as a warning note in case of enemy attacks, a handclap at the entrance reverberates
and can be heard clearly at the Bala Hisar pavilion at a height of 61 meters in the fort.
• Bonalu, the state festival of Telangana starts at Goddess Yellamma temple in Golkonda fort
during the first week of Ashada month and concludes at the same temple at the end of the
• To showcase the rich legacy of Telangana, the state government has been holding
Independence day celebrations at Golkonda fort.
 This tradition has been started by the honourable Chief Minisier KCR.
Purana pul
• Purana Pul means the Old Bridge". The earliest bridge constructed across river Musi was
Purana Pool. It is considered as the oldest bridge in the history of Hyderabad.
• Before the construction of Hyderabad city, Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah built Purana Pool in 1570s
to facilitate the movement of people of Karwan at Golkonda to other places by crossing river
• Tavernier was very much impressed by the beauty of Purana Pul called it the bridge of Love
and compared it with Pont Neuf bridge of Paris.
• According to a popular story, Sultan Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah's son Mohammad Quli used to
swim across river Musi every night to meet his soulmate Bhagamathi who was living on the
other side of the river at Chinchala village. On knowing this, the Sultan constructed Purana Pul
for the safety of his son.
Hussain Sagar Lake
• The tank bund of Hussain Sagar connects the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
• N.T.R. Garden, Lumbini park are present adjacent to Hussain Sagar and Necklace road is
surrounding the lake.
• The Qutub Shahi ruler Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah entrusted the responsibility of digging the lake
to quench the thirst of the people of Hyderabad to his nephew Hazrath Hussain Shah Wali.
• Hussain Shah successfully completed the digging of lake in 1562 AD and the lake built under
his supervision got the name of Hussain Sagar in his honour.
• A large number of people lock to the surrounding areas of Hussain Sagar in the evenings.
Boating facility is also provided by the Tourism department.
• The name Tank Bund was given by N.T.R. The tall monolithic statue of Gautama Buddha
standing on the Gibraltar rock in the middle of Hussain Sagar was sculpted by Ganapathi
Sthapathi and was installed by the initiation of N.T.R.
• Hussain Sagar Thermal power station was present in the place where Prasad's IMAX exists
today. The power station was demolished in 1995.

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