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2PAA107043-510 en System 800xa 5.1 .NET Aspects Programmers Guide

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System 800xA

.NET Aspects Programmers Guide

System Version 5.1

Power and productivity

for a better world
System 800xA
.NET Aspects Programmers Guide

System Version 5.1

This document contains information about one or more ABB products and may include a
description of or a reference to one or more standards that may be generally relevant to
the ABB products. The presence of any such description of a standard or reference to a
standard is not a representation that all of the ABB products referenced in this document
support all of the features of the described or referenced standard. In order to determine
the specific features supported by a particular ABB product, the reader should consult the
product specifications for the particular ABB product.

ABB may have one or more patents or pending patent applications protecting the intel-
lectual property in the ABB products described in this document.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that
may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB be
liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hard-
ware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written per-
mission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used
for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license. This
product meets the requirements specified in EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC and in Low
Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC.

All rights to copyrights, registered trademarks, and trademarks reside with their respec-
tive owners.

Copyright © 2003-2011 by ABB.

All rights reserved.

Release: August 2011

Document number: 2PAA107043-510
Table of Contents

About This User Manual

General ..............................................................................................................................7
User Manual Conventions .................................................................................................8
Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons..................................................................8
Released User Manuals and Release Notes.....................................................................12

Section 1 - Introduction

Section 2 - Design Issues

Conceptual Issues ............................................................................................................17
Disposing of Objects ............................................................................................17
Performance Issues ..........................................................................................................18
Persistent Data......................................................................................................18
Process Data Access.............................................................................................18

Section 3 - Integration
Definition Files (.add)......................................................................................................19
Definition Files and .NET Assemblies.................................................................20

Section 4 - Programming
Implementation Bindings ................................................................................................25
Signing .............................................................................................................25
System Access .................................................................................................................26

2PAA107043-510 5
Table of Contents

Aspect Persistent Data..................................................................................................... 28

Data Versioning ............................................................................................................... 31
Navigation ....................................................................................................................... 32
Context Menu.................................................................................................................. 33
Workplace information.................................................................................................... 33
Process Data Access........................................................................................................ 34
System Messages ................................................................................................. 35
Aspect Verbs ........................................................................................................ 37
National Language Support............................................................................................. 39
System Resource Access................................................................................................. 41
System Access Examples ................................................................................................ 41
Use Case 1 - Finding the Local Computers Node Group .................................... 41
Use Case 2 - Looking up Object Placements....................................................... 44

Section 5 - Tutorial
Preparations..................................................................................................................... 45
Creating the C# Project........................................................................................ 45
Implementation Binding ...................................................................................... 46
Implementing the Main View.......................................................................................... 49
Implementing a Config View .......................................................................................... 51
Persistent Data ..................................................................................................... 51
Config View ......................................................................................................... 53
Reacting to Events ............................................................................................... 54
Data Versioning ............................................................................................................... 56
System Access................................................................................................................. 58
Sending Audit Messages ................................................................................................. 59

6 2PAA107043-510
About This User Manual

Any security measures described in this User Manual, for example, for user
access, password security, network security, firewalls, virus protection, etc.,
represent possible steps that a user of an 800xA System may want to consider
based on a risk assessment for a particular application and installation. This risk
assessment, as well as the proper implementation, configuration, installation,
operation, administration, and maintenance of all relevant security related
equipment, software, and procedures, are the responsibility of the user of the
800xA System.
The Programmers Guide provides guidelines for development of aspect systems
using .NET technology. The Programmers Guide includes the following sections:
Section 1, Introduction. describes the development of aspect systems using .NET
Section 2, Design Issues. Describes how to identify design issues while planning the
development of aspect systems.
Section 3, Integration. Describes how to integrate the implementation of aspect
systems, developed with .NET technology, into 800xA.
Section 4, Programming. Provides practical advice on .NET programming for
development of an aspect system.
Section 5, Tutorial. Provides step-by-step instructions to create an aspect view using
The support functionality for aspect development in .NET technology is available
from 800xA 5.1 Feature Pack 1 onwards, and the required .NET Framework version
is 3.5.

2PAA107043-510 7
User Manual Conventions About This User Manual

User Manual Conventions

Microsoft Windows conventions are normally used for the standard presentation of
material when entering text, key sequences, prompts, messages, menu items, screen
elements, etc.

Warning, Caution, Information, and Tip Icons

This User Manual includes Warning, Caution, and Information where appropriate to
point out safety related or other important information. It also includes Tip to point
out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as
Electrical warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in
electrical shock.

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard that could result in personal
Caution icon indicates important information or warning related to the concept
discussed in the text. It might indicate the presence of a hazard that could result
in corruption of software or damage to equipment/property.
Information icon alerts the reader to pertinent facts and conditions.

Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your project or how to
use a certain function
Although Warning hazards are related to personal injury, and Caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that
operation of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result
in degraded process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore,
fully comply with all Warning and Caution notices.

A complete and comprehensive list of terms is included in System 800xA System
Guide Functional Description (3BSE038018*). The listing includes terms and

8 2PAA107043-510
About This User Manual Terminology

definitions that apply to the 800xA System where the usage is different from
commonly accepted industry standard definitions and definitions given in standard
dictionaries such as Webster’s Dictionary of Computer Terms. Terms that uniquely
apply to this User Manual are listed in the following table.

Table 1. Associated Terms

Term Description
Alarm Properties An alarm is an abnormal state of a condition associated
with an Aspect Object™. For example, the object FC101
may have the following conditions associated with it:
Sensor error, flow over range, totalizer exceeded.
An alarm is active as long as the abnormal state of the
corresponding condition persists. An alarm is
unacknowledged until a user acknowledges it.
Alarm properties are global properties, which means that
every object in the system have these properties. Global
properties are defined on an aspect placed at the central
place in the system, and not on every object. The ID of
the aspect that provides global alarm properties is given
as a constant in ABB.xA.Base.DataSubscriptionAspects.
Application It serves as an interface between different software
Programming Interface programs for interaction between them. This is similar to
(API) the way the user interface allows interaction between
humans and computers.
API can be created for applications, libraries, operating
systems, and so on. It may include specifications for
routines, data structures, and object classes.
Aspect An aspect is the description of properties of an Aspect
Object. Some examples of aspects are name, device
management, DMS, and asset monitor.
Aspect Blob For each aspect, data is stored in the aspect directory in
a large binary object called blob. This is provided as a
service directly from the system.

2PAA107043-510 9
Terminology About This User Manual

Table 1. Associated Terms (Continued)

Term Description
Aspect Category Specialization of an aspect type. For example, the Asset
Monitors aspect type includes all of the Basic Asset
Monitor aspect categories.
Aspect Object A computer representation of real objects such as
pumps and valves or a number of virtual objects such as
service or object type. An Aspect Object is described by
its aspects and organised in structures.
Aspect Object Type Defines certain characteristics that are shared between
several object instances, such as a basic set of common
aspects. This makes it possible to create and efficiently
re-use standardized solutions to frequently recurring
problems. For example, rather than building an object
from scratch for every valve in a plant, you can define a
set of valve types, and then create all valve objects of
these instances.
Aspect Persistent Data Aspect state, stored persistently in the aspect directory.
Aspect Server A server that runs the central functions of the Aspect
Object architecture, such as Aspect Directory, Structure
and Name Server, Cross Referencing, File Set
Distribution, etc. Contains all Aspect Objects and their
Aspect System A software system, which implements one or several
aspect types by providing one or several aspect system
Aspect Verbs A framework function that offers custom functionality
through the IAfwAspectVerb interface published through
the .add file. The Aspect verb action appears in the
aspect context menus.
Aspect View Aspects can be presented in a number of ways
depending on the task performed e.g. viewing or
configuration. Each presentation form is called a view.

10 2PAA107043-510
About This User Manual Terminology

Table 1. Associated Terms (Continued)

Term Description
Audit Messages Audit messages are a logging of operator actions.
Component Object A binary-interface standard introduced by Microsoft in
Model (COM) 1993 that allows creation of software components. It is
used to integrate custom applications and to enable
inter-process communication and dynamic object
creation in a large range of programming languages.
The term ‘COM’ is often used in the Microsoft software
development industry as an umbrella term that
encompasses the OLE, OLE Automation, ActiveX,
COM+ and DCOM technologies.
Context Menu Appears when you right-click on an aspect object or an
aspect. Lists aspect operations, actions, aspects, and
global operations.
Node A computer communicating on a network, for example,
the Internet, Plant, Control, or I/O network. Typically,
each node has a unique node address with a format,
depending on the network to which it is connected.
Personal Computer A computer running the Windows operating system.
Permission A permission groups a set of operations that require the
same authority. For each operation defined for an aspect
or OPC property, the aspect category specifies the
permission required to use that operation.

2PAA107043-510 11
Released User Manuals and Release Notes About This User Manual

Table 1. Associated Terms (Continued)

Term Description
Security Security controls a user’s authority to perform different
operations on Aspect Objects, depending on several
The user’s credentials, as provided by Windows.
The node where the user is logged in. This makes it
possible to give a user different authority depending on
where he/she is located, e.g. close to the process
equipment, in a control room, or at home accessing the
system through Internet.
The object the user wants to perform the operation on.
Server A node that runs one or several Services.
Structure A hierarchical tree organization of Aspect Objects that
describes the dependencies between objects. An Aspect
Object can exist in multiple structures, for example, both
in a Functional Structure and in a Location Structure.
System System 800xA Base.
Windows It is an application programming interface (API) in the
Communication .NET Framework for building connected, service-
Foundation (WCF) oriented applications.
Windows Presentation It is a software graphical subsystem in the .NET
Foundation (WPF) Framework for rendering user interfaces in Windows-
based applications. WPF uses XAML to define and link
various user interface elements.

Released User Manuals and Release Notes

A complete list of all User Manuals and Release Notes applicable to System 800xA
is provided in System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes

12 2PAA107043-510
About This User Manual Released User Manuals and Release Notes

System 800xA Released User Manuals and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is

updated each time a document is updated or a new document is released. It is in pdf
format and is provided in the following ways:
• Included on the documentation media provided with the system and published
to ABB SolutionsBank when released as part of a major or minor release,
Service Pack, Feature Pack, or System Revision.
• Published to ABB SolutionsBank when a User Manual or Release Note is
updated in between any of the release cycles listed in the first bullet.
A product bulletin is published each time System 800xA Released User Manuals
and Release Notes (3BUA000263*) is updated and published to ABB

2PAA107043-510 13
Released User Manuals and Release Notes About This User Manual

14 2PAA107043-510
Section 1 Introduction

In the 800xA system, applications have to be built as aspect systems to be well-

integrated into Process Portal A, so that these applications can participate in
framework activities and use framework functions.
The integration platform in Process Portal A is based on COM technology, hence
the aspects of Process Portal A must be implemented in terms of COM objects. To
support the implementation of aspects in the .NET technology, a COM/.NET
adapter has been introduced, which handles all the communication from the Process
Portal A platform to the classes in the .NET assembly. See Figure 1. In this way,
aspects can be implemented in .NET and the aspect developers need not be
concerned with COM.

Figure 1. .Net Aspect System Assembly Integration

Aspects implemented with .NET technology have access to a limited set of

operations for communication with System 800xA. This is available through a new,
limited and safe .NET programming API (Application Programming Interface),
which will be referred to as Services throughout this user manual.

2PAA107043-510 15
Section 1 Introduction

The aspect can store data persistently in the aspect blob. This is provided as a
service directly from the system.
The process of creating a new aspect type using .NET can be divided into two tasks:
1. Plan the functionality of an aspect and write an .add file. The .add file contains a
description of the functionality offered by the aspect. For details, see Section 3,
2. Write the actual implementation code using Visual Studio and C#. For details, see
Section 4, Programming.

16 2PAA107043-510
Section 2 Design Issues

This section will help you to identify design issues while planning the development
of an aspect system.

Conceptual Issues
Disposing of Objects
It is important to free resources that are not managed, such as files, streams, and
handles, held by objects of the created classes; otherwise, the workplace may crash
due to overload on the system memory. If there are objects that require disposal, call
the dispose method on the aspect implementation classes in .NET. In an aspect view,
objects should be disposed from the implementation of the Disconnecting method of
the IAspectView interface. Inherit the classes from IDisposable and implement the
dispose method. Ensure that the dispose call is propagated throughout the
containment chain to free all the held resources.
For example, if an object A allocates an object B, and object B allocates an object C,
then A's dispose implementation must call dispose on B, which must in turn call
dispose on C. Objects must also call the dispose method of their base class if the
base class implements IDisposable.
Avoid using Microsoft standard interoperability in aspect implementation
because it may cause memory and threading problems, leading to workplace

2PAA107043-510 17
Performance Issues Section 2 Design Issues

Performance Issues
Persistent Data
Avoid reading/writing data frequently to the aspect persistent storage space, that is,
more than once per second, depending on the data size. Aspect persistent data is
designed for configuration data and for modestly sized data. Data sizes over 1
kilobyte are compressed automatically. Keep the data size as small as possible (that
is, a few kilobytes). Examples in this manual, such as those under the topic Aspect
Persistent Data on page 28, describe how to keep an updated copy of aspect
persistent data in the aspect implementation classes.

Process Data Access

The subscription for process data is done through OPC DA. Avoid frequent
subscribing and unsubscribing of the same properties because adding and removing
OPC items are costly operations.

The aspects developed in COM technology can implement a wide variety of
framework functions, such as, aspect views, aspect verbs, and data subscription
items. These aspects can also offer custom functionality through interfaces
published through the .add file. At the time of writing, the aspects developed using
.NET can implement only aspect views and aspect verbs.
Aspects developed in COM can send both system messages and audit messages. At
the time of writing, aspects developed using .NET technology can send only audit

18 2PAA107043-510
Section 3 Integration

Definition Files (.add)

In System 800xA, aspect implementations are added to the system through .add
files. The .add files contain information about Aspect System, Aspect Types, Aspect
Categories, Implementation Bindings, and Operations.
The easiest way to create and maintain .add files is to use AfwAdminTool
located in the bin folder of Process Portal A SDK.
Specifications of .NET implementations are not supported directly by
AfwAdminTool. Instead, they have to be entered into the .add file using a text editor.
Table 2 provides an overview of the elements in an .add file.

Table 2. Overview of the Elements in an .add File

Field Description
Aspect System An aspect system is a container for a collection of aspect types. Its
purpose is purely administrative.
Aspect Type An aspect type carries the complete implementation of an aspect.

2PAA107043-510 19
Definition Files and .NET Assemblies Section 3 Integration

Table 2. Overview of the Elements in an .add File (Continued)

Field Description
Aspect Category In System 800xA, an aspect instance is created from an aspect
category. An aspect category represents a ‘type’, in object-oriented
terms. An aspect category is a subtype of an aspect type. Aspect
categories derived from the same Aspect Type only differ by
identity. It is the aspect type that carries all the implementation.
Implementation The implementation of an aspect type is specified through the
Binding implementation bindings tied to the aspect type. The
implementation binding can specify operations to identify supported
interfaces. It also specifies a COM object that implements the

For more details on implementing an aspect using C#, see Section 5, Tutorial.

Figure 2. Elements of an .add file

Definition Files and .NET Assemblies

When an aspect is implemented in .NET, the .add file should be edited using a plain
text editor like Notepad, because AfwAdminTool.exe does not support .NET
implementation bindings.
The following example is an implementation binding entry, where the
implementation is realized in .NET.

20 2PAA107043-510
Section 3 Integration Definition Files and .NET Assemblies

id = "{7E4CD9F8-93FF-11D2-86B3-0000F87884BE}"
aspectId = "{7E4CD9F9-93FF-11D2-86B3-0000F87884BE}"
name = Example
clsid = "{1AAA2CB0-1EF1-4996-A987-B37604ADFEFC}"
assembly = "{9026671F-E2BE-4C15-BF7A-3F37DE6EF741}:Tutorial.dll"
operations {

The id and aspectId entries should be unique GUIDs created with an ID-generator.
One such entry is available under the Tools menu in Visual Studio.
The clsid must always be "{1AAA2CB0-1EF1-4996-A987-B37604ADFEFC}".
This is the clsid of a COM object in Process Portal A that acts as an adapter for the
.NET assembly. See Figure 1.
The implementation binding example has a single operation specified under
Operations. The operation identifier in the example corresponds to
IAfwAspectViewControl. This operation specifies that the binding implement an
aspect view.
A new value assembly is introduced to specify the assembly .dll file name.
The name of the .dll file should be written within quotation marks.

The assembly name should include the system extension ID, indicating where the
assembly is located. If the system extension ID is missing, the system searches for
the assembly in the bin folder of Process Portal A. This is convenient for
prototyping, but for a real product, a separate installation folder should be specified.
In System 800xA, functionality is added through system extensions. The developer
may or may not have a released product in the form of a system extension for PPA.
If the developer has a released product and its system extension, then follow these

2PAA107043-510 21
Definition Files and .NET Assemblies Section 3 Integration

1. Put the new implementation binding specification entries in the existing .add
2. Take the system extension ID from the system extension of the existing product
and place it in front of the assembly name in the existing .add file.
For the syntax, see the example below:

assembly = "{9026671F-E2BE-4C15-BF7A-3F37DE6EF741}:Tutorial.dll"

However, if the developer does not have a released product and its system extension,
the .add file is also not available. In this case, to associate a new aspect with a new
product, follow these steps:
1. Write an .add file containing a description of the functionality offered by the
aspect. Use the AfwAdminTool located in the bin folder of Process Portal A
SDK to write the .add file.
2. Take the system extension ID from the system extension of the new product.
3. Put the implementation binding specification entry in the newly created .add
file using a plain text editor like Notepad, because AfwAdminTool.exe does not
support .NET implementation bindings.
4. Place the system extension ID in front of the assembly name in the new .add
The new aspect will now be associated with the new product.
Once a system extension is loaded into the Process Portal A, the system will be able
to locate the assembly. The assembly must be placed in the bin folder of the system
A system extension is created using Aspect Studio or Aspect Express. The
following lines are taken from the definition file of Aspect Express Packager, where
the value SysExtGUID is the system extension ID.

<FileInfo>Aspect Express product configuration file</FileInfo>

22 2PAA107043-510
Section 3 Integration Definition Files and .NET Assemblies


If Aspect Studio is used for packaging of the product, the system extension is
defined by a C++ COM project.
The following example is an excerpt from the Process Portal A system extension
project where CLSID_AfwAIPSysExt is the system extension ID.

class ATL_NO_VTABLE CProcessPortal :

public CComCoClass<CProcessPortal, &CLSID_AfwAIPSysExt>,
public IAfwSystemExtensionInfo,
public CExtensionHelper,
public IAfwSystemExtensionUpgrade,
public IAfwCreateSystem
CProcessPortal() :
m_bAddPropertyServer (false),
m_version = _AFW_VERSION;
m_buildNumber = _AFW_BUILD_NO;


2PAA107043-510 23
Definition Files and .NET Assemblies Section 3 Integration

The .idl file contains the GUID that is recognized as CLSID_AfwAIPSysExt system
extension ID. The line assembly = "{E4D66305-21F0-4397-8CE7-
CF06736591BD}:Tutorial.dll" specified in the implementation binding in the
.add file indicates that the assembly file Tutorial.dll is located in the Process Portal
A \ bin directory. The midl compiler creates the CLSID_AfwAIPSysExt system
extension ID from uuid(E4D66305-21F0-4397-8CE7-CF06736591BD) in the
.idl file excerpt below.


helpstring("AfwAIPSysExt Class")
coclass AfwAIPSysExt
[default] interface IUnknown;

24 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming

Implementation Bindings
State and behavior are added to an aspect type through implementation bindings. To
support an implementation binding, a .NET class must have an implementation
binding attribute. The GUID of the attribute should be the same as that of the
binding definition in the .add file. For a description of .add files, see Section 3,
The following example shows the binding attribute on a C# class that implements an
aspect view.

[AspectView(ViewId.Main, "Main view", UserRoleIndex.View)]
public partial class MyMainView : UserControl, IAspectView

Implementation bindings have to be approved and signed by ABB before they can
be deployed to a customer's system. Without a properly signed implementation
binding, an aspect view receives a warning message, as shown in Figure 3.

2PAA107043-510 25
System Access Section 4 Programming

Figure 3. Aspect View Warning Message for Missing or Incorrect Signature

A signed implementation binding attribute has a second argument which is the



To become an approved supplier and to get implementation bindings signed, contact

the product supplier responsible for Process Portal A.

System Access
Process Portal A is accessed programmatically through a set of services available in
the ABB.xA.base assembly. Depending on the application, there are different
methods to access the services.
A program (.exe) accesses the Base Services of the Process Portal A system through
a high-level object of System 800xA. The program is then responsible for disposing
the base services instance.

IDisposableBaseServices baseServices;

26 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming ViewSite

baseServices = System800xA.GetCurrent().GetBaseServices();

An aspect view accesses the services through its ViewSite. Since the ViewSite is
owned by the workplace, the aspect view need not dispose the base services
instance. Hence, the interface returned does not even have a dispose method.

IBaseServices baseServices =;

An aspect view accesses the system services through its ViewSite reference. To
receive the reference, the aspect view must implement the interface IAspectView
from the ABB.xA.Base assembly.
This interface has the following members:
• void Connecting ()

Called after the aspect view gets its ViewSite reference. Only after this point,
you can start accessing the system, connect event handlers, and read the
persistent data. Do not use alternatives, like the user control's Load event.
• void Disconnecting ()

Called before the aspect view is closed. The user control is disconnected but
not disposed at this point. Use this method to release the resources immediately
after the aspect view is closed.
• IAspectViewSite ViewSite { get; set; }

Aspect ViewSite is the aspect view's connection to the system. Through

ViewSite, it can access the system functions, and get notifications. The
ViewSite property is set by the workplace before Connecting is called.
The Aspect ViewSite has the following members:
• AspectRef Aspect { get; }

Specifies the identity of the aspect for which this object implements a view.

• IBaseServices BaseServices { get; }

2PAA107043-510 27
Aspect Persistent Data Section 4 Programming

Denotes a reference to the base services that give access to Aspect and object-
related operations.
• IWorkplaceServices WorkplaceServices { get; }

Denotes a reference to the workplace services that offer workplace functions,

like navigation and context menu.
• object GetNavigationParameter(string key);

If the source of a navigation sends parameters, then the parameters can be read
in the destination view, using the GetNavigationParameter method of the
ViewSite. Parameters are key/value pairs where the key is a parameter name.

event EventHandler AspectDeleted;

event EventHandler<AspectChangedEventArgs> AspectChanged;

These two events are notifications regarding the aspect.

If the persistent data (blob) or any other state has changed, then the
AspectChanged event is raised. The event argument states the reason for the
If the aspect is being deleted, then the AspectDeleted event is raised. At this
point, the aspect no longer exists inside the system, and the persistent aspect
data cannot be read or written.

Aspect Persistent Data

Designing aspects using COM technology involves developing a View ASO and a
Data ASO.
A Data ASO is a COM object that keeps unpacked aspect data and exposes interface
methods to manipulate the data. The aspect view communicates with the Data ASO
to get data for the view, and to write changes.
Developing an aspect in .NET does not involve a Data ASO. Data access is available
as a service in the API.

28 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming Aspect Persistent Data

The aspect view should maintain an updated unpacked copy of the aspect data.
When a user modifies the aspect view, the modifications should be stored locally
until the user decides to apply the changes. Only after applying the changes, the data
should be written to the Aspect Directory.
Aspect Objects Services from Base Services have the GetAspectData method to get
and the SetAspectData method to set aspect persistent data in the aspect blob. This
data is stored in the aspect blob in a compressed text format. For convenience, the
same methods are also available as extension methods on the aspect ViewSite.

this.myData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<MyData>();

GetAspectData and SetAspectData operate on a user-defined data class. The data

class is defined using WCF data contracts. The class and the persistable members
are annotated with attributes for serialization.

using System.Runtime.Serialization;

[DataContract(Name = "MyData")]
public class MyData
public string Name { get; set; }

A minimum aspect implementation keeps at least a member of the data class and a
Boolean to indicate whether the data is changed locally or not.

public partial class MyConfigView: UserControl, IAspectView

#region Data
private bool modified = false;
private MyData myData;

2PAA107043-510 29
Aspect Persistent Data Section 4 Programming

When the aspect view is first shown, the persistent data is read to the local data
object. An event handler is set up on the ‘Aspect Changed’ event so that the data can
be refreshed, as required.

public void Connecting()

// Connect an aspect changed event handler
this.ViewSite.AspectChanged += new

// Read persistent data

this.myData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<MyData>();
// Update UI
this.txtName.Text = this.myData.Name;

When an aspect change is detected, the data can be refreshed.

void ViewSite_AspectChanged(object sender, AspectChangedEventArgs e)

// We are only interested in persistent data changes
if ((e.Details & AspectChangeDetails.Blob) != 0)
// Aspect has changed, read persistent data.
this.myData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<MyData>();
// Update UI
this.txtName.Text = this.myData.Name;
this.modified = false;

Aspect data is saved when the Apply button is clicked.

private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

30 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming Data Versioning

// Update data object from UI
this.myData.Name = this.txtName.Text;
// Save persistent data
this.Modified = false;

Before the aspect view is closed, any unsaved local changes in aspect data have to
be saved persistently.

public void Disconnecting()

if (this.modified)
// -- Optionally, launch a "Save changes YES/NO" dialog here

// Update data object from UI

this.myData.Name = this.txtName.Text;
// Save persistent data

Data Versioning
The persistent data classes support versioning through the WCF (Windows
Communication Foundation) standard. For example, if a new data member is
required, a new class with the same data contract name is defined and used instead
of the original class. In the following example, a new member Information is added.
[DataContract(Name = "MyData")]
public class MyData2
public string Name { get; set; }


2PAA107043-510 31
Navigation Section 4 Programming

public string Information { get; set; }

void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext context)
// Set default values before deserializing
this.Information = "Default information";
#region Data
private bool modified = false;
private MyData2 myData;

If an aspect blob containing serialized data from MyData is read into MyData2
object, then the Information member of MyData2 gets the default value "Default

this.myData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<MyData2>();

Navigation is a command from an operator to the workplace to show an aspect view.
The workplace configuration decides where the aspect view should be displayed.
Navigation from an aspect view to another aspect view is available through a set of
navigation methods from Workplace Services. The aspect view gets Workplace
Services from its View Host. The following example shows navigation to the default
aspect of an object defined by its ID.
Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters.Add("Message", "Kalle Kula");
this.ViewSite.WorkplaceServices.Navigate(objId, parameters);

The navigation parameter message can be read by the target view. Only strings and
value types can be sent as a parameter.

32 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming Context Menu

The target aspect view can read navigation parameters through a method on the

string parameter = (string)site.GetNavigationParameter("Message")

if (parameter != null)
label1.Text = (string)parameter;
label1.Text = "No parameter supplied!

Context Menu
The system context menu for an aspect or an object from any aspect view is a key
feature of System 800xA. An aspect view implemented in .NET technology can
display the system context menu through Workplace Services.


Workplace information
From an aspect view, it is possible to listen for events from panes in the workplace.
If the contents of a pane is changed or if a content is closed, a PaneNotification
event is raised. The following example shows how to monitor when the contents of
the preview area of the workplace is replaced. The example also shows how to
retrieve information about a specific pane.
IWorkplaceServices ws = this.ViewSite.WorkplaceServices;
// Set up an event handler
ws.PaneNotification += new
// Subscribe for events from the pane with name idPreView
// Event handler that shows the URL of the new contents
void WS_PaneNotification(object sender, PaneNotificationArgs e)
if (e.Reason == PaneNotificationReason.ChangedContent)

2PAA107043-510 33
Process Data Access Section 4 Programming

PaneInfo pi = ws.GetPaneInfo(e.PaneName);

Process Data Access

The Process data from the system can be read through IDataSubscriptionServices.
The values are read by setting up a subscription for value changes on data
properties. The properties are represented by a Property Reference class consisting
of an aspect reference and a property name. After subscribing for properties, an
event with the current values arrives immediately after the call for all the properties
in the subscription. After this, only property changes will generate an event. When
change notifications are no longer required for a collection of properties, the
subscription can be stopped by unsubscribing the properties through
The following example shows how to subscribe for IsAlarmActive property value
from an object. Alarm properties are global properties, which means that every
object in the system have these properties. Global properties are defined on an
aspect placed at the central place in the system, and not on every object. The ID of
the aspect that provides global alarm properties is given as a constant in

using GlobalAlarmAspects = ABB.xA.Base.Constants.AlarmAndEvent.Aspects;

IDataSubscriptionServices ds =
// Hook up an event handler for data changes
ds.DataChanged += new

// Subscribe for the IsAlarmActive property on my object

AspectRef alarmProperties =
new AspectRef(this.ViewSite.Aspect.ObjectId,

SubscriptionResult res = ds.Subscribe(

34 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming System Messages

new PropertyReference(alarmProperties, "ISALARMACTIVE"));

if (res.MasterResult == SubscriptionMasterResult.ItemError)
… take care of item errors

// Event handler for value changes for properties that

// have been subscribed for
void DSServices_DataChanged(object sender, DataChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (var value in e.Values)
… process values

System Messages
Audit messages can be sent from aspects developed in .NET. To send an audit
message, a suitable system message is required. System messages and message
sources can be defined for the product using AfwSysMsgDefineTool
located in the Process Portal A\bin directory.
The output is a .mdd file that must be placed in the \mdd directory of your product,
for example, C:\<your_product_name>\mdd
Figure 4 shows a message definition of the message class Operator Action audit
event. This message has two parameters, Name and Text. These two parameters
must be supplied by the sender of the message.

2PAA107043-510 35
System Messages Section 4 Programming

Figure 4. Message Definition Tool

Audit messages can be sent through Security Services. The following example
shows how an audit event is sent, based on a system message, with two embedded
parameters, Name and Text.

true, // Postpone until transaction completed
new MessageSourceId("{4FDD4A63-95D1-4963-8983-A5ABD7D03579}"),
new MessageId("{54EF7599-99D9-40F4-A1D1-BB3CE8718C78}"),
new SystemMessageParameter("Name", this.myData.Name),
new SystemMessageParameter("Text", this.myData.Text));

36 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming Aspect Verbs

Aspect Verbs
Aspect verbs and object verbs are actions that appear in the Aspect and Object
context menus. Aspect verbs and/or object verbs are implemented as a static method
on any class in the assembly. The static method that implements a verb should be
annotated with the AspectVerb attribute from the ABB.xA.Base assembly. The class
must have the correct binding attribute, so that it is bound to the aspect through the
implementation binding, as discussed in Section 3, Integration.
Besides writing the verb method code, add an operation in the .add file. In the
following example, the added operation, shown in bold face, is IAfwAspectVerb, that
tells the aspect system that the implementation binding also publishes verbs. The
other operation shown in the following example is IAfwAspectViewControl for
aspect views.

id = "{7E4CD9F8-93FF-11D2-86B3-0000F87884BE}"
aspectId = "{7E4CD9F9-93FF-11D2-86B3-0000F87884BE}"
name = Example
clsid = "{1AAA2CB0-1EF1-4996-A987-B37604ADFEFC}"
assembly = "TestAspectSystem.dll"
operations {

Member variables of a class implementing a verb cannot be used in the verb

method. To enforce this rule, the verb methods are made static. A user control
can, for example, implement both an aspect view and a verb method. The member
variables of the user control cannot be used by the verb implementation. A State
can be shared through aspect persistent data only. For more information on
persistent data, see the topic Persistent Data on page 18.
The default appearance of a declared aspect verb is visible, enabled and unchecked.
To change the default appearance before the context menu is shown, implement a
static method annotated with the AspectVerbControl attribute. The parameter for this

2PAA107043-510 37
Aspect Verbs Section 4 Programming

method is an IAspectVerbSite, which gives access to the system and aspect persistent
data. This method will be called just before the context menu is shown.

/// <summary>
/// Verb id's are integer values, and it is recommended to use an
/// enumeration for the values.
/// </summary>
enum VerbID
/// <summary>
/// This is an example implementation of an Aspect & object verb
/// The AspectVerbControl is optional and should only be implemented
/// if you want to control visibility and enable state of each
/// individual verb.
/// </summary>
public static class MyVerbs
public static void UpdateVerbState(IAspectVerbSite site)
site.ModifyVerbState(VerbID.TheVerb, true, true, true);
"The Verb",
ContextMenuContext.Object | ContextMenuContext.Aspect,
public static void TheVerb(IAspectVerbSite site)
IAspectObjectsServices aos;
aos = site.BaseServices.AspectObjectsServices;
ObjectInfo info = aos.GetObjectInfo(site.Aspect.ObjectId);
MessageBox.Show("The verb says: Hi I'm" + info.Name);

38 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming National Language Support


IAspectViewSite has members to get the aspect identity, to access the system, and to
alter verb appearances. Extension methods give access to aspect persistent data.

AspectRef Aspect { get; }

IBaseServices BaseServices { get; }
void ModifyVerbState(
object commandId,
bool isEnabled,
bool isChecked,
bool isVisible);
T GetAspectData<T>();
void SetAspectData<T>(T data);

National Language Support

The names of aspect view and aspect verb can be handled automatically with
National Language Support (NLS), using the standard Microsoft .NET
internationalization. This user manual does not cover the entire internationalization
process. It describes only the steps necessary to globalize an aspect implementation.
For the localization process, see the Microsoft documents.
To ‘globalize’ an aspect implementation, all the user interface names should be
replaced by the resource names. To create string resources for the names of aspect
view and aspect verb, open the resource editor in Visual Studio and add the default
view name and the verb name. These names will serve as fallback, if an appropriate
language satellite assembly is missing. The process of producing satellite
assemblies for different cultures is called ‘localization’, and will not be addressed

2PAA107043-510 39
National Language Support Section 4 Programming

Figure 5. Adding Resources

Add the Resources attribute to the class implementing an aspect view or an aspect
verb. The attribute specifies the base name for resource lookup within that class.
The default name is <your namespace> followed by .Properties.Resources. Verify
this by looking in the Resource.Designer.cs file.

enum VerbID

public static class MyVerbs
ContextMenuContext.Object | ContextMenuContext.Aspect,
public static void TheVerb(IAspectVerbSite site)

40 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming System Resource Access

If the satellite resource assembly does not exist, then the verb in this example will be
shown in the context menu as "The Verb", because this is the default resource.

System Resource Access

In Process Portal A, NLS-handled resources can be defined in resource aspects.
These resources can then be read from program code using IResourceServices.
The API uses types suitable for WPF for resources. This means that WPF elements
can be easily data-bound.
Using resources together with a WinForms control requires conversion to WinForms
types. The following example shows how to set the background color on a
WinForms control. The method ToDrawingColor converts the color to a

System.Windows.Media.Color colour;
IResourceServices rs = this.ViewSite.BaseServices.ResourceServices;
colour = rs.GetLogicalColor("HighAlarmText").Colors.FirstOrDefault();
this.label2.BackColor = colour.ToDrawingColor();

The following example shows how to set the font on a WinForms control. Font info
returned by the API has properties suitable for data binding to WPF controls. The
method ToFont makes a conversion to System.Drawing.Font.

FontInfo f = rs.GetFont("PPA9");
label2.Font = f.ToFont();

System Access Examples

System access is illustrated through a number of use cases that are, more or less,

Use Case 1 - Finding the Local Computers Node Group

This example illustrates a way to find the name of the node group to which the local
computer node belongs.

2PAA107043-510 41
Use Case 1 - Finding the Local Computers Node Group Section 4 Programming

Figure 6. Node Administration Structure

using StructureCategories =
using BasicObjectTypes = ABB.xA.Base.Constants.BasicObjectTypes;

IAspectObjectsServices aos = site.BaseServices.AspectObjectsServices;

// Get all placements in the Node Administration structure of the
// local computer node object. Take the first one found and display
// the name of its parent object.
NodeId localNode = site.BaseServices.SecurityServices.GetLocalNode();
StructureNodeRef placement = aos.GetObjectPlacements(
new ObjectId(localNode),
if (placement != null)
StructureNodeRef parent = aos.GetParent(placement);
ObjectInfo info = aos.GetObjectInfo(parent.ObjectId);

The output from this program is a dialog containing the text “All Nodes”.

42 2PAA107043-510
Section 4 Programming Use Case 1 - Finding the Local Computers Node Group

Figure 7. All Nodes

However, the method mentioned above has a problem. If the Node object has more
than one placement in the Node Administration structure, the result is not reliable
since an arbitrary placement is chosen.
It is obvious that more information is required to select the correct placements. The
node may belong to multiple node groups. In the following example, we accept
multiple parents of the object type Node Group.

// Get all placements in the Node Administration structure of the

// local computer node
NodeId localNode = site.BaseServices.SecurityServices.GetLocalNode();
IEnumerable<StructureNodeRef> placements = aos.GetObjectPlacements(
new ObjectId(localNode),
// Find the parents that are Node Group objects
foreach (var placement in placements)
StructureNodeRef parent = aos.GetParent(placement);
if (aos.GetObjectType(parent.ObjectId) == BasicObjectTypes.NodeGroup)
ObjectInfo info = aos.GetObjectInfo(parent.ObjectId);

2PAA107043-510 43
Use Case 2 - Looking up Object Placements Section 4 Programming

Use Case 2 - Looking up Object Placements

This example shows how to find all the placements in the Functional Structure of all
the objects named "Root". For this, we use a lookup function that gets its
information from Structure and Name Server.

using StructureCategories =
using NameCategories =

IAspectObjectsServices aos = site.BaseServices.AspectObjectsServices;

// Only consider basic name

AspectCategoryId[] names = {NameCategories.Name};
// Only consider Functional Structure
AspectCategoryId[] structs = { StructureCategories.FunctionalStructure };

IEnumerable<StructureNodeRef> placements =
aos.LookupObjectsPlacements("Root", names, structs, false);

If the structure restrictions are removed, and placements are accepted in all the
structures, then it becomes more compact. If no name and no structure categories
are specified, then all structures and only names of the category Name, are included
in the search scope.

IEnumerable<StructureNodeRef> placements =

44 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to create .NET aspect views using C# and how to work
with persistent data. An aspect view can be built as a WinForms or WPF control.
This tutorial describes how to create an aspect view with WinForms control.

Creating the C# Project
Create a new Windows Forms Control Library project and name it Tutorial. The
resulting assembly file now gets the name Tutorial.dll and the default namespace
will be Tutorial.

2PAA107043-510 45
Implementation Binding Section 5 Tutorial

Figure 8. New Project Dialog in Visual Studio

Implementation Binding
Before continuing with the user controls, add an implementation binding to the .add
file. For details on the entries of an implementation binding, see the topic Definition
Files and .NET Assemblies on page 20.
In many cases, an .add file may be already there as aspects are already written in
C++/COM. If there is an .add file and the new aspects should be a part of the same
product, then add the new contents to the existing file.
Add a new implementation binding to the .add file. This binding will represent the
new aspect view.
Create a new ID and a new Aspect ID using the Create GUID tool in Visual Studio.
Select Registry Format, as shown in Figure 9.

46 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Implementation Binding

Figure 9. GUID Tool in Visual Studio

id = " {EB9D0CAE-9F1B-4c93-AB79-C99E86DBA2D4}"
aspectId = "{C04BF975-B2DE-4464-805B-B31B8FED5056}"
name = "TutorialViews"

Add the clsid entry. The value for this ID is the same for all implementation
bindings that refers to a .NET assembly. See the topic Definition Files and .NET
Assemblies on page 20 for details.

clsid = "{1AAA2CB0-1EF1-4996-A987-B37604ADFEFC}"

Add the assembly entry:

assembly = "{9026671F-E2BE-4C15-BF7A-3F37DE6EF741}:Tutorial.dll"

The assembly value should be the name of the assembly file. In this case, the name
of the assembly file should be Tutorial.dll with the system extension ID of the

2PAA107043-510 47
Implementation Binding Section 5 Tutorial

product added at the front of the name. See the topic Definition Files and .NET
Assemblies on page 20 for a detailed discussion on .add files.
Finally, add the operation IAfwAspectViewControl to the implementation
binding. The GUID for the operation is found in the file AfwWebAsoSupport.add.

id = "{635D2C6F-1EA6-4D7B-9736-C011CB170C54}"
aspectId = "{63D37247-62C5-4CBF-8252-139FB5FF4EA0}"
name = IAfwAspectViewControl
opType = 1
iid = "{5B97AF08-5A2F-4D63-844C-E941A2461292}"
global = 1

This operation informs the system that the implementation binding is specifying
aspect views through this interface.
Now we have a complete implementation binding for the aspect view.

id = " {EB9D0CAE-9F1B-4c93-AB79-C99E86DBA2D4}"
aspectId = "{C04BF975-B2DE-4464-805B-B31B8FED5056}"
name = "TutorialViews"
clsid = "{1AAA2CB0-1EF1-4996-A987-B37604ADFEFC}"
assembly = "{9026671F-E2BE-4C15-BF7A-3F37DE6EF741}:Tutorial.dll"
operations {

48 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Implementing the Main View

Implementing the Main View

To become an aspect view, a user control needs to implement the IAspectView
interface from the ABB.xA.Base.Development namespace in the ABB.xA.Base.dll
assembly. Add a reference to the ABB.xA.Base assembly.

Figure 10. Add Reference Dialog

Add two using statements.

using ABB.xA.Base;
using ABB.xA.Base.Development;

To implement IAspectView.

#region IAspectView Members

public void Connecting()


2PAA107043-510 49
Implementing the Main View Section 5 Tutorial

public void Disconnecting()

public IAspectViewSite ViewSite { get; set; }


The user control also needs a couple of attributes. The AspectView attribute tells the
system that this class is an aspect view and attaches some configuration information
to it. In the following example, the attribute tells the system that this view is the
main view.

[AspectView(ViewId.Main, "Main view", UserRoleIndex.View)]

The Binding attribute informs the system about the implementation binding to
which this class belongs. The attribute carries a GUID that should match the
implementation binding ID in the .add file for the aspect system.


The following example shows the minimum implementation required for an aspect
view realized in .NET.

namespace Tutorial
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ABB.xA.Base;
using ABB.xA.Base.Development;
[AspectView(ViewId.Main, "Main view", UserRoleIndex.View)]
public partial class MainView: UserControl, IAspectView
#region Construction
public MainView()

50 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Implementing a Config View

#region IAspectView Members
public void Connecting()
public void Disconnecting()
public IAspectViewSite ViewSite { get; set; }

Implementing a Config View

In this tutorial, we will create a new aspect view configured as a configuration view.
Use the standard ID ViewId.ConfigView and the same implementation binding ID as
the main view.

[AspectView(ViewId.Config , "Config view",
public partial class ConfigView: UserControl, IAspectView
. . .

Persistent Data
Persistent data can be added to the aspect views.
Configuration data is stored persistently in the aspect blob using WCF (Windows
Communication Foundation) technology. The data is serialized and deserialized
using WCF serialization.
Add a reference to the System.Runtime.Serialization assembly to work with WCF
data contracts.

2PAA107043-510 51
Persistent Data Section 5 Tutorial

Figure 11. Add Reference Dialog

Create a new class and name it ConfigData. Add the DataContract attribute and the
using statements listed below. Add a new member of type string and annotate it with
the DataMember attribute.

using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using ABB.xA.Base;
[DataContract(Name = "Data")]
public class ConfigData
public string Name { get; set; }

52 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Config View

Config View
Create a new user control named ConfigView and add the attributes, as shown in the
following example. Add a textbox named txtName and a button named btnApply.
Now, when the user clicks the Apply button, the text in the text box will be stored

namespace Tutorial
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ABB.xA.Base;
using ABB.xA.Base.Development;

[AspectView(ViewId.ConfigView, "Config view",
public partial class ConfigView: UserControl, IAspectView
#region Private data
private ConfigData configData;
#region Construction
public ConfigView()
#region IAspectView Members
public void Connecting()
public void Disconnecting()
public IAspectViewSite ViewSite { get; set; }

2PAA107043-510 53
Reacting to Events Section 5 Tutorial

#region Event handlers

private void btnApply_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.configData.Name = this.txtName.Text;
#region Private methods
private void UpdateUI()
this.configData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<ConfigData>();
this.txtName.Text = this.configData.Name;

Reacting to Events
Subscribe to the AspectChanged event that is available on the ViewSite to act when
the aspect data is changed. Change the implementation of the Connecting method to
the following.

public void Connecting()

this.ViewSite.AspectChanged += (sender , e) =>
// We are only interested in persistent data changes
if ((e.Details & AspectChangeDetails.Blob) != 0)

54 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Reacting to Events

This code sets up an event handler, using a lambda expression that calls the
UpdateUI method when the aspect blob is changed.
To write the code in an orthodox manner, see the following example.

public void Connecting()

this.ViewSite.AspectChanged += new

void ViewSite_AspectChanged(object sender, AspectChangedEventArgs e)

// We are only interested in persistent data changes
if ((e.Details & AspectChangeDetails.Blob) != 0)

Add a private Boolean member named modified to be used for indicating that data
has been modified locally. Add the text changed event to the textbox.

private void txtName_TextChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

this.modified = true;
this.btnApply.Enabled = true;

Add a SaveData method.

private void SaveData()

this.configData.Name = this.txtName.Text;
this.modified = false;

Modify the btnApply_Click method and the UpdateUI method.

2PAA107043-510 55
Data Versioning Section 5 Tutorial

private void btnApply_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

private void UpdateUI()
this.configData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<ConfigData>();
this.txtName.Text = this.configData.Name;
this.modified = false;
this.btnApply.Enabled = false;

Change the implementation of the Disconnecting method to the following.

public void Disconnecting()

if (this.modified == true)
DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("The configuration
data has been modified.\r\n
Do you want to save the modified data?", "Save configuration
data?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
if (dialogResult == DialogResult.OK)

Data Versioning
For a released product, a new data member has to be added to the configuration data
class, sooner or later. However, there are now aspects that have their data saved in
the aspect blob in the old data format. To handle this, a data versioning scheme is
required where old data can be unserialized into a new version of the data class, and
WCF has a built-in support for this.
As described in this tutorial, to add an object ID field to the data, add a new class
named ConfigData2, in the same way as how the ConfigData class was

56 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Data Versioning

[DataContract(Name = "Data")]
public class ConfigData
public string Name { get; set; }

In the ConfigData2 class, add an ObjectId property. To set default values, use the
OnDeserializing attribute and implement a method called OnDeserializing that sets
the default values before the deserialization takes place. If the Name or ObjectId
properties are set in the data, the default values will be overridden.

[DataContract(Name = "Data")]
public class ConfigData2
public string Name { get; set; }

public ObjectId ObjectId { get; set; }

void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext context)
this.Name = "Default text";
this.ObjectId = ObjectId.Null;

Now, change the implementation so that the ConfigData2 type is used instead of the
ConfigData type. Also, call the GetAspectData and the SetAspectData methods
with ConfigData2 as the type parameter. These changes have been applied in the
code sample in the next topic System Access on page 58.

2PAA107043-510 57
System Access Section 5 Tutorial

System Access
The system can be accessed using methods on ViewSite.BaseServices. In the
following example, the UpdateUI method has been added to the MainView class.
The code reads an object ID from the data. If the object ID is null, look up an object
with the name stored in the aspect data. Use the FirstOrDefault extension method
provided by the System.Linq namespace to get the first object ID, or else use null, if
the object does not exist. If there is an object ID, use the GetObjectInfo method to
get information about the object.

public void UpdateUI()

this.configData = this.ViewSite.GetAspectData<ConfigData2>();

// Get the object id from the configuration data. If the the object id
// is null, then we lookup the object by name
var objectId = this.configData.ObjectId;
if (objectId == null || objectId == ObjectId.Null)
var objectName = this.configData.Name;
var objects = this.ViewSite.BaseServices.
objectId = objects.FirstOrDefault();
if (objectId != null)
var objectInfo = this.ViewSite.BaseServices.
// TODO: Use objectInfo to update UI elements

58 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Sending Audit Messages

Sending Audit Messages

In this example, a new system message is created that will be used to send an audit
message when the Name property is changed in the aspects data.
System message definitions can be created using the Message Definition Tool

Figure 12. Message Definition Tool

2PAA107043-510 59
Sending Audit Messages Section 5 Tutorial

To create system message definitions, follow these steps:

1. Open this .exe file located in the ..\Process Portal A\bin\ directory.
2. Save the system message as Tutorial.mdd.
3. Go to the Insert menu option and select Message Definition. Change the default
name from MessageDefinition-1 to NameChange. Change the class to
AuditEvent_ConfigurationChange and add FromValue; ToValue; in the
parameters field. Add the text "Name changed from '%FromValue%' to
'%ToValue%’” in the Short field of the Translation group.
The resulting message should look like the following example, except for the ID
field. The ID field is system-generated, so that your ID will be different.

Figure 13. Adding Message Definition

60 2PAA107043-510
Section 5 Tutorial Sending Audit Messages

4. Go to the Insert menu and select Source Definition. Change the default name
from SourceDefinition-1 to Tutorial. Add the text "Tutorial message definition"
in the Short field of the Translation group.
The resulting source definition should look like the following example, except for
the ID field.

Figure 14. Adding Source Definition

Add the system message to the system by selecting Register Definitions … in the
File menu.

2PAA107043-510 61
Sending Audit Messages Section 5 Tutorial

Now, using the newly created message, send an audit message using the
SecurityServices.GenerateAuditEvent method. In the following example, the
implementation of the SaveData method has been changed to generate an audit
event. The MessageId should be the value found in the ID field of the Tutorial
source definition, as shown in Figure 14. The value in the ID field of the
NameChange message definition should be MessageSourceId, as shown in
Figure 13.

private void SaveData()

// Send audit message
true, // Postpone until transaction completed
new MessageSourceId("{E9B680FB-B342-4bd5-AA9B-0A448CF7E5A4}"),
new MessageId("{031E5AB7-B3AB-4d61-B743-497A0706A0D2}"),
new SystemMessageParameter("FromValue", this.configData.Name ??
new SystemMessageParameter("ToValue", this.txtName.Text));

// Save aspect data

this.configData.Name = this.txtName.Text;

62 2PAA107043-510
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Control Systems
Wickliffe, Ohio, USA
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Control Systems
Phone: +65 6776 5711
Fax: +65 6778 0222

ABB Automation GmbH

Control Systems
Mannheim, Germany
Phone: +49 1805 26 67 76
Fax: +49 1805 77 63 29

Power and productivity

for a better world T

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