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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 20 March 2024

DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1300996

Implementing machine learning

OPEN ACCESS techniques for continuous
emotion prediction from
Simone Belli,
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Bagus Tris Atmaja,
uniformly segmented voice
National Institute of Advanced Industrial
Science and Technology (AIST), Japan
Rajeev Ratna Vallabhuni,
Bayview Asset Management, LLC,
United States
Juan Manuel Mayor Torres, Hannes Diemerling1,2,3,4*, Leonie Stresemann4 , Tina Braun4,5 and
University College Dublin, Ireland
Timo von Oertzen1,2
Hannes Diemerling Center for Lifespan Psychology, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany,
2 Thomas Bayes Institute, Berlin, Germany, 3 Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 4 Department of Psychology, University of the Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg,
RECEIVED 23 September 2023 Germany, 5 Department of Psychology, Charlotte-Fresenius University, Wiesbaden, Germany
ACCEPTED 09 February 2024
PUBLISHED 20 March 2024

Diemerling H, Stresemann L, Braun T and von
Introduction: Emotional recognition from audio recordings is a rapidly
Oertzen T (2024) Implementing machine advancing field, with significant implications for artificial intelligence and
learning techniques for continuous emotion human-computer interaction. This study introduces a novel method for
prediction from uniformly segmented voice
recordings. Front. Psychol. 15:1300996.
detecting emotions from short, 1.5 s audio samples, aiming to improve accuracy
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1300996 and efficiency in emotion recognition technologies.
COPYRIGHT Methods: We utilized 1,510 unique audio samples from two databases in
© 2024 Diemerling, Stresemann, Braun and German and English to train our models. We extracted various features for
von Oertzen. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative emotion prediction, employing Deep Neural Networks (DNN) for general feature
Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The analysis, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for spectrogram analysis, and
use, distribution or reproduction in other a hybrid model combining both approaches (C-DNN). The study addressed
forums is permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are challenges associated with dataset heterogeneity, language differences, and the
credited and that the original publication in complexities of audio sample trimming.
this journal is cited, in accordance with
accepted academic practice. No use, Results: Our models demonstrated accuracy significantly surpassing random
distribution or reproduction is permitted guessing, aligning closely with human evaluative benchmarks. This indicates the
which does not comply with these terms. effectiveness of our approach in recognizing emotional states from brief audio
Discussion: Despite the challenges of integrating diverse datasets and
managing short audio samples, our findings suggest considerable potential
for this methodology in real-time emotion detection from continuous speech.
This could contribute to improving the emotional intelligence of AI and its
applications in various areas.


machine learning (ML), emotion classification, audio emotion recognition, neural

networks, speech signal features, Bilingual emotional classification

Non-verbal communication, including the different aspects of a speaker’s voice, plays a
crucial role in conveying emotions and is highly valued in interpersonal interactions. While
verbal content is important, research suggests that humans are significantly influenced
by non-verbal cues, even in purely acoustic expressions of emotion (Miller, 1981). In an
increasingly globalized world, where technical means of signal transmission have become
essential, understanding emotions through non-verbal cues gains even more significance
(Morton and Trehub, 2001).
Research suggests that one intriguing question arising in this context is whether
technical tools are capable of accurately predicting mood or emotions based on vocal
parameters and acoustic measurements, independent of semantic content. If so, then

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TABLE 1 Classifier performance of studies using Emo-DB and RAVDESS

this could allow for the analysis of convergences and divergences
between verbal and non-verbal expressions, enriching
communication in various contexts. Referenes Methoda DBb Perf.
Previous scientific research used semantically closed audio
Xiao et al. (2010) NN-PC E 81.2%
recordings of roughly 1.5–5 s to develop classification tools (Chen
et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2019; Mustaqeem and Kwon, 2019, Chen et al. (2018) CNN E 82.8%

2021; Mustaqeem et al., 2020). However, to apply such tools to Jiang et al. (2019) CNN E 84.5%
dynamically measure change in emotions, algorithms to analyze Mustaqeem et al. CNN E 85.5%
audio recordings that are not semantically restricted are needed. (2020)
The objective of this article is to develop such a classification tool Mustaqeem et al. CNN R 77%
that can recognize emotions in the voice. The tool is designed to (2020)
process audio recordings in 1.5 s segments, identifying emotions Mustaqeem and CNN R 79%
regardless of the semantic content of the audio. Kwon (2019)
The decision to process audio recordings in 1.5 s segments Mustaqeem and 2S-CNN E 95%
merits further explanation. Implementing fixed time windows Kwon (2021)
serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it simulates real-life scenarios where Mustaqeem and 2S-CNN R 85%
audio clips may be randomly segmented without any predefined Kwon (2021)
understanding of when an emotion begins or ends. By establishing This table provides an overview of accuracies achieved by various studies.
a Method: NN, Neural Network with pre-classification (PC); CNN, Convolutional Neural
an algorithm that classifies emotions from these fixed segments,
Network; 2S-CNN, two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network. b DB: E, Emo-DB; R,
we are ensuring that the tool is robust enough to process audio RAVDESS.
in various real-world applications. Secondly, the use of shorter,
fixed windows is strategically designed to minimize the likelihood offers a practical and widely recognized framework, it is sometimes
of capturing multiple or mixed emotions within a single segment. also criticized for its simplicity in representing human emotions.
This will attempt to ensure that the emotional content of each clip is However, it provides a useful foundation for classifying emotions,
as pure as possible when using real data in the future, which should while still allowing for a more nuanced understanding of emotions
lead to a more accurate classification. in future research.
Our rationale for selecting a 1.5 s window specifically has Emotions, as dynamic processes, encompass several
both empirical and practical origins. Empirically, the work of interrelated components. The diverse manifestations of emotions
Lima et al. (2013) provided insights into the feasibility of emotion at various levels can be classified based on their distinct patterns
recognition from short non-verbal vocalizations. In their study, of expression. This article uses the definition by Goschke and
participants exhibited high accuracy in predicting emotions from Dreisbach (2020) which includes all relevant parameters, giving a
audio clips that averaged around a second in length, suggesting holistic picture of the multifaceted nature of emotions:
that meaningful emotional content can be discerned from relatively
brief snippets of sound. Practically, the choice of a 1.5 s window is “Emotions are psychophysical reaction patterns based on
consistent with the nature of our dataset. The dataset, composed of more or less complex evaluations of a stimulus situation, which
audios ranging from 1.5 to 5 s, contains emotionally charged but are accompanied by a series of peripheral physiological changes
semantically neutral sentences. By opting for a 1.5 s segmentation, as well as the activation of certain central nervous systems.
we can ensure that nearly every audio segment retains its original These reactions motivate certain classes of behavior, can be
length without the need to artificially lengthen it with added silence. expressed in specific facial expressions and body postures, and
This approach essentially aims to extract the most emotionally are often (but not necessarily) associated with a subjective
salient part of each recording, which in part corresponds to the quality of experience” (Goschke and Dreisbach, 2020).
short vocalizations described by Lima et al. (2013).
This article will evaluate different machine learning techniques This article follows the assumption that emotions, despite their
for the development of a robust tool capable of classifying emotions nature as dynamic processes consisting of multiple components,
using these 1.5 s long audio clips. The effectiveness of this tool will can be assigned to categorize based on their patterns of expression.
be compared with the human ability to recognize emotions through This assumption follows the concept of basic emotions, which
voice. If the accuracy of the developed classifier is comparable to Scherer (1985) recognizes as the main types of emotions. Ekman
human judgment, it could not only serve practical applications (1999) specifies the seven basic emotions as fear, surprise,
but also allow researchers to infer aspects of human emotion anger, disgust, joy, sadness, and contempt, which have universal
recognition through reverse engineering. characteristics and are intuitively performed and also recognized
by humans.
The ability to recognize and classify emotions is called cognitive
Decoding emotions empathy. Not every emotion is recognized equally well, as cognitive
empathy is a combination of many subskills with interpersonal and
Contemporary emotion theories acknowledge the intrapersonal differences (Marsh et al., 2007). In a conversation,
multidimensional nature of emotions, emphasizing their social not only linguistic cues are used to recognize emotions, but also
and contextual aspects (Scherer, 2005; Fontaine et al., 2007; Moors non-verbal paralinguistic cues. Paralinguistic signals accompany
et al., 2013). The tool presented in this article is based on Ekmans what is spoken, for example, speaking rate or volume, and expands
theory of basic emotions (Ekman, 1999). While Ekmans theory the spoken words with additional aspects that provide information

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about the speaker’s state of mind (Bussmann and Gerstner-Link, 5. Mustaqeem and Kwon (2019) execute a 5-fold cross-
2002). validation with an 80:20 split for training and testing, respectively.
Their average accuracy is shown in the table.
6. Mustaqeem and Kwon (2021) perform a 10-fold cross-
Emotions in the voice validation with an 80:20 train-test split, with the table showing the
F1 scores as the most relevant performance parameter, as presented
The facial and vocal expression of basic emotions are in the referenced source.
understood cross-culturally, and these emotions are associated However, it is important to note that the performances outlined
with similar physiological patterns of change (Ekman et al., 1983). above cannot be directly compared with the results of this article.
These emotions are also universally recognized through vocal Firstly, the methodologies employed across these studies vary.
expression (Izdebski, 2008). The human voice serves as a powerful Secondly, the databases used are also distinct, given that this study
channel for expressing emotional states, as it provides universally utilizes audio clips trimmed to 1.5 s as opposed to complete audio
understandable cues about the sender’s situation and can transmit recordings. In particular, we aim to demonstrate that emotion
them over long distances. Voice expression is rooted in brain recognition based on voices, when using the right tools, is also
regions that evolved early in human development, underscoring possible when using very short time segments, which can be
its fundamental role in our evolutionary history (Davitz, 1964; used for continuous emotion classification of voice data. The
Morton, 1977; Jürgens, 1979). performances shown are intended to provide an overview of the
When categorizing emotions based on vocal expressions, existing classifiers that have been trained on the data used here in
employing a limited number of emotion categories proves order to be able to better contextualize this article.
advantageous to avoid overwhelming information (Johnson- All the aforementioned approaches utilize audio recordings
Laird and Oatley, 1998). Additionally, distinct emotion specific from the Emo-DB and the RAVDESS databases. These databases
patterns of acoustic features have been observed (Scherer, 1979), offer clearly recognizable emotion recordings in complete sentences
which can still be detected even after removing linguistic cues or uniformly defined speech units, which has led to limited
from the speech signals. Physiological parameters significantly attention being given to audio segmentation in previous research.
influence vocal parameters like loudness, fundamental frequency, However, the challenge lies in spontaneous speech where defining
noise components, and timbre (Trojan et al., 1975; Frick, 1985; unambiguous units becomes difficult. An effective segmentation
Burkhardt, 2000). approach needs segments long enough to extract acoustic patterns
but also short enough to capture emotional state changes. Studies
on continuous segmentation have already been undertaken in the
Related publications literature. Atmaja and Akagi (2020) showed emotion recognition
beyond chance for a visual-auditory dataset using a 4 s time
Several classification tools have been developed to recognize window.
and classify emotions in the voice. A notable example is Contrary to the studies mentioned above, the work of
Xiaos classifier, which utilizes artificial neural networks and Stresemann (2021) takes a different approach. She standardized
incorporates pre-classification to enhance accuracy (Xiao et al., all audio recordings from these databases to a length of 1.5 s,
2010). More recent developments have focused on convolutional analyzing them as independent units without considering the
neural networks (CNNs) and their ability to efficiently process large grammatical sentence structure. The aim is to focus purely on
amounts of data (Chen et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2019; Mustaqeem emotion recognition, disconnecting it from the semantic content
and Kwon, 2019, 2021; Mustaqeem et al., 2020). For instance, the of the sentences. This choice of approach, which sometimes results
study by Mustaqeem and Kwon (2021) introduces a complex two- in the cropping of longer files and the potential loss of words,
stream CNN that achieves high accuracies for different emotion is supported by Scherer (1979). He argued for the existence
databases. Table 1 presents the performance metrics of various of emotion-specific acoustic patterns that are independent of
classification tools as reported in the cited studies, which utilize contiguous sequences. This approach not only aids in mapping
differing methodologies: emotion expression changes within longer sentences but also has a
1. Xiao et al. (2010) employ a 10-fold cross-validation practical benefit: it is especially applicable in online settings where
method with a 50:50 train-test split for each fold and include a smaller datasets can be quickly analyzed, and reliable assessments
preclassification step to determine gender. The table lists their can be made.
reported average accuracy.
2. Chen et al. (2018) implement a 10-fold cross-validation,
splitting the data for each split by speakers: eight for training, one
for testing, and one for validation, targeting four emotional states Approach of this study
happy, angry, sad, and neutral. The corresponding average accuracy
figures are depicted in the table. This article aims to enable automatic continuous classification
3. Jiang et al. (2019) adopt a Leave-One-Speaker-Out (LOSO) by limiting the duration of individual audio segments to 1.5 s. The
approach. Shown in the table is the unweighted average accuracy practical objective is to continuously split a longer audio track into
accumulated across all trials. potentially overlapping sequences, allowing the model to provide
4. Mustaqeem et al. (2020) use a 5-fold cross-validation, a continuous assessment of emotions in the voice. The study by
designating eight speakers for training and two for testing in each Stresemann (2021) serves as the foundation for this article, but
fold. The table illustrates their average accuracy results. the approach here uses a more automated method with advanced

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machine learning techniques. The fixed time length of 1.5 s is whether and how much accuracy is lost due to the selected length
intended to simulate the challenges in real-life datasets. Using audio of the segmentation of the audio recordings, audio files that were
files of different lengths would require upstream recognition in real segmented to 3 or 5 s were also used for parts of the utilized model
data. The specific length of 1.5 s serves as a compromise between designs. The same segmentation method was used for all variants.
the shortest possible audio length to avoid overlapping emotions
and enough information to still allow humans to understand the
audio files. The aim of this study is to proof that automatic The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional
classification of human speech is possible under these constraints. Speech and Song
Thereby, we aim to show that a tool can be created, which The RAVDESS is an open-access database offering 7,256
automatically classifies emotions in continuous human speech, English-language recordings, both spoken and sung, spanning
without the necessity of elaborate preprocessing. To do so, we across three modalities: audiovisual, video-only, and audio-only
present an approach that compares different model designs and (Livingstone and Russo, 2018). For the purpose of this study, only
different combinations of linguistically diverse audio tracks in the audio modality was employed. Featuring recordings from 24
terms of their accuracy in emotion recognition both to each other actors (12 male, 12 female), the database represents six emotions
and to humans. (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust) in addition to two
baseline states (neutral and calm). From RAVDESS, this research
incorporated 1,056 audio clips, omitting the emotions of surprise
Methodology and calm, each trimmed to a precise duration of 1.5 s.

Building on the theoretical background outlined earlier, this

section delves into the methodology employed in this study. The Berlin Database of Emotional Speech
processing of the audio data is discussed first, followed by a The Emo-DB, hosted by the Technical University of Berlin,
detailed explanation of the datasets and a comparison with human is a public database comprising 535 German-language recordings,
performance. The latter part of this section will describe the conducted by 10 actors (five male and five female) under the
generation of individual features and the development and testing guidance of phoneticians (Burkhardt et al., 2005). The database
of various models. encompasses the emotions of anger, fear, joy, sadness, disgust,
and neutral speech. From the Emo-DB, 454 recordings were
incorporated into this study, with the emotion of surprise excluded,
Audio and every clip was trimmed to 1.5 s.

The audio material for this study was sourced from two publicly
accessible emotion databases from distinct cultures: Germany and Comparison to human performance
Canada. This choice is grounded in the cross-cultural universality The data format for this research aligns with the methodology
of emotions in audio, as supported by the meta-analysis conducted of Stresemann (2021), involving 61 participants (36 male and 25
by Juslin and Laukka (2003). The considered emotions for this female) aged between 20 and 71 years. Participants were tasked
study include joy, anger, sadness, fear, disgust, and neutral. with a forced-choice format survey where they matched emotions
Specifically, English-language recordings were extracted from to 82 English language recordings from the RAVDESS database and
the Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song 88 German recordings from the Emo-DB. Covered emotions were
(RAVDESS; Livingstone and Russo, 2018). An example of content fear, anger, joy, sadness, disgust, and neutral speech.
from RAVDESS is the neutral statement, “Dogs are sitting by the Before starting, participants received comprehensive
door.” For German-language recordings, the Berlin Database of information regarding the study procedure, data privacy guidelines,
Emotional Speech (Emo-DB) was used (Burkhardt et al., 2005). A and the voluntary nature of participation. The survey also collected
representative sentence from Emo-DB is “Der Lappen liegt auf dem demographic details, including sex, age, first language, current
Eisschrank” (the rag lies on the refrigerator). In both databases, domicile, and prior experience in English-speaking regions. The
actors induced the emotions using emotional memory techniques. listening exercise required a quiet environment, where participants
For the audio processing stage, we settled on a strategic identified emotions immediately after a single playback. In cases
duration of 1.5 s per segment. This choice was influenced by several of unclear recordings due to technical issues, an alternative “no
factors: to emulate real-world conditions where snippets of emotion statement” option was available. All data, barring one problematic
may lack clear starting or ending points, to approximate the disgust recording, were included in the final analysis.
briefest discernible emotional span, and to minimize the potential The findings of Stresemann (2021) revealed a robust positive
for overlapping emotions in a single clip. Files longer than this correlation between recognition rates on the Emo-DB and
were trimmed to capture the core 1.5 s, with any excess equitably RAVDESS databases, indicating that individual empathic
truncated from both the start and end. Conversely, shorter files abilities might supersede linguistic or cultural biases in emotion
were symmetrically extended with silence on both sides, ensuring a recognition. This correlation is possibly influenced by the shared
consistent segment length while preserving the original emotional Germanic roots of English and German, leading to similarities in
content. In other studies (e.g., Chen et al., 2018; Jiang et al., fluency and intonation. Conversely, studies contrasting different
2019; Mustaqeem and Kwon, 2019; Mustaqeem et al., 2020), the linguistic backgrounds highlighted advantages for listeners when
audio files were not segmented. In order to additionally examine the recordings matched their native tongue. For instance, native

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TABLE 2 Enumeration of dataset features, summarization, and quantity.

English speakers surpassed Spanish and Japanese counterparts
in emotion recognition (Graham et al., 2001). Similarly, Korean
Feature Summarization Quantity
speakers outdid their French and American peers when classifying
emotions in Korean (Chung, 2000). Unmodified Audio Signal Variance 1,200

While basic emotions’ expression is broadly universal, nuances HPSS Variance 2,400
exist due to cultural differences (Graham et al., 2001). However, Spectral Flatness N/A 47
numerous studies, such as Juslin and Laukka (2003), underscore
Spectral Centroid N/A 47
high cross-cultural emotion recognition rates. This suggests that
even amidst cultural distinctions in emotional expression, humans’ Fundamental Frequency N/A 47
inherent auditory-driven emotion recognition abilities transcend Spectral Rolloff N/A 94
linguistic and cultural confines. This inherent capability, albeit less
Spectral Bandwidth N/A 47
refined than facial emotion recognition, does not necessitate formal
training or guidance. Zero Crossing Rate N/A 47

Root Mean Square N/A 47

Spectral Contrast N/A 188

Feature generation
Tonnetz N/A 282
Once audio recordings were streamlined into 1.5 s segments, we
embarked on generating a diverse set of features. The ambition was Chroma N/A 564
to mine maximum information through various methodologies, Pitch Tracking Var. and mean ∗
ensuring redundancy was at its minimal. ∗
Pitch Magnitudes Var. and mean 2,050
The following is an overview of the individual features created

in this study. Each feature was calculated for each audio recording. Magnitude Var. and mean 2,050
For some features, summary values for the 1.5 s were computed Phase Var. and mean ∗
(e.g., the mean for pitch). Table 2 gives an overview of all features
MFCC N/A 940
together with the number of data points this feature provides.
Features, summarization, and quantity for the dataset. ∗ Variance and mean calculated for each
The “Summarization” column describes the summary approach 2,048 Hz window.
for each variable, if one was used. Overall, there were 14,244
different entries for each audio recording. Given the potentially
multidimensional nature of expressing each emotion in the voice,
dimensions of the signal (Cheveigna and Kawahara, 2002; Mauch
preselecting features could result in information loss. Therefore, the
and Dixon, 2014).
approach in this study was to generate as many features as possible,
allowing the models to independently select relevant features. The
features used here include: Voiced
In addition to F0 estimation, the presence of a voice within
Unmodified Audio Signal a specified time window of the audio was measured, along with
The Unmodified Audio Signals served as the foundation for the probability of voice presence. The specific time window used
all subsequent feature calculations. A portion of the signal was was 2,048 Hz (Cheveigna and Kawahara, 2002; Mauch and Dixon,
preserved to retain potential unbiased information that may not be 2014).
captured by other features.
Spectral rolloff
Spectral flatness Spectral Rolloff indicates the frequency level at which a certain
Spectral Flatness is a measure of how evenly the energy of percentage (here, 0.85) of the energy is contained in the signal. It
an audio signal is distributed across different frequency bands can identify the frequency ranges that are most strongly represented
compared to a reference signal. It provides an estimate of the in the signal and may aid in emotion recognition (Sandhya et al.,
flatness of the signal and may be associated with certain emotions 2020).
(Dubnov, 2004).

Pitch tracking
Spectral centroid
Pitch Tracking estimates the pitch or fundamental frequency
The Spectral Centroid indicates the average frequency at which
(F0) of a sound signal and measures its magnitude. This feature
the energy of a sound signal is centered. It can be used to estimate
can provide additional information related to the F0 and assist in
the perceptual brightness or tonal brightness of the sound and
emotion classification (Smith, 2011).
is sometimes related to valence and arousal, which are closely
connected to emotions (Klapuri and Davy, 2007).
Harmonic percussive source separation
Fundamental frequency The HPSS technique separates a sound signal into its harmonic
Fundamental Frequency (F0) estimation means determining and percussive components. Both components could convey
the lowest frequency and rate of periodicity in a sound signal. different emotional information (Fitzgerald, 2010; Driedger and
Analyzing the F0 provides information about the emotional Müller, 2014).

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Neural network design (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) comparisons based on cross-validation results. This figure shows the results of 10-fold
cross-validations for the comparison between different neural network designs (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) based on both combined and separate
datasets. Subfigures represent: (A) results based on the combined Dataset, (B) results based on Emo-DB, and (C) results based on RAVDESS. The gray
dashed line indicates the Balanced Accuracy of a random classifier.

TABLE 3 The mean of balanced accuracies of various models based on

10-fold cross-validation.
Magphase separates the complex-valued spectrogram (D) into
its magnitude (S) and phase (P) components, where D = S × P. Dataset DNN CNN C-DNN
The magnitude is used to calculate various emotion-related features
Combined 54.49% 41.56% 56.24%
presented in this section, while the phase angle is measured in
radians and used as is. The phase encodes relationships between Emo-DB 64.69% 30.68% 54.85

different frequency components of the signal, which may contain RAVDESS 53.55% 28.39% 48.09%
emotional information, although it is rarely used in emotion DNN, Deep Neural Network; CNN, Convolutional Neural Network; C-DNN, Combination
classification (Librosa Development Team, 2023). of Deep Neural Network and Convolutional Neural Network.

Spectral bandwith
Spectral Bandwidth is a measure of the spread of the spectral of an audio signal and can identify the most important frequencies
content of the signal. It is related to the frequency range of the signal of the signal while being robust to changes in loudness and sound
and may be relevant to emotions (Klapuri and Davy, 2007). characteristics (Sato and Obuchi, 2007).

Spectral contrast
Root mean square
Spectral Contrast refers to the differences in energy levels
RMS is a measure of the average power of an audio signal. It
between different frequency ranges of an audio signals. It can
indicates the average loudness of the signal and can describe its
describe the tone color of a signal, which might be associated with
loudness level (Chourasia et al., 2021).
certain emotions (Jiang et al., 2002).

Zero crossing rate Tonnetz

The Zero Crossing Rate indicates the number of times the signal Tonnetz is another representation of frequency ranges that can
changes from positive to negative or vice versa. It can provide be used to identify the harmony of a musical signal, which might be
information about the dynamics of the signal (Hung, 2009). associated with certain emotions (Harte et al., 2006).

Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients Chroma

MFCC are widely used features in music and speech Chroma represents the presence of different frequency ranges
recognition. They represent the Mel-requency energy distribution in a music signal and can be used to identify the key of the music

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signal, potentially containing emotion-related information (Ellis, Testing the different models
2007). For a more consistent comparison with existing literature, the
models underwent a 10-fold cross-validation.
Creation of the spectrograms The performance metrics employed to measure the model
Spectrograms visually depict the frequency spectrum of audio quality included Balanced Accuracy (BAC). This was compared to
signals, reflecting energy distribution across time and frequency. both random classifications and the BAC achieved by other models.
Such patterns have been identified as crucial in emotion recognition Our evaluation approach combined Independent Validation
(Kim et al., 2010). For our study, spectrograms were crafted for (Kim and von Oertzen, 2018) with Bayesian Updating. Initially,
every audio recording, saved as PNGs (without axes or borders) at models were trained on 10% of the total data, setting aside another
a resolution of 320 × 240 pixels. 10% for validation, ensuring overfitting was kept within limits.
Subsequently, we detail the employed classification models. The models were then sequentially introduced to new data in
chunks of 16 data points. Before integrating these data points
into the primary training dataset, the models attempted their
The deep neural network prediction, updating the BAC’s posterior distribution via Bayesian
DNNs, renowned for their prowess in intricate pattern techniques. This cyclic procedure continued until the entire dataset
recognition, consist of interconnected feedforward layers with had been incorporated into the training set, with the validation set
varying neuron counts (LeCun et al., 1998). The architecture allows consistently monitoring for overfitting.
the model to adjust to input data, predicting emotions via gradient- Successful and unsuccessful predictions were used to update
based learning. the parameters of a beta distribution through Bayesian Updating,
providing a posterior distribution of the classifier accuracy. A beta
distribution was chosen to model the accuracies as it can depict
The convolutional neural network that a perfect accuracy of 1 is very unlikely or even impossible,
The generated spectrograms consist of numerous data points, while other values can be equally likely. By comparing the overlap
resulting in 230,400 data points (320 × 240 × 3) for each image. between the beta distributions of the models, one could assess the
To efficiently analyze these images, CNNs are employed. These probability of one model outperforming another, for instance, a
networks, skilled at image processing through local receptive fields classifier that merely guesses the results. This statistical approach
and weight sharing, enhance the representation using pooling, allowed us to validate the effectiveness and generalizability of our
particularly max pooling, to retain essential data while reducing the model while providing a measure of uncertainty.
image size (LeCun and Bengio, 1995).

Testing against humans

The hybrid model C-DNN To evaluate the performance of human participants, we used
Our hybrid C-DNN model merges the insights of both a similar approach, assuming a binomial distribution for the
the generated features and spectrograms. It encompasses a correct recognition of emotions. We then estimated the accuracy
dual-input approach: a DNN for feature processing and a using a beta distribution. By comparing the overlaps among the
CNN for spectrogram analysis. The output layers from both distributions for each emotion, we can determine the similarity
networks converge into a concatenated layer, followed by another in performance and assess the likelihood of differences between
feedforward DNN predicting emotions through a softmax function. human participants and the classifiers.
The goal is to determine whether combining spectrograms and
features improves information extraction compared to individual
data sources. Results
This section presents the outcomes from the model
Creation of the models comparisons. First, we compared the models using cross-
The three model designs described above were implemented in validation. For all following Bayesian accuracy estimations,
a Python environment using Tensorflow (Abadi et al., 2015) and we used a beta(1,1) prior, which stands as the conjugate
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011). The dataset was apportioned prior for a binomial distribution, representing minimal
into training (80%) and test sets. The hyperparameters for each prior information.
model were defined separately using Bayesian optimization with
a Gaussian process based on the associated training dataset.
A brief overview of the hyperparameter is listed in Table A1. Cross validation
Using Bayesian optimization, different models were formed, their
hyperparameters adjusted, and subsequently trained on the training Figure 1 presents the outcomes of 10-fold cross validations
dataset. Post every training epoch, the test dataset underwent a for three distinct model designs, individually trained on different
prediction process. After completing up to four training epochs, datasets: the combined dataset in A, the Emo DB dataset
validation accuracy was gauged a final time. The validation in B, and the RAVDESS dataset in C, respectively. The
accuracy from the test data was then used as a benchmark to avoid boxplots illustrate the model performances, offering a visual
overfitting. comparison across the diverse model designs and datasets. The

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Posterior distributions of neural network designs (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) vs. a random classifier. This figure demonstrates the posterior distributions
for different neural network designs (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) compared to a random classifier. Subfigures represent: (A) Classifier comparison based
on the Combined Dataset, (B) Classifier comparison based on Emo DB, and (C) Classifier comparison based on RAVDESS.

corresponding mean values for each model design, computed performance. The posterior distribution of the random classifier
from the different datasets, are consolidated in Table 3, thereby (indicating guessing) is to the left of the posterior distributions
facilitating a numerical evaluation of the model performances. of the trained classifiers and only overlapps by 1%. This indicates
For the model design DNN, additional models are created that the probabilbiity that the classifiers perform better than
based on 3 and 5 s segmented audio files. This results for guessing is above 99%. The position of the distributions is described
the combined dataset in 62.36% (3 s) and 61.79% (5 s). For by the maximum a-posteriori estimate (MAP), the peak of the
the Emo-DB dataset, the results are 72.91% (3 s) and 69.21% posterior distribution. The MAP performance of two of the
(5 s). Results for the RAVDESS dataset are 60.01% (3 s) and models (DNN and C-DNN) is close to 0.45 (0.436 and 0.433)
61.00% (5 s). with a standard error of 0.013. The CNN model performance
is lower compared to the other models (0.27) with a standard
error of 0.012. Note that with six categories to classify, guessing
Combined dataset performance is 1/6. Analysis of the average saliency maps across
all spectrograms obtained from the Emo DB, RAVDESS, and
Figure 2 presents the results obtained from the Bayesian combined datasets has provided insights into the time-segment
estimate of the classifier accuracies. The three different model relevance for emotion classification. As depicted in Figure 3, the
designs, that is, DNN, CNN, and combined, all trained on the Emo distribution of SHAP values across 48 time segments reveals
DB and RAVDESS datasets combined. The posterior distribution variations in the predictive importance of certain time intervals.
of each classifier is shown alongside the posterior distribution of Notably, segments with higher SHAP values indicate a stronger
random classification. The posterior distributions indicate where influence on model predictions, which suggests that certain
the true performance under each classifier is expected to be. A temporal portions of the audio recordings are more salient for
distribution closer to the maximum value of 1 indicates a better emotion detection.

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Saliency maps and SHAP values for different datasets. Each plot illustrates the average saliency across all spectrograms derived from emotional audio
recordings within their respective datasets. (A) represents the combined dataset, (B) the Emo_DB dataset, and (C) the RAVDESS datasets. The color
gradient within each plot signifies varying saliency values, while the bar beneath it provides SHAP values for 48 time segments, indicating the
significance of individual features grouped by time intervals.

Emo DB separated alongside the posterior distribution of the random classification.

The probability that the classifier performs better than guessing is
To further investigate the performance of the Emo DB and above 99% throughout. The MAP performance of all three models
RAVDESS datasets separately, a corresponding method was used (DNN, CNN and C-DNN) is close to 0.5 (0.42 and 0.42) with a
to compare them to a random classifier. The corresponding results standard error of 0.016. The CNN model performance is lower than
for the Emo DB Dataset are shown in Figure 2B. The analysis the other models (0.26) with a standard error of 0.014.
shows that assuming a flat prior, the probability of the models
on these datasets differing from a random classifier is over 99%.
The posterior distribution of each classifier is shown alongside
the posterior distribution of random classification. The MAP
performance of two of the models (DNN and C-DNN) is close to Comparison to humans
0.5 (0.58 and 0.48) with a standard error of 0.024. The CNN model
performance is lower than the other models (0.29) with a standard Figure 4 presents a comparative analysis between the three
error of 0.022. model designs and human performance in classifying the basic
emotions and neutral. Each sub-figure corresponds to an emotion,
namely, fear A, joy B, anger C, disgust D, sadness E, and neutral
RAVDESS separated F. Both the DNN and the C-DNN design show comparable
performance with the participants while the CNN shows unreliable
The corresponding results for the RAVDESS Dataset are shown performance across emotions. The sub-figures illustrate the beta
in Figure 2C. The posterior distribution of each classifier is shown distributions of the classifiers’ performance. The spread and central

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Different neural network designs (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) compared to human classification across emotions. This figure presents the updated beta
distributions for the comparison between different neural network designs (DNN, CNN, and C-DNN) and humans in classifying different emotions.
Subfigures correspond to: (A) fear, (B) joy, (C) anger, (D) disgust, (E) sadness, and (F) neutral.

tendencies of these distributions provide an understanding of the a combination of Independent Validation and Bayesian Updating
variance in the performance of the models and the humans. was used, each model performed notably better than random
guesses. Nonetheless, the CNN model showed lower performance
than its counterparts under all circumstances.
Discussion A comparison with human emotional state classification
revealed that the DNN and C-DNN models performed at a level
This article compared the effectiveness of three model designs: similar to humans, whereas the CNN model was less consistent
Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network across all emotions.
(CNN), and a combination of the two (C-DNN). Each model was
trained and evaluated using three different versions of datasets.
The methods of evaluation included 10-fold cross-validation, a
combination of Independent Validation and Bayesian Updating, Design-specific aspects
and a comparison with human performance.
The cross-validation revealed the combined model (C-DNN) The CNN model design in this article showed strong
to be most effective on the combined dataset, while the CNN overfitting, leading to poorer and less stable performance than
showed less performance and reliability across all datasets. When anticipated. This overfitting could be attributed to the segmentation

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of audios into 1.5 s units, which may have disrupted the emotional models based on the combined dataset, as it could prevent further
structure and limited the models ability to capture nuanced generalization.
emotional patterns. Future research should explore improving
approaches that capture the temporal dynamics of emotions more
effectively. For instance, using overlapping windows might be
Different models
beneficial. This approach would involve half-second increments
of audio, providing significant overlap to average out effects.
An integral part of this article was an investigation into whether
This could potentially capture varying emotional patterns more
the combined C-DNN model, leveraging both spectrograms and
effectively, even beyond the usual 1.5 s segments.
numerical features, could offer additional informational benefits
over the DNN and CNN models used independently. The C-DNN
model did exhibit a minor improvement in performance; however,
Different datasets this incremental gain did not proportionally reflect the potential
combination of the DNN and CNN models, as one might intuitively
When comparing the different datasets, it is evident that all expect. This suggests that the added complexity of the C-DNN
models can predict emotions based on the generated features from may not necessarily translate into substantial gains in emotion
audios better than guessing and in the case of the DNN and C-DNN recognition performance. One possible explanation is that the
comparatively well as humans. However, the performances vary. information in the spectrograms might already be represented
The Emo DB dataset consistently leads to the best performance in the generated features. Consequently, the additional data
for the DNN design and also for the C-DNN design by excluding from the spectrograms might not enhance the generalization of
the one outlier. It is important to note that this dataset is smaller emotion recognition. Also, the cropping of the audios could have
and less diverse compared to the RAVDESS dataset. Therefore, reduced the information value of the spectograms to such an
better generalization of the models cannot be derived from higher extent that they can no longer reliably represent emotion-related
performance. information. Both of these aspects could contribute to the CNN
design over-adapting to non-emotion-related aspects or learning
culture-specific facets lacking compensation from the features
RAVDESS and Emo DB combined unlike the C-DNN.
The combined dataset from Emo DB and RAVDESS produced
comparable performances to the results based on the RAVDESS
dataset. Only the CNN design showed inconsistent results, while Comparison with previous studies
the other two models showed consistant results.
Although English and German share a common Germanic A classification based on short 1.5 s audio sequences has not
origin, a uniform language-specific emotional expression cannot been approached in the literature to the authors best knowledge.
be assumed. The consistent performance for the DNN and CNN Short clips of this length are a solution approach when it comes
designs is, therefore, even more remarkable. Despite the limitations to classifying the emotions to be heard within a longer audio
of the clipped audio recordings and the heterogeneous datasets, stream without performing complex preprocessing. As can be
they show a consistent performance across the different datasets seen in Table 1, performance for longer audio sequences (in
used. In particular, considering the comparable performance to the the literature listed there, ranging from 1.5 to 5 s) can allow
participants, it could be argued that the models have recognized the for higher accuracies. We have deliberately worked with audio
underlying patterns of emotion contained in the audio recordings files as brief as 1.5 s to highlight the feasibility and potential
beneath the culturally specific facets. of real-time emotion recognition in dynamic settings. Longer
audio clips might yield more accurate results; however, they are
less reflective of actual conditions where audio data is rarely
RAVDESS and Emo DB separated perfect and manually segmenting emotional content is often
It is worth noting that the RAVDESS dataset is significantly unfeasible. Our choice of a 1.5 s timeframe aims to emulate
larger than the Emo DB dataset and consists of English recordings an automated system that may imperfectly trim audio segments,
with a neutral North American accent, which includes Canadian thereby mirroring the practical challenges faced by classifiers in
English. Canadian English is characterized by “Canadian Rising,” real-world applications. These segments are short and concise
a phenomenon that affects vowel formants and could impact the enough for human comprehension and also represent the minimal
acoustic analysis and emotion recognition accuracy. It describes length necessary to retain substantial information from the raw
the habit of pronouncing vowels that are normally pronounced audio without introducing uninformative content into the analysis.
with low tongue position with a middle tongue position (Chambers, In addition, models were created for the DNN designs based on
1973). The key point is not the change in the word’s pronunciation differently segmented audio files (3 and 5). As expected, there is
(where vowels sound higher) but the accompanying shift of the a higher accuracy for the 3 s audio files, but no clear increase for
vowel formants. This linguistic phenomenon is visible in the the 5 s length. This could be due to the type of audio processing,
acoustic analysis and could thus cause slight irritations with regard as the audio files that were too short were lengthened by adding
to emotion recognition, which are reflected in the performance of silence. This could, on the one hand, make the classification more
the classifier. This aspect could also be a limiting factor for the difficult and, on the other hand, could require a higher complexity

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of the models in order to learn the correct patterns. This additional range and authenticity of emotions. Actor-performed emotions
complexity could potentially require more computing power than may not represent the subtler and more authentic emotions often
was employed. It should be highlighted that in this article good encountered in everyday situations. Given the current state of the
performances were achieved on the combined dataset, which was models presented, the use of real-life data is questionable due to the
not attempted or reported previously. databases used. Developing a new dataset that includes a broader
The current analyzes show that even on very short audio range of emotions and different levels of intensity is, therefore,
sequences, classification is well above guessing, comparable to crucial but poses challenges. Heterogeneous datasets containing
human precision and ranging in the order of magnitude of 50– emotions of varying intensity from different individuals and diverse
60% accuracy, which is still low when relying on it for a single acoustic qualities may present difficulties in reliably labeling and
subsequence. However, future work based on the tool could classifying emotions.
use models designed to combine information over time (as for However, this remains the objective, as classifications would
example pooling over time or hidden Markov Chains) to boost ideally be performed on data that closely mirrors reality. In
the performance. The SHAP values in Figure 3 offer an empirical future research enriching the dataset with a broader spectrum
basis for evaluating the optimal length of audio segments for of emotions and cultural backgrounds could improve the
emotion recognition models. Higher SHAP values in specific models’ capabilities to recognize a variety of emotional
segments suggest that these intervals contain critical emotional expressions. The exploration of the role played by linguistic
information. The consistent presence of such segments across differences in emotion recognition could further improve
datasets could implie that shorter, information-rich audio clips the performance of the models and enhance their practical
could be sufficient and potentially more effective for training application.
emotion recognition models. Conversely, segments with lower The influence of linguistic differences on emotion-specific
SHAP values may contribute less to model performance, indicating acoustic patterns are another important aspect to consider.
that longer audio recordings could introduce redundancy or Care must be taken to differentiate between patterns that
noise. These observations highlight the potential for more efficient correlate directly with emotions and those influenced by other
model training with carefully selected, shorter audio segments factors unrelated to emotions. Specializing the classification
that maximize emotional content. Also, in a time series of system in emotion-specific patterns while being resistant to
emotion classification, some errors may not be as problematic as other voice-related information is crucial. Future investigations
a miss-classification of a longer, complete audio stream would be. could delve into the impact of linguistic variations, such as
Therefore, it seems plausible that the current approach may allow languages and dialects, on the formation of acoustic patterns.
to generate an emotion time series from an audio stream with By integrating speech recognition into the classification tool,
sufficient precision. it may be possible to categorize recordings based on language
families or cultural linkages. Given the ability to adequately filter
Comparison with humans acoustic disruptions, such as ambient noise or white noise, the
emotion classifier could extend its applications into diverse realms,
The emotion recognition ability of the models used in ranging from everyday interactions to clinical or therapeutic
this article demonstrated performances comparable to humans, settings.
blurring the line between human judgments and model predictions. In these settings, an amalgamation of tools for classifying
This suggests that the employed models successfully emulated the vocal and facial emotional expressions might offer added benefits.
human capacity for audio-based emotion recognition in terms By simultaneously analyzing voice and facial cues, it could
of performance. Furthermore, the comparable accuracy between pave the way for the creation of adaptive algorithms that
generate tailored classification tools, serving both personal and
humans and the models implies the involvement of similar
professional needs regarding a wide variety of emotion-related
mechanisms of pattern recognition.
use cases.
However, further investigations are required to delve into the
Ekman’s theory of basic emotions, while easy to interpret, may
intricate workings of the neural network and its alignment with
oversimplify the complexity of human emotions. Considering
human cognitive processes. This article offers a novel approach
multidimensional approaches, such as the one proposed
to investigate the complexities of audio based human emotion
by Fontaine et al. (2007), could provide a more nuanced
understanding through the application of neural networks. By
understanding of emotions by defining them across several
reverse-engineering such models, valuable insights into the
dimensions. This would accommodate the intricacies and
underlying mechanisms and cognitive processes involved in
variability of human emotional experiences, allowing for the
human emotion recognition may be gained. This interdisciplinary
representation of intermediate emotional states rather than rigid
research, bridging psychology and computer science, highlights the
categories like sadness or joy.
potential for advancements in automatic emotion recognition and
In addition, temporal segmentation of audio material into 1.5 s
the broad range of applications.
units could lead to forced emotion recognition because it does not
capture the natural flow and temporal dynamics of emotions. For
Limitation example, the CNN design exhibited overfitting, which could be
due to the 1.5 s units used. Investigating alternative methods to
The use of actor-performed emotions as the gold standard better capture the temporal dynamics of emotions could potentially
for developing classification systems may not capture the full enhance the accuracy and generalizability of these models. One

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method could involve the usage of overlapping windows of clips In future endeavors, it will be imperative to mitigate overfitting,
instead of separate clips. refine the capture of temporal emotional dynamics, and expand
In the present study we chose a fixed segment length of 1.5 the dataset to encompass a wider range of emotions, cultures,
s. The short segment length allows for a continuous classification and languages. The creation of a standalone software application
of human speech and limits overlapping emotions. And the fixed equipped with user-friendly interfaces could provide an avenue for
segment length means that continuous human speech would not the wider application of this emotion recognition technology in
need to be preprocessed manually into semantically coherent myriad settings.
segments. While these short, fixed segments are, hence, necessary
for an automatic continuous classification, it is possible that better
accuracies can be achieved with longer time segments, as was found Data availability statement
in past studies (e.g., Atmaja and Sasou, n.d.1 ). Future studies should
investigate whether the use of longer or shorter segments could be Publicly available datasets were analyzed in this study. This data
advantageous for, in our case, the recognition ability of humans and can be found at:
classifiers. In regard of optimizing the audio file length in terms ravdess-emotional-speech-audio;
of maximizing the accuracy of the models, it could be beneficial start.html.
to include the length as a continuous variable in the model
creation pipeline. It is important to emphasize that the present
work does not claim to have used the optimal length with the Ethics statement
1.5 s long segments used. In future research, it is recommended to
consider employing on-system interpretable systems like SincNet, Ethical review and approval was not required for the study
along with 1D and 2D convolution approaches (Ravanelli and on human participants in accordance with the local legislation
Bengio, 2018; Mayor-Torres et al., 2021), especially for analyzing and institutional requirements. Written informed consent from the
multimodal signals, such as the audio in this work, as these patients/participants was not required to participate in this study
methods offer promising avenues for enhanced interpretability in accordance with the national legislation and the institutional
and analysis. requirements.
Enriching the dataset with a broader spectrum of emotions
and cultural backgrounds could improve the models’ capabilities
to recognize a variety of emotional expressions. The exploration
Author contributions
of the role played by linguistic differences in emotion recognition
HD: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Writing –
could further augment the models’ performance. The application-
original draft. LS: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft.
oriented approach demonstrated in this study opens up possibilities
TB: Writing – review & editing. TO: Methodology, Supervision,
for the development of a standalone software application featuring
Writing – review & editing.
user-friendly interfaces. This application could make the emotion
recognition technology more accessible and relevant for real-world
implementation. Funding
The author(s) declare that no financial support was received for
Conclusion the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

This article presents a novel approach for classifying emotions

using audio data. Through the extraction of features from brief Conflict of interest
1.5 s audio segments and the employment of diverse models,
we achieved accurate emotion classification across all tested The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
datasets. Our Balanced Accuracies consistently surpassed random absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be
guessing. Furthermore, the performance metrics of our DNN construed as a potential conflict of interest.
and C-DNN models closely mirror human-level accuracy in
emotion recognition, showcasing their potential. Nevertheless,
the CNN models consistently demonstrated inconsistent results Publisher’s note
across datasets, indicating limited benefits from employing
spectrograms. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
1 Atmaja, B. T., and Sasou, A. (n.d.). Multilingual Emotion Share Recognition reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
From Speech by Using Pre-trained Self-supervised Learning Models. claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
(unpublished). endorsed by the publisher.

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TABLE A1 Overview of hyperparameters used for model creation.

Hyperparameter Options Description

Number of layer 2 to 8 Describes the depth of the model

Number of neurons 80 to 400 Describes the size of the layers

Activation function relu f (x) = max(0, x)

 α(ex − 1) for x ≤ 0

elu f (x) =
x for x > 0

sigmoid f (x) = 1+exp(−x)
ex −e− x
tanh f (x) = ex +e− x

Optimization function SGD Optimized using a random training example

RMSprop Optimized using a adaptive Learning rate

Adam Combination of momentum optimization and adaptive learning rate

− ni yi log(yˆi )
Error function Categorical cross entropy loss

Learning rate 0.01 to 0.0000001 The step size that the model takes toward minimizing the cost function
This table provides a non-exhaustive overview of the different hyperparameters used in model creation along with their options and descriptions.

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