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2.1 Facilities of Existing Water Supply Scheme

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2.1 Facilities of Existing Water Supply Scheme

At present there is a water supply scheme at Warakapola area maintained by National Water
Supply & Drainage Board (NWSDB) which was built in 1996. Treatment plant of this scheme
is designed for 1,200 m3/day capacity which uses Kuda Oya as the Source. Raw water quality
of this source is monitored regularly. The raw water quality test results are shown in
Chapter2 -Annex 1. At present the plant capacity has increased up to 1,500 m3/day with the
increasing of the demand.
Treatment plant consists of aeration, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination.
Existing water supply scheme covers about 6,500 populations through 1626 individual
connections who live in 7 GN Divisions of Warakapola DSD.
GNDs covered by the water supply scheme
i. Kukulpana
ii. Thumbaliyadda
iii. Gamithapura
iv. Warakapola
v. Dummaladeniya
vi. Ambepussa
vii. Mahena

2.1.1 Treatment Plant

Coverage map of the existing Warakapola Water Supply System is shown in the Annex 1.
As mentioned in the above paragraph, Kuda Oya is used as the main source. Addition to this
source, a bore hole is also used as the source since the demand is very high. Water from the
bore hole is extracted for 12 hours daily.
Water from the bore hole is directly pumped to the aerator. It is a tray type aerator. From the
aerator Fe2+, Mn2+, CO2, odour are removed.
Surface water from Kuda oya is directly pumped to the flocculator since the surface water is
aerated naturally. There are 2 chambers with volume of 3.3 m3 each and it has 8.2 seconds of
retention time. Nominal flow rate of the flocculator is 62 m3/hr.
Next, water is entered to sedimentation tanks. There are 2 tanks with a volume of 58 m3 each. It
has a horizontal flow with a velocity of 62 m/hr.
Water from sedimentation tank (surface water) and aerator (ground water) are then feed the
pressure filters. It has a 3m diameter and 1m height. There are two pressure sand filters and
vertical flow rate of these filters are 31 m3/hr.

Then lime and chlorine are added to the water coming from the pressure sand filters. There is a
450m3 capacity chlorine contact tank with a nominal flow of 62 m3/hr.
Then treated water goes to a ground clear water sump with a capacity of 70m3. Then water is
directly pumped to a water tank with a capacity of 450 m3.

2.1.2 Transmission and Distribution system

There is a 160mm diameter 500 m pipe line from intake of Kuda Oya to treatment plant. From
Bore hole to treatment plant, there is a 750 m length 100 mm (Φ)DI .
Distribution system is 28.7 km long. Respective lengths of relevant diameters are as following
Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Pipe details of the existing distribution system
Pipe Diameter Pipe material Length
63 mm PVC 4,900 m
90 mm PVC 3,500 m
110 mm PVC 11,200 m
150 mm DI 233 m
160 mm PVC 7,500 m
200 mm DI 118 m
225 mm PVC 1,200 m

There are 17 section valves, 12 air valves and 11 washout valves in the existing Warakapola
water supply system.
Operation and maintenance staff of the existing Warakapola water supply system is as
following table 2.2.
Table 2.2: Staff of Warakapola WSS
Staff No. of people
Pump Operator (shift) 3
Meter Reader 1
Labour 2

Treated water quality of existing water supply scheme is shown in Chapter 2- Annex 2.

2.2 Present Water use Practices

Though there is a water supply scheme all the people are not using pipe borne water in the
served area. Their water usage practice is different one into each other. Table 2.2 shows the
water usage practice of the served GNDs of the existing Warakapola Water Supply Scheme.

Table 2.3 Present Water use practices in served GNDs of Existing Warakapola WSS
GND GN Division Total Pipe Dug Well Other
No Families born
92 Kukulpane 549 75 466 8
92C Thumbaliyadda 396 92 226 78
92B Ganithapura 885 358 502 25
92A Warakapala 1,017 187 830 -
94C Dummaladeniya 261 78 514 29
83A Ambepussa 911 28 883 -
83B Mahena 713 282 431 -
Total 4,672 1,100 3,432 140

2.3 Problems Encountered with Existing Water Supply

 Capacity of the existing treatment plant cannot be increased due to insufficient yield of
existing water sources.
 Distribution system cannot be expanded due to small diameter pipes.
 Some elevated areas cannot be supplied from the existing scheme.

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