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Factors Affecting Maritime Student’s Academic Performance

An Undergraduate Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of St. Therese MTC-

Colleges, Magdalo Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements of the Course Research 1 (Method of Marine )

for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transportation


Jose Yatchen T. Icoy III

Adenelle Joseh B. Bajada

Bonifacio G. Umadhay.

John Paul T. Togonon

John Michael A. Etabag

Keith P. Natalaray

Kineth B. Abadano

Cezar Ang Jr.

Chapter I

Background of the Study

During the pandemic most of the student had no good knowledge foundation due to

modular and online type of learning. The students are the most important and valuable assets of a

country for they will be the one who will succeed to the position of other persons who wish to

stop from working due to old age and incapability. Students are the man power of a nation. It is

they who will build the nation with their skill hand and work experience, if they are equipped

with good knowledge and skills, they would be able to contribute their part to the social and

economical development of the nation. It is also the responsibility of a student to give their best

efforts and capability to their whole academic career. The employers of companies need skilled

and professionals to be added to their crew. The students should improve their skills and their

capability to be a professional in their field of careers especially maritime students.

In evaluation of students' expectations and recommendations, it is a situation that is

expected to be aware of the detailed specifications for the people being prepared to the programs.

However, Marine Transportation and Management Engineering (MTME) programs in subjective

is an engineering program which requires our knowledge of mental, namely cognitive features

with the exception of their physiological characteristics (it is only tested through physical

proficiency exam to which the candidates are subjected when they enrolled into the

programme) of the students studying in the programmes are not much more than adequate.

However, if it is considered that the students are participated in 240 ECTS credits of a 4-year

programme that has a partially practical training which requires at least a 12-month practical

experience in sea vessels, these students’ individual learning characteristics and evaluations
of the learning process are obviously important for improving the quality of the learning

experiences of students who are studying in the programs.(Çetin & Şeremet 2016)

Academic institutions must provide an updated curriculum; modern facilities and equipment;

efficient student services; responsive organization and administration; and educators must

possess effective teaching techniques and strategies to ensure and maximize the learning of the

students as a response to the needs of professional education, society particularly in maritime and

shipping industries (Laguador & Dotong, 2013; Orence & Laguador, 2013). Reyes (2013)

emphasized that the aim of education is to create teaching and learning environment that would

bring about desired changes in learners such as making them more knowledgeable, skillful or

acquired positive attitudes and values.

Doyle (1985) observed from his study that those teachers are successful in the classrooms

that use a variety of techniques and interactive styles to teach as compared to those who use

formal methods. Another important factor in this regard can be the region or area to which the

students belong. It has been observed from the study conducted by Washbrune (1959) that

students who belong to the urban areas give better academic performance as compared to those

who come from less populated areas. The reason may be the facilities and resources are available

in abundance in the urban areas regarding curricular and co-curricular activities as compared to

the rural areas where these facilities are less available. The impact of family size is also very

important in the children quality performance. This kind of relationship that exists between the

family size and the children’s performance is well known as quantity-quality model (Becker,

1960; Becker and Lewis, 1973; Becker and Tomes, 1979).

Thus, this study aims to identify the factors affecting the academic performance of the

students at St. Therese-MTC Colleges Magdalo Site during the Academic year 2022-2023.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the factors that affects the academic performance of maritime

students at St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site during the academic year 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What are the factors that affecting the students’ academic performance when taken as a

whole and when classified according to the influence of people, personal preference,

family income, quality education?

2. Is there a significant difference on the factors that affecting the students’ academic

performance when classified according to the influence of people, personal preference,

family income, quality education?


There is no significant difference on the factors that affecting the students’ academic

performance when classified according to the influence of people, personal preference, family

income, quality education.

Conceptual Framework

The Independent variable of the study were the students financial income, family status,

parents educational attainment, friends influence. Whereas the variable financial income

included the following; (a) 50,000 and above; (b) 49,999-40,000; (c) 39,999-20,000; (d) 19,999-

11,000; and (e) 10,000 below. The variables family status include the following; (a) complete

family; (b) broken family. The variable parents educational attainment include the following; (a)
elementary graduate; (b) high school graduate; (c) college graduate. The variable friends

influence include the following (a) alcohol; (b) class skipping; (c) gambling.

The dependent variables of this study is the academic performance of maritime students

in St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Financial Income
Family Status
Parents Educational Attainment Academic Performance of
maritime students in St. Therese
Friends Influence
MTC Colleges.

Significance of the Study

The study would be beneficial to the following:

School Administration. Through this study, the administration could come up with an improved

plan and strategies that is suitable enough for the maritime programs in St. Therese MTC

Colleges, Magdalo Site.

Maritime Teachers. This study could help maritime instructor to better encourage and develop

more interest of the maritime students towards their enrolled degree program. Through this study

the instructors will be able to help them to provide an appropriate teaching strategy.

Maritime Students. This study would benefit the students to be aware and be confident towards

their chosen college degree program. Competencies will be effectively acquired before going on

board a vessel and allow them strengthen their ideal and skills to be globally competitive.

Future Researchers. This could be supportive for the future researchers; they can make this as

an instrument to develop their study by gathering some ideas and information within this study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was limited only to officially enrolled Maritime Students of St. Therese MTC

Colleges, Magdalo Site for the first semester of the School Year 2022-2023. This study aimed to

determine whether academic performance has significant relationship to financial income,

parent’s educational attainment, family status, and friends influence that may affects the

academic performances of maritime students in St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site.

Definition of terms

Factors – force an individual to commit something that may affect his life and learning


Maritime Student – an individual that acquiring knowledge about seafaring by enrolling

to a maritime program offered by an institution accredited by MARINA.

Academic Performance – achievement of an individual inside of an institution in a long

or short term educational goal.

Financial Income - refers to the money that a person or entity receives in exchange for
their labour or products
Family Status - refers to having responsibility for the part- time or full-time care of

children and other dependents, having no responsibility for the care of children or dependents,

being married to, or in a relationship in the nature of marriage with, a particular person, or being

related to a particular person.

Parents Educational Attainment - refers to the rank of a parent’s formal education


Friends Influence – refers to something you do out of your will but you still do it

because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Philippine Maritime Program

The Maritime Program in the Philippines is one of the well-known college degrees for

male students who aspire for higher salaries while working abroad. The value of what the

students are learning provides higher motivation and gives a strong foundation to perform their

responsibilities and work harder in achieving their goals. Maritime Industry is considered one of

the largest industries in the world which needs a good number of qualified and highly skilled

graduates to sustain the productivity and efficiency of all economic activities involving sea

transport of people and goods. The ever-changing global environment entails the importance of

research and creation of knowledge dedicated to maritime industry (Lau & Ng, 2015).

People are living in a world that keeps on changing, a world where the greatest assets of

knowledge, skills, personal traits, and significant social capability. No one knows what will

happen for the next ten to fifteen years to this generation. Today is the chance to aim for the

achievement of everybody's goals in life (Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. Al., July 2010).

With regards to academic performance, some of the BSMT students can cope up well

with their grades while others are having difficulties in maintaining their grades. Some students

can easily pass their quizzes and examinations while others are having a hard time. There must

be a reason why some perform well, and there are others who are having difficulties in doing

well. However, there are identified factors such as social, environmental, socio-economic, and

psychological that affects the performance of students (Amitava Raychaudhuri, et. Al., July

Several studies have been conducted to identify and analyze the various factors affecting

the academic performance of the students. A student's educational performance measurement has

received considerable attention. Student's performance is affected due to social, environmental,

socio-economic, and psychological factors. These factors strongly influence on student

performance, but these factors vary from person-to-person and country to country (Nchungo,


Students get enrolled in schools not only to learn academic

concepts, but they also learn how to interact and socialize with others. In this study, students are

affected by social factors; they usually form friendly terms and relationships with fellow

students. Involving in a social circle and friendships have a positive effect on the academic

outcomes of the students. As when one has to work on a project or prepare for a test, then group

study is, in most cases, beneficial. It also causes social satisfaction and happiness in one's student

life Kudari (2016).

However, in a peer group, the involvement of social activities sometimes leads to a bad habit

such as smoking, drinking

alcoholic beverages, and worst is the use of drugs. As of today, those habits are extreme rampant

to our society, especially to young people which has a short and long term on their personal

development and social adjustments. The consumption of the drug affects cultures, family, peers,

and institution. Attention is needed to show the importance of exposure to risk factors, such as

experiencing situations of violence, bullying, and contexts with drug availability, affect the

students' performance. A series of national and international researches have adopted as an object

of study the

relationship between academic excellence and use of drugs among students. The prevalence
of alcohol and cocaine use in the sample studied was similar tothe national average; however, the

prevalence of marijuana abuse was higher than the average Souza et al. (2019)

Same-sex and peer relationships have an impact on

academic performance and general self-esteem of students. Perceived opposite-sex peer relations

hips yielded useful direct and indirect links with general self-esteem. Also, indirect positive

relation academically, but mediation via school engagement was not as bad as that of perceived

same-sex peer relationships. These results generalized across gender and age groups


Poor and inadequate facilities and instructional materials affect the overall performance

of the students. Sufficient facilities promote academic achievement and ensure to strengthen the

overall institutional performance. Lack of power supply, instructors, classrooms, and lack of

educational materials negatively affect the academic success of the institutions (Hussainand

Suleman, 2018)

Another study reviewed that some of the factors that influence students' academic performance

pointed out, learning facilities and materials such as classrooms have a profound influence on

their performance. Environmental factors include student's class schedules, class size, textbooks,

and learning facilities are a significant influence on

students' performance. Classroom factors also include extracurricular activities, family problems,

and financial, social, and other issues (Mushtaq and Khan,2012).

Classrooms should be warm and inviting, learning activities

are purposeful, engaging, and significant. Personalized learning environmentsare created to

increase good relationships among students and between teachers and students. Some students

feel that they belong in the school community, that they are valued, honored, and not
discriminated. Monitoring of learning and teaching requires paying attention to student's

academic results and the effectiveness of school and classroom procedures on enhancing one's

mental performance (Lezotte 2010)

Family, characteristics like socioeconomic status are

significant predictors for student's performance at school. Low income of the parentimpedes

academic success and development on the part of the students. Most financially needy students

are made to repeat a grade due to low academic performance, and this has contributed to

increasing school dropout rates. Student's academic performance can be affected by a chain of

social-economic factors resident in parents, family, and network. Parental education also effects

on students' academic performance. There are well-educated parents can provide such an

environment that suits best for the academic su-success of their children (Farooq et al., 2011).

A stressful situation can have effects on some individuals. This claim is particularly valid for

students going through a transition phase, shifting from home to university campus. At times,

students experience stress as they leave too much to accomplish in a very sudden period. As a result, they

sleep less, which increases their stress level to a greater extent(Bhattacharya, 2018).

Other studies stated that the most common stressor for students is the fear of failure. In line with

that, they are striving to meet assessment deadlines, feeling overwhelmed by their workload, and

finding the motivation to study. Stress-related to examinations and time management is

challenging to handle by the students (Spiridon and Evangelia 2015).

n the study of Saqib and Rehman (2018), psychological factor such as stress has a significant

impact on student's academic performance. Stress can cause severe emotional harm, leads to

confusions during a discussion. The student will not be able to comprehend well in class, and

less productive on their quality of life. Students perceive stress in a multi-factorial way from both
academic and non-academic factors. Stress occurs when a person has a lot of tasks, and it can

significantly affect educational performance. Students should have strategy according to the

demands of educational life because school works usually meets stress activity.
Chapter III

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter is divided into two parts: (1) Purpose of the Study and Research Design, (2)


The First Part, Purpose of the Study and Research design, restates the main problem and

discusses the research design.

The Second Part, Methods, describes the participants data- gathering instruments, and

data – gathering procedure used in the study

Purpose of the Study and Research Design

This study aimed to identify the factors that affect the academic performance of maritime

students at St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site during the academic year 2022-2023.

The study uses a method of quantitative research design, utilizing the survey-correlational

design in gathering the data. According to David (2005) the survey research is a study which

finds answers to the questions, who, what where and when and how. It describes a situation or a

simple state of affairs in terms of specified aspects of factors. On the other hand the correlation

study determines whether or not two variables are correlated.

Correlational study, on the other hand is a quantitative method of research which tries to

determine if there is a relationship between variables (Capilano, 2008).

The purpose of a survey is to get the general picture of the characteristics of a study

population at a particular time. The use of the survey approach is appropriate for most

descriptive and correlational study (David, 2005).

Survey-Correlational was chosen for the study sought to determine and evaluate the

factors that affect the academic performance of maritime students at St. Therese MTC Colleges

Magdalo Site during the academic year 2022-2023.

The statistical tools used were mean, standard deviation, as well as Pearson r. all test

were set at .05 level of significance.


The participants of the study were the seventy five (75) students, random students of St.

Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo Site were enrolled during the academic year 2022-2023. These

students frequently bought their food in the school canteen. Random Sampling was used in this


The participants had chosen using random sampling. Stratified random sampling done by

drawing the sample from the population and then drawing separate random samples from each


The researcher will utilize the survey questionnaires as a primary tool to collect and

describe the data, the examination will be given to selected 75 student’s St. Therese MTC

Colleges Magdalo Site. The questionnaire include a total of 20 questions, a demographic

sheet ,item measuring socioeconomic status, family size ,parental educational and other factors.

Moreover, the questionnaires gather statement of the problem in order to solicit ideas;

sentiments, experiences and perceptions from the students St. Therese MTC Colleges Magdalo
Site were enrolled during the academic year 2022-2023. The questions were presented to the

expert for validation.

Each of the respondents provided a copy of the said questionnaires which contains a

space for the respondents’ profile and a series of choices on the proceeding parts of the

questionnaires where the respondent’s choice made.

Data obtained from the study was processed, encoded, and analysed using the statistical

package for Social Science (SPSS).

Data gathering process

The research will send approval letter to the principal and to their respective teacher who

are charge of the subject before conducting the study. When study will be approved, the

researcher will start working with the questionnaires basing the question on the theories that the

researcher has found. The researcher will secure the approval from the advisors and administer

the research instrument and personally distributed the questionnaire. The students will be given

approximately 5 minutes to take the survey question

Statistical Data Analysis Procedures

The following statistical tools had implied in the analysis of data gathered.

Frequency Count and Percentage. The researchers used this in order to determine the

number of respondents when grouped according to personal profile such as kind of stall and what

kind of food they are selling.

Percentage. The researchers used this in order to quantify the data in terms of percent

such as the percentage of male and female among the total number of respondents. Percentages

also used with the other personal profile.

Mean. The mean used in order to determine the average of the data such as overall mean

of the respondents responses about the potential of the food when it comes to cleanliness on how

it is prepared by the canteen personnel

Standard Deviation. The standard deviation tells the measurement for a group spreads out

from the average(mean), or expected value.

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