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Distress Among Caregivers of SMI

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Sintayehu et al.

Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9

DOI 10.1186/s40303-015-0014-4


Prevalence of mental distress and

associated factors among caregivers of
patients with severe mental illness in the
outpatient unit of Amanuel Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, 2013: Cross-sectional study
Mezinew Sintayehu1*, Haregwoin Mulat2, Zegeye Yohannis3, Tewodros Adera3 and Maereg Fekade4

Background: Caregivers like family members or other relatives are central and provide not only practical help and
personal care but also give emotional support, and they are suffering from plenty of challengeable tasks. These,
eventually, cast out family caregivers into multidimensional problems prominently for mental distress like depression,
anxiety, sleep problem and somatic disorder which are followed by physiologic changes and impaired health habits
that ultimately lead to illness and possibly to death. Numerous studies demonstrate that mental distress of caregivers
are two times compared to general populations.
Despite it was not uncommon to observe manifestations of caregivers’ mental distress, yet there was no study on this
area. Therefore, this study was intended to assess the prevalence of mental distress and associated factors among the
caregivers of persons with severe mental illness in the out patients unit of Amanuel Hospital, Ethiopia.
Methods: Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted from May 1 to 31, 2013 at Amanuel Hospital, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. Systematic random sampling technique with “k” interval of 13 was employed to withdraw a total of
423 participants from study population. Five psychiatric nurses carried out interview by using standardized and
validated Self Reported Questionnaire (SRQ 20). Descriptive statistics, binary and multivariate logistic regression
analysis were conducted.
Results: This study revealed that the overall prevalence of mental distress was found to be 221(56.7 %). The factors like
missed social support, two or more times admission of patient, care giving for psychotic patient, being farmer and
being female were found to be predictors for mental distress of caregivers with this [AOR 95 % CI = 9.523(5.002,
18.132)], 3.293(1.474, 3.3560), 2.007(1.109, 3.634), 2.245(1.129, 4.463) and 3.170(1.843, 5.454)] respectively.
Conclusions: In this respect the study observed that there was a higher level of mental distress experienced by
caregivers of patients with severe mental illness in Amanuel Hospital, and social support are strongly associated with
mental distress besides to other variables. Effectively planned interventions have to be targeted at alleviating mental
distress and actions like on-going psycho-education and mutual support that could expand social support should be
implemented in Amanuel hospital health service delivery system.
Keywords: Caregiver, Mental distress, Associated factors, Severe mental illness, Addis Ababa

* Correspondence:
Department of Nursing, Mekelle University, College of Health Sciences, PO.
Box 1871, Mekelle, Tigray region, North Ethiopia
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 2 of 10

Background emotional resources and stigma, many caregivers often

Background and statement of the problems experience significant physical and mental distress but
The burden of mental health problems is increasing glo- physical effects of care giving are generally less intensive
bally [1]. It is gradually becoming recognized that mental than the psychological effects [9, 10, 16].
disorders are a public health problem throughout the Numerous studies have demonstrated that family care-
world. In 2001, mental disorders accounted for 13 % of givers of patients with a severe mental illness suffer from
the worlds burden of diseases and this figure is projected mental distress (especially depression, insomnia, anxiety,
to increase to 15 % by the year 2020 [2, 3]. Worldwide somatization, paranoia and obsessive behavior); and
studies have shown that as many as 450 million people often receive inadequate assistance from mental health
suffer from mental disorder and their disabling effect at professionals. Research conducted in British (1992) re-
individual and national levels to be quite significant. ported that psychological distress (anxiety, depression,
This had led to the recognition, by the member states and insomnia) was twice as high as in the general popu-
of WHO in mental health care as one of the prior- lation [17]. Other findings conducted in Latin America
ities and to its inclusion in the program of primary and KSA Arab country suggest that 40 % of the care-
health care [1, 2, 4]. givers compared to 13 %–18 % of general population
Besides mental disorder, as defined according to diag- and 23.33 % of the caregivers group versus 3.33 % of the
nostic criteria, the wider concept of mental distress com- control group met the criterion for being at risk of de-
prises mental disorder as well as other mental problems pression for the CES-D 10 scale as they got 10 or greater
that may not fall in to standard diagnostic criteria. It score respectively [6, 18]. Another study in Nigeria on
refers to a lack of psychological wellbeing affecting a caregivers of psychiatric out patients reveals almost half
person’s thoughts, feelings, behavior and functioning [5]. of the relatives had psychological distress (43.8 %) [19].
Individuals with a severe mental illness have typically The literature consistently demonstrates that the men-
been mentally ill for many years and are unable to fulfill tal distress of caregivers have been linked to objective
daily roles in society normally expected of individuals of burden (like duration and type of care provided, un-
their age and intellectual ability; thus, they are most employment, duration of illness, behavioral problems,
likely receive family care [4]. cognitive and functional disabilities of care recipient),
Available data show that the proportion of persons subjective burden(such as perceived stigma, negative
with severe mental illness living with their relatives care giving appraisal, feeling of isolation, anger, sadness,
ranges between 40 percent in the United States, over guilty feeling, shame), insufficient social support, age of
60 % in Africa to more than 90 percent in China [4, 6, 7]. patient, negative coping mechanism, real stigma, as well
Families not only provide practical help and personal care as secondary stressors such as finances and family
such as bathing, eating, taking drug but also give emo- conflict [6, 19, 20].
tional support to their relative with a mental disorder in Generally burden of family caregivers leads to negative
the face of insufficient knowledge, skill to provide care, consequences not only for themselves but also for pa-
limited social support and poor mental health facil- tients, other family members, and health care systems
ities [6, 8, 9]. Despite few studies acknowledge posi- [4]. Their negative quality of life has impacted on poor
tive outcomes for caregivers and makes them feel caring, mistreatment or behaving violently to the pa-
good and satisfaction about themselves [8, 10, 11], tients which can cause patients relapse [4, 21]. Burden of
care giving has all the features of a chronic stress ex- family caregivers also causes family conflict and financial
perience so well that it is used as a model for study- problem in individual, family, health care system, dis-
ing the health effects of chronic stress [10, 12]. torts the entire family functioning and the families under
These challengeable tasks, chronic stress, daily hassles great stress would give up and reject the mentally ill in-
and negative caregivers perception bring profound ob- dividuals who would become outcasts socially [9]. Fur-
jective and/or subjective burden that involves psycho- thermore, as conceptual models of care giving and
social, physical, and financial impact on the caregivers health suggest that health effects should unfold in a cas-
of individuals with severe mental illness which is cading fashion. Caregivers first experience distress and
comparable to that of persons with other illnesses depression, which are followed by physiologic changes
such as Alzheimer’s disease or cancer, especially after and impaired health habits that ultimately lead to illness
deinstitutionalization movement began more than five and possibly to death [22]. However these impacts might
decades ago because there was transferring of respon- be different among caregivers, as the level of burden is
sibility and day-to-day care to family members [13–15]. related to various factors.
As caregivers struggle to balance work, family and care Recently there have been limited studies on caregivers
giving, their own physical and emotional health is often ig- in Africa and most were done in higher income coun-
nored. As a result of this and lack of personal, financial, tries. Those researches done in higher income countries
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 3 of 10

regarding the burden, mental and physical effects of Specific objectives

caregivers divert the face of the world towards assisting
of key caregivers patients with severe mental illness like – To determine the prevalence of mental distress
schizophrenia by developing theoretical model of family among caregivers’ of persons with severe mental
intervention like psycho education and social or mutual illness
support and through Early interventions by conducting – To identify factors associated with mental distress
routine assessments of the depression status of care- among caregivers’ of persons with severe mental
givers [6, 9, 22, 23]. illness
In Ethiopia, the practice of psychiatry has evolved over
several years spanning from an era of purely traditional Methods
practices and beliefs to the modern therapeutic practice An institution based cross-sectional study was con-
of using medications and other therapies. Self-reporting ducted at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital, Addis
questionnaire (SRQ) is a screening instrument developed Ababa which serves at inpatient and outpatient bases of
by WHO to assess symptoms of mental distress in devel- people with mental illness and other medical illness. The
oping countries. The first study that used SRQ was con- Hospital has 259 beds including 11 private wing beds
ducted by kortmann in 1988 who reported a 12 % of and 23 emergency beds and also it has 13 outpatient de-
mental disorder among adults in Addis Ababa [24]. partments (OPDs). An average of 10,320 patients get
Later, other investigators assessing community and hos- service per month and most patients attend the Hospital
pital based samples in Ethiopia reported prevalence esti- with family members. The hospital is also playing its piv-
mates from 12 % to 23.9 % [25]. otal role as a training institute for psychiatric profes-
sionals of different levels; so as to expand the service
Significance of the study throughout the country by introducing psychiatry ser-
Despite all studies done in developed countries, revealed vice to the primary health care system. Masters of
as caregivers of mental ill patients have always been Science degree in integrated clinical and community
subject to massive input of stresses, burden and men- mental health training program has been one of the
tal illness. In Ethiopia, to the best of our knowledge, programs provided in collaboration with University of
there was still no published study on this particular Gondar.
issue. Therefore, this study provided the prevalence An estimation of 4670 people with psychotic disorders
and factors that associated with mental distress among which includes schizophrenia and others psychotic dis-
caregivers of patients with severe mental illness. In orders; and 880 people with bipolar disorder based on
addition, this gives important clues for mental health the criteria established in DSM-IV, were thought to be
professionals to recognize and offer early interventions treated per month from previous records in outpatient
by conducting routine assessments of mental distress unit. From these, four hundred twenty three (423) sam-
among caregivers and their available social support, ples were calculated by single population proportion for-
thereby preventing or minimizing mental distress in mula by assuming the proportion (p) of mental distress
those caregivers. of caregivers to be 50 %, margin of error 5 % with 95 %
The result of this study may help or influence police confidence interval and 10 % of non response rate. Sys-
makers, health managers and planners to formulate na- tematic random sampling technique with “k” interval of
tional and local mental health policy, and for Amanuel 13 was employed to withdraw samples from study popu-
Mental Specialized Hospital to design appropriate ser- lation. Caregivers were included in the study if their age
vice provision by consolidating family therapy which in- is greater than 18 years old and gave care for patient
volves ongoing psycho education and mutual support as more than 6 months. Caregivers were excluded if they
well. This in turn, might improve the quality of life for have a history of psychiatric disorder before being a
patients who are suffering from severe mental illness caregiver; and professional care giver.
and further benefit family and the country. In addition
to this, it may also serve as base line data for further Data collection technique and tool
studies. Data was collected by using standardized and validated
SRQ 20; Oslo-3 (OSS-3); substance use instrument and
Objectives other socio demographic questions. Five psychiatric
General objective nurses were involved to conduct face to face interview
To assess the prevalence and associated factors of men- of caregivers while they accompanied their care receiver.
tal distress among care givers’ of patients with severe SRQ 20 instrument was originally developed by the
mental illness in the outpatient unit of Amanuel Mental WHO to screen for psychiatric disturbance in primary
Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2013. health care settings in low-income countries. The SRQ
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 4 of 10

is not expected to diagnose mental illness but was de- Have social support
signed to indicate mental distress. It is used as a first- Scored of 9–14 during Oslo-3 Social Support Scale
stage screening instrument for the second-stage clinical (OSS-3).
interview. The questions assess about features of
common mental disorders, particularly anxiety and de- Immediate family relative
pression. SRQ- 20 is now the most widely used version Son/daughter, and brother or sister.
of the instrument. SRQ was supposed to be self-
administered, with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response to each ques- Non immediate family relative
tion. However, because of the high illiteracy rate in Other relative or non-relative.
Ethiopia and other countries of the same status, it has
been used in an interview format. This study also was Data management and data quality control issues
employed interview methods. Respondents were asked Data quality control issues were insured by using vali-
about experiencing symptoms of mental distress over dated SRQ 20. Data collectors were trained for three
the past 1 month. SRQ has been previously translated days to use the questionnaire, the ethical principles of
into Amharic, validated and subsequently used for epi- confidentiality and data management prior to their in-
demiological studies in clinical and community settings volvement with data collection.
in Ethiopia. Social support was assessed by using Oslo-3 Supervisions by supervisors and investigator held
social support scale (OSS-3). Socio-demographic and regularly during data collection period. The collected
other relevant variables about mental distress of care- data was checked on daily basis for completeness and
giver were added to the questionnaire for this study. A consistence. Manual and computerized data cleaning
structured pretested questionnaire was employed to col- was done before data analysis.
lect socio-demographic characteristics and other rele-
vant factors of mental distress of caregiver which was Data processing and analysis
adapted from different literature with modification in The coded Data was checked, cleaned and entered into
our cultural context. epi.INFO 6 version and then exported into Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) window version
Operational definition 20 for analysis. Descriptive summary using frequencies,
Mental distress percentage, graphs, median and ranges were used to
SRQ has 20 questions and the score of all questions was present study results. Bivariate analysis was done for
combined. The minimum and maximum score are 0 to COR and multivariate analysis was employed to cal-
20. With cut point 7 and for an individual scored more culate AOR for variables which met p-value < 0.2 dur-
than 7 was considered as having mental distress. ing bivariate analysis. P-value of < 0.05 was considered
as statistically significant during multivariate logistic
Caregiver regression.
Someone who most giving care and regularly responsible
taking care of patients more than other family member Ethical considerations
or other persons rather than by a professional who is Ethical clearance was obtained from university of Gondar
reimbursed for services. ethical review board and Amanuel Mental Specialized
Hospital. Written Informed consent was obtained from
Severe mental illness participants and they were informed that participation
Comprise both patients with bipolar disorder and psych- was on voluntary basis and have full right to withdraw at
osis (schizophrenia and other psychotic disorder). time of need during the interview process. Moreover, the
researchers were striving to protect and to respect the
Current substance users privacy and wellbeing of persons with these conditions.
When clients used specified substance (for non medical Data that was collected for the purpose of this study was
purposes) in the last three months. not containing identification information of the partici-
pants, thus ensuring the secrecy of the participants.
Ever substance users
When clients used specified substance (for non medical Results and discussion
purposes) even once in their lifetime. Description of socio-demographic characteristics
Out of 423 planned respondents, three hundred ninety
Missed social support (390) caregivers of people with severe mental illness
Scored of 3–8 during Oslo-3 Social Support Scale were enrolled in this study which gave a response rate of
(OSS-3). 92.2 %.
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 5 of 10

Socio- demographic characteristics and other related they were fail to resist in multivariate analysis with
factors p-value < 0.05 and confidence does not include. That
From participants, female respondents 214(54.9 %) and was twofold increased in mental distress of divorced/
married respondents 208(53.3 %) predominates male separated and widowed caregivers compared to married
and never married respondents respectively. The median persons with odds ratio of [COR 95 % CI = 2.180(1.174,
age of respondents was 42 years old with a range of 4.049), 2.146(1.119, 4.114)] respectively. Subjects who
65 years old which was highly distributed in the category were not educated were two fold increased for mental
of > 44 years old 176(45.1 %). distress compared to those > 12 years education [COR
The majority of caregivers have some form of pri- 95 % CI = 2.074(1.176, 3.658)] and parents of care-
vate and governmental job 137(35.1 %) and farmers givers revealed three fold increased to mental distress
83(21.3 %) and half of caregivers earned below 700 birr compared to non-immediate family relative with [COR
per month. 95 % CI = 3.270(1.538, 6.952)].
Almost three quarters of respondents 291(74.6 %) In this study, age > 44 reported higher level of mental
lived in rural areas, and among the total samples partici- distress than in the age interval of 18–24 years old. This
pated 171(43.8 %) had less than or equal to 12 grade difference, however, does not reach statistically signifi-
while 142(36.4 %) were uneducated and 77(19.7 %) had cance. In these study subjects other variables like ethni-
greater than 12 grade in education profile. Three hun- city, religion, average monthly income, residence and
dred eleven (79.7 %) were caregivers of patients with substance use had not relation with mental distress.
psychotic disorders while 79(20.3 %) were caregivers of Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze as-
patients with bipolar disorders. From the total patients sociations between predictors and mental distress which
almost half of patients 209 (53.6 %) had no history of ad- have p value of ≤ 0.2 in bivariate logistic regression, and
mission, 95 (24.4 %) had one admission and 86 (21.1 %) adjusting for covariates (Table 3). After adjusting for
had history of two or more admission (Table 1). possible covariates, gender, occupation, diagnosis of
Caregivers accompanying patients were mainly parents patients, number of patient admission and social support
173(44.6 %) and immediate relatives 138 (35.4 %) of caregivers were significant predictors of mental dis-
(Fig. 1). tress among caregivers of patients with severe mental
illness with p-value < 0.05.
Substance use history of the respondents Statistically significant higher rate of mental distress
As illustrated in Table 2 out of 390 study subjects was seen among female caregivers compared to male
20(5.1 %) were drinking alcohol in the last 3 months, caregivers (AOR 95%CI = 3.170(1.843, 5.454). Caregivers
and 194 (49.7 %) had used alcohol once in their life time. who were employed appeared to have a decreased risk of
Twenty two (5.6 %) of the respondents were using Khat mental distress compared to those who were farmers
in the last three months, whereas 50 (12.8 %) had prac- where the risk of mental distress was doubled which is
ticed Khat chewing at least once in their life time. Six statistical significant [AOR 95 % CI = 2.245(1.129, 4.463).
(1.5 %) of the respondents were smoke cigarrate in the Respondents who took care for psychotic patient had a
last three months while 11(2.8) of respondents had used twofold risk of mental distress than who took care for
tobacco products at least once in their life time. Among bipolar disorder patients [AOR 95 % CI = 2.007(1.109,
caregivers in this study, none of them used cannabis in 3.634)]. Those caregivers that cared for patients with
their life time and in the last three months as well. one time admission and two or more time admission
(Refer Table 2. for details). had experienced two fold and three fold risk for mental
distress compared to patients with no admission [AOR
Assessment of social support of respondents 95 % CI = 2.425(1.319,4.459) and 3.293(1.474,3.3560] re-
In the assessment of social support out of 390 subjects spectively. Moreover, in this respect the study found a
using Oslo-3 Social Support Scale (OSS-3), more than strong relationship between social support and mental
three quarter of respondents 297 (76.2 %) scored less distress that caregivers who missed social support
than or equal to 8 or who missed social support and the were 9 fold risks for mental distress compared to
rest 93(23.8 %) had social support that means they were those who had social support. (Refer Table 3 for fur-
scored 9–14. ther information).

Associated factors of mental distress among caregivers of Discussion

patients with severe mental illness In Ethiopia there is no study done on caregivers with se-
In the bivariate analysis, it was shown that marital sta- vere mental illness. Even researches in middle income
tus, relationship with the patients and educational status countries on mental distress among caregivers of pa-
were significantly associated with mental distress though tients with severe mental illness have been minimal and
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 6 of 10

Table 1 Distribution of socio-demographics characteristics of Table 1 Distribution of socio-demographics characteristics of

the respondents among caregivers of people with severe the respondents among caregivers of people with severe
mental illness at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital (n = 390), mental illness at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital (n = 390),
Ethiopia, May 2013 Ethiopia, May 2013 (Continued)
Variables Frequency Percent (%) Diagnosis of the patient
Gender/sex Pychosis 311 79.7
Male 176 45.1 Bipolar disorder 79 20.3
Female 214 54.9 Number of admission
Age No admission 209 53.6
18–24 28 7.2 One time admission 95 24.4
25–34 82 21 ≥ Two times admission 86 21.1
35–44 104 26.7 Duration of care giving in year
>44 176 45.1 0–5 years 243 62.3
Marital status 6–10 years 83 21.3
Single/Never married 73 18.7 ≥11 years 64 16.4
Married 208 53.3
Divorce/separated 58 14.9
Widowed 51 13.1 have primarily focused on burden of caregivers. Thus,
Ethnicity little is known about mental distress of caregivers of pa-
Amhara 118 30.3 tients with severe mental illness related to their care giv-
ing role in developing countries like Ethiopia. This
Tigre 32 8.2
present study was conducted among 390 caregivers of
Oromo 123 31.5
patient with severe mental illness to find out the magni-
Gurage 96 24.6 tude of mental distress and associated factors using a
Others 21 5.4 cross sectional study design and SRQ 20 instrument.
Religion The caregivers were predominantly women (54.9 %), and
Orthodox Christian 217 55.6 parents (44.4 %) which were similar to previous studies
[6, 9]. The overall prevalence of mental distress for
Islam 103 26.4
caregivers was found to be 56.67 % that met for being at
Protestant 60 15.4
risk of mental distress (that is score more than 7 on
Others 10 2.5 SRQ 20). In Ethiopian community study, the estimated
Educational status prevalence of general mental distress was between 12
Not educated 142 36.4 and 23.9 % depending on population [25]. Providing care
≤ Grade 12 171 43.8 for patients with severe mental illness places caregivers
at higher risk of mental distress compared to estimated
> Grade 12 77 19.7
community prevalence of mental distress which is more
Cont Job (Occupation)
than twice and this is in line with other study reports of
Employed 137 35.1 developed countries [16].
Own business 56 14.4 The prevalence of mental distress among caregivers of
Farmer 83 21.3 patients with severe mental illness according to this
Housewives 50 12.8 study was higher than researches conducted on Nigeria
which is almost 50 %, study done on depression in
Jobless 64 16.4
Latino family caregivers and KSA, Arab country have
had prevalence rate of 40 % and 23.3 % respectively. The
Urban 99 25.4 discrepancy observed were because of GHQ tool used in
Rural 291 74.6 Nigeria, CES-D scale tool among Latino family care-
Average monthly income of the house hold givers, CES-D scale tool and case control study design in
≤400 Birr 115 29.5 KSA Arab country, sample size difference and socio-
demographic characteristics of respondents can also be a
401–700 114 29.2
contributed for the difference.
701–1200 68 17.4
The demographic characteristic of the caregiver
≥1201 93 23.8 showed that there was a statistically significant association
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 7 of 10

Fig. 1 Distribution of caregivers relationship with the care recipient among caregivers of people with severe mental illness at Amanuel Mental
Specialized Hospital (n = 390), May 2013

between female gender and risk of mental distress which low social status, the affective nature of their re-
was in line with finding of many previous studies [6, 11]. sponses to stressors and hormonal changes may play
However, in some other studies the reverse has been ob- their roles [9, 18].
served [6, 19]. The women are responsible for the emo- The finding that occupation was significantly associ-
tional care of the children especially in Africa context; it is ated with risk of mental distress, being employed and
more acceptable for the woman to take up the role of the worked their own business seems to be protective
caregiver. This may result in low self-esteem and loss of against mental distress, except for farming. It could
self that may be associated with maternal depression due partly be explained by; farmers may have been more
to subjective care giving burden and other factors like stigmatized, inaccessible to media/information/lack of
knowledge, lower income and exposed to stressful life
experiences than those of employed and worked their
Table 2 Distribution of substance use among caregivers of pople
own business in urban areas. The finding in this study
with severe mental distress at Amanuel Mental Specialized
demonstrated that caregiver’s of patients with diagnosis
Hospital (n = 390), Ethiopia, May 2013
of psychotic disorder experienced higher levels of mental
Type of substance uses Ever user history Within the last three months
distress than patients with bipolar disorder which was
Freq Percent (%) Freq Percent (%)
also supported by previous research [9]. This could be
Tobaccos explained by; patients with diagnosis of psychotic dis-
Yes 11 2.8 6 1.5 order exhibit more negative or positive symptoms, less
No 379 97.2 384 98.5 functioning and less likely had get improvement than
Alcohol beverages bipolar disorder.
Yes 194 49.7 20 5.1
Other factor associated significantly with mental dis-
tress among caregivers in this study was number of
No 196 50.3 370 94.9
patient admission which is in agreement with other
Khat studies [10]. This indicates frequent relapse and severity
Yes 50 12.8 22 5.6 of illness which could further exacerbate the caregiver
No 340 87.2 368 94.4 mental distress.
Cannabis 0 0 0 0 Moreover, this finding provides strong evidence that
Yes 390 100 390 100
showed missed social support for caregivers experien-
cing more mental distress which is keeping with finding
of other literatures [9, 11].
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 8 of 10

Table 3 Factors associated with Mental distress of caregiver’s of people with severe mental illness in Amanuel Mental Specialized
Hospital, 2013 (n = 390)
Socio demographic Variables Mental distress of care givers
yes no crude OR (95 % CI) adjusted OR (95 % CI
Male 70 106 1 1
Female 151 63 3.629(2.382,5.531)* 3.170(1.843,5.454)*
Marital status
Married 105 103 1 1
Single/never married 41 32 1.257(0.735,2.149) 1.768(0.809,3.861)
Divorce/separated 40 18 2.180(1.174,4.049)* 0.992(0.446,2.208)
Widowed 35 16 2.146(1.119,4.114)* 0.662(0.286,1.533)
Educational status
Not educated 95 47 2.074(1.176,3.658)* 1.083(0.464,2.529)
≤grade 12 88 83 1.088(0.635,1.864) 1.009(0.484,2.103)
>grade 12 38 39 1 1
Cont Occupation
Employed 73 64 1 1
Own business 23 33 0.611(0.326,1.147) 0.613(0.289,1.300)
Farmer 52 31 1.471(0.842,2.567) 2.245(1.129,4.463)*
House wife 33 17 1.702(0.867,3.341) 1.006(0.436,2.231)
jobless 40 24 1.461(0.796,2.682) 1.695(0.796,3.608)
Relation with the patient 24 20 2.031(0.820,5.029) 1.461(0.476,4.478)
Spouse 114 59 3.270(1.538,6.952)* 1.925(0.762,4.868)
Parent 70 68 1.742(0.813,3.735) 1.515(0.603,3.806)
Immediate family relative 13 22 1 1
Non-immediate family relative
Diagnosis of the patient 188 123 2.131(1.29,3.518)* 2.007 (1.109, 3.634)*
Psychosis 33 46 1
Bipolar disorder 1
Number of admission
No admission 99 110 1 1
One time admission 58 37 1.742(1.063, 2.854)* 2.425(1.319, 4.459)*
≥ Two times admission 64 22 3.248(1.636, 6.448)* 3.293(1.474, 7.356)*
Duration of care giving in year
0–5 years 129 114 1 1
6–10 years 50 33 1.339(0.807, 2.222) 0.942(0.499, 1.779)
≥11 years 42 22 1.687(0.950, 2.995) 1.271(0.600, 2.693)
Social support of caregiver
Have no social support 15 78 11.711(6.427,21.560)* 9.523(5.002,18.132)*
Have social support 206 91 1 1
Use of Chat in your life 22 28 0.557(0.306,1.013) 1.109(0.506,2.432)
Yes 199 141 1 1
* refers association p value <0.05
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 9 of 10

In crude analysis, these study also showed that Scheduled and ongoing psycho-education and mutual
caregivers who had no education, divorced/separated support programme could be implemented and strength-
and widowed in marital status and being parent for ened that helps to cope stress, empowering caregivers
mentally ill patients experienced higher levels of men- with knowledge and develop their competence in handling
tal distress than their counter parts with higher level illness of care recipient and enhance their chance of living
of education, married and non-immediate relatives re- a life that is as normal as possible. Because this psycho-
spectively which were also supported by previous education and mutual support may compensate for defi-
studies despite those variables are failed to maintain ciencies in people’s natural support networks.
their association with mental distress in multivariate Moreover, it suggest that rather than exclusively tar-
analysis [18]. geting patients’ treatments, mental distress screenings
This study found no association between independent and emotional health assessments for diagnosis of prob-
variables of caregivers’ age, duration of care giving, eth- able mental distress could be conducted for caregivers
nicity, religion, resident of caregiver, monthly income and is likely to yield significant payoffs in terms of redu-
and substance use with dependent variable of mental cing caregivers’ mental distress.
distress, unlike some previous studies where those vari- Efforts should be exerted for treating patients effect-
able differences were observed [6, 8]. ively to minimize relapse or frequent admission as much
Limitations of the study Future work should be directed at specific mental dis-
The study design was a cross sectional, hence it provided orders by further characterizing the nature and severity
only a snapshot of the issues faced by the caregivers or it of illness.
did not permit causal interpretations.
Preexisting mental disorders was not assessed and may Abbreviations
AOR: Adjusted Odds Ratio; CES-D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression
have had an influence on the findings. Scale; COR: Crude Odds Ratio; GHQ: General Health Questionnaire; OR: Odds
The variables which were not included were also a Ratio; SPSS: Statistical Package for Social Science; SRQ: Self Reported
factor in the present study for instance the relation- Questionnaire; WFHO: World Federation Health Organization; WHO: World
Health Organization.
ship between other stress inducers like positive and
negative symptoms of patient, knowledge of care- Competing interests
givers, personal factors, environmental factors and The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
mental distress.
Authors’ contributions
SMB. Conceived of the study, and perform its design, statistical analysis,
Conclusions interpretation, coordination and worked to draft the manuscript. YZ
This finding observed that higher prevalence of men- participated in the design, statistical analysis, and interpretation of the study
and helped to draft the manuscript. MH participated in the design, statistical
tal distress among caregivers’ of people with severe analysis, and interpretation of the study. AT participated in the design,
mental illness at Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital statistical analysis, and interpretation of the study. FMZ participated in
which was 221(56.67 %). poor social support were statistical analysis and interpretation of the study. All authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
strongly associated with mental distress which implies
caregivers who have not social support have experi- Authors’ information
enced higher mental distress than caregivers who have 1. Sintayehu M. Bitew (BSc in Nursing, MSc in integrated community and
good social support therefore every possible action mental health, lecturer at Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia)
2. Yohannis Z. (BSc in Nursing, MSc in integrated clinical and community
should be taken to expand social support. The study mental health, PhD candidate at Addis Ababa University, work at Amanuel
results also suggest that researchers and mental mental specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
health professionals should attend to the special needs 3. Mulat H. (BSc in Nursing, MSc in integrated clinical and community mental
health, lecturer at University of Gondar, Ethiopia)
of caregivers who are female, farmer, have lower 4. Adera T. (MD, Psychiatrist, work at Amanuel mental specialized hospital,
levels of education, and caregivers who took care for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
patients with psychotic disorder and patients with 5. Fekade M. Zewde (BSC in public health, M.Sc in general public health,
work at kolfa health center institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia).
multiple admissions at risk of mental distress. Gener-
ally these findings called for measures to be taken to Acknowledgements
ensure that the needs of caregivers are met. We would like to thank the management and staff of Gondar University and
well as Amanuel Mental Specialized Hospital for their willingness to start the
said program and for financial support to make this thesis possible.
Recommendations Then, we would like to thank the staff and the program officer of Amanuel
Interventions could be developed that have a focus on Mental Specialized Hospital for their cooperation to provide information so
the health and well-being of the caregivers for instance, as to determine the sample size of the study and for their full support of the
interventions that focus on stress reduction and health And so with the data collectors and to all respondents (caregivers) for their
promotion activities. patience, thank you so much.
Sintayehu et al. Journal of Molecular Psychiatry (2015) 3:9 Page 10 of 10

Author details
Department of Nursing, Mekelle University, College of Health Sciences, PO.
Box 1871, Mekelle, Tigray region, North Ethiopia. 2Department of psychiatry,
College of Health sciences, University of Gondar, Amhara, North Ethiopia.
Amanuel mental specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 4Kolfahealth
institution, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Received: 23 December 2014 Accepted: 22 September 2015

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