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The Impulse Particle in Cell Method Paper

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EUROGRAPHICS 2024 / A. Bermano and E.

Kalogerakis COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum

(Guest Editors) Volume 43 (2024), Number 2

The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

Sergio Sancho1,2 , Jingwei Tang2 , Christopher Batty3 , Vinicius C. Azevedo2

1 ETH Zürich, Switzerland 2 DisneyResearch|Studios, Switzerland 3 University of Waterloo, Canada

Figure 1: We propose the Impulse Particle-In-Cell (IPIC) method, a novel extension of the Affine Particle-In-Cell (APIC) method. Our method
can be used for both liquid and smoke simulations to better preserve circulation and vortical details.

An ongoing challenge in fluid animation is the faithful preservation of vortical details, which impacts the visual depiction of flows.
We propose the Impulse Particle-In-Cell (IPIC) method, a novel extension of the popular Affine Particle-In-Cell (APIC) method
that makes use of the impulse gauge formulation of the fluid equations. Our approach performs a coupled advection-stretching
during particle-based advection to better preserve circulation and vortical details. The associated algorithmic changes are
simple and straightforward to implement, and our results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to achieve more energetic
and visually appealing smoke and liquid flows than APIC.
CCS Concepts
• Computing methodologies → Physical simulation;

1. Introduction discretized and solved in a physically faithful manner. In the context

of efficient time-splitting schemes, a significant challenge is to si-
The chaotic, complex, and intricate behaviors of fluids can only multaneously satisfy conservation of momentum (force balance dur-
properly manifest in virtual settings if the equations of motion are ing advection) and conservation of mass (incompressibility). Early

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2 of 13 S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

(a) MC (b) MC+R (c) CF-BFECC velocities. It thus agrees with the backwards flow map correction
used in the semi-Lagrangian context by the Covector Fluids method
of Nabizadeh et al. [NWRC22]. Our method is straightforward
to implement and can be readily integrated into existing solvers,
adding only a small computational overhead. We further present
a practical technique to significantly improve on the stability of
Covector Fluids, by detecting when the correction is likely to be
inaccurate. The presented results demonstrate that the flows obtained
by our technique are more energetic, better preserve vorticity, and
produce more visually compelling details. Our contributions can be
summarized as

• The introduction of a novel coupled advection-stretching particle-

based method that makes use of the impulse gauge variable to
preserve circulation and vortical details, with a simple and intu-
itive derivation.
(d) FLIP (e) APIC (f) IPIC (Ours) • A modified APIC scheme that admits a per-particle velocity cor-
rection with a Hessian update to preserve the accuracy of the
particle-to-grid transfer.
• The observation that instabilities in velocity-stretching happen be-
cause of errors in the construction of the Jacobian of the flow map.
Thus, we propose a novel Jacobian-Aware blending scheme that
(g) IPIC w/o Hessian (h) IPIC (Ours)
significantly improves the stability of impulse-based methods.
• We demonstrate that our method can be applied in existing hybrid
Figure 2: 2D Taylor Vortices simulations in resolution 256 × 256.
methods for liquid simulation with minor algorithmic changes in
MC (a), FLIP (d) and APIC (e) are simulated with ∆t = 0.0125 in
order to enhance vortices and rotational motion.
the first order integration scheme. MC+R (b), CF-BFECC (c) and
our method (f) use ∆t = 0.025 with a second order time integration
scheme. We show results at t = 6. Ours, CF-BFECC and MC+R
preserve the vortices similarly well, while MC, FLIP and APIC 2. Related Work
dissipate more. In (g) and (h), we show the effect of removing the Early approaches to fluid animation suffered from severe numerical
Hessian term from our method at t = 2. The energy and vorticity are dissipation that detrimentally affects the flow dynamics [Sta99],
similarly preserved, but removing the Hessian term results in more and several methods have been proposed to tackle this issue.
noise. Energy-preserving integrators [MCP∗ 09] can simulate flows with
close to zero numerical viscosity, but they require a costly non-
linear solve at each time-step. Vortex methods are also known for
methods typically prioritized stability and conservation of mass over their excellent conservation properties. They can be discretized
conservation of momentum, leading to notable energy dissipation in a Lagrangian fashion, by points [PK05, SRF05, Ang17], seg-
[Sta99, FSJ01a]. In response, several techniques have been proposed ments [TRLX22, XTZ∗ 21], filaments [WP10, PCK∗ 19] or sheets
over the years, ranging from flow enhancements that compensate [PTG12, BKB12]; or in a hybrid format that combines grid-
missing information, such as vorticity confinement [SRF05,ZBG15] based velocity/streamfunction data with Lagrangian vortex ele-
or synthetic turbulence [KTJG08,PTG12], to more complex schemes ments [Leo80, CC91, KL95, ZBG15, CCB∗ 08, FDB22]. In gen-
relying on unsplit formulations of Navier-Stokes [MCP∗ 09] or eral, vortex methods suffer from complicated boundary treatments
higher order integrators [DL03, SFK∗ 08, ZNT18]. and additional costs or instabilities due to vortex stretching terms.
One interesting class of recent approaches incorporates structure- Among other relevant works that aim to enrich the liveliness of
preserving integrators [ETK∗ 07, NWRC22] to better resolve the simulations are vorticity confinement schemes and higher order
conservation of momentum. Such approaches augment the advec- interpolation [FSJ01b, SRF05], method of characteristic mapping
tion process by accounting for how the underlying space is itself [TP11,SIBA17,QZG∗ 19], turbulence synthesis [KTJG08,PTSG09],
deformed by the flow, but they have so far been limited to simulating and Lattice Boltzmann approaches [LMLD22].
only smoke (and not liquids) in purely Eulerian (i.e., grid-based)
Especially relevant to our work is the recent approach of
settings. In this paper we propose and evaluate a simple modifica-
Nabizadeh et al. [NWRC22], in which the authors propose ad-
tion to such structure-preserving integrators to handle simulations of
vecting covectors instead of the usual velocity field. A discrete
either smoke or liquid by integrating these ideas into popular hybrid
covector field is intrinsically connected with the underlying dis-
particle/grid solvers, such as APIC [JSS∗ 15].
cretization mesh. This assumption requires updating transported
Fundamentally, our proposed technique relies on constructing covector quantities to account for the deformation of the space
the Jacobian of the forward flow map for all particles that represent during transport. This approach has connections to impulse meth-
the fluid. The Jacobian of the Lagrangian forward flow map is then ods [Ose89, Cor95, SC96, FLX∗ 22], velocity advection schemes
inverted on a per-particle basis and used to correct the particles’ [But93], and structure-preserving Lie integrators [ETK∗ 07,McK07].

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S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method 3 of 13

(a) FLIP (b) APIC (c) IPIC (α=0.99, β=0.998) (d) IPIC (α=0.8, β=0.9) (e) IPIC w/o Hessian

Figure 3: 2D Dam Break simulations at the resolution of 64 × 64 grid cells. All examples are initialized with 8 particles per cell. A
second-order time integration scheme is used with ∆t = 0.25. From top to bottom, we show results at time steps t = 25, t = 220 and t = 389.5.
Our method (c) shows more vortical structures than FLIP (a) and APIC (b). Employing lower limiter values for α and β (d) allow less accurate
Jacobian of the flow maps, but is able to provide a more vortical result at t = 220. IPIC without the Hessian correction (e) becomes less
energetic, but is still more vortical than FLIP and APIC.

Crucial to the work of Nabizadeh et al. [NWRC22] is the com- APIC has become a fundamental part of production pipelines for
bination of more accurate semi-Lagrangian advection schemes liquid simulations [FSN17]. APIC was further extended to model
(e.g., BFECC [DL03] or MacCormack [SFK∗ 08]) with two-step higher order quantity tracking [FGG∗ 17], combined with a FLIP
time-splitting methods [ZNT18, NZT19]. Their approach, however, scheme [FGW∗ 21], and extended in space with a Taylor expan-
is limited to purely Eulerian grid-based settings, and does not nat- sion [NMM23]. For a more thorough analysis of the convergence
urally extend to modelling liquids. Recent work has explored the and properties of the APIC method applied specifically to fluid
improvement of the impulse method’s accuracy in a grid-based scenarios, please refer to [DSS20].
setting by using neural fields [DYZ∗ 23].

Hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian Fluids combine the capacity of

particle-based representations to accurately model transport with the
3. Background
ability of grids to ensure discrete incompressibility [ZB05]. Hybrid
methods are thus effective in capturing sub-grid details and have We begin by conducting a brief review of impulse-based meth-
been widely adopted for liquid simulations. Such methods were used ods and hybrid particle/grid fluid solvers. The motion of volume-
to model subgrid details [ABO16, CMSA20, TBBC∗ 22], adopted preserving inviscid fluids is governed by the incompressible Euler
in collocated variable schemes [GHMR∗ 20] and adaptive grids equations, given by
[NNC∗ 20], combined with SPH for small-scale effects [LTKF08,
CIPT14], improved for efficiency [ATW13, FAW∗ 16, SWT∗ 18], en- ∂u(x) 1
hanced with better particle distribution [AT11, UBH14, KLTB21, + u(x) · ∇u(x) = − ∇p(x) + f(x), (1)
∂t ρ
QLDJ22], and extended for two-phase flows [BB12, ATW15] and
∇ · u(x) = 0, (2)
realistic whitewater simulation [WFS22].

Prominent among hybrid approaches is the popular Fluid Implicit where u(x), p(x) and f(x) denote the velocity, pressure and external
Particle method (FLIP) [BR86, ZB05], which increments, rather force fields, respectively, while x represents the spatial coordinates
than overwrites, the particles’ velocities by transferring only the of the domain and ρ the constant fluid density. Viscosity terms are
interpolated change in the grid velocities before and after pressure often omitted due to the inherent dissipation of numerical solvers
projection. FLIP, however, introduces noise due to the discrepancy [ETK∗ 07, MCP∗ 09]. These equations can be discretized through a
in the information carried by the particles and the discretization grid. time-splitting method as
Jiang et al. [JSS∗ 15,JST17] therefore proposed the Affine Particle in
Cell method (APIC), which uses concepts of the Generalized Inter- ∂u(x)
= −u(x) · ∇u(x) + f(x), (3)
polation Material Point method (GIMP) [BK04, PCW07] to create ∂t
transfers between particles and grid that preserve angular momen- ∂u(x) 1
= − ∇p(x), subject to ∇ · u(x) = 0. (4)
tum. Due to its versatility and ability to maintain vortical structures, ∂t ρ

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4 of 13 S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

(a) APIC

(b) IPIC (Ours)

Figure 4: 3D Liquid Street simulations with a resolution 150 × 75 × 45 grid cells. A liquid wave generator causes waves that collide with
obstacles. Both methods are simulated with ∆t = 0.25 using a second-order integration scheme. From left to right, we show results at t = 75.25,
t = 86.25 and t = 100.75 respectively. Our method (b) is able to produce more detailed wakes at the downstream of the obstacles when
compared to APIC (a).

3.1. Impulse-based methods By first solving the advection term u · ∇m to obtain an intermediate
∗ m∗ , the velocity stretching term can then be discretized by backward
The impulse formulation [Cor95,SC96,FLX 22] of the equations of
Euler integration as m∗∗ = m∗ − ∆t(∇u)⊤ m∗∗ . Rearranging the
motion allows for a relaxation of the global incompressibility con-
terms of this equation shows the relationship between the velocity
straint during advection by employing an additional gauge variable.
gradient and the advected stretched transport as
Given that the flow u is incompressible (i.e., ∇ · u = 0), the impulse
gauge variable m is defined as m∗∗ = (I + ∆t ∇u)−⊤ m∗ . (9)
m = u + ∇φ, (5) We will demonstrate how the expression I + ∆t ∇u is connected
with the definition of the flow map in the next section.
where ∇φ is the gradient of an arbitrary scalar field. This term can be
reinterpreted as the gradient of pressure that will modify m to satisfy
incompressibility. The resulting equations for mass conservation 3.2. The Flow Map
become A flow map represents the correspondences created by the passively
∇2 φ(x) = ∇ · m x ∈ Ω, transported grid variables that track fluid quantities, yielding a con-
nection between an undeformed fluid domain and its deformed
=0 x ∈ ∂Ωb , (6) counterpart. Flow maps have been employed as part of a circulation-
∂n preserving vorticity-streamfunction solver [ETK∗ 07], incorporated
φ(x) = 0 x ∈ ∂Ω f , within a higher-order semi-Lagrangian scheme [NWRC22], inte-
where Ω represents the fluid domain, and ∂Ωb and ∂Ω f are its fluid- grated into Material Point Methods [SSC∗ 13, JST∗ 16], and used for
solid and fluid-air boundaries, respectively. Due to the change of visualizing flows through Lagrangian coherent structures, such as
variables induced by the new gauge variable, the inviscid equation Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLEs) [Hal01,Hal02]. The flow
for advection becomes (see Appendix for the derivation): map Φt (x) that maps each fluid initial position x0 in the domain to
its location at time t is defined by the integration of the flow velocity
+ u · ∇m + (∇u)⊤ m = 0. (7) field as
∂t Z t
The major difference between the impulse formulation and the orig- Φt (x0 ) = x0 + u(x(τ), τ) dτ. (10)
inal advection in Equation (3) is the extra (∇u)⊤ m term, which
accounts for the stretching of the advected velocity due to deforma- The Jacobian of the flow map, ∇Φt (x), represents the deforma-
tion of the space. Through operator splitting, this equation can be tion tensor of the fluid domain, and its derivative over time is directly
broken down into passive transport and velocity stretching as connected with the velocity gradient [Cor95] as
∂m ∂m ∂
+ u · ∇m = 0, + (∇u)⊤ m = 0. (8) ∇Φt (xt ) = ∇u(x) ∇Φt (xt ). (11)
∂t ∂t ∂t

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Covector Fluids [NWRC22] discretizes flow maps by integrating notation, in the following explanation we assume that all particles
grid locations backwards in time, sampling extra points around the carry unit mass and that quantity transfers are normalized by the
advected vector component (Figure 5, (b)). Instead, we adopt an transferred mass at the computed position to conserve momentum.
approach common in FTLE visualizations, computing forward flow
The advection in a Lagrangian setting updates particle positions
maps by sampling extra points around a given particle (Figure 5,
with a forward flow map computed from the grid velocities, while
(c)). Adopting a forward Euler time integration scheme, one can
the attributes that these particles carry are kept unchanged. We
discretize Equation (11) as
denote the discrete particle-based flow map as Φ◦ : RN×3 → RN×3 ,
∇Φn+1 (xn+1 ) = ∇Φn (xn ) + ∆t∇u(xn )∇Φn (xn ), (12) with N being the number of particles. The advected velocities that
satisfy momentum conservation on the grid are
with n and ∆t being the time step index and the time step size,
respectively. Since the Jacobian of the flow map relative to the ũ⊞ ← I p2g (u◦ , Φ◦ (x◦ ), x⊞ ), (15)
current time step is the identity ∇Φn (xn ) = I, we have
where I p2g is a particle-to-grid transfer function. The standard
∇Φn+1 (xn+1 ) = I + ∆t∇u(xn ). (13) Particle-in-Cell (PIC) method defines the I p2g routine as
We will drop the subscript n for the rest of the paper, assuming that PIC ◦ ◦ ⊞
I p2g (u , x , x ) = ∑ w(x⊞ , x◦p ) u◦p , (16)
the flow map is always computed with respect to the previous time p
step. This derivation relates the flow map from Equation (13) to the
impulse stretching in Equation (9) as with w(x⊞ , x◦p ) representing the weights obtained from a pre-
specified interpolation function. The summation in Equation (16)
m∗∗ = (∇Φ)−⊤ m∗ . (14) is conducted over the particles inside a small vicinity of each grid
These definitions set up a mathematical approach that simultane- point. Since PIC suffers from severe energy dissipation, the Affine
ously simplifies the formalism outlined by previous exterior calculus Particle-in-Cell (APIC) method modifies the particle-to-grid trans-
approaches, while clarifying how flow maps interact with classical fer to better preserve the velocity field. The corresponding I p2g
impulse methods. operation is
APIC ◦ ◦ ⊞
I p2g (u , x , x , A◦ ) = ∑ w(x⊞ , x◦p ) u◦p + A◦p (x⊞ − x◦p ) .
where u◦p + A◦p (x⊞ − x◦p ) is the per-particle affine velocity contribu-
tion relative to a grid variable at x⊞ . After transferring the particle
velocities, mass conservation (Equation (4)) is solved on the grid.
The resulting divergence-free velocity field is used to update the
per-particle linear velocity and affine transformation as
(a) [ETK∗ 07] (b) [NWRC22] (c) Ours
u◦ = ∑ w(x⊞ ◦ ⊞
i , x ) ui , A◦ = ∑ ∇w(x⊞ ◦ ⊞
i , x ) ui . (18)
i i
Figure 5: Differences in how flow maps are computed by distinct
methods. The black color represents the undeformed state, while the The above equation assumes that the interpolation kernel w(x, y) is
blue color represents the deformed state. (a) Elcott et al. [ETK∗ 07] trilinear [PCW07, NMM23]. This assumption simplifies the compu-
use a streamfunction-vorticity formulation to backtrace circulation tation of the affine velocity, which effectively models the per-particle
(black empty circle) sampled in the deformed space (blue dotted matrix A◦ as the interpolation of the velocity gradient at the given
lines). (b) Nabizadeh et al. [NWRC22] employ a backwards flow location, ∇u(x).
map discretization: given a staggered grid location (black circle),
the advected velocity vector is multiplied by a single row of the 4. An Impulse-based Hybrid Advection Scheme
transposed Jacobian of the inverse flow map, which is geometrically
equivalent to the approach of Elcott et al. (c) Our approach samples Having outlined how the flow map relates to the impulse equations,
four additional points (c1 to c4 ) for each particle, which are then and how hybrid discretizations can efficiently model advection, we
advected forward (ĉ1 to ĉ4 ). The full forward flow map Jacobian is can now propose a simple modification to hybrid schemes that
computed using a finite-difference approach as in FTLE methods. incorporates structure-preserving deformations when advecting the
impulse gauge variable. Accordingly, the particles are now defined
to carry impulse (and its affine component), rather than velocity. The
particle positions are first passively advected by the incompressible
3.3. Hybrid discretizations
flow velocities, as usual. Then, per Equation (14), the per-particle
Hybrid methods discretize the equations of motion with two distinct impulse gauge variables are stretched by the inverse transposed
representations: Lagrangian particles are used to solve the advec- Jacobian of the flow map, denoted J ◦ = (∇Φ◦ )−⊤ , using
tion terms (Equation (3)) and to track the evolution of the surface,
m◦ = J ◦ u◦ . (19)
while a background Eulerian grid is used to enforce incompress-
ibility (Equation (4)). We represent discrete grid-based positions We re-initialize the impulse variable at each step to be the divergence-
and velocities as x⊞ and u⊞ respectively, while their particle-based free velocity u◦ , and denote the impulse gauge variable value after
counterparts are represented by x◦ and u◦ . For the simplicity in stretching as m◦ .

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6 of 13 S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

The next question is how the per-particle affine matrix A◦ for

the impulse should be stretched. When tri-linear kernels are used,
the APIC transfer can be interpreted as a first-order Taylor ap-
proximation of a function centered around a Lagrangian coordi-
nate [BK04, PCW07, NMM23] as
u(x⊞ ) = u◦ + ∇u◦ ∆x + O (∆x)2 , (20)

where ∆x = (x⊞ − x◦ ) and ∇u◦ = A◦ (Equation (18)). Applying

the Jacobian of the flow map to the APIC transfer yields

m(x⊞ ) ≈ J ◦ u◦ + ∇ J ◦ u◦ ∆x.

Assuming that the Jacobian of the flow map is locally constant
around the transported particles, Equation (21) simplifies to

m(x⊞ ) = J ◦ u◦ + J ◦ ∇u◦ ∆x. (22)

This means one can simply transform the affine matrix with the in-
verse transpose of the forward flow map Jacobian to get the stretched
affine matrix:
A◦m = J ◦ A◦ . (23)

This simple modification allows us to incorporate the per-particle

stretched impulse m◦ and matrix A◦m as inputs of the APIC transfer
(Equation (17)). We emphasize that the forward flow map is nec- (b) APIC
essary for particle-based advection, since the particle positions are
evolved forward in time; previous approaches [ETK∗ 07, NWRC22]
employ semi-Lagrangian schemes instead, which integrate velocities
by going backwards in time.
Our method requires the computation of
the Jacobian of the per-particle flow map Φ◦
on an unstructured set of points. This Jaco-
bian could potentially be computed based on
the previous positions of neighbouring par-
ticles. Such an approach, however, would
require querying closest particle informa-
tion, which reduces the performance of the (c) IPIC (Ours)
method. Instead, we choose to compute fi-
Figure 6: 2D Smoke Plume simulations with resolution 384 × 512
nite difference approximations from extra
grid cells. We employ ∆t = 0.25 for CF-BFECC (a) and IPIC (c),
temporary sampled particles around the lo-
while APIC (b) uses ∆t = 0.125 (first-order integration). From left
cation of the Jacobian computation. The in-
to right, we show results at t = 50.25, t = 63 and t = 87 respectively.
set image shows the particle arrangement in
Our method can express more detailed vortices than APIC while
3D: two particles are created and displaced
maintaining stability. CF-BFECC explodes early and fails to finish:
in each Cartesian direction. The inverse transpose of the forward
the frame shown in its third column is at t = 66.5 and is the last
flow map Jacobian J ◦ is computed in 3D by
frame before the simulation becomes unstable.
 −1
(ĉ2 − ĉ1 )⊤
◦ 1 
J3D ≈ (ĉ4 − ĉ3 )⊤  , (24)

δx ⊤
(ĉ6 − ĉ5 )
where δx is the separation of the extra temporary sampled parti- the non-constant case, Equation (21) expands as
cles and ĉ is the transported positions of the extra particles. In our
implementations, we set δx to be the same as the grid spacing. m(x⊞ ) = J ◦ u◦ + J ◦ ∇u◦ ∆x + ∇J ◦ · u◦ ∆x.


The extra term comes from the gradient of the non-constant Jacobian:
4.1. Non-constant Jacobian Flow Map
∇J ◦ is the Hessian of the inverse transposed flow map, a third order
Modifying per-particle quantities with Equation (23) only works if tensor that is single contracted with the vector u◦ . The last two
the Jacobian of the flow map is locally constant around a particle. In terms of Equation (25) can be combined to derive a more convenient

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S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method 7 of 13

(a) SL (b) MC (c) MC+R (d) CF+BFECC (e) APIC (f) IPIC (Ours)

Figure 7: 3D Smoke Plume simulations at a resolution of 128 × 256 × 128 cells. SL (a), MC(b), APIC (e) use ∆t = 0.125 while MC+R (c),
CF+BFECC (d) and ours (f) are simulated with ∆t = 0.25 using a second-order integration scheme. We show results for all methods at t = 100
except for CF+BFECC, which explodes after t = 68. Our method exhibits more vortical details than the other methods while also maintaining
better stability than CF+BFECC.

expression to update the per-particle affine matrix as coupled with an accurate position integrator, the determinant of the
flow map should be equal to 1, indicating that the volume is per-
Ã◦m ◦
= J ∇u + ∇J ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦
: u = J (A − H ), ◦ ◦
 ⊤  fectly conserved. To limit the amount of incorrect stretching induced
∂Φx ∂Φy
+ mz ∇ ∂Φ by inaccurate flow maps, we apply a smoothed double-sided step
mx ∇ ∂x + my ∇ z
∂x ∂x
⊤  (26) function to modulate the strength of the stretching of Lagrangian
with H◦ = 
 ∂Φy

 mx ∇ ∂y + my ∇ ∂y + mz ∇ ∂Φ
z ,
 quantities as
 ⊤ 
m◦ = ξ(q◦ )J ◦ u◦ + 1 − ξ(q◦ ) u◦ ,

mx ∇ ∂Φ
+ my ∇ ∂zy + mz ∇ ∂Φ
Ã◦m = ξ(q◦ )Ã◦m + 1 − ξ(q◦ ) A◦ ,

where m◦ = (mx , my , mz )⊤ and ∇ ∂Φ∂f
, e, f ∈ (x, y, z) represents the
second order derivatives of the flow map. with

◦ q≤0
The per-particle matrix H requires the evaluation of second ◦ 0,

1 − ||J | − 1| − α
derivatives of the flow map, and extra points need to be sampled to q◦ = , ξ(q◦ ) = 3q2 − 2q3 , 0 ≤ q ≤ 1
in order to compute these derivatives. In the supplementary material β−α 
1, 1≤q

we include detailed diagrams that illustrate how we sample particles (28)
to approximate the Hessian, along with the derivations needed to where α and β are parameters satisfying 0 ≤ α < β ≤ 1 that control
obtain Equation (26). In summary, when the Jacobian of the flow the blending limits. In Section 5, we demonstrate the impact of the
map is not constant around the particle positions, the APIC transfer Jacobian-aware blending. When ξ(q◦ ) is far from one, the method
(Equation (17)) employs the stretched velocity m◦ and modified is more strict in enforcing flow map correctness, and the behavior
affine matrix Ã◦m . A full outline of a single time step of the IPIC of the solver more closely mimics a standard APIC solver; with
advection-stretching is shown in Algorithm 1. For time integration, less strict enforcement, the method becomes less stable while also
we employ a second-order multi-stepping algorithm [NWRC22], producing and maintaining more intricate, vortical details.
outlined in Algorithm 2.
Moreover, when simulating liquids, the evaluation of the Jacobian
of the flow map at the interface between air and fluid cells can
4.2. Enforcing Stability by a Jacobian-Aware Blending
become incorrect, since velocities from the fluid are extrapolated to
The original covector approach [NWRC22] can simulate fluids with the air. Since this creates simulations that have noticeable artifacts,
intricate vortical details, but suffers from significant instability issues we revert back to FLIP at the interface of fluid and air cells.
that severely limit the time step size of the algorithm. We propose a
novel limiter on the Jacobian of the flow map that improves stability
of impulse-based formulations. Our key insight is that velocity 5. Results
stretching is unstable when flow maps are not accurately constructed. We test the effectiveness of our method in several different sce-
Errors in the construction of the flow map are exacerbated in regions narios, evaluating its performance and quality against established
of higher turbulence or close to boundaries, where inaccuracies due state-of-the-art methods. One advantage of our proposed hybrid
to numerical integration of particle positions and the negative effects approach is that it can be seamlessly integrated into liquid solvers,
of not enforcing strictly divergence-free interpolants [CPAB22] are extending previous approaches [NWRC22] that were limited to
more severe. smoke settings. We also reimplemented several methods in our
The flow map error can be quantified by measuring the deter- pipeline to provide fair comparisons. The first-order (in time)
minant of its Jacobian: for a strictly divergence-free velocity field semi-Lagrangian [Sta99] and MacCormack [SRF05], second-order

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8 of 13 S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

(a) MC+R


(c) APIC

(d) IPIC (Ours)

Figure 8: Vortex Leapfrogging simulations at a resolution of 256 × 128 × 128 cells. MC+R (a), CF+BFECC (b) and our method (d) use
∆t = 0.5, while APIC (c) employs ∆t = 0.25. From left to right, we show results at t = 121, t = 258, t = 500.5 and t = 767.5, respectively.
IPIC produces more detailed vortical structures when compared with other methods.

Table 1: Summary of methods used in this paper. tics. We refer the reader to the accompanying video for animated
Method Acronym Reference visualizations of our results.
Semi-Lagrangian SL [Sta99] The Impulse Particle-In-Cell method is implemented in Py-
MacCormack MC [SFK∗ 08] torch [PGM∗ 19], extending a previous differentiable solver pipeline
Back-and-Forth Error [TCCS21]. All simulations were performed on a system with an
Compensation and Correction NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU with 24GB memory and an AMD Ryzen
Advection-Reflection R [NZT19] 7 5800X CPU with 64GB memory. Efficiently performing particle-
Covector Fluids CF [NWRC22] to-grid operations implies increased memory costs, which can be
Fluid-Implicit-Particle FLIP [ZB05] prohibitive when evaluating our method on GPUs. We alleviate
Affine Particle-In-Cell APIC [JSS∗ 15] this requirement by sequentially computing the particle splatting
Impulse Particle-In-Cell IPIC Our method operation in chunks, which can make particle-to-grid transfers less
efficient. We use linear interpolation kernels for both grid-to-particle
and particle-to-grid transfers and a third-order Runge-Kutta integra-
advection-reflection [NZT19], and second-order (in time) Covector tor for advancing positions.
Fluids [NWRC22] are the baseline implementations for simulating
smoke examples; PIC, FLIP [ZB05] and APIC [JSS∗ 15] provide 5.1. Validation
baselines for liquid scenes. Table 1 shows all the implemented meth- 2D Taylor Vortices Our 2D solver is validated using a Taylor
ods, and Table 2 lists experiment parameters and performance statis- vortices setup [McK07] that has been widely used for testing

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Algorithm 1 A single step of the IPIC advection-stretching 1.2
⊞ ◦ ⊞
Input: flow field u ; particle positions x ; grid positions x ;
timestep ∆t; non-constant Jacobian flag H; stability parameters 1
α and β.
1: u◦ , A◦ ← Ig2p
APIC ◦ ⊞ ⊞
(x , x , u ) 0.8
2: for each particle do
4: if H then 0.6
6: h◦ ← RUNGE K UTTA(h◦ ; u⊞ , ∆t) 100 200 300 400 500 600

7: end if MC APIC CF-BFECC

8: x◦ ← RUNGE K UTTA(x◦ ; u⊞ , ∆t) MC+R IPIC

9: c◦ ← RUNGE K UTTA(c◦ ; u⊞ , ∆t)

10: J ◦ ← C OMPUTE JACOBIAN(c◦ ) ▷ Equation (24) Figure 9: Kinetic energy plot for different methods used in the 3D
11: A◦m ← A◦ Vortex Leapfrogging example (Figure 8). IPIC better conserves the
12: if H then energy throughout the simulation.
13: H◦ ← C OMPUTE H ESSIAN(h◦ ) ▷ Equation (26)
14: A◦m ← A◦ − H◦ Table 2: Parameters and performance statistics. All runtime statis-
15: end if tics are reported in seconds per frame when second order integration
1−||J ◦ |−1|−α schemes are used. For first order integration schemes, runtime is
16: q◦ ← β−α reported in seconds per two frames for a fair comparison.
17: m◦ ← ξ(q◦ ) J ◦ u◦ + (1 − ξ(q◦ )) u◦
18: A◦ ← ξ(q◦ ) J ◦ A◦m + (1 − ξ(q◦ )) A◦ Ours
Scene Resolution # Part. Ours APIC
19: end for w/o H

20: m ⊞ APIC
← I p2g (m◦ , x◦ , x⊞ , A◦ ) Taylor Vortices (Fig. 2) 256×256 1.05M 0.77 0.55 0.35
2D Plume (Fig. 6) 384×512 786k 0.71 0.56 0.44

Output: Advected stretched impulse field m 2D Dam Break (Fig.3) 64×64 10k 0.18 0.17 0.15
Leapfrogging (Fig. 8) 256×128×128 16.78M 69.2 29.0 8.6
3D Plume (Fig. 7) 128×256×128 16.78M 67.8 28.6 7.4
Algorithm 2 Second order time integration scheme
3D Dam Break (Fig. 10) 128×100×40 471k 2.1 1.0 0.4
Liquid Sink (Fig. 11) 96×24×96 1.77M 5.3 2.2 0.7
Input: Flow field u⊞
n ; timestep ∆t
Liquid Street (Fig. 4) 150×75×45 1.2M∼1.8M 7.2 2.9 0.8
1: m̃n+ 1 ← IPIC(mn ; un , ∆t
2) ▷ Algorithm 1
2: un+ 1 ← D IV F REE P ROJECTION(m̃n+ 1 )
2 2 ging example. Concentric vortex rings with different radii are ini-
3: m̃n+1 ← IPIC(mn ; un+ 1 , ∆t) ▷ Algorithm 1 tialized with equal circulations, and the expected behavior is that
4: un+1 ← D IV F REE P ROJECTION(m̃n+1 ) one ring will go through the other in alternating fashion. The true
Output: Velocity field u⊞ analytical solution for the inviscid case would reproduce this behav-
ior indefinitely; for numerical solvers, we observe the number of
times that each vortex ring goes through another before collapsing
to a single ring. Figure 8 shows leapfrogging results for grid-based
energy preservation properties in Computer Graphics. We gen- Advection-Reflection MacCormack (MC+R) and Covector Fluids
erate two initial
 by a distance of 0.81 using
 methods, and for hybrid APIC and IPIC discretizations. APIC was
2 2
ω(x) = Ua 2 − ar 2 exp 12 1 − ar 2 , with a = 0.3 and U = 1.0. simulated with a halved time step size, since all other methods are
Vortex core positions are set so that they should theoretically remain second-order in time. Thus, the number of pressure projections is
separated through the course of the simulation; dissipative solvers the same across different methods. The sequence shows that IPIC
are not able to preserve this property. Note that methods such as produces more detailed vortical structures when compared to other
MacCormack and APIC are run with halved time steps to match methods, while also producing consistent ring motion. We compare
the number of projection steps of second-order in time methods the kinetic energy profile of different methods in Figure 9.
(Algorithm 2). Figure 2 provides a visualization of the resulting vor-
ticity maps in each of the methods at time t = 6. We observed that
5.2. Smoke
Covector Fluids is very sensitive to MacCormack / BFECC extrema
clamping modes, and minor changes to the clamping procedure can 2D Smoke Plume We initialize a 2D smoke source in a rectangular
drastically decrease or increase the energy of the system. domain. For all smoke examples, advection of the smoke concen-
tration ρ(x) is performed on the regular grid with the MacCormack
3D Leapfrogging Vortex Rings An alternative evaluation of a advection scheme, instead of transporting densities through particles.
solver’s ability to conserve kinetic energy is to test a vortex leapfrog- We chose this setting so we could provide fair visual comparisons

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10 of 13 S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method

against grid-based methods that do not rely on particles for smoke

concentration advection. A standard buoyancy force f(x) = γ ρ(x) j
is added for all our smoke examples and for this particular 2D case
we set γ = 0.002. Figure 6 shows a comparison between Covec-
tor Fluids, APIC and IPIC: our approach is not only better able to
produce vortical structures, but is also stable.

3D Smoke Plume Figure 7 shows a comparison of a 3D smoke

simulation driven by buoyancy forces (γ = 0.004). This example is
particularly interesting, since it demonstrates that different meth- (a) APIC
ods affect the spreading of turbulence throughout the simulation.
All methods, except Covector Fluids, which blows up at t = 68,
are stable. IPIC creates more turbulent structures that spread more
realistically along with upward driving forces.

5.3. Liquids
2D Dam Break Existing hybrid liquid solvers can be easily ex-
tended with our particle-based algorithm, offering better circulation-
preserving capabilities. In this example, we initialize a column of (b) IPIC (Ours)
water in the left side of the domain. We show in Figure 3 a com-
Figure 10: 3D Dam Break simulations at a resolution of 128 ×
parison between FLIP, APIC and IPIC: how our method is able to
100 × 40 with ∆t = 0.25. The liquid block is initialized with 8 par-
maintain more energetic vortical structures. Additionally, we com-
ticles per cell. From left to right, we show results at t = 27.25 and
pare the effect of the parameters of the Jacobian-aware blending:
t = 91.25. Our method (b) gives similar results to APIC (a). Because
less strict (α=0.8, β=0.9) settings allow less accurate Jacobian of the
the flow map at interfaces is not correct due to the extrapolation of
flow map, making the simulation less stable. But it is able to provide
velocities, IPIC reverts back to FLIP on those regions.
a more vortical result at t = 220. More strict (α=0.99, β=0.998) pa-
rameters constrain the Jacobian better, and are also able to provide
a much more vortical simulation than FLIP and APIC. Lastly, we
also observe that the simulation is less energetic if we assume the
Jacobian is constant around a particle position.

3D Dam Break and 3D Liquid Street Figure 10 shows a com-

parison between APIC and IPIC for a 3D dam break scenario. As
we revert IPIC back to FLIP at fluid-air interfaces for stability, our
result looks similar to APIC. Inspired by Yang et al. [YXZ∗ 21], we
create a 3D “liquid street” example that initializes a column of water
that moves up and down at the left of the domain. IPIC is better able (a) APIC (b) IPIC (Ours)
to create turbulent details behind obstacles and at boundary between
liquid-air interfaces when compared to APIC. Figure 11: 3D Water Sink simulations at a resolution of 96 ×
24 × 96. Each cell is initialized with 8 particles. Both methods use
3D Sink Lastly, we create a 3D sink example. A square domain is ∆t = 0.25 with the second order integration scheme. We show the
initialized with water, and on the bottom of the domain we add a results at t = 150. Our method (b) produces richer small structures
hole that allows the water to flow through. We initialize the water on the surface than APIC (a), especially near the central vortex.
velocities with a rotational velocity field. When compared to APIC,
IPIC creates more interesting motions at the vortex centerline.

6. Conclusions
The major limitation of IPIC is its reliance on sampling extra
We have presented the Impulse Particle-In-Cell method, a novel particles to compute the deformation flow map. This can introduce
hybrid discretization that combines the strength of particle-based computational inefficiency and higher memory costs, especially
transport with the versatility of grid-based incompressibility. Our when assuming that the Jacobian is not constant around particles.
method can model both smoke and liquid phases, and exhibits im- Moreover, flow maps can be inaccurate close to interfaces, and
proved conservation of energy and vortical details compared to we rely on reverting back to simpler advection schemes in those
previous methods. Furthermore, we proposed a novel Jacobian- scenarios. For future work, we believe that our method can benefit
aware blending that increases the stability of the velocity-stretching from a more thorough treatment of boundary conditions. In addition,
step commonly used in related impulse-based/structure-preserving the Jacobian-aware blending can be employed as a limiter for pure
approaches. grid-based advection schemes that rely on velocity-stretching.

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S. Sancho et al. / The Impulse Particle-In-Cell Method 11 of 13

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