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Context Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User Generated Videos

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Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User-Generated Videos

Soujanya Poria Erik Cambria Devamanyu Hazarika

Temasek Laboratories School of Computer Science and Computer Science and
NTU, Singapore Engineering, NTU, Singapore Engineering, NITW, India

Navonil Majumder Amir Zadeh Louis-Philippe Morency

Centro de Investigacin en Language Technologies Language Technologies
Computacin, IPN, Mexico Institute, CMU, USA Institute, CMU, USA

Abstract Emotion recognition and sentiment analysis

have become a new trend in social media, help-
Multimodal sentiment analysis is a de- ing users and companies to automatically extract
veloping area of research, which involves the opinions expressed in user-generated content,
the identification of sentiments in videos. especially videos. Thanks to the high availability
Current research considers utterances as of computers and smartphones, and the rapid rise
independent entities, i.e., ignores the inter- of social media, consumers tend to record their re-
dependencies and relations among the ut- views and opinions about products or films and
terances of a video. In this paper, we pro- upload them on social media platforms, such as
pose a LSTM-based model that enables YouTube and Facebook. Such videos often con-
utterances to capture contextual informa- tain comparisons, which can aid prospective buy-
tion from their surroundings in the same ers make an informed decision.
video, thus aiding the classification pro- The primary advantage of analyzing videos over
cess. Our method shows 5-10% perfor- text is the surplus of behavioral cues present in vo-
mance improvement over the state of the cal and visual modalities. The vocal modulations
art and high robustness to generalizability. and facial expressions in the visual data, along
with textual data, provide important cues to bet-
1 Introduction
ter identify affective states of the opinion holder.
Sentiment analysis is a ‘suitcase’ research prob- Thus, a combination of text and video data helps to
lem that requires tackling many NLP sub-tasks, create a more robust emotion and sentiment anal-
e.g., aspect extraction (Poria et al., 2016a), named ysis model (Poria et al., 2017a).
entity recognition (Ma et al., 2016), concept ex- An utterance (Olson, 1977) is a unit of speech
traction (Rajagopal et al., 2013), sarcasm detec- bound by breathes or pauses. Utterance-level sen-
tion (Poria et al., 2016b), personality recognition timent analysis focuses on tagging every utterance
(Majumder et al., 2017), and more. of a video with a sentiment label (instead of as-
Sentiment analysis can be performed at differ- signing a unique label to the whole video). In par-
ent granularity levels, e.g., subjectivity detection ticular, utterance-level sentiment analysis is use-
simply classifies data as either subjective (opin- ful to understand the sentiment dynamics of dif-
ionated) or objective (neutral), while polarity de- ferent aspects of the topics covered by the speaker
tection focuses on determining whether subjec- throughout his/her speech.
tive data indicate positive or negative sentiment. Recently, a number of approaches to multi-
Emotion recognition further breaks down the in- modal sentiment analysis, producing interesting
ferred polarity into a set of emotions conveyed by results, have been proposed (Pérez-Rosas et al.,
the subjective data, e.g., positive sentiment can be 2013; Wollmer et al., 2013; Poria et al., 2015).
caused by joy or anticipation, while negative sen- However, there are major issues that remain un-
timent can be caused by fear or disgust. addressed. Not considering the relation and de-
Even though the primary focus of this paper is pendencies among the utterances is one of such is-
to classify sentiment in videos, we also show the sues. State-of-the-art approaches in this area treat
performance of the proposed method for the finer- utterances independently and ignore the order of
grained task of emotion recognition. utterances in a video (Cambria et al., 2017b).

Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 873–883
Vancouver, Canada, July 30 - August 4, 2017. c 2017 Association for Computational Linguistics
Every utterance in a video is spoken at a distinct 2 Related Work
time and in a particular order. Thus, a video can
be treated as a sequence of utterances. Like any The opportunity to capture people’s opinions has
other sequence classification problem (Collobert raised growing interest both within the scientific
et al., 2011), sequential utterances of a video may community, for the new research challenges, and
largely be contextually correlated and, hence, in- in the business world, due to the remarkable bene-
fluence each other’s sentiment distribution. In our fits to be had from financial market prediction.
paper, we give importance to the order in which Text-based sentiment analysis systems can
utterances appear in a video. be broadly categorized into knowledge-based
and statistics-based approaches (Cambria et al.,
We treat surrounding utterances as the con-
2017a). While the use of knowledge bases
text of the utterance that is aimed to be classi-
was initially more popular for the identification
fied. For example, the MOSI dataset (Zadeh et al.,
of polarity in text (Cambria et al., 2016; Poria
2016) contains a video, in which a girl reviews
et al., 2016c), sentiment analysis researchers have
the movie ‘Green Hornet’. At one point, she says
recently been using statistics-based approaches,
“The Green Hornet did something similar”. Nor-
with a special focus on supervised statistical meth-
mally, doing something similar, i.e., monotonous
ods (Socher et al., 2013; Oneto et al., 2016).
or repetitive might be perceived as negative. How-
In 1974, Ekman (Ekman, 1974) carried out
ever, the nearby utterances “It engages the audi-
extensive studies on facial expressions which
ence more”, “they took a new spin on it”, “and I
showed that universal facial expressions are able
just loved it” indicate a positive context.
to provide sufficient clues to detect emotions. Re-
The hypothesis of the independence of tokens
cent studies on speech-based emotion analysis
is quite popular in information retrieval and data
(Datcu and Rothkrantz, 2008) have focused on
mining, e.g., bag-of-words model, but it has a lot
identifying relevant acoustic features, such as fun-
limitations (Cambria and White, 2014). In this pa-
damental frequency (pitch), intensity of utterance,
per, we discard such an oversimplifying hypothe-
bandwidth, and duration.
sis and develop a framework based on long short-
As for fusing audio and visual modalities for
term memory (LSTM) that takes a sequence of ut-
emotion recognition, two of the early works
terances as input and extracts contextual utterance-
were (De Silva et al., 1997) and (Chen et al.,
level features.
1998). Both works showed that a bimodal system
The other uncovered major issues in the lit- yielded a higher accuracy than any unimodal sys-
erature are the role of speaker-dependent versus tem. More recent research on audio-visual fusion
speaker-independent models, the impact of each for emotion recognition has been conducted at ei-
modality across the dataset, and generalization ther feature level (Kessous et al., 2010) or decision
ability of a multimodal sentiment classifier. Leav- level (Schuller, 2011). While there are many re-
ing these issues unaddressed has presented diffi- search papers on audio-visual fusion for emotion
culties in effective comparison of different multi- recognition, only a few have been devoted to mul-
modal sentiment analysis methods. In this work, timodal emotion or sentiment analysis using tex-
we address all of these issues. tual clues along with visual and audio modalities.
Our model preserves the sequential order of (Wollmer et al., 2013) and (Rozgic et al., 2012)
utterances and enables consecutive utterances to fused information from audio, visual, and textual
share information, thus providing contextual infor- modalities to extract emotion and sentiment.
mation to the utterance-level sentiment classifica- Poria et al. (Poria et al., 2015, 2016d, 2017b)
tion process. Experimental results show that the extracted audio, visual and textual features us-
proposed framework has outperformed the state of ing convolutional neural network (CNN); concate-
the art on three benchmark datasets by 5-10%. nated those features and employed multiple kernel
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 learning (MKL) for final sentiment classification.
provides a brief literature review on multimodal (Metallinou et al., 2008) and (Eyben et al., 2010a)
sentiment analysis; Section 3 describes the pro- fused audio and textual modalities for emotion
posed method in detail; experimental results and recognition. Both approaches relied on a feature-
discussion are shown in Section 4; finally, Sec- level fusion. (Wu and Liang, 2011) fused audio
tion 5 concludes the paper. and textual clues at decision level.

3 Method The convolution kernels are thus applied to
these concatenated word vectors instead of indi-
In this work, we propose a LSTM network that vidual words. Each utterance is wrapped to a win-
takes as input the sequence of utterances in a video dow of 50 words which serves as the input to the
and extracts contextual unimodal and multimodal CNN. The CNN has two convolutional layers; the
features by modeling the dependencies among the first layer has two kernels of size 3 and 4, with 50
input utterances. M number of videos, comprising feature maps each and the second layer has a ker-
of its constituent utterances, serve as the input. We nel of size 2 with 100 feature maps.
represent the dataset as U = u1 , u2 , u3 ..., uM and
The convolution layers are interleaved with
each ui = ui,1 , ui,2 , ..., ui , Li where Li is the num-
max-pooling layers of window 2 × 2. This is
ber of utterances in video ui . Below, we present
followed by a fully connected layer of size 500
an overview of the proposed method in two major
and softmax output. We use a rectified linear
unit (ReLU) (Teh and Hinton, 2001) as the acti-
vation function. The activation values of the fully-
A. Context-Independent Unimodal Utterance-
connected layer are taken as the features of utter-
Level Feature Extraction
ances for text modality. The convolution of the
Firstly, the unimodal features are extracted CNN over the utterance learns abstract representa-
without considering the contextual informa- tions of the phrases equipped with implicit seman-
tion of the utterances (Section 3.1). tic information, which with each successive layer
spans over increasing number of words and ulti-
B. Contextual Unimodal and Multimodal mately the entire utterance.
Secondly, the context-independent unimodal 3.1.2 openSMILE: Audio Feature Extraction
features (from Step A) are fed into a LSTM Audio features are extracted at 30 Hz frame-rate
network (termed contextual LSTM) that al- and a sliding window of 100 ms. To compute
lows consecutive utterances in a video to the features, we use openSMILE (Eyben et al.,
share information in the feature extraction 2010b), an open-source software that automati-
process (Section 3.2). cally extracts audio features such as pitch and
voice intensity. Voice normalization is performed
We experimentally show that this pro- and voice intensity is thresholded to identify sam-
posed framework improves the performance ples with and without voice. Z-standardization is
of utterance-level sentiment classification over used to perform voice normalization.
traditional frameworks. The features extracted by openSMILE con-
sist of several low-level descriptors (LLD), e.g.,
3.1 Extracting Context-Independent MFCC, voice intensity, pitch, and their statistics,
Unimodal Features e.g., mean, root quadratic mean, etc. Specifically,
Initially, the unimodal features are extracted from we use IS13-ComParE configuration file in openS-
each utterance separately, i.e., we do not consider MILE. Taking into account all functionals of each
the contextual relation and dependency among the LLD, we obtained 6373 features.
utterances. Below, we explain the textual, audio,
and visual feature extraction methods. 3.1.3 3D-CNN: Visual Feature Extraction
We use 3D-CNN (Ji et al., 2013) to obtain vi-
3.1.1 text-CNN: Textual Features Extraction sual features from the video. We hypothesize
The source of textual modality is the transcrip- that 3D-CNN will not only be able to learn rele-
tion of the spoken words. For extracting features vant features from each frame, but will also learn
from the textual modality, we use a CNN (Karpa- the changes among given number of consecutive
thy et al., 2014). In particular, we first repre- frames.
sent each utterance as the concatenation of vec- In the past, 3D-CNN has been successfully
tors of the constituent words. These vectors are applied to object classification on tridimensional
the publicly available 300-dimensional word2vec data (Ji et al., 2013). Its ability to achieve state-
vectors trained on 100 billion words from Google of-the-art results motivated us to adopt it in our
News (Mikolov et al., 2013). framework.

Let vid ∈ Rc×f ×h×w be a video, where c = num- Current research (Zhou et al., 2016) indicates
ber of channels in an image (in our case c = 3, the benefit of using such networks to incorporate
since we consider only RGB images), f = num- contextual information in the classification pro-
ber of frames, h = height of the frames, and w = cess. In our case, the LSTM network serves the
width of the frames. Again, we consider the 3D purpose of context-dependent feature extraction
convolutional filter f ilt ∈ Rfm ×c×fd ×fh ×fw , where by modeling relations among utterances. We term
fm = number of feature maps, c = number of chan- our architecture ‘contextual LSTM’. We propose
nels, fd = number of frames (in other words depth several architectural variants of it later in the pa-
of the filter), fh = height of the filter, and fw = per.
width of the filter. Similar to 2D-CNN, f ilt slides
across video vid and generates output convout ∈
3.2.2 Contextual LSTM Architecture
Rfm ×c×(f −fd +1)×(h−fh +1)×(w−fw +1) . Next, we ap- Let unimodal features have dimension k, each
ply max pooling to convout to select only relevant utterance is thus represented by a feature vec-
features. The pooling will be applied only to the tor xi,t ∈ Rk , where t represents the tth utter-
last three dimensions of the array convout. ance of the video i. For a video, we collect the
In our experiments, we obtained best results vectors for all the utterances in it, to get Xi =
with 32 feature maps (fm ) with the filter-size of [xi,1 , xi,2 , ..., xi,Li ] ∈ RLi ×k , where Li represents
5 × 5 × 5 (or fd × fh × fw ). In other words, the the number of utterances in the video. This ma-
dimension of the filter is 32 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 5 (or trix Xi serves as the input to the LSTM. Figure 1
fm × c × fd × fh × fw ). Subsequently, we apply demonstrates the functioning of this LSTM mod-
max pooling on the output of convolution opera- ule.
tion, with window-size being 3 × 3 × 3. This is In the procedure, getLstmFeatures(Xi ) of Al-
followed by a dense layer of size 300 and softmax. gorithm 1, each of these utterance xi,t is passed
The activation values of this dense layer are finally through a LSTM cell using the equations men-
used as the video features for each utterance. tioned in line 32 to 37. The output of the LSTM
cell hi,t is then fed into a dense layer and finally
3.2 Context-Dependent Feature Extraction into a softmax layer (line 38 to 39). The activa-
In sequence classification, the classification of tions of the dense layer zi,t are used as the context-
each member is dependent on the other members. dependent features of contextual LSTM.
Utterances in a video maintain a sequence. We hy- 3.2.3 Training
pothesize that, within a video, there is a high prob-
The training of the LSTM network is performed
ability of inter-utterance dependency with respect
using categorical cross-entropy on each utter-
to their sentimental clues.
ance’s softmax output per video, i.e.,
In particular, we claim that, when classifying
one utterance, other utterances can provide impor- M Li C
loss = − ∑ ∑ ∑ yi,c log2 (ŷi,c ),
1 j j
tant contextual information. This calls for a model
which takes into account such inter-dependencies (∑ M
i=1 Li ) i=1 j=1 c=1

where M = total number of videos, Li = number

and the effect these might have on the target ut-
= original output
terance. To capture this flow of informational j
of utterances for ith video, yi,c
triggers across utterances, we use a LSTM-based
recurrent neural network (RNN) scheme (Gers,
of class c, and ŷi,c = predicted output for j th utter-
2001). ance of ith video.
As a regularization method, dropout between
3.2.1 Long Short-Term Memory the LSTM cell and dense layer is introduced to
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) is a avoid overfitting. As the videos do not have the
kind of RNN, an extension of conventional feed- same number of utterances, padding is introduced
forward neural network. Specifically, LSTM cells to serve as neutral utterances. To avoid the prolif-
are capable of modeling long-range dependencies, eration of noise within the network, bit masking is
which other traditional RNNs fail to do given the done on these padded utterances to eliminate their
vanishing gradient issue. Each LSTM cell consists effect in the network. Hyper-parameters tuning is
of an input gate i, an output gate o, and a forget done on the training set by splitting it into train
gate f , to control the flow of information. and validation components with 80/20% split.

Softmax Output
Dense Layer Output

Contextual features



Utterance 1 Utterance 2 Utterance 3 Utterance n

Figure 1: Contextual LSTM network: input features are passed through an unidirectional LSTM layer, followed by a dense and
then a softmax layer. The dense layer activations serve as the output features.

RMSprop has been used as the optimizer which uni-SVM In this setting, we first obtain the
is known to resolve Adagrad’s radically dimin- unimodal features as explained in Section 3.1,
ishing learning rates (Duchi et al., 2011). After concatenate them and then send to an SVM for the
feeding the training set to the network, the test final classification. It should be noted that using a
set is passed through it to generate their context- gated recurrent unit (GRU) instead of LSTM did
dependent features. These features are finally not improve the performance.
passed through an SVM for the final classification.
3.3 Fusion of Modalities
Different Network Architectures We consider
We accomplish multimodal fusion through two
the following variants of the contextual LSTM ar-
different frameworks, described below.
chitecture in our experiments.
3.3.1 Non-hierarchical Framework
sc-LSTM This variant of the contextual
LSTM architecture consists of unidirectional In this framework, we concatenate context-
LSTM cells. As this is the simple variant of the independent unimodal features (from Section 3.1)
contextual LSTM, we termed it as simple contex- and feed that into the contextual LSTM networks,
tual LSTM (sc-LSTM1 ). i.e., sc-LSTM, bc-LSTM, and h-LSTM.

h-LSTM We also investigate an architecture 3.3.2 Hierarchical Framework

where the dense layer after the LSTM cell is omit- Contextual unimodal features can further improve
ted. Thus, the output of the LSTM cell hi,t pro- performance of the multimodal fusion framework
vides our context-dependent features and the soft- explained in Section 3.3.1. To accomplish this, we
max layer provides the classification. We call this propose a hierarchical deep network which con-
architecture hidden-LSTM (h-LSTM). sists of two levels.
Level-1 Context-independent unimodal fea-
bc-LSTM Bi-directional LSTMs are two uni- tures (from Section 3.1) are fed to the proposed
directional LSTMs stacked together having oppo- LSTM network to get context-sensitive unimodal
site directions. Thus, an utterance can get infor- feature representations for each utterance. Individ-
mation from utterances occurring before and after ual LSTM networks are used for each modality.
itself in the video. We replaced the regular LSTM Level-2 This level consists of a contextual
with a bi-directional LSTM and named the result- LSTM network similar to Level-1 but independent
ing architecture as bi-directional contextual LSTM in training and computation. Output from each
(bc-LSTM). The training process of this architec- LSTM network in Level-1 are concatenated and
ture is similar to sc-LSTM. fed into this LSTM network, thus providing an in-
1 herent fusion scheme (see Figure 2).

Algorithm 1 Proposed Architecture
1: procedure TRAINA RCHITECTURE( U, V)
2: Train context-independent models with U
3: for i:[1,M] do ▷ extract baseline features
4: for j:[1,Li ] do
5: xi,j ← T extF eatures(ui,j )

6: xi,j ← V ideoF eatures(ui,j )
7: x”i,j ← AudioF eatures(ui,j )

8: Unimodal: ′
9: Train LSTM at Level-1 with X, X andX ” .
10: for i:[1,M ] do ▷ unimodal features
11: Zi ← getLST M F eatures(Xi )
′ ′
12: Zi ← getLST M F eatures(Xi )
13: Zi” ← getLST M F eatures(Xi” )
14: Multimodal:
15: for i:[1,M] do
16: for j:[1,Li ] do
17: if Non-hierarchical ′
fusion then
18: x∗i,j ← (xi,j ∣∣xi,j ∣∣x”i,j ) ▷
19: else
20: if Hierarchical ′
fusion then
21: x∗i,j ← (zi,j ∣∣zi,j ∣∣zi,j

) ▷
22: Train LSTM at Level-2 with X ∗ .
Figure 2: Hierarchical architecture for extracting context- 23: for i:[1,M ] do ▷ multimodal features
dependent multimodal utterance features (see Figure 1 for the 24: Zi∗ ← getLST M F eatures(Xi∗ )
LSTM module). 25: testArchitecture( V)
26: return Z ∗
27: procedure TESTA RCHITECTURE( V)
The performance of the second level banks on 28: Similar to training phase. V is passed through the
the quality of the features from the previous level, learnt models to get the features and classification out-
puts. Table 1 shows the trainable parameters.
with better features aiding the fusion process. Al- 29: procedure G ET LSTMF EATURES(Xi ) ▷ for ith video
gorithm 1 describes the overall computation for ut- 30: Zi ← φ
terance classification. For the hierarchical frame- 31: for t:[1,Li ] do ▷ Table 1 provides notation
32: it ← σ(Wi xi,t + Pi .ht−1 + bi )
work, we train Level-1 and Level-2 successively
33: ̃t ← tanh(Wc xi,t + Pc ht−1 + bc )
but separately, i.e., the training is not performed 34: ft ← σ(Wf xt + Pf ht−1 + bf )
“end-to-end”. 35: Ct ← it ∗ C ̃t + ft ∗ Ct−1
36: ot ← σ(Wo xt + Po ht−1 + Vo Ct + bo )
Weight Bias 37: ht ← ot ∗ tanh(Ct ) ▷ output of lstm cell
Wi , W f , W c , W o ∈ Rd×k bi , b f , b c , b o ∈ Rd 38: zt ← ReLU (Wz ht + bz ) ▷ dense layer
Pi , Pf , Pc , Po Vo ∈ Rd×d bz ∈ Rm 39: prediction ← sof tmax(Wsf t zt + bsf t )
Wz ∈ Rm×d bsf t ∈ Rc 40: Zi ← Zi ∪ zt
Wsf t ∈ Rc×m 41: return Zi

Table 1: Summary of notations used in Algorithm 1. Leg-

enda: d = dimension of hidden unit; k = dimension of input In real-world applications, the model should be
vectors to LSTM layer; c = number of classes. robust to person idiosyncrasy but it is very diffi-
cult to come up with a generalized model from the
behavior of a limited number of individuals. To
4 Experiments
this end, we perform person-independent experi-
4.1 Dataset details ments to study generalization of our model, i.e.,
Most of the research in multimodal sentiment our train/test splits of the datasets are completely
analysis is performed on datasets with speaker disjoint with respect to speakers.
overlap in train and test splits. Because each in- Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Datasets
dividual has a unique way of expressing emotions
and sentiments, however, finding generic, person- MOSI The MOSI dataset (Zadeh et al., 2016)
independent features for sentiment analysis is very is a dataset rich in sentimental expressions where
important. 93 people review topics in English. The videos

are segmented with each segments sentiment label IEMOCAP dataset is different from MOSI and
scored between +3 (strong positive) to -3 (strong MOUD since it is annotated with emotion la-
negative) by 5 annotators. We took the average bels. Apart from this, IEMOCAP dataset was
of these five annotations as the sentiment polarity created using a different method than MOSI and
and, hence, considered only two classes (positive MOUD. These two datasets were developed by
and negative). The train/validation set consists of crawling consumers’ spontaneous online product
the first 62 individuals in the dataset. The test set review videos from popular social websites and
contains opinionated videos by rest 31 speakers. later labeled with sentiment labels. To curate the
In particular, 1447 and 752 utterances are used in IEMOCAP dataset, instead, subjects were pro-
training and test, respectively. vided affect-related scripts and asked to act.
As pointed out by Poria et al. (Poria et al.,
MOUD This dataset (Pérez-Rosas et al., 2017a), acted dataset like IEMOCAP can suffer
2013) contains product review videos provided by from biased labeling and incorrect acting which
55 persons. The reviews are in Spanish (we used can further cause the poor generalizability of the
Google Translate API2 to get the English tran- models trained on the acted datasets.
scripts). The utterances are labeled to be either
positive, negative or neutral. However, we drop Dataset
Train Test
uttrnce video uttrnce video
the neutral label to maintain consistency with pre- IEMOCAP 4290 120 1208 31
vious work. Out of 79 videos in the dataset, 59 MOSI 1447 62 752 31
videos are considered in the train/val set. MOUD 322 59 115 20
MOSI → MOUD 2199 93 437 79
Multimodal Emotion Recognition Datasets
Table 2: uttrnce: Utterance; Person-Independent Train/Test
split details of each dataset (≈ 70/30 % split). Legenda: X→Y
IEMOCAP The IEMOCAP (Busso et al., represents train: X and test: Y; Validation sets are extracted
2008) contains the acts of 10 speakers in a two- from the shuffled training sets using 80/20 % train/val ratio.
way conversation segmented into utterances. The
medium of the conversations in all the videos is
It should be noted that the datasets’ individ-
English. The database contains the following cat-
ual configuration and splits are same throughout
egorical labels: anger, happiness, sadness, neutral,
all the experiments (i.e., context-independent uni-
excitement, frustration, fear, surprise, and other,
modal feature extraction, LSTM-based context-
but we take only the first four so as to compare
dependent unimodal and multimodal feature ex-
with the state of the art (Rozgic et al., 2012).
traction and classification).
Videos by the first 8 speakers are considered in
the training set. The train/test split details are pro- 4.2 Performance of Different Models
vided in Table 2, which provides information re-
garding train/test split of all the datasets. Table 2 In this section, we present unimodal and multi-
also provides cross-dataset split details where the modal sentiment analysis performance of differ-
datasets MOSI and MOUD are used for training ent LSTM network variants as explained in Sec-
and testing, respectively. The proposed model be- tion 3.2.3 and comparison with the state of the art.
ing used on reviews from different languages al-
Hierarchical vs Non-hierarchical Fusion
lows us to analyze its robustness and generalizabil-
Framework As expected, trained contextual
unimodal features help the hierarchical fusion
4.1.1 Characteristic of the Datasets framework to outperform the non-hierarchical
framework. Table 3 demonstrates this by com-
In order to evaluate the robustness of our proposed
paring the hierarchical and the non-hierarchical
method, we employ it on multiple datasets of
frameworks using the bc-LSTM network.
different kinds. Both MOSI and MOUD are
For this reason, we the rest of the analysis only
used for the sentiment classification task but
leverages on the hierarchical framework. The
they consist of review videos spoken in different
non-hierarchical model outperforms the baseline
languages, i.e., English and Spanish, respectively.
uni-SVM, which confirms that it is the context-
sensitive learning paradigm that plays the key role
2 in improving performance over the baseline.

Comparison of Different Network Variants It On MOSI and IEMOCAP datasets, the tex-
is to be noted that both sc-LSTM and bc-LSTM tual classifier achieves the best performance over
perform quite well on the multimodal emotion other unimodal classifiers. On IEMOCAP dataset,
recognition and sentiment analysis datasets. Since the unimodal and multimodal classifiers obtained
bc-LSTM has access to both the preceding and poor performance to classify neutral utterances.
following information of the utterance sequence, The textual modality, combined with non-textual
it performs consistently better on all the datasets modes, boosts the performance in IEMOCAP by
over sc-LSTM. The usefulness of the dense layer a large margin. However, the margin is less in the
in increasing the performance is evident from the other datasets.
experimental results shown in Table 3. The per- On the MOUD dataset, the textual modality per-
formance improvement is in the range of 0.3% forms worse than audio modality due to the noise
to 1.5% on MOSI and MOUD datasets. On the introduced in translating Spanish utterances to En-
IEMOCAP dataset, the performance improvement glish. Using Spanish word vectors3 in text-CNN
of bc-LSTM and sc-LSTM over h-LSTM is in the results in an improvement of 10%. Nonetheless,
range of 1% to 5%. we report results using these translated utterances
as opposed to utterances trained on Spanish word
Comparison with the Baselines Every LSTM vectors, in order to make fair comparison with
network variant has outperformed the baseline (Poria et al., 2015).
uni-SVM on all the datasets by the margin of
2% to 5% (see Table 3). These results prove 4.4 Generalization of the Models
our initial hypothesis that modeling the contex- To test the generalizability of the models, we have
tual dependencies among utterances (which uni- trained our framework on complete MOSI dataset
SVM cannot do) improves the classification. The and tested on MOUD dataset (Table 5). The per-
higher performance improvement on the IEMO- formance was poor for audio and textual modal-
CAP dataset indicates the necessity of modeling ity as the MOUD dataset is in Spanish while
long-range dependencies among the utterances as the model is trained on MOSI dataset, which is
continuous emotion recognition is a multiclass se- in English language. However, notably the vi-
quential problem where a person does not fre- sual modality performs better than the other two
quently change emotions (Wöllmer et al., 2008). modalities in this experiment, which means that
We have implemented and compared with the cur- in cross-lingual scenarios facial expressions carry
rent state-of-the-art approach proposed by (Po- more generalized, robust information than audio
ria et al., 2015). In their method, they extracted and textual modalities. We could not carry out a
features from each modality and fed these to a similar experiment for emotion recognition as no
MKL classifier. However, they did not conduct other utterance-level dataset apart from the IEMO-
the experiment in a speaker-independent manner CAP was available at the time of our experiments.
and also did not consider the contextual relation
among the utterances. In Table 3, the results in 4.5 Qualitative Analysis
bold are statistically significant (p < 0.05) in com- The need for considering context dependency (see
pare to uni-SVM. Experimental results in Table 4 Section 1) is of prime importance for utterance-
show that the proposed method outperformes (Po- level sentiment classification. For example, in the
ria et al., 2015) by a significant margin. For the utterance “What would have been a better name
emotion recognition task, we have compared our for the movie”, the speaker is attempting to com-
method with the current state of the art (Rozgic ment the quality of the movie by giving an appro-
et al., 2012), who extracted features in a similar priate name. However, the sentiment is expressed
fashion to (Poria et al., 2015) (although they used implicitly and requires the contextual knowledge
SVM trees (Yuan et al., 2006) for the fusion). about the mood of the speaker and his/her general
opinion about the film. The baseline unimodal-
4.3 Importance of the Modalities SVM and state of the art fail to classify this utter-
As expected, in all kinds of experiments, bimodal ance correctly4 .
and trimodal models have outperformed unimodal 3
models. Overall, audio modality has performed 4
RNTN classifies it as neutral. It can be seen here
better than visual on all the datasets.

Modality hierarchical (%) hierarchical (%) hierarchical (%)

non-hier (%)

non-hier (%)
non-hier (%)








T 75.5 77.4 77.6 78.1 49.5 50.1 51.3 52.1 65.5 68.9 71.4 73.6
V 53.1 55.2 55.6 55.8 46.3 48.0 48.2 48.5 47.0 52.0 52.6 53.2
A 58.5 59.6 59.9 60.3 51.5 56.3 57.5 59.9 52.9 54.4 55.2 57.1
T+V 76.7 78.9 79.9 80.2 78.5 50.2 50.6 51.3 52.2 50.9 68.5 70.3 72.3 75.4 73.2
T+A 75.8 78.3 78.8 79.3 78.2 53.1 56.9 57.4 60.4 55.5 70.1 74.1 75.2 75.6 74.5
V+A 58.6 61.5 61.8 62.1 60.3 62.8 62.9 64.4 65.3 64.2 67.6 67.8 68.2 68.9 67.3
T+V+A 77.9 78.1 78.6 80.3 78.1 66.1 66.4 67.3 68.1 67.0 72.5 73.3 74.2 76.1 73.5

Table 3: Comparison of models mentioned in Section 3.2.3. The table reports the accuracy of classification. Legenda: non-hier
← Non-hierarchical bc-lstm. For remaining fusion, hierarchical fusion framework is used (Section 3.3.2).

Sentiment (%) Emotion on IEMOCAP (%) any presence or greatness at all” was classified
MOSI MOUD angry happy sad neutral
T 78.12 52.17 76.07 78.97 76.23 67.44 as positive by the audio classifier (as “presence
V 55.80 48.58 53.15 58.15 55.49 51.26 and greatness at all” was spoken with enthusiasm).
A 60.31 59.99 58.37 60.45 61.35 52.31 However, the textual modality caught the negation
T+V 80.22 52.23 77.24 78.99 78.35 68.15
T+A 79.33 60.39 77.15 79.10 78.10 69.14 induced by “doesn’t” and classified it correctly.
V+A 62.17 65.36 68.21 71.97 70.35 62.37 The same happened to the utterance “amazing spe-
A+V+T 80.30 68.11 77.98 79.31 78.30 69.92 cial effects”, which presented no jest of enthusi-
73.551 63.251 73.10 2 72.402 61.902 58.102 asm in the speaker’s voice nor face, but was cor-
by (Poria et al., 2015),2 by (Rozgic et al., 2012) rectly classified by the textual classifier.
On other hand, the textual classifier classified
Table 4: Accuracy % on textual (T), visual (V), audio (A) the utterance “that like to see comic book charac-
modality and comparison with the state of the art. For the ters treated responsibly” as positive (for the pres-
fusion, the hierarchical fusion framework was used.
ence of “like to see” and “responsibly”) but the
MOSI → MOUD high pitch of anger in the person’s voice and the
uni-SVM h-LSTM sc-LSTM bc-LSTM frowning face helps to identify this as a negative
T 46.5% 46.5% 46.6% 46.9%
V 43.3% 45.5% 48.3% 49.6%
utterance. In some cases, the predictions of the
A 42.9% 46.0% 46.4% 47.2% proposed method are wrong because of face oc-
T+V 49.8% 49.8% 49.8% 49.8% clusion or noisy audio. Also, in cases where sen-
T+A 50.4% 50.9% 51.1% 51.3%
V+A 46.0% 47.1% 49.3% 49.6% timent is very weak and non contextual, the pro-
T+V+A 51.1% 52.2% 52.5% 52.7% posed approach shows some bias towards its sur-
rounding utterances, which further leads to wrong
Table 5: Cross-dataset comparison in terms of classification predictions.
5 Conclusion
However, information from neighboring ut- The contextual relationship among utterances in a
terances, e.g., “And I really enjoyed it” and video is mostly ignored in the literature. In this pa-
“The countryside which they showed while go- per, we developed a LSTM-based network to ex-
ing through Ireland was astoundingly beautiful” tract contextual features from the utterances of a
indicate its positive context and help our contex- video for multimodal sentiment analysis. The pro-
tual model to classify the target utterance cor- posed method has outperformed the state of the art
rectly. Such contextual relationships are prevalent and showed significant performance improvement
throughout the dataset. over the baseline.
In order to have a better understanding of the As future work, we plan to develop a LSTM-
roles of each modality for the overall classifica- based attention model to determine the importance
tion, we have also done some qualitative analy- of each utterance and its specific contribution to
sis. For example, the utterance “who doesn’t have each modality for sentiment classification.

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