Wild edible plants (WEPs) are a staple in the diets of Jharkhand's indigenous peoples. Most of the rural
inhabitants in Jharkhand's various regions have gained specialised knowledge about the uses of plants and
plant components. The purpose of this research was to collect first-hand accounts of the variety and practical
use of wild edible weeds used by the tribal people of Jharkhand. In the current research, data from 118
quadrats in 59 distinct woods revealed a total of 62 unique herbs, shrubs, and small trees belonging to 41
groups, of which 54 are edible as medicine, vegetables, or both. Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. (51 quadrats/134
total) and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (47 quadrats/134 total) are two of the most widely distributed wild
edible plants in the research region. Similar to how Clerodendrum viscosum Vent., nom. superfl. (40) is the
most common edible grass, Lantana camara L. (35), Croton oblongifolius Roxb. (34), and Flemingia
stobilifera (L.) R.Br. (20) are the most common edible shrubs. Overexploitation and unsustainable harvesting
for food and medicine, together with other biotic interferences including grazing, herbivory, and human fire,
have been reported to have reduced the variety of WEPs in Jharkhand. Therefore, it is crucial to protect these
precious Wild edible plants (WEPs) and put them to good, long-term use. In addition, there is a need for
further studies to be conducted on the medicinal possibilities and nutritive benefits of WEPs so that a
scientific foundation may be laid for the future development of herbal medicines and traditional cuisines.
India's cultural variety may be seen in the country's sizable and varied tribal population. Forest dwellers make
up the great bulk of Jharkhand's indigenous population and are characterised by their own unique social
order, cultural practises, and dietary preferences. Most of them fall into the category of poor farmers, and
because established agriculture is unable to give them with adequate food, they have no choice but to depend
on natural food resources. Greens, which are widespread in nature, are a staple food for most humans. They
have been eating these plants for centuries as part of their daily diet. Many people in areas where fresh
vegetables are in short supply during the summer and monsoon months resort to gathering edible weeds from
IJCRT2006662 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 4822
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their yards and neighbouring fields. Indigenous peoples' diets vary greatly from one region to the next
because of differences in the availability of certain items. Even though these edible weeds play a crucial role
in the tribal people's ability to provide for their nutritional needs, there is a lack of comprehensive data on
them. Researchers set out to create a catalogue of the most popular edible weeds among the tribal people in
an effort to increase the stability of their food supply.
Ethnobotany is the scientific study of the cultural connections that people from all over the world have with
the plants and animals native to their regions. As one of India's most tribally populated states, Jharkhand (the
land of forests) is home to people who practise a wide variety of customs, cults, religious rites, rituals, taboos,
legends and myths, superstitions, folk tales, folk songs, folk dances, foods, beverages, fodder, and medical
systems unique to their communities. This district has the highest percentage of tribal residents in all of
Jharkhand, at around 26.8 percent. The region's varied geography of hills, valleys, plateaus, and plains is
home to a rich diversity of plant and animal life, as well as human inhabitants. Hills and woods of Jharkhand
are home to several tribal groups, including the Santhal, Kharwar, Munda, Oraon, Assur, Ho, etc., whereas
most of the district's non-tribal population live in the plains. The Santhal make up almost half of all tribal
people. Native Jharkhandians have an in-depth knowledge of the health benefits of flora found in the
environment. Medicinal and edible plants are also grown commercially. Wild edible plants are a major source
of nutrition for the Jharkhandi tribes. There is evidence that native people in both alpine and lowland regions
use them. These creatures consume the whole plant, from the ground up, including the roots, tubers, leaves,
flowers, inflorescence, peduncles, and seeds. It is common practise to gather and consume wild edible plants
in their prime of maturity or flowering. Edible wild plants that humans depend on may be found in a broad
range of environments, from forests to fields to roadside ditches to garbage dumps. Herbs, shrubs, whole
trees, and everything in between fall under this category, all of which may be used fresh or after being cooked
and processed. Many different kinds of plants can be found in subtropical deciduous forests. For this reason,
edible woodsy plants are greatly sought after all around the area. Agriculture and forest products provide a
significant portion of Jharkhand's native population's income. Indigenous communities have developed and
maintained a symbiotic connection with the natural environment. The nutritional and medicinal benefits of
wild edible plants, especially vegetables, are highly valued by indigenous societies. The vitamins, minerals,
and other essential ingredients for good health may be easily obtained by eating wild edible plants. This study
set out to document the indigenous people of Jharkhand's familiarity with edible weeds and their many
practical uses.
Jharkhand tribal tribes hosted many field visits from May 2015 to November 2019. A tertiary-educated
translator led focus group interviews and field walks in Jharkhand. Jharkhand tribal communities hosted field
tours. Field trips and discussions with locals provided the paper's data and information. Mountain locations,
gardens, sewers, wastelands, and event sites were sampled. Unidentified samples were brought to the
department for identification. This research found 62 herbs, shrubs, and small trees from 41 families, 54 of
which are edible as medicine or food, in 118 quadrats of 59 woodlands. Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. (51
IJCRT2006662 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org 4823
www.ijcrt.org © 2020 IJCRT | Volume 8, Issue 6 June 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882
quadrats) and Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. (47 quadrats) are common wild edible plants in the research
region. The most common edible bushes are Clerodendrum viscosum Vent., nom. superfl. (40), Lantana
camara L. (35), Croton oblongifolius Roxb. (34), and Flemingia stobilifera (L.) R.Br. (20).
Most Jharkhand tribal families work in daily wage, handicraft, and small-scale businesses like selling
vegetables and commodities in local markets due to poor landholding and profitability. Forests aid
Jharkhand's impoverished indigenous people after agriculture. Socioeconomic circumstances favour forest-
dependent livelihoods. Tribal women collect food, rope, honey, therapeutic plants, bamboo and rattan
containers, fishing, and hunting. Tribal Indians labour in jungles. 54 edible or medicinal plants were found
in 118 quadrats of 59 woods.
Overharvesting by local tribal for vegetable, medicine, and to sell in the local market, occasional grazing
(almost all study sites and cow, goat, buffalo, and sheep are the common grazers), occasional fire (both
natural and manmade), rock mining (in some places), forage and fuelwood collection, and insect herbivory
are the main threats to WEPs. Fuelwood gathering threatens tree seedlings and saplings30 and WEPs in
Jharkhand's natural forests. 57% of Jharkhand homes use fuelwood for cooking and heating, ranking 11th.
Forest conservation and management strategies should address the livelihood reliance of completely and
partly dependent populations in different locations. All agencies that provide food and improve nutrition
have prioritised the discovery of new, high-quality, low-cost sources. Because of their economic importance,
indigenous, cost-effective, nutritious tribal foods will help ensure national food and nutritional security.
Communities' engagement in forest management and transfer of authority via access and ownership rights
improves security and conservation32. Forest inhabitants relied on trees for food, fuel, building materials,
medicine, leisure, social, religious, and cultural identity. Forest people and woods had a mutualistic
connection that met their daily needs and protected the ecosystem.
Local tribal people depend on forests for a variety of goods and services (including WEPs such as fruits,
vegetables, medicines, and more) that are critical to their existence. The recent study indicated that the
neighborhoods of Jharkhand have a rich diversity of WEPs (54 different species). Along with
overexploitation and unsustainable harvesting of food and medicine, the collection of M. longifolia flowers
during the summers (March to May) for the preparation of traditional alcoholic beverages is a major
contributor to the decline in WEP diversity in Jharkhand. Therefore, immediate action is required to preserve
these invaluable WEPs through responsible use in order to ensure future demand. On the one hand, these
findings might persuade governments to support these indigenous plants, which would boost food and
nutritional security. Further research into the WEPs' medicinal and nutritional potentials is also required; this
will lay a solid scientific groundwork for the development of traditional herbal medicines and cuisines.
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