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PHYSICAL REVIEW X 14, 011032 (2024)

Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Krylov Space

1,2,* 2,3,†
Kazutaka Takahashi and Adolfo del Campo
Department of Physics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mie University, Mie 514-8507, Japan
Department of Physics and Materials Science, University of Luxembourg,
L-1511 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Donostia International Physics Center, E-20018 San Sebastián, Spain

(Received 16 February 2023; revised 17 October 2023; accepted 19 January 2024; published 28 February 2024)

Shortcuts to adiabaticity provide fast protocols for quantum state preparation in which the use of
auxiliary counterdiabatic controls circumvents the requirement of slow driving in adiabatic strategies.
While their development is well established in simple systems, their engineering and implementation are
challenging in many-body quantum systems with many degrees of freedom. We show that the equation for
the counterdiabatic term—equivalently, the adiabatic gauge potential—is solved by introducing a Krylov
basis. The Krylov basis spans the minimal operator subspace in which the dynamics unfolds and provides
an efficient way to construct the counterdiabatic term. We apply our strategy to paradigmatic single- and
many-particle models. The properties of the counterdiabatic term are reflected in the Lanczos coefficients
obtained in the course of the construction of the Krylov basis by an algorithmic method. We examine how
the expansion in the Krylov basis incorporates many-body interactions in the counterdiabatic term.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevX.14.011032 Subject Areas: Quantum Physics,
Quantum Information,
Statistical Physics

I. INTRODUCTION limits the efficiency of the computation as a result of

the adiabatic theorem, whether one considers the system
In noisy quantum devices, dominant in the noisy inter-
closed [6] or open [7]. An alternative approach relies on
mediate-scale quantum (NISQ) era [1], the prospects of
optimally tailoring the time dependence of the parameters
implementing exact adiabatic control protocols are dim.
that are varied in time in the system of interest (e.g., the
Noise generally lowers the fidelity of preparing a target
harmonic frequency in a trapped system or a magnetic field
quantum state, making the dynamics not unitary, and leading
in a spin system) [8]. This is the principle behind the so-
to a final mixed state. The presence of noise further limits the
called boundary cancellation method that reduces excita-
admissible operation time in adiabatic protocols, e.g., in
tions by devising smooth protocols in view of the adiabatic
adiabatic quantum computing and quantum annealing. In
theorem in either isolated or open systems [7,9,10]. Such an
these devices, noise can act as a heating source leading to
approach requires no additional control fields, easing
excitation formation [2,3], precluding the goal of finding the
the implementation of the driving protocols in the labo-
low-energy configuration of a given problem Hamiltonian.
ratory [11], but provides limited advantages in the speedup,
The ubiquitous presence of noise in current NISQ
and technical assumptions in the adiabatic theorem may
devices forces us to rethink the use of adiabatic strategies.
restrict its applicability.
A natural approach is operating in timescales where
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STAs) provide an alternative
environmental noise is negligible. A demonstration of this
approach [12–15]. They enforce the nonadiabatic following
approach has recently been reported in quantum annealing
of a prescribed adiabatic trajectory of interest, tailoring
devices, where noise-induced errors generated for moderate
nonadiabatic excitations utilizing auxiliary control fields.
operation times [4] can be eliminated by shortening the
In other words, STAs remove the requirement for slow
duration of the process [5]. However, this strategy generally
driving in adiabatic protocols, leading to the preparation of
the same target state in a shorter time. By now, several
* experiments have demonstrated the use of STAs in ultracold atoms [16–23], nitrogen-vacancy centers [24,25], trapped
ions [26], and superconducting qubits [27], among others.
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of While various techniques have been developed to engi-
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to neer STAs, counterdiabatic (CD) driving stands out among
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, them by providing a universal approach for any system
and DOI. in isolation. The early formulation due to Demirplak and

2160-3308=24=14(1)=011032(23) 011032-1 Published by the American Physical Society


Rice [28–30], independently developed by Berry [31], approach that achieves this goal by formulating CD driving
assumes the dynamics to be unitary and the system in Krylov space. Krylov subspace methods have a long
Hamiltonian to be diagonalizable at all times. However, tradition in numerical recipes and can be efficiently imple-
progress over the past decade has shown that STAs can be mented using the Lanczos algorithm and its variants [65]. In
applied to open quantum systems [32–36], as demonstrated time-dependent quantum mechanics, Krylov space describes
in a pioneering experiment [37]. the minimal subspace in which the dynamics unfolds, greatly
From the outset, the need for the system Hamiltonian to easing the computational resources to describe time evolu-
be diagonalizable at all times precludes the application of tion [66]. They are further useful in foundations of quantum
CD driving in important scenarios where such knowledge physics to characterize operator growth [67–70] and the
is unavailable, e.g., in quantum annealing. However, fundamental speed limits governing it [71,72]. Consider the
the development of approximate methods to engineer case of the quantum dynamics in the Heisenberg represen-
CD controls has challenged and de facto removed this tation. Given an observable of interest O0 and a generator
requirement. Specifically, the early proposal of using of evolution H, the evolution of the observable is set by
digital methods for quantum simulation to realize OðtÞ ¼ U† ðtÞO0 UðtÞ, where UðtÞ is the time-evolution
CD controls [38,39], in combination with variational operator. For time-independentP Hamiltonians, such evolution
methods [40–42], has led to a framework for digitized- admits the expansion OðtÞ ¼ ∞ n¼0 ðitÞ L O0 =n! with the
n n

CD quantum driving for quantum algorithms [43,44], Liouvillian Lð·Þ ¼ ½H; ·. The dynamics generates the set of
that include the use of STA in adiabatic quantum compu- operators fLn O0 g∞n¼0 that are not orthonormal and generally
tation [45] and quantum optimization [46–48]. live in an operator subspace known as the Krylov space. The
The nature of the CD controls remains currently an issue. Lanczos algorithm can be used to construct a basis in Krylov
In a system with many degrees of freedom, finding an space and further provides the Lanczos coefficients that
efficient prescription to determine the CD fields is gen- determine the entries of the matrix representation of the
erally challenging. The first works exploring STA by CD Liouvillian in the Krylov basis.
driving in many-body quantum systems showed that the
CD controls generally involved many-body interactions II. OUTLINE
of arbitrary rank (one-body, two-body, etc.) [38,39,49,50]. In this work, we introduce a formulation of CD driving in
In addition, CD terms are generally spatially nonlocal [39]. Krylov space using the celebrated Lanczos algorithm. In
In systems of continuous variables, such as a harmonic Sec. III, we briefly review the key concept of STA. In the
oscillator or ultracold gases, CD terms cannot always CD driving, for a given time-dependent Hamiltonian, the
be realized by applying an external potential [12,51] dynamics is assisted by an auxiliary control field known as
but may involve nonconservative momentum-dependent the CD term. The CD Hamiltonian acts as the generator of
Hamiltonian terms [52–54]. Likewise, in spin systems, adiabatic continuation, discussed in proofs of the adiabatic
CD terms may involve interactions among distant spins theorem, e.g., by Kato [6] and Avron and Elgart [73].
[38,39,49,50]. As a result, one of the pressing problems in Similarly, it has been discussed in the context of quasia-
the development of STA is to find systematic approaches to diabatic continuation by Hastings [74–81]. Recent liter-
tailor CD terms. One option is to find unitarily equivalent ature refers to the CD term as the adiabatic gauge potential
Hamiltonians for which STAs can be implemented exactly (AGP). It is further related to the Berry connection, and its
with experimentally available resources [53–55]. Another norm gives the real part of the quantum geometric tensor,
relies on approximate protocols, determined through varia- i.e., the quantum metric tensor or fidelity susceptibility,
tional methods [39–41,56–59] or otherwise [49,60,61]. as discussed in Refs. [30,38,82,83]. Thus, the AGP has
Current general approaches to engineering STA by CD broad applications beyond quantum control, extending to
driving are blind to any structure or symmetry in the actual quantum state distinguishability, quantum state geometry,
dynamics. However, it is known that the presence of adiabatic theorems, critical phenomena, quantum thermo-
dynamical symmetries in a given process can significantly dynamics, etc.
simplify the CD protocols required to control it and render Finding the explicit form of the AGP is a fundamental
the implementation of STA experimentally realizable. In problem for practical applications and has been discussed
cases where a dynamical symmetry is known, one can from various viewpoints. The spectral representation
identify the CD controls in terms of the elements of a obtained in the original studies [28–31] has a disadvantage,
closed Lie algebra [62]. However, the application of this as it is generally difficult to obtain the corresponding
approach has been limited to the restricted set of examples operator form in systems with many degrees of freedom.
in which dynamical symmetries are known, i.e., few-level In that case, we can start the analysis from the operator
systems [63] and scale-invariant processes [64]. equation for the AGP. The equation is solved approx-
Further progress calls for novel approaches that system- imately using the variational method [40].
atically unravel and exploit any structure in the dynamics In the variational method, the validity of the approxi-
of the process to be controlled. This work introduces an mation strongly depends on the chosen ansatz. The


operator equation is recast into an integral representation. our work advances the study of STA beyond the large body
It gives a nested commutator expansion and indicates of literature focused on leading-order truncations of the CD
possible operator forms of the AGP. Combining the nested term [40,41,57,59].
commutator expansion with the variational method offers a We also discuss in the same section the one-dimensional
systematic method for finding the AGP for complex isotropic XY model. We treat several cases where the
systems [41]. In most applications, the expansion is interaction couplings are uniform or random. Although
truncated to obtain an approximate result. It is implied the model can be mapped onto a free fermion model, the
that taking into the infinite-order expansion gives the exact explicit construction of the AGP for a given set of coupling
result, although rigorous proof has not been shown. In the constants is a difficult task. We can formulate the expansion
present work, we circumvent the need for the variational systematically and demonstrate the expansion up to a
method by providing an exact closed-form expression for considerably large system size. We discuss closely how
the AGP in the Krylov method. each order of the expansion affects the result. We also
In Sec. IV, we introduce the basic concept of the Krylov consider the case where the system is equivalent to the
subspace method and develop a general framework for integrable system described by the Toda equations. We
finding the exact AGP from the Krylov expansion. The discuss the implications of the integrability condition on the
Krylov expansion is formulated by defining a proper inner Krylov expansion.
product and a Liouvillian superoperator for a target The present study is concluded with final remarks in
system. For a given initial seed operator, the Krylov Sec. VII.
subspace where the dynamics unfolds is determined from
the Krylov algorithm. We show that a specific choice of III. ADIABATIC GAUGE POTENTIAL AND
the seed operator is useful to solve the equation for the COUNTERDIABATIC DRIVING
AGP. The AGP is expressed by the Krylov basis and the Consider a closed quantum system described by the
Lanczos coefficients obtained from the Krylov algorithm. Hamiltonian operator HðλÞ depending on the set of
We find that the AGP is classified into two categories. parameters λ ¼ ðλ1 ; λ2 ; …Þ. Throughout this paper, a
They are characterized by the parity of the number of the capital letter denotes an operator or a matrix. Let jnðλÞi
Krylov basis. represent an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian with the
Comparing the exact form of the AGP with the integral eigenvalue ϵn ðλÞ. The time-independent Schrödinger equa-
representation with the nested commutator expansion gives tion and the equation for adiabatic continuation read,
a close relation of the AGP to the complexity of the Krylov respectively,
space. We discuss that the properties of the AGP can be
understood directly from the series of the Lanczos coef- HðλÞjnðλÞi ¼ ϵn ðλÞjnðλÞi; ð1Þ
ficients and the operator wave functions defined from the
general framework of the Krylov method. We also discuss AðλÞjnðλÞi ¼ i∂λ jnðλÞi: ð2Þ
how the variational method with the nest commutator
expansion is justified. The phase of the eigenstate is fixed by requiring the relation
In Sec. V, we apply the general framework to various hnðλÞj∂λ nðλÞi ¼ 0. The AGP operator A ¼ ðA1 ; A2 ; …Þ is
canonical examples, including two- and three-level sys- introduced by differentiating the eigenstate with respect to λ
tems, and the harmonic oscillator. To be instructive, we and enforces adiabatic continuation for all eigenstates; i.e.,
demonstrate those well-known examples by using several it is independent of n.
different ways to determine the AGP. One of the prominent applications of the AGP is the
The full potential of the present framework is displayed CD driving [28–31,84]. For time-varying parameters λðtÞ,
when it is applied to systems with many degrees of we consider the time evolution
freedom. In Sec. VI, we treat integrable, nonintegrable,
and disordered quantum spin chains. We first apply the i∂t jψðtÞi ¼ fH½λðtÞ þ H CD ðtÞgjψðtÞi: ð3Þ
method to a one-dimensional transverse Ising model with-
out a longitudinal magnetic field. The AGP of the system is Here, the CD term is introduced as HCD ðtÞ ¼ λ̇ðtÞ · A½λðtÞ,
well known in that case [38,49,50], and we rewrite the where the overdot denotes the time derivative. It prevents
result with respect to the Lanczos coefficients. We find that the nonadiabatic transitions among eigenstates jnðλÞi,
the quantum phase transition can be identified from the which means that the solution of the Schrödinger equa-
Lanczos coefficient series. When we apply the longitudinal tion (3) is exactly given by the adiabatic state of H:
magnetic field, the system becomes nonintegrable and the
exact solution is not available. We consider a truncation X −i R t dsϵ ½λðsÞ−R t dshn½λðsÞj∂ n½λðsÞi
jψðtÞi ¼ e 0 n 0 s
of the Krylov expansion, and the result is shown to be
equivalent to that of the variational method. In reporting
explicit expressions for the AGP in many-body systems, × jn½λðtÞihn½λð0Þjψð0Þi: ð4Þ


Even when the implementation of the CD term is chal- solving the equation for αnc k from Eq. (6). Practically, a
lenging, we can use the CD term to assess the nonadiabatic truncation of the operator series yields an approximate
effects [85]. AGP. The infinite series by nested commutators produces
While it is a nontrivial problem to obtain the explicit the same type of operators many times, and it is not clear
form of the AGP for a given Hamiltonian, its matrix how many terms should be kept to obtain a required
elements can be formally written in terms of the spectral accuracy. To treat the AGP systematically, we rearrange
properties of H as the expansion in Eq. (9) and represent the AGP in a finite
series by using a set of orthonormal Krylov basis elements.
hmðλÞj∂λ HðλÞjnðλÞi
hmðλÞjAðλÞjnðλÞi ¼ i ð1 − δm;n Þ: ð5Þ

The main aim of the present work is to find a systematic A. Inner product, basis operators, and vector
representation of operators
way to obtain the operator form of the AGP. The AGP
satisfies In the Krylov method [66], we use a set of operators
satisfying an orthonormal relation. To define the orthonor-
Lλ ½∂λ HðλÞ − iLλ AðλÞ ¼ 0; ð6Þ mality of operators, we first introduce the inner product for
an arbitrary pair of operators X and Y as
where Lλ ð·Þ ¼ ½HðλÞ; ·. This relation was used to find an
approximate AGP by variational methods [40,41,86]. We 1
ðX; YÞ ¼ Tr½ρðHÞðX† Y þ YX† Þ: ð10Þ
exploit this relation to obtain the exact form of the AGP. 2
As an alternative useful relation, one can invoke the
The operators are not necessarily Hermitian. In addition,
integral representation introduced by Hastings in the
the measure ρðHÞ is a positive-definite Hermitian operator
context of quasiadiabatic continuation [74,75,77]:
but not necessarily normalized. We note that the present
Z ∞ method is applicable even when the Hilbert space dimen-
AðλÞ ¼ − lim dssgnðsÞe−ηjsj sion is infinite and the energy spectrum is continuous,
2 η→0 −∞
provided that ρðHÞ is chosen appropriately. We see in the
× eiHðλÞs ∂λ HðλÞe−iHðλÞs : ð7Þ following that the result of the AGP is independent of the
choice of ρðHÞ. What is important is that ρðHÞ commutes
The integrand is proportional to the operator ∂λ HðλÞ with H. We have
conjugated by a unitary. Using the unitary operation
is represented by Lλ, we can perform the integration over ðX; LXÞ ¼ 0; ð11Þ
s to write
  ðX; LYÞ ¼ ðY; LXÞ; ð12Þ
1 1 1
AðλÞ ¼ − lim − ∂ HðλÞ: ð8Þ
2 η→0 η − iLλ η þ iLλ λ for Hermitian operators X and Y.
To find an explicit representation of the superoperator L,
This formal expression motivates us to use the expansion we introduce a set of basis operators X ¼ ðX1 ; X2 ; …Þ, that
[41,87,88] are Hermitian and orthonormal with each other:
AðλÞ ¼ i αnck ðλÞLλ ∂λ HðλÞ: ð9Þ ðXμ ; Xν Þ ¼ δμ;ν : ð13Þ
The number of operators is not specified here and is
The construction of the AGP in Krylov space that we discussed in the following after clarifying the aim of the
present in the following follows solely from using the analysis. Generally, for a given quantum system, it is equal
expansion (9) in combination with Eq. (6). Its importance to or smaller than the square of the dimension of the
relies on the fact that it removes the need for the spectral Hilbert space.
properties of HðλÞ in determining the CD term and shows One of the aims of introducing the basis operators is that
that the operators in the AGP are generated from the nested the superoperator L can be represented by an antisym-
commutators L2k−1 ∂H at odd orders. We note that the metric Hermitian matrix L. It has elements
variable s in the integral representation represents a
fictitious time. The unitary e−iHðλÞs is interpreted as the Lμν ¼ ðXμ ; LXν Þ ð14Þ
time evolution operator in the fictitious time with no need
for the time-ordered product, as HðλÞ is independent of s. and satisfies L† ¼ L and LT ¼ −L. The diagonal compo-
When we keep all possible operators generated from the nents are equal to zero, and each of the off-diagonal
nested commutators, the exact AGP can be obtained by components is purely imaginary. Corresponding to the


matrix representation of superoperator, a vector represents tridiagonal form T, satisfying L ¼ VTV † , where V ¼
an operator. We write the Hamiltonian ðjθ0 ijθ1 i…jθd−1 iÞ and

H ¼ h · X ⇔ jHi ¼ ðh1 ; h2 ; …ÞT ð15Þ 0 1

0 b1 0
B b1 0 b2 C
and the AGP B C
B0 0 C
B b2 C
A ¼ a · X ⇔ jAi ¼ ða1 ; a2 ; …ÞT : ð16Þ T¼B
B ..
C ð22Þ
B . C
Then, we obtain a vector representation of Eq. (6) as B 0 bd−1 C
@ A
Lðj∂λ Hi − iLjAiÞ ¼ 0: ð17Þ bd−1 0

It is not a difficult problem to obtain the formal solution We can also write
of this equation by using the spectral representation of L.
However, L is generally a matrix of large size, and the X

diagonalization is much more difficult than that of the L¼ bn ðjθn ihθn−1 j þ jθn−1 ihθn jÞ: ð23Þ
Hamiltonian H. We resolve this problem in the following
by introducing an algorithmic method. Generally, for a given matrix L and an initial basis
element jθ0 i, we can render the matrix in tridiagonal form
B. Lanczos algorithm and Krylov basis algorithmically. We find in the following that the present
Equation (17) implies that the AGP jAi is constructed choice of the initial basis in Eq. (18) is convenient to
from a linear combination of Ln j∂Hi with n ¼ 1; 2; …. We solve Eq. (17).
prepare the normalized vector jθ0 i from the relation The introduction of the orthonormal basis vectors
corresponds to that of the orthonormal basis operators
b0 jθ0 i ¼ j∂Hi: ð18Þ jOn i ¼ jθn i. In the original representation,

The coefficient b0 represents the normalization factor and is On ¼ θn · X; ð24Þ

written as
with n ¼ 0; 1; 2; …; d − 1. They are generated by the
b20 ¼ h∂Hj∂Hi ¼ ð∂H; ∂HÞ: ð19Þ procedure

The zeroth-order normalized vector jθ0 i and the coefficient b0 O0 ¼ ∂H;

b0 are defined for each component of λ. The same applies b1 O1 ¼ LO0 ;
to the quantities introduced in the following. We abbreviate
the component index to simplify the notation. Then, the bn On ¼ LOn−1 − bn−1 On−2 ðn ¼ 2; 3; …; d − 1Þ ð25Þ
new normalized basis jθ1 i is defined from
and satisfy ðOm ; On Þ ¼ hθm jθn i ¼ δm;n. This set of oper-
b1 jθ1 i ¼ Ljθ0 i: ð20Þ ators represents the Krylov basis. In the present choice of
O0 , the operators of even order O2k (k ¼ 0; 1; 2; …) are
By construction, jθ1 i is orthogonal to jθ0 i. We repeat the Hermitian, and those of odd order O2k−1 (k ¼ 1; 2; …) are
same procedure by using the relation anti-Hermitian.
We note that the introduction of the basis operators X is
bn jθn i ¼ Ljθn−1 i − bn−1 jθn−2 i; ð21Þ not necessary, since we can construct the Krylov basis
directly from Eq. (25). The introduction of the basis
with n ¼ 2; 3; …. The positive coefficient bn is chosen so operators makes it clear that the introduction of the
that jθn i is normalized. Thus, the introduced vectors satisfy Krylov basis is equivalent to the Lanczos algorithm.
the orthonormal relation hθm jθn i ¼ δm;n . When the dimen- The following examples illustrate that the two options
sion of the Hilbert space is finite, the number of basis can prove convenient.
elements must be finite, which means that there exists an The advantage of the basis operator representation of L
integer d satisfying Ljθd−1 i − bd−1 jθd−2 i ¼ 0. The number by L is that we do not need to calculate the nested
of the basis vectors is given by d, which we refer to as the commutators Ln ∂H once we can construct a single
Krylov dimension. matrix L. We also see that the number of the basis operators
This way of constructing a basis set is nothing but the X is not necessarily equal to the square of the dimension of
Lanczos algorithm, since the matrix L is brought to a the Hilbert space dH . For the present purpose, we need


operators in Ln ∂H, and the dimension of L, denoted by dL, property is a direct consequence of the representation in
satisfies Eq. (9). The number of the operators is denoted by dA and is
related to the Krylov dimension d as
d ≤ dL ≤ d2H : ð26Þ
d d=2 for even d;
Thus, the Krylov dimension d is defined by the minimum dA ¼ ¼ ð29Þ
2 ðd − 1Þ=2 for odd d:
number of the basis elements. When the matrix L is block
diagonalized, we may treat only the block in which the
We first consider the case of even d. In this case, one
operators in ∂H are included. A good choice of the basis
reduces the computational cost. It is known that the general
upper limit of the Krylov dimension is given by the relation
d ≤ d2H − dH þ 1 [69]. j∂λ Hi − iLjAi ¼ b0 ð1 þ α1 b1 Þjθ0 i
Generally, the Krylov method is useful when we treat dX
A −1

the Heisenberg representation of a normalized operator O0, þ b0 ðαk b2k þ αkþ1 b2kþ1 Þjθ2k i: ð30Þ
OðsÞ ¼ eiHs O0 e−iHs [66–70]. We can represent the oper- k¼1
ator by a finite series as
Setting each side of this equation to zero yields
OðsÞ ¼ in φn ðsÞOn ; ð27Þ 1
α1 ¼ − ; ð31Þ
where φn ðsÞ is known as the operator wave function. The
time dependence of OðsÞ can be conveniently studied by αkþ1 ¼ − α; ð32Þ
using the operator wave function, a feature we next apply to b2kþ1 k
the computation of the AGP from the integral representa-
tion in Eq. (7). where k ¼ 1; 2; …; dA − 1. That is, we can find the AGP
satisfying the relation j∂Hi − iLjAi ¼ 0, which is a suffi-
C. Adiabatic gauge potential cient condition of Eq. (17). We also see that the relation
We are now in a position to solve Eq. (6), or the j∂Hi − iLjAi ¼ 0 represents the equation for a dynamical
equivalent Eq. (17), by using the Krylov basis. We use invariant, when the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian,
ϵn ½λðtÞ, are time independent [89,90]. In this case, diagonal
dA X
dA components of ∂λ HðλÞ in the eigenstate basis are equal to
A ¼ ib0 αk O2k−1 ⇔ jAi ¼ ib0 αk jθ2k−1 i ð28Þ zero, i.e., hnðλÞj∂λ HðλÞjnðλÞi ¼ 0.
k¼1 k¼1 Next, we consider the case of odd d. In this case, an
additional term appears in Eq. (30) and no solution exists
and solve the equation for fαk gdk¼1
. It is important to notice for j∂Hi − iLjAi ¼ 0. We examine L2 jAi ¼ −iLj∂Hi to
that A includes the Krylov basis at odd order, O2k−1 . This find the expression

0 1
b21 þ b22 b2 b3 0
B C0 1 0 1
B b2 b3 b23 þ b24 b4 b5 C α1 −b1
B 0 b4 b5 b25 þ b26 CB α2 C B
C B 0 C
B CB . C ¼ B . C
B .. CB . C B . C :
B . C@ . A @ . C A
B C α 0
@ b2d−4 þ b2d−3 bd−3 bd−2 A dA

bd−3 bd−2 bd−2 þ b2d−1


Inverting the matrix in this expression, we can obtain the AGP is represented by an expansion of the Krylov basis,
explicit form of the AGP. In the following, we solve this and the coefficient of each term is obtained as a function of
equation by using a different approach which proves b0 , the scale of ∂H, and the set of Lanczos coefficients
illuminating. fbn gd−1
n¼1 . When d is even, the instantaneous eigenvalues of
We conclude this part by stating that the AGP can be the Hamiltonian must be time independent. Conversely, the
constructed systematically by using the Krylov basis. The Krylov dimension d is even (odd) when the eigenvalues of


FIG. 1. The flowchart of the Krylov algorithm to obtain the AGP AðλÞ for a given Hamiltonian HðλÞ.
00 −b1 0 1
the Hamiltonian are time independent (dependent). The
flowchart of the algorithm is presented in Fig. 1. B b1 0 −b2 C
Equation (28) is compared with Eq. (9). The former is B C
B0 b2 0 C
expanded by orthonormal operators and the total number of B C
B¼B .. C ð37Þ
series elements is finite, if the resulting AGP is given by a B . C
finite number of operators. The expansion is also applicable B C
@ 0 −bd−1 A
to systems with a continuous spectrum. Thus, the Krylov
method offers a general systematic method for constructing bd−1 0
the AGP.
and the initial condition jφðλ; 0Þi ¼ ð1; 0; 0; …ÞT . Here, iB
is related to the matrix T in Eq. (22) under a unitary
D. Operator wave function and adiabatic transformation. Since the equation for jφðλ; sÞi is inter-
gauge potential preted as a Schrödinger equation with a Hamiltonian iBðλÞ
The AGP is closely related to the operator wave function independent of the fictitious time s, the solution is obtained
φn ðλ; sÞ defined from the Heisenberg representation by solving the eigenvalue problem iBðλÞjωn ðλÞi ¼
ωn ðλÞjωn ðλÞi. We can write
eiHðλÞs O0 ðλÞe−iHðλÞs ¼ in φn ðλ; sÞOn ðλÞ; ð34Þ X
n¼0 jφðλ; sÞi ¼ e−iωn ðλÞs jωn ðλÞihωn ðλÞjφðλ; 0Þi: ð38Þ
where the initial condition is chosen as b0 ðλÞO0 ðλÞ ¼
∂λ HðλÞ. Substituting this representation into Eq. (7), we The form of the Hermitian matrix iB indicates that the
obtain eigenvalues come in pairs ωn , where ωn ≠ 0, and the zero-
Z ∞ eigenvalue state exists only when the size of the matrix d is
1 odd. We refer to the details on the pairing of eigenstates in
lim dssgnðsÞe−ηjsj φ2k ðλ; sÞ ¼ 0; ð35Þ
2 η→0 −∞ Appendix A. Here, we look at only the zero-eigenvalue state
jϕðλÞi satisfying BðλÞjϕðλÞi ¼ 0 for odd d. We can solve
for k ¼ 0; 1; …; dA, and the eigenvalue equation to obtain the normalized solution
Z ∞
1 0 1
lim dssgnðsÞe−ηjsj φ2k−1 ðλ; sÞ ¼ ð−1Þk αk ðλÞ; ð36Þ 1
2 η→0 −∞ B C
B 0 C
for k ¼ 1; 2; …; dA. This relation between φn ðλ; sÞ and B C
B b1 C
αk ðλÞ shows that the latter is obtained from the Laplace B b2 C
1 B C
B 0 C
transform of the former. The behavior of the operator wave jϕi ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi B C: ð39Þ
1 þ ðbb12 Þ2 þ    B C
function has been studied in the context of the Krylov b b
3 1
B b4 b2 C
complexity, and we can exploit the properties obtained B C
B .. C
in that context [66–71]. For example, the operator wave B . C
@ A
function jφðλ; sÞi ¼ ðφ0 ; φ1 ; …; φd−1 ÞT satisfies the differ- bd−2 bd−4 …b1
ential equation ∂s jφðλ; sÞi ¼ BðλÞjφðλ; sÞi with bd−1 bd−3 …b2


Since the matrices L and B are constructed from the

commutator Lð·Þ ¼ ½H; ð·Þ, the eigenvalues are related
to the energy eigenvalue difference ϵm − ϵn . The zero-
eigenvalue state of M implies the existence of the diagonal
∂H − iLA ¼ ∂ϵn jnihnj: ð40Þ
n FIG. 2. The Lanczos coefficients bn (left) and the coefficients
of the AGP αk (right). We show the cases bn ∝ n (linear),
The contribution on the right-hand side is absent for even d bn ∝ n (sqrt), and bn ∝ nðd − nÞ [SU(2)].
with ∂ϵn ¼ 0.
We can also use the equation for jφðλ; sÞi to obtain the
explicit form of αk . The 2kth component of the equation is
given by ∂s φ2k ¼ b2k φ2k−1 − b2kþ1 φ2kþ1. Using the inte- truncation of the series expansion as an approximation. By
gral representation in Eq. (7), we obtain contrast, for an odd Krylov dimension, all the Lanczos
Z coefficients are required to construct each term of the AGP,
∞ as we see in Eqs. (43) and (44) and the zero mode jϕi in
lim dse−ηs ∂s φ2k ¼ ð−1Þk ðb2k αk þ b2kþ1 αkþ1 Þ: ð41Þ
η→0 0 Eq. (39). However, each component of jϕi takes a small
value and could be negligible for large systems.
The left-hand side is calculated by using the integration by We can estimate a contribution from each term of the
parts to give expansion in Eq. (28) by the Lanczos coefficient. When bn
is an increasing function with respect to n, the corre-
Z ∞ sponding αk is a decreasing function. The typical global
lim dse−ηs ∂s φ2k ¼ −δk;0 þ ϕ2k ϕ0 ; ð42Þ behavior of the Lanczos coefficients has been discussed in
η→0 0
many-body systems. It was found that bn ∝ n for chaotic
where the second term exists only for odd d and we write systems and leads pffiffiffito a maximal pace of operator growth.
jϕi ¼ ðϕ0 ; ϕ1 ; …ÞT . In the odd-d case, we obtain Likewise, bn ∝ n for integrable systems, and bn ≈ const
for noninteracting systems [67]. In Fig. 2, we show the
behavior of αk in the case of a linear and square-root
1 ϕ20
α1 ¼ − þ ; ð43Þ growth of bn . The constant case is found in the examples
b1 b1 in Sec. VI. In the figure, we also show a special case
bn ∝ nðd − nÞ where the operators defined from the
b2k ð−1Þk ϕ2k ϕ0 Krylov complexity theory form a SU(2) algebra [67–72].
αkþ1 ¼ − αk þ ; ð44Þ
b2kþ1 b2kþ1 We also note that the series of Lanczos coefficients
typically shows an oscillating behavior, as shown in the
with k ¼ 1; 2; …; dA − 1. It is not a difficult task to confirm examples below. Given that the coefficients αk in the AGP
that this relation is consistent with Eq. (33). expansion involve the ratio b2k =b2kþ1 as in Eq. (44), a
The use of the operator wave function also allows us to regular oscillation series of bk leads to a decreasing series
obtain on αk . These observations indicate that the property of the
CD term is closely related to that of the operator growth in
dA the Krylov subspace.
ðA; AÞ ¼ b20 α2k ¼ b20 h0jðQiBQÞ−2 j0i; ð45Þ
E. Classification of basis operators
where j0i ¼ ð1; 0; …; 0Þ and Q ¼ 1 − jϕihϕj represents
T It is instructive to notice that the AGP consists of the
the projection operator onto the nonzero-eigenvalue states. nested commutators at odd orders. When the original
We show the derivation in Appendix A. This representation Hamiltonian is real symmetric, the nested commutators
is useful when we evaluate the norm of the AGP. at even orders L2k ∂H are real symmetric and those at odd
It is instructive to compare the present result for the orders L2k−1 ∂H involve the imaginary unit. This means that
odd-dimension case to that for the even-dimension case. the basis operators are classified into two parts:
Equations (31) and (32) show that, when the Krylov
dimension is even, each order is calculated without using X → ðX; YÞ ¼ ðX1 ; X2 ; …; XdX ; Y 1 ; Y 2 ; …; Y dY Þ: ð46Þ
the higher-order contributions. This property is practically
useful for systems with many degrees of freedom. As we X represents basis at even orders and Y at odd orders.
discuss in the next sections, we frequently consider the These Hermitian operators satisfy LX ∈ Y and LY ∈ X.


Accordingly, the matrix L, the basis operator representation where Mμν ¼ ðXμ ; LY ν Þ. We note that Mνμ ¼ ðY μ ; LXν Þ.
of L, takes the form The size of the matrix M is determined by the numbers of
  the basis operators dX and dY ¼ dL − dX . M is generally a
0 M rectangular matrix, and the Lanczos algorithm is applied for
L¼ ; ð47Þ
M† 0 even d ¼ 2dA as

0 1
b1 0 0
B C0 1
B b2 b3 0 C hθ1 j
B0 CB hθ j C
B b4 b5 CB 3 C C
M ¼ ðjθ0 i jθ2 i … jθd−2 iÞB
B ..
CB .. C ; ð48Þ
B . C@ . C A
B 0 C
@ bd−3 A hθ d−1 j
bd−2 bd−1

A −1
where each of fjθ2k igdk¼0 has dX components, each of fjθ2k−1 igdk¼1
has dY components, and the size of the lower triangular
matrix on the right-hand side is dA × dA . Since the numbers of the basis operators must be large enough to span the operator
space, we find dX ≥ dA and dY ≥ dA . In the case of odd d ¼ 2dA þ 1, M is decomposed as
0 1
b1 0 0
Bb 0 C0 1
B 2 b3 C
B C hθ1 j
B b4 b5 CB hθ j C
B .. CB 3 C C
M ¼ ðjθ0 i jθ2 i … jθd−1 iÞB
B .
CB .. C ; ð49Þ
B C@ . C A
B bd−4 0 C
B C hθ d−2 j
@ bd−3 bd−2 A
0 bd−1

where each of fjθ2k igdk¼0

has dX components, each of respect to the coefficients αnc k ðλÞ [41]. Practically, the
fjθ2k−1 igk¼1 has dY components, and the size of the number of series elements in Eq. (9) is restricted to a
matrix on the right-hand side is ðdA þ 1Þ × dA . We also finite value, and the approximate AGP is obtained from the
find dX ≥ dA þ 1 and dY ≥ dA . In this case, the minimum minimization.
number of dX is larger than that of dY . It is not obvious that the variational method can give the
exact AGP even when all of the possible operators are
incorporated in the trial form of the AGP by nested
F. Relation to the variational method commutators. When the AGP satisfies j∂Hi − iLjAi ¼ 0,
The orthonormal relation of operators is useful to which is a sufficient condition of Eq. (17), we have
understand the relation between the present method and discussed that the Krylov dimension is even and that the
the variational method [40]. In the variational method, the matrix L as well as B are invertible. Then, the minimization
AGP is obtained by minimizing the cost function procedure gives the exact AGP jAi ¼ −iL−1 j∂Hi.
On the other hand, when the Krylov dimension is odd, L
G½A ¼ Tr½ð∂H − iLAÞ2 ; ð50Þ is not invertible and special care is required for the zero-
eigenvalue state. The zero-eigenvalue state of L denoted
for a given operator ansatz of A with undetermined by jϕL i is obtained in the same way as that of B [Eq. (39)]
coefficients. In our notation, this can be written as and is written by a linear combination of even basis
fjθ2k igk¼0 . It is orthogonal to the AGP as hϕL jAi ¼ 0,
G½A ¼ ðh∂Hj þ ihAjLÞðj∂Hi − iLjAiÞ; ð51Þ and the cost function is decomposed as

with ρðHÞ ¼ 1. One of the systematic methods for G½A ¼ h∂HjPj∂Hi

obtaining the AGP is to use the nested commutator series
in Eq. (9) and carrying out the minimization procedure with þ ðh∂HjQ þ ihAjLÞðQj∂Hi − iLjAiÞ; ð52Þ


where P ¼ jϕL ihϕL j and Q ¼ 1 − P are projection oper- To illustrate the engineering of STA in Krylov space,
ators. The first term does not affect the variational pro- consider the two-level Hamiltonian
cedure, and the minimization of the second term gives
HðtÞ ¼ hðtÞnðtÞ · Σ; ð55Þ
jAi ¼ −iðQLQÞ−1 Qj∂Hi: ð53Þ 2

This is the solution of Lðj∂Hi − iLjAiÞ ¼ 0, which means in terms of the positive scalar h, the unit vector
that the variational method gives the exact AGP. n ¼ ðn1 ; n2 ; n3 Þ, and the vector Σ ¼ ðX; Y; ZÞ with Pauli
We note that the trial form of the AGP must include all operators as entries. In this case, we have essentially no
possible operators from the nested commutators at odd other choices than to set the basis operators as ðX; Y; ZÞ.
order to find the exact AGP from the variational method. We choose ρðHÞ ¼ 1=2 for the inner product. We assume
When we consider a restricted number of operators, the that nðtÞ depends on t; otherwise, the CD term trivially
minimization gives an approximate AGP. This procedure is gives zero. However, the explicit parameter dependence
essentially equivalent to considering a restricted number of of hðtÞ is not necessary, as h determines only the overall
basis operators for the Krylov expansion. However, as we scale of the Hamiltonian and the resulting CD term is
explicitly show in the following examples, the variational independent of h.
procedure does not necessarily lead to the result from It is a simple task to calculate the L matrix explicitly.
the Krylov expansion. This is because the coefficients of We have
the AGP in the variational method are optimized in the 0 1
truncated space. 0 −n3 n2
A significant fact is that we can find the exact AGP L ¼ ih@ n3 0 −n1 A: ð56Þ
associated with a generalized cost function of the form −n2 n1 0
G½A ¼ Tr½ρðHÞð∂H − iLAÞ2 : ð54Þ Then, we set the initial basis vector
This form is useful when the dimension of the Hilbert space 0 1 0 1
n1 ṅ1
is infinite and when the spectrum is continuous. Although ḣ B C h B C
the exact AGP must be independent of ρðHÞ, the approxi- b0 jθ0 i ¼ @ n2 A þ @ ṅ2 A ð57Þ
2 2
mate AGP is generally dependent on it. In the variational n3 ṅ3
method, we usually set a constant ρðHÞ. It may be possible
to use a different ρðHÞ for the variational calculation. to generate the Krylov basis
However, even when all possible operators are incorpo-
rated, it is not evident that the variational method gives the 1 ḣn þ hṅ
O0 ¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi · Σ; ð58Þ
exact result, which is independent on the choice of ρðHÞ. 2 ḣ2 þ h2 ṅ2
The Krylov method states the requirements for ρðHÞ
explicitly and clarifies that the result is independent on i n × ṅ
that choice. O1 ¼ pffiffiffi · Σ; ð59Þ
2 jṅj
O2 ¼ − pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi hjṅjn − ·Σ ð60Þ
In the construction of STA, one is interested in the time 2 jḣj ḣ2 þ h2 ṅ2 jṅj
dependence of the Hamiltonian. We set λðtÞ ¼ t and
identify λ as time t. Then, the AGP is equivalent to the and the Lanczos coefficients
CD term. In the applications discussed below, we write the
Hamiltonian as HðtÞ and use the CD term HCD ðtÞ instead h2 jṅj
b1 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð61Þ
of the AGP AðλÞ. For the small systems discussed in the ḣ2 þ h2 ṅ2
present section, it is not a difficult task to calculate the CD
term explicitly. We study how the CD term is obtained by hjḣj
the Krylov method in typical small systems. b2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : ð62Þ
ḣ þ h2 ṅ2

A. Two-level system We find LO2 − b2 O1 ¼ 0, which shows d ¼ 3 and dA ¼ 1.

The study of STA by CD driving in the canonical two- For ḣ ≠ 0, the Krylov dimension d ¼ 3 equals the number
level system [28–31] was soon followed by its experimen- of basis operators. It is reduced to d ¼ 2 and dA ¼ 1 for
tal demonstration [19,24,91], often in a rotating frame, ḣ ¼ 0 where b2 ¼ 0. We note that the eigenvalues of the
i.e., making use of a unitarily equivalent CD Hamiltonian. Hamiltonian, h=2, are time independent when ḣ ¼ 0.


In any case, the dimension of the AGP is given by for k ¼ 0; 1; …, and

dA ¼ 1. We find the CD term rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

b0 b1 1 L2k−1 Ḣ ¼ −ω2k q̇ ðC† − CÞ
HCD ¼ ib0 α1 O1 ¼ −i O1 ¼ n × ṅ · Σ: ð63Þ 2 0
b21þ b2 2 2
22ðk−1Þ ω̇ †2
þ ω2k ðC − C2 Þ; ð69Þ
This result is consistent with the known result [28–31]. ω

B. Driven harmonic quantum oscillator for k ¼ 1; 2; …. These nested commutators involve a

finite number of operators, which determines the Krylov
The driven harmonic oscillator is a workhorse in non-
dimension. It is given by
equilibrium quantum dynamics and, not surprisingly, has
played a key role in the development of STAs [12,92]
d¼5 and dA ¼ 2 for q̇0 ≠ 0 and ω̇ ≠ 0;
and their experimental demonstration [16,26]. Although the
dimension of Hilbert space is infinite, it is not difficult to d¼3 and dA ¼ 1 for q̇0 ¼ 0 and ω̇ ≠ 0;
treat the system analytically, since the system is a single- d¼2 and dA ¼ 1 for q̇0 ≠ 0 and ω̇ ¼ 0: ð70Þ
particle one, and the spectrum is discrete. In addition, its
dynamics is described by a closed Lie algebra [93]. For ω̇ ¼ 0, the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are time
Consider the Hamiltonian independent, and the Krylov dimension is given by an
1 2 1 even number. The explicit form of the Krylov basis is given
HðtÞ ¼ P þ mω2 ðtÞ½Q − q0 ðtÞ2 ; ð64Þ in Appendix B.
2m 2
It is instructive to see how the exact AGP in Eq. (67) is
where Q and P are the position and momentum operators, obtained in the expansion. In the case at dA ¼ 2, the CD
respectively. Modulations of the time-dependent frequency ð1Þ ð2Þ
term is expanded as HCD ¼ HCD þ HCD , and the first term
ω induce expansions and compressions, while transport ð1Þ
processes are associated with variations of the trap center HCD ¼ ib0 α1 O1 is given by
q0 [26,94,95]. We use the creation-annihilation operator
ð1Þ ω̇
representation HCD ¼ rq̇0 P − 4r ½PðQ − q0 Þ þ ðQ − q0 ÞP; ð71Þ
HðtÞ ¼ ωðtÞ C† ðtÞCðtÞ þ ; ð65Þ where
where q̇20 z21 þ 4ω 2
2 z2
r¼ 2 ; ð72Þ
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi q̇20 z21 þ ωω̇2 z22
mωðtÞ 1
CðtÞ ¼ ½Q − q0 ðtÞ þ i P: ð66Þ
2 2mωðtÞ with z21 ¼ Tr½ρðHÞP2  and z22 ¼ Tr½ρðHÞðPðQ − q0 Þ þ
ðQ − q0 ÞPÞ2 . This result shows that each term of the
The CD term, in this case, is given by [54,55,92] expansion is dependent on the definition of the inner
product in Eq. (10).
HCD ¼ q̇0 P − ½PðQ − q0 Þ þ ðQ − q0 ÞP

rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C. STIRAP
mω † ω̇ †2
¼ iq̇0 ðC − CÞ − i ðC − C2 Þ: ð67Þ As a practical application of three-level systems, we
2 4ω
next discuss the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage
Thus, the CD term involves a term proportional to the (STIRAP) [96,97]. It is a method of population transfer
momentum operator, the generator of spatial translations, between two states. We introduce an additional state and
and a second term proportional to the squeezing operator, apply two external pump fields to the system. The states
which is the generator of dilatations. are given by j1i, j2i, and j3i, and we consider population
In the present case, we can explicitly calculate all the transfer between j1i and j3i. The simplest STIRAP
nested commutators. As mentioned, using the basis oper- Hamiltonian is given by
ators X is unnecessary. We find 0 1
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 0 ωp ðtÞ 0
2kþ1 mω
1B C
L Ḣ ¼ −ω q̇ ðC† þ CÞ HðtÞ ¼ @ ωp ðtÞ 2δ ωs ðtÞ A: ð73Þ
2 0 2
0 ωs ðtÞ 0
22k−1 ω̇ †2 ω̇
þ ω2kþ1 ðC þ C2 Þ þ δk;0 H; ð68Þ
ω ω A typical protocol is given in Fig. 3.


FIG. 3. (a) Schematic view of STIRAP. Three-level states are

driven by two kinds of pulses, shown in the inset, and the initial
state j1i is adiabatically transferred to j3i. (b) A typical protocol
for STIRAP. We set ωs ðtÞ ¼ ω0 exp ½−ðt − t1 Þ2 =2σ 2  and
ωp ðtÞ ¼ ω0 exp ½−ðt − t2 Þ2 =2σ 2  with ω0 =δ ¼ 4.0, δtf ¼ 100,
t1 =tf ¼ 0.4, t2 =tf ¼ 0.6, and σ=tf ¼ 0.1.

Since we treat three-level systems, the number of FIG. 4. (a) Coefficients of the CD term αk for STIRAP.
ð1Þ ð1Þ ð2Þ
independent operators is given by eight, except the identity (b)–(d) aμ (dotted curves), aμ þ aμ (dashed curves), and
operator. We also see that the Hamiltonian is real symmetric P3 ðkÞ
aμ ¼ k¼1 aμ (solid curves).
and the L matrix is written as Eq. (47). Possible basis
operators for ρðHÞ ¼ 1=2 are given by
We apply the Lanczos algorithm for the given M matrix
80 1 0 1 0 1 with the protocol in Fig. 3(b) to calculate αk shown in
< 0
> 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Fig. 4(a). The Krylov dimension is given by d ¼ 7.
X ¼ @1 0 0 A; @ 0 0 1 A; @ 0 0 0 A; The expansion is compared with the exact result [98]
: 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 19 HCD ðtÞ ¼ −ϕ̇ðtÞsinθðtÞY 1 þ ϕ̇ðtÞcosθðtÞY 2 − θ̇ðtÞY 3 ; ð77Þ
1 0 0 1 0 0 >>
B C 1 B C θðtÞ ¼ arctan ðω ðtÞ=ωs ðtÞÞ ϕðtÞ ¼
@ 0 −1 0 A; pffiffiffi @ 0 1 0 A ð74Þ where
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p
3 >
0 0 0 0 0 −2 ; ½arctan ð ω2p ðtÞ þ ω2s ðtÞ=δÞ=2. In the Krylov method, the
CD term is given by the form HCD ðtÞ ¼ ib0 3k¼1 αk O2k−1 .
and When we rewrite it as H CD ðtÞ ¼ μ¼1 aμ Y μ , the coefficients
P ðkÞ
80 10 10 19 are written as aμ ¼ 3k¼1 aμ , where
> 0 −i 0 0 0 0 0 0 −i >
< =
Y ¼ @ i 0 0 A; @ 0 0 −i A; @ 0 0 0 A : ð75Þ aμ ¼ ib0 αk ðY μ ; O2k−1 Þ; ð78Þ
> >
: 0 0 0 0 i 0 i 0 0 ;
and are plotted in Figs. 4(b)–4(d). For short and large
Using this basis, we find Eq. (47) with times, the adiabatic condition is approximately satisfied,
and the CD term is well approximated by the first term of
0 1 the Krylov expansion.
δ 0 ωs =2
B 0 −δ −ωp =2 C
M ¼ iB
B ωs =2 −ωp =2 0 C C: ð76Þ
B ω −ωs =2 0 C
The exact AGP or CD term is known for a limited number
@ p A
pffiffiffi of many-body systems, and we expect that the Krylov
0 6ωs =2 0 method gives advantageous results that cannot be obtained
from other methods. For many-body systems, the required
We note that the number of operators in X can be reduced to number of operators is large, and it is still a formidable task
four, as we can understand from the general discussions in to find the exact CD term even in the present method. In this
the previous section. Since they are not much different, we section, we treat one-dimensional spin systems where the
use the 5 × 3 matrix here. exact CD term is known for some examples.


A. One-dimensional transverse Ising model

1. Exact result without a longitudinal magnetic field
We first treat the Ising spin chain in a transverse field:
v X Xns
HðtÞ ¼ − X n Xnþ1 þ gðtÞ Zn : ð79Þ
2 n¼1 n¼1

Many spins are aligned in a chain, and the number of spins

is denoted by ns. We consider the periodic boundary
condition, and the subscript is interpreted as mod ns .
We are interested in the large-ns limit where the system
at g ¼ 1 shows a quantum phase transition [99,100].
It is also known that the system is equivalent to the free
fermion system [101,102]. Then, the Hamiltonian is rep- FIG. 5. The Lanczos coefficients (left) and the coefficients of
resented as an ensemble of two-level systems, and the the CD term (right) for the one-dimensional transverse Ising
CD term for each two-level system can be found from the model in Eq. (79) at ns ¼ 200. For the Lanczos coefficients,
we denote b1 ; b3 ; … by the filled circle and b2 ; b4 ; … by the open
result in the previous section. Here, to study properties for
many-body systems, we do not use the mapping and treat
the spin operators.
Under the setting ρðHÞ ¼ 1=ð2ns ns Þ, we define ortho-
normalized operators Since the Hamiltonian is real symmetric, the nested com-
mutators at odd order involve only W k. In Appendix C,
we show
M¼ Zn ; ð80Þ
O2k−1 ¼ ð−1Þk iW k ð88Þ
V Xk ¼ Xn Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Xnþk ; ð81Þ and

ns b21 þ b22 ¼ b23 þ b24 ¼  ¼ b2d−2 þ b2d−1 ¼ 4v2 ð1 þ g2 Þ; ð89Þ
V Yk ¼ Y n Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Y nþk ; ð82Þ
b2 b3 ¼ b4 b5 ¼    ¼ bd−3 bd−2 ¼ 4v2 g: ð90Þ
1 X
W k ¼ pffiffiffi ðXn Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Y nþk The Krylov dimension is oddpin
2 n¼1 pffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffi this case. Using the result
b0 ¼ ns vġðtÞ=2 and b1 ¼ 2v, where we assume v > 0
þ Y n Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Xnþk Þ; ð83Þ
and ġðtÞ > 0, we can calculate all of the Lanczos coef-
ficients. We plot the Lanczos coefficients in the left in Fig. 5
with k ¼ 1; 2; …; ns − 1. These operators take bilinear
for several values of g. The asymptotic forms satisfy b2k ∼
forms in fermion operators and can be used as basis
2v ≥ b2k−1 ∼ 2vg for g ≤ 1 and b2k ∼ 2vg ≥ b2k−1 ∼ 2v for
Qns Since the Hamiltonian commutes with ð−1ÞP ¼
g ≥ 1. This result implies that we can generally find a phase
n¼1 Z n , the number of independent operators is reduced. transition point from the Lanczos coefficients.
We have the relations V Xns −k ¼ −ð−1ÞP V Yk , V Yns −k ¼ The coefficients of the CD term are obtained from
−ð−1ÞP V Xk , and W ns −k ¼ ð−1ÞP W k . Then, the subscript Eq. (33). Since the matrix in the equation has the diagonal
takes k ¼ 1; 2; …; ns =2 for even ns . components 4v2 ð1 þ g2 Þ and the nonzero off-diagonal
Acting L to these operators, we obtain components 4v2 g, we can invert the matrix by using the
pffiffiffi discrete Fourier transformation. The details are given in
LM ¼ 2ivW 1 ; ð84Þ Appendix C. We obtain
pffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffi
LV Xk ¼ 2ivðW k−1 − gW k Þ; ð85Þ ns 1
ð−1Þ k−1
b0 αk ¼ ġ
pffiffiffi 2 2ðdA þ 1Þ
LV Yk ¼ 2ivð−W kþ1 þ gW k Þ; ð86Þ
dA sin dAπlþ1 kπl
pffiffiffi × sin : ð91Þ
LW k ¼ 2iv½V Yk−1 − V Xkþ1 þ gðV Xk − V Yk Þ − δk;1 M: ð87Þ l¼1
1 þ g2 − 2gcos dAπlþ1 dA þ 1


The CD term is given by HCD ¼ dk¼1 ð−1Þk−1 b0 αk W k X
ns X
ns X

with dA ¼ ns =2. This result entirely agrees with that in X¼ Zn ; Xn ; Zn Znþ1 ;

n¼1 n¼1 n¼1
Refs. [38,49,50]. Since the Krylov basis at odd order in the
present case is given by a simple form W k , it is natural to X
ns X
Xn Xnþ1 ; Y n Y nþ1 ;
find the same result without using the Krylov method.
n¼1 n¼1
We plot αk for several values of g in the right in Fig. 5.
1 X X
ns ns
For g ≠ 1, the Lanczos coefficients at even order are larger pffiffiffi ðZn Xnþ1 þ Xn Znþ1 Þ; Zn−1 Xn Znþ1 ;
than those at odd order; we see from Eq. (44) that αk is a 2 n¼1 n¼1
decreasing function in k. Then, we find that αk rapidly
1 X
decreases, which means that few-body interactions become pffiffiffi ðZn−1 Xn Xnþ1 þ Xn−1 Xn Znþ1 Þ;
the dominant contributions to the CD term. It was discussed 2 n¼1
in Refs. [38,50] that αk ∼ gk−1 for jgj < 1 and αk ∼ g−k−1 !
1 X
for jgj > 1 at the thermodynamic limit ns → ∞. For g ¼ 1, pffiffiffi ðZn−1 Y n Y nþ1 þ Y n−1 Y n Znþ1 Þ ; ð94Þ
the Lanczos coefficients take a constant value, and αk 2 n¼1
decreases slowly as a function of k. At ns → ∞, an infinite
number of operators contributes to the CD term as we can construct the M matrix with the size 9 × 3 and apply
discussed in Ref. [38]. the Lanczos algorithm to calculate the approximate CD
term. We note that the size of the M matrix can be reduced
to 3 × 3, keeping the result unchanged. The Krylov
2. Approximate result with a longitudinal
dimension is given by d ¼ 7.
magnetic field
We calculate the approximate CD term and numerically
The free fermion representation is possible only when solve the time evolution with and without the approximate
the direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the CD term by setting the initial state as the ground state
direction of the interaction operator. Here, we treat the of Hð0Þ for the system size N ¼ 6. In Fig. 6, we plot the
nonintegrable Hamiltonian approximate CD term as a function of t and the fidelity
 X X 
ns ns
f ¼ jhψ gs ðtf Þjψðtf Þij2 ; ð95Þ
HðtÞ ¼ gðtÞ −v Zn Znþ1 − h Zn
n¼1 n¼1
 X ns  as a function of the annealing time tf . Here, jψðtÞi
þ ð1 − gðtÞÞ −γ Xn ; ð92Þ represents the time-evolved state with or without the
approximate CD term, and jψ gs ðtÞi represents the instanta-
neous ground state of HðtÞ. f is close to unity when the
with gðtÞ ¼ t=tf . This is the standard form of the quantum adiabaticity condition is satisfied.
annealing Hamiltonian and a test bed for universal dynam- We numerically confirm that the present method gives
ics of quantum phase transitions with a bias [103]. We the same result as the variational method, which is expected
consider the time evolution from the ground state of Hð0Þ from the general discussion. When h=v takes a large value,
toward that of Hðtf Þ. The nonadiabatic effect makes the the ground-state energy is well separated from the other
system deviate from the instantaneous ground state, and we ones, and we find a large fidelity. As h=v decreases to zero,
apply the CD term to prevent the transition.
It is a complex problem to find and implement the exact
CD term for this Hamiltonian, and we consider a restricted
number of operators. As we discussed in the above
example, each term of HCD ðtÞ involves an odd number
of Pauli Y operators. We keep the Y basis up to two-body
1 X
ns n s

Y¼ Y n ; pffiffiffi ðY n Znþ1 þ Zn Y nþ1 Þ;

n¼1 2 n¼1 FIG. 6. The time evolution for the quantum annealing

1 X Hamiltonian in Eq. (92). We set N ¼ 6, γ=v ¼ 1.0, and h=v ¼
pffiffiffi ðY n Xnþ1 þ Xn Y nþ1 Þ ; ð93Þ 1.0 for the left and h=v ¼ 0.1 for the right. In the upper, we plot
2 n¼1 ða1 ðtÞ; a2 ðtÞ;
pffiffiaffi 3 ðtÞÞ for p ffiffiffi approximate CD term HCD ðtÞ ¼
a1 ðtÞY 1 þ 2a2 ðtÞY 2 þ 2a3 ðtÞY 3 . In the lower, we plot the
with ρðHÞ ¼ 1=ð2ns ns Þ. We act with L on these operators fidelity f for the time evolutions with HðtÞ (red open circle) and
to construct the M matrix. Using the X basis with HðtÞ þ HCD ðtÞ (blue filled circle).


the fidelity becomes smaller and finding the exact ground

state becomes difficult even with the approximate CD term
in use. As we see from the figure, many-body terms in the
CD term become important for small h, and we require
higher-order terms to improve the result by the approximate
CD driving.

B. One-dimensional XX model
1. Krylov method
In the example of the Hamiltonian in Eq. (79), O2k−1
incorporates k þ 1-body interactions only, which is a
specific property for the transverse Ising model. Here,
to study more complicated situations, we treat the one- FIG. 7. The protocol for the XX model in Eq. (96). The upper
represents hn ðtÞ. We take hn ðtÞ ¼ h0 ð1 þ tanh fn ðtÞÞ=2 and
dimensional isotropic XY model (XX model) with the open
fn ðtÞ ¼ n − 1 þ x0 − ðns − 1 þ 2x0 Þt=tf with x0 ¼ 4 and
boundary condition
ns ¼ 6. The lower represents the instantaneous eigenvalues
of the Hamiltonian for the uniform case (i) and the random
1X 1X
ns −1 ns
case (ii) with h0 =v0 ¼ 2.0. In the following calculations, we
HðtÞ ¼ vn ðtÞðXn Xnþ1 þ Y n Y nþ1 Þ þ h ðtÞZn : take v0 tf ¼ 100.
2 n¼1 2 n¼1 n
magnetic field hn ðtÞ from hn ð0Þ ¼ h0 ≫ jvn j to hn ðtf Þ ¼ 0.
This model is also known to be equivalent to a free fermion We take hn ðtÞ ¼ h0 ð1 þ tanhf n ðtÞÞ=2 with f n ðtÞ ¼ n − 1þ
model. However, the coefficients are dependent on the site x0 − ðns − 1 þ 2x0 Þt=tf . The system becomes adiabatic
index n, and it is generally a difficult task to find the exact for large tf . The parameter x0 takes a large value so that
CD term. the conditions at t ¼ 0 and t ¼ tf are satisfied. We plot the
The mapping to a bilinear form in fermion operators protocols used in the following calculations in the upper in
denotes that we can find a closed algebra within a limited Fig. 7. The instantaneous eigenvalues for (i) and (ii) are,
number of operators. For ρðHÞ ¼ 1=2ns , we define respectively, plotted inP
the lower in Fig. 7. The Hamiltonian
commutes with M ¼ nn¼1 s
Zn , and we consider the block
1 with M ¼ ns − 2. The Hamiltonian takes a tridiagonal form,
V kn ¼ pffiffiffi ðXn Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Xnþk þ Y n Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Y nþk Þ;
2 and the size of the matrix is given by ns.
ð97Þ Although it is not difficult to implement the Lanczos
algorithm numerically for a considerably large value of ns ,
1 we here take ns ¼ 6 to keep a good visibility of the plotted
W kn ¼ pffiffiffi ðXn Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Y nþk − Y n Znþ1 …Znþk−1 Xnþk Þ; points. In Fig. 8, we display the Lanczos coefficients and
the coefficients of the CD term for a fixed t. The Lanczos

with n ¼ 1; 2; …; ns and k ¼ 1; 2; …; ns − n. Since the

Hamiltonian is real symmetric, we define X ¼ ðfZn g;
fV kn gÞ and Y ¼ ðfW kn gÞ to construct the M matrix with
the size ns ðns þ 1Þ=2 × ns ðns − 1Þ=2. We have

LW kn ¼ −iðhnþk − hn ÞV kn − ivn−1 V n−1

− ivn V k−1

þ ivnþk−1 V k−1
n þ ivnþk V kþ1
þ δk;1 2ivn ðZnþ1 − Zn Þ: ð99Þ
ns −1
For the Hamiltonian coefficients fvn ðtÞgn¼1 and
ns FIG. 8. The Lanczos coefficients bn and the coefficients of the
fhn ðtÞgn¼1 , we consider an annealing protocol. We take CD term, αk , for the XX model with ns ¼ 6 at t=tf ¼ 0.5. The top
vn as a constant value and consider the two cases: (i) uni- are results for case (i), uniform distribution, and the bottom are
form distribution vn ¼ v0 > 0 and (ii) random distribution for (ii), random distribution. For the Lanczos coefficients, we
vn ¼ v0 rn , where rn is a uniform random number with denote b1 ; b3 ; … by the filled circle and b2 ; b4 ; … by the open
rn ∈ ½−1; 1. For a given set of fvn g, we change the circle.


FIG. 10. Time dependence of the norm fraction fqðpÞ ðtÞgnp¼2

Eq. (101), weighting the contribution of the p-body interactions
FIG. 9. The Lanczos coefficients of the XX model with to the CD term, for the XX model with ns ¼ 6. Many-body CD
ns ¼ 100. We consider the random case (ii) and take t=tf ¼ 0.5. terms are shown to be necessary when the energy levels change
significantly along the driving protocol.
coefficients show an oscillating behavior. For the uniform
case (i), the even order tends to be larger than the odd order,
and correspondingly jαk j shows a decreasing behavior. For
the random case (ii), we observe a complicated behavior
denoting that the higher-order contributions of the Lanczos
expansion are important.
The typical behavior of bn for a large ns is shown
in Fig. 9. For any choice of parameters, we observe a
flat band, which is considered to be a property for
“noninteracting” systems.
To study the properties of the obtained CD term, we next
decompose it. The Lanczos basis at odd order is written as
FIG. 11. The norm of the CD term for the XX model at ns ¼ 6.
0 1 Bold solid curves “exact” (black) represent σ ¼ hH CD jHCD i.
jθ2k−1 i ð2Þ
B C We use the replacement HCD → HCD for dashed curves “two-
B ð3Þ C
B jθ2k−1 i C body” (blue), H CD → ib0 α1 O1 for dotted curves “k ¼ 1” (green),
jθ2k−1 i ¼ B
C ð100Þ and HCD → iαnc
.. 1 LḢ for thin solid curves “variational” (red),
B . C where αnc
@ A 1 is obtained from the variational method.
ðn Þ
CD term hH CD jHCD i, which is plotted in Fig. 11. As we
where jθ2k−1 i has ns þ 1 − p components and the corre- have discussed, the CD term is decomposed as HCD ¼
sponding Krylov basis involves p-body interactions. We P ðpÞ P
p H CD and H CD ¼ ib0 k αk O2k−1 . In the same figure,
decompose the norm of the CD term as hHCD jHCD i ¼
Pns ðpÞ ðpÞ ðpÞ PdA ðpÞ we plot the result where the first term of the expansion is
p¼2 hH CD jH CD i, where jH CD i ¼ −b0 k¼1 αk jθ 2k−1 i, kept for each decomposition. We also plot the first con-
and define the norm fraction tribution of the approximate CD term Hnc CD obtained from
PdA the expansion in Eq. (9). The coefficient αnc 1 is obtained
ðpÞ ðpÞ ðpÞ ðpÞ
hH jH i α2k hθ2k−1 jθ2k−1 i from the minimization condition of Tr½ðḢ − iLHnc 2
qðpÞ ¼ CD CD ¼ k¼1
PdA 2 ; ð101Þ
hH CD jHCD i k¼1 αk
[40,41]. The result implies that the approximate CD term
underestimates an abrupt growth of the CD term.
which weights the contribution of the p-body term. This is We note that this result does not necessarily lead to the
a function of t and is plotted for each value of p in Fig. 10. failure of the approximation method. The CD term is
We can understand from the comparison between independent of the choice of the initial condition of the time
the energy levels in Fig. 7 and qðpÞ in Fig. 10 that the evolution. In the present examples, as we see from Fig. 7,
many-body interaction terms cannot be neglected when the the energy level crossings occur at higher energy levels.
energy levels significantly change as a function of t. The ground-state level is isolated from the other levels, and
It is generally understood from Eq. (5) that the CD term we can expect that a large amplitude of the CD term is not
gives a large contribution when some of the energy levels required for the control of the ground state. The situation is,
are close to each other. We calculate the amplitude of the in this sense, opposite to that across a quantum phase


transition, discussed in Sec. VI A 1, in which the gap nðns − nÞ 2

between the ground state and the first excited state closes, v2n ðtÞ ¼ h cos2 θðtÞ: ð106Þ
ðns − 1Þ2 1
and the norm of the CD exhibits a singularity [38,50].
In the present analysis, we set the measure ρðHÞ in the Using the Toda equations, we obtain that a single equation
inner product as ρðHÞ ¼ 1=2ns . When we control a state describes the time evolution
with an energy level well separated from the other levels, it
is reasonable to consider a weighted measure such as the θ̇ðtÞ 2h1
Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution ρðHÞ ∝ e−βH . Although the ¼ : ð107Þ
cos θðtÞ ns − 1
exact CD term is independent of the measure, each term of
the expansion HCD ¼ ib0 dk¼1 αk O2k−1 is dependent on it. For a given h1 and a initial condition θð0Þ, the coefficients
Therefore, when we consider a truncation approximation in evolve, keeping the equidistant of hn ðtÞ and a quadratic
the Krylov expansion, the choice of the measure strongly form of vn ðtÞ. In this case, we find that the first-order term
influences the result. Since a nontrivial choice of the in the Krylov expansion is proportional to the exact CD
measure makes the calculation of the inner product diffi- term, i.e.,
cult, it is practically an interesting problem to find a
  ns −1
convenient form of the measure. For the ground state, it i 2h1 2 X
is tempting to take the limit β → ∞ for ρðHÞ ∝ e−βH. b0 b1 O1 ¼ LḢðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi vn ðtÞW 1n : ð108Þ
2 ns − 1 n¼1
However, the measure is not positive definite in this limit,
and we find unexpected behavior, such as the vanishing of
Since LO1 − b1 O0 ¼ 0, the expansion terminates at this
the Lanczos coefficient bn for n < d − 1.
order, and we obtain a simple result with d ¼ 2.
It was discussed that the present choice of parameters
2. Toda equation saturates the operator speed limit, i.e., the quantum speed
It is known that the exact CD term is analytically limit in unitary operator flows [72]. The nested commu-
obtained when the coefficients of the Hamiltonian satisfy tators span the Krylov space within a limited number of
the Toda equations [104] operators.

ḣn ðtÞ ¼ 2½v2n ðtÞ − v2n−1 ðtÞ; ð102Þ VII. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY
The use of the integral representation of the CD term
v̇n ðtÞ ¼ vn ðtÞ½hnþ1 ðtÞ − hn ðtÞ: ð103Þ introduced in Ref. [41] has eased the study of STA in many-
body systems by removing the requirement for the exact
The CD term is then given by diagonalization of the instantaneous system Hamiltonian.
In its place, the CD term can be expressed as a series of
nested commutators that follows from the Baker-Campbell-
1 X s n −1
HCD ðtÞ ¼ pffiffiffi vn ðtÞW 1n ; ð104Þ Hausdorff formula. The coefficients in such an expansion
2 n¼1 can be determined through a variational principle [40].
In this work, we have introduced Krylov subspace
with W 1n as in Eq. (98). This term satisfies Ḣ − iLHCD ¼ 0, methods to provide an exact expression of the CD term.
which means that the instantaneous eigenvalues of the The Krylov algorithm identifies an operator basis for
Hamiltonian are time independent. the terms generated in the series by nested commutators,
Despite this simplicity, the corresponding Krylov expan- along with the set of Lanczos coefficients. Using these
sion is generally involved and is required at each time. The two ingredients, we have provided an exact closed-form
time evolution of the Hamiltonian is reflected only in the expression of the CD term, circumventing the need
choice of the initial basis b0 O0 ¼ Ḣ, and the expansion is for a variational approach. When the dimension of the
Hilbert space is finite, the series by the Krylov basis is
essentially insensitive to the choice. Except for the special
finite, which is in contrast to the expansion using nested
cases discussed below, we find that the Krylov dimension is
as large as the number of odd basis elements ns ðns − 1Þ=2.
We have shown the applicability of our method in the
Highly nontrivial cancellations should be observed when
paradigmatic models in which the CD term admits an
we calculate αk to give the result with qðpÞ ¼ δp;2 . exact closed-form solution. This includes single-particle
As a very special case, we can find the result with d ¼ 2 systems such as two- and three-level systems and the
and dA ¼ 1 when the coefficients are written as driven quantum oscillator. Although the applications of the
  present method can be laborious, the implementation of
2h1 ns þ 1
hn ðtÞ ¼ − n− sin θðtÞ; ð105Þ our approach in these systems is a straightforward task,
ns − 1 2 applicable to any Hamiltonian with no special symmetry.


We have further applied our formalism to a variety of addition, there exist powerful numerical algorithms that
quantum spin chain models encompassing the cases in largely simplify the computation of the Lanczos coeffi-
which the system is integrable, nonintegrable, and disor- cients, used in our methodology. These are well established
dered. Specifically, we applied the construction of the CD in the literature on Krylov subspace methods and numerical
term in Krylov space to the one-dimensional transverse- analysis [65]. They are further available in popular software
field quantum Ising model as a paradigmatic instance of an and numerical routines. They hold for any matrix of
integrable and solvable quasi-free fermion Hamiltonian. Hessenberg form and replace the Gram-Schmidt diagonal-
We have further demonstrated our approach in the presence ization by the use of Householder reflections, making the
of a longitudinal symmetry-breaking bias field that implementation numerically stable and computationally
breaks integrability. A similar study is possible for the efficient.
XX model where the free fermion representation is avail- Our work offers an interesting prospect to improve state-
able. However, in that case, the site-dependent couplings of-the-art quantum algorithms by combining the formu-
make the explicit construction of the CD term by the lation of the CD term in Krylov space with the digital
standard method difficult, except for the special case when approach for quantum simulation. This approach may
the coupling constants are varied in time according to a prove advantageous over the current formulation relying
Toda flow, and the resulting CD term takes a simple local on variational methods [43–48], suggesting the need to
form. We have explicitly constructed the CD term for generalize the error scaling in digitizing the CD term [105]
general and disordered couplings, and the result was to Krylov space.
compared to the approximation method [40,41]. In summary, we have proposed a technique for con-
The main task of the Krylov algorithm is to construct the structing the CD term exploiting the Krylov operator space.
basis operators for the minimal subspace in which the The method is flexibly applied to systems with many
dynamics unfolds and to determine the associated Lanczos degrees of freedom and can be a powerful general method
coefficients by iterations. The CD term is constructed as a for understanding the dynamical properties of the system
series involving only the odd-order operators of the Krylov in control. Suppression of nonadiabatic transitions in
basis, with the corresponding coefficients in this compact discrete systems with many degrees of freedom is one of
expansion being determined in terms of the Lanczos the dominant problems in quantum technologies, such as
coefficients. These properties imply that we can find some quantum simulation and quantum computing, and we hope
implications by comparing the Lanczos coefficients of odd that our method will be an efficient technique inspiring
order and those of even order. As we see from Figs. 5 and 8, further studies.
the Lanczos coefficients typically show an oscillating
behavior. When the coefficients at even order are larger
than those at odd order, the corresponding coefficients Note added.—Recently, related results were reported in
of the CD term show a decaying behavior, and the CD term Ref. [106].
is well approximated by the first several terms of the
expansion. We also find that the Krylov dimension is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
even when the instantaneous eigenstates of the original
Hamiltonian are time independent. Thus, we can directly We are grateful to Ruth Shir for useful discussions.
find the dynamical properties of the system from the Krylov We acknowledge financial support from the project
algorithm. QuantERA II Programme STAQS project that has received
The Krylov expansion is dependent on the choice of the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
inner product. Although the CD term is independent of and innovation program under Grant Agreement
the choice, each term in Eq. (28) is sensitive to it, a No. 16434093. K. T. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI
feature that can be relevant when considering truncating Grants No. JP20H01827 and No. JP20K03781.
approximations. It is an interesting problem to find a
proper choice depending on the situation to treat. We can APPENDIX A: DERIVATION OF EQ. (45)
also consider the truncation of the Krylov subspace. To
this end, it suffices to restrict the basis operators and to In Sec. IV D, we discussed the relation between the AGP
construct the L matrix in the truncated space. Then, we and the operator wave function jφðsÞi. The wave function
can apply the Lanczos algorithm to find an approximate satisfies ∂jφðsÞi ¼ BjφðsÞi with the matrix B in Eq. (37)
CD term. We note that even in that case the coefficients of and the initial condition jφð0Þi ¼ ð1; 0; 0; …ÞT . Since B is
the CD term are obtained without using any variational independent of s, we can solve the differential equation by
procedures, which gives a different result from the the standard method for stationary states. Since iB is
variational method. Hermitian, the eigenvalue equation
Our primary emphasis has been on exact and analytical
results formulating the CD term in Krylov space. In iBjωn i ¼ ωn jωn i ðA1Þ


is solved to find a real eigenvalue ωn . We also find that B APPENDIX B: KRYLOV BASIS FOR HARMONIC
anticommutes with Z ¼ diagð1; −1; 1; −1; …Þ, which OSCILLATOR
gives the relation
In this appendix, we construct the Krylov basis for the
iBZjωn i ¼ −ωn Zjωn i: ðA2Þ harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian in Eq. (64). The derivative
of the Hamiltonian sets the zeroth-order basis jθ0 i. It is
This identity shows that, for the eigenstate jωn i with the given by
eigenvalue ωn , Zjωn i represents an eigenstate with the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
eigenvalue −ωn . We introduce the decomposition mω3 † ω̇ ω̇
jωn i ¼ jωþ − Ḣ ¼ −q̇0 ðC þ CÞ þ ðC†2 þ C2 Þ þ H: ðB1Þ
n i þ jωn i, where 2 2 ω
1Z Evaluating the commutator of the operators that appeared
ni ¼ jωn i: ðA3Þ
2 in Ḣ, we obtain
Then, the associated orthonormality relations hωm jωn i ¼
δm;n and h−ωm jωn i ¼ 0 for ωm;n > 0 yield LðC† þ CÞ ¼ ωðC† − CÞ; ðB2Þ

1 LðC†2 þ C2 Þ ¼ 2ωðC†2 − C2 Þ: ðB3Þ

hωþ þ − −
m jωn i ¼ hωm jωn i ¼ δm;n : ðA4Þ
These lead to new operators that can, however, be
We also discuss in the main body of the paper that the zero-
expressed in terms of the original operator set as
eigenvalue state jϕi exists only when the dimension is odd.
Using the eigenstates discussed above, we can
LðC† − CÞ ¼ ωðC† þ CÞ; ðB4Þ
generally write
jφðsÞi ¼ ðe−iωn s þ eiωn s ZÞjωn ihωn jφð0Þi LðC†2 − C2 Þ ¼ 2ωðC†2 þ C2 Þ: ðB5Þ
nðωn >0Þ
Since the original Hamiltonian is real symmetric, the L
þ jϕihϕjφð0Þi: ðA5Þ
matrix has the structure in Eq. (47). Using these results, we
The last term exists only for odd dimensions. We use this can set
representation for the integral form in Eq. (36). The
integration over s is performed to give C† C þ 12
X1 ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi; ðB6Þ
X 2 hðC† C þ 12Þ2 i
ð−1Þk αk ¼ h2k − 1jωn ihωn j0i; ðA6Þ
iω n
C† þ C
nðωn >0Þ
X2 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB7Þ
where hnjψi denotes ψ n for a vector jψi ¼ ðψ 0 ; ψ 1 ; …ÞT . hðC† þ CÞ2 i
We also use h2k − 1jZ ¼ −h2k − 1j and h2k − 1jϕi ¼ 0 to
obtain this result. Taking the square and the sum over the C†2 þ C2
index, we obtain X3 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ðB8Þ
hðC†2 þ C2 Þ2 i
X X X X 4
α2k ¼ and
k k mðωm >0Þ nðωn
ω ω
>0Þ m n

× h0jωm ihωm j2k − 1ih2k − 1jωn ihωn j0i C† − C

Y 1 ¼ i pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB9Þ
X X 4 −hðC† − CÞ2 i
¼ h0jωm ihω−m jω−n ihωn j0i
ωm ωn
mðω >0Þ nðω >0Þ
m n
C†2 − C2
X 1 Y 2 ¼ i pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB10Þ
¼ h0jωn ihωn j0i: ðA7Þ −hðC†2 − C2 Þ2 i
≠0Þ n
where h·i denotes the average Tr½ρðHÞð·Þ. Since the
Thus, we find Eq. (45). Since iB is related to the matrix T in dimension of the Hilbert space is infinite in the
Eq. (22) by a unitary transformation, we can also write present system, we need to choose the density operator
X ρðHÞ in the inner product in a proper way. For example,
α2k ¼ h0jðQTQÞ−2 j0i: ðA8Þ we can use the canonical Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution
k ρðHÞ ¼ e−βH =Tre−βH .


Now, we obtain O0 ¼ −M; ðC1Þ

0 1 pffiffiffiffiffi
0 0 ns
B C b0 ¼ vġ; ðC2Þ
M ¼ iω@ 1 0 A: ðB11Þ 2
0 2 O1 ¼ −iW 1 ; ðC3Þ
The Krylov basis is constructed by choosing the initial pffiffiffi
normalized vector jθ0 i ¼ ðx; y; zÞT . We obtain b1 ¼ 2v; ðC4Þ
−i y b2 O2 ¼ 2v½−V X2 þ gðV X1 − V Y1 Þ; ðC5Þ
jθ1 i ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB12Þ
y2 þ 4z2 2z pffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
b2 ¼ 2v 1 þ 2g2 ; ðC6Þ
jθ2 i ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
y þ 16z − ðy2 þ 4z2 Þ2
2 2
O3 ¼ iW 2 ; ðC7Þ
20 1 0 13
0 x
6B C 2 2 B C7 b2 b3 ¼ 4v2 g: ðC8Þ
× 4@ y A − ðy þ 4z Þ@ y A5; ðB13Þ
4z z This result implies that O2k−1 ¼ ð−1Þk iW k at odd order.
  Assuming that the relation holds for O2k−1, we calculate
yz 1 −2z L2 O2k−1 to find
jθ3 i ¼ −i pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB14Þ
jyzj y þ 4z2
2 y
0 1 b2k b2kþ1 O2kþ1 ¼ 4v2 gð−1Þkþ1 iW kþ1
xyz 1 B C þ ð−1Þk i½4v2 ð1 þ g2 Þ − ðb22k−1 þ b22k ÞW k :
jθ4 i ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi @ −4zx A: ðB15Þ
jxyzj y þ 16z − ðy þ 4z Þ
2 2 2 2 2 ðC9Þ
Since this operator is orthogonal to W k , b22k−1 þ b22k ¼
The corresponding Lanczos coefficients are given by
4v2 ð1 þ g2 Þ must be satisfied. Then, from the normaliza-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tion condition, we obtain O2kþ1 ¼ ð−1Þkþ1 iW kþ1 and
b1 ¼ ω y2 þ 4z2 ; ðB16Þ b2k b2kþ1 ¼ 4v2 g.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi For a given set of Lanczos coefficients, αk is obtained
y2 þ 16z2 − ðy2 þ 4z2 Þ2 by solving Eq. (33). Here, we denote the matrix in the
b2 ¼ ω ; ðB17Þ equation by K and represent its spectral decomposition as
y2 þ 4z2 PA
K ¼ dk¼1 λk jϕk ihϕk j. The eigenvalues and eigenstates are
6ωjyzj explicitly obtained as
b3 ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ðB18Þ
ðy þ 4z Þ½y þ 16z2 − ðy2 þ 4z2 Þ2 
2 2 2  
2 2 πk
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi λk ¼ 4v 1 þ g − 2g cos ; ðC10Þ
dA þ 1
y2 þ 4z2
b4 ¼ 2ωjxj 2 : ðB19Þ 0 1
y þ 16z2 − ðy2 þ 4z2 Þ2 sin dAπkþ1
The expansion terminates at the fifth order, which means 2 B − sin d2πk
A þ1 C
jϕk i ¼ B C: ðC11Þ
d ¼ 5 and dA ¼ 2 assuming x, y, and z are nonzero. As we dA þ 1B B .. C
discuss in the main body of the paper, the condition q̇0 ¼ 0 @ . A
gives y ¼ 0, and we obtain d ¼ 3 and dA ¼ 1. For ω̇ ¼ 0, πk
ð−1ÞdA −1 sin ddAAþ1
one finds x ¼ z ¼ 0 and obtains that d ¼ 2 and dA ¼ 1.
Then, we can write
ISING MODEL αk ¼ hkjϕl ihϕl j1i ðC12Þ
For the Hamiltonian in Eq. (79), we apply the Krylov
algorithm to find and find Eq. (91).


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