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Dance Choice Board 1

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Unit 6 Summative Assessment

Grade 1-2 (2023-24)

Dance Choice Board

Read all four options below & choose only one that you can answer to the best of your ability.
The task will be done in school.

Intrapersonal (Self Smart): Interpersonal (People Smart):

Choose a song that reflects your emotions. Collaborate with a partner or make a small
Choreograph a dance piece of 8-10 steps group of 3. Together, create a dance routine
expressing those emotions through that tells a story.
Perform your routine for the class and
Write a brief reflection on how dance helps discuss how teamwork played a role in your
you understand and express your feelings. performance.

Bodily/Kinesthetic (Body Smart): Visual/Spatial (Art and Space Smart):

Experiment with different dance styles (e.g., Recreate a piece of art (a short choreography
ballet or contemporary). Choose one style of 8-10 steps) in the style of a dance artist
that interests you the most. that you like.

Practice any basic movements or techniques Present your choreography to the class and
of that style. Perform a short routine of 8-10 explain what you liked the most about this
steps showcasing what you've learned, artist’s movement.
focusing on precision and control of your
movements. You can choose any 1 artist from below:

Here are a few videos you can utilize for Birju Maharaj (Kathak)
inspiration: Isadora Duncan (Modern)
Anna Pavlova (Ballet)
Rubric for Choice Board
Grade 1-2


Body Demonstrates Displays consistent Shows some Demonstrates

coordination exceptional control coordination and coordination, focus, difficulty in
and precision in control, with clear and control but coordinating
movements, exhibiting execution of refinement in movements,
seamless transitions movements and execution is resulting in frequent
and fluidity throughout transitions. inconsistent, stumbling or lack of
the performance. resulting in control detracting
occasional from the overall
awkwardness or performance.

Musicality Maintains perfect Demonstrates Shows some Demonstrates

timing and consistent and musicality and frequent off-beat
synchronization with effective timing and rhythm but struggles movements and
the music, synchronization with with consistency and rhythms are seldom
demonstrating a strong the music, with precision in accurate detracting
sense of musicality and occasional minor maintaining rhythm significantly from
rhythm throughout the deviations in timing throughout the the overall
performance. but these do not performance. performance.
detract from the
overall performance.

Expressions Expresses emotions Communicates Shows some Demonstrates

and intentions with emotions effectively expression of limited expression of
clarity and depth, through facial emotions and emotions and
engaging the audience expressions and body intentions but intentions, resulting
with compelling facial language, with sometimes in a disconnect with
expressions and body occasional disconnects with the the audience
language throughout inconsistency in the audience during the detracting from the
the performance. storytelling, but performance. overall performance.
does not detract
from overall

Creativity Demonstrates Exhibits creativity Shows some Shows limited

originality and and imagination in creativity in creativity and mostly
innovation in choreographic choreographic relies on
choreographic choices, choices. May have choices but uses conventional or
incorporating unique missed a few beats, limited originality or repetitive
movement sequences but did not detract innovation. movements and lack
and spatial patterns from the overall of engagement with
that captivate the composition. the audience.
audience's attention.

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