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Chapter 03

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1. The distance covered by a body in time ‘t’ starting from rest is:
(a) (b) vt (c) (d) at2
2. A particle, executing one dimensional motion, finally comes to rest, what will be the angle between acceleration and
displacement during motion:
(a) 0 (b)  (c) (d)
3. A machine gun fires ‘n’ bullets per second and the mass of each bullet is m. If v is the speed of each bullet, then the
force exerted on the machine gun is:
(a) mng (b) mnv (c) mnvg (d)
4. Two projectiles ‘A’ and ‘B’ are thrown with the same speed but at angles of 40 and 50 with the horizontal. The
horizontal range of ‘A’ will be:
(a) Equal to that of ‘B’ (b) Greater then that of ‘B’
(c) Less than that of ‘B’ (d) times that of ‘B’
5. In the absence of air resistance, a stone is thrown from P and follows a parabolic
path in which the highest point reached is T. The vertical component of
acceleration of the stone is:
(a) Zero at T (b) Greatest at T
(c) Greatest at P (d) the same at P as at T
6. The graph shows how the force acting on a body varies with time. Assuming that
the body is moving in straight line, by how much does its momentum change?
(a) 40 kg ms1 (b) 36 kg ms1
(c) 20 kg ms1 (d) 16 kg ms1

7. A ball takes ‘t’ second to fall from a height h1 and ‘2t’ second to fall from a height h2 then h1/h2 is:
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
8. If the range of a projectile is R, the potential energy will be maximum after the projectile has covered (from start)
distance equal to:
(a) (b) (c) R (d)
9. Two projectiles P and Q are thrown with the same speed but at angles of 40 and 50 with the horizontal, which
projectile will fall earlier:
(a) P (b) Q
(c) Both will fall simultaneously (d) Inadequate data
10. In case of an projectile, the velocity is perpendicular to acceleration during flight:
(a) Once only (b) Twice (c) Thrice (d) Four time
11. Newton’s 2nd law gives the measure of:

(a) Acceleration (b) Force (c) Momentum (d) Angular momentum
12. If the displacement of a particle is zero, then the distance covered:
(a) must be zero (b) cannot be zero (c) is negative (d) may or may not be zero
13. Vertical component of velocity of the projectile at any instant ‘t’ is given by:
(a) vi cos  (b) vi cos   gt (c) vi sin   gt (d) vi sin  + gt
14. A same force ‘F’ is applied respectively on two different mass m 1 and m2 moving with acceleration a 1 and a2 identify
their mass acceleration ratio:
(a) (b) (c) (d) All of these
15. As a rocket moves upward doing its job, its acceleration goes on:
(a) Increasing (b) Decreasing (c) Remains same (d) Zero
16. When water normally strikes a surface the force exerted by water on the wall is:
(a) F = mv (b) F= (c) F= (d) F=
17. If mass of a body becomes 4 times and velocity becomes half of its value then momentum of a body becomes:
(a) Remains same (b) Half (c) Double (d) Three times
18. A person can throw a stone to a maximum distance of 100 m. The greatest height to which he can throw the stone is:
(a) 100 m (b) 75 m (c) 50 m (d) 25 m
19. Newton’s third law concerns the forces of interaction between two bodies. Which of the following statements
relating to the third law is not correct?
(a) the two forces must be of the same type
(b) the two forces must act on different bodies
(c) the two forces are always opposite in direction
(d) the two forces are equal and opposite so the bodies are in equilibrium
20. Two bodies of masses m 1 and m2 fall from heights h1 and h2 respectively. The ratio of their velocities, when they hit
the ground is:
(a) (b) (c) (d)
21. Two bodies are projected at angle  and (90  ) to the horizontal with the same speed. The ratio of their times of
flight is:
(a) sin  : 1 (b) cos  : 1 (c) sin  : cos  (d) cos  : sin 
22. A stone is thrown upwards it returns to ground describing a parabolic path which of the following remains constant?
(a) Speed of the ball (b) Kinetic energy of the ball
(c) Vertical component of velocity (d) Horizontal component of velocity
23. The time of flight of a projectile is maximum when angle of projection is:
(a) 30 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 90
24. A body is thrown with a velocity of 10 ms1 at an angle of 60 with the horizontal its velocity at the highest point is:
(a) 7 ms1 (b) 9 ms1 (c) 18.7 ms1 (d) 5 ms1
25. A body is projected at an angle of 30 with the horizontal with momentum P. At its highest point, the momentum is:
(a) P (b) (c) P (d) P
26. A graph is drawn with force along y-axis and time along x-axis. The area under the graph represents:
(a) Momentum (b) Couple (c) Moment of force (d) Impulse
27. The displacement of a freely falling body is proportional to the:

(a) Time of fall (b) Square of time of fall (c) Mass of body (d) Square mass of the body
28. One ball is allowed to drop freely and the other is projected horizontally at the same time which ball will reach the
ground earlier:
(a) First ball (b) Second ball
(c) Both reach at the same time (d) None of these
29. For range of projectile to have maximum value, the function sin 2 should have value:
(a) (b) 45 (c) 0 (d) 1
30. The displacement time graph of a moving particle is shown. The instantaneous
velocity of the particle is negative at the point:
(a) C (b) D
(c) E (d) F

31. A ball of mass ‘m’ is thrown vertically upward. What is the rate at which the momentum of the ball changes?
(a) Zero (b) mg (c) Infinity (d) Date is not
32. A force time graph for a linear motion is shown in figure. The
segments shown are circular the linear momentum gained
between 0 and 8 second is:
(a) 2 NS (b) Zero
(c) 4 NS (d) 6 NS

33. Two stones thrown at different angles have same initial velocity and same range. If H is the maximum height
attained by one stone thrown an angle of 30, then the maximum height attained by the other stone is:
(a) (b) H (c) 2H (d) 3H
34. A projectile ‘A’ is thrown at an angle of 30 to the horizontal
from point ‘P’. At the same time another projectile B is thrown
with velocity v2 upward from the point Q vertically below the
highest point. For B to collide with A, should be:
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) (d) 4

35. A particle of mass m moving with a velocity v strikes a wall and rebounds back. If the magnitude of the velocity is
unchanged, the magnitude of force exerted on the wall by the particle during the time of contact (t) will be:
(a) Zero (b) mvt (c) (d)
36. Conservation of linear momentum is equivalent to:
(a) Newton’s 1st law of motion (b) Newton’s 2nd law of motion
(c) Newton’s 3rd law of motion (d) None of the above
37. A body of mass m having an initial velocity v, makes head on elastic collision with a stationary body of mass M.
After the collision, the body of mass m comes to rest and only the body having mass M moves. This will happen
only when:
(a) m >> M (b) m << M (c) m=M (d) m= M
38. A ball of mass m travelling with velocity 5v collides with and sticks to a ball of mass 5 m travelling in the same
direction with velocity v. Their common velocity after the collision is:

(a) v (b) (c) (d)
39. In a one-dimensional elastic collision, the relative velocity of approach before collision is equal to:
(a) Sum of the velocities of the bodies
(b) e times the relative velocity of separation after collision
(c) 1/e times the relative velocity of separation after collision
(d) relative velocity of separation after collision
40. The quantities remaining constant in an elastic collision are:
(a) Momentum, kinetic energy and temperature (b) Momentum and kinetic energy but not temperature
(c) Momentum and temperature but not kinetic energy (d) Momentum, but neither kinetic energy nor temperature

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