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BCA 2 SEM Syllabus

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Organizational Behavior Course Code: 201

Objective: To enable the students to understand the impact that individual, group & structures have on behavior within the organizations and apply such knowledge towards improving organizational effectiveness. No. of Lectures 1. Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (8) Nature, Scope, Definition and Goals of Organizational Behavior Fundamental Concepts of Organizational Behavior Models of Organizational Behavior Emerging aspects of Organizational Behavior: TQM, Managing Cultural Diversity, Managing the Perception Process 2. Attitude Values and Motivation (8) Effects of employee attitudes Personal and Organizational Values Job Satisfaction Nature and Importance of Motivation Achievement Motive Theories of Work Motivation: Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory, McGregcrs's Theory X and Theory Y 3. Personality (8) Definition of Personality, Determinants of Personality Theories of Personality Trait and Type Theories, The Big Five Traites, Mytes-Briggs Indicator, Locus of Control, Type A and Type B Assessment of Personality 4. Work Stress (8) Meaning and definition of Stress, Symptoms of Stress Sources of Stress: Individual Level, Group Level, Organizational Level Stressors, Extra Organizational Stressors Effect of Stress Burnouts Stress Management Individual Strategies, Organizational Strategies Employee Counseling

5. Group Behavior and Leadership Nature of Group, Types of Groups Nature and Characteristics of team Team Building, Effective Teamwork


Nature of Leadership, Leadership Styles Traits of Effective Leaders 6. Conflict in Organizations Nature of Conflict, Process of Conflict Levels of Conflict Intrapersonal, Interpersonal Sources of Conflict Effects of Conflict Conflict Resolution (8)

Books Recommended:1. Organizational Behavior Text, Cases and Games- By K. Aswathappa, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, Sixth Edition (2005) 2. Organizational Behavior Human Behavior at Work By J. W. Newstrom, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 12th Edition (2007) 3. Organizational Behavior - By Fred Luthans 4. Organizational Behavior - By Super Robbins 5. Organizational Behavior - Anjali Ghanekar 6. Organizational Behavior Fandamentals, Realities and Challenges By Detra Nelson, James Campbell Quick Thomson Publications 7. Organizational Behavior through Indian Philosophy By N. M. Mishra, Himalaya Publication House

Elements of Statistics Course Code : 202 Objectives : 1.To understand the concept of population and sample. 2.To use frequency distribution to make decision. 3.To understand and to calculate various types of averages and variation. 4.To use the concept of probability in business. 5.To understand the concept and importance of statistical quality control. Marks : 100 Unit1. Population, Sample and Data Condensation: Definition and scope of statistics, concept of population and sample with Illustration, Raw data, attributes and variables, classification, frequency distribution, Cumulative frequency distribution. Unit 2. Measures of Central Tendency: (8) No. of Lectures (5)

Concept of central Tendency, requirements of a good measures of central tendency, Arithmetic mean, Median, Mode, Harmonic Mean, Geometric mean for grouped and ungrouped data. Unit 3. Measures of Dispersion: (8)

Concept of dispersion, Absolute and relative measure of dispersion, range, variance, standard deviation , Coefficient of variation. Unit 4. Permutations and Combinations: (6)

Permutations of n dissimilar objects taken r at a time ( with or without repetitions ). nPr = n! / (n-r) ! ( without proof ). Combinations of r objects taken from n objects. nCr = n! / (r! (n-r) !) (without proof ) . Simple examples , Applications. Unit 5. Sample space , events and Probability (13)

Experiments and random experiments. Ideas of deterministic and nondeterministic experiments. Definition of - sample space, discrete sample space, events. Types of events, Union and intersections of two or more events, mutually exclusive events, Complementary event, Exhaustive event. Simple examples. Classical definition of probability, Addition theorem of probability without

proof ( upto three events are expected ), Definition of Conditional Probability Definition of independence of two events ,simple numerical problems.

Unit 6. Statistical Quality Control : Introduction, control limits, specification limits, tolerance limits , process and product control. Control charts for X and R. Control charts for number of defective ( np- chart), control charts for number of defects ( c- chart )


Recommended Books : 1) S.C. Gupta - Fundamentals of Statistics Sultan chand & sons, Delhi. 2) D.N. Elhance Fundamentals of Statistics Kitab Mahal, Allahabad. 3) Montgomery D.C. Statistical Quality Control John Wiley and sons. 4) Goon, Gupta and Dasgupta Fundamentals of Statistics - The world press private ltd. , Kolkata. 5) Hogg R.V. and Craig R.G. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Ed 4 (1989) - Macmillan Pub. Co. New York . 5) Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods, Pub Sultan Chand and sons New Delhi

C Programming Course Code : 203

Objectives : 1) To Know the concepts of C Programming 2)To Undestand how to use programming in day to day Applications. No. of Lectures 1.0 Arrays 1.1 Definition, declaration and initialization of one dimensional array 1.2 Accessing array elements 1.3 Displaying array elements 1.4 Sorting arrays, 1.5 Arrays and function, 1.6 Two-Dimensional array 1.6.1 declaration and initialization 1.6.2 accessing and displaying 1.6.3 memory representation of array row major, Column major. 1.7 Multidimensional array 2.0 Pointers 2.1 definition and declaration, Initialization 2.2 indirection operator, address of operator 2.3 pointer arithmetic 2.4 dynamic memory allocation 2.5 arrays and pointers 2.6 function and pointers 3.0 Strings 3.1 Definition, declaration and initialization of strings 3.2 standard library functions : 3.2.1 strlen( ) 3.2.2 strcpy( ) 3.2.3 strcat( ) 3.2.4 strcmp( ) 3.3 Implementation without using standard library 7 7 8

functions 4.0 Structures 4.1 Definition and declaration 4.2 Variables initialization 4.3 Accessing fields and structure operations 4.4 Nested structures 4.5 Union 4.5.1. Definition and declaration. 4.6 Differentiate between Union and structure Introduction C Preprocessor 5.1 Definition of Preprocessor 5.2 Macro substitution directives 5.3 File inclusion directives 5.4 Conditional compilation. Bitwise Operators 6.1 Bitwise operators 6.2 Shift operators 6.3 Masks 6.4 Bit field File handling 7.1 Definition of Files, Opening modes of files 7.2 Standard function: 7.2.1 fopen( ) 7.2.2 fclose( ) 7.2.3 feof( ) 7.2.4 fseek( ) 7.2.5 rewind( ) 7.3 Using text files: 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.4 7.3.5 8.0 fgetc( ) fputc( ) fprintf( ) fscanf( ) 1 40 8




Command line arguments Total

Referential Books:1. 2. 3. 4. Let us C-Yashwant Kanetkar. Programming in C- Balguruswamy The C programming Lang., Pearson Ecl Dennis Ritchie Structured programming approach using C-Forouzah &Ceilberg Thomson learning publication.

5. Pointers in C Yashwant Kanetkar File Structure and Database Concepts Course Code : 204 Objectives : 1) To Know the Fundamentals of Databases 2)To Undestand how to use Databases in day to day Applications. Unit No. 1. Chapter Details File Structure and Organization 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Logical and Physical Files 1.2.1 File 1.2.2 File Structure 1.2.3 Logical and Physical Files Definitions 1.3 Basic File Operations 1.3.1 Opening Files 1.3.2 Closing Files 1.3.3 Reading and Writing 1.3.4 Seeking 1.4 File Organization 1.4.1 Field and Record structure in file 1.4.2 Record Types 1.5 Types of file organization 1.5.1Files of Unordered Records ( Heap Files) 1.5.2File of Ordered Records (Sorted Files) 1.5.3Hash Files 1.6 Over View of Indexes 1.6.1 Dense Index 1.6.2 Sparse Index Tree Structured Indexing 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Index Sequential Access Method (ISAM) 2.2.1 Structure of index sequential File 2.3 B+ Tree : A Dynamic Index Structure 2.3.1 Operations on B+ Tree a. Search b. Insertion c. Deletion Database Management System 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Definition of DBMS 3.3 file processing system Vs DBMS 3.3.1 Limitation of file processing system No. of Lect. 6





3.3.2 Comparison of File processing system and DBMS 3.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS 3.5 Users of DBMS 3.5.1 Database Designers 3.5.2 Application programmer 3.5.3 Sophisticated Users 3.5.4 End Users 3.6 Capabilities of good DBMS 3.7 Overall System structure Data Models 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Data Models 4.2.1 Object Based Logical Model 4.2.2 Record Base Logical Model a. Relational Model b. Network Model c. Hierarchical Model 4.3 Entity Relationship Model 4.3.1 Entity Set 4.3.2 Attribute 4.3.3 Relationship Set 4.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 4.5 Extended features of ERD Relational Databases 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Terms a. Relation b. Tuple c. Attribute d. Cordinality e. Degree f. Domain 5.2 Keys 5.2.1 Super Key 5.2.2 Candidate Key 5.2.3 Primary Key 5.2.4 Foreign Key 5.3 Relational Algebra 5.3.1 Operations a. Select b. Project c. Union d. Difference e. Intersection f. Cartesian Product


g. Natural Join 6. SQL (Structured Query Language) 6.1 Introduction 6.2 History Of SQL 6.3 Basic Structure 6.4 DDL Commands 6.5 DML Commands 6.6 Simple Queries 6.7 Nested Queries 6.8 Aggregate Functions 6.9 Clauses Relational Database Design 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Anomalies of un normalized database 7.3 Normalization 7.4 Normal Form 7.4.1 1 NF 7.4.2 2 NF 7.4.3 3 NF 10




References: 1) Database System Concepts By Henry korth and A. Silberschatz 2) An Introduction to Database System by Bipin Desai 3) File Structure by Michael J. Folk, Greg, Riccardi 4) Teach Yourself SQL in 14 days by Jeff Parkins and Bryan Morgan 5) Introduction to Postgresql Wrox Publication

Cost Accounting
Course Code : 205 Course Title : Cost Accounting

Objectives:1) To Impart the Knowledge of Basic cost concepts, element of cost & Preparation of Cost Sheet. 2)To provide basic knowledge of important Methods & Techniques of costing. Level of Knowledge Units : Basic understanding of the subject. Topics

Teaching Hrs 8

Unit 1: Introduction. 1.1 Concept of cost, costing, cost Accounting & Cost Accountancy 1.2. Limitations of Financial Accounting 1.3. Origin and objectives of cost Accounting 1.4. Advantages and Limitations of Cost Accounting 1.5. Difference between Financial and Cost Accounting 1.6. Cost Unit & Cost Centre Unit 2: Elements of cost 2.1. Material, Labour and other Expenses 2.2. Classification of cost & Types of Costs 2.3. Preparation of Cost Sheet Unit 3: Methods of Costing (Theory Only) 3.1. Job Costing Meaning, Features, Advantages and Limitation 3.2. Contract Costing Basic Concepts 3.3. Process Costing - Meaning, Features, Normal and Abnormal Loss/ Gains 3.4. Operating Costing Meaning, Features & Objectives Techniques of Costing Unit 4. Budget and Budgetary Control- Definition, Meaning and objectives of Budgetary control Advantages and disadvantages of Budgetary Control Types of Budget Marginal Costing Meaning and Various Concepts - Fixed Cost Variable Cost, Contribution, P/V Ratio, Break Event Point, Margin


Unit 5.

Unit 6.

of Safety Standard Costing- Definition and Meaning of Various Concepts Advantages and Limitations of Standard Costing Variance Analysis Material and labour Variances only

Total Periods Area of Practical problems: Simple Problems on 1) Cost Sheet 2) Techniques of Costing I) Marginal Costing II) Budget and Budgetary Control Flexible and Cash Budget III) Standard Costing Material and Labour Variances only Allocation of Marks: Theory 50% Practical Problems 50% Compulsory one industrial visit for updating practical knowledge. Books, Journals and Website Recommended: Books 1. Advanced cost Accounting by Saxena and Vasistha. 2. Advanced cost Accounting by S.P.Jain and Narong. 3. Cost Accounting by S.N.Maheshwari 4. Cost Accounting by Ratnam. 5. Practice in Advanced Costing and Management Accounting by Prof. Subhash Jagtap Nirali Prakashan, Pune. 6.Cost and Works Accounting II and IIIProf. Subhasg Jagtap, Prof.Pagar and Dr.Nare K.S.Publication,Pune. 7.Cost Accounting Bhatta HSM,Himalaya Publication 8. Cost Accounting Prabhu Dev , Himalaya Publication 9. Advanced Cost Accounting Made Gowda,Himalaya Publication Journals Management Accountant The ICWA of India, Kolkatta CD on Cost- sheet Prepared by Asian center for Research and Training


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