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Attention-Enhanced Neural Differential Equations For Physics-Informed Deep Learning of Ion Transport

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Attention-enhanced neural differential equations for

physics-informed deep learning of ion transport

Danyal Rehman John H. Lienhard

Center for Computational Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
arXiv:2312.02871v1 [cs.LG] 5 Dec 2023

Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Cambridge, MA 02139, USA


Species transport models typically combine partial differential equations (PDEs) with rela-
tions from hindered transport theory to quantify electromigrative, convective, and diffusive
transport through complex nanoporous systems; however, these formulations are frequently
substantial simplifications of the governing dynamics, leading to the poor generalization
performance of PDE-based models. Given the growing interest in deep learning methods for
the physical sciences, we develop a machine learning-based approach to characterize ion
transport across nanoporous membranes. Our proposed framework centers around attention-
enhanced neural differential equations that incorporate electroneutrality-based inductive
biases to improve generalization performance relative to conventional PDE-based meth-
ods. In addition, we study the role of the attention mechanism in illuminating physically-
meaningful ion-pairing relationships across diverse mixture compositions. Further, we
investigate the importance of pre-training on simulated data from PDE-based models, as
well as the performance benefits from hard vs. soft inductive biases. Our results indicate
that physics-informed deep learning solutions can outperform their classical PDE-based
counterparts and provide promising avenues for modelling complex transport phenomena
across diverse applications.

Introduction and Background

Modelling ion transport phenomena is a common problem observed across a host of applications
that include ion-exchange through biological membranes (Gschwend and Girault, 2020), diffusing
ionized gases in nuclear reactors (Tsypin et al., 1998), and the transport of metal ions through
polyamide nanopores (Ritt et al., 2020; Roy et al., 2015). Across these applications, different models
are typically used to describe the physics of the governing transport phenomena; however, the two
most common approaches, derived from irreversible thermodynamics, are the Maxwell-Stefan
formulations and the Nernst-Planck (NP) equations (Taylor and Krishna, 1993). Maxwell-Stefan
frameworks, although typically more accurate than the NP approach, can be used to model
inter-species diffusion, yet require access to inter-species diffusion coefficients that become
challenging to measure when large numbers of species are present (Krishna and Wesselingh, 1997).
The NP equations, albeit simpler, introduce many assumptions and simplifications into the governing
dynamics, which can adversely impact model performance making generalization a challenge
(Rehman et al., 2023). Given the advent of deep learning methods in the natural sciences, there are
clear opportunities to address some of the shortcomings of classical PDE-based ion transport models
(Nagy et al., 2021; Rehman and Lienhard, 2023b) through deep learning-based alternatives1 .

In this work, we explore the use of attention-enhanced neural differential equations to model ion
Relevant research covering machine learning for PDEs and ion transport is detailed in Appendix A.

Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop, NeurIPS 2023.

transport across polyamide nanopores (Chen et al., 2018). We supplement classical neural differential
equation models using the attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017) and encode electroneutrality
as an inductive bias (Rehman and Lienhard, 2023b) into the model architecture. Next, we pre-train
the model on simulated data from PDE-based models supplemented with Gaussian noise to emulate
experimental error, and then fine-tune the model on experimental data from over 750 measurements
(Micari et al., 2020). Further, we highlight the importance of the attention layers by illustrating
their ability to learn physically-representative ion-pairing relationships across studied solutions
(Ahdab et al., 2020, 2021a). We also run ablations to ascertain the benefits of pre-training, while
investigating the performance trade-offs between hard and soft inductive bias constraints. Lastly, we
benchmark the performance of our approach relative to other competitive deep learning methods
(LeCun et al., 1989; Ronneberger et al., 2015). Using our proposed method, we show that it is
possible to learn multi-species transport across nanoporous membranes and improve predictive
performance relative to conventional PDE-based solutions (Geraldes and Brites Alves, 2008).

Physics-informed Deep Learning Model

Neural Ordinary Differential Equations The hidden layer dynamics, h(Jv ), are parameterized
by a first-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) that depends on transmembrane fluid flux, Jv :
dh(Jv )
= fθ (h(Jv ), Jv ; θ) (1)
with Jv = {0 . . . Jv }, h ∈ Rd , and fθ : [0, Jv ] × Rd → Rd . input concentrations

Here, d corresponds to the maximum number of charged

solutes present across all datasets2 . Since the distribution of ion-vector masking

ions varies across the studied datasets, we mask out absent

ions prior to the positional encodings and attention layer. positional encodings permeate flux

The outputs of the neural differential equations correspond attention head

to scalar ion concentrations, h(Jv ), which are obtained by
integrating over ODENet using the Tsitouras 5(4) numerical linear layer
method (Simos and Tsitouras, 2018). In ODENet, θ ∈ Θ, <latexit sha1_base64="SkEJuInKPVPrIF1B9VOsG8DadWM=">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</latexit>

is a set of learnable parameters from some finite dimen- .
Physics-informed neural
sional parameter space, Θ (Chen et al., 2018). By learning .
. differential equation model
the derivative of the output function, concentrations are .
uniformly Lipschitz continuous in h(Jv ) and continuous .

in Jv , enabling facile pre-training on classical PDE-based linear head

transport models (Boral et al., 2023; Kidger, 2022).

orthogonal projector
input layer
The model is comprised of five linear layers, each with
tanh(·) non-linearities applied to the outputs. Prior to the electroneutral outputs ODENet output

orthogonal projector, no point-wise activations are used.

Figure 1: Physics-informed ODENet with an attention
The network is trained using Adam with a batch size of 32 head and orthogonal projector for learning ionic context
and an initial learning rate of 10−3 (Kingma and Ba, 2014). and predicting electroneutral outputs.

Attention Mechanism In language models, the attention mechanism serves as a means for learning
semantic context (Vaswani et al., 2017); in the molecular or ionic setting, we can also leverage the
attention mechanism to learn ionic context across diverse mixtures (Veličković et al., 2018). Using
this approach, the model can identify governing ion-pairing relationships that dictate transport across
polyamide nanopores (Rehman et al., 2023). Attention is calculated as follows:
Attention(Q, K, V ) = softmax √ V (2)
⊥ ⊥
where Q, K, and V are the query, key, and value matrices, obtained from WQ ∈ Rdk , WK ∈ Rdk ,

and WV ∈ Rdk , respectively. In the reported work, we set dk = 8 unless stated otherwise.
We combine independent sets of experimental data all studying DuPont’s FilmTec™ NF270 polyamide

membrane. The set of ions present across solutions is S : {Na+ , K+ , Li+ , Mg2+ , Ca2+ , Cl− , SO2−
4 , NO3 }.

Inductive Biases: Charge Conservation For dissociated ions in fluid systems, electroneutrality is
typically a conserved quantity in the bulk solution (Gupta et al., 2022; Rehman and Lienhard, 2023a;
Wang et al., 2021b). The conservation law can be quantified as follows:
zj hj (Jv ) = 0, ∀Jv (3)

When treated as a hard constraint, we use the orthogonal projection of the hidden layer to ensure
⊥ ⊥ ⊥
electroneutral outputs from the model. The projection is evaluated as follows: z h⊥ = z h − z h∥ ,
where z ∈ Rd corresponds to ion valences. During ablations, we elucidate the importance of the
inductive bias by also applying it as a soft constraint. In this case, the electroneutrality term is simply
appended to the loss functions as a regularization constraint to be minimized (Raissi et al., 2019).

Training Regime and Augmentations We first pre-train the neural solver on simulated data from
the Donnan–Steric Pore Model with Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM–DE): a well-established PDE-
based approach that involves solving the Nernst-Planck equations (Geraldes and Brites Alves, 2008).
Details and derivation of the PDE-based model and regression formulation are provided in prior work
(Rehman and Lienhard, 2022; Wang and Lin, 2021). The pre-training loss is expressed as follows:
k d
1 XXh i2
LPDE (h, hPDE ) = hj (Jv,i ) − hPDE
j (Jv,i ) (4)
kd i=1 j=1

Subsequently, we freeze the first three layers of the network and fine-tune the remaining two using
measurement data fitted with Gaussian statistics to emulate experimental uncertainty:
n d
1 XX 2
Lexp (h, hexp ) = hj (Jv,i ) − hexp
j (Jv,i ) , hexp 2
j (Jv,i ) ∼ N (µij , σij ) ∀i, j (5)
nd i=1 j=1

where n corresponds to the number of flux measurements taken per species.

Results and Discussion

Predictive Performance For a sample ionic composition from the test set, we predict ion rejection
rollouts as a function of flux: Rmod
j (Jv ) ≜ (1 − [hj (Jv )/cj,in ]). In Fig. 2A), we observe that the
neural model outperforms the classical PDE-based method for a given rollout, while we note generally
superior performance across the full test set in Fig. 2B). ±10% confidence bounds are included to
illustrate the strong agreement achieved by the neural approach relative to the PDE-based model,
which shows substantial deviations from the ground truth across a large number of test samples.

Implications of Attention In Fig. 2C), we benchmark the accuracy of our physics-informed

ODENet relative to other deep learning methods and quantify the performance benefits of the
attention mechanism. Our approach outperforms other ML-based approaches with the U-Nets
achieving the closest MSE. This is likely due to the smooth profiles generated by ODENet
for unseen fluxes that closely mirror experimental observation; other methods are unable to
capture this continuity leading to inferior performance on the test data. For all conducted tests,
we maintained a similar number of model parameters across benchmarks to ensure a fair com-
parison. In all cases, we note that the inclusion of the attention layer improves predictive performance.

Further, in the inset, we include a sample of the attention matrix with all ions reported.
We note that the attention mechanism clearly learns the importance of valence and ionic size in
transport, as seen by the elevated scores present for ions with the largest differences in radius and
charge. Even more interestingly, we note that the importance of preserving electroneutrality is
also learned: in cases of negative rejection − as demonstrated by NO− 3 in Fig. 2A) − the transport
of the partner cation(s) or anion(s) is accelerated to conserve charge; the attention matrix is
able to accurately identify the pertinent ion-pairs instrumental in achieving electroneutrality. In
the example shown, we see that the attention given to both Cl− and NO− +
3 by Na is high; this

makes physical sense as SO2−4 is too large and immobile to be transported through the polyamide
nanopores meaning that Cl− and NO− 3 are the primary ions carried across to achieve electroneutrality
(Ahdab et al., 2021b). This is similarly observed in Fig. 2A), where the presence of three cations
means that NO− 3 transport must be expedited to ensure electroneutral outputs (this is exemplified
by the negative rejection observed in NO− 3 ). These findings clearly illustrate the value of the
attention mechanism in learning and characterizing ion transport across polyamide nanopores.

Pre-training and Inductive Biases A B

In Fig. 2D), we quantify the impact
of pre-training on simulated data from
mechanistic models, and integrating
inductive biases as hard constraints
rather than soft regularization terms.
By not pre-training on classical PDE-
based models, we note that the resul-
tant MSE is nearly 40% higher than
when it is included. Despite the short-
comings of these PDE-based models
(Wang and Lin, 2021), using them to C D
improve the quality of the intermedi-
ate embeddings through pre-training
substantially improves predictive per-
formance on the downstream task.

In addition, our results demonstrate

that pre-training on simulated data is
even more impactful than treating the
inductive biases as hard constraints.
This is likely because in the data-
limited regime, the model struggles Figure 2: (A): Ion rejection predictions as a function of flux using the physics-informed
ODENet and PDE-based DSPM–DE. (B): Parity plot illustrating general predictive
to learn meaningful representations of performance across the test set using both the proposed ODENet and DSPM–DE. (C):
the governing transport phenomena The MSE loss achieved across deep learning methods with and without the attention
without appropriate guidance from mechanism included. The inset corresponds to a sample learned attention matrix for a
given ionic composition from the test set. (D): The implications of pre-training and
the PDE-based methods; as a result, hard vs. soft inductive biases on predictive performance across a set of assessed deep
the inductive biases are insufficient in learning methods. Key: PT: pre-trained with simulated data; NPT: no pre-training
providing substantive signal to learn with simulated data; HIB: hard inductive bias; SIB: soft inductive bias.
physically-representative trends. In the extreme case, when pre-training is not performed, and induc-
tive biases are treated as soft constraints, we observe that predictive performance is even worse than
the PDE-derived baseline across all deep learning-based methods investigated.


In this work, we propose attention-based neural differential equations for learning multi-ionic
transport across nanoporous membranes. The model employs attention layers to learn physically-
representative ion-pairing relationships that govern transport phenomena. We illustrate this through
reported attention matrices that elucidate the role of ion valence in species transport. In addition, we
run ablation studies to investigate the importance of pre-training the neural approach on classical
PDE-based models. In data-limited settings, like the regime we are operating in, learning high
quality embeddings through pre-training on classical models is imperative to achieving competitive
performance against non deep learning alternatives. We also investigate the performance implications
of treating charge conservation inductive biases as hard and soft constraints. We show that including
them in either capacity outperforms classical PDE-based models across most deep learning methods
(barring simple feed forward neural networks). Our results also highlight that transitioning from soft
constraints to hard constraints drops MSE loss on the test set by 10-20%. These findings speak to the
potential of neural methods to serve as robust alternatives to PDE-based models that often struggle to
meet our performance requirements across diverse input and operating conditions.

Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding

The authors thank the Centers for Mechanical Engineering Research and Education at MIT and
SUSTech (MechERE Centers at MIT and SUSTech) for partially funding this research. D.R. ac-
knowledges financial support provided by a fellowship from the Abdul Latif Jameel World Water and
Food Systems (J-WAFS) Lab and fellowship support from the Martin Family Society of Fellows.

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A Related Work

Deep Learning for PDEs Some recent scientific machine learning research has considered the
development of neural operators, like the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) (Li et al., 2021) and
DeepONet (Lu et al., 2021), for applications to thermal-fluid sciences (Li et al., 2023), carbon capture
(Wen et al., 2023), and even quantum systems (Zhang et al., 2023). These methods typically map
function spaces to function spaces to learn grid-independent dynamics of diverse PDEs. Other work
has focused on finite-dimensional neural alternatives to numerical methods like neural ordinary
differential equations (Chen et al., 2018), universal differential equations (Rackauckas et al., 2021),
physics-informed neural networks (Raissi et al., 2019), and Clifford group equivariant networks
(Brandstetter et al., 2023), to name a few. Ongoing efforts have also tried to make these neural
methods more accurate and/or data-efficient through the integration of symmetry-derived inductive
biases (Brandstetter et al., 2022; Mialon et al., 2023), while others have focused on improving long-
term prediction accuracies (Lippe et al., 2023; Wan et al., 2023). For ion transport specifically, there
have been some efforts to leverage neural methods to supplement mechanistic models for fouling
prediction (De Jaegher et al., 2021) and membrane monomer design (Zhang and Luo, 2020), but the
development of new deep learning-based process models remains a field of ongoing research.

Mechanistic Ion Transport Models The first ion transport models across nanoporous membranes
were derived from irreversible thermodynamics in the 1960s (Kedem and Katchalsky, 1963). Since
then, substantial improvements have been proposed, with both the Maxwell-Stefan frameworks
(Kraaijeveld et al., 1995), and the extended Nernst-Planck equations-based Donnan–Steric Pore
Model with Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM–DE) (Bowen and Welfoot, 2002). Other recent models are
typically extensions and variants of these models that have been further developed in recent years
(Wang et al., 2021a, 2023). Despite this progress, these models typically struggle to generalize to new
compositions due to the introduction of highly-constraining model simplifications and assumptions
(Rehman et al., 2023). These simplifications are most often introduced as closure models to estimate
parameters under nano-confinement; however, these functional relationships typically overconstrain
the model, preventing accurate predictions across diverse operating conditions (Wang and Lin, 2021).

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