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Hayakawa 1971

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Food Science Department, Rutgers University-The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903



SUMMARY- -A general solution is obtained for transient temperature distributions in a finite

cylinder by applying several integral transformations to heat conduction equation when it is
e=” z 5 JO&P) . - 1
7T II=1 k=l Jl(pk)pk 2n- 1 Cl1
subjected to time variable surface temperatures. From this general solution, various formulas for
temperature distributions are derived for five different surface temperature-processing time rela-
* F(B) * Sin (2n - l)rr(;
tionships. By using these derived formulas, we obtain formulas for these two parameters: slope
indices and intercept coefficients of heating or cooling curves of cylindrical cans of conductive
food. Expressions are also derived for estimating sterilizing values during a come-up period of the
heat process and also during the sinusoidal fluctuation of retort temperature.
F(B) = A . L-’ ( e, (S) * -& 1
INTRODUCTION By applying the finite Hankel, Laplace
and Fourier transformations (Kondo, in Eq. [la], the function es (S) denotes
THEORETICAL formulas for transient
1959, Mackie, 1965; Scott, 1955; Sned- the Lanlace transform of 6, (B). which
temperature distributions in finite cylin-
ders have been successfully utilized in don, 195 1; Tranter, 1956) to the heat represents any time variable &face tem-
conduction equation, we obtained the peratures. The symbol L-l ( ) in this
predicting proper heat processes for
following solution for the transient tem- equation represents the inverse Laplace
canned food (Ball, 1923; Ball and Olson,
perature distribution in the cylinder. (The transform of a function placed in ] ) .
1957; Gillespy, 1951; 1953;Hicks, 1951;
derivation of Eq. [ l] is given in Appen- By using Eq. [ 1 ] and [ la] , we can derive
Stumbo, 1965). These formulas were
dix B; all symbols used are defined in equations for the transient temperature,
obtained by solving a heat conduction
Appendix A.) when the formula for the variable surface
equation with assumed surface tempera-
tures. The surface temperatures can be
approximated with retort temperatures

because the coefficient of surface heat
transfer is very large during the heat
processing (Ball and Olson, 1957). There
are many formuias for the heat conduc-
tion in finite cylinders in published arti- s bB2+ dB
cles. However, there are only a few
available formulas applicable to the heat
process estimation (Ball and Olson, 1957 ;
Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959; Gillespy, 1953;
Hayakawa and Ball, 1968; 1969; Hicks,
1951). These formulas were obtained by
assuming simplified relationships between
the surface temperature and processing
time. Therefore, they cannot be utilized
when there are complex relationships ICASE tl r, ACASE III
between these two variables. In the pres- 0.S
ent paper, formulas for the transient
temperature distributions are derived for
various time variable surface temperatures
frequently observed in the commercial
heat processes.
When the surface temperature of a
sample body changes with time, a for-
mula for the temperature distribution can
be derived by using Duhamel’s theorem
(Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959). In the pres- [CASE n1111
ent paper a general solution is derived by
applying the finite Hankel, finite Fourier
and Laplace transformations. From this
general solution, formulas are derived for
various time variable surface tempera-
tures. . sin(qB+w)
General solution and formulas for
various surface temperatures
To derive the general solution, it was
assumed that the initial temperature of
the cylinder was uniformly equal to zero
and that the cylinder was subjected to Fig. l-Surface temperature history curves used to derive formulas for
time variable surface temperatures. transient temperature distribution in a finite cylinder.

306-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE- Volume 36 (1971)


temperature, 0s (B), has its Laplace trans- produce this curve. When a temperature curve is estimated by using these two
form, 0s (S), and when this expression, 0, regulator for the heating medium is poor- experimental parameters: a slope index
(S)/(A+S), has its inverse Laplace trans- ly adjusted, it is frequently observed that and an intercept coefficient. In the pres-
form. the temperature of heating medium fluc- ent investigation these two parameters are
Various formulas for the temperature tuates sinusoidally. Therefore, case V is computed from the derived formulas. In
distributions were obtained by assuming considered. the following discussion, the slope indices
five different curves (Fig. 1) which show For each case except the last one, a of the heating and cooling curves are
relationships between the surface temper- formula is derived for the transient tem- denoted by f and f,, respectively, and the
ature and processing time. These relation- perature distribution during the come-up, intercept coefficients by j and jc.
ships were selected because in many heating, go-down or cooling period when- The linear portion of each curve is
commercial heat processings changes in ever it is applicable. Subcases for each estimated by using a formula for the
heating or cooling medium temperature case except case V are also shown in asymptote, obtained by taking the first
are approximated with either one of these Figure 1, with numerals placed under term in each summation series. The slope
curves, according to the present authors’ each abscissa. All resultant formulas are indices for the asymptotes are calculated
experience in heat processing. given in Table 1. by the following Equations [2a] and
In cases I through III, OS = 1 and Application of derived formulas [ 2b], obtained by utilizing their defini-
es = C, respectively, represent the holding The derived formulas may be utilized tions.
temperatures of the heating and cooling for analyzing the heat transfer character-
mediums. There are the come-up and istics of any cylindrical can of thermally
go-down periods in cases I and II. In case conductive food during heat processes.
III, it is assumed that there is neither a These characteristics of the food are
come-up nor a go-down period. The curve usually represented with a heating or f,=l/ - g loa o CT - Tc) t, +m
for case IV is considered because a poor cooling curve (Ball and Olson, 1957; f f 12bl
manual operation of the retort might Stumbo, 1965). A linear portion of this
The intercept coefficients are esti-
mated by the following Equations [3a]
and [3b] :
Table l-Formulas of transient temperature distributions for various surface temperature his- j = (TI - TOA) / CT1 - TO) t3a1
forv curves.
Case Subcase
No. No. Fla F2a
k = USA - T,) I (Tg - Tw) 13bl
I 1 bB* +d 2b/ A* - (ZbB+d)/A-(2b-d) exp(AB)/A*
2 1 [2b 1 exp(B,A)-1 1 /A* + { d-exp(B1A).(2B,b+d) ] /A] The formulas for these parameters are
sexp (-AB) obtained for all cases except case V
3 qB+w [2b ] exp (BiA)-1) -A (exp (B,A)*(ZB,b+d)-d ]1 (Table 2). In all the cases examined, the f
and f, values are represented by the
sexp (-AB)/A* - q/A + q
following common expression:
*exp ( -A.(B-B2)) /A
f=f,= 2.303
4 C [2b {exp (B,A)-11 -A {exp (B,A)
I h/a)* + (~/r/D*I a c41
*(2B, b+d) - d]].exp (-AB)/A* +q
. \eXP (B2A) -exp (BsA) ] . exp (-AB)/A Published literature (Ball and Olson,
II 1 bB b]exp(-AB)-1 ]/A 1957; Stumbo, 1965) shows a formula
for the f value exactly the same as Eq.
2 1 b[ exp (-AB) - exp ((%B,)A ]] /A [4] . Eq. [4] clearly indicates the fol-
3 qB+w [b lexp (-AB) -Bexp’{ -(B-B,)A] -q + q lowing facts: The slope indices of the
l ew (-(B-B,)!] /A asymptote for the heating curve are equal
to those for the cooling curve; also, these
4 C [b . exp (AB) -b . exp (-(B-B,)A) +q indices are not affected by the presence
l exP{-(B-B*) Al-q . exp{-(B-Bs) A]] /A of a come-up or go-down period, because
III 1 1 -exp (-AB) there are no constants or parameters for
describing these periods in this equation.
2 C -exP (-AB)+exp {-A(B-Bi) ]
However, it should be mentioned that
-Cexp(-A(B-Bi)] this result is applicable only when the
coefficient of surface heat transfer is
IV 1 bB+d -d*exp(-AB)+ b{exp(-AB) -11 /A
infinite during the heating and cooling
2 qB+w -d * exP(-AB)+q [exp{-A(B-Br)\ phases. In most commercial heat proc-
-lI/A+b*exp(-AB)(l-exp(ABi)]/A esses, the coefficient for the cooling
3 C -d’exp(-AB)+q(exp(ABi)-exP(AB2)] phase is smaller than that for the heating
phase. Therefore, the relationship of Eq.
‘exP(-AB) /A + b[l-exp(ABi)] .exp(-AB)/A
[4] is not applicable to these cases.
V (b+d)/, --(b+d)’ exp(-AB)/2+ ](b-d)/2\ . [{ A* Results for the intercept coefficients (j
‘sin(qB-w)-Aq cos (qB+w)] /(A*+q*)+ (Aq and j,) are summarized in Table 2. The j
*cosw - AzsinwI] . exp(-AB)/(A2 + qz) value for case III is exactly identical to
that in the published literature (Ball and
aThese expressions, Fl and F2, must be piaced in the following Eq. [A] to obtain formulas for
the temperature distributions, 8, in a finite cylinder. Olson, 1957; Stumbo, 1965). We observe
the following facts from this table: The j
[Al value is affected by the surface tempera-
tures during the come-up period. The jc
308-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 36 (19711

Table 2-Intercept coefficients of asymptotes for the heating or cooling curve. Bi , To, Ti and z, although Ball found the
c7ase following simple relationship through his
No. Jla J2a J3a experimentation: 0.42 Bi = B,.
I j 1 2b(l-exp (BiA,,))IA;, As previously mentioned, Eq. [S] was
+ rexp(B1A11)(2B,b+d)-d]/A~ i derived by considering the sterilizing
value at the center of the food. Another
Jc CT, -T,)/(Tg-T,) [2bfexp(B1All)-l 1 /AT,-]exp(B,A,,) formula can be derived for estimating the
-(2B, b+d)-dl/A,, +q{exp(B2A11) mass average sterilizing value during the
come-up period through similar calcula-
tions. The resultant formulas are given
Jc 0, -To)&-‘&) q[l-exp~A,1@3-%)~l IA,,,
whenexp(BiAii)< exp(B2A1,)

II j 1 ~exp(BIA1l)-l~~b/A1l

Jc U, -To)/(Tg-T,) [b~l-exp@lAll)i+ q(txp(B2A11)

-exp (B3Al 1)]]- exp (-A1 ,B2) /Al 1
where Gt and Gs are defined as follows:
Jc CT, -T,)/(Tg-T,) q[l-ew~All(Bs-B2)l] IA,,,
Gl = (1*/a) exp { (TO - 250) / z] .
when exp @,A, ,)<exp (B,A, i)

exp { (ln10) (Tr - TO) J/t/z ] dB.

III J 1 1 [6al

Jc 0, -T,)/(Tg-T,) 0, -TcMTl -To)-exp (-Al1 B,)

G2 =@/cr)expf(Ti -250)/z] -
Jc U, -T,MTg-T,) 1, when exp (-A, r B,) & (T, -T&I (‘Ii -‘IO, \
aThese expressions, Jl, J2 and J3, must be placed in the following Eq. [B] to obtain formulas I> exp [OnlO) (TO - TI) $dz$dB16b,
for the intercept coefficients.
and where $, and G2 represent the
following expressions.

value is affected by the temperatures ing the food for Bx at Tr without any 1 b(exp(-AB) -1)
during the go-down period and also by come-up period results in the sterilizing 2n- 1 t A
the come-up period to a lesser degree value identical to the one obtained during
than the influence of the go-down period. the come-up period. The resultant equa-
Because the length of the heating phase tion is given below. - d * exp(-AB) j - Sin(2n - l)r$
(B,) is considerably longer than that of
the come-up period (B,) in most cases, 10(~0 - T1)/ ’ j-t’ & dB = j-:x & dB 15,
the influence of the come-up period on _
the j, value is negligibly small. In case III,
the j, value can be approximated by the j where 4, and 42 are defined as follows: * - 1 . exp(-AB) * Sin(2n - l)$
value when exp (-A, i B,) is negligibly 2n - 1 C6dl
smaller than (Ti - T,)/(Ti - To) and 4, = exp[(InlO) * f vf
In this case, the estimation of the heating
when (Ti - Tc)/(Tg - T,) is approxi-
time, Bx, requires extremely complicated
mately equal to unity.
- <bB+d+& 5 g--A- calculations.
A sterilizing value of heat treatment n n=l k=l Jl(pk)pk
during the come-up period is another When the retort temperature fluctu-
important parameter to be considered ates sinusoidally during the heating phase,
.- 1 . (-l)n+l it would be useful to find the following
when this period becomes fairly long. * [-d exp(-AB)
2n - 1 heating treatment at a constant holding
Gillespy (1953) presented an analysis for
this sterilizing value by using formulas for temperature, TX, of the retort. This treat-
the heat conduction. Ball (1923) ob- +b (exp(-AB)- 11 /Al>] 154 ment results in the central sterilizing
tained a formula for the sterilizing value value equivalent to the value obtained
by analyzing experimental data. This during the sinusoidal temperature treat-
value can be theoretically estimated from $2 = exp [(MO) . [ - q ment. A formula for estimating the tem-
the formulas for case IV - subcase 1 and perature, TX, can be derived from the
for case III - subcase 1. A sterilizing formulas for 111-l and for V. The result is
value at the center of the food is esti- given below.
.- 8 g y-i--
mated from the former equation during 71 IF1 k=l Jl(pk)pk
the come-up period and another steriliz- exp ((InlO) *TX/z )a tb@s dB =
ing value at the center is from the latter I
equation during the heating phase with
no come-up period. Then, these two
.- 1
2n - 1
. (-,)“+I . e-AB
fl 15bl expl(lnlO) (TI - TolIz I -
sterilizing values are equated to each
other to find the following heating time, These formulas suggest that the heating fb exp[(lnlO) 101 - To)/z] * r I dB
Bx, at the holding temperature, Ti . Heat- time B, is a very complicated function of r71

where r is defined as follows: sent a surface temperature history results in a sterilizing value at the
curve. See Figure 1. center of the finite cylinder equal
W-0 Function defined as Eq. [la] to a sterilizing value obtained
Fl, F2 Expressions used in Eq. [A] See when the cylinder is heated with
Table 1. sinusoidally fluctuating tempera-
. ({(b-d)/24 {AZ sh(qB-w) f, f, Slope indices for heating ture for tb minutes (OF).
cooling curves, respectively. tb Length of heating phase (mm).
- Aq cos(qB + w) ] / (A* + q*) Gl9G2 Defined as Eq. [6a] and [ 6b 1 , re- tc Cooling time variable, measured
spectively. from the end of heating phase
+(Aqcosw-A2 sinw] Jl, J2, Expressions used in Eq. [B] . See (min).
J3 Table 2. tx Imaginary heating time at holding
. exp(-AB) / (A* + q*)
1 J,(x) Value for zeroth order Bessel
function of first kind, evaluated
temperature of retort T,. Heating
a finite cylinder for t, minutes at
-@-d)*exp(-AB)/2) at x. T, OF results in a sterilizing value
J,(pk) Value for first-order Bessel func- equal to a sterilizing value ob-
An expression for & in Eq. [7] is tion of first kind, evaluated at pk. tained during the come-up period
obtained from Eq. [5b] through this J,(P,) Value for first-order Bessel func- of heating phase (min).
substitution T, = TX. tion of first kind, evaluated at p, . Y Axial distance measured from an
The formulas listed in Table 1 can be j, j, Intercept coefficients of heating end of finite cylinder (in.).
utilized in deriving many other equations and cooling curves, respectively. z Slope index of thermal death time
useful in evaluating the heat process. k Integer subscript. curve of microorganisms or nutri-
However, discussion on these derivations 1 Height of finite cylinder (in.) ents (OF).
is not presented in the present paper
L-‘[ x ] Inverse Laplace transfer of x. Thermal diffusivity of finite cyl-
because of space limitations.
m Shape factor of finite cylinder inder (in.2/min).
CONCLUSION m = a/l. Expression defined by Eq. [7a].
n Integer = y/I.
FORMULAS for the transient tempera- Finite-Hankel-transformed varia- = (T - T,)/(T, - To), dimen-
ture distribution were derived for various P
ble of p. sionless temperature of finite cyl-
time variable surface temperatures by
using the integral transformations. The Pl
First positive root of Jo (x) = 0. inder.
derived formulas were utilized to obtain pk ktb positive root of Jo (x) = 0. = (T, - T,)/(T, - To), dimen-
expressions for the slope index and inter- 9 Constant. This is used to repre- sionless surface temperature of
cept coefficient of the linear portion in sent a surface temperature history finite cylinder.
the heating or cooling curve. The expres- curve. See Figure 1. Laplace transform of es.
sions were also derived for estimating the r Radial distance, measured from
sterilizing value for the come-up period Finite Hankel transform of 8.
the central axis of finite cylinder
and for estimating the sterilizing value (in.). Laplace transform of e.
when the retort temperature fluctuated
s Laplace-transformed variable of Finite Fourier sine transform of
B. e
Appendix A. Nomenclature T Temperature in finite cylinder (OF).
Initial temperature of finite cylin- = ‘la
A = (pk/m)2 + n* (2 u-l)2 To
der (OF). Expressions respectively defined
A 11 = (pr/m)2 + ?r* as Eq. [Sal and [Sb] .
a Radius of finite cylinder (in.). Tl Holding temperature of retort
during heating phase (OF). Expression derived from Eq. [Sb]
B Fourier number, which is defined
T OA Phantom initial temperature of through this substitution:
as B = a t/l2
finite cylinder, obtained by ex- T, =T,.
B,, B,, Constant B values. They represent
B values at which one phase or trapolating an asymptote for the Expressions respectively defined
period terminates in heat process- heating curve (OF). as Eq. [6c] and [6d].
ing. For their more detailed defi- 5 Temperature at any location in
Appendix B. Derivation of
nition, see Figure 1. finite cylinder at end of heating
generalized solution
Bb = a tb/l* phase (“F).
In the present paper, the following assump-
BX = a tx/l* TgA Phantom temperature at any loca- tions are imposed: i. The thermal diffusivity of
b Constant. This is used to repre- tion in finite cylinder at end of sample is constant; ii. there is no heat-genera-
sent a surface temperature history heating phase, obtained by ex- tion in the sample; iii. the temperature distribu-
curve. See Figure 1. tion in the sample is axially symmetrical. Under
trapolating an asymptote for the these assumptions, a partial differential equa-
C Constant OS value during cooling cooling phase (OF). tion for transient thermal conduction is ex-
phase. When a value for the sur- Tr Reference temperature. It is con- pressed by Eq. [a].
face coefficient of heat transfer is venient to use the highest temper-
very large, C is approximately ature of heating medium (OF). ,*.ae = !

equal to CT, - T,)/(T, - To). Ts Surface temperature of finite cyl- aB aP2 p ap at* [aI
D250 Decimal reduction time of micro- inder (OF).
organisms or nutrient at 250°F Eq. [a] will be solved with the following initial
TX Imaginary holding temperature of and boundary conditions.
(min). retort. Heating a finite cylinder
d Constant. This is used to repre- for tb miUUteS at this temperature 0 (0,5, PI = 0 Ia-11
I 310-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE- Volume 36 (19711

es@)= &B, c, 1) = &B, 0,~) = &B, 14) Therefore, we have Eq. [f] . REFERENCES
La-21 n+I
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OQ e (B, f, PI -= = [a-31 cil, Vol. I. Part I, No. 37.
BaII, C.O. and Olson, F.C.W. 1957. “Steriliza-
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the finite Hankel transform is applied to the Book Co., New York.
variable p. Carslaw, H.S. and Jaeger, J.C. 1959. “Conduc-
tion of Heat in Solids.” Oxford University
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m2 * ,a; = p * es (B) * JI (p) ing the inverse finite Fourier sine, the inverse GiBespy, T.G. 1951. Estimation
values of processes as applied
of sterilizing
to canned
Laplace and the inverse finite Hankel trans- foods. I. Packs heating by conduction.
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dition 8 (B, 5, 1) = es(B) was used. Thus, the ~rnr3g-up time of retort. J. Sci. Food Agr.
n=l k=l )I (PI&a 2n-1
other conditions which will be imposed on Eq. Hayakawa. K. and Ball, C.O. 1968. A note on
[b] are: es (s) . A& 1 . sin (2n- 1) Irs theoretical heating curve of a cylindrical can
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e (0, {, P) = 0 lb-11 f Food Technol. J. 1: 54.
Hayakawa, K. and BaII, C.O. 1969. Charts for

i? (B, o, p) = a(B, 1, p) = A
esG-9 JI (P)
average temperature
food in a cylindrical
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e (B, t, P) < 00 Hicks, E.W. 1951. On the evaluation of canning
lb-31 process. Food Technol. 5: 134.
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Eq. ICI. Mackie, A.G. 1965. “Boundary Value Prob-
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m2S8=pJI(p)t?s(S)-p2bim2~ Scott, E.J. 1955. “Transform Calculus with an
f la-11 Introduction to Complex Variables.” Harper
& Brothers Publishers, New York.
Sneddon, I.N. 1951. “Fourier Transforms ”
The function F (B) will be called the surface McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York. ’
The boundary conditions, which should be ap- temperature function because it represents the
plied to Eq. [cl, are: Stumbo, C.R. 1965. “Thermobacteriology in
time variable surface temperature. The tempera- Food Processing.” Academic Press, New
ture distribution in a finite cylinder can be ob- York.
e, 0) tained for any es (B) by using Eq. [g] , pro_vided Tranter, C. John. 1956. “Integral Transforms in
e=(S, 0, p) = e=cs, 1, P) = p - Jl(P) Ld]
that 8, (B_) has the Laplace transform, 6r s (S), Mathematical Physics.” Wiley. New York.
Ms. received 4/l/69; revised 7/3/70; accepted
Eq. [d] becomes Eq. [e] by applying the finite and that 0 s (S)/(A + S) has the inverse Laplace 7/20/70.
Fourier sine transform (7) with respect to the transform.
variable {. In using Eq. [g] , the following Eq. [h] is A paper of the Journal Series, New Jersey
useful to simplify the derived formulas. Agricultural Exneriment Station. RutgersThe
State University, Food Science Department,
n.7r.m2 .e,(S).- Jl (P) (-l)“+ l + 1 New Brunswick, New Jersey.
P i f Jo(PkP) This work was supported in part by Public
1=+ 5 : Health Service Research Grant No. FD-00119
E n=l PkJ I (pk)
by the United States Department of Agricul-
-,* . ,2 . + . 0 k=l
ture, by the Refrigeration Research Founda-
tion, by the RCA Whirlpool Corporation and
. sin (2n-1) n{ Chl by the Canners Association of Japan.
_ (p2 + m* S) B + p * J, (P) * Qs (S) The senior author acknowledges Mr. Kosa-
buro Hirano. Director of Research, the Can-
This formula is obtained by applying the finite ners Association of Japan, for his encourage-
.J-. 1 +&+I = 0 Fourier sine transform and the finite Hankel ment in conducting the work reoorted in the
rrn t 3 lel transform to numeral 1. present paper. -

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