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Flash 8 Test Module 3

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NAME: ……………………………………………………………… CLASS: ………… DATE: ……………….


1. Listen to five recordings. Write the correct answer in the box: A, B or C.

1 Where should the boy go?


2 Where are the boy and girl?


3 What kind of holiday did the girl go on?


4 The girl is calling Tom to

A ask him why he is home sick.
B find out if he has his own tent.
C inform him about the school trip.

5 What did he do this morning?

A swam in the lake
B went on a hike
C had a barbeque ……….. / 5

2. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi (1–4). Do każdej z nich dobierz właściwą reakcję (A–E). Wpisz
rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga! Jedna reakcja została podana dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
A Of course. What time do you need to be there?
B I think they’re leaving for Rome tomorrow.
C I got home last Sunday night. 1 2 3 4
D We visited some amazing museums. ….../ 4
E No. They were all really expensive.

3. Fill in: sightseeing, insult, taste, destination and chance.

1 It is a(n) ____________ to point you finger at 4 We decided that our next travel ____________ is
something in Russia. going to be Lisbon, Portugal.
2 The study abroad program gave Tom the 5 When I went to Dublin last year, I got a(n)
____________ to live in Paris and practice his ____________ of what the culture is like in
French skills. Ireland.
3 Mary went on a(n) ____________ holiday to ….../ 5
Rome and visited a lot of the ancient sites.
4. Fill in: graduate, improve, revise, study and fail.
1 Alison is sure she is going to ____________ the Science test because she forgot all about it and didn’t study.
2 John took a course at a university in London as he wanted to ____________ his English skills.
3 Maria hopes to ____________ from university with a first class degree.
4 At the beginning of each class we ___________ what was covered in the previous class.
5 Harry wants to ____________ history at university next year. ….../ 5

5. Complete the sentences with the missing words.

1. I talked to my parents about the idea of s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ abroad.

2. I watch English films to i_ _ _ _ _ _ my language skills.
3. Most people travel for p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ but some for education.
4. I haven’t any e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . It’s my first job.
5. It’s very rude to i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone talking.
6. Hurry up! You mustn’t be late for an a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
7. If you don’t know body language and gestures used in different countries, you can i _ _ _ _ _ someone.
…../ 7
6. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition: to, about, across, out, on:

1. Come …………. Mary! Let’s go to the cinema.

2. We finally came …………………… a decision about
3. You’ve broken your leg. How did that come ………………?
4. Yesterday I came ………………… a charming restaurant
5. He felt embarrassed when the truth came ……………….. . …../ 5

7. Match time expressions to the correct tense:

yesterday since all day yesterday last week for after at 6pm last evening by the time
before already in 1995 last Friday two days ago as ever by then while
when yet

PAST SIMPLE:…………………………………………………………………………………………….

PAST CONTINUOUS: ……………………………………………………………………………………

PRESENT PERFECT: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

PAST PERFECT: ......................................................................................................................................… …./ 9

8. Use the correct form of the verbc: Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Present Perfect:

1) Who .................................................. (sleep) in my room when I ............................ (be) absent last week?
2) ..................... Tom .............................. (cry) when you .................................. (enter) his room?
3) Bill ................................. (work) in that company for 3 years. (He still works there).
3) The boys ...................................... (not/do) their homework when their mom .............................. (come) home.
4) Loreen ......................................... (be) to Paris before she ............................ (go) there for her honeymoon last
5) Karen ........................................... (study) in her room while her baby sister ............................. (sleep).
6) The police officers ............................................... (not/know) the truth, until the man .....................................
7) The girls ............................................ (get) ready for the party when their friends .................................... (call)
to say that it was cancelled.
8) I .......................... (read) the book ‘’Twilight’’ before you ...................................... (watch) the movie.
9) After Tim .......................................... (take) the pill this morning, his stomach .................................. (ache).
10) The house looks different. ....................... you ............................... (paint) it?
11) He .......................................... (live) in Rome since he ................................ (be) a teenager.
12) First, Helen ................................... (get) a promotion.Then, she .............................(buy) a new luxurious house.
...../ 12
9. Fill in the gaps with a/an, the or -.

1. I bought ____ book yesterday. _____ book is very good.

2. I’d love to visit ____ Africa.
3. This is ____ chair. ____ chair is very comfortable.

4. Harry lives in ____ Paris.

5. Let’s watch a film in ____ evening!

6. What do you know about ____ Gobi Desert?

7. John spend two weeks in ____ Poland at ____ Baltic Sea.

8. What about playing ____ tennis on ____ Monday?

9. I saw ____ owl at ____ night.
10. I’ve heard that _____ Ritz is ______ amazing hotel. ....../ 10

10. Complete the sentences with there or it.

1. ………..…… is a beautiful tree in the garden.

2. ………...…… was very hot last summer.

3. Are ………….…… many books in that library?

4. …………….... is half past eleven.

5. ……………….. isn’t a cat in the room.

6. Is …............…… cold in England? ....../ 6

11. Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij w e-mailu luki 1–3 zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku


See Europe by Train!

How to use your Rail Pass

1 Choose the pass that is best for you
• You can travel in 1, 2, 3 or 4 countries
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• Choose the number of travel days
2 Reserve your seats
You can travel without a reservation on most trains and sit in any empty seat. However, high speed, overnight
and international trains usually require reservations. It’s best to check before you start your journey.
3 Stamp and travel
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don’t need to do it again.
For more information, visit our website:

Do: Marek
Od: Amanda
Temat: Plany wakacyjne

Cześć Marku,

mam pomysł, jak możemy się poruszać po Francji podczas wakacji! Przeczytaj załączone informacje.
Uważam, że taki 1) ____________ kolejowy byłby bardzo pomocny, bo w ogóle nie musielibyśmy się martwić
o transport. Możemy wybrać opcję, która upoważnia do podróżowania po jednym 2) ____________ , bo
zwiedzamy tylko Francję. Druga klasa nie powinna być zbyt droga. W większości pociągów nie musimy robić
rezerwacji i możemy zająć każde wolne 3) ____________ .
Sprawdź ceny na 4) ____________ i daj mi znać, co o tym sądzisz.


....../ 4

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