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Zeal Polytechnic, Pune.: Third Year (Ty) Diploma in Civil Engineering Scheme: I Semester: V

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Subject Code: 22502



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Scheme – I
Sample Question Paper
Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group
Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Semester : Fifth 22502
Course Title : Design of Steel and RCC Structures
Max. Marks : 70 Time : 4 Hrs.

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
6) Use of non-programmable electronic pocket calculator is permissible.
7) Mobile phone, pager and any other electronic communication devices are not
permissible in examination hall.

Q.1 Attempt Five of the following. 10 Marks

a) Define the Limit state and state its types.
b) Enlist two loads to be considered as per IS 875:1987 while designing steel structures.
c) Explain the term – Pitch and Gauge related to bolted connection.
d) Define the terms - Characteristic Load and Characteristic Strength.
e) State two forms of shear reinforcement.
f) Define aspect ratio in case of slab and state its importance.
g) Write an expression for minimum eccentricity of axially loaded short column along
with meaning of each term used in it.

Q.2 Attempt Three of the following. 12 Marks

a) Write names of four steel structures along with their functions.
b) Draw stress and strain distribution diagram for a singly reinforced balanced section
showing all important variables along with their meanings.
c) Define development length and enlist three factors affecting it.
d) Calculate the development length, if a 16 mm diameter bar of grade Fe 500 is used for
resisting compression. Take the design bond stress (ζbd) is 1.2 N/mm2 for plain bars in

Q.3 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design suitable bolted connection for a single angle strut made up of
ISA 100 x 100 x 10 mm using 12 mm gusset plate for a factored compressive load of
175 kN. Assume 20 mm bolts of grade 4.6. Draw connection details.
b) Design fillet weld to connect plates 60 mm x 10 mm and 150 mm x 12 mm thick for
its full strength. Assume welding is on three sides. Take, shop weld, fy = 250 MPa and
fu = 410 MPa.

c) ( i) Define cover provided for reinforcement in RC section and state it’s
recommendations as per IS 456:2000.
(ii) Define over reinforced section and state two reasons due to which they are avoided
in actual practice.

Q.4 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Calculate ultimate moment of resistance for a cantilever beam having effective span of
2.5 m and of size 230 mm x 450 mm deep effective. It is reinforced with 6 bars of
12 mm diameter bar on tension side only. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 500 steel. Also
determine safe uniformly distributed load the beam can sustain.
b) Calculate depth and area of steel at mid span of a simply supported beam having
a span of 6 m. The beam is carrying a udl of 20 kN/m including self weight. Use M 20
concrete and Fe 415 steel. Assume b = ½ d.
c) Design the shear reinforcement for a simply supported beam of span 5.0 m having size
230 x 450 mm effective. It carries a central point load of 30 kN. It is reinforced with
4 bars of 16 mm diameter out of which one bar is bent having grade of Fe 415. Use
two legged vertical stirrups of 8 mm diameter. Take ζc = 0.57 N/mm2 and
ζc max = 3.1 N/mm2.

Q.5 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design the suitable slab for a 3 m wide passage, supported on 230 mm thick side
walls. It carries a superimposed load of 3.75 kN/m2 including floor finish.
Take M.F.= 1.4. Use effective cover of 20 mm, M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Do
not apply check for shear and bond. Sketch the cross-section along shorter span.
b) Design a slab having internal room size 3 x 4.5 m. Take live load of 2 kN/m2,
floor finish of 1 kN/m2. Assume width of support = 230 mm. Take BM coefficients as
α x = 0.104 and αy = 0.046. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Draw the
reinforcement details along longer span. Do not apply checks for shear, bond and
c) Design a chajja for a span of 1.5 m. Take L.L. = 2..2 kN/m2 and F.F. = 0.5 kN/m2.
Size of support lintel is 230 x 230 mm. Use M 20 concrete and deformed steel of
grade Fe 415. Sketch the c/s of chajja. (No checks required.)

Q.6 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design a square column to carry an axial load of 1200 kN. The unsupported length of
column is 3.5 m. Use M20 concrete and 1 % steel of grade Fe 415 as longitudinal
reinforcement. Apply the check for minimum eccentricity and for short column.
b) Design a RC column square footing for a column of size 400 mm x 400 mm. Load on
column is 1200 kN. Take safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/m2. Use M20
concrete and Fe 415 steel. Check for punching shear and one way action need not be
given. Also, draw the c/s of footing showing reinforcement details.
c) Write IS 456: 2000 requirements for RC column and footing –
( i) Percentage, spacing and diameter of longitudinal steel
(ii) Diameter and pitch of transverse steel

Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper - I
Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group
Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Semester : Fifth 22502
Course Title : Design of Steel and RCC Structures
Max. Marks : 20 Time : 1.15 Hrs.

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
6) Use of non-programmable electronic pocket calculator is permissible.
7) Mobile phone, pager and any other electronic communication devices are not
permissible in examination hall.

Q.1 Attempt Four of the following. 08 Marks

a) Define Partial safety factor and write it’s values for load and material.
b) State the meaning of – ISNT, ISMB, ISSC and ISLC.
c) Write two advantages and two disadvantages of steel as a construction material.
d) Write four advantages of bolted connection over welded connection.
e) Write four assumptions made in Limit state of collapse (flexure).
f) State two differentiations between Under reinforced and Balanced section.

Q.2 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design the bolted joint to transfer a design force of 750 kN. An inclined truss member
consists of 2 ISA 100 x 75 x 10 mm connected back to back with longer leg connected
to a gusset plate 12 mm thick. Use bolts of grade 4.6 and steel of grade Fe 410.
b) ( i) Define bolt value and state its criteria to decide it. Also state its use in case of
design of joint.
(ii) Calculate the weld length for a fillet joint of two plates having 120 x 10 mm each
is subjected to a factored axial load of 250 kN. Use shop weld of size 6 mm using
design weld strength equal to 410 MPa.
c) Design the smallest reinforced concrete section for a simply supported beam of 4 m
clear span with bearing support of 300 mm. It carries a udl of 30 kN/m including self
weight. The width of the beam is 250 mm and reinforced on tension side only. The
materials used are M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel.

Scheme – I
Sample Test Paper - II
Program Name : Civil Engineering Program Group
Program Code : CE/CR/CS
Semester : Fifth 22502
Course Title : Design of Steel and RCC Structures
Max. Marks : 20 Time : 1.15 Hrs.

1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
5) Preferably, write the answers in sequential order.
6) Use of non-programmable electronic pocket calculator is permissible.
7) Mobile phone, pager and any other electronic communication devices are not
permissible in examination hall.

Q.1 Attempt Four of the following. 08 Marks

a) State two functions of bent up bars provided in flexure section.
b) State four factors affecting development length in RC design.
c) Define development length and anchorage length used in the theory of bond.
d) Differentiate between one way slab and two way slab with respect to aspect ratio,
spanning direction, bending curvature and placing of steel.
e) Write an expression for design strength of axially loaded short column as per IS
456:2000 along with meaning of each term.
f) Enlist two different criteria to be considered while deciding depth of footing as per
IS 456:2000.

Q.2 Attempt Two of the following. 12 Marks

a) Design verandah slab supported along two longer edges having effective span of
3.0 m. Take live load = 4 kN/m2, floor finish = 1 kN/m2. Use M 20 concrete and
Fe 415 steel. Take M. F. = 1.4. Also sketch c/s of slab along longer span showing
reinforcement details. (No checks required.)
b) An axially loaded column of size 500 x 500 mm is carrying factored load of 1500 kN.
Design a RC square footing supported by foundation strata having its safe bearing
capacity as 200 kN/m2. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Decide footing depth
using bending moment criteria only. Also, draw the c/s of footing showing
reinforcement details.
c) ( i) Calculate anchorage length of 45° and 90° bend for 20 mm diameter bar.
(ii) Draw the cross section of cantilever slab with supporting end beam showing
reinforcement details.

4 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.

Instructions – (1) All Questions are Compulsory.

(2) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.
(5) Use of Non-programmable Electronic Pocket
Calculator is permissible.
(6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic
Communication devices are not permissible in
Examination Hall.


1. Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

a) Enlist the components and corresponding functions of steel
water tank.
b) Define bolt value and pitch.
c) State the values of partial safety factors for material strength
of concrete and steel for limit state of collapse.
d) Write the expression for minimum shear reinforcement giving
the meaning of terms involved.
e) Define aspect ratio in case of slab and state its importance.
f) Write any two IS specifications for longitudinal reinforcement
of an axially loaded short column.
g) Enlist two load to be considered as per IS 875-1987 while
designing steel structures.

22502 [2]
2. Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
a) Explain the limit state of serviceability applicable to steel
b) In steel constructions bolts of grade 4.6 are generally used.
What do you mean by grade 4.6?
c) Define over reinforced sections and state two reasons due to
which they are avoided.
d) Diameter of steel bar is 20 mm. Use Fe415 steel and design
bond stress is 1.2 MPa. For plain bars in tension. Find
development length in tension and compression.

3. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Design the lap joint for plates 100 × 10 mm and
80 × 10 mm thick connected, to transmit 120 kN factored load
using single raw of 18 mm dia. bolts of 4.6 grade and plates
of 415 grades.
b) Design a suitable fillet welded connection for
ISA 80 × 50 × 8 mm with its longer leg connected to
gusset plate of thickness 8 mm. The angle is subjected to
factored load of 270 kN. Cxx = 27.5 mm. Assume weld
applied to all three edges and shop weld. Take fy = 250
MPa and fu = 410 MPa.
c) A RC section 250 mm × 450 mm effective is reinforced
with 4 No - 16 mm dia bars of Fe 415 on tension side only.
If M20 concrete is used, calculate ultimate moment of resistance
the beam can offer.
22502 [3]
4. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Calculate depth and area of steel at mid span of a simply
supported beam over a clear span 6 m. The beam is carrying
all inclusive load 20 kN/m. Assume 300 mm bearings.
Use M20 and Fe500. Assume (b = ½ d)
b) A simply supported beam of span 5 m carries a working udl of
intensity 40 kN/m. Size of beam 350 mm × 500 mm (effective).
It is reinforced with 4 bars 20 mm diameter. Design 8 mm
diameter 2 legged stirrups if one 20 mm diameter bar is bent
up. Take tc = 0.5 N/mm2, tc max = 2.8 N/mm2. Use M20
grade concrete and Fe415 steel.
c) State the various forms of shear reinforcement. State formula for
the same.

5. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

a) Design a one way slab with the following data, span = 3 m,
live load = 4 kN/m2 floor finish = 1 kN/m2. Concrete M20 and
Fe415 steel. Take M.F. as 1.4. (No check required).
b) Design a reinforced concrete slab panel for 6.3 × 4.5 m simply
supported on all the four sides. It has to carry a live load of
4 kN/m2 in addition to its dead load. Use M25 concrete Fe 415
steel. (No checks) Use ax = 0.062 & ay = 0.060.
c) Design a cantilever chajja with following data : Span = 1.50 m,
width = 2.0 m, L.L. = 1.5 kN/m2. Floor finish = 0.5 kN/m2,
support lintel = 230 × 300 mm concrete M20, Fe 415 steel,
sketch the c/s of chajja. Showing steel details.

22502 [4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following: 12
a) Design a square column to carry an axial load of 1500 kN. The
unsupported length of the column is 3.5 m. Use M20 concrete
& 1% Fe500 steel for longitudinal reinforcement. Use MS bar
for lateral ties. Apply the check for minimum eccentricity.
b) Design a circular column to carry an axial load of 1500 kN.
using MS Lateral ties. Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel.
The unsupported length of column is 3.75 m.
c) Design on R.C. column footing with following data.
Size of column = 400 mm × 400 mm.
Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/m2.
Load on column = 1400 kN.
Concrete M20 and steel Fe 415 is used.
Calculate depth of footing from B.M. Criteria.
No shear check is required.
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Subject Name: DESIGN OF STEEL & RCC STRUCTURES Subject Code : 22502
Model Answer

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to
assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more Importance
(Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
6) may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer
7) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant
8) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

QN Attempt any FIVE of the following Marking 10 M

Q1 a) Enlist the components and corresponding functions of steel water tank 2
The components of a steel water tank are:- 1
The side wall plates
Bottom wall plates, bracings in case of rectangular tanks
Elevated steel tank consists of, Ring beam, Staircase
The primary functions of a steel water tank is storage of water

b) Define bolt value and pitch 1 2

Pitch : it’s the centre to centre distance between the bolts in the direction of
Bolt value: it’s the least value of the shear strength and bearing strength of a
c) State the values of partial safety factors for material strength of concrete and 2
steel for limit state of collapse
The values of partial factor of safety for steel and concrete.
1) Partial factor of safety for steel = 1.15
2) Partial factor of safety for concrete = 1.5

P a g e 1 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

d) Write the expression for minimum shear reinforcement giving the meaning of 1 2
the terms involved
Sv =
Sv – Spacing of stirrups
fy – Characteristic strength of steel,
Asv – Area of Stirrup bar,
b – width of the beam
e) Define the aspect ratio in case of slab and state its importance. 2
The ratio of Ly/Lx is know as aspect ratio of the slab, where Ly is longer side and 1
Lx is the shorter side of the slab.
The importance of this is that, if the ratio of Ly/Lx is greater than 2, then the
should be designed as a one way slab and if the ratio is less than 2 it should be
designed as a two way slab.
f) Write the two IS specifications for longitudinal reinforcement of an axially 1 M any2 2
loaded short column
IS specifications for longitudinal reinforcement of an axially
loaded short column:
i) Minimum diameter of bar in column = 12 mm
ii) Minimum number of bars in square/rectangle column = 4 Nos
iii) Minimum number of bars in circular column = 6 Nos
iv) Cover of the column = 40 mm
v) Minimum and maximum steel in column
vi) Max % of steel = 6 % of gross cross-sectional area of column
vii) Min % of steel = 0.8 % of gross cross-sectional area of column
g) Enlist two loads to be considered as per IS 875 -1987 while designing steel 1M any2 2
Loads to be considered as per IS 875 -1987 while designing steel structures
1.DEAD LOAD ----IS 875-PART-1 -1987
2. LIVE LOAD -- IS 875-PART-2 -1987
3. WIND LOAD --- IS 875-PART-3 -1987
4. SNOW LOAD --- IS 875-PART-4 -1987
Q2 Attempt Any THREE of the following 12 M
a) Explain the limit state of serviceability applicable to steel structures. 4M
The acceptable limit for safety and serviceability of the structure before
failure occurs is called as Limit state. To assure the serviceability of the

P a g e 2 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

structure throughout its lifetime, it is related to the satisfactory performance

of the structure at working load. 2
The following limit state of serviceability is considered:
1)Deflection and deformation
2) Durability
3) crack due to fatigue
4) Fire
b) In steel constructions bolts of grade 4.6 are generally used. What do you 4M
mean by grade 4.6? 2
In bolts of grade 4-6, The number 4 is 1/100Th of nominal ultimate stress of bolt
fub = 4 x 100 = 400 N/mm2 and yield stress fyb is 0.6 x 400 = 240N/mm2

c) Define over reinforced sections and state two reasons due to which they are 4M
When xu > xmax or pt > pt lim The section is called a over reinforced section, It
is avoided due to the following reasons:
1) In over reinforced section, percentage of steel is more than critical
percentage, Due to this, the concrete crushes and reaches its ultimate
stress before steel reaches its yield point . In this case, the beam will fail
initially due to overstress in the concrete, suddenly without giving any
warning by way of large deformations and cracks as it does in the case
of under reinforced section. So, there is a huge loss of life and property. 2
2)The moment of resistance of the section does not increase more than
that of balanced section even if the steel is increased as compared to
balanced section
d) Diameter of steel bar is 20 mm. Use Fe415 steel and design bond stress is 1.2 4M
MPa. For plain bars in tension. Find development length in tension and
d= 20mm
fy= 415N/mm2
ꞇ bd= 1.2N/mm2 1
Development Length is given by
Ld=( 4 ꞇbd
For deformed bars, ꞇbd = 1.2*1.6
In tension 1
Ld =(
= 940.23 mm 1

P a g e 3 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

In compression
ꞇbd = 1.6*1.25* ꞇbd
0.87∗415∗20) 1
Ld =(
= 752.19 mm
Q3 Attempt any TWO of the following 12M
a) Design the lap joint for plates 100x10mm and 80x10mm thick connected to
transmit 120kN factored load using single row of 18mm dia bolts of 4.6 grade 6M
and plates of 415 grades.
For bolts of grade 4.6
fub = 400 N/mm2
For Fe 415 grade steel fu = 415
(d) Dia of bolts = 18mm 1
Dia of bolt hole = 18+2 = 20mm.
Gross Area of bolt = 4 𝑥182 = 254.47mm2
Net area of bolts = 0.78*Gross Area
= 198.49mm2
Single shear strength of bolt 1
Vdsb = Vnsb
Vnsb = (nn.Anb + ns Asb)
= (1x198.49+0)
= 45838.33N
Vdsb = = 36670.67N

Vdsb = 36.67 kN

Strength of bolts in bearing

𝑉𝑛𝑠𝑏 1
Vdpb =

Vnpb = 2.5kb.d.t.fu
Kb is least of the below
𝑒 𝑃 𝑓𝑢𝑏
[ , − 0.25, , 1.0]
3𝑑𝑜 3𝑑𝑜 𝑓𝑢

P a g e 4 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Assuming e = 1.5do
= 1.5x20 = 30mm
P = 2.5d = 45 mm
30 45 400
= 0.5 , (3𝑥20 − 0.25) = 0.5 , 415 = 0.964, 1.0

The least of the above is 0.5 hence kb is 0.5

Vnpb = 2.5x0.5x18x10x415
= 93375 N
𝑉𝑛𝑝𝑏 93375
𝑉𝑑𝑝𝑏 = = = 74700N 74.70kN
1.25 1.25

Bolt valve is the least of the above Vdsb & Vdpb 1

= 36.67 kN
No. of bolts = = 3.27 ≈ 4 𝑁𝑜 ′ 𝑠 1
Arrange the bolts as shown below in one row.

30 ₮ 45₮ 45 ₮ 45 ₮ 45
Single shear strength of bolt
Vdsb = Vnsb
Vnsb = (nn.Anb + ns Asb)
= (1x198.49+0)
= 45838.33N
Vdsb = = 36670.67N
Vdsb = 36.67 kN
Therefore no of bolts: = 3.27 ≈ 4 𝑁𝑜 ′ 𝑠 1

Equating this to tensile strength of plate per pitch length

Tdn=(0.9 ∗ 𝑓𝑢(𝑝 − 𝑑𝑜) ∗ 𝑡)/ γm1 = 0.9x415(p-20)x10 = 120000

1.25 1

P a g e 5 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

p = 60.16mm ~ 65 mm check if greater than minimum pitch which is 2.5x18 =45

mm hence ok
Consider e as 35 mm 1
Strength of bolts in bearing
Vdpb =

Vnpb = 2.5kb.d.t.fu
Kb is least of the below
𝑒 𝑃 𝑓𝑢𝑏
[ , − 0.25, , 1.0]
3𝑑𝑜 3𝑑𝑜 𝑓𝑢
35 65 400
= 0.583 , (3𝑥20 − 0.25) = 0.833 , 415 = 0.964 , 1.0

Hence the value of kb is 0.583

Vnpb = 2.5x0.583x18x10x415
= 108875.25 N
𝑉𝑛𝑝𝑏 108875.25
𝑉𝑑𝑝𝑏 = =
1.25 1.25
= 87100.2N
= 87.1 kN

Therefore, the bolt value is 36.6kN


30 ₮ 65 ₮ 65 ₮ 65 ₮ 30 ₮

P a g e 6 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

b) Design a suitable fillet welded connection for ISA 80x50x8 with its longer leg 6M
connected to gusset plate of thickness 8mm. The angle is subjected to
factored load of 270kN. Cxx = 27.5mm. Assume weld applied to all 3 edges
and shop weld. Take fy = 250 MPa & fu = 410 MPa.
Given Pu = 270 kN
Minimum size of weld = 3 mm 1
Maximum size of weld = 4 (8) = 6𝑚𝑚
Provide a weld size of 4 mm.

Note: - Students may assume any other size of weld between 3 mm to 6 mm.
The answer will vary examiner needs to check as per the size of weld
considered by the student.

# Design stress of shop weld. 1

fwd = = 189.37 N/mm2
(√3) ∗ 𝛾𝑚1
ɤm1 = 1.25
Throat thickness (t) = 0.7 x 4 = 2.8 mm.

# Weld length required 1

Pdw = fwd * L * t

270 x 103 = 189.37 * L * 2.8


L = 509.21 mm. ~510mm

#Strength of weld per mm
Pdw = fwd * 1 * t
Pq x 189.37 x 1 x 2.8
Pq = 530.24 N

Length of weld required =
= 509.21 ≈ 510 mm

P a g e 7 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

As per the requirement the welding is done on 3 sides

X1 + X2 + 80 = 510
X1 + X2 = 430 1


Taking moment @ bottom weld

X1(530.24)*80+80x530.24x40=270x103 x27.5
X1 = 135.04 ≈ 140 𝑚𝑚 1
X2 = 294.96 ≈ 295 𝑚𝑚

c) A RC section 250mm x 450mm effective in reinforced with 4 no – 16 mm dia 6M

bars of Fe 415 on tension side only. If M20 concrete in used, calculate
ultimate moment of resistance the beam can offer.
Size of beam = 250 x 450
𝜋 1
Given Ast = 4[ 4 𝑥162] = 804.25 mm2
Check it the beam is under reinforced
0.87𝑓𝑦𝐴𝑠𝑡 1
Xu =
0.36𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑏

Xu = = 161.32 mm

Check Xu max 1
Xumax = 0.48d = 0.48x450 = 216mm
Since Xu < Xumax section is under reinforced
MR = 0.87 fy Ast (d – 0.42Xu)
= 0.87x 415 x 804.25 (450 – 0.42 x 161.32)
= 110994360 N-mm 1
MR = 110.99 kN-m

P a g e 8 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

Q4 Attempt any TWO of the following 12M

a) Calculate depth and area of steel at mid span of a simply supported beam
over a clear span 6m. The beam is carrying all-inclusive load 20 kN/M.
Assume 300mm bearings. Use M20 & Fe500 Assume b = 𝟐 𝒅
Beam load = 20 kN/m
Spam of beam = 6m.
fck = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2

Effective span
0.3 0.3
Le = 6 + + = 6.3𝑚. 1
2 2

wl2 20∗6.32
BM for simply supported beam = = = 99.23𝑘𝑁𝑀
8 8
Factored BM = 1.5x99.23 = 148.84 kNM

Equate Factored BM to Mulim to calculate b & d.

Mulim = 0.133*fck*b*d2

As b = 𝟐 𝑑
Calculate effective depth d and width b 1
Mulim = 0.133 fck 2

148.84x106 = 0.133x20 2 = 481.89mm ≈ 490 mm.

take effective cover = 40 , therefore Overall Depth D = d+d1 = 490+40 = 530mm.

𝑑 490
As b = 2 b= = 245 mm.
Area of steel

0.5𝑥𝑓𝑐𝑘 4.6𝑀𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑚
Ast = [1 − √1 − ] bd
𝑓𝑦 𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑏𝑑2

P a g e 9 | 22
(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2013 Certified)

0.5𝑥20 4.6𝑥148.84𝑥106
= [1 − √1 − ] 245x490 = 848.6mm2 1
500 20𝑥245𝑥4902

No. of bars to be provided if dia of bars is 20mm.

Area of one bar = 4 𝑥202 = 314.16 mm2

𝐴𝑠𝑡 848.6
No. of bars = = = 2.7 ≈ 3 No’s 1
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑟 314.16

Ast can also be determined as
Pt,lim = ∗ 100

Pt,lim for Fe500 = 0.038*20 = 0.76%

0.76∗𝑏𝑥∗𝑑 0.76∗245∗490
Ast = = = 912.38mm2
100 100

No. of bars to be provided if dia of bars is 20mm.

Area of one bar = 4 𝑥202 = 314.16 mm2

= 2.9 ≈ 3 No’s.

b) A simply supported beam of span 5m carries a working udl of intensity 40 6M

kN/m. Size of beam 350 x 500mm (effective). It is reinforced with 4 bars 20mm
diameter. Design 8mm diameter 2 legged stirrups if one 20 mm diameter bar
is bent up. Take ‫ ح‬c = 0.5 2mmNN ‫ ح‬cmax = 2.8 N/mm2 Use M20
grade & Fe415 steel.
Span = 5mm w = 40kN/m
Size of beam = 350 x 500 mm effective
‫ ح‬c = 0.5 2mmNN
‫ ح‬cmax = 2.8 N/mm2
#Calculation of shear force
Factored load = 1.5x40 = 60 kN/m

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𝑤𝑑∗𝑙 60∗5
Factored shear force (Vu) = = = 150𝑘𝑁
2 2
# Calculate Shear stress ‫ ح‬v
𝑉𝑢 150𝑥10 3
‫ح‬v= = 350𝑥500 = 0.857N/mm2 < ‫ح‬c max hence OK
‫ ح‬c value is 0.5
Check if shear reinforcement is required
As ‫ ح‬v > ‫ ح‬c Shear reinforcement is required
Calculation of Balance shear
Vus = Vu - ‫ ح‬c x bd
= 150x10 -0.5x350x500 = 62500 N.
Area of bent up bar = [ 4 𝑥202] x 1 = 314.16mm2
Assuming 450 bend
# Shear resisted by Bent-up bar 1
Vusb = shear resisted by bent-up bar
= 0.87 x fy x Asb x Sin45
= 0.87 x 415 x 314.16 x Sin45 = 80205.33 N
Vusb > hence OK.
# Shear Resisted by vertical shear stirrups will be 1
Vusv = = 31.25 𝑘𝑁
For two legged vertical stirrups Asv = = 100.53 mm2
S = 0.87 ∗ 𝑓𝑦 ∗ 𝐴𝑠𝑣 ∗ 𝑑
= 0.87x415x100.53x500 = 580.74 mm
Maximum spacing is given as 300 mm
0.75d = 0.75x500=375 mm
580.74 mm
Least value of the above is 8 mm stirrups @ 300 mm c/c
Check for minimum stirrups if capable of taking the shear force resisted by OR
minimum stirrups
Vusv (min) = 0.4 x b x D = 70 kN >Vusv
Minimum stirrups are sufficient
Asv = = 100.53 mm2

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0.87∗𝑓𝑦∗𝐴𝑠𝑣 0.87∗415∗100.53
Sv = = = 259.25 ≈ 250 mm
0.4∗𝑏 0.4∗350

Provide 8mm dia stirrups @250mm c/c 1

c) State the various forms of shear reinforcements. 6M

i) Vertical Shear Stirrups.
0.87∗𝑓𝑦∗𝐴𝑠𝑣∗𝑑 2
Vus =
1) Vus – balance shear
2) Fy – Grade of steel/characteristic strength of stirrup
3) Asv – Area of shear stirrups with in a distance Sv
4) d – effective depth of beam
5) Sv – spacing of shear stirrups along the length of members
ii) Inclined Shear stirrups 2

Vus = (𝑆𝑖𝑛 𝛼 + 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝛼)
1) 𝛼 – angle between the inclined stirrup and the axis of member not
less than 450
iii) Bent up bars. 2
Vus = 0.87fy Asb.Sin α
1) Asb – area of bentup bar
2) Vus - balance shear
3) Fy - Grade of steel/characteristic strength of stirrup
4) α - angle between the inclined stirrup and the axis of member not less
than 450

Q5 Attempt any TWO of the following 12M

Design a one way slab with the following data, span = 3 m, live load = 4 6M
kN/m2 floor finish = 1 kN/m2. Concrete M20 andFe415 steel. Take M.F. as 1.4.
(No check required).
Design a one way
Lx = 3m
LL = 4KN / m2
FF = 1KN / m2
fck = 20N / mm2 , fy = 415 N/ mm2 ,
MF = 1.4
Slab Thickness d= Span
20 x MF

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= 3000 = 107. 14 mm
20 x 1.4 1

Assuming 10 mm Ø main bars and nominal cover of 20 mm

[Note: some student may assume 15mm cover]
D = d + cover + Ø /2
= 107.14 + 20 +10/2
= 132.14mm
Take D = 135mm
davail = D – cover - Ø /2
135 – 20 – 10/2
d = 110mm
Effective span
le= l + d = 3000 + 110 = 3110mm
le= 3.11m
#Calculation of Loads
Dl = 0.135 x 25 = 3.375 KN/m2
LL = 4 KN/m2
FF = 1KN / m2
W = 8.375 KN m2
The load is to be considered for one meter 8.375 * 1 =8.375 1
Factored Load (wd) = 8.375 x 1.5 = 12.563 KN/ m

# Factored max BM 1
Md = wd x le2 / 8
12.563 𝑥 3.112
Md= = 15.19 kN-m
#Check for required depth 1
d= SQRT(15.19 x 106/0.138 x 20 x 1000)
d = 74.19mm
davail = 110mm > dreqd -: ok
Provide D = 135mm
davail 110mm
#Area of main steel and its spacing

4.6 𝑀𝑑
Ast = 0.5 fck/fy [1 − √1 − ] 𝑥 𝑏𝑑

4.6∗ 15.19∗ 106

=0.5 x 20/415 [1 − √1 − ] ∗ 1000 ∗ 110 = 415.18mm2
20∗ 1000 𝑥∗1102

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Spacing of main reinforcement Spacing of main reinforcement 1

Assuming 10 mm bar. Assuming 8 mm bar
AØ = ∏ x 102/4 = 78.5mm2 Aᶲ = ∏ x 82/4 = 50.26mm2
Spacing = 1000 x AØ /Ast = Spacing = 1000AØ /Ast
= 1000 x 78.5\415.18 = 1000 x 50.26/415.18
= 189.17mm = 121.06mm
=180mm c/c = 120 mm c/c
Check for spacing = 3d or 300mm Check for spacing = 3d or 300mm
= 330 or 300mm = 330 or 300mm
Provide 10 mm bar at 180mm c/c Provide 8mm bar at 120mm c/c

#Area and spacing of distribution steel

Asd = 0.12/100 x bD
=0.12/100 x 1000 x 135 = 162mm2
Spacing 8mm bars Aᶲ = 50.26mm2
Sd = 1000 x AØ /Astd
1000 x 50.26/ 162 = 310mm
Check for spacing minimum of
1) 5d = 5 x 110 = 550mm
2) 450mm
3) 310mm
Provide distribution steel of 8mm at 310mm c/c
b) Design a reinforced concrete slab panel for 6.3 x 4.5 m simply supported on all 6M
the four sides. It has to carry a live load of 4 kN/m2 in addition to its dead
load. Use M25concrete Fe 415 steel. (No checks) Use αx = 0.062 & αy =
Ly = 6.3mm
Lx= 4.5m
Ly/Lx = 6.3/4.5 = 1.4< 2
: Two way slab
Note: student may assume different MF, to be checked as per the values taken
Assume MF = 1.4
d= Span/20 x 1.4
= 160.71mm
Assume clear over of 20mm
Assume 10mm diameter of bar
D = d + cover +ᶲ/2
= 160.71 + 20 +10/2 = 185.71 = 190mm
davail 190-20-10/2 = 165mm

#Calculation of effective span

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Lex = 4500+165 =4665mm 1

#Calculation of Loads
Self weight of slab 0.19 x 25 = 4.75KN/m2 1
Live Load = 4KN/m2
w = 8.75KN/m2
Factored Load (wd) = 8.75 x 1.5
= 13.125kN/m2
Consider the loads for 1 m strip hence the loads will be 13.125kN/m
#Bending Moment Calculation 1
Mx = αx* wd* Lex2
=0.062 * 131.25 * 4.6652 = 17.71KNm
My= ɑy *wd *Lex2
0.060 *13.125* 4.6652 = 17.14KNm
#Check for Depth
Effective depth of slab 1
𝑀 = 17.71∗ 106
dreqd = √𝑞𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑏 √ = 71.65mm

davail = 165mm > dreqd , Hence OK

Area & spacing of steel

[1− 4.6 𝑥 17.71 𝑥 106
Astx = 0.5 fck/fy √1 − ] 1000 x 165 = 306.91 mm2 1
25 𝑥 1000 𝑥 1652
Ast min =0.12/100 x 1000 x 190 = 228mm2
Astx > Astmin OK
Spacing using 8mm bars (AØ = 50.26mm2)

Sx = AØ b/Astx = 50.26 x 1000/306.91 = 163.76mm =160mm

Check for spacing

S should be min of
3d= 3 x 165 = 495mm , 300 mm, S = 160mm

Provide 8mm ᶲ bars or 160mm c/c

Asty = 0.5fck/fy [1- √1 − ]𝑏𝑑 1

4.6 𝑥 17.14 𝑥 106

=0.5 x 25/415 [1 − √1 −
25 𝑥 1000 𝑥 1652
] 𝑥 1000 𝑥 165 = 296.71 mm2
Ast min = 228mm2

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Asty > Astmain : OK

Alternatively 1
D= 165 – 8 = 157
Asty = 0.5fck/fy [1- √1 − ]𝑏𝑑
=0.5 x 25/415 [1 − √1 −
] ∗ 1000 ∗ 157 = 312.87 mm2
Check for spacing
Sx = AØ b/Asty = 50.26 x 1000/296.71 = 169.39mm =165mm
Spacing should be min of 3d = 495mm, 300, 160 min
S = 160mm
Provide 8mm at 165mm c/c
c) Design a cantilever chajja with following data: Span = l.50 m, width = 2.0 m, 6M
1.1. = 1.5 kN/m2. Floor finish = 0.5 kN/m2, support lintel = 230 x 300 mm
concrete M20, Fe 415 steel, sketch the c/s of chajja. Showing steel details.
Lx = 1.5m
LL = 1.5KN / m2
FF = 05KN / m2
fck = 20N / mm2
fy = 415 N/ mm2
d = span /(7 x MF)
Assuming MF = 1.4 1
# Estimation of depth
d= 1500/(7 x 1.4) = 153.06mm
Assuming 20mm cover and 10mm bars
D = 153.06+20+10/2
= 178.06 = 180mm
davail = 180 - 20-10/2 = 155mm
Effective Span
le= l + d/2
= 1500+155/2 = 1577.5mm =1.58m
#Load Calculation & BM
DL = 1x1 x 0.19 x 25 = 4.75KN/m2
LL = 1.5KN/m2
FF = 0.5KN/m2
Total Load w= 6.75KN/m2
Factored Load wd = 6.75 x 1.5 = 10.13KN/m2
#Factored BM
Md= wd x le2

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= (10.13 x 1.582)/2 = 12.64KN-m

# Required Depth 1
0.138 fckbd2 = Md
12.64∗ 106
dreq = √ = 67.67mm
0.138∗ 20 ∗ 1000

davial = 155mm > dreqd :-OK

Area and spacing of main steel

4.36 𝑀𝑢
Ast = 0.5fck/fy [ 1 − √1 − 𝑞𝑓𝑐𝑘𝑏𝑑2] 𝑏𝑑 1

4.6 𝑥 12.64 𝑥 106

=0.5 x 20/415 [1 − √1 − 20 𝑥 1000 𝑥 1552 ] 𝑥 1000 𝑥 155 = 233.26mm2
Astmin =0.12/100 x b x D
= 0.12/100 x 1000 x 190
= 228mm2
Ast > Astmin :- OK
Spacing using 8mm bars (AØ = 50.26mm2)
Sx = AØ b/Ast = 1000 x 50.26 / 233.26 = 215.47mm2 = 215mm
Check for spacing
S is minimum of
3d = 3 x 155 = 465mm , 300 mm , S = 215mm

Hence provide 8mm at 215mm c/c

#Area of spacing of distribution steel

Astd = 0.12/100 x bD
= 0.12/100 x 1000 x 190 = 228mm2 1
Using 8mm bar ((AØ = 50.26mm2)
Spacing = 1000 x AØ / Astd
= 1000 x 50.26/228
= 220.438mm
= 220mm
Spacing Should be minimum of
5d = 5 x 155 =775mm, 450 mm, 220mm
Provide 8mm at 220mm c/c

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Q6 Attempt any TWO of the following 12M

a) Design a square column to carry an axial load of 1500 kN. The unsupported
length of the column is 3.5 m. Use M20 concrete & 1% Fe500 steel for
longitudinal reinforcement. Use MS bar for lateral ties. Apply the check for
minimum eccentricity.

P = 1500 kN
Factored load = 1500 x 1.5 = 2250kN
Lo = 3.5 m.
fck = 20 N/mm2
fy = 500 N/mm2 1
As Asc is 1% of gross area , Asc = 0.01 Ag
Ac = Ag – Asc
= Ag – 0.01 Ag = 0.99 Ag
Pu = 0.4 fck. Ac + 0.67 fy Asc
2250 x 103 = 0.4 x 20 x 0.99 Ag + 0.67 x 500 x 0.01 Ag
Ag = 199645.08 mm2

#Size of Footing
√𝐴𝑔 1
= 446.82 ~ = 450mm

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#Check D should not be less than 0.12 L = 0.12 x 3500 1

= 420 mm – ok
D should not be less than 400 mm – ok
#Check for minimum eccentrically 1
emin = +
500 30
3500 450
= +
500 30
= 22 mm
emax = 0.05 x D
= 0.05 x 450
= 22.5 mm
emin < emax – ok
#Main steel Calculation
Asc = 0.01 Ag 1
= 0.01 (4502)
= 2025 mm2
Provide 8 bars of 20 mm diameter
#Transverse Steel
a) Diameter Ø T= 1/4 x Ø L or 6mm whichever is greater
= (1/4) 20 or 6mm
= 5mm or 6mm 1
Use 6mm diameter mild steel reinforcement
b) Spacing__
Min of the following
1) D = 450mm
2) 16 × Ø L = 16× 20 = 320mm
3) 300mm
Use 6mm ɸ links at 300 mm c/c
b) 6M
Design a circular column to carry an axial load of 1500 kN. using MS
Lateral ties. Use M25 concrete and Fe415 steel. The unsupported
length of column is 3.75 m.
P = 1500 KN
Factored load = 1500 × 1.5 =2250KN
fck =25 N/mm
fy = 415 N/ mm2
Lo = 3.75 m
Assume 1 % of A g . 1
Note: Students may assume different % of steel, to be checked based on
student assumption.

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Asc = 0.0 1 A g
Ac = Ag – A S C
= 0.99 Ag
Pu = 0.4 fck.Ac + 0.67 fy ASC
2250x103 = 0. 4 × 25 × 0.99 A g + 0.67 × 415 × 0.01 Ag
A g = 177 437.8 mm2
#Diameter of column
4 𝑥 177437.8 1
𝐷= √
= 475.43 mm D = 480 mm
D should not be less than 0.12× L
0.12 × 3 750 = 450mm -ok
D should not be less than 400 mm -ok
#Check for min eccentricity
emin = Lo/500 + D/30 1
= 3750/500 + 480/30
emax = 0.05 x D
= 0.05 x 480 = 24mm
emin < emax :- OK
#Check for slenderness ratio
L/D = 3750/480 = 7.8 < 12 :- short column
Asc = 0.01 x (π x 4802/4) 1
= 1808.64 mm2
Assume 20mm dia of bar
Provide 6 bars of 20mm
Transverse steel
Diameter = Ø t = ¼ x Ø L max or 6mm whichever is greater
a) = ¼ x 20 or 6mm 1
5mm or 6mm
Ø t = 6mm
a) Spacing
Min of the following
1) D = 480mm 1
2) 16 Ø L = 16 x 20 = 320mm
3) 300mm

Use 6mm ᶲ links at 300mm c/c

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c) Design on R.C. column footing with following data. Size of column = 400 rnm 6M
x 400 mm. Safe bearing capacity of soil = 200 kN/m2. Load on column =
1400 kN. Concrete M20 and steel Fe 415 is used. Calculate depth of footing
from B.M. Criteria. No shear check is required.
Column = 400mm x 400mm
SBC = 200KN/m2
P = 1400KN
Factored Load = 1400 x 1.5 = 2100KN
fck = 20N/mm2
fy = 415N/mm2
Ultimate Bearing Capacity = 2 x SBC = 400KN/m2

Size of footing
Wf = 2100KN
Af = 1.05 x Wf/SBC
= 1.05 x 2100/400 = 5.51m2
L = B = √𝐴𝑓 = √5.51 = 2.35m
Adopt footing of size 2.35m x 2.35m
#Calculation of Upward soil pressure (q)
q = Wf/( L x B ) = 2100 / (2.35 x 2.35 )= 380.27KN/m2
# Calculation of Depth from flexure 1
Lx = Ly= (2.35-0.4)/2 = 0.975 m
M = q*Lx2/2
Mx= My = 380.27* 0.975*0.975/2 = 180.75 KN m
# Check for depth required
d-reqd = √[ ]
180.75 𝑥 106
= √ = 255.91mm = 260mm
0.138 𝑥 20 𝑥 1000
D = 260 + 50 = 310mm 1
#Calculation of Steel
4.6 𝑀𝑑
𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐱 = 𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐲 = 0.5 fck/fy [1 − √1 − ] ∗ 𝑏𝑑

= 0.5 x 20 / 415
4.6∗ 180.75∗ 106
[1 − √1 − 20∗1000∗2602
] ∗ 1000 ∗ 260 = 2377.58 mm2

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Using 20mm bar (Aᶲ = 314mm2)

Spacing = 1000 Aᶲ/ Ast

= 1000 x 314.8/2377.58
= 132.40mm
Provide 20mm at 120mm c/c

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