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Aqua Polygon FAQs

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Aqua Polygon FAQs:

Q1: Clarify the criteria on how to use each Polygon annotation category from the below?

1. licensePlate
2. laptopScreen
3. MDTScreen
4. cellphoneScreen
5. TVScreen
6. PCScreen
7. Car screen
8. Refrigerator screen
9. otherScreen
10. screenBorder
11. identificationCard
12. badge
13. notepad
14. document
15. personPhoto
16. Wallets

Answer: Kindly find the explanation for each category:

1. licensePlate. (It is used to annotate a Car’s license plate)

2. laptopScreen. (It is used to annotate the inner screen edges of a laptop screen.(Highlighted in
Yellow is the Screen Border annotation and Highlighted in Red is the Inner Screen edge (Laptop
Screen) annotation. (review the difference between the Laptop and the MDT screen as in the

3. MDTScreen. (Need clarification for the MDT Screen) (Highlighted in Yellow is the Screen Border
annotation and Highlighted in Red is the Inner Screen edge annotation.
Please note that MDT screen can be available in Cars, rooms and other places not necessarily
only in Cars.
4. cellphoneScreen. (It is used to annotate the inner screen edge of a cellphone screen)

5. TVScreen. (It is used to annotate the inner screen edge of a TV screen)

6. PCScreen. (It is used to annotate the inner screen edge of a PC screen.

7. Car Screen.
8. Refrigerator screen.

9. otherScreen. (It is used to annotate the inner screen edge other screens such, iPads, tablets, etc)

10. screenBorder. (It is only used to annotate the outer Edge of any screen from the mentioned
above) All the highlighted in Yellow in the above examples also as in the below.

11. identificationCard. (It is used to annotate a person’ ID, License card or Passport)
12. badge. (It is used to annotate a person’ Badge, such as Work Badge)

13. notepad. (It is used to annotate a paper note pad in their different forms)
14. document. (It is used to annotate a paper document)

15. personPhoto. (It is used to annotate a person’s photo, a photo that doesn’t include a person
doesn’t require annotation)
16. Wallets. (It is used to annotate a wallet, sometime it could include both the wallet and some
identification cards that are all required to be annotated.

17. Other Cards. (It is used to annotate other cards than IDs or Badges, such as Credit Cards, Debit
cards, other cards)
Q2: What are the items we will be annotating, creating Polygons for?

Answer: We will annotate 1 polygon for each visible, or partially visible on the video from any of the

1. License plate.
2. Screens. (laptop, MDT, cellphone, TV, PC, other)
3. Screen borders. (laptop, MDT, cellphone, TV, PC, other)
4. Identification card.
5. Badge.
6. Notepad. (Paper Note pads)
7. Document.
8. Photo.

Q3: When shall we use the Screen Border Polygon Annotation)?

Answer: Screen Border is used to mark/annotate the outer edge of any of any screen. (TV, Phone,
Laptop, iPad, etc.)

Q4: What is the screen Inner Polygon Annotation?

Answer: Inner Polygon annotation is only used to mark/annotate the inner edge of the screens.
(Example, we annotate the inner edge of the laptop screen with the Inner Polygon annotation while the
outer Edge/border of the screen will be annotated as screen border Polygon annotation.

Q5: Do we annotate an item that is not fully appearing in the video and could be partially covered by
another object. (Example a hand is covering more than 50% of an ID Badge)

Answer: True, we should annotate it normally, and label the occlusion field as “Yes”.

Q6: If the video has more than One object (Objects obligated to annotate in the guidelines) We should
annotate all objects?

Answer: True, we should annotate all objects, and label their number in the “ID Field”.

Q7: We are required to have the Polygon Annotation fit exactly in the outer edge of the object. (No
space between the Annotation Box and the Object)

Answer: True, it should fit exactly the size of the object.

Q8: A video that consists of 800 frames and has One Object of a notepad must have an annotation box in
for the notepad in every single frame?

Answer: True, We must create an annotation box for the object in all frames, and make sure it will fit the
size/space of the object to meet the client’s Quality standards.

Q9: A video for a room that has a fully visible laptop, there is a mirror in the room that reflects the
laptop. (Laptop screen is On). What is the annotation in the video?

Answer: There will be Four annotation in this frame is in the following:

Annotation ID Label 1: (Laptop in the room)

1. Laptop Annotation. (Outer Polygon “Screen Border” annotation on outer screen border)
2. Laptop Annotation. (Inner Polygon “Laptop Screen” annotation on the inner screen’s edge)

• Reflection Label is “False” for both annotations.

• Occlusion Label is “No” for both annotations.
• Screen Off Label is marked “False”.

Annotation ID Label 2: (Laptop reflection in the mirror)

1. Laptop Annotation. (Outer Polygon “Screen Border” annotation on outer screen border.
(Reflection Label is “Yes”)
2. Laptop Annotation. (Inner Polygon “Laptop Screen” annotation on the inner screen’s edge.
(Reflection is “Yes”)
• Reflection Label is “True” for both annotations.
• Occlusion Label is “No” for both annotations.
• Screen Off Label is marked “False”.

Q10: If there is more than one Object in the video even if it’s a reflection, We need to create an ID
Number for each object?

Answer: True, we must create an ID for each object.

Q11: A laptop that has a shadow in the video, we should annotate both the laptop and the shadow
(Created Two ID annotation)?

Answer: False, we only need to annotate the laptop, the shadow is not considered as a reflection,
therefore we shouldn’t annotate it.
Q12: an ID badge object is visible on the video, moreover we can’t read the text in badge, The text filed
label should marked as “True”

Answer: True, the text doesn’t need to be readable.

Q13: It is fine to leave visible parts for the object not covered in the annotation.

Answer: False, all visible parts of the must tightly covered by the annotation box.

Q14: We are only allowed to move the annotation box from the basic Four corner edged of the box.

Answer: True, we should never move it from the middle points as it will create other points and will
change the shape/size of the annotation box.

Q15: if we made a mistake in the annotation box and we need to Undo, what shortcut we can use.

Answer: We can use CTR+Z to Undo any action.

Q16: if we made a mistake in the annotation box and we need to Undo, what shortcut we can use.

Answer: We can use CTR+Z to Undo any action.

Q17: When we create an annotation box it creates a polygon for only 100 frames, can we extend in the
polygon to cover all the video frame.

Answer: True, using the annotation label in bottom of the page, we click on the ending part of the
annotation to mark the arrow to drag the annotation to the right and cover all the frames.

Q18: Do we annotate Boards?

Answer: No, we don’t annotate boards.

Q19: When do we a skip task?

Answer: We skip the task when there are no items available from the objects demonstrated in the
training and the guidelines. As the below examples the picture has a room with only a board, or a frame
hat doesn’t have any object than the ones we are required to annotate.

Q20: What is the difference between the identification cards label and the badges label?

Answer: Identification cards label is only used for Identification cards, licenses, Passports.

Badges are used for other kinds of badges, such as Work badges, event badges, etc.

Q21: Do we need to annotate any document in the frame?

Answer: We need to annotate any paper document that contains any written or printed tex. However
Papers that are hanged on the wall or refrigerator would only be annotated if they contained PII
(Personal Identification Information) as an example a graduation/diploma certification.

Please note that we don’t need to annotate a paper on the wall that has (Enter, No Smoking, Exit, WC,

Don’t polygon generic documents such as product labels, warning stickers, or advertisements. (The
purpose of document objects are to identify the documents most likely to contain personal information,
such as a name, address, medical information, etc)
Q21: How do we annotate a laptop, phone, or any device that has the screen Off?

Answer: We need only to use the devise’s annotation category for the inner edge of the screen, as in the
below example, we will create a polygon for the screen with the Laptop Screen Category polygon ONLY
(Highlighted in Red).

Q21: Do we need to annotate the screen in the car?

Answer: Yes, we need to annotate the Car screen using the Car screen annotation polygon and create a
screen border polygon as well.

Q22: What is the polygon annotation we should use for Credit cards?

Answer: It should be other cards annotation polygons.

Q23: While we skip one of the tasks as there are no target objects available in the frame, do we need to
select the correct skip reason?

Answer: Yes, we need to select the accurate skip reason in the Skip Reason drop down menu, if wrong
reason is selected the task will be rejected.

Q24: When do we need to skip a task.

Answer: We skip the task if the frame doesn’t include any of the mentioned objects provided in the
training. (Completely not shown in the frame)
Q25: When do we need to skip a task.

Answer: We skip the task if the frame doesn’t include any of the mentioned objects provided in the
training. (Completely not shown in the frame)

Q26: Are we required to annotate the refrigerator screens.

Answer: Yes, we need to annotate them using the refrigerator screen annotation polygon. As well as we
create the screen border polygon.

Q27: MDT screens are only in cars.

Answer: False, MDT screens can be found anywhere, cars, offices and rooms as we need to annotate
them as MDT screen at any time we see it in a frame.

Q27: Are we required to annotate any personal photo in the frame?

Answer: Yes we need to annotate any personal photo, even if its doesn’t reflect it’s a picture of the real
character, it could a picture of an old character, actor or a singer, any human photo must be annotated.

Below example, a picture of a person hanged on the refrigerator.

Q28: Are we required to annotate any personal photo in the frame?

Answer: Yes we need to annotate any personal photo, even if its doesn’t reflect it’s a picture of the real
character, it could a picture of an old character, actor or a singer, any human photo must be annotated.

Q29: We don’t polygon generic documents such as product labels, warning stickers, or advertisements.

Answer: True, we need to polygon documents that contain personal information, such as a name,
address, medical information, etc.

Q30: Is the below polygon’s screen name, correct?

Answer: No, it is incorrect should be MDT screen instead of Laptop screen.

Q31: We can have more than 4 coordinates (4 Corner Edges) as in the below example it has 12
coordinate point, a drawn polygon to cover the small edges of the screen border?

Answer: No, the polygon must have only 4 corner edges, the below example represents what we should
NEVER DO while drawing a polygon.

Q32: The below example reflects accurate annotation of reflections.

Answer: False, the below polygon annotation represents false reflection that shouldn’t be annotated
please consider the below examples when you see many reflections in the frame. (Don’t annotate the
reflection unless it is a reflection for an object that we are required to annotate. e.g.: a reflection of a
Q33: What is the most critical error we must avoid while creating the polygon annotation?

Answer: If the polygon is not tight to the object (Screen, screen border, document, etc.) is the most
critical error we must avoid and ensure that all polygons are tight to the object.

Q34: If a phone is flipped and the screen is not appearing on top, we should create annotation as in the
below examples?

Answer: No, we shouldn’t create the annotation unless we clearly see the screen on the top.

Q35: The below example has an MDT screen that we need to annotate.

Answer: True, the below is an MDT screen that must be annotated.

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