Znotes Atp Notes
Znotes Atp Notes
Znotes Atp Notes
Prepared for Qudsia Atiq for personal use only.
5. Refraction of Light
2. Specific Heat Capacity
Apparatus: Ray Box, Rectangular piece of glass, Plain
Apparatus: Solid block, Drill, Thermometer, Heater (of paper, Pencil.
known power), Cotton wool. Procedure:
Procedure: Place the Plain paper below the rectangular piece of
Drill two holes in the block. glass.
Measure the mass of the block. Project a ray towards the glass.
Place the heater in one of the holes, the thermometer Make two points to mark the incident ray, two to mark
in the other. the refracted ray and two to mark the emergent ray.
Use cotton wool to properly insulate/lag the block. Join all the lines, measure the angles and calculate
Note the initial temperature of block and turn on refractive index.
heater for x seconds Repeat with different angles; Snell's law shown.
Calculate Heat Energy Supplied by heater using
formula Q=Pt.
Note the final temperature of block. 6. Resistance and
Specific heat capacity = m×Δt .
3. Cooling Rate of Water Apparatus: Resistor, Battery, Connecting wires, Ammeter,
Voltmeter, Oven.
Apparatus: Heater, Thermometer, Beaker, Stopwatch, Procedure:
Beaker containing Water. Make a circuit with the battery, connecting wires,
Procedure: ammeter and voltmeter, resistor.
Place heater into beaker and turn it on to raise the Measure the resistance of the resistor using the
temperature of water to 60°C formula R=V/I.
Stir the contents of the water and place thermometer Heat the resistor in the oven. Place the resistor back
into the beaker. into the circuit.
Note the starting temperature and turn on the Measure the readings again and calculate R=V/I.
stopwatch. Draw up a conclusion about how the resistance
Take readings of the thermometer and stopwatch at increases as temperature increases.
regular intervals (e.g. 60 sec).
Draw up a table and plot a graph to conclude your
experiment. 7. Speed of Sound
Apparatus: Two observers, Gun, Stopwatch.
4. Picking a Better Insulator Procedure:
Two observers are set apart at a known distance.
One observer has the gun, the other has the
WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Qudsia Atiq at Memon Academy on 14/05/24.
Observer A fires the gun, Observer B starts the Record max. temperature
stopwatch when he sees the puff of smoke. Heat loss could be reduced by:
Observer B stops the stopwatch when he hears the Insulation of beaker.
sound and the time is noted. Cover the beaker with a lid.
Speed = Distance
Time applied.
How to check if a rule is vertical:
The observers swap positions and repeat the Use of set square or protractor
experiment. Plumb line
The values are averaged and the speed of sound is Spirit Level
obtained. Precautions taken in experiments about the formation of
images by a lens
Use a darkened area
8. Centre of Mass Object and lens are the same height on the bench
Take more readings
Centre of mass of a plane lamina: Avoid parallax errors in measurement and look
Make a hole in the lamina. perpendicular to the ruler.
Hang it so it can swing freely. Object/lens/screen perpendicular to the bench
Hang a plumb line in the hole and mark the line it Variables in experiments about springs and stretching
passes through. effect:
Repeat the procedure again to get another line Number of coils
Their intersection point is the center of mass. Length of spring
Stability of simple objects: Diameter\thickness of spring or wire
The position of the center of mass affects an object’s Selection of loads
stability. If the center of mass of an object is low, it is Improvement made to calculating circumference by string
less likely to tip if tilted. method
To increase stability: (i) Increase surface area (ii) widen Avoid parallax error
the base of the object. Repeats and average
Thinner string
Parallel winding of springs
9. Improving Accuracy Precautions for circuit readings of I and V so that they are
To produce more accurate or reliable results: For I specifically:
Repeat the experiment to calculate the average Limit current so that temp. doesn't increase
reading. Use a tapping meter
To avoid parallax error, look perpendicular to the For I and V: Switch off between readings.
ruler. Fair test for pendulum experiments:
If measurement accuracy was asked, check for zero Length of pendulum
error. Shape of bob
To draw an image created from the lens: No. of swings
Inverted from the original object. Amplitude
Sides are multiplied by the magnification. Precautions and procedures in electrical experiments:
Centre of mass experiment (with the lamina): Check for a zero error
You view the string directly in front of the card. Tap the meter to avoid sticking
Minimizing the heating effect of a current: Initially, choose the highest range for the
Do not add any electrical components ammeter/voltmeter, then reduce the range for the
Decrease voltage ammeter so that the deflection is almost full-scale
Decrease the resistance of a resistor Always check polarities before closing the switch
To increase the accuracy of ray diagrams: (completing the circuit)
View bases of pins since pins may not be vertical Always check that connections are clean.
Keep pins further apart and use more pins Switch off the current when not making a
Avoid parallax; explain action and reason measurement.
Repeats and average When measuring resistance, use low
Improvements made to experiments about currents/voltages to avoid heating and changing the
heating/cooling effects and insulation resistance you are measuring.
Same initial temperature.
The same volume of water.
Same shape and type of beaker. 10. Inaccuracies
It's the same room temperature.
Stirring the water in the beakers. Why angle i is NOT equal to angle r in ray experiment:
WWW.ZNOTES.ORG Copyright © 2024 ZNotes Education & Foundation. All Rights Reserved. This document is authorised
for personal use only by Qudsia Atiq at Memon Academy on 14/05/24.
11. Graphs
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