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1PUC Physics MQPs 2023-Tchr

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Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
(i) All parts are compulsory.
(ii) Part – A questions have to be answered in the first two pages of the answer – booklet.
For Part – A questions, first written – answer will be considered for awarding marks.
(iii) Answers without relevant diagram/figure/circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
(iv) Direct answers to Numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.


I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following
questions 15 x 1 = 15
1. The method used to measure length indirectly
A) decay of elementary particles B) parallax method
C) gravitational method D) mass spectrograph

2. In the position – time graph for a particle at rest, the graph is

A) parallel to time axis B) perpendicular to time axis
C) exponential D) inclined

3. The expression for centripetal acceleration is

𝜔2 𝜔
A) 𝑎𝑐 = 𝜔2𝑟 B) 𝑎𝑐 = 𝜔2𝑟2 C) 𝑎𝑐 = 𝑟
D) 𝑎𝑐 = 𝑟2

4. The inertia of a body depends on

A) displacement B) velocity C) force D) mass

5. The force does not do work if angle between force and displacement is
A) 0° B) 180° C) 90° D) 30°

6. The example for body having variable axis of rotation

A) ceiling fan B) gaint wheel C) potter’s wheel D) spinning top

7. The time period of polar satellite is about

A) 200 minutes B) 365 days C) 100 minutes D) 30 days

8. The dimension of stress is

A) 𝑀𝐿𝑇 B) 𝑀𝐿−1𝑇−2 C) 𝑀𝐿1𝑇−2 D) 𝑀2𝐿𝑇2

9. The angle of contact is greater than 90° in

A) water & glass interface B) mercury & glass interface
C) milk & glass interface D) castor oil & glass interface

10. The melting point is the temperature at which the

A) solid & liquid coexist B) solid & gas coexist
C) gas & liquid coexist D) solid, liquid & gas coexist

11. The following gas is not a green house gas

A) nitrus oxide B) ozone C) methane D) carbon monoxide

12. The thermodynamic variable internal energy is defined by using

A) zeroth law of thermodynamics B) first law of thermodynamics
C) second law of thermodynamics D) Newton’s law

13. The number of degrees of freedom for diatomic gas molecule is

A) 3 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7

14. Among the following, which is the characteristics of simple harmonic motion?
A) It is periodic in nature.
B) The time period and frequency are dependent of its amplitude.
C) Acceleration is directed away from the mean position.
D) It is non – oscillatory motion.

15. The longitudinal wave can propagate in

A) only solid B) only liquid C) only gas & solid D) solid, liquid & gas
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL
thefollowing questions 5x1=5
(segment, force, critical velocity, temperature, gravitational pull)
16. A particle is said to be in translational equilibrium when net external on it is
17. The minimum speed with which a body must be projected vertically upward so that it
escapes the of the planet is escape speed.
18. For the streamline flow velocity of fluid must be less than .
19. The velocity of the molecule increases with increase of .
20. The region of the stationary wave between two consecutive nodes is called .

III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10
21. What are conserved quantities? Give one example.

22. Distinguish between path length and displacement.

23. State and explain triangle law of vector addition.

24. What are elastic and inelastic collisions?

25. Write the expression for distance of centre of mass of two particles system and explain the

26. State the law of orbits and law of periods.

27. What is heat pump? Give its schematic representation.

28. What is Avogadro’s number? Write its value.

29. Define beat period. Mention one use of beats.

IV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 3 = 15
30. Deduce kinetic energy, 𝐸𝐾 = 𝑚𝑣 2 by dimensional analysis, where the symbols have usual


31. Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity.

32. Mention any three advantages of friction.

33. A rain drop of mass 2 g falling from a height 1 km. If it hits the ground with a speed of
60 ms-1, calculate the work done by the gravitational force.

34. Show that torque is equal to the rate of change of angular momentum of a particle.

35. Draw stress – strain curve. Indicate yield point and fracture point.

36. State and explain Bernoulli’s theorem. From which principle theorem follows?
37. Derive 𝛼𝑉 = 𝑇.

38. Obtain Newton’s formula for speed of sound in air.

V. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x 5 = 15
39. What is velocity – time graph? Derive 𝑣2 = 𝑣02 + 2𝑎𝑥 using velocity – time graph.
40. State Newton’s second law. Obtain 𝐹⃗ = 𝑚𝑎⃗.
41. Show that the total mechanical energy of a body falling freely under gravity is conserved.
42. i. What is acceleration due to gravity? 1
ii. Why gravitational constant is called universal gravitational constant? 1
iii. Derive the relation between acceleration due to gravity and universal gravitational
constant. 3
43. Explain the working of Carnot heat engine with a P V diagram.
44. i. What is free oscillation? 1
ii. Write the expression for the period of oscillation of a mass attached to a horizontal spring
and explain the terms. 2
iii. Where are velocity of particle executing S. H. M. maximum and what is its value? 2

VI. Answer any TWO of the following questions 2 x 5 = 10

45. A cricket ball is thrown at a speed of 80 ms-1 in a direction 60° above the horizontal.
a) the maximum height reached by the ball.
b) the distance from the thrower to the point where the ball returns to the same level
c) the time taken by the ball to return to the same level.
46. A homogeneous metal bar of uniform cross section 80 cm long and 5 kg in mass supported
on two knife edges placed 10 cm from each end. Find the reactions at the knife edges.
47. A copper block of mass 3 kg is at temperature of 30 ℃ is heated in a furnace to a
temperature of 500 ℃. Calculate the amount of heat gained by the copper block. Now the
copper block is placed on a large ice block, determine the maximum amount of ice that can
melt. Given specific heat of copper is 390 Jkg-1K-1, heat of fusion of water is
3.35x105 Jkg-1.
48. A wire stretched between two rigid supports vibrates in its fundamental mode with
frequency of 45 Hz. The mass of the wire is 3.5x10-2 kg and its linear density is
4x10-2 kgm-1. Calculate
a) the speed of transverse wave in the string and
b) the tension in the string.

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Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
(i) All parts are compulsory.
(ii) Part – A questions have to be answered in the first two pages of the answer – booklet.
For Part – A questions, first written – answer will be considered for awarding marks.
(iii) Answers without relevant diagram/figure/circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
(iv) Direct answers to Numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.

I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following
questions 15 x 1 = 15

1. The SI unit for plane angle is

A) degree B) radian C) steradian D) radian-1

2. The slope of position – time graph gives

A) velocity B) position C) displacement D) acceleration

3. The unit vector along the x and z axis are respectively

A) 𝑖̂ and 𝑗̂ B) 𝑖̂ and 𝑘̂ C) 𝑘̂and 𝑗̂ D) none of these

4. When a stationary bus suddenly starts, a passenger on it falls in the backward direction.
This is due to
A) inertia of rest B) inertia of motion C) inertia of direction
D) the bus pushes him in the forward direction

5. Einstein’s mass energy relation is

A) 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 B) 𝐸 = 𝑚2𝑐 C) 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐2 D) 𝐸 = 𝑚2𝑐2

6. Opening or closing of a lid of a bottle by turning it with our fingers is an example of

A) couple B) energy

C) force D) angular momentum

7. Polar satellites are not used for the purpose of

A) remote sensing B) meteorology
C) environmental studies D) telecommunication
8. The ratio of change in length to the original length is called

A) Young’s modulus B) shear modulus

C) longitudinal strain D) Poisson’s ratio

9. Free liquid drops and bubbles are spherical (if effects of gravity is neglected) is due to
A) Surface tension B) Pressure C) Viscosity D) Torque

10. Land breeze is an example for:

A) Thermal conduction B) Thermal radiation

C) Natural convection D) Black body radiation

11. The change from solid state to vapour state without passing through the liquid state is
A) fusion B) regelation C) melting D) sublimation

12. The first law of thermodynamics signifies

A) law of conservation of charge B) law of conservation of momentum
C) law of conservation of energy D) law of conservation of mass

13. The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule is directly proportional to:
A) Volume of the gas B) pressure of the gas
C) Absolute temperature of the gas D) mass of the gas

14. The length of second’s pendulum is

A) 2 m B) 1 cm C) 1 m D) 1 km

15. In a standing wave the points at which amplitude is the largest is known as
A) node B) crest C) rarefaction D) antinodes
II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL the
following questions 5x1=5
(beats, impulsive force, decreases, zero, large)

16.A large force acting for a short time to produce finite change in momentum is
called .
17. The force of attraction due to a hollow spherical shell of uniform density, on a point mass
kept inside it is

18. Viscosity of liquid with temperature.

19. According to kinetic theory of gases, a given amount of gas contains number of
20. Artists use phenomenon of while tuning their musical instruments with each
III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10

21. What are conserved physical quantities? Give an examples.

22.Define stopping distance. Give its importance.

23.Write the equation of path of the projectile. Give its name.

24.What is centripetal force? Specify its direction.

25.State and explain parallel axes theorem of moment of inertia.

26.Give two examples for weightlessness.

27.What is refrigerator? Give its schematic representation.

28.Mention the expression for mean free path. Explain the terms.

29. List the two differences between transverse wave and longitudinal wave.

IV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 3 = 15
30. Name any three sources of systematic errors.
31. Find the magnitude of resultant of two vectors acting at a point by making an angle 𝜃
between them.
32. List any two advantages and one disadvantage of friction.
33.A police officer fires a bullet of mass0.05kg with kinetic energy of 1000 J on a soft ply wood.
It emerges with 10% of its initial kinetic energy. What is the emergent speed of the bullet?
34. State law of conservation of angular momentum. Give two examples.
35. Define Young’s modulus. Write the expression for Young’s modulus of the material of a
wire and explain the terms.
36. Distinguish between stream line flow and turbulent flow of fluids.

37. Show that for an ideal gas coefficient of volume expansion at constant pressure is inversely
proportional to temperature. (𝛼𝑉 = 𝑇 )
38. Write the displacement relation (equation) of a progressive wave travelling in the negative
direction of x – axis with initial phase 𝜙. Explain the terms.
V. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x 5 = 15
39. What is velocity – time graph? Derive 𝑣2 = 𝑣02 + 2𝑎𝑥 using v – t graph.

40.State Newton’s second law of motion. Derive 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎.

41. Show that in a completely inelastic collision loss in kinetic energy is a positive quantity.
42. i. Define orbital speed of a satellite. 1
ii. Derive an expression for total energy of a satellite. 3
iii. What is the value of orbital speed on the surface of earth? 1
43. What is an isothermal process? Derive the expression for work done in an isothermal
44. i. Define simple harmonic motion. 1
ii. Derive the expression for velocity and acceleration in S. H. M. 3

iii. What is resonance? 1

VI. Answer any TWO of the following questions 2 x 5 = 10

45. The position of a particle is given by 𝑟⃗ = 3𝑡𝑖̂ + 2𝑡 2 𝑗̂ + 5𝑘̂, where 𝑡 in seconds and coefficients
have the proper units for 𝑟⃗ to be in metres. Find (a) 𝑣⃗(𝑡) and 𝑎⃗(𝑡) of the particle. Find the
magnitude and direction of 𝑣⃗(𝑡) at 𝑡 = 1 s.
46. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with angular velocity 100 rads -1. The
radius of the cylinder is 0.25 m. What is the kinetic energy associated with the rotation of
the cylinder? What is the magnitude of angular momentum of the cylinder about its axis?
47. Calculate the amount of heat required to convert 3 kg of ice at – 12 ℃ into a steam at
100 ℃. Given specific heat capacity of ice is 2100 Jkg-1K-1, specific heat capacity of water
is 4200 Jkg-1K-1, latent heat of fusion of ice is 3.35x105 Jkg-1 and latent heat of steam is
2.256x106 Jkg-1.
48. A train standing at the outer signal of railway station blows a whistle of frequency 400 Hz.
In still air. What is the frequency of the whistle for a platform observer when the train
a) approaches with a speed of 10 ms-1?
b) recedes from the platform with a speed of 10 ms-1? Given speed of sound in still air
is 340 ms-1.

Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
(i) All parts are compulsory.
(ii) Part – A questions have to be answered in the first two pages of the answer – booklet.
For Part – A questions, first written – answer will be considered for awarding marks.
(iii) Answers without relevant diagram/figure/circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
(iv) Direct answers to Numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.

I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following
questions 15 x 1 = 15

1. The number of significant figures in 0.001020 m.

A) 3 B) 4 C) 6 D) 7

2. The acceleration of a particle moving with uniform velocity 10 ms-1 for 2 s is

A) 10 ms-2 B) 5 ms-2 C) 0 D) 20 ms-2

3. Expression for centripetal acceleration of a particle moving with uniform speed 𝑣 and in a
circular path of radius 𝑟 is
𝑣 𝑣2
A) 𝑎 = 𝑣2𝑟 B) 𝑎 = 𝑣2𝑟2 C) ) 𝑎 = D) ) 𝑎 =
𝑟2 𝑟

4. Dust in duster cleaned by hitting it on wall or ground. Dust removed out of duster due to
A) inertia of rest B) inertia of motion C) kinetic energy of particle increase
D) kinetic energy of particle decreases

5. The commercial unit of electrical energy equal to

A) kilowatt B) horse power C) kilowatt hour D) joule

6. Dimensional formula for which of the following pair of physical quantities are same?
A) Work & power B) Angular momentum & kinetic energy
C) Torque & work D) angular momentum & force.

7. The period of revolution of Geo stationery satellite equal to

A) one day B) one week C) one month D) one year
8. Young’s modulus inversely proportional to
A) Lateral strain B) Bulk modulus
C) longitudinal stress D) longitudinal strain

9. The instrument used to measure Gauge pressure is

A) Thermometer B) Open tube manometer
C) multi meter D) Barometer

10. Example for Convection mode of heat transfer is

A) Land breeze B) Trade wind
C) Sea breeze D) all the 3 options A,B and C are correct

11. Body temperature of normal human beings equal to 37 ℃. Body temperature of normal
human beings in Fahrenheit scale equal to
A) 98.6 ℉ B) 310 ℉ C) 37 ℉ D)103.6 ℉

12. ∆𝑄 – Heat energy supplied to a system, ∆𝑈 – increase in internal energy and

∆𝑊 = 𝑃∆𝑉 – work done by system then, the correct relation for isochoric process is
A) ∆𝑄 = ∆𝑈 + 𝑃∆𝑉 B) ∆𝑄 = 𝑃∆𝑉 C) ∆𝑄 = ∆𝑈 D) ∆𝑄 = ∆𝑈 − ∆𝑊

13. The real gases approach ideal gas behaviour at

A) Low pressure and high temperature B) High Pressure and high temperature
C) High pressure and low temperature D) Low pressure and low temperature

14. Planets rotates about their own axis and revolve around Sun, their motion is
A) Periodic and Oscillatory B) not periodic and not oscillatory
C) Periodic but not Oscillatory D) Simple Harmonic motion

15. Electromagnetic waves are

A) Longitudinal requires medium for their propagation
B) Longitudinal do not require any medium for their propagation.
C) Transverse do not require any medium for their propagation.
D) Transverse requires medium for their propagation.

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL the
following questions 5x1=5
(Isothermal, number density, Pascal’s law, Poles, law of conservation of momentum)
16. “When net force acting on system equal to zero, total linear momentum of system is
conserved”. This statement is
17. Acceleration due to gravity on earth at is greater than that in equator
18. Hydraulic lift work according to
19. The mean free path of a gas molecule inversely proportional to
20. According to Newton, the propagation of sound in air is process.

III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10

21. Name the forces that exist and dominant between i) Two proton within nucleus ii) Two
proton separated by distance 1 m.
22. Write any difference between speed and velocity.
23. Define i) null vector and ii) unit vector
24. Define elastic and inelastic collisions.
25. Write the condition for equilibrium of a rigid body.
26. Write the expression for acceleration due to gravity at depth d from earth surface and
mention the terms.
27. State i) Zeroth law and ii) second law of thermodynamics.
28. State and explain law of equipartition of energy.
29. What is Doppler’s effect in sound? Mention one use of it.

IV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 3 = 15
30. Check the correctness of equation, ∆𝑥 = 𝑣0 + 𝑎𝑡 2 using dimensional analysis.

31. Derive the expression for maximum height of a projectile.

32. Write two advantage and one disadvantage of friction.
33. A metal ball of mass 10 kg fall on ground from a height 25 m. Calculate its kinetic energy
when it just touches the ground. (g = 9.8 ms-2)
34. Obtain the expression for position of centre of mass of two particle system.
35. Draw stress-strain curve for a metal like steel and identity proportionality limit and yield
point on it.
36. Write Bernoulli’s formula and explain the terms in it. What is the use of venturi metre?
37. What is thermal radiation? Mention one use and one disadvantage of greenhouse effect.
38. What is Simple harmonic motion? Mention its two properties.
V. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x 5 = 15
39. What is velocity – time graph? Derive 𝑣2 – 𝑣02 = 2𝑎∆𝑥 using v – t graph.
40. State and explain Newton’s II law of motion and hence prove 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎.
41. Illustrate the law of conservation energy for a freely falling body of mass 𝑚 and falling from
height 𝐻.
42. i. State Kepler’s law of orbit of planetary motion. 1
ii. State and explain Kepler’s law of area of planetary motion. 2
iii. State and explain Kepler’s law of periods of planetary motion. 2
43. With the help of P – V diagram explain the working of Carnot’s cycle of heat engine.
44. i. Derive an expression for period of oscillation of spring. 3
ii. What is damped oscillation? 1
iii. What is resonance in simple harmonic motion? 1

VI. Answer any TWO of the following questions 2 x 5 = 10

45. A projectile projected with velocity 49 ms-1 with angle of projection 30°. Find its time of flight
and range.
46. A cord of negligible mass is wound round and the rim of a fly wheel (Disc) of mass 20 kg
and radius 20 cm A steady pull of 25 N is applied on the cord to drag it downward. Fly
wheel is mounted on a horizontal axle with frictionless bearings. Find
a) the angular acceleration of the wheel and
b) the work done by the pull, when 2 m of the cord is unwound.
47. A sphere of aluminium of 0.047 kg placed for sufficient time in a vessel containing boiling
water, so that the sphere is at 100 ℃. It is then immediately transferred to 0.14 kg copper
calorimeter containing 0.25 kg of water at 20 ℃. The temperature of water rises and attains
a steady state at 23 ℃. Calculate the specific heat capacity of aluminium. (Specific heat of
water is 4186 Jkg-1K-1, specific heat of copper is 386 Jkg-1K-1)
48. A wave travelling along a string described by 𝑦(𝑥, 𝑡) = 0.005 sin(80.0𝑥 – 3.0𝑡), in which
numerical constants are in S. I. units. Calculate
a) amplitude d) wavelength and
b) period of wave e) speed of propagation of wave.
c) frequency


Time: 3 hours 15 minutes Max.Marks:70

General Instructions:
(i) All parts are compulsory.
(ii) Part – A questions have to be answered in the first two pages of the answer – booklet.
For Part – A questions, first written – answer will be considered for awarding marks.
(iii) Answers without relevant diagram/figure/circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.
(iv) Direct answers to Numerical problems without detailed solutions will not carry any marks.

I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following
questions 15 x 1 = 15

1. Which of the following ratios express pressure

A) force/area B) energy/volume C) force/ volume D) work/area

2. Relation between initial velocity (𝑣0), final velocity (𝑣), acceleration (𝑎) and time (𝑡) is
A) 𝑎𝑡 = 𝑣 − 𝑣0 B) 𝑣0 = 𝑣𝑡 + 𝑎 C) 𝑎 = (𝑣 − 𝑣0)𝑡 D) 𝑣0 = 𝑣 + 𝑎𝑡

3. If resultant of two vectors 𝑃⃗ and 𝑄⃗⃗ is |𝑃⃗ -𝑄⃗⃗ | then angle between 𝑃⃗ and 𝑄⃗⃗ is
A) 0° B) 45° C) 90° D) 180°

4. If external force on a body is zero, then its

A) displacement is zero B) velocity is zero
C) acceleration is zero D) none of these

5. When a body is thrown vertically upwards, work done by gravity is

A) positive B) zero C) negative D) can’t predict

6. Torque acting on a body is rotational analogue of

A) mass B) force C) velocity D) kinetic energy

7. Kepler’s law of areas is the law of conversation of

A) linear momentum B) energy
C) angular momentum D) mass
8. The upward lift of an aeroplane is due to a phenomenon described by
A) Archimede’s principle B) Pascal’s law
C) buoyancy principle D) Bernoulli’s principle

9. For a perfectly black body at temperature 𝑇 and the wavelength emitted is maximum(𝜆𝑚)
A) 𝜆𝑚 𝛼 𝑇 B) 𝜆𝑚 𝛼 𝑇 C) 𝜆𝑚 𝛼 𝑇2
D) 𝜆𝑚 is independent of temperature

10. The amount of heat conducted through a metal rod is directly proportional to
A) time during which heat flows B) area of cross section
C) temperature gradient D) all of these

11. The efficiency of heat engine working between 𝑇1 & 𝑇2 (𝑇1 > 𝑇2) is given by
𝑇1 𝑇2 𝑇2
A) 1 − B) 1 − C) 1 + D) 𝑇2
𝑇2 𝑇1 𝑇1 𝑇1

12. Ratio of specific heat for a mono atomic gas is

A) 7/5 B) 5/3 C) 5/7 D) 3/5

13. In a simple harmonic motion the particle is

A) always accelerated B) always retarded
C) alternately accelerated and retarded D) neither accelerated nor retarded

14. The quantity which does not change, when sound enters from one medium to another is
A) wavelength B) speed C) frequency D) amplitude

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL the
following questions 5x1=5
(mass, directly, Doppler’s effect, Reynold’s number, momentum)
16. Recoiling of gun explains law of conservation of .

17. The value of acceleration due to gravity is independent of of the body.

18. determines nature of flow of fluid in a pipe.

19. Average kinetic energy of gas is proportional to temperature of the gas.

20. The apparent change in observed frequency of sound due to relative motion between the
source and listener is called .

III. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10

21. What are conservative laws? Give an example.

22. Draw position – time graph for a body moving with increasing velocity.

23. Explain scalar product of two vectors with an example.

24. Show that power is equal to dot product of force and velocity.

25. Differentiate between centre of mass and centre of gravity.

26. Mention two applications of polar satellites.

27. State first law of thermodynamics. Mention its significance.

28. What are degrees of freedom of gas molecule? Mention an expression relating degrees of
freedom and ratio of specific heats.

29. Mention two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.

IV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions 5 x 3 = 15
30. Explain parallax method of determining large distances.

31. Derive an expression for magnitude of resultant of two concurrent vectors.

32. State laws of friction.

33. A man pushes a roller with a force of 50 N through a distance of 20 m. Calculate the work
done by him if the handle of the roller is inclined at 60° with the ground.

34. State and explain parallel axes theorem.

35. Derive an expression for young’s modulus in the case of a cylindrical wire stretched by

36. State Pascal’s law. Mention two applications of Pascal’s law.

37. Derive 𝛼𝑉 = 𝑇 for an ideal gas.

38. Mention three differences between progressive waves and stationary waves.
V. Answer any THREE of the following questions 3 x 5 = 15
39. Derive the expression, 𝑣2 = 𝑣02 + 2𝑎𝑥 using velocity – time graph.

40. State Newton’s second law of motion and hence arrive at the expression 𝐹 = 𝑚𝑎, where
symbols have their usual meanings.

41. State the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Prove it in the case of a freely fallingbody.

42. i. State and explain Newton’s law of gravitation. 2

ii. Derive the relation between ‘𝑔’ and ‘𝐺’ 3

43. Derive an expression for work done in an isothermal process.

44. i. Derive an expression for potential energy of a particle executing SHM 3

ii) At what positions potential energy of a particle executing SHM is maximum andminimum? 2

VI. Answer any TWO of the following questions 2 x 5 = 10

45. The ceiling of a long hall is 20 m high. A ball is thrown with a speed of 39.2 ms-1. Calculate
a) angle of projection
b) maximum horizontal distance covered by the ball such that the ball moves without hitting
ceiling (g=9.8 ms-2)
46.AA solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates about its axis with angular speed of 100 rads -1. The radius
of cylinder is 0.25 m.
a) What is the kinetic energy associated with rotation of the cylinder?
b) What is the magnitude of momentum of cylinder about its axis?
47. A brass boiler has a base area 0.15 m2 and thickness 1.0 cm. It boils the water at a rate of
6.0 kg per minute when placed on a gas stove. Estimate the temperature of part of the flame in
contact with boiler. ( Thermal conductivity of brass = 109 Wm-1K-1 and heat of vaporization of
water = 2256x103 Jkg-1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Q. NO. 16. Force Q. NO. 19. Temperature

Q. NO. 17. Gravitational pull Q. NO. 20. Segment
Q. NO. 18. Critical velocity


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Q. NO. 16. Impulsive force Q. NO. 19. Large

Q. NO. 17. Zero Q. NO. 20. Beats
Q. NO. 18. Decreases


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Q. NO. 16. Law of conservation of Q. NO. 18. Pascal’s law

momentum Q. NO. 19. Number density
Q. NO. 17. Pole Q. NO. 20. Isothermal


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Q. NO. 16. Momentum

Q. NO. 17. Mass
Q. NO. 18. Reynold’s number
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