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Rubrics 2nd Quarter PT

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ENGLISH 9 (2ND Quarter rubrics)

Declamation Rubrics

Name: ___________________________________________________ Section: ___________________

Date: _________________________

Mastery The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter

of the showed showed showed readiness showed no Score
piece readiness and readiness but but uncertainty in readiness and
memorized the slightly forgot delivering the uncertainty in
piece very well some of the piece was delivering the
words or lines in observed and 4-5 piece
the piece words were

The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter

Delivery delivered the delivered the delivered the delivered the
piece with piece with few piece with most piece will low
excellent lapses in diction, lapses in diction, voice and most of
diction, voice enunciation, voice the time did not
enunciation, modulation, modulation and observed proper
voice enunciation and clarity. diction and
modulation, and clarity. enunciation.
clarity of voice
The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter did
Nonverbal established established poorly established not established
cues rapport and rapport and rapport, body rapport, body
demonstrated demonstrated language and language and
appropriate body language hand gesture hand gesture
body language and hand gesture while delivering while delivering
and hand adequately while the piece the piece
gestures very delivering the
well while piece
delivering the
Facial The presenter The presenter The presenter was The presenter
expression was articulate in was adequate in lacking in showing poorly showed
showing the showing the the emotion of emotion of the
emotion of the emotion of the the piece through piece through
piece through piece through facial expression facial expression
facial facial expressions


Quality of The diorama shows The diorama shows The diorama shows
construction excellent attention to considerable attention some attention to the Score
construction. All items are to the construction. construction. Some of
neatly trimmed and are Most of the items are the items are not
carefully and securely neatly trimmed and neatly trimmed and
attached. There are no are carefully and are not carefully and
stray marks, smudges or securely attached. A securely attached.
glue stains. Nothing is few barely noticeable There are more
hanging over the edges. stray marks, smudges noticeable stray
or glue stains. Nothing marks, smudges or
is hanging over the clue stains.
Creativity All of the objects used in a Several of the objects Several objects used
and artistry diorama reflect an used in a diorama in a diorama do not
exceptional degree of reflect student`s reflect student`s
student`s creativity and creativity and artistry. creativity and artistry.
Design All objects are in Most of the objects Most of the objects
appropriate size and are in appropriate size are not in appropriate
interesting shape which and interesting size size and shape and
reflect great similarity to and shape which poorly imitated the
the one being imitated. reflect adequate one being modeled.
similarity to the one
being imitated.

The dancers show The dancers SCORE
basic understanding attempt to keep a
of tempo and beat, rhythm, but get off
RHYTHM/ Accurate in beat,
but sometimes fall beat and speed up
TEMPO tempo, rhythm of
behind and/or speed or fall behind often.
dance sequence.
up in places or make Don't follow beat in
errors in rhythm. music.
PERFORMANCE The dancers draw The dancers The dancers
SKILL/ the judges in to want communicate with the communicate with
CHOREOGRAPH to watch them and is audience/judges audience/judges
Y able to engage the through eye contact, through eye
audience completely facial and body contact, body and
through their expression and is able facial expression
performance. A true to engage the but sometimes
joy to watch. audience in their loses focus.
ENERGY/ All dancers Most of the dancers Dancers do not
ATTITUDE demonstrated high demonstrated energy sustain their energy
level of energy and and emotion all and emotion in
emotion all throughout the performing.
throughout the performance.
Costume and props Costume and props
COSTUME/ are very are presentable and
presentable, well utilized during the
PROPS prepared and very performance and
much utilized to utilize to emphasize
emphasize the the message of the
message of dance. dance. Costumes and
The costumes and props demonstrate
props demonstrate student`s creativity
student`s and artistry
creativity and


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