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Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

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Environmental and economic impacts of photovoltaic integration in

concentrated solar power plants
D. Costa a, b, *, S. De Regel a, b, G. Espadas-Aldana a, b, H. Laget c, R. Kishore d, Y. Meuret d,
F. Duerinckx b, e, f
Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium
EnergyVille, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk, Belgium
AZTEQ, Thor Park 8300, 3600 Genk, Belgium
Light and Lighting Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), KU Leuven, Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Imec division imo-imomec, Thor Park 8320, 3600 Genk, Belgium
Hasselt University, Wetenschapspark 1, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium


Keywords: This study conducted an environmental and economic assessment of an innovative hybrid energy generation
Concentrated solar power (CSP) system, a CSP+ plant, which integrates photovoltaic (PV) panels in a concentrated solar power (CSP) setup. The
Photovoltaic (PV) CSP+ concept uses a beam splitter that transmits part of the incident solar spectrum towards the PV cells for
Life cycle assessment (LCA)
electricity generation and reflects ultraviolet and infrared light to the receiver tube for heating. This system
Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE)
Levelized cost of heat (LCOH)
allows more efficient use of solar radiation in a compact system with optimal efficiency.
The environmental impacts were assessed using the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, focusing on the
climate change impact category. The economic impacts were calculated using the levelized cost of electricity
(LCOE) and the levelized cost of heat (LCOH). Both assessments considered a cradle-to-grave perspective in three
scenarios (SC). SCI considered only electricity generation, while SCII involved the combined production of
electricity and heat. These scenarios were compared to conventional CSP and PV technologies (SCIII) and
benchmark values from the literature.
The LCA results showed SCII was the most preferable: the impacts on climate change were reduced by up to
83% for electricity production and up to 97% for heat production compared to benchmark values. In SCII, the
LCOE and the LCOH in the CSP+ plant were lower than the average benchmark values, with reductions of up to
70% for electricity and 40% for heat. The sensitivity analysis showed that the environmental performance was
strongly influenced by the operating lifetime. For economic performance, the weighted cost of capital was the
most influential factor.

List of acronyms List of acronyms (continued )

OCDE Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
CSP Concentrated solar power O&M Operation and maintenance
CST Concentrated solar thermal PEFCR Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules
DHI Diffuse horizontal irradiance PERC Passivated emitter and rear cell
DNI Direct normal irradiation PV Photovoltaic
EoL End of life SC Scenario
GHI Global horizontal irradiance Si Silicon
IR Infrared sc-Si Single-crystalline silicon
LCA Life cycle assessment UV Ultraviolet
LCI Life cycle inventory WACC Weighted average cost of capital
LCOE Levelized cost of electricity
LCOH Levelized cost of heat
(continued on next column)

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Costa).
Received 6 February 2024; Received in revised form 10 April 2024; Accepted 15 April 2024
Available online 26 April 2024
0038-092X/© 2024 International Solar Energy Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

1. Introduction generate electricity in a conventional power cycle [55,57]. The thermal

energy storage system in the plant provides a buffer against immediate
Increased energy generation via renewable sources, particularly fluctuations of solar radiation, thus extending the duration for which
solar energy, is critical to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal [45], energy can be supplied [47]. Therefore, a CSP plant can work at full load
according to which Europe will be the first climate-neutral continent by for several hours without sunlight, and its operation can be compared to
2050 [19]. Concentrated solar power (CSP) and concentrated solar conventional power generation plants.
thermal (CST) are technologies for generating electricity and heat from The CSP+ project is based on hybrid power demonstrator plants that
solar energy, respectively. CSP plants have evolved considerably and are combine photovoltaic (PV) and CSP systems. Even though other con­
attracting increasing interest since they are independent of fuels and cepts integrating PV and CSP exist [32,42,51], the CSP+ concept
have low operating costs [1]. However, even though the installed ca­ (detailed in Section 1.1) innovates by integrating PV cells within the
pacity of CSP plants has increased in recent years [37], few studies in the mirrors of the CSP plant structure. Integrating CSP with a PV system
scientific literature have addressed the environmental and economic leverages the strengths of both technologies to improve the reliability
impacts of CST or CSP plants. and efficiency of the system. Such integration allows for more consistent
In CST and CSP plants, the solar radiation is concentrated on a solar power generation throughout the day since CSP can generate power
receiver, heating a transfer fluid. The resulting heat can either be used during periods of low solar radiation, complementing the intermittent
directly in CST plants or, in the CSP case, transferred to steam [47] to PV generation and leading to a more stable and reliable power output

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of the proposed CSP+ approach (a) cross-section of the photovoltaic system (b). Legend: IR – infrared, NIR – near-infrared, UV – ul­
traviolet, and VIS – visible.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

from the integrated plant. The synergy between CSP and PV could be a cradle-to-grave system boundaries are shown in Fig. 2. For the envi­
breakthrough technology for the CSP industry and support the decar­ ronmental and economic assessment, the production of electricity and
bonization of the energy mix in Europe, moving towards achieving net heat by the CSP plant is analyzed and compared with conventional
zero carbon emissions by 2050. technologies for environmental and economic impacts. The considered
However, to fully understand the implications of the CSP+ concept, scenarios and functional units are defined below:
this study investigates its environmental and economic performance
from a life cycle perspective. For that, the life cycle assessment (LCA) • Scenario I (SCI): production of 1 MWh of electricity in the CSP+
method is employed to support a robust assessment of the environmental plant.
performance of products and processes. The levelized cost of electricity • Scenario II (SCII): production of 1 MWh of energy (heat and elec­
(LCOE) and the levelized cost of heat (LCOH) are calculated for the tricity) in the CSP+ plant. In this scenario, an allocation based on
economic assessment. Two locations are considered, namely Belgium energy content is conducted since heat and electricity are produced
(Ostend) and Spain (Seville). The economic and environmental perfor­ in the same plant.
mance of electricity and heat production at the CSP+ plant are • Scenario III (SCIII): production of 1 MWh of electricity in a con­
compared to conventional CST and PV systems and with benchmark ventional PV system without a tracking system and 1 MWh of heat in
values from the literature. In addition, a sensitivity analysis is carried a conventional CST plant.
out to identify parameters affecting the environmental and economic
performances. 2.2. Energy output

1.1. The CSP+ concept and innovative aspects The energy output per scenario is calculated based on the average
monthly day, considering solar irradiation data from EnergyPlus [16].
The CSP+ concept combines a parabolic trough concentrated solar This dataset comprises hourly direct normal irradiation (DNI), global
power plant with PV cells and a central receiver tube to generate thermal horizontal irradiance (GHI) and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) for a
and electrical energy in a compact system with optimal efficiency. An typical day in any given month. These values are used to calculate the
innovative aspect is that the parabolic structure contains a 13-layer average yearly DNI for Ostend and Seville as 746 kWh/m2 and 1773
optical coating (alternating titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide kWh/m2, respectively. The average yearly GHI values for Ostend and
layers) and PV cells instead of the silver mirror coating used in con­ Seville were calculated to be 1039 kWh/m2 and 1776 kWh/m2,
ventional CSP systems (Fig. 1). Together with the encapsulant layers and respectively. The energy output (electricity and heat in the CSP+ plants
the two glasses, this makes up the complete CSP+ parabola. In the CSP+ in SCI and SCII) is based on simulations (described in Section 2.2.1). For
system, the reflective layer in the parabola is a dichroic mirror, which is these simulations, the complete hourly datasets with actual solar posi­
transparent to a part of the light spectrum. The parabolic mirrors reflect tions are obtained from the Python library Astropy [62,63,64]. The
the incoming solar light onto a central focal line, in which a receiver energy outputs for electricity and heat production in conventional CST
tube is placed, which captures the light and transfers the heat to the heat and PV systems are described in Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, respectively.
transfer fluid flowing through the pipe.
Another innovative aspect is that the dichroic mirrors split the sun­ 2.2.1. CSP+
light spectrum, transmitting the visible part of the spectrum to the PV Fontanot et al. [26] present the detailed system design and the
cells for electricity generation while reflecting ultraviolet (UV) and modelling framework of the comprehensive multi-physics model
infrared (IR) light, which PV cells cannot efficiently use, to the receiver developed to predict electrical and thermal energy production in CSP+
tube for heating. By separating the incoming light, each system receives systems. Multi-physics modelling for PV modules is a well-established
the wavelengths for which its efficiency is the highest. Another inno­ domain [59], while equivalent models for hybrid CSP and PV systems
vation is that the PV cells mounted behind the dichroic mirror are are scarce [71]. Even within the subset of hybrid CSP and PV systems
bifacial. Therefore, the PV system uses direct and diffuse sunlight incorporating beam-splitting coatings, the designs in the existing liter­
transmitted through the dichroic coating and light reflected from the ature have considerable variations. The modelling framework considers
surroundings falling onto the rear of the parabola. For the bifacial PV various aspects, including optical, thermal, and PV elements, and in­
cells sandwiched between the two glasses, passivated emitter and rear corporates long-term weather monitoring data for accurate predictions.
cells (PERC) were chosen. Mono-Si modules based on PERC cells are The energy output of the CSP+ system in SCI and SCII is based on this
mass-produced by various manufacturers and are the dominant tech­ modelling framework, which comprises thermal and electrical models.
nology for PV solar panels today [67]. For SCI, all the heat is used for electricity generation, i.e., the thermal
conversion factor is 100%. In this scenario, where only electricity is
2. Methodology produced, the thermal-to-electricity conversion efficiency, equivalent to
the Rankine cycle efficiency of the power block, is assumed to be 25%.
The description of the assessed systems and their energy output is This value is aligned with other values previously reported [6,51].
presented in Sections 2.1 and 2.2. For the assessment of environmental The input to these models comes from an optical model, which
impacts, the LCA methodology was applied (Section 2.3). The life cycle supplies the spectral irradiance distribution on the front and back of the
inventory (LCI) is presented in Section 2.4. For the assessment of eco­ parabolic trough to the electrical model, while the thermal model sup­
nomic impacts, the LCOE and the LCOH were used (Section 2.5). A plies the optical power distribution on the thermal receiver tube. The
sensitivity analysis was conducted for both assessments (Section 2.6). optical model computes the spectral irradiance via optical ray tracing
over the entire parabolic trough. A single degree of freedom for tracking
2.1. System description the sun is considered, such that the trough is rotated in a plane
orthogonal to the focal line. The DNI and DHI are functions of the
The CSP+ system corresponds to pilot plants that are not connected geographical location and the time of the year. The spectrum used is the
to the energy grid. For this study, plants were considered to be installed standard AM 1.5 solar spectrum from the ASTMG-173 spectra [53]. The
in Ostend, Belgium and Seville, Spain. The CSP+ plant lifetime is 25 transmittance and reflectance of the dichroic mirror coating are func­
years. The plants are based on modular segments with dimensions of 12 tions of the angle of incidence and wavelength. The ray tracing software
m x 5.77 m aligned in rows. This study considers a plant with 10 seg­ used for this purpose can calculate the transmittance and reflectance of
ments and one row at both locations. The system can be divided into CSP the coating provided by the coating design [65]. The daily solar posi­
and PV parts for modelling purposes, as presented in Section 2.3. The tions corresponding to the irradiance data are used in the geometrical

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

Fig. 2. System boundaries for all scenarios. Legend: CSP – concentrated solar power, CST – concentrated solar thermal, EoL – end of life, O&M – operation and
maintenance, PV – photovoltaic, SC – scenario. The orange box represents the CSP part of the CSP+ system (SCI and SCII) and the CST (SCIII). The green box
represents the PV part of the CSP+ system (SCI and SCIII) and conventional PV in SCIII. Light lines represent sub-stages. Dashed lines represent sub-stages that are not
considered in SCIII. Blue boxes represent the assessed scenarios.

calculations. The effect of the DHI is modelled by considering the diffuse 2.2.3. Photovoltaic cells
source to be a Lambertian hemisphere. The ground is also considered to To determine the total electricity output generated (EPV− out ) by the
be a Lambertian plane, and albedo values specific to the ground type are conventional bifacial PV panels in SCIII, Equation (2) is used [56]. This
considered to model the reflection. approach is based on existing guidelines for the LCA of PV systems [28],
The electrical model is a physic-based simulation framework that and the reference performance ratio of 0.75 MJ/MJ already includes the
uses a single diode model and the thermal properties of the PV cells to annual degradation rates. The energy output is calculated based on the
derive the current–voltage characteristics and the system’s power GHI from Ostend and Seville, cell area, efficiency, and concrete albedo.
output [30]. The electrical model output consists of the hourly electrical
EPV− = GHI × APV × ηPV × PR × t × (1 + Al) (2)
power, while the thermal model output consists of the hourly thermal out

power, outlet temperature and mass flow rate of the heat transfer fluid in
Where: EPV− out is the electricity output; GHI is the location-specific
the thermal receiver. Both simulated energy outputs are resolved hourly
global horizontal irradiation in kWh/m2yr; APV is the surface area of
for a typical day of each month.
the PV modules in m2; ηPV is the module efficiency in % under standard
The thermal model enables calculating the temperature distribution
test conditions, i.e., per 1000 W/m2; PR is the initial performance ratio
of the thermal receiver tube and the heat transfer fluid along the tube
(excluding degradation due to ageing); t is the lifetime of PV modules in
length using a steady-state energy balance. The temperature distribution
years; and Al is the albedo in %.
is then used to calculate the thermal power output. Heat losses are
assumed to be only radiative to the environment at 25 ◦ C. A uniform
heat flux is considered along the entire tube. The Gnielinski correlation 2.3. Life cycle assessment
[29] describes the convective heat transfer to the heat transfer fluid. The
properties of the heat transfer fluid are considered dependent on the The LCA follows the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards [39–40]
temperature. and is conducted in four steps: goal and scope definition; life cycle in­
ventory collection; and life cycle impact assessment. The goal of the
2.2.2. Conventional CST plant attributional LCA is to assess the impacts of electricity and heat pro­
To determine the heat generated in a conventional CST plant in SCII, duction on climate change from cradle to grave. The scenarios, system
the calculation of the total heat (ECSP− h ) follows Equation (1) [6]. The boundaries, geographical scope, and function units were previously
calculation of the ECSP− h is based on the DNI. The ηh,CSP was measured described in Section 2.1.
empirically in the pilot plant and corresponds to 45%.
ECSP− = DNI × ηh,CSP × ACSP (1) 2.4. Life cycle inventory

Where: ECSP− h is the total heat output in kWh/yr; DNI is the direct To compile the LCI, all inputs and outputs from raw material
normal irradiation in kWh/m2yr; ηh,CSP is the solar-to-heat efficiency in extraction, manufacturing, use phase, and end of life (EoL) treatment are
quantified [39–40]. The foreground LCI data for the CSP+ plant was
%; and ACSP is the solar field aperture in m2.
compiled with primary data for the environmental and economic as­
sessments provided by the project partners. The source of background
data was the ecoinvent database version 3.9, system model cutoff [68].

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

As referred, the CSP+ concept can be divided into a CSP part (Section heat exchangers with cooling towers, and steam turbine generators as
2.4.1) and a PV part (Section 2.4.2). These sections also present the LCI the main systems. The secondary LCI consists of a hot and cold two-stage
for the conventional CST plant and the conventional PV system. Sections nitrate salt thermal storage system for heat storage. The storage tanks
2.4.3 and 2.4.4 describe operation and maintenance (O&M) as well as are designed for 3 to 6 h of storage time. This system includes nitrogen
plant decommissioning stages. pressure vessels, storage tanks, pumps, pipes, electrical wiring, insu­
lation, concrete, and paint works.
2.4.1. Conventional CST and CSP+ components
The modelling of the CSP part of the CSP+ plant is assumed to be 2.4.2. Photovoltaic cells and panels
equivalent to the conventional CST system in SCIII. The land occupation The CSP+ plant comprises the PV cells incorporated in the segment
is assumed to be that of an industrial plant. The land use of the CSP+ mirrors. So, for the PV cells in the CSP+, the land use is equivalent to the
plant is twice the area of the total number of segments, with the area of CSP component, following the estimates previously described. For the
one segment equivalent to about 69 m2. The components of the CSP+ conventional PV panels (SCIII), the land use requirement is assumed to
part are the solar field equipment (comprising the foundations, receiver be equivalent to the total required area, which is assumed to be 7 m2/
structure, mirror and coating), the heat transfer system, the thermal kWp [54].
energy storage system, and the power block. These components are The mirrors referred to in Section 2.4.1, although different in size,
modelled based on the number of segments. The CST plant has the same house single-crystalline (sc-Si) silicon glass-glass PERC cells with
components, except for the power block. (158.75 mm x 158.75 mm = 252.02 cm2), making a total of 90 cells per
The receiver structure materials are lean concrete along with steel for segment. The cells are composed of single-Si wafers with a thickness of
manufacturing A-pylons, drive pylons, torque boxes and the receiver 160 µm and have 2 mm spacing between them. For all scenarios, the
supporting arm. Two different structure foundations are used. Com­ PERC cells have 22.50% efficiency [67] and 5.67 Wp/cell. Therefore,
bined, the foundations use about 1.6 m3 of lean concrete and about 10.2 the 90-cell panel has a nominal power of 510.3 Wp. The lifetime of the
m3 of reinforced concrete (BE 500 steel and concrete C30/37). The PV cells is assumed to be the same as the CSP+ plant, i.e., 25 years. This
concrete density is 2370 kg/m3 [23]. A 4% rate of excess concrete is is a conservative approach, considering that several studies have
adopted, and 2% of the total concrete used is counted as waste [23]. The described a lifetime of 30 years [27].
amount of steel for the reinforced concrete corresponds to 100 kg/m3 of The LCI of the PERC cells considers the global market for single-Si
reinforced concrete, while reinforced concrete steel density is 2300 kg/ wafer PV cell production in the ecoinvent database, which was modi­
m3 [66,68]. The excess and losses of reinforced concrete are assumed to fied to reflect the global PERC cell market. The original process was
be the same as those of regular concrete. It is assumed that there are no adapted to consider only solar-grade silicon use and a wafer thickness of
steel losses. 170 µm. Therefore, the mono-Si wafer input in this process was changed,
The receiver structure contains a 13-layer mirror with unitary di­ and the electronic grade was replaced by solar grade-Si. All inputs in the
mensions of 1700 mm x 1641 mm and 1700 mm x 1501 mm for inner Ecoinvent database remained equal, but the rear passivation layer and
and outer mirrors, respectively, with a thickness of 4 mm and mass per dielectric opening processes were included based on [48].
area of 2520 kg/m2. Each segment has 7 modules of 4 mirrors around The glass-glass module comprehends a wiring system (0.11 kg/m2)
the central pipe, 2 of size 1700 mm x 1501 mm and 2 of size 1700 mm x and 2 layers of low iron solar glass coating with 2 mm thickness (density
1641 mm. Therefore, a total of 28 mirrors per segment are installed. The of 2.530 kg/m3) and solar cells with 160 µm thickness and mass of 395 g.
mirrors have a 13-layer coating made of SiO2 and TiO2 with trans­ For all scenarios, the ecoinvent market process for PV panels was
mittance in the 300–2500 nm range. Each layer composing the coating adjusted to correspond to panels composed of PERC solar cells. For SCI
has a thickness of about 200 nm, leading to a final thickness of about 6 and SCII, the aluminium content was removed, as it is not present in the
μm. Approximately 3.3 g/m2 of SiO2 and 3.4 g/m2 of TiO2 are used for CSP+ plant. Other material shares from the original process remained
the coating. The dichroic mirror coating reflects roughly 90% in the IR equal. The mass of the conventional PV module is 14.74 kg/m2, with a
region above 1100 nm while transmitting a similar percentage of pho­ material mass share of 0.686 kg/kg of glass, 0.101 kg/kg of plastics,
tons between 500 and 1100 nm to the PV cells. 0.178 kg/m2 of aluminium and 0.0008 kg/kg of copper. The PV system
The steel piping system and the heat transfer fluid comprise the heat in the CSP+ is assumed to have the same materials, except aluminium
transfer system. The piping consists of 4 m of combined vacuum receiver for the framing, resulting in a weight of 12.11 kg/m2 and mass shares of
tubes with a steel core and a glass envelope. The heat transfer fluid is a 0.835 kg/kg of glass, 0.123 kg/kg of plastics and 0.0009 kg/kg of
commercial linear, non-reactive polydimethylsiloxane (the main prop­ copper.
erties are shown in Table 1). The total amount of heat transfer fluid Finally, 2 inverters with a nominal capacity of 150 kWh are
corresponds to the capacity of the piping system per solar collector considered in all scenarios (except for heat production in SCIII). The
module, i.e., 4.10E-05 m3 per segment. No fluid replacement is lifetime of the inverters is assumed to be 12.5 years, with 10%
considered over the life cycle of the CSP+ plant. replacement of parts over this period [12,28]. The efficiency of the
The power block (only present in SCI and SCII) and the thermal inverter is 93.4% [68]. The number of required inverters is adjusted
storage system (for SCII and SCIII) are also considered. Secondary data according to the nominal power output of the PV system.
from a commercial 50 MW solar thermal parabolic trough plant were
used to compile the LCI for the power block and thermal storage [61,68]. 2.4.3. Operation and maintenance
For the power block, these data include pressure vessels, compressors, For the CST and CSP+ plants, the O&M activities are limited to
surface cleaning using trucks [44] and water use for dry cooling. The
Table 1 same operations are recommended for PV installations to reduce the loss
Main properties of the considered heat transfer fluid. of efficiency due to the soiling caused by dust and snow deposition
[20,58]. Therefore, for all scenarios, O&M operations are assumed to
Parameter Value Units
occur once a year, using a 3.5 t EURO 6 lorry as a proxy for existing
Density (25 ◦ C) 0.92 g/cm3 cleaning vehicles used, with water consumption of 20 L/m2 of the total
Flashpoint (Pensky-Marten) 120 ◦
pH 7 −
panel surface [20,44], which is considered wastewater after use. The
Ignition temperature 358 ◦
C distance travelled for O&M activities is assumed to be 50 km, consid­
Viscosity (25 ◦ C) 4–6 mm2/s ering the on-site truck use and its displacement to the site. Water con­
Heat of combustion 26.3 MJ/kg sumption for dry cooling corresponds to 0.3 m3/MWh [36].
Ignition temperature 358 ◦

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

2.4.4. Plant decommissioning Table 2

The CSP+ and CST plants are assumed to be completely dismantled Financial parameters for calculating the levelized cost of electricity and lev­
at their EoL. The steel used in the solar field equipment and the heat elized cost of heat of the CSP+ plants in Seville and Ostend. Legend: CSP –
transfer system is assumed to be recovered at a recycling rate of 80% concentrated solar power, CST – concentrated solar thermal, PV – photovoltaic,
[44]. The remaining steel fraction is assumed to be disposed of in an WACC – weighted average cost of capital. Capital costs and personnel costs are
not disclosed for confidentiality reasons.
inert sanitary landfill along with the mirrors and receiver tubes, and the
heat transfer fluid is incinerated with energy recovery. Parameter Value Unit Source
Due to the still limited waste stream today, PV modules are mainly Total capital investment (PV)
treated in recycling plants designed to treat laminated glass, metals or Capital costs (PV) 0.48 EUR/Wp [38]
electronic waste [60]. It is assumed that PV components are treated in a Inverter cost 0.055 EUR/WattDC Project information

recycling plant, allowing the recovery of steel, aluminium and copper.

The PV EoL is based on [60], which considers data obtained from Total capital investment (CSP+/CST)
Capital costs EUR/m2 Project information
recycling companies. At the EoL, glass and copper are recycled, while <
500 aperture area
silicon components and polymers are disposed of in a sanitary landfill or
incinerated [60]. This approach assumes that bulk materials, i.e., glass,
Total operation and maintenance costs
aluminium and copper, are recovered, while the cells and other mate­
Personnel costs − % of the total Project information
rials, such as plastics, are incinerated according to the mass fraction of capital cost
each component (reflecting the material composition reported in Sec­ Operational costs – 0.033 USD/kWh [38]
tion 2.4.2). Finally, for the inverters EoL, it is assumed that aluminium, Belgium
copper and steel are recovered, and their plastic components are Operational costs – 0.025 USD/kWh [38]
disposed of in a sanitary landfill.

Discount rate
2.4.5. Life cycle impact assessment
WACC real (PV) – 1.90 % [38]
The LCA uses the climate change impact category from the Envi­ Belgium
ronmental Footprint 3.1 impact assessment method [4], as recom­ WACC real (PV) – 3.60 % [38]
mended by the European Commission [18,21]. Since there are no Spain
guidelines for the assessment of the life cycle impacts of CSP plants, the WACC real (CSP) 7.50 % [11] and [52]
Inflation 1.45 % [22] and [70]
study complies with existing the methodological guidelines [28] and the Other – USD/EUR 0.904 USD/EUR Average exchange rate from
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for PV mod­ conversion 2021 to 2023 from [17]
ules used in PV power systems for electricity generation [20].

equivalent to 0.48 EUR/Wp, estimated based on the average global

2.5. Levelized cost of energy and levelized cost of heat prices for bifacial panels [38]. The same costs are assumed for the PV
system in SCIII. It is assumed that the capital costs include site devel­
The economic assessment considers the system boundaries, LCI, and opment, components and system costs, assembly and financing costs.
assumptions used in the LCA. The LCOE and LCOH methods are widely The capital costs exclude grid connection costs. The cost of the inverters
accepted and used to compare the economic costs of a given technology is 0.055 USD/WDC [24], and replacing parts is considered a reinvest­
[33]. Although several approaches to calculate LCOE and LCOH exist, ment in year 12 of 10% of the inverter cost [12,28]. For simplicity, land
they can be defined as indicators of the unit energy cost over the life costs are not considered.
cycle of a project, including capital costs, operating costs, fuel, interest
on loans, repairs, and decommissioning [3,25,33]. The adopted 2.5.2. Operation and maintenance, personnel, and insurance costs
approach for the LCOE and LCOH calculation is described by Equation O&M costs for CSP+ and CST plants include plant operation and field
(3) [33,38]. The parameters considered for calculating the LCOE are maintenance, such as replacing mechanical parts and mirrors, among
shown in Table 2. The parameters and the choices of the range values in other operations [15,38]. O&M costs are 0.025 USD/kWh for Spain and
the sensitivity analysis are discussed in sections 2.5.1 to 2.5.4. 0.033 USD/kWh for Belgium (using French values as a proxy)[38].
/ ∑
C + nt=1 (Rt + O&Mt + Dt ) × (1 + WACCreal )− t These values are assumed to be the same for CSP+ and conventional CST
LCOE LCOH = ∑n − t (3) plants. These values include insurance costs, which should be consid­
t=1 (E)(1 + WACCreal )
ered due to the technological risks associated with PV and CSP systems
Where: LCOE is the levelized cost of electricity; LCOH is the levelized [31].
cost of heat; C is the total capital investment; Rt is the reinvestment in As previously described, the O&M costs of PV systems without
year t; O&Mt is the operation and maintenance costs in year t; Dt is the moving parts consist of regular cleaning, performance monitoring and
decommissioning and waste management costs in year t; WACCreal is the inverter replacement. The conventional PV system operation costs in
real weighted average cost of capital; and E is the energy output (heat or both locations were obtained from field operators and corresponded to
electricity). 14.90 EUR/KWp, a value 25% lower than the average of Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCDE) countries [38].
2.5.1. Capital costs and land costs This value is assumed to be the same for the CSP+ system.
The capital costs of the thermal part of the CSP+ plant include the
solar field equipment (foundations and structure), mirror and coating 2.5.3. Decommissioning costs
system, heat transfer system, thermal storage and power block (SCI and As data on decommissioning costs is scarce in the scientific literature,
SCII). The final value is not disclosed due to confidentiality issues, but it so it was assumed that the cost corresponds to 10% of the capital costs
is under 500 EUR per m2 of the aperture area. The same values are for all scenarios. The EoL also considers the revenues from recovered
assumed for the conventional CST (SCIII), but the power block costs are steel and aluminium. Data from the World Bank [69] on aluminium and
excluded. pig ore were linearly extrapolated to estimate the residual value at
For the PV part, the capital costs correspond to the cost of the PV cells decommissioning.
and the cost of the inverters. The cost of the PV modules is assumed to be
the same for the CSP+ plant and the conventional PV. The cost is

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

2.5.4. Weighted cost of capital and discount rate addition, a sensitivity analysis to WACC values for the CSP+ plant is
The discount rate, often represented by the weighted average cost of conducted based on changes from 0% to 7.5%.
capital (WACC), is a crucial parameter. It reflects the cost of capital to
discount monetary values and is particularly relevant in evaluating 3. Results and discussion
projects for capital-intensive renewable power generation technologies
with low or zero fuel costs [36]. The WACC describes different capital Based on the simulations and calculations described in Section 2.2,
sources and reflects shares of equity and debt and suitable returns [46]. the total energy output for all scenarios is shown in Fig. 3. The major
WACC discount rates vary considerably depending on the technology, differences observed in these results are in the energy production in SCI
location, kind of investors, and country-specific aspects [13]. and SCIII, mostly due to the assumptions adopted in the energy calcu­
The real discount rate represents the real flux of money and energy, lation based on optical simulations. When comparing electricity pro­
which is not impacted by future inflation [8,41]. The real after-tax duction, a CSP+ plant produces higher overall electricity. This is mainly
WACC for solar PV technologies in Belgium and Spain in 2021 corre­ due to the dichroic mirror coating design, which ensures that the solar-
sponded to 1.90% and 3.60%, respectively [38]. For CSP technologies, to-electricity conversion is carried out much more efficiently. Heat
the real WACC is assumed to be 7.5%, and differentiation by country was generation in SCIII is the highest, as all solar radiation is used at an ef­
not feasible within the available literature [11,52]. The real after-tax ficiency higher than that of the CSP+ plant. For the CSP+ plant, about
WACC values for the European Union range between 1.80% and 33% of the incident energy is reflected in the thermal receiver. This is
5.50% [38]. PV and CSP systems have greater technological risks in further reduced as optical simulations are more detailed to estimate the
comparison with traditional power plants [34], which is reflected in total heat production and consider the actual solar positions in relation
higher WACC. For calculating future costs, the inflation rate based on to the trough, leading to solar to thermal efficiencies that are lower than
consumer prices is 1.45%, corresponding to the average annual inflation those in the CST plant.
rates from 2017 to 2021 in the Eurozone [22,70].

3.1. Life cycle assessment

2.6. Sensitivity analysis
The impacts on climate change per life cycle stage for all scenarios
A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the effects of the are shown in Fig. 4. The results show the manufacturing of PV cells as
different modelling assumptions. For the LCA, sensitivity analysis based the most critical component for producing the CSP+ plants (51% of total
on a perturbation analysis was conducted – Equation (4). This approach impacts) and for the conventional PV system (87% of total impacts). For
identifies how parameter changes lead to deviations in results. The the conventional PV and the CSP+ systems, the impact of manufacturing
selected parameters are adjusted by ± 10%, deriving a sensitivity factor PV modules is driven by the production of monocrystalline silicon using
representing the relative changes in results. The parameters selected for the Czochralski process (about 36% contribution), mostly due to the
the sensitivity analysis are the lifetime of the plant, the material re­ high electricity consumption. The total impact on climate change of the
covery factor at the EoL (i.e., steel recovery), and the efficiency of the conventional PV system is about 5% larger than the PV panels in the
Rankine cycle for thermal energy conversion to electricity. Additionally, CSP+ plant due to the presence of the aluminium frame.
for SCII, the effects of the different thermal conversion for electricity and The solar field equipment (foundations, receiver structure, mirrors
heat production are analysed based on changing it from 0 to 100%. and coating system) is the second largest contributor to the impacts in
the CSP+ plant (27% of total impacts) and the greatest contributor to the
impacts of CST plants (68% of the total). For the solar field equipment,
Δ result
Sensitivityfactor = initialresult
Δ parameter
initialparameter the impacts are explained by the structure (52% of impacts), which is
driven by the use of steel, the foundations (33% of impacts), and the
A sensitivity analysis of the economic impacts was also carried out. For mirror and coating (15% of impacts). For the CSP+, the thermal storage
that, a range of values was assumed to reflect the market changes better and the power block have nearly the same contributions to impacts, 6%
than the simple parameter variation. The sensitivity analysis is con­ and 5%, respectively.
ducted to investigate the effects of high inflation values. Therefore, a The EoL of the plant is critical since the avoided production of steel
change in the annual inflation rates from 1% to 15% is considered. In due to its recovery reduces the total emissions of the CSP+ plant by

Fig. 3. Summary of total energy production in the analysed scenarios. Legend: SC – scenario.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

Fig. 4. Impact shares per component in each assessed system. Legend: CST – concentrated solar thermal, EoL – end of life, O&M – operation and maintenance, PV –
photovoltaic, SC – scenario.

about 20%, while the figure for the conventional CST plant is 50%. For MWh in Ostend and 6 kg CO2eq/MWh in Seville. For SCIII, the emissions
the conventional PV in SCIII, the EoL reduces the impacts by about 4%. of electricity production in the conventional PV are 43 kg CO2eq/MWh
The EoL of other materials in the CSP+ and CST plants make a very small in Ostend and 25 kg CO2eq/MWh in Seville. The difference in results by
contribution (1% reduction for the CSP+ and 3% reduction for the CST location shows the impact of the different solar irradiation levels, which
plant). The EoL of the PV and inverters promotes a reduction of about leads to different energy production and, consequently, environmental
2% in SCI and SCII and about 4% in SCIII for the conventional PV sys­ impacts.
tem. Aluminium recovery explains the greater reduction in conventional The comparison shows that the impacts of electricity production in
PV. the CSP+ plants are aligned with values reported in the scientific liter­
Fig. 5 presents the impacts of electricity production on climate ature. In SCII, the impacts are reduced compared to benchmark values
change compared to benchmark values for CSP plants [7,9,10,43,49] by up to 83% compared to CSP only and 77% compared to PV systems.
and PV systems (considering only studies assessing PERC cells) [48,50]. However, producing only electricity in the CSP+ (SCI) in Ostend creates
To support the comparison, the results from some of the benchmark the highest impact. These results reflect the lower solar irradiation of
studies were normalized to match the life cycle of this study, i.e., 25 this location and the fact that greater heat-to-electricity efficiencies can
years [7,10,43,49,50]. Except for [10] and [43], all the studies had reduce the impacts of the CSP+ plant. For Seville, the impacts on climate
cradle-to-grave system boundaries. The comparison with [43] considers change are lower than the average reported in the benchmark studies.
the system with minimal backup. For the conventional PV, for both However, for Ostend, the impacts are higher than the average bench­
benchmark studies [48,50], China is the location for producing panels, mark values in SCI. In all scenarios and locations, the impacts on climate
which is aligned with the LCI modelling of this study. change are lower than energy production in open-ground installations
Regarding absolute values, the impact on climate change of the reported by the ecoinvent database in Belgium (equivalent to 80
CSP+ in SCI is 48 kg CO2eq/MWh in Ostend and 24 kg CO2eq/MWh in kgCO2eq/MWh for a 570 kWp open-ground installation) and Spain
Seville. For SCII, the impacts for electricity production are 17 kg CO2eq/ (equivalent to 65 kgCO2eq/MWh for a 570 kWp open-ground

Fig. 5. Electricity production impacts on climate change per different scenarios and locations compared to benchmark values in the scientific literature. Legend: CSP
– concentrated solar power, PV – photovoltaic, SC – scenario.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

installation). for both locations and equivalent to 16% and 45% reductions from
The results and benchmark comparison for heat production (SCII and average values for Ostend and Seville, respectively.
SCIII) are shown in Fig. 6. Since no study was identified assessing the Regarding the LCOH, finding specific cost data of parabolic trough
specific impacts of heat production in a parabolic trough from a life CSP is challenging, since most studies and reports focus on electricity
cycle perspective, the comparison considers heat generated in heat generation rather than heat production. For LCOH, the results are
generation from biogas and natural gas in Belgium and Spain, based on compared with different technologies for heat production reported in
the ecoinvent database. For SCII, the impacts on climate change are 15 the literature [2,5,11,35]. In [2], the comparison considers the
kgCO2eq/MWh in Ostend and 8 kgCO2eq/MWh in Seville. For heat in maximum LCOH values obtained for a hybrid parabolic trough collector
SCIII, the impacts on climate change are 3 kgCO2eq/MWh in Ostend and solar-biomass system for heat application. To compare results, the
6 kgCO2eq/MWh in Seville. The comparison shows that heat production values reported by [35] for France are used. The LCOH in SCII shows a
in the CSP+ reduces impacts by up to 93% compared to heat production cost reduction of 3% for Ostend and 41% for Seville compared to the
from biogas and 97% compared to heat production from natural gas. average benchmark values. On the other hand, for SCIII, heat production
in Ostend is 21% higher, while in Seville, it is 53% lower than bench­
3.2. Levelized cost of energy and levelized cost of heat mark values, which is explained by the different energy production
levels in these locations.
The cost breakdown for the CSP+, conventional CST, and PV in­
stallations are shown in Fig. 7. The cost variation per location is mostly 3.3. Sensitivity analysis
due to O&M costs, which depend on the total energy produced. How­
ever, the distribution of costs is nearly the same across locations for the Table 3 presents the obtained sensitivity factors. The results show
CSP+ plant. For SCI and SCII, the cost for the CSP part corresponds to a that lifetime is the most sensitive parameter for the impact on climate
maximum of 63% of the total costs. Of this amount, solar field equip­ change. Different lifetimes of CSP plants are reported in the scientific
ment accounts for up to 18%, heat transfer system for up to 8%, power literature: 20 years [49], 25 years [9] and 30 years [7,43]. The challenge
block for 10%, thermal storage for 11% and other costs (balance of the in the CSP+ design is to extend the life cycle of the plant, considering the
plant, contingencies, engineering, and manufacturing labour costs) for lifetime of the solar cells, which suffer a loss of performance due to their
up to 17%. annual degradation rates.
The LCOE and LCOH results and their comparison with benchmark For the material recovery factor, the results indicate that increasing
alternatives are shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. LCOE results are the recovery rate of steel at the EoL of the plant reduces impacts, but this
compared to the global average values from 2017 to 2021 [38] and mostly affects the production of heat in conventional CST plants. This
reported values in the scientific literature [31,32]. [11] discuss different can be attributed to the fact that, in the CSP+ plants, the impacts also
CSP technologies, but only the results for solar trough technology are include PV manufacturing, affecting the final impact reduction.
used for comparison. For the comparison with [32], the average of the Finally, the thermal conversion efficiency, applicable only in SCI,
conservative values was adopted. The comparison with the results of had minimal sensitivity to the impacts. However, for SCII, increasing the
[31] considered the average reference case for 2030. For the comparison thermal conversion factor increased the output of electricity output
with PV, global average values from 2017 to 2021 for the 27 Member since it affected the allocation factor between electricity and heat pro­
States of the European Union at the utility-scale were considered [5,38]. duction (Fig. 10). Considering that SCI shows environmental impacts for
For the LCOE, the results show that for SCII and SCIII (both loca­ electricity production only, this sensitivity shows that the conversion
tions), the cost of generating electricity in the CSP+ plant is below the factor, and hence the allocation factor between electricity and heat, can
average of LCOE values [38]. For electricity production in SCI, the LCOE increase the impacts of electricity and reduce the impacts of heat.
is higher, 126% in Ostend and 20% in Seville. These differences can be Fig. 11 shows the nonlinear effects of inflation on the LCOE and
explained by the different levels of total electricity production at the LCOH. Extrapolating the inflation to the maximum of 15% would
locations. On the other hand, for electricity production in SCII, the LCOE significantly increase the LCOE and LCOH in all scenarios due to its
is 15% and 70% smaller than average values for Ostend and Seville, compound effect on each aspect of the supply chain and capital expen­
respectively. Compared to conventional PV, the LCOE is lower for SCIII diture. Fig. 12 shows that a reduction of 10% in the WACC corresponds

Fig. 6. Heat production impacts on climate change per different scenarios and locations compared to benchmark values in the scientific literature. Legend: CST –
concentrated solar thermal, SC – scenario.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

Fig. 7. Cost breakdown for all scenarios in Ostend (a) and Seville (b). The category “Other” includes costs for the CSP part and the balance of the plant, contin­
gencies, engineering, and manufacturing labour costs. Legend: CST – concentrated solar thermal, EoL – end of life, O&M – operation and maintenance, PV –
photovoltaic, SC – scenario.

Fig. 8. Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) results for electricity generation considering global electricity production. Legend: CSP – concentrated solar power, PV –
photovoltaic, SC – scenario.

to an approximate 5% reduction in either the LCOE or LCOH. Consid­ The results showed that the electricity and heat produced in the
ering both locations, the reduction to a theoretical WACC of 0% would CSP+ setup have low carbon emissions compared to existing systems in
reduce the LCOE and LCOH by about 36% to 41%, considering all the all scenarios, and below the national carbon intensity of electricity
scenarios. generation for Belgium in 2022 (145 kgCO2eq/MWh) and Spain (205
kgCO2eq/MWh) [14]. Generating electricity only in the CSP+ plant
(SCI) produced the highest impacts in all scenarios, particularly for the
3.4. Limitations installation in Ostend. However, the sensitivity analysis showed that
different conversion factors of heat to electricity could significantly
Even though several studies suggested the integration of CSP plants reduce the impacts of the electricity produced by the plant.
with other renewable energy sources [32,42,51], none have suggested Regarding the economic aspects, the LCOE and LCOH can be refer­
their integration with PV cells in their design, as proposed in the CSP+ ences for policy-making, but like other economic metrics, they have
concept. Therefore, a limitation of this study is the difficulty of limitations as indicators of market competitiveness. LCOE and LCOH
comparing results due to the innovative aspects of the plant configura­ support the choice between different technologies in regulated systems
tion. Moreover, depending on the targeted supply duty of a CSP plant, its that assume equality between discounted average costs and stable
configuration can vary markedly. For example, the connection to the remuneration over the lifetime of electricity production [33]. In markets
grid was not considered, since CSP+ plants mostly target industrial where operators earn a complex mix of revenues in volatile energy and
consumers. Finally, the energy output is an important aspect affecting flexibility markets, there is a risk that costs may differ for an investor,
the results, since it directly affects the energy generated. Even though even for technologies with identical LCOE and LCOH. In addition, the
this issue is minimized by the assessment of two locations with very comparison between the different technologies may not be fair due to
different solar irradiation levels, the results do not reflect the impacts of differences in the scope of the studies, the methods, and different levels
the installation in all regions.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

Fig. 9. Levelized cost of heat (LCOH) results for heat production. Legend: AAHP − air-to-air heat pump, AWHP – air-to-water heat pump, CST – concentrated solar
thermal, DST – domestic solar thermal, PTC – parabolic trough collector, SC – scenario.

4. Final remarks
Table 3
Sensitivity factors for lifetime, material recovery factor. Changes are conducted Deploying renewable energy technologies, particularly solar energy,
first based on a 10% increase of the original parameter and second a 10%
is critical to ensure the achievement of climate targets and the objectives
decrease. The order of the “+” or “-” values follows the first and the second
of the Green Deal. The CSP+ plant combines the CSP technology with PV
assessments. Legend: NA – not applicable, SC – scenario.
plants in the same installation, reducing the land use required while
System Technology Location Sensitivity factor allowing greater electricity and heat production flexibility, whether or
Lifetime Material Thermal not connected to the national grid. This study presented the environ­
recovery conversion mental and economic impacts of the CSP+ concept, considering the
factor efficiency
impacts on climate change and the LCOE and LCOH across three
SCI Electricity Ostend − +9% − +3% − +2% different scenarios. The scenarios considered the CSP+ plant operation
Seville − +9% − +3% − +3%
(SCI and SCII) compared to a CST plant and conventional PV generation
SCII Electricity Ostend − +9% − +3% NA Integrating PV panels in a CSP structure increased the overall elec­
Seville NA
tricity generation (SCI) of conventional PV systems (SCIII) with the
− +9% − +3%
Heat Ostend − +9% − +3% NA
Seville − +9% − +3% NA advantage of flexible heat and electricity production. However, the
combined electricity and heat production in SCII performed better than
SCIII Electricity Ostend − +9% NA NA
in SCI and SCII. SCI is the least preferred option for climate change
Seville − +9% NA NA impacts. Overall, the impacts on climate change are lower for electricity
Heat Ostend − +9% − +11% NA and heat production in Spain, mostly due to the differences in solar
Seville − +9% − +11% NA irradiation. The CSP+ and the conventional CST perform better than
biogas or natural gas alternatives for heat production.
For the CSP+ plant, PV panel production is the most critical aspect of
of technology maturity.
impacts on climate change, followed by the solar field equipment for the
The sensitivity analysis showed that WACC strongly influences the
CSP+. The EoL highly influences the impacts on climate change, but the
LCOE and the LCOH in all scenarios. Therefore, its reduction is critical,
sensitivity to steel recovery rates is low. The allocation factor between
which can be achieved with lower financing costs to ensure the afford­
electricity and heat production (SCII) is also pivotal for environmental
ability of these technologies. Growing market experience and competi­
tion can reduce financing costs and measures to manage project-specific
The LCOE showed reduced costs compared to CSP benchmark values
risks. In that sense, a limitation of this study is that the effects of the
for SCII and SCIII in both locations. However, compared to conventional
learning rates are not considered. The effects of the learning rates have
PV benchmark values, SCI and SCII presented higher LCOE values.
shown that LCOE and LCOH can be reduced according to the increased
Except for SCI in Ostend, all LCOE values were within the benchmark
installed capacity in CSP and PV systems, as shown by [31].
values. For the LCOH, SCII presented a reduction compared to bench­
The study demonstrated the environmental and economic feasibility
mark values in both locations. In SCIII, this also occurred for Seville. The
of integrating CSP and PV technologies. However, since our focus is on
sensitivity analysis showed that reducing the WACC for CSP plants is an
the climate change impacts of solar energy generation, only the results
important factor to further reduce the LCOE and LCOH of the CSP+
of this impact category are presented and discussed. Therefore, other
environmental impact categories should be considered. Since inte­
This study assessed an innovative concept to enhance the deploy­
grating CSP and PV systems can reduce infrastructure and land devel­
ment of solar energy towards decarbonizing electricity and heat pro­
opment costs compared to separate installations, it is particularly
duction. The results showed that integrating CSP and PV technologies
relevant to consider the effects of CSP+ on the reduction of land use,
can lead to cost-effective electricity and heat production with reduced
both from environmental and economic perspectives. This is especially
impacts on climate change. A limitation of this study is that only the
advantageous in areas where land availability is limited or expensive,
impact on climate change was assessed. Therefore, future studies should
making land use a critical aspect for decisions involving energy projects.
investigate the impacts of other relevant environmental categories,

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

Fig. 10. Impact on climate change due to the thermal conversion factor in scenario II (SCII) in Ostend (a) and Seville (b).

Fig. 11. Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and levelized cost of heat (LCOH) sensitivity to inflation rates values for Ostend (a) and Seville (b). Legend: SC
– scenario.

Fig. 12. Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and levelized cost of heat (LCOH) sensitivity to weighted average cost of capital (WACC) values for Ostend (a) and
Seville (b). Legend: SC – scenario.

D. Costa et al. Solar Energy 274 (2024) 112550

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