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Energy Optimization of A Wastewater Treatment Plant Based On Energy Audit Data: Small Investment With High Return

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020) 27:17972–17985


Energy optimization of a wastewater treatment plant

based on energy audit data: small investment with high return
Sina Borzooei 1 & Youri Amerlinck 2 & Deborah Panepinto 1 & Soroush Abolfathi 3 & Ingmar Nopens 2 & Gerardo Scibilia 4 &
Lorenza Meucci 4 & Maria Chiara Zanetti 1

Received: 4 December 2019 / Accepted: 28 February 2020 / Published online: 13 March 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Ambitious energy targets in the 2020 European climate and energy package have encouraged many stakeholders to explore and
implement measures improving the energy efficiency of water and wastewater treatment facilities. Model-based process optimi-
zation can improve the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) with modest investment and a short payback
period. However, such methods are not widely practiced due to the labor-intensive workload required for monitoring and data
collection processes. This study offers a multi-step simulation-based methodology to evaluate and optimize the energy consump-
tion of the largest Italian WWTP using limited, preliminary energy audit data. An integrated modeling platform linking waste-
water treatment processes, energy demand, and production sub-models is developed. The model is calibrated using a stepwise
procedure based on available data. Further, a scenario-based optimization approach is proposed to obtain the non-dominated and
optimized performance of the WWTP. The results confirmed that up to 5000 MWh annual energy saving in addition to improved
effluent quality could be achieved in the studied case through operational changes only.

Keywords Wastewater treatment plant . Energy efficiency . Data scarcity . Energy audit . Activated sludge model . Energy
optimization . Calibration . Process optimization

Nomenclature BOD5 5-Day biochemical oxygen demand

ASM Activated sludge model BSM1 Benchmark simulation model no 1
bA Autotrophic decay rate Cc Clarification coefficient
BME Combined blower and motor efficiency COD Chemical oxygen demand
BNRAS Biological nutrient removal activated sludge CODs Soluble chemical oxygen demand

Responsible Editor: Philippe Garrigues

* Sina Borzooei Lorenza Meucci
Maria Chiara Zanetti
Youri Amerlinck
Deborah Panepinto Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 10129 Torino, Italy
Soroush Abolfathi Department of Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, BIOMATH, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University,
Coupure Links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Ingmar Nopens 3
Warwick Water Research Group, School of Engineering, The University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Gerardo Scibilia SMAT (Società Metropolitana Acque Torino) Research Center, Corso Unità d’Italia 235/3, 10127 Torino, Italy
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17973

CODt Total chemical oxygen demand SRT Solids retention time

Cp Heat capacity of air at constant pressure STOWA Acronym for the foundation for applied
CSTR Completely stirred tank reactor water research in Netherlands
da Airflow per diffuser SVI Sludge volume Index
dd Diffuser submergence depth Ta Blower inlet air temperature
dde Diffuser density Ti Integral time
DO Dissolved oxygen concentration TKN Total Kjeldahl nitrogen
e Combined blower and motor efficiency TN Total nitrogen
ECa Aeration energy consumption TP Total phosphorous
ECm Mixing energy consumption TSS Total suspended solid
ECp Pumping energy consumption VS Volatile solids
ECt Total energy consumption VSS Volatile suspended solids
EPw Total energy produced from WAS w Mass of the airflow
EQI Effluent Quality Index WAS Wasted activated sludge
Fc Correction factor WWTP Wastewater treatment plant
Ff Fouling factor α The ratio of process water to clean water
GHG Greenhouse gas mass transfer coefficients
HC-D High-load condition in dry-weather ΔPd The pressure drop of the piping and diffuser
operational mode downstream of the blower
HC-W High-load condition in wet-weather μA The maximum specific growth rate for
operational mode autotrophic biomass
Hd Dynamic head φ Power factor
HRT Hydraulic retention time
Hs Pumping head
Hst Static head
Ic Current absorption Introduction
IMLR Internal mixed liquor recycle
K Dynamic head-loss coefficient The emerging trend of water scarcity resulted from population
Kc Proportional gain growth, and climate change has increased pressure on water
KOA Oxygen half-saturation index for and wastewater industries. Urban water systems require a con-
autotrophic biomass siderable amount of energy for water transportation and treat-
MLE Modified Ludzack-Ettinger ment. Hence, high energy demand can potentially become an
MLSS Mixed liquor suspended solids impediment to sustainable urban areas and cause water pollu-
NC-D Normal condition in dry-weather tion, as well as a shortage of water resources. Water and waste-
operational mode water treatment plants (WWTP) are amongst the largest mu-
OTE Oxygen Transfer Efficiency nicipal energy consumers and thus one of the most significant
PAC Performance assessment criterion contributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Guerrini
PD Delivered power blower et al. 2017). To exemplify, 22,558 WWTPs are operating
Pe Pump efficiency across the European Union (EU), consuming almost
PFL Pipe friction loss 15,021 GWh/year, which is more than 1% of the overall elec-
PI Proportional Integral tricity consumption in the EU (Eurostat 2013). Country-
PPUV Power per unit volume of mixing specific studies about Germany (Reinders et al. 2012) and
PS Primary sludge Italy (Foladori et al. 2015) showed that electricity demand
Ps Barometric pressure for WWTPs only accounts for nearly 1% of total energy con-
Q Pumping flow rate sumption in these countries. A study (US EPA 2012) about
QIMLR Internal mixed liquor recirculation flowrate water and wastewater treatment systems in the USA
QN Normalized air flux highlighted that these infrastructures account for 3–4% of
QRAS Return activated sludge flowrate the overall energy use, which results in more than 45 million
R Universal gas constant tons of annual GHG emissions. From an economic point of
RAS Return activated sludge view, energy consumption of a conventional WWTP consti-
RWS Reject water from sludge treatment units tutes about 25–40% of entire operating costs, corresponding
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition to the range of 0.3–2.1 kW h/m3 of treated wastewater (Elías-
SOTE Standard oxygen transfer efficiency Maxil et al. 2014; Venkatesh and Brattebø 2011).
17974 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985

The major GHGs emanating from WWTPs are carbon di- energy efficiency, several variables should be monitored con-
oxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), which tinuously by the plant manager or a modeler, precisely due to
are mainly produced in microbial activities, nitrification, and their influence on efficiency trends. Hence, data scarcity is a
denitrification stages and anaerobic digestions, respectively common problem in WWTP modeling and energy optimiza-
(Nguyen et al. 2019). Several studies focused on direct mea- tion projects, which has been rarely addressed in scientific
surement and monitoring of GHGs in WWTPs (e.g., studies in this field.
Amerlinck et al. 2016; Bellandi et al. 2018; Caivano et al. This study proposes a stepwise approach for model-based
2017; Kiselev et al. 2019), highlighting the wastewater treat- energy optimization of the biological nutrient removal activat-
ment sector as an area of concern for the today’s global ed sludge system in the largest Italian WWTP, at Castiglione
warming issue. Torinese, considering data quality and quantity problems en-
Overall, due to the increasing cost of energy and growing countered during the project. Following a thorough assess-
global concerns about GHG emissions and climate change, ment of the development and calibration of the model in a
the issue of energy efficiency in WWTPs has gained signifi- previous study (Borzooei et al. 2019), the impact of the solids
cant attention (Friedrich et al. 2009). retention time (SRT) on various parameters involved in the
Process optimization of WWTPs can significantly increase performance assessment criteria (PAC) is investigated.
energy efficiency with moderate investment and a short pay- According to the results obtained, the non-dominated opera-
back period (Descoins et al. 2012). Full-scale evaluation of tional condition is proposed to increase the plant energy effi-
any optimization strategy is an expensive and time-consuming ciency, resulting in economic savings and the simultaneous
task, which may increase the risk of violations from legislative improvement of pollutant removal.
effluent limits. As a result, these solutions are not readily
accepted by operators and practitioners (Beraud 2009). The
application of available mathematical models is a potential Materials and methods
alternative for wastewater engineers to evaluate the viability
of their proposed optimization scenarios without directly Castiglione Torinese WWTP
influencing the real systems. Several studies focused on
model-based energy optimization of various wastewater treat- The centralized Castiglione Torinese plant, located in the
ment processes, including (Fikar et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2008; Northwest part of Italy, is the largest Italian WWTP. The plant
Leeuw et al. 1996). Fikar et al. (2005) and Leeuw et al. (1996) has a daily operating capacity of 590,000 m3 of urban waste-
determined the optimal sequence of aeration cycles for con- water, corresponding to an organic load of 2.1 million of
ventional activated sludge systems with the use of dynamic equivalent inhabitants, with approximately 10–15% contribu-
and stochastic optimization algorithms, respectively. Kim tion of industrial discharges. Following the preliminary treat-
et al. (2008) implemented the iterative dynamic programming ment (grit and sand removal), the pre-treated wastewater flows
(IDP) and activated sludge models (Henze et al. 2000) to into four parallel wastewater treatment modules resembling
optimize the nitrogen removal process in a sequencing batch modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) activated sludge systems
reactor (SBR). Besides, several studies highlighted the energy with primary clarifiers. The boundary condition for the model-
recovery potential through both chemical and thermal pro- ing project was defined considering the feasibility of control-
cesses (Cano et al. 2015; Frijns et al. 2013; Funamizu et al. ling operational parameters during sampling time, financial,
2001). One of the main challenges of any optimization prac- and functional limitations. The decision was made to focus the
tice is the heterogeneity of objectives (Balku and Berber modeling project on half of the wastewater treatment module
2006). An optimal or non-dominated solution should offer a with the most stable operational conditions. Figure 1 demon-
trade-off between the economic and operational objectives in strates the schematic of a typical half-module in the
WWTPs. Finding this trade-off is the core of any optimization Castiglione Torinese WWTP. Further details about the plant
attempt. and operational details can be found in Borzooei et al. (2019).
The main factor which limits more broad application of the
model-based optimization of WWTPs is data scarcity. High Data collection
cost and demanding workload related to experimental data
and adequate sampling campaigns make the data collection Sampling and measuring campaigns
process an unpleasant necessity for managing stakeholders
in modeling and optimization projects (Borzooei et al. The data collection was initiated with a collection of the rou-
2016). Besides, irregular and deficient sensor maintenance tinely recorded data including 24-h flow proportional compos-
and cleaning, which can lead to erroneous on-line measure- ite samples from 2009 to 2016, physical characteristics of the
ments, can also reduce the amount of valid data (Martin and treatment units, the design, and operational data. Following
Vanrolleghem 2014). For an accurate study of WWTPs’ the analysis of the available data, field measurements were
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17975

Fig. 1 The scheme of a typical MLR ≈ 4000 m3/h

wastewater treatment a half- VAN 13500 m 3 3 Secondary
Pre-treated VAR 8736 m3
module at Castiglione Torinese Primary clarifiers clarifiers
Influent Effluent
VPC 8067 m3 VSC = 8020 m 3
Anoxic tank Aeration tanks

RAS ≈ 6500 m3/h Airflow

Primary sludge Sludge treatment WAS


conducted to estimate internal mixed liquor recirculation (Panepinto et al. 2016). Further, parameters such as power,
(IMLR) and return activated sludge (RAS) flow rates. The voltage, and power factor were collected from the label of each
chemical oxygen demand (COD) fractionation of influent electro-mechanical device. Operating time for each instrument
wastewater was performed according to the Dutch was estimated using the information available in SCADA and
Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) protocol the data recorded by plant’s technical staff. Digital Multimeter
(Hulsbeek et al. 2002). The daily composite samples were (Voltcraft VC280) equipped with a current clamp (CLA-
collected from the inlet and outlet of the half-module on four 40VC200) was used to measure the current absorption (Ic) of
working days. Four main fractions, namely readily (Ss), slow- treatment units. Since the engines are three-phase systems,
ly (Xs) biodegradable COD, soluble (SI), and particulate (XI) three measurements were conducted to estimate the Ic for each
inert COD, were identified. A detailed description of the frac- instrument. The absorbed power of each device (P) was calcu-
tionation along with justification of the minor modifications lated according to Eq. 1.
made to the original protocol can be found in Borzooei et al. pffiffiffi
(2019). Furthermore, an intensive 20-day sampling campaign, P¼ 3:V:I c :cosφ ð1Þ
from September 26th to October 21st, 2016, was carried out
for this study. The grab samples were collected from the inlet where I c is the average of three Ic measurements, V is the
and outlet of each treatment unit. A lag time, according to the voltage (set to 360 V), and φ is the power factor for each
average hydraulic retention time (HRT) of the unit, was set instrument. In a few cases, P was directly measured by the
between the two following sampling points. Samples were use of the ammeter (PCM1, PCE instruments).
collected from RAS at a specific time during each day. Grab
samples were further analyzed based on the IRSA methodol- Model development
ogy (IRSA 1994) and the concentration of total COD (CODt),
soluble COD (CODs), supernatant COD (CODsup), total In this study, a model was developed in the CN library of the
suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), ammonium wastewater treatment process simulator (GPS-X ver. 6.5.1)
(NH4) and nitrate (NO3) were measured. CODs was measured (Snowling 2016) to mimic and simulate the removal of carbon
from the filtered and flocculated samples by 0.45 μm filters and nitrogen components in the plant. Although chemical
and Zinc hydroxide [Zn (OH)2]. All available online measure- phosphorus removal is performed by dosing Ferric Chloride
ments, including waste activated sludge (WAS) and primary solution (FeCl3) into the RAS stream, it was excluded from
sludge (PS) flow rates, were collected from the Supervisory modeled processes due to data scarcity. Hence, ASM1 was
Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The perfor- found as the best choice for the case of this study. The plant
mance of sensors installed in the module was evaluated by characteristics, including liquid temperature, blower inlet tem-
grab sampling results as well as the real-time measurement perature, and site barometric pressure, were adjusted accord-
with a portable device (Hach HQ30D portable meter). ing to collected data. In the absence of tracer measurements,
Finally, a 2-day composite sampling campaign with 2-h inter- the “tanks-in-series” approach and an empirical formula
vals was conducted, in which samples were collected at the proposed by Murphy and Boyko (1970) were employed to
inlet and outlet of the half-module. investigate the mixing regimes in aeration units. As a result,
one continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) was considered
Electrical energy consumption for each aeration unit and anoxic tank. An ideal, zero-dimen-
sional, nonreactive clarifier model (removal efficiency by con-
An inventory of all the electro-mechanical devices was made at centration) (Snowling 2016) and a pre-compiled, one-
an initial stage to obtain the energy consumption data. Using dimensional flux dynamic, non-reactive secondary clarifier
the plant tele-control system, all the main electro-mechanical model (Takács et al. 1991) were implemented. For simplifica-
instruments were included in the survey except for electrical tion purposes, three secondary clarifiers in the half-module
valves, for which energy consumption was assumed negligible were modeled as a single flat bottom circular clarifier with
17976 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985

accumulated volume, with an assumption of an equal hydrau- blower, and Ps is the barometric pressure. The absolute pres-
lic load. Given that no data on settling parameters were avail- sure upstream of the blower (kPa) (Pa) is the difference be-
able, the correlation model (Snowling 2016) was implement- tween Ps and pressure drop of the inlet filters and piping of the
ed. The model implemented for this study includes three the- blower (ΔPa). Finally, the wire power consumed by the
oretical settling parameters in Vesilind, hindered, and floccu- blowers to deliver the required air (PW) was calculated by
lent zones, which are correlated to two intelligible parameters, applying an overall efficiency coefficient for all mechanical
namely sludge volume index (SVI) and a clarification factor equipment used in the aeration system (i.e., blowers, motors,
(cf). The sludge volume index links to the thickening function gearbox, etc.) (e) according to Eq. 5.
at the bottom of the clarifier, and clarification factor calibrates
the clarification function (Snowling 2016). The reactive na- PW ¼ ð5Þ
ture of secondary clarifiers was confirmed by nitrate removal e
(2 mg/l on average) measured during the sampling campaign The fixed speed pump model was implemented for model-
and modeled by placing a virtual anoxic CSTR in the RAS ing the pumping systems in different treatment units. The
stream. The volume of the virtual tank was defined as an model can dynamically estimate the pumping head and effi-
estimated volume of the sludge blanket, approximately 50% ciency by using the pump characteristic curves under different
of VSC. Furthermore, all the available physical and operation- flow rates. The required pumping head (Hs) was calculated by
al parameters were adjusted in the simulator according to the summing up the static head (Hst), the actual lift between suc-
data obtained from the Castiglione Torinese plant. tion and discharge point, and the dynamic head (Hd). The Hd
For modeling of the aeration system, the depth and volume was calculated from Eq. 6:
of the basins as well as the physical properties of the diffusers
were adjusted, and the standard oxygen transfer efficiency H d ¼ K:Q2 ð6Þ
(SOTE) of each tank was calculated according to an empirical
where Q is the pumping flow rate and K is the dynamic head-
correlation proposed by Hur (1994):
loss coefficient, which can be estimated by curve fitting
SOTE ¼ A1 þ A2 :d a þ A3 :d a 2 þ A4 :d d þ A5 :d de ð2Þ exercised on a set of given Q and Hd values. The friction
losses in Hd are due to wastewater flow through the piping
where da is the airflow per diffuser, dd is the diffuser submer- system, including valves and fittings (Amerlinck et al. 2012).
gence depth, dde is the diffuser density, and A1–A5 are regres- As the last energetic contribution, the energy consumption of
sion parameters. The regression parameters were obtained mechanical mixing operations was modeled by considering
from an extensive iterative adjustment and re-estimation pro- the power per unit mixing volume (PPUV) (kW/m3) parameter.
cess to reach the best fit of simulated and recorded air Additionally, the energy consumption of the external pumps
flowrate. Finally, a proportional-integral (PI) controller was and rakes working in secondary clarifiers was modeled as a
used to regulate the airflow pumped to each basin based on constant miscellaneous power usage equal to 90 kWh/day.
dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements.
The delivered power blower (PD) in the aeration tanks was
evaluated according to the adiabatic compression equation
Model calibration
(Mueller et al. 2002), as follows:
An iterative, four-step calibration procedure (Borzooei et al.
2 3
 K 2019) was implemented to fine-tune the model parameters.
wRT a 6 Pd 7 The most sensitive parameters were initially selected based
PD ¼ 4 −15 ð3Þ
K Pa on calibration protocols, full-scale observations, and sensitiv-
ity analysis, using a one-variable-at-a-time approach. These
parameters were further adjusted by the use of the Nelder-
where w is the mass of the airflow, R is the universal gas
Mead simplex (polyhedron) algorithm (Nelder and Mead
constant (8.314 J mol−1·K−1), Ta is the blower inlet air tem-
1965) and following a specific order to compensate for the
perature (°C) which was measured during the sampling peri-
correlational effect of adjusted parameters on each other. In
od, and K is equal to R/Cp, where Cp is the heat capacity of air
case of encountering any identifiability issues in parameter
at constant pressure. In this study, K is assumed to be 0.283 estimation phase in which more than one combination of mod-
based on US standard air. Pd is the discharge pressure of the el parameters would become a good fit for the observed data
blower (kPa), which was calculated from Eq. 4: set, the realistic set of parameters was selected based on the
Pd ¼ Ps þ g:d d þ ΔPd ð4Þ project objectives and the plant practical conditions
(Kristensen et al. 1998). Influent, biokinetic, primary, and sec-
where g is the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2), ΔPd is ondary clarifier sub-models were calibrated by adjusting 11
the pressure drop of the piping and diffuser downstream of the parameters in the model. The aeration process was fine-tuned
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17977

by adjusting the α factors (ratio of process water to clean water average net effluent quality index (EQIn-a) (kg pollution per
mass transfer coefficients) to improve the fit between recorded unit time) representing the weighted pollution load above the
and modeled DO and airflow data. Furthermore, a linear effluent limitations were calculated based on Eqs. 7 and 8:
proportional-integral (PI) controller was implemented to reg-   
ulate the airflow pumped to each basin based on the DO mea- EQI n ¼ Qe ðt Þ:∑ni¼1 wi :max 0; C i ðt Þ−C i;limit ð7Þ
surements. The controller was tuned by adjusting the DO 1   
EQI n−a ¼ ∫ Qe ðt Þ∑ni¼1 wi :max 0; C i ðtÞ−C i;limit :d ðtÞ
setpoint, proportional gain (Kc), and integral time (Ti). Two T :1000 t
parameters of the pressure drop in piping and diffuser down-
stream of the blower (ΔPa) and the combined blower and where T is the period considered for the moving average cal-
motor efficiency (e) were adjusted for calibration of the aera- culation (d), Qe(t) is the effluent flow rate time function (m3/
tion energy model in three aeration units. Besides, the mixing day), n is the number of effluent quality parameters, Ci(t) and
energy consumption model in the anoxic tank was calibrated Ci,limit are the effluent concentration-time function (g/m3) and
by tuning the PPUV. Finally, to calibrate the pumping energy limits respectively, and wi is the weight factor of the parameter
consumption models for the primary clarifier (PS pumping i. Five effluent quality parameters (n = 5), namely, 5-day bio-
system), aeration units (IMLR pumping system) and the sec- chemical oxygen demand (BOD5), COD, TSS, TKN, and
ondary clarifier (WAS and RAS pumping systems), pump NO3 were considered in estimating the effluent quality index-
efficiency (Pe), and pipe friction loss (PFL) parameters were es. Corresponding weights were adopted from the extended
adjusted. version of Benchmark Simulation Model No.1 (Nopens et al.
2010), where the higher TKN weight factor (WTKN = 20) was
Performance assessment criteria proposed in comparison to NO3 (WNO3 = 10) to consider the
higher ecological and toxicological impact for receiving water
One of the main challenges for the optimization of bodies of ammonia compared to nitrate (Camargo and Alonso
WWTPs is defining a proper evaluation system, which 2006).
contains all the essential and relevant indicators such as The energy-based PAC contains estimations of the cumu-
effluent quality, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas lative aeration (ECa), mixing (ECm), pumping (ECp), and total
emissions. In this study, two types of effluent quality-based energy consumption (ECt) in the simulation period. Besides,
and energy-based performance assessment criteria (PAC) the amount of total energy produced from WAS (EPw) was
were considered. For the former type, average values and estimated following the stepwise procedure presented in
dynamic patterns of effluent COD, TSS, TN, N-NH4, N- Fig. 2.
NO3, and Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations It should be noted that primary sludge (PS) was excluded
were obtained following each simulation. In addition, the from this methodology since, in the SRT scenario analysis (see
number of times and percentage of the time in which the “Process optimization” section), PS flow pattern was constant.
effluent concentrations violated the effluent quality con- The proposed methodology hypothesizes that the biogas pro-
straints were identified during the studied period. The ef- duction from the WAS is directly linked to the amount of Xs
fluent quality constraints of EU Directive 91/271/EEC (slowly biodegradable substrate) and Xbh (active heterotrophic
(EEC Council 1991) were considered in this study. biomass) fractions since they are the primary biodegradable
However, it should be noted that the Castiglione Torinese sources of COD in WAS (Martinello 2013). An equal biode-
WWTP is following the limits of Italian environmental gradability between Xbh and Xs, and complete hydrolysis and
directives (e.g., D. lgs. 152/2006). Moreover, in real prac- transformation of Xbh into Xs in the sludge treatment process
tice, the final effluent of each biological treatment module were assumed in the methodology.
is sent to final filtration units, where it is divided over 27 In the first step, the total mass of Xs + Xbh (Mx) was mea-
multilayer sand and anthracite coal filtration units. To re- sured for the simulation time. Furthermore, in order to esti-
duce the complexity of the modeling project and to focus mate the specific biogas production rates, results presented in
this study on the optimization of the secondary treatment Ruffino et al. (2015) were implemented. Ruffino et al. (2015)
units only, both abovementioned issues were not consid- investigated the performance of mechanical and low-
ered. Hence, the real energy consumption and final effluent temperature thermal pre-treatments for improving the efficien-
concentrations are, respectively, higher and lower in com- cy of anaerobic digestion carried out on WAS of the
parison to what is obtained in this study. Castiglione Torinese WWTP. It obtained specific biogas pro-
Furthermore, the instantaneous effluent quality index (EQI) duction rates of untreated samples between 0.234 and
and moving average effluent quality index (EQIa) (kg pollution 0.263 Nm3/kgVS.
per unit time) were estimated based on the expressions pro- Therefore, the specific biogas production rate of 0.25 Nm3/
posed in the COST simulation benchmark (Copp 2002). The KgVSS was considered in this study. Likewise, a XS/VSS
net instantaneous effluent quality index (EQIn) and moving ratio of 1.42 was assumed, as reported in Takács and
17978 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985

Fig. 2 Stepwise procedure for Estimation of the mass of

estimating the energy production Xs+ Xbh (Simulation)
from waste activated sludge
(WAS) Estimation of ratio
Energy production from Estimation of the
Estimation of Specific biogas calorific value
biogas production rate
Estimation of the efficiency
of electricity production

Vanrolleghem (2006). The same ratio can be applied for Xbh, obtained results and concentrations from the steady-state runs
considering the complete hydrolysis assumption. The specific were further used as the initial conditions for the dynamic
gas production was calculated as 0.355 Nm3 biogas/kg (XS + simulations.
Xbh). A calorific value equal to 6.25 kWh/m3 (Banks 2009), The proportional relation between SRT and oxygen transfer
and 42% of electricity production efficiency were assumed in efficiency (OTE) in aeration units, related to the degree of
this study. Finally, the produced energy from biogas was cal- treatment and removal of oxygen transfer reducing contami-
culated from Eq. 9. nants (e.g., surfactants), were first reported in US EPA (1989).
In this study, given that no information about OTEs on aera-
0:355 N m3 biogas 6:25 kWh tion units was available, it was decided to estimate the impact
E Pw ðkWhÞ ¼ M x  
kgðX s þ X bh Þ N m3 of SRT on α values using the empirical relations reported in
 0:42 ð9Þ Rosso et al. (2005). Analyzing the data sets collected from 372
different flux-averaged off-gas measurements in 30 plants in
For each simulation period, an accumulated EPw was cal- the USA for 15 years, Rosso et al. (2005) reported statistical
culated and reduced from ECt to obtain total net energy con- relations among various types of diffusers, aeration tank ge-
sumption (ECn). ometries, airflow rates, SRT, and OTE. Firstly, for each aera-
tion unit, normalized air flux (QN) was estimated from Eq. 10.
Process optimization QN ¼ ð10Þ
DA :N D :Z
The SRT or mean cell retention time (MCRT) represents the where Qa is the airflow rate in aeration units (m3/s), DA is a
time that microorganisms remain in the system and reproduce diffuser specific area (m2), ND is the number of diffusers in
or regenerate. Given that various types of microorganisms aeration unit, and Z is diffuser submergence (m). Secondly,
have distinct regeneration times, the SRT duration can play a considering the average SRT of the studied module (SRT ≈
significant role in their proliferation or washing out of the 30 days), the α value (αe) was estimated from linear logarith-
system. SRT is usually considered to be the main control pa- mic functions proposed in Rosso et al. (2005). The αe values
rameter in biological wastewater treatment systems. were further compared with numerically calibrated α values
Conducting a model-based investigation to measure the im- (αc) (see “Model calibration” section), and three correction
pact of changing SRT on existing WWTP performance is an factors (Fc) were introduced accordingly. Finally, assuming
alternative that is less demanding in terms of time, costs, safe- the same QN value, the corrected α values (αCo) were calcu-
ty, and speed in comparison to real-world practice. Several lated by multiplying the αe by Fc for each SRT scenario.
model-based optimization attempts have been reported find- Following the abovementioned procedure, several dynamic
ing the optimum value for the SRT in operating AS systems simulations were performed under different SRT scenarios
(Coen et al. 1998; Salem et al. 2002). and results were compared in terms of parameters in the
In this study, a PI controller was added to the calibrated PAC. Figure 3 shows a comprehensive overview of the
model in order to control the SRT around a pre-defined value methods implemented in this study.
by manipulating the WAS flow rate. Several dynamic simula-
tions were conducted under various SRT values (10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 35, and 40 days). According to real plant experience, it
takes around 3–4 SRTs for a WWTP to respond to any chang- Results and discussion
es in operational parameters (Dotro et al. 2017). Therefore, to
reduce the impact of initial conditions and obtain realistic Data collection and practical challenges
simulation results, steady-state simulations were conducted
for 100 days (three times the average SRT in the ongoing plant An irregular discharge of reject water from sludge treatment
operational condition) with each modified SRT value. The units (RWS) into the studied half-module, as well as two
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17979

Fig. 3 A comprehensive schematic of methods implemented in this study

extreme wet-weather events, occurred during the period of continuously during the operational period of the plant.
sampling campaign. Therefore, the dataset was partitioned Finally, operators were updated and instructed to keep opera-
into two main periods: 11-days normal operating conditions tional parameters constant during the period of the sampling
in dry weather (NC-D) and 9-days high load operating condi- campaign.
tions in wet weather (HC-W), in which a discharge of RWS While studying the pumping patterns of the WAS during
and a massive rain event occurred. During the 2-day dynamic the sampling period, it was found that the WAS flow rate was
sampling campaign, the discharge of RWS was recorded in regularly changed by operators based on the functional capac-
dry weather conditions (HC-D). Partitioned results highlight- ity of pre-thickeners in sludge treatment lines; as a result, its
ed that the influent concentrations recorded in NC-D were pumping pattern was changed on an hourly basis. To calculate
almost doubled or tripled in HC-D operational mode. the SRT of the system, the average WAS flow rate was con-
Moreover, the dilution effect of a wet-weather event on influ- sidered; however, for the model development and calibration,
ent concentrations was observed, comparing the results re- the dynamic patterns were considered instead. Furthermore, a
corded in HC-D and HC-W modes. Due to the high deviation discrepancy between grab sampling results and available DO
of influent concentrations in various operational modes, the and NH4 sensor readings due to sensor failure were observed
data collected in the NC-D was further elaborated for perfor- in the aeration units. Dead zones, floating sludge, and coarse
mance investigation of the treatment units (Borzooei et al. bubbles or bulk air emission were observed on the surface of
2017) and model calibration (Borzooei et al. 2019). the aeration tanks caused by diffusers’ relocation, fouling, and
Performing measurements of primary sludge flow rate and membrane overstretching and/or tearing. Both issues and their
its pumping energy have proved to be a challenging task, impacts on model development and calibration processes were
given that the only available relevant data were the sludge addressed in detail in Borzooei et al. (2019). The energy con-
levels in the repository sumps and the on/off patterns of two sumption of each treatment unit was estimated by multiplying
automated and modulating control valves sending the sludge the calculated power (P) from Eq. 1 to its operating time. The
to the corresponding pre-thickeners. The flowmeter was electro-mechanical equipment and operating devices were fur-
installed at the entrance of a receiving pre-thickener to mea- ther grouped and classified in homogeneous categories. The
sure the amount of primary sludge entering the system. results of the energy audit are provided in Fig. 4.
However, the number of active pre-thickeners, their capaci- As seen in Fig. 4, the highest fraction of energy uptake is in
ties, number of receiving pre-thickeners, both primary and the aeration process in biological oxidation units (over 75%),
secondary sludge, as well as the corresponding pre- followed by pumping and operational energy consumption in
thickeners of each primary clarifier were changing the secondary clarifiers. Considering the high-energy use of
17980 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985

Pumping Mixing
friction loss (PFL) in two different pumping units considered
Aeration and pumping Pumping and miscellaneous
Aeration units
in the model. Consequently, since no practical information
12120 kWh/d was available about both parameters, one of the obtained com-
binations in the parameter estimation process was selected
based on engineering judgment.
Anoxic unit
On the other hand, in the calibration of the aeration energy
765 kWh/d models, combined blower and motor efficiency (e) carried a
stronger influence than the pressure drop in piping and diffus-
Primary clarifier Secondary clarifier
er downstream of the blower (ΔPa), as a result initially the e
350 kWh/d 2060 kWh/d parameter was adjusted followed by ΔPa. Adjusted energy-
Fig. 4 Energy consumption of the wastewater treatment half module at related parameters and the modeling results are tabulated in
Castiglione Torinese WWTP based on energy audit data Table 1. Comparing the energy audit and simulation results, it
can be observed that model predictions are in relatively good
aeration units, significant energy saving can be obtained by agreement with energy audit data.
operating the aeration system to match as closely as possible
the real oxygen demand of the process. This highlights the Model-based process optimization
importance of finding the optimum SRT on the energy con-
sumption of the WWTP. Several dynamic simulations were performed under various
SRT values (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 days). To estimate
the impact of various SRTs on the α values, the empirical
Model calibration and simulation relationship reported in Rosso et al. (2005) was used. For three
aeration units, a normalized air flux (QN) and estimated α (αe)
The model was calibrated under dynamic conditions with the were calculated. Comparing the calibrated α (αc) with αe
data originating from both laboratory and sensor readings col- values, three correction factors (Fc) were identified. The re-
lected in the NC-D operational mode following the approach sults are tabulated in Table 2.
presented before. The initial fractions of organic matter in the Finally, assuming the same QN value, corrected α (αCo)
influent wastewater were identified following the standard values were calculated by multiplying the α e by F c .
Dutch guidelines (Roeleveld and Van Loosdrecht 2002). The Obtained αCo values of aeration units for SRT scenarios are
average contribution of individual ASM1 components to total demonstrated in Fig. 5. To better illustrate the αCo values’
COD was found as follows: SI = 1.1%, Ss = 9.1%, Xs = 44%, trend, logarithmic best-fit curved lines were used, as shown
XI = 45.8%. A total number of eight model parameters were in Fig. 5.
adjusted to calibrate influent, aeration, clarification, and After adjusting the α values in the calibrated model, a
biokinetic sub-models. After modifying the results obtained series of dynamic simulations were performed under various
from the COD fractionation method, the influent model was SRT scenarios and all PAC parameters were identified.
calibrated by increasing particulate COD (XCOD) to VSS Following each simulation, average values and dynamic pat-
ratio, based on the measurement of the CODt and MLVSS in terns of effluent COD, TSS, TN, N-NH4, N-NO3, and TKN
the aeration tanks. The primary clarifier model was calibrated concentrations were investigated. Box-and-whisker plots of
by the reduction of the removal efficiency coefficient from its TSS, COD, NH4, and NO3 effluent concentrations were ex-
default value. amined for each SRT scenario (Fig. 6). The upper and lower
Secondary clarifiers were calibrated by adjusting clarifica- boxes show the locations of the first and third quartiles (Q1
tion coefficient (Cc) and SVI based on TSS concentration and Q3) and the lines across the box represent the mean. The
measured at final effluent and RAS, respectively. Further, as- whiskers lines represent the range between the lowest and
suming the fouling factor (Ff) equal to 1, aeration models were highest observations in the region defined by Q1−1.5 (Q3−Q1)
calibrated by adjusting α values to obtain the best fit between and Q3 + 1.5 (Q3−Q1). For clarity purposes, the limited num-
measured and modeled DO and airflow rate at each aeration ber of individual points with values outside this range was not
unit. Finally, the maximum specific growth rate for autotro- plotted.
phic biomass (μA), oxygen half-saturation index for autotro- Investigating the mean values (white lines) in Fig. 6a, a
phic biomass (KOA), and autotrophic decay rate (bA) were gradually rising trend of effluent TSS can be observed.
adjusted to calibrate biokinetic models. Details about the cal- Since SRT was controlled by manipulating the WAS flow rate,
ibration practice can be found in (Borzooei et al. 2019). The increasing the SRT causes a higher MLSS in the aeration units,
results of sensitivity analysis in the calibration of pumping hence higher TSS concentration in the effluent. The mean
energy consumption sub-models showed almost the same values of effluent COD concentration presented in Fig. 6b
amount of sensitivity for both pump efficiency (Pe) and pipe show a slightly dropping COD by increasing SRT from 10
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17981

Table 1 Adjusted energy-related

parameters and modeling results Parameter definition Symbol Unit Value
in the calibration process
Pumping energy
Pump efficiency primary clarifier Pe, P – 0.12
Pipe friction loss primary clarifier PFL, P m 25
Pump efficiency of IMLR Pe, MLR – 0.65
Pipe friction loss of IMLR PFL, MLR m 6
Pump efficiency of WAS Pe, WAS – 0.2
Pipe friction loss of WAS PFL, WAS m 10
Pump efficiency of RAS Pe, RAS – 0.4
Pipe friction loss of RAS PFL, RAS m 2.5
Mixing energy
Power per unit volume for aeration tanks PPUV, Ar W/m3 0.01
Power per unit volume for the anoxic tank PPUV, An W/m3 2.5
Aeration energy
Pressure drop in piping and diffuser downstream ΔPa atm 0.08
of blower for 3 aeration units
Combined blower and motor efficiency e – 0.25
Pumping energy in primary clarifier – kWh/day 369
Mixing energy in Anoxic tanks – kWh/day 810
Aeration and pumping energy in aeration units – kWh/day 13,138
Pumping and miscellaneous energy in secondary clarifiers – kWh/day 1988
Total energy consumption ECt kWh/day 16,305

to 15 days (due to oxidation and biodegradation of available from 10 to 15 days. Due to the high flow WAS rate under SRT
biodegradable COD under the presence of enough DO) and by of 10 days, nitrifier microorganisms are washed out at a faster
net growth of microorganisms (as a result of increasing SRT rate than they regenerate; as a result, incomplete or no nitrifi-
and halting biomass washout, which occurs in SRT of cation occurs. Consequently, the mean effluent NO3 obtained
10 days). in SRT = 10 days is in high agreement with measured values
However, increasing SRT from 15 to 40 days raises the during the sampling campaign. Further prolonging SRT from
amount of biomass present in the system (though with lower 15 to 20 days, nitrification is initiated through which ammonia
growth rates) while the amount of available soluble substrate
reaches its minimum plateau stage. The upward trend of COD Aeration unit 1 Aeration unit 2
after SRT of 15 days can be attributed mainly to the loss of Aeration unit 3 Log. (Aeration unit 1)
active biomass and/or cell debris as particulate biodegradable Log. (Aeration unit 2) Log. (Aeration unit 3)
and/or inert COD, which occurs due to higher MLSS and SRT.
In addition, it should be noted that increasing the SRT pro- 0.52
Corrected α value (αco)

duces a decline in the system’s substrate concentration and

lower substrate utilization rate.
Studying the variation of average effluent NH4 and NO3 0.48
concentrations in Fig. 6c and d, three phases can be identified.
In the first phase, the sharp decline of NH4 and steep rise of 0.46
NO3 concentration are observed by increasing the SRT value 0.44

Table 2 Results of correction of α values 0.42

Parameter Aeration unit 1 Aeration unit 2 Aeration unit 3 0.4

αc 0.49 0.51 0.48 0.38

QN 0.00126 0.00102 0.00127 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
αe 0.63 0.64 0.63 Solid retention time (d)
FC 0.78 0.79 0.76 Fig. 5 The corrected ratio of process water to clean water mass transfer
coefficients (α) for various SRTs
17982 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985

Fig. 6 Variations of TSS (a), 20 45

COD (b), NH4 (c), and NO3 (d) (a) (b)
effluent concentrations 17.5 40

C O D (m g/l)

10 30

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Solid retention time (d) Solid retention time (d)
(c) (d)
NH 4(mg/l) 15

NO 3 (mg/l)
5 2

0 0

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Solid retention time (d) Solid retention time (d)

is consumed, and nitrate is produced. Since the contrast be- was calculated and reduced from ECt to obtain total net energy
tween these two operational conditions is significant, steep consumption (ECn). Figure 7 demonstrates a comparison of
slopes are obtained in this phase. Consequently, SRT = 15 days SRT scenarios in terms of cumulative effluent quality and
is detected as the minimum operational condition for nitrifica- energy consumption in the simulation period.
tion in the system. Figure 7 highlights that the minimum EQIn-m was obtained
In the second phase, a moderate decline of NH4 and an from the model simulation under SRT of 25 days, whereas the
increasing slope of NO3 can be observed moving from SRT minimum Ec-n was observed in the model with SRT of 10 days
of 15 to 25 days. Due to increasing the residence time from the because of its high biogas production and low aeration energy.
minimum SRT value for nitrification, nitrogen species are Considering the minimum obtained EQIn-m under the SRT of
oxidized by nitrifying bacteria remaining in the aeration sys- 25 days and lower Ec-n compared to other scenarios, the setup
tem for the period equal or slightly more than their regenera- was selected as a non-dominated operational scenario. Based
tion time. As a result, ammonia oxidization occurs with an on the sampling results and audited energy data, the
almost dropping rate (substrate utilization rate decreases with Castiglione Torinese WWTP consumes 0.3 kWh for treating
increasing of SRT). 1 m3 of influent wastewater in its current operation. The en-
In the third phase, a mild declining slope of NH4 and a mild ergy consumption of WWTPs is highly influenced by opera-
increasing slope of NO3 concentrations from SRT = 25 to tional and environmental characteristics, such as pollutant
40 days can be identified. The slightly declining trend of ef- loadings, plant size, and age, as well as the type of WWTP
fluent nitrogen species can occur due to the increased resi- (Venkatesh and Brattebø 2011). Average energy consumption
dence time from 25 days, which provides nitrifying bacteria rates of WWTPs in Germany, the UK, and the USA were
a higher residence time than their regeneration time. However, reported as 0.67, 0.64, and 0.45 kWh/m3, respectively, while
soluble substrates will reach their minimum plateau and be ranges for Italian WWTPs were reported between 0.40 and
depleted with increasing the SRT. As a result, biomass con- 0.70 kWh/m 3 (Cantwell 2015; Guerrini et al. 2017).
centration may gradually decrease in this phase due to micro- By applying the proposed operational modification in
organism decay. Castiglione Torinese WWTP, energy consumption of the plant
Finally, cumulative moving average net effluent quality can be reduced to nearly 0.28 kWh/m3. This operational
index (EQIn-m), total energy consumption (Ec), and daily av- change will result in 5000 MWh savings of annual energy
eraged energy production from waste activated sludge (Epw) consumption, which is approximately equivalent to the annual
were obtained from the results of the simulations under each residential electricity consumption of 1000 people in Italy
SRT scenario. For the simulation period, a cumulative EPw (Eurostat 2013).
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2020) 27:17972–17985 17983

Fig. 7 Energy-based and effluent Ecn EQIn-m

quality parameters in PAC 180 350

Net effluent quality index (EQIn-m) (Ton)


Net energy consumption (Ecn) (MWh)

obtained under various SRT
scenarios 170 300

160 250

150 200

140 150

130 57.24 100

24.72 21.80 23.80 24.97 25.86
120 50

110 0
SRT=10 SRT=15 SRT=20 SRT=25 SRT=30 SRT=35 SRT=40
Solids retention time (day)

Conclusion legislative targets in the 2020 Climate and Energy Package,

indicating a 20% reduction in EU greenhouse gas (GHG)
With the EU setting an ambitious energy efficiency target by emissions, the application of new performance assessment
2020, energy monitoring and saving have become crucial criteria related to anthropogenic GHG emissions can be con-
tasks for managing wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). In sidered. To this end, a more comprehensive modeling library,
response to this pressing requirement, this study proposed a containing sub-models mimicking emission of carbon dioxide
robust methodology to develop and link energy consumption (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) gases in var-
sub-models to wastewater treatment process model, ious wastewater and sludge treatment processes, can be used.
using limited energy audit data. The methodology proposed
within this study was implemented for the largest Italian Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by Società
Metropolitana Acque Torino (SMAT). The authors wish to thank
WWTP. Several sub-models including biokinetic, aeration,
SMAT managing, laboratory, maintenance, and operation personnel for
hydraulic and transport, clarifier, influent, and effluent in ad- their engagement and cooperation during the sampling campaigns of this
dition to energy consumption sub-models (aeration, pumping, project.
and mixing) were developed and calibrated. A scenario-based
optimization approach was carried out to adjust the critical Compliance with ethical standards
operational parameter and optimize the performance of the
WWTP. Effluent quality-based and energy-based perfor- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
mance assessment criteria (PAC) were considered to investi-
gate the results of the simulations. The main trade-off between
energy consumption and nutrient discharges could be optimal-
ly identified in the scenario with a solids retention time (SRT) References
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