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Robert Abiol Grade 5 English

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Catherine Academy 1
Zone Libra, Suarez, Iligan City 9200
Tel. No. 225-9812



Learning Competency:
At the end of this module, you will be able to;
A. Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, deposit and withdrawal slips, etc.)
B. Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using text clues
C. Use compound and complex sentences to show cause and effect and problem-solution
relationship of ideas

TOPIC: LESSON 1 – Fill-out forms accurately

What’s New?
Were you able to fill it out the school form correctly? Look at the school form with its
possible correct entries.

1. What are the details asked in the school club form?
2. Why is it important to answer the forms correctly, accurately, and honestly?

What’s More?

What is FORMS?
is a printed or typed document with blank spaces for insertion or
required information such as person’s full name, birth date and address.

When writing the entries or data needed in a form, here are some things you should

 Write your full name in print correctly.

 Write your age in number form.
 Mark with a (✔) your gender or sex, or write M for Male or F for female. 2
 Write beside it your residence or your complete home address.
 For the date of birth, indicate the month, the day, and the year in numbers.
 For the place of birth, indicate the city, the municipality, or the province where
you were born.
 For citizenship or nationality, indicate whether you are a Filipino or of other
 Write the full names of your mother and father.
 Write your signature over your printed name.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 1 Activity #1
Instruction: Let us check how well you have understood the lesson. Fill out the school forms below. Your
work will be graded based on the scoring rubrics given below. Write your answers in the activity sheet given
by the teacher.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Rubrics on the filling out of forms:

Poor (2pts) Fair (3pts) Good (4pts) Excellent (5pts)

Holistic Student is not able Students is able to Student is able to Student is able to
to complete the complete the task complete the task complete the task
task with some errors with few errors successfully with
or difficulty. no errors.
Required Student does not Students provides Student provide Student provides
information provide the some of the most of the all required
required required required information
information. information. information
Penmanship and Students writing is Students writing is Students writing is Students writing is
Neatness illegible, and many somewhat neat and mostly neat and neat and legible
errors are present legible. legible
Spelling and Student’s spelling Students spelling Student has mostly Students has no
Grammar and grammar cause and grammar cause correct spelling spelling or
problems with some problems and grammar. grammar.
comprehension. with

TOPIC: LESSON 2 – Unfamiliar words using
Context Clues

What’s New?
Read the Poem.
The Lark and the Wren

“Goodnight, Sir Wren! Said Little Lark. The daylight fades it will soon be dark. I’ve
bathed my wings in the sun’s last ray. I’ve sung my hymn to the parting day. So now I fly to my
quiet glen in yonder meadow – Goodnight Wren. Goodnight poor Lark. Said the haughty Wren
with a flick of his wings towards his happy friend. I also go to my rest profound but not to sleep
on the cold damp ground. The fittest place for a bird like me is the topmost bough of a tall pine

1. What are the unfamiliar words in the poem? Kindly underline those words.

What’s More?


Are simply hints that the author gives to help define
the particular meaning of a word or a phrase.

What are the 4 types of Context Clues?

1. Definition/Explanation
 Is the most straight forward hint. It defines the precise meaning of a
vocabulary word in the sentence itself.

His emanciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to

Skeleton-like appearance is the definition of the emanciation.

2. Restatement/Synonym
 Uses similar word or phrase to a vocabulary word to help give that word’s

His animosity or hatred towards his sister divided the family.

The word animosity which means hatred which also indicated in the

3. Contrast/Antonym
 Uses opposite word or phrases to give hint to the reader as regards the
meaning of the vocabulary word.

Adam is aloof, unlike his sister who is very sociable.
Explanation: 4
The word unlike lets you know an antonym is coming. The word antonym
for aloof is sociable, therefore the meaning of aloof is unsociable.

4. Inference/General Context Clues

 Encourages the reader to use reasoning skills in order to figure out the
meaning of unknown word.

Speaking rudely to the judges was rash behavior. He lost his chances of


The word rash can be inferred to a statement speaking rudely to the judges
Thus, rash means lack of caution.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 2 Activity #2

Instruction: A word in each sentence below is underlined. Write each word in the blank provided. Choose the
correct answer that has a similar meaning. Use the text of each sentence to find the correct word.
NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. The movie star’s large and beautiful home was palatial. ____________
A. ugly B. tiny C. for dogs D. like a palace
2. At the restaurant we were offered a variety of beverages, like milk and ice tea. _________
A. bread B. silverware C. drinks D. menus
3. Slavery was abolished in the U.S. after the Civil War. __________
A. outlawed B. exchanged C. running D. common
4. Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street. __________
A. crosswalks B. walkers C. stoplights D. parrots
5. When I fell off the trampoline, I Fractured my arm and wore a cast. __________
A. rested B. broke C. avoided D. looked at
6. The class decided to Exhibit the science project during Parents’ Night. __________
A. lose B. eat C. trade D. show
7. The frigid water made Elizabeth’s teeth chatter. ___________
A. cold B. clean C. green D. warm
8. Typewriters became Obsolete with the development of personal computers. __________
A. popular B. out-dated C. careful D. round
9. His mother gets Anxious if he stays outside after dark. __________
A. nervous B. silly C. happy D. sleepy
10. After the rainstorm, the rainbow lit up the sky with vivid colors. _________
A. dark B. funny C. bright D. normal

TOPIC: LESSON 3 – Compound and Complex

What’s New?
Read and understand the sentences:
1. She got a high score in test because she studied last night.
2. Maria bought a cake because it is her mom’s birthday.
3. They did not go to the zoo because the boy went to the park.
4. She will attend the party if someone invites her.
What kind of sentences in number 1 and 2? Compound
How about in number 3 and 4? Sentence
Complex Sentence
What’s More?


Are made of two simple sentences or independent
clauses connected by coordinating conjunction.

Independent Clause – Can stand by itself as a complete sentence.

1. My brother dances well.
2. My sister sings well.

Coordinating Conjunction – Are conjunctions that are used to join two simple sentences
or independent clauses to form compound sentence.

Example of Conjunctions:

For And Nor But

Or Yet So

Use Compound Sentence to show Cause and Effect Relationship


The boy cried
cried after
after he bitten by a dog.

Effect Cause

She got fever because she took a long bath in the rain.

Effect Conjunction

Use Compound Sentence to show Problem and Solution Relationship

My brother was crying with hunger soSo I bought food for him.

Problem Solution

I was bitten by a cat soSo the first thing I did was wash it with clean water.

Problem Solution


Contains one independent clause and one or more
subordinate clauses/dependent clause joined by
subordinating conjunction.

Subordinating Conjunction – Connect a subordinate or dependent clause to the

independent clause to form a complex sentence.

List of Subordinating Conjunction:

After Once Though
However Since Whenever
Incase Before As soon as
That Who Which

Use Compound Sentence to show Cause and Effect Relationship


They did not go to the zoo because the boy went to the park.

Effect Cause

She will attend the party if someone invites her.

Effect Cause

Use Compound Sentence to show Problem and Solution Relationship


I washed my clothes after I accidentally poured my chocolates drink.

Solution Problem

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 3 Activity #3
A. Instruction: Write the correct conjunction that completes each compound sentence below.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. Dan likes to race his car fast, (and / or / but) he should think about safety.

2. I knew exactly where I put my wallet, (and / or / but) I still couldn’t find it.

3. I love to draw, (and / or / but) my friend loves to design in art class.

4. We went to the hospital, (and / or / but) we found out it was closed early.

5. I have fifty dollars, (yet / and / so) I still can’t afford the new video game.

6. I enjoyed the movie, (and / or / but) my little brother did not.

7. I can fish in the morning, (and / or / but) I can fish in the late evening.

8. She can run in the morning, (and/ or / but) I will jog in the morning.

9. You are a new student, (yet / and / so) you will have to learn the class routines.

10. You didn’t finish on time, (yet / and / so) you will have to come back tomorrow.

B. Instruction: A complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. In each complex
sentence below, find and write the independent clauses.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. Until she had children of her own, Fiona didn’t know how much she could love someone.
2. Although he was in the military, Joe is having trouble finding a job.
3. When inquiring about the program, we were told it had been cancelled.
4. Even after Pete graduated, he continued to visit his teachers.
5. For as long as she has lived here, Mathilda has walked to school.
6. George hates movies, so we never go to see any.
7. Without saying a word, Dylan sat down beside me.
8. Thinking how much I would like a dog of my own, I asked if the puppy needed a home.
9. After my parents agreed, they told me what they had decided.
10. We won’t have a play this year, unless someone volunteers to take the lead part.

C. Instructions: Construct 5 complex sentences and 5 compound sentences. Make sure that you use the
appropriate subordinating conjunction.

Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________
Teacher: Mr. Robert Kane O. Abiol, LPT Score: __________

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Test I. Instruction: Identify each sentence as either compound or complex.

1. I don’t like hockey, but I will go to the game with you. ________________
2. Henry hates sports, although he sometimes watches them. ________________
3. Until we met, I didn’t think I would ever fall in love. ________________
4. We will all meet up after the concert is over. ________________
5. Hank forgot his homework, but he did it again in homeroom. ________________
6. The dog likes to lay at my feet, and he is always near me. ________________
7. With John’s cooperation, we will definitely get this done. ________________
8. I need to borrow a stamp, but no one has one to lend me. ________________
9. But for Tim’s advice, I would have made a terrible mistake. ________________
10. That card is beautiful, and I really treasure it. ________________

Test II. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What will you write as your surname?

a. Last name b. First name c. Middle name d. Extension name
2. What will you write as your place of birth?
a. The place where your mother was born b. The place where your father was born
c. The place where your grandparents were born d. The place where you were born
3. What will you write in the section that says siblings?
a. Cousins b. Relatives c. Grandparents d. Sisters and Brothers
4. What is occupation?
a. Work b. Place c. Age d. Birthdate
5. What do you write for Date of Birth?
a. The date today b. The date when your mother was born
c. The date when you were born d. The date when your father was born
6. What kind of form do you use to identify you as a pupil of the school?
a. ID b. Club membership c. Deposit form d. Withdrawal form
7. What school form do you use to fill out to borrow a book from the library?
a. ID b. Club membership c. Library card d. Deposit Slip form
8. What kind of form do you need to fill out to deposit money in the bank?
a. ID b. Club membership c. Library card d. Deposit Slip form
9. What kind of form do you need to fill out to withdraw from your bank account?
a. ID b. Club membership c. Deposit form d. Withdrawal form
10. What kind of form provides personal information about you?
a. Bank deposit form b. Bank Withdrawal Slip c. Library Card d. Biodata


Instruction: Another type of Form is a Bio-data which is an example of an information sheet form that is used
in applying for a job. This time, you must interview an adult in your family. Copy it. Write your answers on
your answer sheet. Make sure that all data are entered accurately.
St. Catherine Academy 9
Zone Libra, Suarez, Iligan City 9200
Tel. No. 225-9812



Learning Competency:
At the end of this module, you will be able to;
A. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:
aspects of verbs, modals and conjunction.
B. Identify point-of-view
C. Examine images which present particular viewpoints, e.g. stereotypes (gender, age,
cultural), opinions on an issue.

TOPIC: LESSON 4 – Coherent sentences using

grammatical structures
What’s New?

Analyze the sentences:

1. I eat breakfast before I leave for school.

2. I will eat my packed lunch a bit later.
3. I can buy cheap materials there.
4. Could we ask her to join us?
5. My favorite heroes are Batman and Green Lantern.

What’s More?

Coherent sentences using Aspects of Verbs

The Four Aspects of Verbs:

1. The Simple Aspect

No emphasis of completed or on-going action; it
also shows habitual actions in the base form of the present tense.

Simple past tense I ate
Simple present tense I eat
Simple future tense I will eat

2. The Perfect Aspect

Used to indicate an action that took place at an
indefinite time or over a period of time in the past.

Past perfect tense I had eaten
Present perfect tense I have eaten
Future perfect tense I will have eaten
3. The Progressive Aspect 10
The action is ongoing; uses linking verb.

Past progressive tense I was eating
Present progressive tense I am eating
Future progressive tense I will be eating

4. The Perfect Progressive Aspect

Emphasizes the continuous nature of
the activity or the duration of the action throughout a period of

Past perfect progressive tense I had been eating
Present perfect progressive tense I have been eating
Future perfect progressive tense I will have been eating

Coherent sentences using Modals

5 examples of Modals:

1. CAN

Use Examples
Ability I can buy cheap materials there.
Permission Can I borrow your book?
Possibility I believe I can get what I need in that shop.

Use Examples
Ability (in the past) I could buy cheap materials there.
Polite Permission Could I borrow your book, please?
Polite suggestion Could we ask her to join us?

3. MAY

Use Examples
Polite suggestion You may want to check on other stuff.
Polite Permission May I go to the restroom?
Possibility That may cause danger.


Use Examples
Possibility (less possible You might also want to go to the other stores
than may afterwards.


Use Examples
Necessity (with force) I must study first
Advice (with force) You must be there on time
Possibility They must be in the mall.
Coherent sentences using Conjunctions 11

When to Use each Coordinating Conjunction:

Coordinating Conjunction Reason

And To communicate addition
But, yet To connect contrasting ideas
Or To connect choices
So To connect reason/cause
Nor To connect negative choices

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 4 Activity #4
Instruction: A. Construct 3 sentences using Aspects of Verbs.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. Simple Aspect
2. Perfect Aspect
3. Progressive Aspect
4. Perfect Progressive Aspect

B. Write at least 5 sentences using Modals


C. Write at least 5 sentences using Coordinating Conjunctions


TOPIC: LESSON 5 – Identify Point-of-View

What’s New?

Read the following sentences and study each.

a. I felt like I was getting drowned with shame and disgrace.

b. Sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration.
c. Mr. Stewart is a principled man. He acts by the book and never lets you deceive him


1. What do you noticed about the underlined words?

2. What do you call a word or to a part of speech that is substitute of nouns?
3. What do you call to a word used in literature that they are usually pronouns and are
used as a literary device in representing the perspective from which a story is narrated?
4. How these point of view are useful in literature.

What’s More?

Is the perspective from which a story is narrated? Point of view is
very closely linked with the concept of a narrator. The narrator of a story can be a
participant in the story, meaning this character is a part of the plot, or a non-
participant. The point of view in a story refers to the position of the narrator in
relation to the story.

Types of Point of View:

1. First person point of view- involves the use of either of the two pronouns “I” and

I always look forward to my summer vacation at the beach.
We love walking the dogs in the woods

2. Second person point of view - employs the pronoun “you”.

You can wait in here and make yourself at home.
You should be proud of yourselves for finishing this enormous

3. Third person point of view - uses pronouns like “he”, “she”, “it”, “they” or a name.

Tiffany used her prize money from the science fair to buy herself a
new microscope.
The concert goers roared their approval when they realized they’d
be getting an encore.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 5 Activity #5
A. Instructions: Read each sentence. Identify if it is written from first or three person point of view.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. You should tell me the truth. _____________________________

2. Susan knows the way home. _____________________________
3. I will go to the movies tomorrow. _____________________________
4. He saw an alligator in the swamp. _____________________________
5. She is one of my best friends. _____________________________
6. Michael will go to the football game. _____________________________
7. Can you tell me your name? _____________________________
8. I am ready to graduate from high school. _____________________________
9. I walked to the park with my friend. _____________________________
10. He is one of the best athletes on the team. _____________________________

B. Instructions: Construct a 5 sentences using the three types of point of view.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________

TOPIC: LESSON 6 – Stereotype (gender, age and

What’s New?

Take a look at the pictures and analyze it.

These pictures are called STEREOTYPE. What is Stereotype?

What’s More?

It is an overgeneralization of some characteristics of a
group of people, a country, and a region. But it is partly true and partly
false because it is impossible to know everybody. Stereotypes disappear
very slowly, sometimes never.

There are three types of Stereotype:

1. Gender Stereotype – Is beliefs about the personal attributes of female and

Types of Gender Stereotype:

1. Male Stereotype –Boys are taught to be tough, to be protective,

and to defend themselves. Their outfits usually in blue color which
symbolic to a men.

 Men do dirty jobs such as construction and mechanics.

 Men do not cook, sew or do crafts
 Men do not do housework and they are not responsible for taking care of children.

2. Female Stereotype – If baby was girl their tendency are more to

girlish thing like wear pink clothes, toys like a Barbie doll.

 Women are not as strong as men.

 Women are supposed to have clean jobs such as
secretaries, teachers, and librarians.
 Women are nurses, not doctors.
2. Age Stereotype - Are beliefs concerning features of the aged
population [1]. They could be refined and amplified across the life span
and could be manifested in both positive

Types of Age Stereotype:

1. Young Children – Bubbly, active, happy, always

laughing, eats lots of sweet.

2. Teenagers – Rebellious, lazy, egocentric, irresponsible,

material things, socializing.

3. Old People – Slow, fragile, slow drivers, bad hearing,

memory loss, grey/white hair.

3. Cultural Stereotype - Cultural Stereotypes Stereotyping is the

portrayal of people or places through a few obvious characteristics.

Types of Cultural Stereotype:

1. Class Upper class- Old money, education at top

universities, exclusive clubs, careers in established law or financial
firms or medical specialties.
2. Middle class- Successful small businessmen, such as
grocers and building contractors. Retirees.
3. Lower class- Steady but low-wage occupations such as
store clerks, beauticians, painters. High school educations. Live in
rented housing.

 Stereotypes also exist about cultures an countries as a whole. Stereotype

examples of this sort include the premises that:

1. All Arabs and Muslims are terrorists.

2. All people who live in England have bad teeth.
3. All Blacks outside of the United States are poor.
4. All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow.

 Why is it bad to Stereotype?

 Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the

stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly putting someone
down based on your preconceived perceptions will not encourage
them to succeed.

 Stereotyping can lead to bullying form a young age. Jocks and

Preps pick on the Nerds and the Geeks; Skaters pick on the Goths,
so on and so forth. Stereotyping is encouraging bullying behavior
that children carry into adulthood.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 6 Activity #6

A. Instruction: Identify if the statement shows a stereotype by writing a checkmark on the blank. Write X if it
is not.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

_____ 1. Chubby people are healthy.

_____ 2. We have to take a bath daily.
_____ 3. Stargazing is an interesting activity.
_____ 4. Men are strong and do all the work.
_____ 5. Girls are not good at sports.
_____ 6. All teenagers are not rebels.
_____ 7. All children don't enjoy healthy food.
_____ 8. The elderly have health issues and behave like children.
_____ 9. Women aren't as smart as a man.
_____ 10. Women can't do as good of a job as a man.

B. Instruction: Fill in the blanks with a word/group of words to make each item express a stereotype
statements. Choose your answer from the box.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Weak and sickly eat candles and lollipops

Make cupcakes business minded
Ball games playing with paper dolls

1. Girls like _________________

2. Older people are ___________________

3. Men are interested in ________________

4. Little children like to ________________

5. Chinese people are _______________

Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________
Teacher: Mr. Robert Kane O. Abiol, LPT Score: __________

Test I. Instructions: Complete the crossword below. Use the clues and your own resources to find the
correct answers.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Test II. Instructions: Circle the correct point of view for each statement. Then underline the clue words
that helped you determine the point of view.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. I was nervous when it was my turn in the spelling bee.

a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
2. He likes to tell jokes that make everybody laugh.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
3. Mike took his book to the library to renew it for one more week.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person

4. My grandma is coming to visit and I can’t wait to see her.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
5. You have to be very quiet so you don’t scare away the rabbit.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
6. It is important that you take your time and do your best on all your work.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
7. Sally and Johnny are going to get pizza tonight. They are getting it from their favorite pizza
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
8. The last piece of cake is mine!!!
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
9. She has a pretty smile. It makes her whole face light up.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person
10. I was the first person to finish the worksheet.
a. First person b. Second person c. Third person

Test III. Instructions: Write the clue words in the box where they belong.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Clue Words:

Me she he my I they

We you him mine her them


St. Catherine Academy
Zone Libra, Suarez, Iligan City 9200
Tel. No. 225-9812



Learning Competency:
At the end of this module, you will be able to;
A. Distinguish text-types according to purpose and features: classification, explanation,
enumeration and time order
B. Provide evidence to support opinion/fact

TOPIC: LESSON 7 – Text types according to

purpose and features

What’s New?

WORDS make up a PHRASES make up a SENTENCES make up

 Paragraph – A group of sentences organized with a central topic
or main idea. Text or essay is composed of paragraph.

What’s More?

What is TEXT TYPE?

It is a way of classifying and defining different language
interaction, spoken and written. It refers to the purpose of the text and the
way it is written.
Different Text Types according to Purpose and Feature

1. Classification Text – This text type is when the text or paragraph has
organized ideas by groups or types.
Weight Loss
People looking to lose weight have a few options: exercise, diet, weight loss pills, and
surgery. Exercising involves going to a gym, working out at home, or joining some sort of class
or sports team. Those who are dieting can talk to a doctor about a plan for them. Weight loss
pills can be taken, if proper precautions and directions are followed. Individuals who are severely
overweight can talk to a doctor about having surgery to lose the weight that they need.

The essay or the text is group by the ways on how to lose weight:
a. Exercise
b. Diet
c. Weight loss pills
d. Surgery

2. Explanation Text – Explanation text type usually includes a series of event
explaining how and why a certain event or phenomenon occurs.
Day and Night
As earth rotates on its axis around the Sun, the section facing the sun will be the daylight.
The section facing away the sun will be in darkness, experiencing night. One half of the Earth is
always experiencing day while the other half is experiencing night.

3. Enumeration Text – This text type has a listing of important points on the
text. It focuses on listing facts, characteristics or features. It uses signal words like, first
of all, secondly, then, in fact, for example, several.

The Moon
The moon is our closest neighbor. It’s gravity id only 1/6 of Earth. In addition, there is no
atmosphere on the moon. The lack of atmosphere also means there is no water on the moon, an
important problem when travelling there.

4. Time-Order Text – Ideas on the text are organized according to time when
they happen. The events are arranged in sequence order. The common used signal words for this
type of text are: First, second, in the beginning, next, after, before, then.

Earlier, I thought I saw you sitting in the courtyard.

Consequently, I ran down the stairs to find you.

In the end, it wasn't meant to be.

She was writing a book but, preceding that, she was practicing law.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 7 Activity #7
Instructions: Write at least 2 examples in each of the TEXT TYPE. Underline the signal words.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. Classification Text

2. Explanation Text

3. Enumeration Text

4. Time Order Text


TOPIC: LESSON 8 – Support opinion/fact
What’s New?
Read these two sentences:

1. I believe that this pandemic will end soon.

2. Bats are the only true flying mammals.


1. Which of the two sentences expresses opinion?

2. Which of the two sentences expresses fact?

What’s More?

You were able to identify fact from opinion because of the evidences and ideas you have
in mind.
The ability to distinguish between fact and opinion helps people think for themselves and
resist being manipulated by others. Knowing the difference will help you develop your critical
thinking and the ability to reason out.

What is OPINION?
Is a statement that expresses one’s ideas, feelings beliefs,
likes or dislikes. When you express your opinion, you state how you feel and think about
Examples of Opinion:

1. Dogs are the best pets among animals.


It is opinion because not all people believe dogs as the best pets. Some
believes that cats, birds and other animals are the best.

2. I believe that the smartphone is now

a necessity, not anymore a luxury.


It is opinion because some people believe that a smartphone is really

necessary because they can use it in their everyday lives like studies,
business etc. But for some it is only a luxury.

What is FACT?
Is an idea that can be verified with evidence. It is something that
is true and tells what actually happened. We can’t change the fact.
Examples of Fact:

1. God has created everything

that is presented in this world.


This is a fact statement Books like Bible is an evidence to prove this.

2. The sun is the center of the solar system.


It is a fact. We can prove it through Science books written by Scientist and

other references.

3. Australia is the smallest continent in the world.


By using world atlas or other references we can verify that Australia is the
smallest continent in the world with land area of 3,300,000 sq. miles.

 What are the things that can be our evidences to prove that a statement is a fact?

 To fully understand the difference between fact and opinion, study the given table.

Information can be proven with concrete Point of view or judgement about something.
Objective Personal/Subjective
Does not change May differ according to different people
Can be proven true or false Cannot be proven true or false
May not use unbiased words Used unbiased words

Always remember that fact can be

proven. It is mostly historical,
includes dates and time and scientific
data. While opinion is just a belief. It
cannot be proven because there is no
concrete evidence. 23
What’s I have learned?

Lesson 8 Activity #8
A. Instructions: Write F if the sentences states a fact and O if it expresses an opinion. Write your answer
in your paper.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

______ 1. Cheetah is the fastest land dwelling creatures.

______ 2. There seem to be too much testing in private schools.

______ 3. Japanese food tastes better than French food.

______ 4. Philippine is one of the countries in Southeast Asia.

______ 5. Many pupils say that Mathematics is the most difficult subject.

______ 6. There are sixty seconds in one minute.

______ 7. Bataan Province is located in Region III.

______ 8. I would say that music relieves stress and make you focus.

______ 9. I think it is better to have a big family rather than the small one.

______ 10. Corona Virus disease was first detected in Wuhan, China.

B. Which of the following statements are facts and which are opinions? Write your evidences to prove
your answer.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

1. Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on our planet.


2. Most unemployed people have no work because they do not want to work.


3. Super Typhoon Yolanda is one of the deadliest Philippines typhoons on record.


4. Poor people never succeed in their lives.


5. Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook and the fourth richest man in the world.


Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________
Teacher: Mr. Robert Kane O. Abiol, LPT Score: __________

A. Instructions: Read the text below. Write the details for each question.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

How to make a Scrapbook

In making your scrapbook, you need first to prepare the recycled materials, paste or glue,
scissors and colored papers. Then, think of some designs to make your scrapbook. If you have already
the idea, the next step is to start cutting pictures from old magazines and paste them in the colored
papers. Then, put ribbon or borders around the pictures. You can write some captions about the pictures
Finally, do not forget to write your name as the owner of the scrapbook. You can share your output to
your friends and classmates.

1. The text is all about ________________________________________________________

2. The first step is ________________________________________________________

3. The next step is ________________________________________________________

4. The last step is ________________________________________________________

5. The transitional/signal words are __________________________________________________

B. Instructions: Write one factual statement and one opinion on each of the following picture.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.





St. Catherine Academy
Zone Libra, Suarez, Iligan City 9200
Tel. No. 225-9812



Learning Competency:
At the end of this module, you will be able to;
A. Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning of a text.
B. Write paragraphs showing: cause and effect, comparison and contrast and problem-
solution relationships.

TOPIC: LESSON 9 – Visual and Multimedia

What’s New?
Look at the pictures.

What can you say in the pictures? ____________________

What’s More?

Is content that uses a combination of different content
forms such as text, audio, images, animation, video and interactive
content. When you watch a presentation or a movie done through the
computer, you are thrilled with the use of sounds, graphics, animation,
words, and movements.

 There are the elements of multimedia, which are essential to produce special
effects and maintain the interest of the audience.

What are the five elements of Multimedia?

1. TEXT – is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text types, sizes,
colors and background. To produce an effective multimedia program there are three things that
need to be considered.
a. Position of the text on the screen.
b. Length of the message
c. Legibility of the text
2. GRAPHIC – Makes the multimedia application attractive. They help to illustrate ideas
through still pictures. There are two types of graphics used: Paint graphics and Draw graphics.

3. AUDIO – A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music and sound
effects. These are called audio or the sound element. There are two basic types of audio or
sound: Analog and Digital Audio.

4. VIDEO – Video provides a powerful impact in a multimedia program. In multimedia

applications, the digital video is gaining popularity because of the following reasons:

1. Video clips can be edited easily.

2. The digital video files can be stored like any other files in the computer and the
quality of the video can still be maintained.
3. The video files be transferred within a computer network it allows non-linear
editing in any part of the video.

5. ANIMATION – It is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2D artwork or

model positions to create an illusion of movement. It makes static presentations come alive. It is
visual change over time and can add great power to our multimedia projects.

Elements of Multimedia

Text Graphics Video Audio Animation

Static Elements Dynamic Elements

Sounds They contribute to

make a more
Visual and Graphics
Animation presentation of what
Text you read and watch.
They also help convey
Video clear ideas.

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 9 Activity #9
Instructions: Analyze how the following elements of multimedia contribute to the meaning of the text.
Match column A to column B.

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. Text a. It makes the static image like moving

_____ 2. Graphic b. It gives a powerful impact
_____ 3. Animation c. It gives message that can be read
_____ 4. Video d. It makes the presentation attractive
_____ 5. Sound e. Reinforce the understanding of information

B. Instructions: Analyze the given images. Tell what element of multimedia is associated with the

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

TOPIC: LESSON 10 – Paragraphs showing: Cause

and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, and Problem-
Solution Relationships

What’s New?

Study this words:

Paragraph showing: Cause and Effect Relationships

Cause – is the reason
Effect – is the result

Paragraph showing: Comparison and Contrasts


Paragraph showing: Problem and Solution

Solving a Problem

What’s More?

 Paragraph showing: Cause and Effect Relationships

Question: Why do you think people need to stay at home during a pandemic?
Answer: People need to stay at home during a pandemic because they want to avoid
getting sick and prevent spreading of the virus.

Clue words for CAUSE:

Because of cause
For the reason that as
So that for
Unless since
Clue words for EFFECT:

So effect
For this reason otherwise
As a result therefore
If and thus

For Example:

The little girl cried when she woke up alone.

Effect Cause
James fell asleep after playing soccer.

Effect Cause
Writing Paragraphs Showing CAUSE and EFFECT Relation

Before you write a cause and effect paragraph remember the following:

1. Reasons for writing a cause and effect paragraph

2. Organize the ideas in your paragraph through brainstorming
3. Decide on the focus of your paragraph to achieve unity in your work.
4. Improve coherence by limiting the number of causes or effects to two or three.
5. Include transition words which focus on the purpose of the paragraph and supporting
sentences which identify the cause and effects.


 Paragraph showing: Comparison and Contrast

Comparing and Contrast are ways in writing to create meaningful ideas by

comparing two things of its similarities and differences. It is often used as an
important strategy in making essay, assignments, journals, and important decisions
you have to make.

In writing a paragraph, your goal is to convey information clearly and concisely. In

doing so, you need to use transition words.

Transition Words in Comparing and Contrasting Ideas

Similarities Differences
Also As well as Although More than
Both Like Besides Nevertheless
In addition The same as But Unless

Example of Venn Diagram:


 Paragraph showing: Problem and Solution

What is Problem and Solution?

Problem – task or situation which causes difficulty due to

untoward incidence. It is a matter which is difficult to solve or settle.

Solution – tasks a means of solving a problem or dealing with a

difficult situation.

There are four parts that we need to consider when writing problem-
solution text:

Parts Description
Situation Background information to the problem.
Problem Indicates some factors in the situation which causes a
problem or difficulties.
Solution Recommends one or more ways to solve the
Evaluation Judges the possible or real results of the given solution
and may offer a future recommendation.

Example of Problem and Solution:

What’s I have learned?

Lesson 10 Activity #10

Instructions: Explain the following questions:

1. Write your own understanding about the 3 paragraphs that shows relationships: Cause
and Effect, Comparison and Contrast, Problem and Solution.

Name: ______________________________________ Grade: __________
Teacher: Mr. Robert Kane O. Abiol, LPT Score: __________

Instruction: Analyze the given images. Match multimedia cues to the appropriate text related to new

NOTE: Write your answers in the activity sheet given by the teacher.

Instructions: Write a short paragraph showing PROBLEM AND SOLUTION. Choose from the problem

1. How to get a passing grade after failing an examination?

2. It’s your father’s birthday but you don’t have money to buy him a present.

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