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WageIndicator - Pakistan Handout

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Wages in Context

in the Garment Industry in Asia


The experts for Pakistan we surveyed set Living Wages for an individual and for a
household between the lower and upper bounds of the Living Wages for individuals and
typical families calculated based on WageIndicator data. They assessed that in Pakistan
the Living Wage could only be attained with the involvement of global garment buyers.
Coordinated regulatory actions of low-cost garment manufacturing countries could also
be supportive in the local quest for living wages. Within the country, further unionization
would be the most important factor to support this quest, along with the relaxation of
legislation that is not supportive of unionization. National trade unions could then engage
in concerted actions for a needs based minimum wage. Within the country, government
action would be necessary to ensure a thorough and effectively functional tripartite
system of social dialogue, to promote free collective bargaining and to strengthen the
country’s labour inspectorate. Campaigns to encourage ethical consumption, occasional
end-consumer boycotts and sanctions embedded in international trade agreements were
also thought to also be potentially influential.
Traditionally, the focus of Pakistan’s textile and clothing industry has centred on the
early stages of processing, though in the last three decades considerable forward
integration into garment production has taken place. After a decade of growth, the 2008-
09 worldwide crisis impacted seriously on the country’s garment industry. By then in
Karachi alone 300 garment units with about 100,000 workers closed down. Already
earlier, many Pakistani garment exporters focused on price competition but that met
heavy competition from Chinese competitors. Recently, boosted by growing exports of
high-value textiles the country’s export of garment products has picked up. As a result,
by 2014 the long-term average share of Pakistan in the world garment exports of 1 per
cent had been restored. For 2015, we estimated total employment in Pakistan’s garment
industry at 1,180,000, of which 320,000 women.

Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia

This leaflet is based on a study undertaken for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands, on
behalf of the Asian Living Wage Conference (ALWC) in Pakistan in 2016. The ALWC aims to engage
Asian textile-producing countries in the initiatives of EU and US brands and multi-stakeholder
initiatives to implement living wages. The Ministry has asked the WageIndicator Foundation to
prepare input for the Conference by providing insight into the cost of living and related living wage
levels in the garment industries in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
See Van Klaveren, M. (2016) Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia. Amsterdam:
WageIndicator Foundation, April.

Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia, April 2016 - WageIndicator Foundation –
Pakistan’s minimum wage system has been complicated by multiple applicable laws and
ordinances, for instance the Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961 followed by the West
Pakistan Minimum Wages for Unskilled Workers Ordinance 1969. The latter is the basis
for a centralized minimum wage-setting procedure which does not require consultation of
the social partners. The experts noted that at national level a Wage Determination
Committee is in place. However, they regarded its role as rather unclear. According to
the experts’ experience, the government has the final say on minimum wage fixing. A
separate minimum wage rate for the garment sector does exist. After the increase of the
minimum wage for unskilled workers in 2013 to PKR 10,000 per month, there have been
no further minimum wage hikes in Pakistan.

According to the experts surveyed the limited bargaining capacity of garment workers
was related to their lack of alternative employment opportunities and to the easy
availability of new workers at the present level of wages and conditions. Moreover
workers face formidable barriers to unionization like authoritarian factory regimes, and
discrimination and harassment against union activists and workers who raise concerns
against employer practices. Collective bargaining in Pakistan exists mainly at factory
level, albeit on a limited scale.
The experts assessed Pakistan’s labour legislation as too permissive. On top of this, the
labour inspection system was seen to be weak. Compliance with the minimum wage was
low as well. There were no proper mechanisms in place to ensure compliance. Poor
governance, corruption and highly politicized decision-making all played a role in this
outcome. The most dramatic expression of weak compliance took place in September
2012, when a garment factory in Karachi caught fire, resulting in the deaths of 262
workers and injury to at least 55. Factory management had violated six building by-laws.

WageIndicator Cost-of-Living and Living Wage levels calculations

WageIndicator maintains a Cost-of-Living survey with related Living Wage calculations, as well as
a Work-and-Wages survey, a Minimum Wages Database, and a Labour Law Database for some 80
countries. For this report, WageIndicator intensified the Cost-of-Living data-collection in the nine
countries, and interviewed experts from the nine countries regarding the hurdles to implement
Living Wages.
Three features are critical in the WageIndicator Living Wage computations. First, they are based
on the cost of living for a predefined food basket derived from the FAO database distinguishing 50
food groups with national food consumption patterns in per capita units (checked to ensure the
percentage of calories from proteins is consistent with WHO balance diet), for housing and for
transportation, with a margin for unexpected expenses. Second, data about prices of these items
is collected through a survey. For this purpose, the Internet is used as it reaches out to large
numbers of people. This WageIndicator Cost-of-Living Survey invites web visitors on all
WageIndicator websites to complete the survey for a single item or for the list of items. The survey
is a multi-country, multilingual, continuous web survey, with a printed version and an App for
offline data-collection. Third, in determining a Living Wage, WageIndicator assumes the Living
Wage for a typical family referring to the family composition most common in the country at stake,
calculated on the respective fertility rates.
See for information: Guzi, M., and Kahanec, M. (2014) Wageindicator Living Wages, Metho-
dological Note. Bratislava/Amsterdam: CELSI/Wage; Guzi, M., Kahanec, M., Kabina, T. (2016)
Codebook of the WageIndicator Cost-of-Living Survey. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation

Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia, April 2016 - WageIndicator Foundation –
Figure 1 presents wage data for Pakistan: the monthly amounts of the living wages, the
minimum wages, the total wages in Pakistan according to WageIndicator and ILO data,
and the wages of garment workers. The LIVING WAGE section comprises the estimated
living wages based on the WageIndicator Cost-of-Living Survey for an individual and for
a typical family, with lower and upper bounds. The WAGES section comprises two 2015
minimum wage levels, the lower bound (national minimum) PKR 10,000 and the upper
bound (skilled workers) PKR 13,900. Based on WageIndicator 2015 data average wages
are presented for medium- and high-skilled workers, both with lower and upper bounds.
The total average wage level based on the ILO Wage Database 2013 is included. In the
GARMENT WAGES section we present the average garment wage based on the 2013-14
Labour Force Survey (LFS).
The figure and the underlying data show that the 2013-14 average garment wage based
on LFS data is 2 per cent below the lower bound minimum wage and 40 per cent below
the upper bound MW. The average garment wage is also substantially lower than the
overall wages for the medium- and high-skilled worker categories based on the
WageIndicator. It is also 20 per cent below the 2013 overall average wage as found by
the ILO. These indications point in the direction of relatively low garment wages. The
2013-14 average garment wage is some 10 per cent lower than the estimated lower
bound of the living wage for an individual worker; the upper bound equivalent is 1.8
times higher than the garment wage. The lower bound living wage for a typical family is
over three times the average garment wage and the lower bound minimum wage.

Figure 1. Living wages, minimum wages, total wages and garment wages in Pakistan,
monthly amounts in Pakistani Rupee (PKR)







Source: Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation, April 2016.

Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia, April 2016 - WageIndicator Foundation –
Figure 2 shows wages in context: the distances between the various wage levels
calculated for the nine countries, setting the lower bound statutory minimum wage as
100 and relating this to the garment wages derived from official surveys as well as the
estimated lower bound living wages for individuals and for typical families. In all five
countries with official garment wages available, these wages are not far from the lower
bound minimum wage; in two out of the five they even settle below that minimum wage,
in Cambodia substantially and in Pakistan slightly.
In the eight countries (all except China) for which based on the WageIndicator Cost-of-
Living Survey living wages could be estimated, the relative levels of the lower bound
living wage for individuals vary widely. Cambodia is the only country with this living
wage settled below the lower bound minimum wage; for the other countries the
individual living wage values range from 8 per cent (Pakistan) and 14 per cent (India)
above the lower bound minimum wage up to 29 per cent (Bangladesh and Myanmar),
146 per cent (Sri Lanka), 174 per cent (Indonesia) and 219 per cent (Vietnam).

Figure 2 Wages in Context: Lower bound statutory minimum wage (=100, blue bars)
related to the median garment wages (yellow bars), the lower bound living wage
for individuals (green bars), and the lower bound living wage for typical families
(red bars), nine countries
Wages in Context


Bangladesh Cambodia
Bangladesh Cambodia China
China India
India Indonesia Myanmar
Myanmar Pakistan
Pakistan Sri
Lanka Vietnam

minwage_lowerbound_WIF wage_garment
livingwage_typfamily_lowerbound_WIF livingwage_typfamily_lowerbound_WIF

Source: Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia. Amsterdam: WageIndicator Foundation, April 2016.

WageIndicator Foundation (;

WageIndicator started in 2001 to contribute to a transparent labour market for workers and
employers by publishing easily accessible information on a website. It collects, compares and
shares labour market information through online and face-to-face surveys and desk research. It
publishes the collected information on national websites, thereby serving as an online library for
wage information, Labour Law, and career advice, both for workers/employees and employers. The
websites attract a large audience, because they publish urgently needed but usually not easy
accessible information, in 2015 resulting in more than 32 million visitors.

Wages in Context in the Garment Industry in Asia, April 2016 - WageIndicator Foundation –

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