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Model Paper Set - 6: Ques I) Synonyms (Find The Nearest Meaning)

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SET – 6
Ques i) Synonyms (Find the nearest meaning)

1. Ancestors
a) Extinct tribes b) Relatives c) Foefishers d) Old people

2. Embraces
a) Impress b) Except c) Embraccess d) Accept

3. Prevented
a) Guess b) Suspect c) Think d) Feign

4. Amguished
a) Successful b) Doubtful c) Respectful d) Joyful

5. Furtitude
a) Composure b) Confidence c) Courage d) Prudence

6. Santise
a) Pleasant b) Disinfect c) Pices d) Crazy

7. Favourite
a) Preferred b) Focussed c) Pleasurable d) Disliked

8. Eradite
a) Scholarly b) Unlettered c) Stingy d) Sloppy

9. Repeated
a) Disputed b) Elaborated c) Explained d) Reiterated

10. Revere
a) Condemn b) Reverse c) Hamiliate d) Respect

Ques ii) Antonyms (Find the opposite meaning)

11. Quienten
a) Too soothe b) To settle c) To rouse d) To lull

12. Impulsive
a) Cautious b) Hasty c) Reckless d) Spontaneous

13. Refinement
a) Rudeness b) Coarseness c) Anger d) Foolishness

14. Obsolete
a) New b) Outdated c) Delayed d) Deferred
15. Frugality
a) Prodigality b) Enmity c) Captivity d) Gaiety

16. Miserable
a) Happy b) Active c) Laudable d) Solitary

17. Humane
a) Living being b) Person c) Man d) Unkind

18. Orderly
a) Unclear b) Valueless c) Chaotic d) Incomplete

19. Gloomy
a) Radiant b) Fragrant c) Melodious d) Illusory

20. Blessing
a) Dull b) Curse c) Hurt d) Harsh

Ques iii) One Word Substitutions (SSC) –

21. Mania for money

a) Toximania b) Tokomania c) Tulipomania d) Plutomania

22. Craze for technology

a) Technomania b) Syphilomania c) Polymania d) Sitiomania

23. Obession with foreign things

a) Apiomania b) Typhomania c) Xenomania d) Verbomania

24. Fear from sound

a) Demophobia b) Acousticophobia c) Apiophobia d) Belonophobia

25. Fear from height

a) Dipsophobia b) Agora phobia c) Climophobia d) Acrophobia

26. Fear from time

a) Chronophobia b) Cibophobia c) Coprophobia d) Emetophobia

27. Fear from marriage

a) Emetophobia b) Gamophobia c) Climaphobia d) Geraphobia

28. Fear from knowledge

a) Gnosiphobia b) Melissophobia c) Mysophobia d) Orophobia

29. Fear from water

a) Hippophobia b) Hydrophobia c) Ochlophobia d) Nyctophobia
30. Fear from poverty
a) Peniphobia b) Orophobia c) Logophobia d) Renophobia

Ques iv) Idioms (SSC) –

31. In tatters
a) In prison b) Under mortgage c) Ruined d) Under confusion

32. Come a cropper

a) To come as a surprise b) To fail
c) To get injured d) To get unexpected success

33. In the fullness of time

a) By sheer hardwork b) At leisure
c) Night of full moon d) At the appropriate time

34. The lie of the land

a) Protection of environment b) Spirit of adventure
c) Assessment of a situation d) Mountaineering

35. An eager beaver

a) An enthusiastic person b) Fond of travelling
c) A rich person d) A successful politician

36. Raise somebody’s hackles

a) To praise somebody b) To deceive somebody
c) To flatter somebody d) To make somebody angry

37. Beneath comtempt

a) Guilt b) Completely unworthy of respect
c) Animosity d) Under wraps

38. At a rate of knots

a) Very rapidly b) Sluggshly
c) Technology-savvy d) Highly self-opinionated

39. Clam up
a) To depart b) To remain silent
c) To prepare meticulously d) To feel san

40. Plain as a pikestaff

a) Polished surface b) Extremely honest
c) Extremely poor d) Very obvious

Ques v) Phrasal verb

41. Wipe out

a) Ahead b) Destroy c) Surrender d) Fall
42. Tear down
a) Scold b) Praise c) Destroy d) Hail

43. Tumble down

a) Set b) Terminate c) Begin d) Collapse

44. Turn out

a) Loss b) Prove to be c) Profit d) Advantage

45. Turn away

a) Free b) Dismiss c) Interrupt d) Train

Ques vi) Find the one correctly spelt

46. a) Concomitant b) Concommitant c) Concommittant d) Concommitent

47. a) Fluorescent b) Floorescent c) Floorascent d) Flourascent

48. a) Traveling b) Remitance c) Kidnaping d) Equitable

49. a) Necessary b) Temarory c) Itinerary d) Sanguinery

50. a) Tomorow b) Tomorow c) Tomorrow d) Tommorrow


i) Synonyms
1. c) Ancestors (फू फशर) - Foefishers
2. d) Embraces ( वीकार करना) - Accept
3. d) Prevented (बहाना करना)- Feign
4. a) Amguished (सफल)- Successful
5. c) Furtitude (साहस) - Courage
6. b) Santise (शु ध करना) - Disinfect
7. a) Favourite (पसंद दा) - Preferred
8. a) Eradite ( व व ापूण ) - Scholarly
9. d) Repeated (दोहराया) - Reiterated
10. d) Revere (आदर) - Respect

ii) Antonyms
11. c) Quienten (शांत) - To rouse
12. a) Impulsive (आवेगशील) - Cautious
13. b) Refinement down (शोधन नीचे) - Coarseness
14. a) Obsolete (अ च लत) - New
15. a) Frugality ( व प य यता) - Prodigality
16. c) Miserable (दुखी) - Laudable
17. d) Humane (दयालु) - Unkind
18. c) Orderly ( यवि थत) - Chaotic
19. a) Gloomy (उदास) - Radiant
20. b) Blessing (आशीवाद) - Curse

iii) One Word Substitution

21. d) Plutomania
22. a) Technomania
23. c) Xenomania
24. b) Acousticophobia
25. b) Agora phobia
26. a) Emetophobia
27. b) Gamophobia
28. a) Gnosiphobia
29. b) Hydrophobia
30. a) Peniphobia

iv) Idioms
31. c) Ruined
32. b) To fail
33. d) At the appropriate time
34. a) Protection of environment
35. a) An enthusiastic person
36. d) To make somebody angry
37. b) Completely unworthy of respect
38. a) Very rapidly
39. b) To remain silent
40. d) Very obvious

v) Phrasal verbs
41. b) Destroy
42. c) Destroy
43. d) Collapse
44. b) Prove to be
45. b) Dismiss

vi) Spellings
46. a) Concomitant
47. a) Fluorescent
48. d) Equitable
49. c) Itinerary
50. c) Tomorrow

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