ToR 303
ToR 303
ToR 303
‘Ashshash: For Men and Women Who Have Escaped Trafficking’ Phase II a four (4)
year program funded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangladesh implemented by
Winrock International in partnership with Sustainable Reintegration Partners (SRP) who
are mainly local Non-Government Organizations. The main objective of Ashshash is to
improve the wellbeing of trafficking survivors through social and economic reintegration.
Study | Request for Proposal | Ashshash Phase II | Bangladesh | 1
House: 45 (2nd Floor), Road: 07, Block-F, Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
Table of Contents
Introduction...................................................................................................................................... 3
Baseline Overview ............................................................................................................................ 3
Background of the Project............................................................................................................. 3
Purpose of the Baseline Study .................................................................................................... 6
Baseline Study and Stakeholder Mapping ............................................................................... 6
Baseline Methodologies ............................................................................................................. 11
Baseline Study Design and Approach..................................................................................... 11
Baseline Study Planning .............................................................................................................. 11
Methodologies ................................................................................................................................. 19
Data Collection, Quality Control and Data Analysis ........................................................... 20
Study Team Formation................................................................................................................ 21
Key Deliverables ........................................................................................................................... 21
Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 22
Required Skills and Experiences ............................................................................................. 23
Submission Details ...................................................................................................................... 24
General instructions ...................................................................................................................... 24
Proposal Submission .................................................................................................................... 24
Evaluation criteria........................................................................................................................... 25
Payment modality ........................................................................................................................... 26
Authority ............................................................................................................................................ 26
The main focus of Ashshash Phase II lies in the sustainable psychosocial and economic
reintegration of survivors, with a specific emphasis on women, constituting 65% of the overall
target population. This program seeks to achieve this goal through comprehensive
psychosocial support, promoting climate-resilient alternative livelihoods, facilitating the
development of micro-small enterprises, and creating employment opportunities in
collaboration with the private sector. The primary objective is to enable women and men who
have escaped trafficking to restore their dignity, well-being, and self-sufficiency.
Over the course of four-year, Ashshash Phase II will provide a comprehensive and tailored
package of services to trafficking survivors, closely collaborating with various stakeholders,
including Sustainable Reintegration Partners (SRPs), Business Development Support (BDS)
partners, Awareness & Prevention Partners, private sector entities, and strategic network
partners. Key SRP services will encompass survivor identification, case management,
In addition to supporting survivors, Ashshash Phase II will work on raising awareness and
preventing trafficking in at-risk communities by collaborating with Awareness & Prevention
Partners and Policy Advocacy Partners who possess expertise in community mobilization on
trafficking. They will conduct community awareness and mobilization interventions, advocacy
for policy changes, and campaigns for various prevention aspects in at-risk communities.
Additionally, in partnership with Business Development Services (BDS) partners, the program
will impart technical business development skills, identify livelihood options, support
micro/small enterprise development, facilitate access to finance, and explore employment
opportunities in both formal and informal sectors. Recognizing the impact of climate
vulnerabilities on migration and trafficking, Ashshash Phase II will integrate climate resilience
measures into its interventions and reintegration processes. Moreover, the program is in the
process of developing a policy paper on the national referral mechanism, aiming to establish
a more cohesive and effective response to human trafficking issues.
• Men and women who have escaped trafficking improve their social and economic
well-being by using services for reintegration; and
• Institutions are made more accountable and effective in providing services beneficial
to men and women who have escaped trafficking.
Ashshash Phase II Project Narrative
Ashshash Phase II Project Proposal
Quantitative Survey
A quantitative survey will be conducted with the survivors identified by the project, aiming to
understand the context and challenges they face in society and in accessing various services,
including emergency support, mental and physical health support, skills development services,
and economic reintegration support. The quantitative survey will be carried out across all Ten
(10) districts. Structured questionnaire will be used to collect data from individual survivors of
human trafficking on demographic, socioeconomic status, vulnerability, different dimensions
of trafficking, exploitation, access to social and economic reintegration services. The survey
questionnaire should consider the information needed for selected indicators and key research
questions outlined in table 2.
The firm or individual(s) is expected to design and propose a statistically viable sampling
strategy for the baseline study. The sample size will be estimated from a population of 6150
trafficking survivors across 10 different project catchment districts, with the primary unit of
respondent selection being the Upazila. Sampling will also consider gender dimensions,
particularly for men and women, thus the estimate of the sample size will involve a two-stage
cluster sampling approach. The calculation will consider a confidence level of at least 95%, a
margin of error of 5%, and a contingency sample of 10%. Additionally, the calculation will
account for the design effect. However, the potential firm or individual(s) may propose the
most viable sampling strategy and calculation to enhance the study's credibility.
Qualitative Assessment
The baseline study will include qualitative investigations to deepen understanding on the
context of the community, social, economic and climatic dynamics of human trafficking in the
communities, accessibility of trafficking survivors to emergency as well as social and economic
reintegration services, policy analysis, etc. The firm/individual(s) are encouraged to use
interactive qualitative methods and tools such as Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), Focus Group
Discussions (FGDs), In-depth Interviews (IDIs), Case studies, etc. The consultant team will
develop all qualitative instruments in alignment with the baseline indicators, key research
questions outlined in table 3, and information needs outlined in the stakeholder mapping table
(table 2).
The potential firm/individual(s) is expected to design a qualitative sampling grid based on the
baseline stakeholder analysis in Table 2. The qualitative method will follow a purposeful
sampling approach. The qualitative sampling should consider all types of stakeholders and
aim for maximum response saturation. The qualitative sampling will also cover all Ten (10)
catchment districts.
• An inception report should be submitted within 10 days of signing the contract. This
report should outline a detailed methodology, provide information on data collection
tools, and present the final schedule/timeline.
Trauma Informed Data Collection - OneDrive (
Submission to Winrock of a proposal in response to this ToR constitutes an offer and indicates
the offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions of this ToR and any attachments hereto.
Winrock reserves the right not to evaluate a non-responsive or incomplete proposal.
Proposal Submission
Proposals must clearly demonstrate alignment with the ToR described above, providing an
adequate level of detail. The firm or individual(s) are expected to elaborate on the conceptual
understanding of the assignment, provide a detailed methodology including appropriate
sample size, implementation approach, data collection methods, quality control mechanisms,
team composition, technical qualifications, past experiences, workplan, etc., in the technical
proposal. Additionally, the firm or individual(s) must present a comprehensive financial
proposal covering the items listed in the proposal structure. The financial proposal should also
include a narrative explaining the assumptions behind the estimates.
Proposal Structure
Table 4: Proposal structure
Topic Max. Page Limit
Technical Proposal (5-page maximum)
Cover Page Not counted
Understanding of the Assignment ½ Page
Detailed methodology, including appropriate sample size, 4 Pages
implementation approach, data collection, quality control
mechanisms, etc.
Team composition and task assignment along with 2 Page
rationale and roles
Relevant technical qualifications and past experience of the 1 Page
Examples of reports or studies produced in English for which No page limit; include
the consultant(s) is the sole or lead author sample reports as an
CV of consultant(s) No page limit; include CV
as an attachment
Workplan/Timeline (workplan template attached in annex-A) 1 Page
Any other relevant information (if required) ½ Page
Financial Proposal
• Fee/allowances for personnel for technical assistance, No page limit; template
data collection, data, data entry, and analysis, (e.g., attached
staff, enumerators, supervisors).
Inquiries/questions must be received no later than 25th May 2024 and must be submitted via
e-mail to Winrock will review and respond to all potential
offers as soon as possible.
Assignment Timeframe
The assignment of the baseline study is anticipated for a of Eight weeks, with an expected
start date June 10, 2024.
Evaluation criteria
The proposal assessment committee will review the technical and financial proposals,
assess, score, and rank them according to the technical and financial evaluation criteria
shown in the tables (Table 5). The proposals will be scored according to the points shown for
each criterion. The technical proposal will carry 80% weight (Technical Pass Mark is 50%),
and the financial proposal will carry 20% weight. As a part of the evaluation process,
the bidder may be interviewed/asked for a presentation on the submitted proposal
by the Proposal Assessment Committee. Only firms/consultants that obtain more than 50
points in the technical proposal will have their financial proposal reviewed.
The financial proposal shall include a calculation of total compensation based on the level of
effort described and the daily rates proposed for the various positions.
All other direct costs (e.g., travel, logistics, materials, etc.) will be negotiated with the
applicant after selection based on the level of effort (LOE) and daily rate criteria.
The technical evaluation criteria and allocated points are summarized in the Table below.
Payment modality
The total payment to the firm/individual(s) will be based on an agreed-upon budget submitted
by the firm/individual(s) based on the final deliverables and methodology. A suggested
payment structure is as follows:
• 1st payment upon signing of the consultant(s) Agreement and submission of final
inception report, methodology and data collection instruments (30%).
• 2nd payment after completion of all field data collection (20%).
• 3rd payment with the submission of the draft baseline report (20%)
• Final Payment with the submission of a revised Final Report including all required
documents (i.e. Final Data Sets, Final Transcripts, and PowerPoint Presentation)
Winrock International will pay the consultancy fee by an ‘Account Payee’ cheque / via Online
Transfer to the firm/consultant. VAT & Tax would be deducted at source, as per the
Government rules.
The report and associated documents, paper, and data produced as part of this assignment
must be submitted to Winrock International through the Ashshash program management team
and will remain the property of the organization. The firm/ individual(s) will not be allowed to
retain any hard or soft copies of data and will not be able to use any information from the
Assessment for any other purpose without written and prior consent of Winrock International.
Any changes in this regard must be approved by Winrock International.
The applicant shall propose an activity-based work plan that is consistent with the timeline,
technical approach, and methodology described in the Scope of Work, structured around key
milestones of the evaluation process. The work plan should follow the example illustrated in
the Table below. A Gantt chart can also be used to illustrate the work plan.
Phase I - Engagement
Inception Meeting
Desk Review
(Etc. as proposed by
Preparations and
Data collection
Field-based interviews
Data analysis
Drafting of report
(Etc. as proposed by
Phase III – Analysis and Reporting
Collaborative editing of
draft Baseline Report
Collaborative editing of
final Baseline Report
(Etc. as proposed by