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Latihan Soal Usp Biologi 2024

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# Choose one correct answer from 5 answer choices (A to E) in each questions below!

1. See the following names of animals below: 4. Eubacteria covered their body with cell wall
which is made of …
1) Felis catus (kucing)
2) Acinonyx jubatus (chetah) A. chitin D. pectin
3) Equus caballus (kuda) B. cellulose E. glucose
4) Phantera tigris (harimau) C. peptidoglycan
5) Equus asinus (keledai)
5. The organisms of Protist below that can
The animals above that have the closest move using cilia, shown by number …
relationship is refers to number ...
A. 1 and 3 D. 3 and 4
B. 2 and 3 E. 3 and 5
C. 2 and 4

2. See the “dichotomous key” for identify some

organism below!

A. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 4
B. 1 and 3 E. 2 and 5
C. 1 and 4

6. Which one below is NOT characteristic of the

plant in the figure?

From the keys above, what are organisms

2, 4 and 6?

A. Bird, Bee, Ant A. has a fibrous root

B. Bird, Bee, Spider B. parallel vein of leaf
C. Monkey, Bird, Ant C. has a cambium
D. Monkey, Bee, Spider D. produce seed
E. Monkey, Bee, Ant E. has a real flower

7. Look at the figure of 2 Vertebrate animals

3. Which one below is not a characteristic of a below:
A. Has nucleus membrane
B. Parasite obligates
C. Do replication inside the host
D. Could be crystalized
E. Has genetic material.
The 2 animals above are similar according C. controls the exchange of substances
to the characteristic below, except … inside and outside the cell
D. the site where cell division occurs
A. endoskeleton
E. regulates the processes of cell growth
B. type of reproduction
and development
C. number chamber of heart
D. close circulatory system
E. type of fertilization 11. Which of the following phenomenon is an
example of “osmosis” process?
8. See the figure of food web below: A. Absorption of food nutrient inside the
B. Gas exchange in alveolus.
C. Blood filtration inside kidney
D. Dissolving sugar in water
E. Water absorption by root

12. See the graph of leaf anatomy below!

What is NOT a “correct” statement according

to the food web above?
A. Grasses are the main producers.
B. First consumer are beetle and
C. Second consumer are frog and fox. Gas exchange will happen through the
D. Frog is a top consumer. structure number …
E. Fox has a role as secondary and tertiary
consumers. A. 1 C. 3 E. 5
B. 2 D. 4
9. Plastic can reduce the carrying capacity of
the soil, and plastic waste is also difficult to 13. Which one below is example of connective
decompose. One way that can be used to tissue in animal?
reduce the use of plastic is ...
A. nervous D. adipose/fat
A. reuse plastic packaging. B. epidermis E. muscle
B. giving information to the public about the C. epihelial
dangers of plastic.
C. refuse plastic bags when shopping. 14. See the figure below:
D. doing research of the dangers of plastic.
E. reduce factories that produce plastic

10. Function of cell structure below is …

A. where reactions occur in cells

B. controls all cell activities

What must happen for the bone in the 17. See the figure of digestive organ below:
lower arm to move in the direction from X
to Y position?

A. Bicep muscle & tricep muscle contracts.

B. Bicep muscle contracts, tricep muscle
C. Tricep muscle contracts, bicep muscle
D. Bicep muscle & tricep muscle relaxes.
E. Only biceps muscle contracts.

15. Heart chamber number 2 from the figure The enzyme produce by the organ above to
below has a function to … convert protein is called … .
A. Lipase D. Amylase
B. Trypsin E. Pepsin
C. Erepsin

18. The diagram shows some ciliated cells from

the human respiratory part organ.

A. pump-out the blood to the lungs

B. pump-out the blood to the whole body
C. pump-in the blood from the lungs
D. pump-in the blood from the whole body
E. pump-out the blood to the heart Name and function of the organ is … .
A. alveoli, detecting stimuli
B. trachea, trapping
16. From the figure of blood vessels below,
which one is NOT characteristic of blood
C. alveoli, exchanging gases
vessel Z?
D. larynx, produce mucosa
E. trachea, filtering the blood

19. See the figure of kidney anatomy below:

The structure name

labeled with “K” is
A. carry blood back to the heart called … .
B. has role for exchange materials A. cortex
C. has a thin wall B. pelvis
D. carry the oxygenated blood C. medulla
E. carry blood at the highest pressure D. ureter
E. urethra

20. The male & female cell gametes will mature 23. The following are statements regarding
inside … . metabolism process:

Male Female 1) Requires energy.

2) Produce energy.
A. Epididymis Ovary
3) Through the stages of light reactions and
B. Testis Vagina
dark reactions.
C. Epididymis Uterus
4) The breakdown of complex molecules into
D. Epididymis Fallopian tube
simple molecule.
E. Testis Ovary 5) Form a complex molecule.
6) Through the stage of glycolysis.
7) Produce CO2 and O2
21. See the experimental data of plant height
below! The statements related to the process of
"catabolism" are refers to number ... .
A. 1, 3 and 5 D. 2, 4 and 6
B. 1, 4 and 6 E. 2, 4 and 7
C. 1, 6 and 7

24. The following are the results of metabolic

Based on the experimental data, it can be processes:
concluded that light...... .
1) ATP 4) CO2
A. inhibit plant growth 2) ADP 5) pyruvic acid
B. accelerate plant growth 3) NADH
C. does not affect the growth
D. inhibit growth in dark conditions Which are NOT the product of glycolysis
E. accelerate growth in dim conditions process?
A. Product 1 and 3
22. Look at the table of experimental results on B. Product 1 and 5
the effect of pH on chemical reactions C. Product 2 and 4
involving enzymes. D. Product 3 and 5
E. Product 4 only

25. The following statements are related to the

process of photosynthesis, except....
A. consist of light & dark reaction
B. produce glucose during Calvin cycle
C. need pigment/chlorophyll
D. occurs inside the chloroplast
E. produce carbon dioxide

The conclusion that can be drawn from the 26. Look at the following photosynthetic process
...graphic data above is scheme:

A. pH below 8, enzymes cannot work

B. the enzyme is only active at high pH.
C. The enzyme does not denature at pH
D. The enzyme works optimally in the pH
range 6-8.
E. The optimum work of enzymes is in
very alkaline conditions.

Which statement is incorrect according to the
figure! Figure A Figure B Figure C
A. prophase telophase metaphase
A. photolysis of water happens in X process.
B. metaphase prophase anaphase
B. Y is oxygen as a product of X process.
C. anaphase telophase prophase
C. Y is energy as a product of X process.
D. metaphase anaphase prophase
D. Z is glucose as a product of light reaction
E. Z is glucose as a product of Calvin cycle E. telophase metaphase anaphase

27. Below are characteristics of DNA, except … . 31. Round character (B) is dominant to oval (b).
The sweet taste (M) is dominant over the
A. contain ribose sugar sour taste (m).
B. double helix
C. found in nucleus A cross between 2 mango trees with
D. nitrogen base of purine : Adenine & genotypes “ BbMm “ and “ Bbmm “ will
Guanine produce offspring with a "sour round"
E. nitrogen base of pyrimidine : Cytosin & phenotype with a percentage of ... .
Thymine A. 12.5 % D. 50 %
B. 25 % E. 75%
28. The second step in the process of protein C. 37,5 %
synthesis is __(1)__ that happens inside
__(2)__ . 32. Look at the following Cryptomery cross
A. (1) : transcription ; (2) : cytoplasm diagram below:
B. (1) : transcription ; (2) : nucleus
C. (1) : translation ; (2) : nucleus
D. (1) : translation ; (2) : ribosomes
E. (1) : translation ; (2) : cytoplasm

29. See the figure below:

If the F-1 offspring are crossed with white

flower plants (aaBb), then the percentage of
"white flower" plants in the resulting F-2 is

A. 25 % D. 75 %
B. 37,5 % E. 100 %
C. 50 %

33. Look at the pedigree map of a family with a

history of color blindness below:

If a piece of DNA molecule is being

transcribed with codes like the picture above,
the sequence of amino acids that will be
formed is....
A. E – B – F – D D. B – C – A – E
B. D – E – C – A E. C – A – F – D
C. C – A – D – B
The possible genotypes of person A and B
30. The process of cell division from the figure A, based on the pedigree above are... .
B and C below are called …
Person B Person A
C. XbXb XY
D. XbX XbY
34. Hemofilia is caused by a recessive X-linked 3) The elongation of the giraffe's neck due
gene. If a hemophilic woman marries a to environmental influences.
normal man, the possible phenotype of her 4) Giraffes with long necks were able to
children is ... survive, while giraffes with short necks
A. all his daughters are hemophilia carriers
B. 25% of sons are hemophilia carriers
From some statements above, the statement
C. 50% of sons have hemophilia
which related to principles of Darwin's theory
D. all his daughters are hemophilic
of evolution regarding the giraffe's neck are
E. all his children (boys and girls) are normal
found in the statements ...
35. The type of chromosome mutation that A. 1 dan 2 D. 2 dan 4
occurs based on the figure below is called ... B. 1 dan 4 E. 3 dan 4
C. 2 dan 3
A. translocation 38. The number of people with albino skin in a
B. inversion village is 40 people out of 1000 people. The
C. deletion genotype frequency of heterozygous albino
D. duplication carriers (Aa) is...
E. transversion
A. 0,04 D. 0,2
B. 0,16 E. 0,8
C. 0,32
36. Several experts conducted experiments
to prove the theory of the origin of life: 39. Biotechnology is divided into modern
biotechnology and conventional
1) Antoni van Leuwenhoek with the biotechnology. Below is some activity from
invention of a microscope to observe modern biotechnology, except …
microorganisms in water soaked in straw.
2) Fransesco Redi proved that caterpillars A. biogas production
do not emerge from rotting flesh, but from B. stem cell
fly eggs. C. genetic engineering
3) Louis Pasteur proved that the D. cloning
microorganisms in broth come from E. antibody interferon
microorganisms in the air.
4) Stanley Miller proved that organic 40. Look the figure of technology in biological
compounds can be formed from CH4, application below!
NH3, H2O and H2 outside the body of

The experimental conclusions that support

the theory of "biogenesis" are the
experiments number ... .

A. 1 and 2 D. 2 and 3
B. 1 and 3 E. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 4
The modern biotechnology technique in the
37. Look some statements about the evolution of schematic image above is called...
giraffe below:
A. hybridoma
1) Long-necked giraffes come from short- B. tissue culture
necked giraffe parents. C. in-vitro fertilization
2) In the past there were giraffes with short D. cloning
necks and long necks. E. artificial insemination

‫الحمد هلل ربّ العالمين‬


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