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San Juan Campus

San Juan, Southern Leyte

Student – Teacher: Flora Mae S. Gabriento BSEd – 4C Grade Level: 7

Teaching Date: August 3, 2021 Learning Area: Mathematics

Teaching Time: 5:30 – 6:00 Quarter: First


Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes

and sizes and geometric relationships.

Performance Standard: The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve

accurately authentic problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.

Learning Competency: The learner illustrates a circle and the terms related to it: radius, diameter

and chord. (M7GE-IIIg-1)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. identify the terms related to circle such as chord, radius and diameter;
b. draw a circular object that illustrates a chord, radius and diameter; and
c. appreciate the importance of circle in the real world.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Circle
References: Curriculum Guide Mathematics 7,,
Materials: 2D circle shape, visual aid, bond paper, marker, images

III. Procedure

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
 The teacher will assign a student to lead the opening prayer.
2. Greetings
 The teacher will greet the students and ask them to arrange their chairs
properly and clean their surroundings if there is any litter or trash.
3. Checking of Attendance
 The teacher will ask the class monitor to check the attendance.
4. Review
 The teacher will ask the students about the last topic that was discussed
which is polygons.
5. Motivation
 The teacher will introduce a game called “Get Touch”. The teacher will
call out two words where the first word is a shape and the second word
is a body part. Students must find an object in the room that has that
shape and then touch the object with the selected body part. For
example, if the teacher calls out “round nose”, students need to find a
round object and touch it with their nose. The fastest student to
complete the task will get a point and a student who gained the highest
points will be the winner.
1. Round Forehead
2. Rectangular Ear
3. Round Elbow
4. Round Chin
5. Round Lips

6. Setting of Objectives
 The teacher will read the objectives together with the students.

B. Activity
 The teacher will use the guided instruction strategy for the activity.
 The teacher will group the students by pair. Each pair will be given a
short bond paper and a marker for the activity.
 The teacher will post the tasks on the board and give 5 minutes for the
students to complete all the tasks. Each task is equivalent to 5 points.

Activity 1
Instruction: Follow the tasks carefully.
1. Draw three circles.
2. In the first circle put a point at the center, then draw a line
from the point to the circle.
3. In the second circle draw a line that equally divides the
circle. The line should pass through the center of the circle
and its endpoints are on the circle.
4. In the third circle draw a line that do not pass through the
center of the circle and its endpoints are on the circle.

 After 5 minutes, the teacher will now ask for volunteers to show their
work with the class. The pairs who have correctly followed all the tasks
(correctly draw the three line segments) will get a perfect score.

C. Analysis

 After the activity, the teacher will post three 2D circles on the board and
let the students compare those three circles. Then, the teacher will ask
the students on the following questions:
1. Try to observe the line segments on the first and second circle in
your activity. Can you cite the differences between the two
circles? Do they have any similarity?
2. How is the line segment in the second circle compared with the
line segment in the third circle?
3. Can you cite the differences of the line segments found in the
first and third circles?
4. Do the line segments in the first circle and third circle have
similarity? What is the similarity of the two?
5. Now, can you identify the three line segments found in the
three circles?

D. Abstraction

 The teacher will now reveal that the line segment found in the first circle
is called a radius, in the second circle is a diameter and in the third circle
is a chord. The teacher will let the students label the line segments that
they had made into radius, diameter and chord in their activity.
 The teacher will now ask the students to formulate the meaning of the
radius, diameter and chord based from what they have learned in the

 Radius- a line segment from the center of the circle to the

point on the circle.
 Diameter- a line segment whose endpoints are on the circle
and is passing through the center of the circle. It divides the
circle equally.
 Chord – a line segment whose endpoints are on the circle but
do not pass through the center of the circle.

E. Application

 The teacher will display some pictures of objects/ structures found

everywhere and will let the students identify the radius, diameter and
 The students will say “aw-aw” if the picture shows a radius, “meow-meow”
if it is a diameter and “mee-mee” if it’s a chord.

Activity 2
1. 5. 8.

2. 6. 9.

3. 7. 10.


IV. Evaluation
Activity 3
Instruction: In a short bond paper, draw a circular object that illustrates each of the
a. radius
b. diameter
c. chord


Criteria Description Points

Composition Filling the page, use of 7
elements and principles of
Application Value, Line Quality, 7
applying the process
learned in class
Creativity Personal Style: Is your 3
work original and
Craftmanship Complete, Neat, Clean, 3
V. Assignment

1. As a student, make a design of your own invention applying circle that would
contribute to your community. Then, give its importance and write this in a
short bond paper.

2. Study in advance the secant, tangent line and sector of a circle on page 34 of
your book in Geometry.

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