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Cajal Grossi 2022

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Is Better Work better?

: Evidence from the Garment

Sector in Bangladesh∗

Julia Cajal-Grossi† Canyon Keanu Can‡ Rocco Macchiavello§

December 2022

1 Introduction research by the authors, and systematizes

empirical evidence on how workers and
The Better Work (BW) program is a joint plants in the BW program compare to non–
initiative of the International Labor Organi- participants.
zation (ILO) of the United Nations and the The study draws on multiple data sources
World Bank’s International Finance Corpo- to characterize the performance of factories
ration. The goal of BW is to improve work- and the well-being of workers in the BW pro-
ing conditions and competitiveness in gar- gram. Most of the empirical patterns de-
ment supply chains. The program is currently scribed in this document pertain to the gar-
operational in eight countries (Bangladesh, ment sector in Bangladesh, a setting the au-
Cambodia, Ethiopia, Haiti, Indonesia, Jor- thors have studied extensively and one on
dan, Nicaragua and Vietnam), and related in- which unique worker-level, customs transac-
terventions within the initiative are active in tions, and geolocation data is available.
Pakistan, Egypt, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.
BW offers factories in their host countries a First, the Garment Workers Diaries of
package of services including an unannounced Microfinance Opportunities (MFO) offers
assessment, a dedicated team of advisors, in- weekly worker-level data from April 2018 to
dustry seminars and training, as well as a reg- June 2022 on plant affiliation, work hours,
ular, thorough social compliance audit. household expenses, and wages/income. Spe-
cial blocks designed by the authors for the
This study builds on ongoing academic purpose of this study provide additional in-

This brief has benefited from fruitful discussions with members of the Better Work Team of the Inter-
national Labor Organization, and with the leadership of the Microfinance Opportunities Initiative. Madhav
Malhotra, Sanghyun Park and Ariana Ocampo Cruz provided excellent research assistance. All errors are
the responsibility of the authors alone.

Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID). E-mail:

MA Candidate, Columbia University E-mail:
London School of Economics and CEPR. E-mail:

formation on compliance, work environment, From this analysis, we highlight three key
and workers in the labor market. These data takeaways:
offer a unique window onto the livelihoods
of workers in the sector, in real-time. Sec- 1. BW workers earn up to 4.1% more an
ond, we leverage transaction-level data col- hour relative to comparable workers in
lected from the country’s customs records, comparable plants. This amounts to up
from 2005 to 2021. These data identify the to 444.48 BDT more a month.
exporting plant and international buyer in- 2. BW plants pay a 5.4% higher base pay,
volved in every transaction, as well as the are 5% more likely to pay on time, are
transaction’s price, quantity, destination and 12.9% more likely to have participatory
product. This allows for a comparison of the committees, 9% more likely to offer ma-
export performance and profitability of plants ternity leave, and 30% more likely to
that join the BW program, vis-á-vis compa- have daycare facilities.
rable plants that do not. Third, we access
internal records from the BW program, de- 3. Firms that join the BW program ap-
tailing the enrollment and status of plants pear to be growing at a faster rate, rel-
that joined the program, as well as the list ative to comparable, non-BW plants,
of buyers that are classified as partners or before enrollment. After enrollment,
participants in the program. We leverage they have 55% higher export revenues,
this information to identify the workers in the 50% higher export volumes, and 5%
MFO data and plants in customs records that higher export prices relative to non-
are in the BW program. Fourth, we com- BW plants. The volumes and revenues
plement and validate our analysis with sev- results follow from a pre-trend, while
eral additional data sources: the Bangladesh prices do not.
Labor Force Survey (LFS) Data from 2017
is used to characterise the representativeness These findings –like the results in the rest
of the workers’ sample. Data obtained from of this article– are to be interpreted with cau-
the Mapped in Bangladesh (MiB) initiative tion. The empirical regularities we present
provides employment data and geolocation of here are robust and, in our view, offer strong
factories. We also use information from the quantitative evidence on how firms and work-
Open Apparel Registry (OAR) and the mem- ers in the program compare to their non-
bers’ list of the Bangladesh Garment Man- enrolled counterparts. However, unless oth-
ufacturers and Exporters Association (BG- erwise indicated, the analysis presented here
MEA). does not lend itself to causal interpretations.
In other words, the comparisons drawn here
In the final section of this article, we com- are not to be attributed to a causal, treat-
plement the firm-level analysis in Bangladesh ment effect of the program.
with descriptive evidence from three other
countries with BW presence – Indonesia, The rest of this article is organized as fol-
Vietnam and Ethiopia. For these countries, lows. In Section 2 we present a summary
customs records with similar data structure, of our findings on the worker-level analysis.
covering the period 2018–2021, are available. These focus on how working in BW facto-
We combine these data with BW enrollment ries is linked to workers’ status in the la-
lists to compare the performance of exporters bor market, their wages, working conditions
in BW with that of non-enrolled exporters. and livelihoods. Section 3 explores the rela-
tionship between the Covid-19 pandemic and

worker-level outcomes among workers in BW The median garment factory in
and non-BW factories. We turn to firm-level Bangladesh employs 500 employees, more
analysis in Section 4, where we analyze the than 60% of whom are female. 70% of work-
relationship between joining BW and firms’ ers in the MFO Diaries data report their
export performance. In Section 5, we present factory paying on time, with the computed
firm-level analysis from Indonesia, Vietnam, median pay delay being 9.12 days. 82% of
and Ethiopia, and Section 6 concludes. workers report that their factory has mater-
nity leave provisions, 43% report that their
factory has daycare facilities, 62% report
2 Worker-Level Analysis1 that their factory has participatory commit-
We start by describing the workers in our tees, and 3.35% report that their factory has
analysis sample and benchmark their profile unions. The median hourly wage received
against a nationally representative survey. In by workers is 42 BDT (0.50 USD), and they
Section 2.2 we turn to the study of the re- work a median of 61 hours per week.
lationship between work status, hours and More than 3 in every 10 workers in the
wages, and factory and worker-level charac- MFO data worked in a BW plant at least
teristics. These include whether the factory once during the study period of April 2018
is in BW or not. Section 2.3 studies work- to June 2022. Their average age is 26 to 27
ing conditions in plants, as reported by the years old. 89% of them are migrants; 77% of
workers in the sample. Sections 2.4 and 2.5 them are female, and 77% are married. 81%
focus on labor market conditions and house- of them have incomplete secondary education
hold expenses, respectively. or less, but have high educational aspirations
for their sons and daughters.
2.1 Worker and Plant Charac- The median household size of observed
terization MFO workers is 3: the worker themselves,
their spouse, and their child (see Figure 1).
There are 11,220 geo-localizable garment 39% have at least one other garment worker
plants in Bangladesh, harmonized across the in their household. 57% of the observed MFO
multiple data sources we work with. Overall, workers are employed as line operators, 14%
431 (3.84%) of the geo-localizable garment as helpers, and 2% as supervisors – mostly
plants in Bangladesh is a BW factory. specialized in sewing. They have a median of
Meanwhile, there are 2,033 garment work- 6 years of experience in the sector, and have
ers in total who appeared in at least one worked in a median of two plants, with a me-
week of the MFO Diaries data; the median dian of 4 years of work experience at their
worker in the MFO Diaries data is observed current plant. Across the entire panel, 22%
every week for 113 weeks (2.17 years). The of workers are unemployed at least once, with
MFO Diaries data contains 802 plants, 772 an average of 12% being unemployed in the
of which are geo-localizable. Each plant in cross-section.
the MFO data has an average of 3.39 work- The MFO sample is drawn from areas
ers who worked for at least one week in the with high concentration of garment work-
plant. 135 out of the 749 (18.02%) factories ers, as documented by the nationally rep-
in the MFO analysis data is a BW factory.
The material in this section draws from ongoing work in Cajal-Grossi and Kreindler [2022] and Boudreau
et al. [2022].

Figure 1: General Demographics

The figure presents demographic variables defined at the worker level, and worker-month level for monthly wage, based
on information in the Weekly Diaries Instrument (Apr 18 - Jan 20 and May 20 - Jun 22). 77% of the sample is women,
with an average age of 27 years old and 4.7 years of experience in the garment sector upon entry into the Weekly Diaries
Instrument. 89% of them are migrants, having migrated an average of 1.25 times for work. The average household among
workers surveyed had 3.4 members, and 39% of workers have another garment worker living in their household. The average
monthly wage received by workers is USD 127.7 or BDT 10,798.28.

resentative 2017 LFS. The sampling sites ers, and their plant being in the BW program.
are Gazipur, Dhaka, Savar, Chittagong, and Work hours, however, appear correlated with
Narayanganj (see Figure 2). In terms of edu- experience and family composition. In par-
cation, marital status and age, the workers in ticular, an extra year of work experience re-
the LFS and MFO Diaries data appear com- duces hours worked in a month by 0.4% (at
parable. Both work hours and hourly wage the average, 1.02 hours) and having another
are comparable across the LFS and MFO member of the household in the garment sec-
sample. The average hourly wage is 43.23 tor raises it by 4.1% (10.22 hours).
BDT in the LFS and 43.83 BDT in the overall Workers in BW factories reported slightly
MFO sample. However, the average hourly higher average daily overtime hours for op-
wage is 41.22 BDT in the pre-2020 MFO data erators (3.44) relative to workers in non-
and 45.41 BDT in the post-2020 data. A pos- BW factories (3.17), but workers’ preferences
sible source of this gap is the annual inflationfor ideal paid overtime hours do not differ
rate which was between 5 and 6% in the pe- across BW and non-BW factories. Plotting
riod between 2017 (LFS) and 2021 (end of the overtime hours inferred from the data
MFO). Another source of discrepancy could and workers’ reports on their ideal overtime
be the slightly different definitions for work hours, Figure 3 shows that workers work-
hours and salaries in the two phases of MFO ing less than twenty overtime hours a week
data collection. generally prefer having more overtime hours,
while workers with more than twenty over-
2.2 Work Status, Hours and time hours a week generally prefer working
Wages fewer hours.
We find no significant correlation between the Workers in BW factories have an hourly
number of hours worked, as reported by work- wage that is 1.8 to 4.1% higher, relative to

Figure 2: Number of Garment Plants

There are 11,220 geo-localizable garment plants in Bangladesh from multiple sources. The areas circled in red reflect the
approximate locations of the MFO survey locations: Gazipur, Dhaka, Narayanganj, and Chittagong. Savar is an adminis-
trative unit inside Dhaka district.

comparable workers in other plants, and con- location, factory size, and job designation,
ditional on demographic and firm character- such as Helper, Supervisor, and Operator ), fe-
istics (export volume and number of employ- male workers earn less than men, work fewer
ees). At the median, this amounts to 0.76 hours, are more likely enter into unemploy-
to 1.74 more BDT per hour, which for the ment, and get lower returns to experience.
average hours of work in the month (255.45 On average, women earn hourly wages that
hours), amounts to 194.14 to 444.48 BDT. are 10% (around 4.38 BDT) lower than com-
On average, BW workers work similar hours parable men in comparable factories. These
each month as non-BW workers; the median patterns are largely similar across BW and
overall worker works 252 hours a month. non-BW factories.
Approximately half of the workers in the
study are assigned individual or team tar-
2.3 Working Conditions
gets. Conditional on having a target, workers In a series of exercises in which workers re-
in BW plants work (weakly) less hours and port their current concerns, we find that BW
are less likely to receive some form of penalty
and non-BW workers have similar workplace
when targets are not met. concerns, with some weak evidence of in-
With regards to gender, all other things creased awareness around late payments, sex-
equal and conditional on work hours and job ual harassment, and maternity leave regula-
characteristics (years of experience, factory tions among BW workers.

Figure 3: Weekly Overtime and Ideal Hours

The figure graphs the ideal number of overtime hours against the average overtime hours, based on information in the Own
Factory Information Module (Feb 22) and Weekly Diaries Instrument (Apr 18 - Jan 20 and May 20 - Jun 22). Observations
are defined at the worker level. Overtime hours were calculated as weekly work hours subtracted by 48 (equivalent to 8
working hours a day, and 6 work days a week) which is the legal maximum for weekly work hours. The average overtime
hours worked was then calculated for each respondent by averaging across the six-month window around which the Own
Factory Information Module was asked, and values above the 95th percentile were winsorized. To calculate weekly ideal
overtime hours, the ideal daily paid overtime hours were multiplied by six, assuming again six working days in a week.

The concerns elicitation exercise was re- 15% take action by discussing their concerns,
peated three times, allowing for a character- formally or informally, with a co-worker, su-
ization of how worker’s preoccupations re- pervisor, or manager. These patterns are sim-
spond to a changing environment. In par- ilar across BW and non-BW workers.
ticular, in November 2021, the top three con- 79% of workers working in a BW factory
cerns among all workers were working too few reported that a participatory committee ex-
hours, contracting Covid-19 at work, and the ists in their factory, while only 55% of those
(low) level of salary and payments. In Jan- working in a non-BW factory reported the
uary 2022, this ranking changed, with con- same. Based on workers’ accounts of the con-
tracting Covid-19 at work being the top con- ditions at their plants, BW plants pay a 5.4%
cern, followed by working too few hours, and (436.15 BDT) higher monthly base pay, are
salary and payments concerns, in that order. 5% more likely to pay on time, and are signif-
Contracting Covid-19 was no longer among icantly more likely (12%-20%) to have partic-
the top three concerns in May 2022. Instead, ipatory committees.2 These results hold con-
the top three concerns were salary and pay- ditional on firm size, suggesting that these
ments being too low, followed by working too relative improvement in conditions in BW
few hours and not getting promoted. plants is not driven by these plants being
There is limited escalation of these con- larger than the average plant in the sample.
cerns, with 52% of workers in the data re- Given the importance of women in the
porting that they take no action on account garment sector and that 74% of surveyed
of their concerns. Of the remaining workers,
Note that in the previous section, the analysis on wages was based on observed payments as reported
by workers on a weekly basis, relative to comparable plants (by export volume and number of employees).
In this section, we focus on the worker’s (one-off) account of what their base pay is.

Figure 4: Concerns at the Workplace

(a) November 2021 (b) January 2022

Working too Few Hours Contracting Covid at Work

Contracting Covid at Work Working too Few Hours
Salary and Payments too Low Salary and Payments too Low
Building/Fire Safety Verbal Abuse from Supervisors
Verbal Abuse from Supervisors Building/Fire Safety
Late Payments Late Payments
Fear of Firing or Suspension Working too Many Hours
Not Getting Promoted Not Getting Promoted
Sexual Harrassment at Work Fear of Firing or Suspension
Working too Many Hours Safety/Time/Cost of Commute
Lack of Transparency Sexual Harrassment at Work
Safety/Time/Cost of Commute Relationship with Supervisors
Relationship with Supervisors Lack of Transparency
Functioning of Particpation Comm Functioning of Particpation Comm
Lack of Union Access Lack of Union Access
Relationship with Coworkers Relationship with Coworkers

Not Concerned at all Somewhat Concerned Very Concerned Not Concerned at all Somewhat Concerned Very Concerned

(c) May 2022

Salary and Payments too Low

Working too Few Hours
Not Getting Promoted
Verbal Abuse from Supervisors
Building/Fire Safety
Late Payments
Working too Many Hours
Fear of Firing or Suspension
Safety/Time/Cost of Commute
Contracting Covid at Work
Relationship with Supervisors
Functioning of Particpation Comm
Sexual Harrassment at Work
Lack of Transparency
Lack of Union Access
Relationship with Coworkers

Not Concerned at all Somewhat Concerned Very Concerned

The figure presents raw average scores for various metrics on concerns at the workplace, based on information in the
Job Security Module (Round 1, Nov 21, Round 2, Jan 22, and Round 3, May 22) defined at the worker level. The
questions in the module were asked to 1,283, 1,287, 1,290 respondents in each round respectively. Participants were
asked to rate work issues on how concerned they were about it on a likert scale ranging from 1 (Not Concerned at all)
to 3 (Very Concerned). The figures plot the raw average scores, sorted from highest to lowest, for each round.

workers in the sample have at least one child, likely to have daycare facilities. Workers at
we also asked workers to report one-off ac- BW plants are 7% more likely to state that
counts on the maternity-related provisions they know the statutory provisions for ma-
and discrimination in their factories, in other ternity leave; conditional on knowing their
factories that they know of, and their own rights, workers in BW plants are 5%-10%
awareness of the legal regulations around more likely to state that their plant complies
them. The results find that BW plants offer with the mandatory maternity leave duration
a median of 112 maternity leave days, while and payments. Finally, BW workers are 3%-
non-BW plants offer a median of 103 days. 5% less likely to observe maternity / preg-
BW plants are significantly (5%-10%) more nancy related discrimination on hiring and
likely to offer maternity leave, and 30% more terminations.3

For a baseline reference, 78.4% of workers who work in non-BW plants report their factories offering
maternity leave; 36.4% report their factories offering daycare facilities; 20.4% know the legally compliant
maternity leave duration; 40.5% know the legally compliant maternity leave pay; 5.4% (7.3%) report being
or knowing someone in their own factory who was denied (terminated) employment due to pregnancy or
maternity-related reasons in the past 12 months.

Figure 5: Most Important Metric for Job Selection

The figure shows the share of respondents who ranked each metric as their most important metric for job selection, based
on information from the Stated Preferences Module (Oct 21) defined at the worker level. The questions in this module were
asked to 1,289 respondents, and participants were asked to rank their top three metrics for job selection.

2.4 Labor Market Perceptions importance, indicating that although a small

percentage rank it as the most important
and Mobility characteristic (i.e. few people value it a lot),
it is high among workers’ priorities.
We presented workers with a randomized set
of job attributes and asked them to rate the In terms of overall satisfaction, 63% of
attributes according to how important each workers reported being satisfied or very sat-
attribute was for their decision to stay in isfied with their job in November 2021, and
the job. The options covered pay-related 66% in January 2022. In general, work-
attributes, such as the level and timeliness ers’ overall satisfaction is higher, and their
of payments, other work amenities, such as propensity to look for another job is lower,
daycare facilities and communal rest areas, in plants with daycare facilities, participatory
markers of harassment, and mechanisms of committees and maternity leave provisions.
worker voice representation. Workers most Unconditionally, workers in BW plants re-
frequently ranked timely pay as their most port higher satisfaction levels. This is driven
preferred characteristic (42.7% of workers by the higher propensity of BW plants to
surveyed ranked it as first, see Figure 5). have maternity leave and daycare provisions,
They also value the availability of opportu- as well as participatory committees. Condi-
nities to work overtime and to receive pro- tional on these characteristics, workers in BW
motions. When the likert scores for the plants do not appear more or less satisfied
importance of each individual characteristic with their jobs, relative to workers in non-
were averaged across respondents, those three BW plants.
characteristics also had the highest average Focusing on job mobility, workers hear
importance. However, the availability of ma- about suitable job vacancies often, but have
ternity leave has the fourth highest average

Figure 6: Workers’ Status, Wage, Hours, and Savings Over Time

(a) Switch to Unemployment (b) Monthly Work Hours

0.30 0.20





~ 2019m6
~ 2019m8
~+ 2020m5
+ 2020m6
~+ 2020m7
+ 2020m8
+ 2021m4
~+ 2021m5
+ 2021m6
~+ 2021m7

~ 2019m6
~ 2019m8
~+ 2020m5
+ 2020m6
~+ 2020m7
+ 2020m8
+ 2021m4
~+ 2021m5
+ 2021m6
~+ 2021m7
Month Month

(c) Log Monthly Wage

(d) Log Monthly Savings





~ 2019m6
~ 2019m8
~+ 2020m5
+ 2020m6
~+ 2020m7
+ 2020m8
+ 2021m4
~+ 2021m5
+ 2021m6
~+ 2021m7


The figure shows the month fixed effects coefficients and standard errors for various outcomes, based on information in the
Weekly Diaries Instrument (Apr 18 - Jan 20 and May 20 - Jun 22), with the light blue dashed line on May 2020 indicating the
end of the gap in the MFO dataset. Observations are defined at the worker-month level, with the sample restricted to workers
joining the MFO panel no later than December 2019. The baseline coefficient is December 2019, marked by the dark blue line.
The ‘ ’ symbol indicates months in which Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha are celebrated; the ‘+’ symbol indicates months in which
lockdown or mobility restriction measures were in place. Due to construction of the variables, the effects of Eid and lockdown
measures from the past month may affect the values for the following month. A minimum wage hike occurred in December
2018, marked by the dark green dashed line. The grey line in Panel (d) illustrates the average per annum interest rates offered
for demand, time, and savings deposits in Bangladesh each month, taken from the International Monetary Fund’s International
Financial Statistics database. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level.

noisy information about the specifics of job Regarding workers’ consumption baskets,
opportunities. Relative to male workers, fe- the largest component of in terms of share
male workers in both BW and non-BW plants of expenses is rent, which took up 23% of
are less likely to take action to look for other
workers’ reported monthly expenditures be-
jobs. Years of experience in the garment sec- fore 2020 and 51% after 2020.4 Other im-
tor is positively associated with the number portant components are food (38% of total
of factories that workers apply to, visit, askexpenditures before 2020) and cash transfers
about, or hear about with the intention of outside of the household, such as cash trans-
learning about job opportunities. fers to relatives (24% of total expenditures
after 2020). These consumption patterns are
2.5 Debt, Savings and House- not significantly different across BW and non-
hold Expenses BW workers.
Workers working in BW factories and
In the sample, 80% of the workers take a loan
those not working in BW factories spend a
at some point in their spell in the sample
similar amount of their reported expenditures
(2018-2022). On average, and conditional on
on each expenditure component, both before
having taken at least one loan, they borrow
and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
33.74 USD (2,868.80 BDT) in a month. Sav-
ing is not infrequent, with 89% of the work-
ers reporting some savings at some point in 3 The Impact of Covid5
the panel. Conditional on savings being pos-
itive, workers save an average of 72.81 USD We study worker-level outcomes and factory
(6,177.81 BDT) in a month. While no strong responses following the onset of the Covid-
relationship exists between savings and bor- 19 pandemic. Figure 6 summarizes the main
rowings in the data, those who take the most trends on workers’ outcomes. Monthly work
loans report no savings, and those who save hours fell significantly in June 2020, reflecting
most report no loans. lock-down restrictions. The dip in both log
Given that they take a loan, BW work- monthly work hours and log monthly wages
ers borrow an average of 33.74 USD (2,868.80 is not persistent.
BDT) a month, and given that they save, BW Compared to pre-pandemic levels, the
workers save 78.29 USD (6730.26 BDT). In likelihood of entering unemployment was 3.2
comparison, non-BW workers borrow an av- percentage points higher, and the likeli-
erage of 34.07 USD (2895.54 BDT) and save hood of asking for loans was 25 percentage
an average of 72.81 USD (6,177.81 BDT). Af- points higher for all workers during the pan-
ter controlling for respondent fixed effects, demic. Conditional on a loan being taken,
working in a BW factory reduces the loans the amount of the loans workers received in
respondents receive each month by around a month also increased significantly (by 159
50%, but working in a BW factory does to 191%). Consequently, the amount work-
not significantly affect the amount of savings ers deposited as savings each month, either
workers deposit each month. in cash or in the bank, decreased markedly
during the pandemic (by 253 to 292%). Al-
The distinction is necessary, because the data collection protocol for the module on household expendi-
tures changed in 2020.
The material in this section draws from ongoing work in Cajal-Grossi and Kreindler [2022] and Boudreau
et al. [2022].

Figure 7: Average Export Values of Treated vs. Control Group

Average export values of the treated group estimated using the matrix-completion method in Borusyak et al. (2021).
The bars indicate estimated averages, with 95% confidence intervals, constructed with standard errors clustered at
the level of the firm. Pre-trends are computed with the entire data, and treatment effects are obtained over a
balanced sample three periods after treatment. Bars in pink indicate the export values of, or share of export value
equivalent to, the control group. The section shaded in grey corresponds to the maximum listed annual contributions
that firms pay to the BW program (6,500 USD), and the section in dark red corresponds to the remaining export
value belonging to the treated group.

though most variables return to steady state Workers in BW factories are more likely to
after 6 to 12 months into the pandemic, sav- report experiencing Covid-related symptoms
ings and loans do not recover (see Figure 6d and are also more likely to be tested, but do
for log monthly savings). not appear more likely to report any specific
Our regression analysis also shows that, measure taken by the factory against Covid-
across the entire sample (both before and af- 19. This may once again reflect the increased
ter the pandemic), women are significantly awareness that workers in BW factories have
more likely to be unemployed (by around 0.5 for concerns in the workplace.
to 1 percentage point), to have fewer work
hours (by around 1.3% less each month), and
to have lower monthly and hourly wages (by
4 Firm Performance6
around 5.7 to 8.4% less). The relationship be- We leverage customs records containing de-
tween gender and unemployment and hourly tails of all transactions between garment
wages is robust to alternative specifications. manufacturers in Bangladesh and their buy-
Controlling for relevant demographics, we ers in the rest of the world, from 2005 to
find that workers whose last factory before 2020. We combine these data with the BW
the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic was a BW program enrollment database, containing the
factory have monthly and hourly wages that dates in which different plants join the pro-
are on average 3% higher than those whose gram (starting in 2014), alongside their sta-
last factory before the pandemic was a non- tus. These are then used to identify the re-
BW factory. After the onset of the Covid-19 lationship between BW status and firms’ ex-
pandemic, there was no systematic difference port performance.
in hourly wages, savings, or loans as a result To this end, we identify as a suitable
of working in BW factories. control group firms of comparable size that
have never registered in BW, sells a sufficient
The material in this section draws from ongoing work in Abuin et al. [2022].

Figure 8: Computed Average Export Values of Treated vs. Control Group

Computed average export volumes and prices of the treated group are estimated using the matrix-completion method
in Borusyak et al. (2021). Average export values are then calculated as pqt = qt=−1 × pt . The bars indicate es-
timated average export values, with 95% confidence intervals, constructed with standard errors clustered at the
level of the firm. Pre-trends are computed with the entire data, and treatment effects are obtained over a balanced
sample three periods after treatment. Bars in pink indicate the export values of, or share of export value equivalent
to, the control group. The section shaded in grey corresponds to the maximum listed annual contributions that
firms pay to the BW program (6,500 USD), and the section in dark red corresponds to the remaining export value
belonging to the treated group.

amount to at least one main BW buyer, and in the control group, and sell to 2.7 more buy-
is observed to export for at least one year. ers relative to the 6.03 buyers in the control
These criteria leave 659 firms (identified by group.
BINs) in the treatment group (ever in BW) Through a back-of-the-envelope calcula-
and 8,544 firms in the control (never in BW). tion, we find that the differential growth of
Firms joining the BW program are sig- BW firms relative to control firms, far ex-
nificantly larger and grow at a higher rate ceeds the maximum listed annual contribu-
relative to the control at least three years be- tions that firms pay to the BW program
fore enrollment. At that point, treated firms (6,500 USD). We establish this result by fix-
are 70% larger relative to the control. Fol- ing the volumes of the BW factories to their
lowing this pre-trend, we find that on aver- pre-treatment phase, and imputing export
age, after joining the program, BW firms have values using only the growth in their prices
55% higher export revenues, 50% higher ex- (see Figures 7 and 8). We note that these
port volumes, and 5% higher prices. While results account only for the annual contribu-
export values and volumes follow a pre-trend tion of the plant to the BW program, but
(and as such, the differential growth cannot exclude any investment in infrastructure and
be attributed to the program), the difference expenses for the bettering of working condi-
between treatment and control in prices ap- tions.
pears only after firms join the program.
The larger size of BW firms shows on all 5 Better Work in Other
margins of firms’ exports: they sell to an aver- Countries7
age of 2.4 more export destinations relative to
the 4.6 destinations in the control group, sell We argue that the differences in size and
2.3 more products relative to the 4.4 products export portfolio between BW and non-BW

The material in this section draws from ongoing work in Cajal-Grossi et al. [2023].

plants, as documented above using the BW factories are more likely to be aware of
Bangladeshi data, are consistent with what workplace concerns, to know statutory pro-
we observe in other countries. We focus visions for maternity leave, receive more ma-
on three additional country programmes, for ternity leave days, and are less likely to ob-
which detailed (identified) customs records serve maternity-related discrimination on hir-
are available to us: Indonesia, Vietnam and ing relative to comparable workers in other
Ethiopia. plants and controlling for gender.
Compared to all exporters, on average At the firm-level, comparisons between
BW firms export to more destinations (9.5 BW and non-BW firms show that BW firms
more in Indonesia, 4.7 more in Vietnam and outperform comparable firms in terms of ex-
2.3 more in Ethiopia), export a larger num- port volumes, values, buyers, product and
ber of products (4.5 more in Indonesia, 4.7 destination diversification. This positive re-
more in Vietnam and 2.8 more in Ethiopia) lationship at the firm-level is consistently ob-
and have a larger number of trade partners, served in other countries with BW presence.
in terms of buyers (20.6 more in Indone- We find that plants that register in BW con-
sia, 2.4 more in Vietnam and 2.9 more in tinue to grow at a higher rate relative to com-
Ethiopia). As a result, being part of BW parable, non-BW plants, following their pre-
is associated with lower reliance on specific registration pre-trend.
destination markets and with more diversi-
fied sales, at the dimension of product, desti- References
nation and buyer.
Julia Cajal-Grossi and Gabriel Kreindler.
6 Conclusion “Workers in Space,” mimeo, 2022.
Laura Boudreau, Julia Cajal-Grossi, Rachel
We find a strong positive correlation between
Heath, and Rocco Macchiavello. “Inter-
various dimensions of working conditions and
national Buyers’ Sourcing during the Pan-
worker or plant affiliation to the BW pro-
demic,” mimeo, 2022.
gram. While these results are not to be in-
terpreted in terms of the causal effect of the Constanza Abuin, Julia Cajal-Grossi, and
program, we find in worker level analyses that Rocco Macchiavello. “Social Compliance
workers in BW factories earn higher wages, Along Global Supply Chains,” mimeo,
have lower propensity to look for other jobs, 2022.
and are more likely to have access to par-
ticipatory committees. Moreover, although Julia Cajal-Grossi, Davide Del Prete, and
job satisfaction does not vary significantly be- Rocco Macchiavello. “Sourcing Strategies
tween BW and non-BW factories, workers in and Supply-Chain Resilience: Garments
during the Pandemic,” mimeo, 2023.


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