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PHY1105 Course Outline

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Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST)



1. Title: Physics I

2. Code: Phy 1105

3. Credit hours: 3.0

4. Level: 1st Year 1st Semester

5. Faculty: Engineering

6. Department: Arts & Sciences

7. Programme: B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

8. Synopsis from the Approved Curriculum:

Waves and Oscillations: Simple harmonic motion, Differential equation of simple harmonic
oscillator, total energy and average energy, combination of simple harmonic oscillations,
spring mass system, torsional pendulum; two body oscillation, reduced mass, damped
oscillation, forced oscillation, resonance, vibrations of membrances and columns, progressive
wave, power and intensity of wave, stationary wave, energy calculation of progressive and
stationary wave, group and phase velocities, sound waves- Doppler Effect, Sabines formula,
architectord acoustics.
Optics: Defects of images: Spherical aberration, astigmatism, coma, distortion, curvature,
chromatic aberration, theories of light, Haygen’s principle; Interference of light: Young’s
double slit experiment, displacement of fringes and its uses, Fresnel bi-prism, interference in
thin film, Newton’s rings, interferometers; Diffraction: Diffraction by single slit, diffraction from
a circular aperture, resolving power of optical instruments, diffraction at double slit and N-slits,
diffraction grating; Polarization: production and analysis of polarized light, Brewster’s law,
Malus law, polarization by double refraction, Nicol prism, optical a polarimeters, optics of
crystal optical effect in crystal, laser, nonlinear optics.
Thermal Physics: Heat and work, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, thermometer,
thermocouple, the first law of thermodynamics and its applications; Kinetic theory of gases-
kinetic interpretation of temperature, specific heats of ideal gases, equipartition of energy,
mean free path, work done by gas, isothermal and adiabatic relations, vandar waal’s equation
of state, Maxwell’s distribution of molecular speeds, reversible and irreversible processes,
Carnot’s cycle, second law thermodynamics, Carnot’s theorem, entropy, thermodynamic
functions, Maxwell relations, Clausius and Clapeyron equation.
9. Type of course (core/elective): Core

10. Prerequisite(s) (if any): n/a

11. Name of the instructor(s) with contact details and office hours:

Name of the Instructor: Md. Salim Hossain

Room: 5A01
Phone: 01732168592
Office hour:

12. Semester Offered: Spring’20

13. Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Program Outcomes (POs) and Blooms
Taxonomy level:

Sl. Bloom’s
No. POs Taxonomy
By the end of the semester, students are expected to C A P
1 Explain the concepts of Simple harmonic motion and 1 2
wave motion, the cause of defects of images and
corrections, theories of light, optical phenomena such as
interference, diffraction and polarization, different
thermometers, temperature, specific heats of ideal
gases, equipartition of energy, mean free path, work
done, ideal gas correction, thermodynamic processes,
thermal conductivity and thermodynamic laws.
2 Establish the relation between parameters in waves and 1 3
oscillations, optics and thermodynamics.
3 Solve problems that involve waves and oscillations, 1 3
optics and thermodynamics.

14. Percentages of Assessment Methods

Method Percentage
Class Performance 10
Quizzes 20
Final Examination 70
15. Week wise distribution of contents and assessment methods
Week Course Contents Assessment
Waves & Oscillations:
1 Periodic motion, Oscillation, Simple harmonic motion (SHM), Phase, Quiz-1
Time period and Frequency of SHM, Differential equation of SHM,
Displacement, velocity and acceleration of an oscillating particle and
their variations with time, Energy consideration of SHM, Applications
of SHM (Simple pendulum, Torsional pendulum, LC circuit, Two body
oscillation), Reduced mass,
2 Combination of SHM, Lissajous’ Figures, Vibrations of membranes
and columns. Damped harmonic oscillation.
3 Differential equation of damped harmonic oscillation and its solution,
Forced oscillation, Differential equation of forced oscillation and its
solution, Resonance.
4 Types of waves, Progressive wave, power and intensity of wave, Quiz-2
Energy calculation of progressive wave, group and phase velocities,
5 Stationary wave, Energy calculation of Stationary wave. Sound
waves, Doppler effect, Architectural acoustics, Reverberation time,
Sabine’s formula, Requisites of a good auditorium.
6-7 Theories of light, Huygens’ principle, Coherent sources, Phase Quiz-3
difference & Path difference, Interference of light, Young’s double slit
experiment, Fresnel bi-prism, Interference in thin film, Newton’s rings.
8 Diffraction: Fresnel & Fraunhofer diffraction, Diffraction by single slit,
diffraction from a circular aperture, resolving power of optical
instruments, diffraction at double slits and N-slits, diffraction grating.
9 Polarization: production and analysis of polarized light, Brewster’s
law, Polarizer and Analyzer, Malus Law, Polarization by double
refraction, Nicol prism, optical activity, Polarimeters, optics of crystal,
optical effect in crystal, laser, nonlinear optics. Defects of images:
Spherical aberration, astigmatism, coma, distortion, curvature,
chromatic aberration.
Thermal Physics:
10 Temperature, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Thermometers, Quiz-4
11 Kinetic theory of gases, Kinetic interpretation of temperature,
Equipartition of energy, Specific heats of ideal gases, Mean free path,
work done by gas.
12 First law of thermodynamics & its applications, Thermodynamic
processes, Isothermal and adiabatic relations, Van der Waals’
equation of state.
13 Second law of thermodynamics, Maxwell’s distribution of molecular
speeds, Reversible & Irreversible processes, Carnot cycle, Efficiency
of heat engine. Carnot theorem, Entropy, thermodynamic functions,
Maxwell’s relations, Clasusius and Claypeyron equation.
14 Review classes
16. References

1. List of Books
Sequence : (Name of Author(s), Name of book, Edition, Publisher)
 David Halliday, Robert Resnick & Kenneth S. Krane Physics (4th
edition, volume 1 extended) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
 Dr. Giasuddin Ahmed Physics for Engineers, Hafiz Book Center
Dr. Tafazzal Hossain Waves & Oscillations (2nd Edition) Rainbow
Book Mall
 N. Subrahmanyam , Brij Lal Waves & Oscillations (2nd Edition)
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Reference (s)  BrijLal, N. Subrahmanyam A Text Book of Optics (22nd Edition) S.
Chand & Company Ltd.
 Ajoy Ghatak Optics
 BrijLal, N. Subrahmanyam Heat and thermodynamics (16th
Edition) S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Dr. Tafazzal Hossain A Text Book of Heat (2nd Edition) Rainbow
Book Mall

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Signature: Signature: Signature:

__________________ __________________ __________________

Name: Md. Salim Hossain OBE Program Coordinator, Head of the Department,
Assistant Professor Department: Arts and Department of Arts &
Department: Arts & Sciences Sciences Sciences
Date: Date: Date:

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