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Units 17-20 Molecular Genetics Self-Test

1. The double-helix model of DNA resembles a twisted ladder in which the ‘‘rungs’’ of the
ladder are

a. a purine paired with a pyrimidine base.

b. A paired with G; C paired with T.
c. a sugar-phosphate paired with a sugar phosphate molecule.
d. two purine bases paired together; two pyrimidine bases paired together.

2. The two scientists credited with producing the first structural model of DNA were

a. Rosalind Franklin and Erwin Chargaff.

b. Phoebus Levene and Fredrick Griffith.
c. James Watson and Francis Crick.
d. Oswald Avery and Colin MacLeod.

Use the following information to answer the next two questions:

3. Which row correctly identifies the structures labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively?

Row Structure 1 Structure 2 Structure 3 Structure 4
a. adenine guanine cytosine uracil
b. uracil cytosine guanine thymine
c. thymine cytosine guanine adenine
d. adenine guanine cytosine thymine

4. The letter ‘‘D’’ on this diagram represents

a. the deoxyribose molecule.

b. the ribose molecule.
c. hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases.
d. the covalent bonds between the sugar and phosphate groups.
5. Which row below completes the following statement? Statement: ‘‘A(n) _i__ is defined as the
functional sub-unit of DNA that directs the production of one or more _ii_. The __iii__ of an
organism is the sum of all the DNA that is carried in the cell of the organism.’’

Row i ii iii
a. amino acid polypeptides protein
b. gene polypeptides genome
c. non-coding section genes genotype
d. genome RNA molecules phenotype

6. The most widely accepted model for the replication of a DNA molecule is the

a. conservative model.
b. liberal model.
c. dispersive model.
d. semi-conservative model.

7. The enzyme that is responsible for adding new nucleotides to the 3‘ end of a growing DNA
chain during DNA replication is

a. helicase.
b. RNA polymerase.
c. DNA polymerase.
d. DNA ligase.

8. The ‘‘central dogma’’ of gene expression proposes that

a. the proteins pass by transcription to messenger RNA.

b. the genetic code has a greater influence on gene expression than the environment
c. genetic information passes from the DNA of genes to RNA to a protein.
d. genetic information passes from RNA to a protein

9. Which row does NOT correctly compare DNA and mRNA?


a. contains the base thymine contains the base uracil
b. is double stranded is double stranded
c. stays in the nucleus leaves the nucleus
d. contains the sugar deoxyribose contains the sugar ribose
10. Identify the sequence of amino acids that would be formed from the following base pairs in a
DNA molecule.

a. methionine-proline-alanine
b. isoleucine-threonine-asparagine
c. methionine-proline-stop
d. start-glycine-stop

Use the following information to answer the next question

11. Which row correctly identifies numbers 1 and 2 on the model shown in this illustration?
Row Number 1 Number 2
a. amino acid ribosomal lobe
b. amino acid enzyme
c. anticodon amino acid
d. amino acid anticodon

12. The genetic codes in DNA for the three stop or terminator codons are:


13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the genetic code?

a. universal
b. continuous
c. frameshift
d. redundant

14. The process of converting the information contained in the nucleotide sequence of mRNA
into a sequence of amino acids is called

a. transcription.
b. translation.
c. translocation.
d. replication.

15. Which of the following is formed by transcription?

a. mRNA
b. tRNA
c. rRNA
d. cDNA

Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

The following matches the normal coding sequence, with the codons in the top row and the
resulting amino acids in the bottom row.
mRNA codons: ---GUU --- CAU --- UUG --- ACU --- CCC --- GAA --- GAA
amino acids ---val --- his --- leu --- thr --- pro --- glu --- glu

16. Identify the type of mutation that would occur if the first codon was changed as shown
GUU is changed to GUA

a. frameshift mutation: this would cause the entire reading frame of a protein to be altered
b. nonsense mutation: this would render the protein unable to code for a functional gene
c. silent mutation: this would have no effect on the cell’s metabolism
d. mis-sense mutation: this would result in an altered DNA molecule

17. Identify the type of mutation that would occur if the third codon was changed as shown:
UUG is changed to UAG

a. frameshift mutation: this would cause the entire reading frame of the gene to be altered
b. nonsense mutation: this would render the gene unable to code for a functional
c. silent mutation: this would have no effect on the cell’s metabolism
d. mis-sense mutation: this would result in an altered protein
18. If the DNA codons are CAT CAT CAT, and a guanine base is added at the beginning, the
result would be

a. a new genetic code: CAT CAT CAT G.

b. a point mutation.
c. a silent mutation.
d. a frameshift mutation.

19. Why do you think you are covered with a heavy lead apron from your neck to your feet when
you are getting an X ray at the dentist’s office?

a. If your gametes (sex cells) are damaged a germ line mutation may occur and these
types of mutations are passed on from one generation to the next.
b. If your gametes (sex cells) are damaged a somatic cell mutation may occur and these
types of mutations are passed on from one generation to the next.
c. If your skin cells in your checks are damaged a germ line mutation may occur and
these types of mutations are passed on from one generation to another.
d. If your skin cells in your checks are damaged a somatic cell mutation may occur and
these types of mutations are passed on from one generation to another.

20. Mutations that are caused by agents outside of the cell are said to be

a. continuous mutations.
b. redundant mutations.
c. spontaneous mutations.
d. induced mutations.

21. Which of the following would be most useful in confirming the biological identity of your

a. the nuclear DNA of your sibling

b. the mtDNA of your sibling
c. the mtDNA of your biological father
d. the combined mRNA of your biological mother and your biological father

22. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a clone?

a. a colony of identical bacterial cells growing in a petri dish

b. fraternal twins
c. a clump of identical aspen trees
d. copies of a gene made through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques

23. Restriction enzymes are ordinarily used

a. during the replication of DNA.

b. to isolate fragments DNA.
c. to fragment large pieces of DNA into smaller ones.
d. to attach pieces of DNA together.

24. Recombinant DNA technology is used for all but one of the following procedures. Identify
the procedure that is not the direct result of this form of biotechnology.

a. cloning mammals such as Dolly the sheep

b. for gene therapy
c. to make a specific protein
d. inserting human genes into bacterial cells

25. The advantage of using a DNA microarray is that it allows scientists to

a. produce transgenic plants.

b. rapidly replicate small segments of DNA nucleotides.
c. sort and analyze DNA samples.
d. analyze the activity of thousands of genes at once.

Use the following to answer the next two questions

26. This DNA fingerprint is from a biological father, a biological mother, and one of their
children. Based on the fingerprint, the DNA from the child is in column

a. A.
b. B.
c. C.
d. either A or C.

27. Based on the DNA fingerprint above, the percentage of the mother’s DNA that matches the
child’s DNA is approximately
a. 100 percent.
b. 25 percent.
c. 50 percent.
d. 10 percent.

28. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement?

a. Bacteria can be altered to secrete the biotechnology product into a medium.

b. Plants are being engineered to have a human protein in their seeds.
c. Animals are being genetically engineered to have a human protein in their milk.
d. Animals can be cloned, but not plants or bacteria.

29. Which of the following is NOT required in order to clone a mammal such as a sheep?

a. sperm from a donor animal

b. the nucleus from an adult animal
c. enucleated egg from a donor animal
d. surrogate mother to develop the embryo

30. Which of the following prenatal technologies would most likely be used to determine if a
fetus might have a non-disjunction disorder such as Down’s syndrome?

a. ultrasound
b. amniocentesis
c. fetoscopy
d. gene therapy

Numerical Response

1. Use Chargaff’s rule to determine proportions of the nucleotides. Assume that the characteristic
proportions are exactly equal. Record the percentage.
Nucleotide Proportion (%)
A ?
C 35
G ?
T ?

Nucleotide ________ ________ ________ ________


Use the following to answer the next question

The diagram above illustrates the synthesis of a DNA molecule. The main direction of
replication is from right to left as shown by the arrow.

2. Match the numbered labels in the above diagram with the term below to which they apply.
Number: ________ ________ ________ _______ ________
Term: leading strand DNA ligase lagging strand DNA Okazaki
polymerase strands
Use the following information to answer the next question.
Translation of mRNA
The following are the steps in the translation of mRNA codons into amino acid sequences. These
steps are not in the correct order.
1. Enzymes catalyze the formation of a chemical bond that joins the amino acid carried by the
first tRNA to the amino acid carried by the second tRNA. At the same time, the amino acid chain
is transferred from the first tRNA to the second tRNA.
2. The ribosome moves a distance of one codon along the mRNA strand. The first tRNA
molecule detaches from the mRNA and picks up another amino acid. The second tRNA now
holds a growing amino acid chain. A third tRNA molecule arrives at the newly-exposed codon
next to the second tRNA, and the cycle continues.
3. An mRNA molecule binds to an active ribosome complex. The mRNA binds in such a way
that two adjacent codons are exposed. The first tRNA molecule carrying an amino acid base
pairs with the first exposed mRNA codon.
4. A second loaded tRNA molecule arrives at the codon adjacent to the first tRNA.

3. The correct order of these steps is ____, _____, _____, and _____.

Use the following information to answer the next question.

The four stages of a Genetic Engineering Experiment
Like the experiment of Cohen and Boyer, most genetic engineering experiments consist of four
stages. These stages are summarized below but note that they are not in the correct order.
1. Screening: The clones containing a specific DNA fragment of interest, often a fragment that
includes a particular gene, are identified from the clone library.
2. Cloning: The plasmids or viruses serve as vectors that can introduce the DNA fragments into
cells (usually bacteria). As each cell reproduces, it forms a clone of cells that all contain the
fragment bearing vector.
3. Production of Recombinant DNA: The fragments of DNA are inserted into plasmids or viral
vectors, which have been cleaved with the same restriction endonuclease as the source DNA.
4. DNA Cleavage: A restriction endonuclease is used to cleave the source DNA into fragments.
A different set of fragments will be obtained by employing endonucleases that recognize the
different sequences.

4. The correct order of the stages of a genetic engineering experiment are _____, _____, _____,
and _____.

Written Answer:

Complete the following table:

TAT DNA strand 1
T DNA strand 2
U AG mRNA strand
CAG tRNA anticodon
TRP amino acid

Biometrics is a new area of study wherein biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers exchange ideas
in an attempt to understand what gives natural materials their properties and how these might be applied.

Zoologist John Gosline at the University of British Columbia has investigated spider dragline silk. This is
the silk that a spider hangs from and uses to build the frame portion of its web. Spider silk can be as
strong per unit weight as high tensile steel; it can stretch more than nylon; and it is tougher than the
Kevlar used in bulletproof vests. It is hoped that synthetic spider silk can be produced and used to
manufacture wear-resistant clothing, rust free automobile panels and bumpers, artificial tendons and
ligaments, and suspension bridge cables.

Dragline silk of the golden orb weaving spider, Nephila clavipes, has been shown to include seven main
amino acids as its primary constituents. Large amounts of glycine and alanine are present as well as lesser
amounts of glutamine, leucine, arginine, tyrosine, and serine.

Lynn Jelinski, a biophysicist at Cornell University, proposed a model to explain dragline silk's strength
and elasticity. She and her colleagues have shown how components of natural silk hang together. Each
fibre consists of two alanine rich crystalline proteins embedded in a glycine rich protein polymer.
According to their model, the protein polymer makes the fibre elastic and the two types of crystalline
protein give it toughness.
-from Hamiltion, Lipkin, Simmons, Michal, and Jelinski

1. Determine whether the following portion of a coding DNA sequence would provide dragline
silk with toughness or with elasticity. Show your work and explain your reasoning.


In 1990, University of Wyoming biochemist Randy Lewis identified a gene linked to the production of proteins in
spider silk. This was the first step in allowing bioengineers to insert copies of the gene into bacteria, in hope of
turning the bacteria into microscopic spider silk production factories.

2. Describe the process of inserting the silk protein gene into bacterial DNA.
A mutation in a gene known as HSN2 causes the HSAN-II disorder. A section of the normal
coding sequence of the HSN2 gene is shown below.


In one mutation, an adenine base is inserted between the sixth (A) and the seventh (T) bases of
the section of the normal HSN2 sequence shown above.
- based on Lafreniere et al., 2004

3. Explainhow the amino acid chain produced from the normal HSN2 gene differs from the
amino acid chain produced from the mutated HSN2 gene. What type of mutation is this?

Answer Key
1.A 6.D 11.D 16.C 21.B 26.B NR1:15,35,35,15
2.C 7.C 12.A 17.B 22.B 27.C NR2:52314
3.D 8.C 13.C 18.D 23.C 28.D NR3:3412
4.C 9.B 14.B 19.A 24.A 29.A NR4:4321
5.B 10.A 15.A 20.D 25.D 30.B

Written Answer:
CAG AUA ACC UCU tRNA anticodon
VAL TYR TRP ARG amino acid


corresponds to the following mRNA sequence: GGA CGA GGG GGC UCU GU
The amino acid sequence is: gly – arg – gly – gly – ser
This sequence is heavy in glycine, which according to the reading makes the silk elastic.
2. Cut spider DNA with restriction enzymes. Isolate the silk gene using electrophoresis. Cut plasmid
DNA with restriction enzymes, and glue in the spider gene with DNA ligase. Insert the plasmid
DNA into the bacterial cell.
3. DNA: CCT CAA TCA GTT corresponds to mRNA: GGA GUU AGU CAA
Amino acid sequence: gly – val – ser – glu
If the mutation occurs then the new DNA is CCT CAA ATC AGT T
mRNA: GGA GUU UAG UCA A and the amino acids are: gly – val – stop
This is a frame shift mutation.

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