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2022.02.11 WB Unit 2 3

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arrect the underlined mistakes in each

v after each sentence. sometimes more sentence. Write the correct form of a verb from the
than one answer is possible.
aggravate avoid cause deatwith identify Agnore Funinto 'selvé
1lim said Isolved the problem with my tablet
whenI spilled water on it

9 Grace didn't pay her credit card bill last month. VWhen she didn't
a0ain this month, she only ran into her debt pay it
problem. aaaCGE
aIalways ask Kate for help with math. She can ignore any problem.
dea wth

4, Tim's report was late. He aggravated problems with his

computer that
he didn't expect. Un Ina_
5. John caused his weight problem for years. Now he can't fit into any of
his clothes! onme
6. Mike has many problems with his projects at work, so he often stays
late to identify them. o l v e

7. My brother is an amazing auto mechanic. He can look at a car's engine

and ignore what is causing problems. ieniily
8. Pedro identifies problems with computer viruses by updating his
antivirus software every week. h aucidS


Choose the past modal or phrasal modal of obligation that best completes each sentence.

1. I wasn't supposed to /had to) give Mr. Lee my phone when he caught me texting
in class.

2. Eve was worried that she needed to didn'thave to pass her exam to graduate.

Frank didn't have to/ was supposed to take his grandmotherto the store, but.he
wanted to.
4 needed to buy shouldn'thave boughbthese boots, but they were on sale!
Bob was supposed to/ didn't need tobring dessert to the party, but he brought
anappetizer instead.
Ididn't need to /was supposed to clean my apartment before my-friend arrived;
but I didn't have time.
New Message

Hey Ally,
up my
brother at yestere.
ce yesterday,
Nas supposed to pick
went to thecaféinstead.
DutI forgot. Well, I didn'tforget...wanted to see you guvs.
(2) didu't haue o go, butI
thought about my rother, but I didn't. w.
I (3) hoold
mom discovered that my brother (4) hgd_tu walk
home alone, she got upset with me. She saidi (5) hDuldnh
Torgotten about my brother. So now she doesn't trust me. She said
(6) eck to think about my responsibilities and behave
more responsibly to regain her trust. Anyway, this means I won't he
able to go on the trip with you guys this weekKend. I'm so frustrated



Use past modals and phrasal modals of obligation to write a sentence for each

V mw

1. make a left turn instead of EhtEaAY

a right turn 2. handin a research paper today
I should have made a left turn he g
instead of a right turn.


3. pick up a friend from the airport 4. not eat a big lunch

find idn qhf aioi_ shou ldt aue t on
bo lund
Apologizing for balnal
toanap20 mer B:D0
let iheersonKnw why you re late
111ake CXUGe
tske responsibility foryour be disrespectful
latcness be overly apologetic

aComplete the sentences with ideas

from your brainstorming notes.
You need to honM 400 o1E
OLabe when you apologize.
2. You shouldn't 9ad le l atuks when you apologize. JLI AR 1A9A
Choose one of the sentences you
completed above and brainstorm
Supporting ideas for its topic. Then write a paragraph based on
brainstorming notes. your

You shouldn t make excuses when you

apologize. You have to simply say you are
Sorry. For example, it you are late for an appointment,
you should never say you were
confused about the meeting time. Next you shouldn't say
your directions were bad.
In addition, you shouldn t blame
public transportation for your latenes5...

Yo ldn li r

for modals expressing degrees of
the modals in the sentences. Then write C
e advice, or opinion.
y or O for modals expressing obligation,
C Some people are certain the boats and
that have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle

must have vanished due to human erro.

2 . Others believe the boats and airplanes that Bermu
disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle could
been affected by supernatural forces
3 . The people who vanished should have planned
their route more carefully to avoid entering the
Bermuda Triangle.
4. Experts say the people who got lost in the Bermuda
Triangle must not have been prepared for strong
water currents and changing weather patterns. Puerto
5. While many people have successfuly navigatedd
throughthe Bermuda Triangle, there are others
who shouldn't have tried, as they are now missing.
Choose the phrase that best completes each sentence.


August 31
ljust watched a documentary about the princess who died in
It was so
mysterious car accident.
interestingeveryone (1)should watch/ should have been
princess was too young and smart to die in such an awful accident. watching it. The
that she (2Yshouldn't Many people feel
have gone/ may not have been going in the car that
the documentary said there are night. Anyway,
many theories about how the car accident
Some people think the car's brakes
(3) might have been
with. Others believe that the tampered/ should have tampered
princess's driver (4) should have
the accident. Some even think the caused(could
have caused
princess (5 could have been kidnapped/ could have
kidnapped. The police never figured out what
but there really happened. I'm not sure what to believe,
have been/ must have been a
way to solve this mystery!

got the highest grade
one ifficult English exam
He must have studied realy hard.
st have
It's also nosible the test
may have been too
You don't
an't hea
hear from your best friend
for several
l uld

3. Your favorite jacket sn't in your closet.


Vau see some very large tootpriñts while walking in the park.

llcethe verbs of belief in the box to write a sentence about each topic.
assume be sure figure know for a fact
be certain bet guess Suppose
be positive doubt have a hunch Suspect

1. Elephants are the world's smartest animals.

l am sure that elephants are the world's
smartest animals.
2. There is a monster that lives in Loch Ness in Scotland.

.Giobal warming is causing changes in worldwide weather patterns.

Feople eat bananas more than any other fruit in the world.

OOme pyramids were built more than 2,000 years ago.

Dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid that caused changes in the climate.

o n in the dwse.
A Read the article quickly to find the answers

. When did the British couple go on vacation? ley Wenlon vacajion in once
. Who gave the couple directions to
Spain? he Offices

Hotel Time Warp

or forward through time
idea of traveling backward
The favorite subject of books, movies, and Ty~
has long been a
scientists suspect that it may actually
shows. Although some
invented a way to make it happen.
be possible, no one has
have reported traveling in time.
However, many people
One famous story is about a British couple who were vacationings

in France in 1979. They were looking for a place to stay for the
old circus. They found a hotel
night and noticed a sign for an
inside the
nearby and discovered that almost everything
hotel was made of heavy wood and there were no
conveniences such as telephones or TVs. Furthermore, their roo
wooden shutters
doors did not have locks, and the windows had
instead of glass. In the morning, two police officers entered the
hotel wearing old-fashioned uniforms with capes. After getting
confusing directions from the officers to Spain, the couple paid
their amazingly inexpensive hotel bill and left.

Two weeks later, the couple returmed to France and decidedto stay at the odd, but very cheap, hotel
again. This time, however, the hotel wasnowhereto befound. Positive that they were in the exact same
spot because of the circus posters, the couple realized that the hotel had completely vanished. Even more
confusing, they found that the photographs they had taken insidet e hotel did not develop. Later, their
research uncovered that the French officers had been wearing uniforms dating from before 1905.
Researchers analyzing these events cal them "time slips"and believe that they must happern randomly anc
spontaneously. However, researchers cannot explain why, when, or how they occur. But when they do oca
people are so bewildered and confused that they can barely explain what happened to them, even though
they are sure they have experienced some sort of timetravel

B Read the article again. Choose the statements you think the author would
agree with.

1 . Time travel is not a favorite subject of books, movies, and television shows.
2 . Few people have reported traveling through time.
3 . Scientists have invented a way to make time travel happen.
4 . People who experience time slips do not remember the experience afterwards.
5 . It is not known why, when, or how time slips occur.
6 . Many people believe they have traveled through time.

July 15
and Dad
Greetings from Maine where the water
cold for us
to go swimm but the
isbeautiful. We're having a great
and we'veenjoyed every place that
time visited. This week we're in Bar Harbor
island town. The place is
which is a lovely tourists!
full of Tonigh we're
a boat that will take us to
ning for a ride on
islands..Our friend James,
one of the nearby taken us hikina
who lives herehas already
the Music
Bar Harbor Festival. It's
andto We miss you.
been fun! Thats it for now.

Love, Sara and Eric

Join the following sentences using non-defining relative clauses.
1. Many tourists enjoy seeing the Kuala Lumpur skyline in Malaysia. It includes some of the
tallest skyscrapers in the world. 700n (ph10e)

Many tourists enjoy seeing the Kuala Lumpurskyline in Malaysia,

whichincludes some of the tallest skyscrapers in the world.
2. People visit Washington, D.C., in the spring. They can see the cherry trees in bloom then.

3. The chery trees in Washington, D.C., were a gift from the Japanese government to the
U.S. They are admired by everyone.

*IOusands ofyears ago, people in Mexico began to grow corn. Corn continues to be a
very important food in Mexico today.

5. The
O tortilla
a is i typically eaten in MexicoIt is a thin, flat bread.
Choose the correct words to complete the sei
London updated its
hotels/ I live Ait
Olvmpics, yerb
When preparing to host the 2012 improvements
to its subr
system) with

restaurants offering
a wide varlety of
hundreds of Chinese, and
York City has Italian,
Cimates cuisinesY green
spaces, including

smaller towns because

from bigger cities to allesibe
. Many people are moving affordable. ae

landmark/ climate is
the cost of living / music
(nightlife, you'll love the
4. If you enjoy neighborhoods / shopping
and live shows in Rio de
wintertime, but
Iceland, is cold in the
5. Some people think Reykjavik, cuisine / transportation
it has a very mild climate/
during the winter months.
/ neighborhoods Jandmarks in
6. Some famous green spaces
the Louvre Museum.
include the Eiffel Tower and

hotels / cuisines in their

7. Many cities spaces/
walk their dogs, and
downtown areas for people to have picnics,
enjoy outdoor concerts.
relative clauses to write sentences
about these topics.
Use defining or non-defining
a popular tourist activity in your city
a town with many historical attractions

a place with a good climate

a n excellent city for shopping

1. Tourists in Rome like to visit the famous

squares, which have many beautiful_
statues and fountains.

2. t o i: the apio atyf Caodoy

tI ns rAny hitoiaaia dio
e the hstuc (rne

Coiiess excelleni diole too o VGCaliOn, uhe

I En_th my aily los ugul
. Lpiales is a conSIid lown wid is lorad in lhe nofh boxdey
Of Eaxucday i an excelleul plOCE fon shopiic
reasonable prices clothing
fruits and spices handicrafts
a wonderful night market jewelry


(a undol

B Now read the paragraph about Chiang Mai. Answer the questions.

Chiang Mai is a city in northern Thailand that has a wonderful night market. In the evening,
the main street is lined with small stands and shops that sell almost anything you can
and still
imagine. Some stands sell jewelry or clothing, others sell traditional Thai handicrafts,
others sell fresh fruit and spices. I love spicy Thai food. It's easy to spend an entire evening
just looking at everything. If you decide to buy something, you won't be disappointed.
but the
prices are very reasonable. There are a lot of wonderful attractions in Chiang Mai,
night market is a favorite for many people.

1. What is this paragraph about? Asahoul & Duglaglri lauded in Chuang lla
2. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph? Chiam Maisacyim nDtThy

. Which sentence does not support the main idea? Cross it out. Llae s[icy bau{o

Write a paragraph about one of the places you mentioned in Exercise 4 on page 14.
Include a topic sentence with the main idea and several supporting ideas.

N Y cyoLde he hisoiic cenlr und hos been hnlsd

S0CuHura hedauf of wnADd Auolley toU Aic ploce
H e nddle of fie cooid morwmeni,These Oe ihe nas_
ILoian i s l c plocenGi lowich uwe hulhu
FSSONA Ponular destin
U n s c r a m b i e t n e wO

city/coastal/ CHa
d/with fascinating
charming coastal
Salvador is a

fascinating buildings.
a lovely
quaint / old/ with
.a/European / city/
) i
u Od0
Prague is

, skyscrapers/
3. a/ lively / city/with huge
danH U1l
Taipei is OVC

malls / City
4. a/dynamic/ port/
with trendy shopping

Singapore is a duIDmiC_p diy wih jendy

N beautiful lakeshore
5. a / industrial/ modern
/ large/ city/ with a

brcdt hesone
n i e n i n d s t i i al dHy witha
Chicago is 0 10
P destination
6. an /with world-famous theme parks/tourist / exciting /
Orlando is yino o desiindion wth uurld

Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

border ceestal colege mountain port ural tourist

1. Ana lives in a rural town. The nearest big city is more than two hours away.

2. The local university employs most of the people living in this C o l r g town.

3 towns are near an ocean, a lake, or a river where ships unload cargo.

4 People traveling from the U.S. to Mexico through Idey towns must stop and
show their passports or other identification.

5. I work in a small town with great beaches and seafood places.

6. We stopped in a crowdedDD1 town full of overpriced souvenir shops.
7 Nick lives in a AIO town that is nearly 3,000 meters above sea level.
ces using the words in parentheses.
Rewrite t h e .

are well lit, but it's best to be careful at night. (in spite of)
In spite of
the well-lit streets, it's best to be careful at night.
There is a crime problem, but it's still a wonderful place to visit. (despite)

but people aren't buying much. (although)

The shopping malls are crowded,

buti still ike living here. (even though

It snows a lot,

Insote of the the o Str ie id e

is on ocean, but the water here is too polluted for people to go
5 My city
Swimming. (however)
he waly hac i urd at9
Hyciy iso Roufvev
but there's not much to do. (nevertheless)
6. The city center is very picturesque,

Flenth uot th ycani SVEy DicO ue ihed eo

7. There's a lot to do here at night, blt it's a very noisy neighborhood. (on the other hand)

Complete the sentences with your own opinions about cities you know.

1. The worst thing about Los Angeles is theheavy traffic

In spite of that, it is anideal place to live
2. The worst thing atbout is C Yme NAje
Nevertheless, is
3. The best thing about is uimc ueigh oi d.
4. Even though has a lot of (orl

5. The weather in iD is O d ann fiom Sune ioAnust

Onthe other hand, is yer Oi and 1 ion Lni to Apil
6 ThAO would be a great place to live. However, t an bO

'Athough 0uuioios 12ard_ is a favorite tourist destination for many, it also has its
ODems, For example, he ci ol liyag is EXPELVe heguahty

1. Carpooling 2. autd essjoh 3. public Aigisnato}on 4. landfill_


The world's population is not only growing, it is It's true that megacities have problems, t
also becoming more urbanized. An increasing these have been exaggerated. The truth c
number of people are moving to cities in thehope the matter is that people move to cities
of having a better life. The cities promise steady work escape their hard life in the country. Urban are
and higher salaries. With more money, people think even with their problems, offer people a better
they can provide for their families more easily. than rural areas. The old ways of life in rural a
As the population becomes more urbanized, have broken down, and it is now very difficult
megacities are created. Yes, there are more jobs in make a living as a farmer.
urban areas, but is the quality of life better in People live longer in the cities.
these megacities? A quick survey of several
major cities reveals some of their problems:
megacity Medical care is better. And, of cou
employment opportunities can be
Pollution from auto emissions is poisoning a city with found more easily in the city. We
theair; landfills are overflowing with garbage. a populationshould continue to develop city
With declining resources and growing of 10 million services so that people can enjoy t
competition, sometimes there is notenough or more lives in the world's urban centers.
food. These are
allvery serious problems. Rather than limiting developn-
We cannot get ridof mega ities they are here
to stay. What we should concentrate on, however, is
we should encourage it. Public
systems need to be developed so that people
building "villages" inside the cities. These "urban can travel to and from work and school easil
villages" could be self-sufficient and grow their do-
Garpoóling should be encouraged to cut
own food. The members of these villages on pollution. The more we clean up and
would recycle more and do less damage lite
develop our megacities, the more
to the environment. The villages would
improve for the residents.
serve the needs of the local people, not
big business. We need to limitlarge-
scale development, not encourage it.
Nofom ertov
Match the statements with the articles that support them. H1ANBAZA
1| 2 1&2

1. "Megacities have problems.

2. "Life in rural areas is hard."

3. "We should recreate village life in the cities."

4. "There are more chances to work in the cities."

5. "Continued development will hurt the quality of life."

6. "Continued development can improve the quality of life."

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