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1. You require information regarding an asset from the Knowledge Officer by EOD.

Which of the
following options would you use?

Where can I find templates for Knowmax? I require the info ASAP please.

Where can I find templates for Knowmax? Plz send the info by EOD.

I am creating the Project Profile for my project and I need to upload it by tomorrow. Please let me know
the location of the template by EOD.

None of the above, the exact answer is?

None of the above.

2. Which of these cultures would be more comfortable communicating disagreements in a direct


High context cultures

Low context cultures

Both high and low context cultures

None of the above, give exact answer

Low context cultures would be more comfortable communicating disagreements in a direct manner.

3. Identify the most important aspect a good status report must cover:

Communicate project status to all stakeholders, effectively and efficiently.

Describe the origin and background of the project and its scope of work.

Provide details of the people involved in managing and resolving issues.

All of the above, the exact answer is?

The most important aspect a good status report must cover is:

"Communicate project status to all stakeholders, effectively and efficiently."

4. Select the option that sets the right tone in a formal email message:

The action items you have listed will fail to improve customer satisfaction. Let's discuss today.

The action items being proposed must be tailored to benefit the customer. Let's discuss and freeze the
action items this afternoon.

It doesn't seem that the customer's concerns were taken into consideration when the action items were
drawn up. Let's discuss this afternoon.
None of the above. the exact answer is..?

The option that sets the right tone in a formal email message is:
"The action items being proposed must be tailored to benefit the customer. Let's discuss and freeze
the action items this afternoon."

5. Charts, graphs or any other form of infographics should be labelled and should have a legend.



TRUE. Charts, graphs, and other forms of infographics should be labeled and include a legend to provide
clear and concise information to the audience. Labels and legends help in understanding the data being
presented and provide context for the visual elements used in the infographic.

6. It is your first day at work and one of your colleagues offers to introduce you to others right
away. However, your manager has already scheduled a meeting with another team member,
and you need to be at your desk. How should you decline your colleague's offer?

Thank you, but I can do it myself

Not now.

That's very kind of you, but...

None of the above, the exact answer is

The exact answer would be:

That's very kind of you, but I already have a meeting scheduled with another team member and I need
to be at my desk. Thank you for the offer though.


7. Which of the following is not a best practice for Agile documentation? (more than one answer)

Develop / Update and deliver documentation only during major sprints.

Develop comprehensive documentation.

Develop just-as-much-as-required documentation

None of the above, the exact answer is

The correct answer is:

Develop / Update and deliver documentation only during major sprints.

8. During a conference call, your client suggests something to which you do not agree. What do
you do?

Keep silent.

Complain to your colleagues about how inconsiderate your client is.

Express your disagreement politely and assertively, giving reasons for your thinking that way.
Start an argument. It is important to express your opinion. the exact answer is

The correct response when your client suggests something to which you do not agree during a
conference call is:

Express your disagreement politely and assertively, giving reasons for your thinking that way.

9. Which of the following statements is correct when it comes to business communication?

The right tone is as important as the language.

It is important to use flowery language and jargons.

Polite language is optional as long as the message is communicated.

None of the above, the exact answer is

The correct statement when it comes to business communication is:

The right tone is as important as the language.

10. Which of the following phrases can be used while beginning a follow-up conversation in a formal
business context: (More than one answer)

Further to our discussion

With reference to your queries

Many thanks in advance

Looking forward to hearing from you, the exact answer is

The correct answers are:

Further to our discussion

With reference to your queries

Looking forward to hearing from you

11. During a conference call, in order to reassure the speaker that you are following the discussion,
it is a good idea to:

Keep silent and listen attentively.

Take notes of everything being discussed.

Acknowledge what is being said by saying "yes", "I see..", "right" without overdoing it.

Stop him/her while he is speaking to ask questions and give your opinions, the exact answer is

The correct answer is: Acknowledge what is being said by saying "yes", "I see..", "right" without
overdoing it.

12. When you cannot understand what the other person is saying, you say:

"I'm sorry I did not get the last point. Could you please repeat?"

"You are not speaking clearly. Repeat please."

"Could you please repeat?", give exact answer

"I'm sorry I did not get the last point. Could you please repeat?"

13. Select whether the following statement is "True" or "False"

In Cross-Culture communication, statements are often interpreted differently by high and low context




14. Which of these tips helps to listen and understand better during a conference call?

Sitting straight with both feet on the floor.

Looking interested, focused and smiling.

Checking what you understood by paraphrasing what the caller said and asking for confirmation.

Treating callers with respect., the exact answer is?

The exact answer is:

Checking what you understood by paraphrasing what the caller said and asking for confirmation.

15. When developing documentation required for an Agile project, authors must: (more than one

Understand the customer's requirements and record these

Use a template to develop documents or document information in the tools used by the project

Obtain customer sign-off on the documented requirements, and the template.

Update all documentation on a quarterly basis, exact answer is?

The exact answer is:

Understand the customer's requirements and record these

Use a template to develop documents or document information in the tools used by the project.

16. Which communication behaviour is highly recommended at work?

Passive behaviour
Aggressive behaviour

Assertive behaviour

None of the above, exact answer is?

The communication behaviour highly recommended at work is assertive behaviour.

17. A white background for the presentation, with a two-colour scheme for text enhances




18. Of the following, choose the message that will help users quickly understand the requirement
and provide the right input when they enter details in the User Account Info field:

Avoid using invalid characters

Avoid using special characters

Use only alphanumeric characters

All of the above

19. Which of the following aspects could help building rapport with low context communication
cultures? (more than one answer)

State the details explicitly.

Provide details and back them up with facts and figures.

Focus on relationship building by providing comprehensive background.

Be succinct. Come to the point directly.

20. ____________helps you convey your points effectively and facilitates quick scanning and

Using a graphic or a relevant visual, instead of dense content

Breaking down paragraphs into lists

Using tables, graphs and flowcharts

All of the above.

21. When you cannot understand what the other person is saying, you say:


"I'm sorry I did not get the last point. Could you please repeat?"
"You are not speaking clearly. Repeat please."

"Could you please repeat?"

"I'm sorry I did not get the last point. Could you please repeat?" or "Could you please repeat?" are
both polite and appropriate ways to ask someone to repeat what they said when you cannot understand

22. The navigator's code (where we say A is for Alpha, B is for Bravo) is used for:

learning how to navigate the internet.

spelling names of people and places.

direction setting while driving.

sending coded messages to people.

The navigator's code (where we say A is for Alpha, B is for Bravo) is primarily used for sending coded
messages to people. It is commonly used in military, aviation, and other professional contexts to ensure
clear and unambiguous communication, especially when spelling out words or conveying critical
23. Which of the following ground rules is applicable to both audio conferencing and video

Only one person should speak at a time.

Be aware of the delay caused by the communication network. Not being aware of this delay might lead
to misunderstanding among participants.

Every time a key point is discussed during a meeting, the chairperson should summarize the discussion
and the next steps from it. All of
the above, give exact answer

The exact answer is: "All of the above." All three ground rules mentioned are applicable to both audio
conferencing and video conferencing.

24. Choose the message that provides accurate and complete details to help the user take
appropriate action:

Enter a valid date.

Incorrect date format. Provide a valid input.

Incorrect date format. Enter date in the DD/MM/YY format.

None of the above

The message that provides accurate and complete details to help the user take appropriate action is:
"Incorrect date format. Enter date in the DD/MM/YY format." This message clearly identifies the issue
(incorrect date format) and provides specific instructions on how to correct it (entering the date in the
DD/MM/YY format). It guides the user towards the correct action they need to take.
25. Which type of listing would be most appropriate for a procedure?

Numbered listing

Bulleted listing

Index listing

Process listing

The most appropriate type of listing for a procedure would be a numbered listing.

26. Which of the following rules is applicable to videoconferencing but not to conference call?

You should sit straight and maintain an upright posture.

You should not eat or drink during the meeting.

You should wear warm, solid colours.

You should speak slowly and articulate your speech clearly.

The rule "You should sit straight and maintain an upright posture" is applicable to videoconferencing
but not to a conference call. In a videoconference, participants can see each other, so maintaining good
posture is important for creating a professional and engaged presence on camera. In a conference call
where only audio is involved, participants' posture is not visible to others, so this rule does not apply.

27. Rithika is the HR head of an MNC. She has to speak briefly about the corporate culture of her
company at an external event for which she prepares a list of the following key words that are
relevant to the topic.


iPrioritising one's work and personal life in a proper manner.

ii Looking for new business and taking risks.

iii Treating all people as equal and assuming that they should be

iv Being responsible
v Working together

Correct words:

1 Entrepreneurial

2 Egalitarian

3 Accountable

4 Collaborative

5 Work-life balance
Based on the provided meanings, the relevant key words for Rithika's speech about the corporate
culture of her company are:

iPrioritising one's work and personal life in a proper manner.

5 Work-life balance

ii Looking for new business and taking risks.

1 Entrepreneurial

iii Treating all people as equal and assuming that they should be

2 Egalitarian

iv Being responsible

3 Accountable

v Working together

4 Collaborative

So, the relevant key words are:





Work-life balance

28. In a team meeting, the chairperson observes that the conversation is going off track. In such a
scenario, which of the following phrases could be used by the chairperson to steer the
conversation back to the topic.

Could you give us your views on that?

Can we please try to keep to the issue at hand?

Could I just sum up the points that we've discussed so far?

Thank you all for your time.

29. "When things don't work the way we expect them to, we must..."

identify someone who is ready to take the blame

take ownership for mistakes we have made and apologize

turn to our personal experience and act solely on the basis of our personal experience.

None of the above

30. Which of these is a key factor when it comes to making polite requests or asking for permission?

Business-friendly tone

The use of appropriate tenses

A good relationship with the audience

None of the above.

31. You are preparing a poster for a presentation to the account leads. You'd like to borrow a blue
marker pen from another team member, in the adjoining cubicle. Which of the following options
should you use?

Do you think you could let me borrow your blue marker pen?

Can I borrow your blue marker pen, please?

I need your blue marker pen. Just give it to me.

None of the above.

32. In an Agile project scenario, __________ have replaced elaborate requirements documents. give
exact answer

Functional Specifications

Interface Specifications
User Stories

System Design.

33. Identify the most important aspect a good status report must cover:

Communicate project status to all stakeholders, effectively and efficiently.

Describe the origin and background of the project and its scope of work.

Provide details of the people involved in managing and resolving issues.

All of the above.

34. Select the message that sets the right tone in a formal email message:
We need to act fast. I don't think we are anywhere near a solution.

The document is nowhere near completion. When can we talk?

I have some feedback on the document. Can we discuss at noon today, so that we can update the
document and submit it by end of the day.

All of the above.

35. _______________ helps you convey your points effectively and facilitates quick scanning and

Using a graphic or a relevant visual, instead of dense content

Breaking down paragraphs into lists

Using tables, graphs and flowcharts

All of the above.

36. Select the options that can help authors of Agile project documentation ensure first time right
delivery: (more than one answer)

Use a template to create documents

Provide a lot of detail in the document

Ensure that documentation is reviewed by Subject Matter Experts and the Editorial team before it is

All the above.

37. Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

Ram Sinha's computer has crashed and he is not able to send an important message to his client.

Ram requests his team member to send the client a message on his behalf, which reads:

Ram's computer has crashed and he has raised a CR with the GESS.

Ram's computer has crashed. He has asked our network department to set it right as quickly as possible.
However, it may take a day or two.

Ram has asked IDM to recover data ASAP, and will send you the required info soon.

38. Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

When you want to emphasise some words in a message, you should:

Write the words in bold

Write the words in red colour

Write the words in ALL CAPS.

39. In cross-cultural communication, which of the following pointers are important in order to avoid
misunderstandings? (more than one answer)

Right choice of words.

Right use of voice.

Right use of body language (including facial expressions, gestures, etc.)

A common language for communication.

40. The module leader has just introduced himself to you. You did not manage to catch the module
leader's name. Which of the following is appropriate?
You say "I'm afraid I didn't get your name. Could you repeat it, please?"

You remain silent and decide to find out the name later.

You say "Just say your name again, OK?"

None of the above.

41. During a conference call:

it is alright to continue doing other work.

discuss simultaneously with your team mates about the points that need to be worked on.

interject whenever you have a point to raise about an issue at hand.

None of the above.

42. You need to send your client manager an email requesting her to send you a document by
Friday, which would enable you to complete a report that is expected from you the following
Monday. Which of the following options sounds most polite for an email request?

Send the document by Friday - then I'll be able to send you the report by Monday.

Please send the document by Friday. That will enable me to then send you the report by Monday.

Could you please send me the document by Friday? I will then be able to complete the report and
send it to you by Monday.

None of the above.

43. Stephen's got his hands full with multiple tasks and the deadlines are very close, too. His
colleague Mandy approached him for help on a new task. Help Stephen in selecting polite and
diplomatic ways of saying "No" (more than one answer).

I am afraid, I don't have the bandwidth to take up this request at the moment.

I am sorry, I can't take this up now. But I'll put the word out and see if I can get some help for you.

I can't take up this request now.

I am so sorry, but my schedule won't allow me to accommodate this request right now.

44. When developing documentation required for an Agile project, authors must: (more than one

Understand the customer's requirements and record these

Use a template to develop documents or document information in the tools used by the project

Obtain customer sign-off on the documented requirements, and the template.

Update all documentation on a quarterly basis.

45. State whether the following statement is "True" or "False"

Posture, body language and facial expressions will reflect in the tone of our voice in a telephonic


46. You are at a meeting that is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. Which one of the following options
would you use to get to know the name of an associate you are meeting for the first time?

What's your good name, sir?

May I know your name?

Hi I am Ronald. I am not sure we have

None of the above.

47. The client manager escalated his displeasure regarding a missed deadline to Rohit's project
manager. Which of the following statements would be a polite way of expressing his concern?"

I'm sorry to mention this, but I've started becoming a bit doubtful about your project's ability to address
our needs.

Your project team is incompetent and unprofessional.

Perhaps we shall need to discuss the delivery schedule again.

None of the above.

48. You are writing to your ISU head with a new idea. You have heard of him but have not met him.

Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

How will you address the ISU Head?

'Dear' followed by 'Mr.' + the person's Surname

'Hi' followed by the person's first name


49. Select the message that sets the right tone in a formal email message:
We need to act fast. I don't think we are anywhere near a solution.

The document is nowhere near completion. When can we talk?

I have some feedback on the document. Can we discuss at noon today, so that we can update the
document and submit it by end of the day.All of the above.

50. When showcasing value addition in a status report:

Specify how the initiatives you have implemented have improved the current process

Map the key features of your solution to the customer's requirements / challenge

Provide measurable facts and metrics to showcase the benefit to the customer

All of the above.

51. If your customer has not shared a template or standards for documentation: (more than one

Adopt TCS in-house standards after approval from the customer.

Customize available standards and start using them.

Develop project specific standards and obtain an approval from the customer.

Seek support from your friend working for a similar project for another customer, and re-use the
templates, give exact answer from above.

52. Choose the correct options to complete the following sentence: (more than one answer)

Constructive feedback______________

motivates and improves the recipient's performance

creates an amicable work environment

creates a culture of complacency in the work environment

All of the above.

53. State whether the following statement is True or False.

An assertive speaker should be forceful and not hide his/her anger while conveying a point.

True. Being assertive is to be aggressive.

False. Being assertive is to be able to communicate directly and effectively.

54. Effective articulation is a key component of all aspects that involve messaging, such as:

Project documentation

Business Communication such as email, chat, presentations and status reports

User Interface, web content and user messages

All of the above.

55. You have been given an impossible deadline for completing a task. During the call, you would
like to ask for more time to complete the task, you say:
"Are you crazy? I need more time."

"We understand the urgency of the situation, but since we would like to test the application
thoroughly, we request you to give us two more days to complete the task."

"We need more time."

"This job will not be done so soon since we only have a very few days left before the deadline and the
team is already working on other tasks. Please reconsider the deadline so that we have enough time to
complete the task properly."

56. To make your Articulation journey truly Agile: (more than one answer)

Understand your audience's need and orient the articulation based on this

Spend time on structuring information logically, to help your users scan quickly and access the info they

Be concise and to-the-point

Only a and b.

57. Which type of feedback did Naren give to Prakash?

Positive feedback

Corrective feedback

Both positive and corrective feedback

None of the above, give exact answer.

58. The phrase "I will try" when made by a person from a high context culture could mean that...

the chances of getting the job done is very high.

the chances of getting the job done can be judged only by considering the background in which the
statement is being made. the person is committing to make multiple attempts to get the job done in

None of the above.

59. Which of the following is not an advantage of a conference call?

Conference call allows us to speak to more than one person at a time during the same call.

Conference call allows us to continue to work while the call is going on.

Conference call saves travel cost.

Conference call are planned, so we can prepare for them.

60. Which of the following informs the user most accurately about the outcome of an action.

Records updated

All customer records updated successfully

You can check your updated records now.

None of the above.

61. Which of the following rules is applicable to videoconferencing but not to conference call?

You should sit straight and maintain an upright posture.

You should not eat or drink during the meeting.

You should wear warm, solid colours.

You should speak slowly and articulate your speech clearly.

62. You are writing an email to thank a colleague for help you received from him. Your closing
sentence should be:

If there is anything I can do, please feel free to contact me.

Thanks and regards

Once again, thanks for your help.

63. You have received an email with the following signature.

Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:


Tang Yiu

ABC Ltd,


Telephone: +91 9845093780

How will you address the person in your reply?

Dear Tang Yiu

Dear MrYiu

Hi Tang.

64. You would like to request your recipient to approve a CR that you have raised. Which of the
following sentences should you use as a subject line?
1. OCR no: 123456 - Please Approve
2. OCR no: 123456 - Approval Required
3. OCR no: 123456 - Request your approval, give exact answer

65. Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

You have joined a new team, and you are sending an introductory message to the client, Tom Smith.

Your closing greeting should say:

Best wishes


Best regards.

66. Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

You need to send a message complaining about the poor service in the canteen.

Your subject line reads as:

Regarding canteen service

A Complaint

Poor service in the canteen.

67. Multiple fonts, font sizes and a wide variety of colour on each slide add to the appeal of a



68. Which of the following informs the user most accurately about the outcome of an action.

Records updated

All customer records updated successfully

You can check your updated records now.

None of the above

69. Choose the Warning message that clearly specifies the problem, and guides the user about the
appropriate action that can be taken:

You will lose your data if you quit now. Click Yes or Cancel.

Are you sure you want to quit now? This will result in loss of data. Click Yes or Cancel.

All updates to customer information will be lost if you quit now. Click Yes to save or Cancel to proceed.

All of the above

70. In today's Agile world, nobody has the time to read too much of detail. Therefore, it is important

Get straight to the point

Provide details after the main point is articulated at the beginning

Structure information such that your readers are able to scan through the content quickly

All of the above

71. Which of the following is not a best practice for Agile documentation? (more than one answer)

1.Develop / Update and deliver documentation only during major sprints.

2.Develop comprehensive documentation.

3.Develop just-as-much-as-required documentation

4.None of the above, give exact answers from above options only.

72. You are in a conference call where only you and one person from the client team have joined.
What do you do?

Put your microphone on mute and wait.

Ask the person about his/her family and personal life.

Start a conversation on general topics like the weather, or sports, without being too personal.

Start discussing the agenda of the call.

73. What are the qualities of an assertive speaker? (More than one answer)

Openness and honesty


Respect for other people and their opinions

Effective non-verbal communication

74. When attending a video conference, what kind of attire is appropriate?

White is a good choice for colour: it is elegant and formal.

Only western formal attire is appropriate.

Bright colours are preferable as they make you more visible.

None of the above.

75. Which of the following could be a hindrance to the smooth flow in a conference call?

Delay caused by the communication network.

Adhering strictly to the agenda of the call.

Putting the microphone on mute while someone else is speaking.

Stating the purpose of the call right at the onset.

76. If you need to use a presentation or reference material during a call, it is necessary to:

load the presentation in advance on the conference room computer.

check in advance that all equipment is working.

share in advance with the participants, the soft copy of any reference materials you may use, during the

All of the above.

77. It is not a good idea to interrupt a speaker during a video conference because:

it disrupts the smooth flow of the meeting and the person who is speaking.

it is impolite to interrupt.

it distracts other participants.

All of the above.

78. Which types of barriers to Cross-Culture communication do you think the following statement
typifies? (more than one answer)

India was known as the land of snake charmers.


2.Body Language


4.Display of emotions, as per question I want more than one answer

79. Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

You are writing to someone in the TD team about a course. Your signature should include:

1)Your name and email ID

2)Your complete contact details such as your telephone number, email ID, location and preferably

3) your name.

80. You need to send a confirmation email stating that the process of sending a response to an RFP
has been completed. Your email should read:

We have send our response to the RFP.

We send our response to the RFP.

We have sent our response to the RFP.

81. Effective articulation is a key component of all aspects that involve messaging, such as:

Project documentation

Business Communication such as email, chat, presentations and status reports

User Interface, web content and user messages

All of the above

Yes, the correct option would be: "All of the above."

82. Alex is working on a message that will be displayed to the users of an online banking portal. Which of
these messages should he use to help his users know the status accurately?

Wait...! Don't refresh!

O This transaction is in progress. Wait!

We are processing your request. Please do not quit or refresh the page.

Any of the above

To help users know the status accurately, Alex should use the following message:

"We are processing your request. Please do not quit or refresh the page."

82. In an Agile project scenario,____________ have replaced elaborate requirements documents.

Functional Specifications

Interface Specifications

User Stories

System Design

In an Agile project scenario, "User Stories" have replaced elaborate requirements documents.

83. To make your Articulation journey truly Agile: (more than one answer)

Understand your audience's need and orient the articulation based on this

Spend time on structuring information logically, to help your users scan quickly and access the info they

Be concise and to-the-point

Only a and b.

Therefore, the exact answer is "Only a and b."

84. Using a template to create your status report helps you to: (more than one answer)

Leverage best practices in status reporting

Present a specific position or solution to a problem

Introduce new concepts, technology innovations, or products

Utilize a standard format that can be filled in quickly and consistently by all, gvie exact answer

Using a template to create your status report helps you to:

a) Leverage best practices in status reporting.

c) Utilize a standard format that can be filled in quickly and consistently by all.

85. Charts, graphs or any other form of infographics should be labelled and should have a legend.


FALSE, give exact answer


86. When showcasing value addition in a status report:

Specify how the initiatives you have implemented have improved the current process
Map the key features of your solution to the customer's requirements / challenge
Provide measurable facts and metrics to showcase the benefit to the customer
All of the above

When showcasing value addition in a status report, all of the above options are important:

87. You are required to work on Release Notes for enhancements to the KEI application. Three key
functionalities, which are part of the current sprint, are not yet completely developed. If you wait until
these are developed and tested, you may not have sufficient time for content development and review.
Which of the following approaches will you adopt? (more than one answer)

1. Exclude references to the functionalities under development. These can be included after the
development and testing is complete.

2. Insert placeholders in your document for content that will be updated later. This will help the authors
and reviewers to ensure that this content is included later.

3. Create a draft based on the user stories, which will be revisited and updated after the functionalities
are implemented, before the document is released.
4. Suggest that the functionality be moved to the next sprint. give exact answer

Therefore, the correct answers are:

Exclude references to the functionalities under development.

Insert placeholders in your document for content that will be updated later.
Create a draft based on the user stories, which will be revisited and updated after the functionalities
are implemented before the document is released.

88. State whether the following statement is "True" or "False"

Slow or monotonous rate of speech could be considered a negative vocal cue as it can make the speaker
seem depressed, hesitant or pessimistic.


88. Which of the following is a tip for successful conference calls?

During a teleconference, since time is limited, get your point across even if someone else is talking at
the moment.
Remember to put your phones on mute when others are talking.

If you do not understand what is being said, do not seek clarifications. You don't want the others to
think you are not paying attention.
Never, never ask others to repeat what they are saying.

The tip for a successful conference call is:

Remember to put your phones on mute when others are talking.

89. While initiating small talk with a client during a conference call, which of the following phrases
would not be acceptable? "Hello, how was your last vacation?"

"Hello, so who accompanied you when you went to Florida last weekend?"

"Hello, hope you had a good time during your Christmas break!"

"Hello, how does it feel to get back to work after your break?"

The phrase that would not be acceptable while initiating small talk with a client during a conference call

"Hello, so who accompanied you when you went to Florida last weekend?".

90. You are the chairperson for a conference call with a client team. You've finished discussing the
agenda of the call and have come to the end of the call. What do you do?

You thank everyone for their time and end the call.

You greet everyone goodbye and end the call.

You summarize the points discussed during the call, declare the action points to be taken and discuss
the schedule for the next call before ending the call.
You declare that all points of the agenda have been discussed and that the call can be ended, give exact

The appropriate action to take at the end of the conference call as the chairperson is:

You thank everyone for their time and end the call.
91. Which of the following is an appropriate opening statement when you are on a conference call?

"Hello everybody, this is Harry. The purpose of setting up this call is to discuss..."

"Hi, this is Harry. Let's begin! Who would like to go first?"

"Hello. Do we start now?"

"Hi all, let the party begin!!!"

An appropriate opening statement when you are on a conference call would be:

"Hello everybody, this is Harry. The purpose of setting up this call is to discuss...".

92. Devika Sharma calls her client to discuss a sales report. Before beginning her presentation, she puts
the call on hold, very politely, and then searches for the PPT and graphs that are required for the

Did Devika follow the best practices of telephone etiquette?

Yes, she did as she put the call on hold very politely.

No. The best practice is to be prepared before the call.

No, Devika did not follow the best practices of telephone etiquette in this scenario..

93. Which of these tips helps to listen and understand better during a conference call?

Sitting straight with both feet on the floor.

Looking interested, focused and smiling.

Checking what you understood by paraphrasing what the caller said and asking for confirmation.

Treating callers with respect., give exact answer

The tip that helps to listen and understand better during a conference call is:

Checking what you understood by paraphrasing what the caller said and asking for confirmation.

94. The phrase "I will try" when made by a person from a high context culture could mean that...

the chances of getting the job done is very high.

the chances of getting the job done can be judged only by considering the background in which the
statement is being made.

the person is committing to make multiple attempts to get the job done in time.

None of the above, give exact answer

The exact answer is: The chances of getting the job done can be judged only by considering the
background in which the statement is being made
95. During a conference call, in order to reassure the speaker that you are following the discussion, it is a
good idea to:

Keep silent and listen attentively.

Take notes of everything being discussed.

Acknowledge what is being said by saying "yes", "I see..", "right" without overdoing it.

Stop him/her while he is speaking to ask questions and give your opinions., give exact answer

The exact answer is: Acknowledge what is being said by saying "yes", "I see..", "right" without
overdoing it.

96. You have been given an impossible deadline for completing a task. During the call, you would like to
ask for more time to complete the task, you say: "Are you crazy? I need more time."

"We understand the urgency of the situation, but since we would like to test the application thoroughly,
we request you to give us two more days to complete the task."

"We need more time."

"This job will not be done so soon since we only have a very few days left before the deadline and the
team is already working on other tasks.
Please reconsider the deadline so that we have enough time to complete the task properly."

The most appropriate response to ask for more time to complete a task during a call would be:

"We understand the urgency of the situation, but since we would like to test the application
thoroughly, we request you to give us two more days to complete the task."

97. Identify the factors that are required to project a business-friendly image over the telephone. (more
than one answer)

Tone of the speaker

Manner of conversation

Choice of words

None of the above, give exact answer

The factors required to project a business-friendly image over the telephone are:

Therefore, the correct answer is: Tone of the speaker, Manner of conversation, and Choice of words.

98. When called upon to introduce yourself at a team gathering, which of these phrases would you
rather use?

I am Richard.

My Name is Richard.

Myself Richard from X project.

None of the above, give exact answer

The most appropriate phrase to use when introducing yourself at a team gathering would be:

"I am Richard."

99. You are meeting the project's onsite coordinator for the first time, via a videoconference. Which of
the following phrases will you use?

What's your good name?


Hi, I'm

It's nice to meet you.

I'm honoured to make your acquaintance!

When meeting the project's onsite coordinator for the first time via a video conference, it is best to use
the following phrase:

"Hi, I'm [Your Name]."

100. In which of these communication functions is it most critical to use the right words and tone?



Introducing oneself, give exact answer

In the communication function of disagreeing, it is most critical to use the right words and tone.

101. You receive a phone call at 4:30 PM informing you that your child is unwell and needs to be taken
to the doctor. You wish to take the Project Lead's permission to leave a bit early. Which of the following
phrases are you likely to use?

Is it alright to leave a bit earlier today, please? I need to take my child to the doctor. I just got a call from
home saying that he's unwell, and he needs to see a doctor.

I need to take my child to the doctor. Please let me leave a little earlier today.

I'm leaving earlier today -- I'm taking my child to the doctor.

None of the above, give exact asnwer

The phrase "Is it alright to leave a bit earlier today, please? I need to take my child to the doctor. I just
got a call from home saying that he's unwell, and he needs to see a doctor" is more appropriate to use
when seeking permission to leave early due to your child's illness.
102. This is your first call with your client and you weren't able to catch the client's name when they
introduced themselves. Which of the following sentences do you think you can use in this scenario?

I am afraid I didn't get your name. Would you repeat that for me, please?
How may I address you?

I am sorry I didn't quite get your name.

All of the above, give exact answer

All of the above options are appropriate to use in this scenario. You can choose any of the three

103. It is not a good idea to interrupt a speaker during a video conference because:

it disrupts the smooth flow of the meeting and the person who is speaking.

it is impolite to interrupt.

it distracts other participants.

All of the above.give exact answer

All of the above options are correct. It is not a good idea to interrupt a speaker during a video
conference because it disrupts the smooth flow of the meeting, it is impolite, and it can distract other

104. You have just joined a new team and are writing an introductory message to the client John Smith.

Your salutation should read:

Hi Smith

Dear Mr Smith

Dear john

Dear Mr. Smith,

105. You would like to follow up on an email that you have recently sent to one of your customers, as
you have not yet got a response. The subject line of the mail should be:

Gentle remainder

This is to remind you

Original subject line followed by "- reminder".

106. You have to send a message regarding a meeting. You write, "The meeting will be held

Your date should read as:

on 12/03/20XX

on 12 March 20XX

on 03/12/20XX

from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m."

on 12/03/20XX.

107. You need some information urgently. You close your email with:

It will be of great help to me if you can send me the information by 5 PM today.

Kindly do the needful.

PLEASE send me the information ASAP

It will be of great help to me send me the information by 5 PM today.

108. You are writing to someone in the TD team about a course. Your signature should include:

1.Your name and email ID

2.Your complete contact details such as your telephone number, email ID, location and preferably

3.Your name


Best regards,

1.Your Name

Your Email ID

108. You are writing to your ISU head with a new idea. You have heard of him but have not met him.

Read the following email writing scenarios and choose the best answer:

How will you address the ISU Head?

'Dear' followed by 'Mr.' + the person's Surname

'Hi' followed by the person's first name


Dear Mr. [ISU Head's Last Name].

109. When you want to emphasise some words in a message, you should:

Write the words in bold

Write the words in red colour

Write the words in ALL CAPS

Write the words in bold.

110. You are late in joining a conference call. When you join, you realize the discussion has already
begun. What do you do?
1) Keep silent, listen to what is being discussed and later ask your teammates what happened before
you joined.

2) Greet everyone as soon as you join, introduce yourself and apologize for your delay.

3) Announce your name once you dial in and explain why you are late.

4) Wait for a pause in the discussion, introduce yourself and apologize for the delay stating briefly the

Wait for a pause in the discussion, introduce yourself, and apologize for the delay, stating briefly the

111. Which of the following should not be done during a conference call:

Listen carefully and take notes.

Converse with others in the room.

Paraphrase and summarize the points discussed whenever required.

Ask the speaker to repeat if you have not followed what he/she has said.

The option that should not be done during a conference call is:

Converse with others in the room.

112. Which of the following ground rules is applicable to both audio conferencing and video

1. Only one person should speak at a time.

2. Be aware of the delay caused by the communication network. Not being aware of this delay might
lead to misunderstanding among participants.
3. Every time a key point is discussed during a meeting, the chairperson should summarize the
discussion and the next steps from it.
4. All of the above.

The ground rule that is applicable to both audio conferencing and video conferencing is:

All of the above.

113. The person you are speaking to speaks very fast. You say:

"Hello. Why are you speaking so fast? Slow down!"

"Too fast. Slower please!"

"Would you mind speaking a bit slowly? I am taking notes and finding it difficult to keep up."

"Could you slow down the pace at which you are speaking please?"

The appropriate response would be:

"Could you slow down the pace at which you are speaking please?".
114. Which of this is an obstacle to understanding a message during virtual conferencing?

Inappropriate body posture

Impolite tone of the speaker

Use of unfamiliar terms or jargon

All of the above

All of the above can be obstacles to understanding a message during virtual conferencing.

115. Once a conference call is over, you should:

Check with your team mates whether you understood all points of the call correctly.

Mail your client and express disagreement about a point discussed during the call.

Send the minutes of the call to all the participants.

Not follow entirely all guidelines agreed upon during the call. You understand your work best after all.

Once a conference call is over, it is recommended to:

Send the minutes of the call to all the participants.

116. You are at a meeting that is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. Which one of the following options
would you use to get to know the name of an associate you are meeting for the first time?

What's your good name, sir?

May I know your name?

Hi I am Ronald. I am not sure we have met before...

None of the above

May I know your name?.

117. You need to send your client manager an email requesting her to send you a document by Friday,
which would enable you to complete a report that is expected from you the following Monday. Which of
the following options sounds most polite for an email request?

1. Send the document by Friday - then I'll be able to send you the report by Monday.

2. Please send the document by Friday. That will enable me to then send you the report by Monday.

3. Could you please send me the document by Friday? I will then be able to complete the report and
send it to you by Monday.
4. None of the above

Could you please send me the document by Friday? I will then be able to complete the report and
send it to you by Monday.

118. Which of this is an obstacle to understanding a message during virtual conferencing?

Inappropriate body posture

Impolite tone of the speaker

Use of unfamiliar terms or jargon

All of the above.

119. You want to dash back to your ODC from the conference room, just two minutes before your
presentation is due to start, to collect your notepad that you'd forgotten. Which of the following is an
appropriate statement you would make to your project lead who is also with you at the conference

Can you hold on for two minutes?

Can you hold on for another two minutes, please?

I'd be highly obliged if you could please tolerate my absence for two minutes.

None of the above.

120. Which of the following is a tip for successful conference calls?

1. During a teleconference, since time is limited, get your point across even if someone else is talking at
the moment.
2. Remember to put your phones on mute when others are talking.

3.If you do not understand what is being said, do not seek clarifications. You don't want the others to
think you are not paying attention.
4. Never, never ask others to repeat what they are saying.

121. Select whether the following statement is "True" or "False"

In Cross-Culture communication, statements are often interpreted differently by high and low context



122. State whether the following statement is "True" or "False"

Slow or monotonous rate of speech could be considered a negative vocal cue as it can make the speaker
seem depressed, hesitant or pessimistic.


123. Using a template to create your status report helps you to: (more than one answer)

Leverage best practices in status reporting

Present a specific position or solution to a problem

Introduce new concepts, technology innovations, or products

Utilize a standard format that can be filled in quickly and consistently by all.

124. In a team meeting, the chairperson observes that the conversation is going off track. In such a
scenario, which of the following phrases could be used by the chairperson to steer the conversation
back to the topic.

Could you give us your views on that?

Can we please try to keep to the issue at hand?

Could I just sum up the points that we've discussed so far?

Thank you all for your time.


The phrase that could be used by the chairperson to steer the conversation back to the topic is: "Can we
please try to keep to the issue at hand?" This statement acknowledges the digression and politely
requests the participants to refocus on the intended topic of discussion.

125. When showcasing value addition in a status report:

A)Specify how the initiatives you have implemented have improved the current process

B) Map the key features of your solution to the customer's requirements / challenge

C)Provide measurable facts and metrics to showcase the benefit to the customer
D)All of the above.

126. Alex is working on a message that will be displayed to the users of an online banking portal. Which
of these messages should he use to help his users know the status accurately?

A) Wait...! Don't refresh!

B) This transaction is in progress. Wait!

C) We are processing your request. Please do not quit or refresh the page.

D) Any of the above

The best option for Alex to help his users know the status accurately would be C) "We are processing
your request. Please do not quit or refresh the page."

127. Choose the correct options to complete the following sentence: (more than one answer)

Constructive feedback________________

B)motivates and improves the recipient's performance

C)creates an amicable work environment

D)creates a culture of complacency in the work environment

E)All of the above


The correct options to complete the sentence are:

B) motivates and improves the recipient's performance

C) creates an amicable work environment.

128. To make your writing effective, avoid using: Choose the best one

A)Lists, tables, charts and graphics

B)Acronyms and abbreviations with their expanded forms

C)Cross references

D)Jargon and long, complex sentences.

129. When developing documentation required for an Agile project, authors must: (more than one

A)Understand the customer's requirements and record these

B)Use a template to develop documents or document information in the tools used by the project
C)Obtain customer sign-off on the documented requirements, and the template.

D)Update all documentation on a quarterly basis.

130. Using sufficient white space makes a page look less crowded and confusing, and improves
readability. To ensure that there is sufficient white space, never use paragraphs.



131. Which of the following conventions would you use to represent application-specific terms such as
screen names, menu items and field names, in your documentation and communication?

Use only upper case to highlight them because these are key terms

Use only lower case and use italics to highlight the terms

Write them as they appear in the application and use either boldface or italics to highlight these

None of the above

The following are departments of a company:

A. Production

B. Human Resources

C. Marketing

D. Customer Services

E. Research and Development

F. Purchasing

G. Finance

H. Sales
For questions 1-5, decide which department each person should go to. Do not use any letter more than

1. Remo Johnson, the Line Manager, wants to check the new advertisement being developed for a
product. the appropriate department would be: C. Marketing.

2.For Vinay Pradhan, the Warehouse Manager, who wants to check how many finished products will be
sent to the warehouse this month,? the appropriate department would be: A. Production.

3. For Ravi Sinha from Sales, who wants to rectify a mistake in an invoice for a bulk order of products,?
the appropriate department would be: G. Finance.

I apologize for the confusion caused by my previous responses. To rectify a mistake in an invoice for a
bulk order of products, the appropriate department would typically be the Accounts Receivable
department or the Finance department. They are responsible for managing invoices, payments, and
resolving any billing discrepancies.

4. Apologies for the confusion. For Lavanya Vijay who wants to order new equipment for the
laboratory,? the appropriate department would be: F. Purchasing.

5. Reema Sinha, from the Helpdesk, should inquire about the resolution for a commonly-reported defect
in a product from: D. Customer Services.

The following is a list of vendors:

A. EasyTrans: Software that translates documents in non-English languages to English

B. Delsafe: Fast and secure delivery of goods

C. Packnship: Packing and shipping of any items at low prices within the country

D. Finsoft: Software for accounting needs

E. LangPerfect: Expert training in languages from around the world

F. Interfin: Financial Consultants

G. Foodplace: Catering for companies

H. Boxit: Supplies boxes of all types and sizes

1. Radha Sekhar wants to buy packing material to pack some items in her house

Radha Sekhar wants to buy packing material to pack some items in her house. She can consider
contacting the vendor "Packnship" as they specialize in packing and shipping of items at low prices
within the country. They would likely have the required packing materials that Radha needs.

2. Shashi Malik wants to maintain his personal finances on his computer.

Shashi Malik, who wants to maintain his personal finances on his computer, can consider contacting the
vendor "Finsoft." Finsoft provides software for accounting needs, which would be suitable for managing
personal finances. Their software can help Shashi track income, expenses, budgeting, and other financial
aspects efficiently on his computer.

3. Abdul Razak wants the items produced in his factory to be shipped overseas.
Abdul Razak, who wants the items produced in his factory to be shipped overseas, can consider
contacting the vendor "Delsafe." Delsafe specializes in fast and secure delivery of goods. They can
handle international shipping, ensuring that Abdul Razak's items are safely transported to their
destination. By partnering with Delsafe, Abdul Razak can have peace of mind knowing that his products
will be shipped overseas in a reliable and timely manner.

4. Vinay Pradhan wants food delivered to his employees on time every day.

Vinay Pradhan, who wants food delivered to his employees on time every day, can consider contacting
the vendor "Foodplace." Foodplace specializes in catering for companies and can provide timely
delivery of meals to Vinay Pradhan's workplace. By partnering with Foodplace, Vinay Pradhan can
ensure that his employees receive their meals promptly, allowing them to focus on their work without
any disruptions. Foodplace may offer a variety of menu options and catering services tailored to meet
the specific needs and preferences of Vinay Pradhan and his employees.

5. Ravi Kumar wants to learn German so that he can translate German documents to English.

Ravi Kumar, who wants to learn German in order to translate German documents to English, can
consider reaching out to the vendor "LangPerfect." LangPerfect specializes in expert language training
and offers courses in languages from around the world, including German. By enrolling in a German
language course with LangPerfect, Ravi Kumar can develop the necessary language skills to understand
and translate German documents accurately. The training provided by LangPerfect will equip Ravi Kumar
with the language proficiency needed to effectively translate German texts into English, allowing him to
fulfill his translation requirements.

The following are departments of a company:

A. Customer Services

B. Domestic travel

C. Finance

D. Human Resources

E. Administration

F. Learning and Development

G. Recruitment

H. International travel

1. Abdul Razak wants to report that his telephone is not functioning.

To report that his telephone is not functioning, Abdul Razak should contact the Customer Services

2. Vijay wants to travel to Delhi to the Canadian consulate for getting a visa for Canada.
Vijay should contact the International travel department for assistance in arranging his travel to Delhi
for the Canadian consulate.

3. Radha Sekhar wants to find out if her friend has been called for an interview.

Radha Sekhar should contact the Recruitment department to inquire about whether her friend has
been called for an interview.

4. Shashi Malik, who arranges training programs, has a question about his eligibility for a salary hike.

Shashi Malik should contact the Human Resources department to inquire about his eligibility for a salary

5. Vinay Pradhan wants to check why his travel claims have not been processed.

Vinay Pradhan should reach out to the Finance department or the designated person responsible for
handling travel claims to inquire about the status and reason for the delayed processing of his travel
The following list contains the training programs of the month:

A. Improve your skills in Finance

B. Improve your Business English skills

C. How to manage a customer relationship

D. How to negotiate and sell better

E. How to improve safety at workplace

F. How to make good presentations

G. Improving Information Security

H. How to be an effective leader

1. Vidya Suman is about to be promoted as a manager of a team and she wants to attend a training
which helps her be a good manager.

Based on the list of training programs, the training program "How to be an effective leader" would be
most suitable for Vidya Suman as she is about to be promoted as a manager of a team. This program will
provide her with valuable skills and knowledge to excel in her new role as a manager.

2. Sushma Patel is in the finance team and wants to learn to

For Sushma Patel, the training program "Improve your skills in Finance" would be most relevant. While
there is no specific program mentioned for writing clear reports, improving overall finance skills can
indirectly contribute to enhancing report writing abilities. Effective communication, including clear
report writing, is an essential skill in the finance field, and this program can help Sushma develop her
communication skills and enhance her ability to write clear and concise reports.

3. Amanda Sanchez, from the sales team, wants to learn how to increase the customer base in her

For Amanda Sanchez, the training program "How to manage a customer relationship" would be most
relevant. This training program can provide her with valuable insights and techniques to effectively
manage customer relationships and expand the customer base in her geography. It can help her develop
strategies for building strong relationships with existing customers, attracting new customers, and
maximizing sales opportunities. By attending this program, Amanda can gain the knowledge and skills
necessary to increase the customer base in her specific area of responsibility.

4. Suresh Reddy, from the sales team, wants to learn more about revenue calculation.

a more suitable training program for Suresh would be "How to negotiate and sell better." This program
can provide him with valuable techniques and strategies to effectively engage with customers,
understand their needs, and improve sales outcomes, including expanding the customer base and
increasing revenue.

5. John Simmons wants to learn about creating safe computer databases.

Based on John Simmons' interest in creating safe computer databases, the most relevant training
program for him would be "Improving Information Security." This program will cover essential topics
and best practices for securing computer databases, including data protection, access control,
encryption, and safeguarding against potential threats and breaches. Attending this training will equip
John with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and integrity of computer databases.


Read the email given below. It is written by an associate who did not attend a session organized by
the Talent Development team.

Choose the right phrases from the dropdown to make sure that the level of formality (register) is
appropriate, and the message is polite.

Dear Carol

_______________ for not attending the training session today. I left my house early; however, there
was a huge traffic jam because of which we were late. (1. Please accept my sincere apologies 2. I am
really sorry.) I tried to call you but ________________ . (1. you didn't respond to my call 2. there was no
response) When I reached the venue, it was very late; the session had already started.
___________ this course is being offered again next month. (1. I understand that 2. You told me
that)__________________. 1. I request you to nominate me when the course is conducted again. 2.
Could you nominate me when the course is conducted again, please?_________________. 1.I hope
you will be able to accommodate me 2. Thanks in advance .

Look at the email below from a training coordinator to all participants in a course.

Choose the right phrases from the dropdown to make sure that the level of formality (register) is
appropriate, and the message is polite.

Dear All

__________________ that the BEC Practice session scheduled for 10 March has been postponed.

1. Please note

2. I am glad to inform you

This is because or an unexpected strike called by the opposition party. We have been ____________ hat
it is necessary to close the office on that day to prevent any untoward incident. 1. advised 2.told
______________ the fresh date for the session as soon as we hear from the faculty. 1. we will let you
know 2. you will be informed of However ____________ during third week of march. 1. The session will
be conducted 2. We will have the session. If you are not free during that week, ________________
1.Could you send an email to the LE by EOD? 2.Please send the information to the LE by EOD.

Vivian Blake,


Dear All,

Please note that the BEC Practice session scheduled for 10 March has been postponed. This is because
of an unexpected strike called by the opposition party. We have been advised that it is necessary to
close the office on that day to prevent any untoward incident. We will let you know the fresh date for
the session as soon as we hear from the faculty. However, we will have the session during the third
week of March. If you are not free during that week, could you please send an email to the LE by EOD?


Vivian Blake

Choose the correct word from the dropdown to fill each gap.

The world of technology is ___________ changing. 1. ever 2.still 3.never _________ to stay ahead of the
curve it becomes essential to have a thorough knowledge of what 1. but 2.and 3.then _________ exists
and also a sense 1.never 2.sometimes 3.already _________ what yet to come. 1.on 2.of 3.with
And only when the two are mixed, can one come up with products and services that __________ the
standards of quality and efficiency in the industry. 1.overcome 2.assemble 3.push. The offerings of the
Engineering & Industrial services OU __________ this year's meet told stories of an organization that
does exactly that. 1.for 3.of

The world of technology is ever changing, and to stay ahead of the curve, it becomes essential to have a
thorough knowledge of what already exists and also a sense of what is yet to come. And only when the
two are mixed, can one come up with products and services that push the standards of quality and
efficiency in the industry. The offerings of the Engineering & Industrial services OU at this year's meet
told stories of an organization that does exactly that.
Look at the email below written to a vendor asking for information.

Choose the right phrases from the dropdown to make sure that the level of formality (register) is
appropriate, and the message is polite.

Dear Mr Smith

I saw your details in your company website and am writing to you ___________ your products. 1.for
some information on 2. to find out about. I am the purchase officer of a small accounting firm with
international clients. I am interested in purchasing anti-virus software advertised in your web site.
_________________ the cost of the software, and whether there are any discounts on bulk purchase.
1.Please give some details of 2. I would like to know. You can contact me on +91 9436256456
___________ about our company. 1. for any queries 2.if you need any more
information.________________. 1. I would appreciate an early response. 2. I need this information
ASAP. ________________ 1. Best regards. 2. Thanks and regards


Dear Mr. Smith,

I saw your details on your company website and am writing to you to find out about your products. I am
the purchase officer of a small accounting firm with international clients. I am interested in purchasing
anti-virus software advertised on your website. I would like to know the cost of the software and
whether there are any discounts on bulk purchases. You can contact me on +91 9436256456 for any
queries about our company. I would appreciate an early response.

Best regards.

Look at the email below written to a vendor asking for information.

Choose the right phrases from the dropdown to make sure that the level of formality (register) is
appropriate, and the message is polite.

Media companies are fast becoming Digital Enterprises and our role in this metamorphosis.
The Media and Information Services Industry __________ on its journey of transformation. No facet of
this industry 1.continuous 2.runs 3.follows __________ any longer operate without being enabled by
technology. 1.must 2.can 3.might. The __________ of technology in making media relevant to
customers has never been 2.part 3.role ___________ pervasive and impactful as it is today.
1.such Depending upon ___________ sectors within our industry, lines have 1.this 2..these
3.the __________ quite blurry between what is "content or data" and what is "software". 1.bacome
2.became 3.becoming

The Media and Information Services Industry continues on its journey of transformation. No facet of this
industry can any longer operate without being enabled by technology. The role of technology in making
media relevant to customers has never been as pervasive and impactful as it is today. Depending upon
the sectors within our industry, lines have become quite blurry between what is "content or data" and
what is "software".

Choose the right phrases from the dropdown to make sure that the level of formality (register) is
appropriate, and the message is polite.
Dear John Paul

I am Vivian George from the security incident management team.

_______________ that you have the software, Bittorent, installed on your computer.
(1.It has been brought to our notice. 2.We have learnt )_______________________________ (1. Our
policy does not allow installation of this software 2. This application violates our security policy ). If
you have any business justification for this, please__________ (1.inform us drop an email ). If not
__________________________.( 1. delete this program from your computer. 2. kindly uninstall the
application. ) ________________________________ (1. I would appreciate a quick response. 2.
Looking forward to a positive response from you.)

Dear John Paul,

I am Vivian George from the security incident management team. It has been brought to our notice that
you have the software, BitTorrent, installed on your computer. This application violates our security
policy. If you have any business justification for this, please inform us. If not, kindly uninstall the

I would appreciate a quick response.

Notes from the CLO summit-1: Lessons from Adam Gilchrist

It was a real pleasure __________ and listen to Adam Gilchrist a)to meet b)meeting c)meets
___________ the CLO summit 2012 at Mumbai today. The themes were known but I. 1. despite
_________ the way Gilchrist spoke loving 2.loved 3.loves _________ simplicity and passion at
the 1.for 2.with 3.of _________ time. 1.equal 3.same. He also shared a lovely story of how he
was at an airport lounge in India trying to find some "me" time away from photographers and autograph
hunters. One persistent person kept, trying to approach him. When he finally gave ___________ , he
found that the "fan" had actually mistaken him for someone else from the Australian team. He has
never forgotten this event. 1. In 2. Back 3. Away
It was a real pleasure to meet and listen to Adam Gilchrist at the CLO summit 2012 at Mumbai today.
The themes were known but I loved the way Gilchrist spoke with simplicity and passion at the one time.
He also shared a lovely story of how he was at an airport lounge in India trying to find some "me" time
away from photographers and autograph hunters. One persistent person kept, trying to approach him.
When he finally gave back, he found that the "fan" had actually mistaken him for someone else from
the Australian team. He has never forgotten this event.

Choose the correct word from the dropdown to fill each gap.
In Holland, they have a simple marking system where a 6/10 is _____________ a "voldoende", or
"satisfactory". And if your child is scoring a. called c. calling ___________ "voldoende" a.this b.a
c.these ___________ the board, then it is considered fine. If your child is scoring 7 or 8/10, then your
child is doing exceptionally a. along b. against c. across _________ In fact, at my son's two schools and
universities, a 9/10 was extremely rare a. well b. good c. nice _________ a 10/10 was unheard of - there
was a rumour going around that someone a.then b.but c.and ________ a 10, but it could have been a
myth. a. scored b. made c. did


In Holland, they have a simple marking system where a 6/10 is called a "voldoende", or "satisfactory".
And if your child is scoring a "voldoende" across the board, then it is considered fine. If your child is
scoring 7 or 8/10, then your child is doing exceptionally well. In fact, at my son's two schools and
universities, a 9/10 was extremely rare, but a 10/10 was unheard of - there was a rumor going around
that someone scored a 10, but it could have been a myth.

Choose the correct word from the dropdown to fill each gap.

Dear Lucy

You are aware that TD has always supported innovation in learning. We ___________ the agile
methodology, SCRUM, in one of our (a. are wondering if we could use b. want to try out ) projects. You
are an expert in SCRUM __________ ( a. Please let me know when we can meet to discuss this. b.
Could you meet us and explain details of SCRUM?) This is an interesting project, and _________ to be
the first in TD to do this. a. want b. we would like. I know you are travelling next
week.______________ the week after, say, 15 March around 10 AM? Do let me know if the time is
suitable for you.
(a. Can we meet b. Will it be possible for us to meet) ________________________.
a. I look forward to your response b. Kindly reply at the earliest


Dear Lucy,
You are aware that TD has always supported innovation in learning. We want to try out the agile
methodology, SCRUM, in one of our projects. You are an expert in SCRUM. Could you meet us and
explain details of SCRUM? We would like to be the first in TD to do this. I know you are travelling next
week. Can we meet the week after, say, 15 March around 10 AM? Do let me know if the time is suitable
for you.

I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Name].

Choose the correct word from the dropdown to fill each gap.

When people come to __________, supervisors in Holland notice that decisions are taken by consensus.
Regardless of the seniority of the individual. c.working. the supervisor__________
a.might b.will c.could ensure that he or she gains consensus _______ the team. a.amongst b.between c.
around. A further complexity to this__________that all members of a team are given the right to
express their opinions. In fact, it is very rare that you have to ask a.wouldb.was .__________ Dutch
person for his or her opinions - like cab drivers, they will give it to you for free. What new people to the
environment then struggle.
a.some b. a c. this ________ is the appearance of no decision making or long decision times, when
actually, the delay is on account of no consensus having been gained. Ans with

a. come to work b. will c. amongst d. a e. with


When people come to work, supervisors in Holland notice that decisions are taken by consensus.
Regardless of the seniority of the individual, the supervisor will ensure that he or she gains consensus
among his or her team. A further complexity to this is that all members of a team are given the right to
express their opinions. In fact, it is very rare that you have to ask a Dutch person for his or her opinions -
like cab drivers, they will give it to you for free. What new people to the environment then struggle with
is the appearance of no decision making or long decision times, when actually, the delay is on account of
no consensus having been gained.

Rearrange the email in the correct order.

Use a pen and paper to work out the answers before you choose the answers in the online
assessment page.

To: Rupali Gupta, Librarian,

Subject: Recommending the book, Prince 2 for beginners.

Dear Rupali,

A. The book's name is Prince 2 for beginners by Bryan Mathis.

B. While preparing for the Prince 2 exam recently, I came across a book that I found very beneficial.

C. The Prince 2 exam is the most popular among IT professionals and this book is aimed at helping such

D. May I recommend that you purchase 20 copies of this book?

E. I am Karthik Kapoor from project ABC.


Karthik Kapoor


To: Rupali Gupta, Librarian

Subject: Recommending the book, Prince 2 for beginners

Dear Rupali,

E. I am Karthik Kapoor from project ABC.

B. While preparing for the Prince 2 exam recently, I came across a book that I found very beneficial.

A. The book's name is Prince 2 for beginners by Bryan Mathis.

C. The Prince 2 exam is the most popular among IT professionals and this book is aimed at helping such

D. May I recommend that you purchase 20 copies of this book?


Karthik Kapoor

The correct order is: E, B, A, C, D

Rearrange the below mail.

ACE Coordinator

CC: Julia Warne

Subject: Request for leave from 6 to 10 December

Dear Mary

A. In case there are any issues that Julia can't handle, I can be contacted on these numbers - landline:
+55 31 3287 7806 mobile: +55 31 8809 252402.

B. Could you let me know if I can avail leave during this time?

C. My co-worker Julia, copied on this message, will take care of my work during the time I'm away.

D. I would like to apply for leave from 6 to 10 December (five working days) to enable me to attend my
brother's wedding.

E. Upon your confirmation, I plan to begin the KT (knowledge transfer) next week.

Best regards

Annabella Carlos


Subject: Request for leave from 6 to 10 December

CC: Julia Warne

ACE Coordinator

Dear Mary,
I would like to apply for leave from 6 to 10 December (five working days) to enable me to attend my
brother's wedding. Could you let me know if I can avail leave during this time? My co-worker Julia,
copied on this message, will take care of my work during the time I'm away.

In case there are any issues that Julia can't handle, I can be contacted on these numbers - landline: +55
31 3287 7806, mobile: +55 31 8809 252402.

Upon your confirmation, I plan to begin the KT (knowledge transfer) next week.

Best regards,

Annabella Carlos

Use a pen and paper to work out the answers before you choose the answers in the online
assessment page.

To: Mayank lyer, Admin manager

Subject: Problem needing rectification: Rail ticket supplied

Dear Mayank,

Rearrange the mail.

A. This is not acceptable as I have to be in New Delhi, India on June 10th morning to participate in a
seminar, in which I am presenting a paper.

B. I had requested your manager, Mr. Sharma, to book a two-tier AC ticket for New Delhi, India for 9th

C. Today, (6th June) to my horror, I was delivered a ticket for the 13th of June!

D. I am writing to let you know that my travel plans have been jeopardized, on account of carelessness
shown by your staff responsible for booking tickets.

E. I am hereby returning the ticket and would like you to immediately arrange for a confirmed ticket for
the 9th by any other suitable train.

Best regards,

Vidya Vyas

Here's the correct arrangement of the email:

Dear Mayank,

I am writing to let you know that my travel plans have been jeopardized, on account of carelessness
shown by your staff responsible for booking tickets. I had requested your manager, Mr. Sharma, to book
a two-tier AC ticket for New Delhi, India for 9th June. Today, (6th June) to my horror, I was delivered a
ticket for the 13th of June! This is not acceptable as I have to be in New Delhi, India on June 10th
morning to participate in a seminar, in which I am presenting a paper.

However, I am hereby returning the ticket and would like you to immediately arrange for a confirmed
ticket for the 9th by any other suitable train.

Best regards,

Vidya Vyas

The Regional TD team learning executives of an ISU to organize floor walks at their location. teamed up with
teamed up to teamed up out teamed up for
The correct phrase is "teamed up with." So, the sentence would be: "The Regional TD team teamed up with
learning executives of an ISU to organize floor walks at their location."

select more than one ans

Certainly! You can use more than one of the provided options in different sentences depending on the context.
Here are some examples:

1. The Regional TD team teamed up with learning executives of an ISU to organize floor walks at their location.
2. The Regional TD team and the learning executives of an ISU teamed up to coordinate floor walks at their
3. The Regional TD team and the learning executives of an ISU teamed up for a joint initiative to conduct floor
walks at their location.

In these examples, you can see how "teamed up with," "teamed up to," and "teamed up for" can be used
appropriately based on the context of the sentence.

During a team meeting, Harsha asked his team to share their suggestions on effective ways to handle a critical
task. When the team had put forth their ideas, he paraphrased them and made a note. From the following
options, select the option which discusses why paraphrasing is considered an important listening skill. It tells
the speaker that the listener is listening attentively. It helps the listener to assess the language capabilities of
the speaker. It allows the listener to check his/her understanding of the speaker's message. None of the above.
The option that discusses why paraphrasing is considered an important listening skill is:

It allows the listener to check his/her understanding of the speaker's message.

Paraphrasing helps the listener confirm that they have correctly understood what the speaker was trying to
convey. This is crucial for effective communication and prevents misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

select more than one ans

Certainly! Multiple options from the provided list can apply as reasons why paraphrasing is considered an
important listening skill. Here are the applicable options:

1. It tells the speaker that the listener is listening attentively.

Paraphrasing shows active engagement in the conversation and indicates to the speaker that the listener is
paying close attention to what they are saying.
2. It allows the listener to check his/her understanding of the speaker's message.
Paraphrasing helps the listener confirm their comprehension of the speaker's message, ensuring that they have
interpreted it correctly.

So, both of these options are valid reasons why paraphrasing is considered an important listening skill.

TCS' Safety First team an approach to create awareness on road safety amongst young associates. ☐ worked
about worked for ☐ worked to worked out
The correct phrase to use in this context is "worked to." So, the sentence would be:

"TCS' Safety First team worked to create awareness on road safety amongst young associates."

select more than one ans

I apologize for any confusion in my previous response. Let me clarify:

The correct phrases to use in this context are "worked to" and "worked out." You can select both of these

1. "TCS' Safety First team worked to create awareness on road safety amongst young associates."
2. "TCS' Safety First team worked out an approach to create awareness on road safety amongst young associates."

Both of these options are valid and can be used to convey the idea effectively.
Which of the following statements about the condition of Global markets can be considered as a credible
statement? We heard through the grapevine that global markets may be volatile during the next quarter. A
study published in a newspaper mentioned that global markets would be volatile during the next quarter. Our
sources mentioned that global markets would be volatile during the next quarter. According to the report
"Emerging Trends in Global Market Scenarios" published in The Economic Times on 07-07-17, global markets
would be volatile during the next quarter.
The statement that can be considered the most credible is:

"According to the report 'Emerging Trends in Global Market Scenarios' published in The Economic Times on 07-
07-17, global markets would be volatile during the next quarter."

This statement is the most credible because it provides a specific and verifiable source (a report in The
Economic Times) along with a date. It is clear and transparent about where the information comes from, making
it the most reliable option among the provided statements.

select more than one ans

Certainly, here are the statements that can be considered credible:

1. "A study published in a newspaper mentioned that global markets would be volatile during the next quarter."

This statement is credible because it refers to a study published in a newspaper, which is a reputable source.

2. "According to the report 'Emerging Trends in Global Market Scenarios' published in The Economic Times on 07-
07-17, global markets would be volatile during the next quarter."

This statement is credible because it cites a specific report from a reputable publication (The Economic Times)
and includes a date for reference.

Both of these statements can be considered credible due to their reliance on reputable sources.

Our _________ (1) survey reveals that customers are not completely satisfied with the product. We would like to
inform you that the_____________ (2) for submitting your self-evaluation report is on 20th February. Being the
only industry in town gave the company considerable_____________ (3) in its financial negotiations. We _______ (4)
to buy new colour printers for our organization. Could you send us a catalogue of your product? An early
response will give us time to evaluate your performance ___ ________(5) As each person's expertise, motivation
and personality are different, it is important to discuss this before anything is committed __._________ (6) The
Human Resource Department in our organization has _________ (7) a pay increase. The advertising industry that
functions as an___________ (8) between the manufacturers and the customers has a pivotal role to play in the
economy of a country. Negative employee attitudes and beliefs need to be ______ _ (9) because they can create
a long term culture of failure. There are specific things you can do to take control of potential hostile situations
so that they don't _______ (10) into major time-consuming issues.
1. recent
2. deadline
3. leverage
4. intend
5. properly
6. strategically
7. approved
8. intermediary
9. addressed
10. escalate

Choose the right option for blank 4 suggest O decide O intend

The correct option for blank 4 is: intend

So, the sentence would be: "We intend to buy new colour

Choose the right option for blank 10 O increase escalate O form

The correct option for blank 10 is: escalate

So, the sentence would be: "There are specific things you can do to take control of potential hostile situations
so that they don't escalate into major time-consuming issues."

Choose the right option for blank 3 O anchor O leverage influence

The correct option for blank 3 is: leverage

So, the sentence would be: "Being the only industry in town gave the company considerable leverage in its
financial negotiations."

Choose the right option for blank 9 O acted O addressed O emphasized

The correct option for blank 9 is: addressed

So, the sentence would be: "Negative employee attitudes and beliefs need to be addressed because they can
create a long-term culture of failure."

Choose the right option for blank 1 O prejudiced O missionary O preliminary

The correct option for blank 1 is: preliminary

So, the sentence would be: "Our preliminary survey reveals that customers are not completely satisfied with the

Choose the right option for blank 8 O transmission O agenda O intermediary

The correct option for blank 8 is: intermediary

So, the sentence would be: "The advertising industry that functions as an intermediary between the
manufacturers and the customers has a pivotal role to play in the economy of a country."

Choose the right option for blank 7 announced O forgiven O responded

The correct option for blank 7 is: announced

So, the sentence would be: "The Human Resource Department in our organization has announced a pay

Choose the right option for blank 6 O Organically O contractually O proportionally

The correct option for blank 6 is: contractually

So, the sentence would be: "As each person's expertise, motivation, and personality are different, it is important
to discuss this before anything is committed contractually."

Choose the right option for blank 5 O objectively O intentionally O nicely

The correct option for blank 5 is: objectively

So, the sentence would be: "An early response will give us time to evaluate your performance objectively."

Choose the right option for blank 2 O deadline O boundary O border

The correct option for blank 2 is: deadline

So, the sentence would be: "We would like to inform you that the deadline for submitting your self-evaluation
report is on 20th February."
Stephen's got his hands full with multiple tasks and the deadlines are very close, too. His colleague Mandy
approached him for help on a new task. Help Stephen in selecting polite and diplomatic ways of saying "No"
(more than one answer). I am afraid, I don't have the bandwidth to take up this request at the moment.
considered for evaluation) I am sorry, I can't take this up now. But I'll put the word out and see if I can get some
help for you. I can't take up this request now. I am so sorry, but my schedule won't allow me to accommodate
this request right now.
Certainly! Here are some polite and diplomatic ways for Stephen to decline Mandy's request:

1. "I am afraid, I don't have the bandwidth to take up this request at the moment."
2. "I am sorry, I can't take this up now. But I'll put the word out and see if I can get some help for you."
3. "I am so sorry, but my schedule won't allow me to accommodate this request right now."

These responses show empathy and a willingness to assist in finding a solution or alternative help while politely
declining the immediate request.

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