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Biotiichnology: Syllabus (Basic Hons.)

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Syllabus for

B. Sc. (Basic / Hons.) BIOTIICHNOLOGY

Semester 1

Course Title Total Contact Number of

l{ours Credits
Discipline Specific BTDSCOl 56 4
Course & Cell Bioloey and Genetics
Practical BTDSCOlP 56 2
Cell Bioloey and Genetics
Open Elective BTOECOl 42
Biotechnology for Human Welfare
Introduction to Cell and its Chemical Composition
Shill BTSECOl 28 2
Iinhancement Biotechnological Skills and Analytical Techniques
Course BTSECO2 28 2
Crop Technolosv

Credits: 04 Total Contact Hrs: 56
Unit - 1: Cell as a Basic unit of Living Systems and Cellular Organelles:
Concept, Development and Scope of Biotechnology. Historical perspectives. Discovery of cell, the
ce1l l-heory, Ultra structure of a eukaryotic cell- (Both plant and animal cells), Surl'ace
Architecture: Structural organization and functions of plasma membrane and cell wall of eukaryotes.
Cellular Organelles: Structure and functions of cell organelles - Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
complex, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, Peroxisomes, Nucleus (I.{uclear
envelope with nuclear porecomplex, Nucleolus, Nucleoplasm and Chromatin). Vacuole, Cyosol and
Cytoskeleton structures (Microtubules, Microfi laments and lntermediate fi laments). 14 Hrs

Unit- 2: Chromosomes and Cell Division:

Genelal Introduction, Discovery, Morphology and structural organizatian- Centromere, Secondary
constriction, Telomere, Chromonema, Euchromatin and Heterochromatin, Chemical composition and
Karyotype. Single-stranded and multistranded hypothesis, fulded- fibre and nucleosome models.
Special type of chromosomes: Salivary gland and Lampbrush chromosmes. Cell Division: Cell cycle,
pliases cell division. Mitosis and meiosis, regulation of cell oycles cell cycle checkpoints, and enzymes
involved in regulation, Significance of cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis interphase nucleus, achromatic
apparatus, synaptonemal complex Cell Cycle and regulation, mitosis and meiosis. Cell Senescence and
programmed cell death" 14 Hrs

Uuit-3: Genetics: History of genetics:

Introdr-rction and brief history of genetics. Mendelian theory: Laws of inheritance- dominarlce,
seglegation, incomplete dominance, codominance with an example. Law of independent assoLtment,
test cross, back cross. Deviations to Mendelian inheritance, complementary, supplementary and
interaction of genes (13:3 ratio), epistasis.

Maternal Inheritance: Plastid inheritance in Mirabilis, Petite characters in yeast and Kappa particles
in paramecium, Sex-linked inheritance, Chromosome theory of inheritance. Gene interaction:
Sr-rpplementary factors: comb pattern in fowls, Complementary genes- Flower color in sweet peas,
Multiple factors-Skin color in human beings, Epistasis- Plumage color in poultry, Multiple allelism:
Blood groups in Human beings. 14 [Irs
Unit-4. Linkage and Crossing Over:
introduction, Coupling and repulsion hypothesis, Linkage in maize and Drosophila, Mechanism of
crossing over and its importance, chromosome mapping-linkage map in maize. Mutations: Types of
mutations, Spontaneous and induced, Mulagens: Physical and chemical, Mutation at the molecular
level, Mutations in plants, animals and microbes for economic benefit of man. Chromosomal
variations: A general,account of structural and numerical aberrations, chromosomal evolution of
wheat and cotton. Sex Determination in Plants and animals: Concept of allosomes and autosomes,
XX- XY, XX-XO, ZW-ZZ, ZO-ZZ types.
I{uman Genetics:.Karyotype in man, inherited disorders - Allosomal (Klinefelter syndrome and
Turner's syndrome) and Autosomal (Down syndrome and Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome). 14 Hrs

Course L: Practical: BTDSC01P

Credits: 02 Total Contact Hrs: 56
1) Study and maintenance of simple and compound microscope
2) Use of Miciometer and calibration, measurement of onion epidermal cells and yeast
3) Study of divisional stages in mitosis from onion root tips
4) Study of divisional stages in meiosis in grasshopper testes/onion or Rhoeo flower buds.
5) Mounting of polytene chromosomes
6) Buccal smear - Barr bodies
1) Karyotype analysis - Human and Onion
Human - Normal and Abnormal - Down and Turner's syndromes
8) Isolation and staining of Mitochondria
9) isolation and staining of Chloroplar;t
10) RBC cell count by Haemocytometer
11) Simple genetic problems based on theory

Reference Text Books

1. Molecular Biology of Cell - Bruce Alberts et al, Garland publications.
2. Animal Cytology and Evolution- MJD, White Cambridge University Publications
3. Molecular Cell Biology-Daniel, Scientific American Books
4. Celi Biology - Jack D Bruke, The William Twilkins Company
5. Principles of Gene Manipulations- Old & Primrose, Black Well Scientific Publications
6. Cell Biology-Ambrose &Dorothy N4 Easty, ELBS Publications
7, Fundamentals of Cytology- L. W. Sharp, McGraw Hill Company
8. Cytology-Willson & Marrison, Reinform Publications
9. Molecular Biology- Christopher Smith, Faber & Faber Publications
10. Cell Biology & Molecular Biology - EDP De Robertis & EMF Robertis, Saunder College.
11. Cell Biology- C.B. Powar, Flimalaya Publications
12. Basic Genetics- Daniel L. Hartl, Jones & Barlett Publishers USA
13. Human Genetics and Medicine lark Edward Arnold P London
14. Genetics - Monroe W Strickberger, MacMillain Publishers, New York
15. Genes V - Benjamin Lewin, Oxford University Press.
i6. Genes I - Benjamin Lewin, Wileyliastern Ltd., Delhi
17. Genes II - Benjamin Lewin, Wiley & Sons Publications
i8. Genes III- Benjamin Lewin, Wiley & Sons Publications
19. Principles of Genetics- Sinnott, L.C. Dunn, Dobzhansky, McGraw-Hill.
20. Genetics - Edgar Altenburg Oxford & IBH publications
21. Principles of Genetics - E.J. Gardener, M.J. Simmons and D.P. Snustad, John Wiley & Son
22. Genetics- P.K. Gupta, Rastogi Publication, Meerut, India
Course 2: Open Elective: BTOECO1
Credits: 03 Total Contact Hlsz 42

Unit-l: Industry: Application of biotechnology in industry: Industrial production of alcoholic

berret'age (wine), antibiotic (Penicillin) and enzyme (lipase). Protein engineering applications in food,
detergent and phar:maceutical industries. 14 Hr
Unit-2: Environment: Application of biotechnology in erLvironmental aspects: Degradation organic
polJutants - chlorinated and non-chlorinated compounds; degradation of hydrocarbons and agricultr.rral
wastes, PHB -production and its futuristic applications. 14 FIr

Unit-3: Forensic science: Application of bibtechnology in forensic science: Solving crimes of

mulder and rape; solving claims of paternity and theft by using DNA finger printing techniques
I-Iealth. Application of biotechnology in health: Genetically engineered insulin, recombinant
vaccines, gene tirerapy, and molecular diagnostics using ELISA, PCR; monoclonal antibodies and
tl-reir use in cancer; human genome project. 14 I{r

Reference'fext Books:
1, Crueger W and Crueger A. (2000). Biotechnology: A textbook of Industrial Microbiology.2nd
edition. Panima Publishing Co. New Delhi.
2. Patel AH. (1996). Industrial Microbiology. 1st editiorr, Macmillan India Limited.
3. Stanbury PF, Whitaker A and Hall SJ. (2006). Principles of Fermentation Technology. 2"0
edition, Elsevier Science Ltd.
4. Environmental Biotechnology, PradiptaKumar Mohapatra.
5. EnvironmetrtalBiotechnology- Concepts& Applications, Hans-Joachim Jordening & Jesefwinter
6. B.B. Nanda and R.I(. Tiwari, Forensic Science in India: A Vision for the Twenty First Centr-rry,
Select Publishers, New Delhi (2001).
7 . M.K, Bhasin and S. Nath, Role of Forensic Science irr the New Millennium,'University of
Delhi, Delhi (2002).
8. S.H. James and J.J. Nordby, Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative
Techniques, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton (2005)"
9, W.G. Ecker:t and R.I(, Wright in Introduction to Forensic Sciences, 2nd Edition, W.G. Eckert
(ED.), CRC Press, Boca Raton (1997).

Course 2: Open Elective: BTOEC02

Creclits: 03 Total Contact Hrs: 42

Unit-l: Thc Basics of Cell Biology: Discovery of cell, the basic unit of life and cell theory. Structure
o1' a cell and comparison between plant and animal cells- Plasma membrane, Cytoskeleton,
Pr:otoplasm, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Endoplasmic lleticulum, Golgi complex; Lysosome,
eudosome and microbodies, Ribosome, Centriole, and Nucleus. Introduction to catalysis and use oI
energy by cells. 14 Hrs

Unit-2: Chcmical components of a cell: Carbohydrates- Introduction & Occurrence, Classification of

Mono-, Di- and Polysaccharides, Reducing & Non-reducing Sugars, Constitution of Glucose &
Ft'uctose, Osazone formation, Pyranose & Furanose forms, Determination of ring size, Inter-
conversion of monosaccharides. Lipids- General introduction, Classification & Structure of Simple &
Compound lipids, Properties of Lipids, Biological membranes and its composition, lipoproteins and
essential fatty acids. 1 A IJ-^
la lllS
Unit-3: Proteins and Peptides- General introduction, Classification & General characteristics,
Structure of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary & Quaternary proteins (elementary idea), Classification of
Amino acids. Peptide bond and its salient features, Importance of biologically active peptides-
Glutathione, Vasopressin, Oxltocin and endorphins. Nucleic acids- Components of DNA and RNA,
Nucleosides & Nucleotides (introduction, structnre & bonding), Double helical structure of DNA
(Watson-Crick model). various forms of DNA and RNA. 14 Hls

Reference Text Books:

1. Karp, G. 2010. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. 6th Edition. John
Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. 2006. Cell and Molecular Biology. 8tr'
edition.Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. 2009. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 5th edition.
ASMPress & Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
4. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith,LJ., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P.2009. The Wolld of the Cel1. 7"'
edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.
5. Nelson DL and Cox M M. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman; 201J, J'n
6, Voet D, Voet JG and Pratt C W. Fundamentals of Biochemistry, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
20r6,5'h Edition.
L Berg JM, Stryer L, Tymoczko JL and Gatto GJ. Biochemistry; W.H. Freem an;2019, 9tt'
8. I(uchel P, Easterbrook-Smith S, Gysbers V, Guss JM, Hancock D, Johnston J, Jones A and
Matthews J. Schaum's Outline of Biochemistrv. McGraw-Hill Book Co.. 2009. 3'd Edition.
Syttabus for
B. Sc, (B'asic / Hons.) Programme in




F- f lrr f r
sUbmttted to
Tumkur University

r 1i

Board of Sludies in Biotechnology (UG)

fumkur University
Credits: 02 Total Contact Hrs: 28

Introduction to Biotechnology Lab: Biotechnology Industry in Indian and Global context -
olganization in context of large /medium/ small enterprises, their structure and benefits.
Nlctlrods and practices of cleaning and management of lab: Learning and Practice of Integlatecl
clean-in-place (CIP) and sterilize-in-place (SIP) as per industry standards, material requirements fol
cleaning specific alea, equipment, ventilation area, personal protective requirements.
Pr:occdure of cleaning and storage of Lab ware: Methodology for storage area, cleaning procedure
aud materials to be used for various surfaces. Sign boards, labelling do's & don'ts. Knowledge about
stanclar:d procedures of cleaning or glass ware, plastic ware. Maintenance of inventory.
Princi;rles and practices of lab safety: Knowledge about safety symbols andhazard signs. Personal
safetl, gears, utility, and disposal. Equipment safety protocols, chemical safety protocols,
Documentation of chemical and equipment usage records. l{andling hazardous chemicals. 14 Hrs
Best practices of usage and storage of chemicals: Knowledge and practice in handling of chemicals,
labelling and stock maintenance. SOP and material handling. Procedures to maintain chemicals,
labelling, storage, and disposal.
Pr-epnration of solutions and standards: Properties and uses of chemicals commonly used in life
sciences laboratolies. Maintaining safety standards for handling various solutions and chemicals,
Pr:eparation of test reagents and buffers, Protocols for proper mixing of chemicals. Safety precantions
while preparation and storage of incompatible chemicals and reagents"
Preparation of media: Maintenance and storage of purified water for media (Plant Tissue culture
media, Microbiological media, and Animal cell culture media) preparation.
Practical methocls for decontamination and disposal: Decontamination methods, Safe disposal
practices of decontaminated media or materials.
Laboratory record writing: Method of record writing, data collection and recording, reporting of
result, discussion of result, summary writing, effective PowerPoint presentation taking any experiment
as exarnple. 14 Hrs

Ilefcrence Text Books

1. Rajeev Roy (2011) Entrepreneurship (2"d Ed) Oxford University Press
2. John Mullins (2013) The New Business Road Test (4th Ed) Financial Time series.
3. Denise M. Harmening. Laboratory Management, Pri.nciples and Processes, D.H. Publishing &
Consulting Inc.; Third Edition, 2012
4. Biochemical Calculations, 2nd Ed., (1997), Segel lrvin H; John Wiley and Sons, NY
5. Biophysical Chemistry Principles & Techniques llandbook, (2003), A, Upadliyay, I(.
Upadhyay, and N. Nath
6. Enzymes: Biochemistry, Biotechnology & Clinical chemistry, (2001), Palmer Trevor,
Pubiisher: Horwood Pub. Co., England.
7, Analytical Biochemistry, 3rdedition, (1998), David Holmes, H. Peck, Prentice-Hall, UK

Credits: 02 Total Contact Hrs: 28

Plant propagation and Hybridization: Introduction and History of Plant propagation, Plant bleeding
and Transgenic. Types of reproduction in Monocots and Dicots fsexual and Asexual/ Vegetatirze
reproduction], Double fertilization and triple fusion. Hybridization: Protoplast Culture- isolation,
viability test, somatic hybridization and cybridization, methods of protoplast fusion- chemical and
electro fusion. Applications of Hybrids- disease resistance, insect resistance, dlought resistance,
temperature resistance and salt resistance" 14 Hrs

Crop improvement: Sterility, incompatibility and selection: [Cytoplasmic Sterility and Genetic Male
Sterility, self-incompatibility. Mass selection, Clonal selection and pure line selection for crop
improvement. Natural and artificial mutation and importance of mutations in crop improvement"
Tissue culture in Crop improvement: Organ culture Organ culture (shoot tip, Nodal, Leaf). Embryo
Rescue Techniques. Haploid (Anther and Pollen Culture), Endosperm Culture, Ovary and Ovrlle
Cultr-rre. Germplasm preservation- Techniques and Centers" Role of R-DNA technologl, and
Transgenic plants in crop improvement" 14 Hrs

Reference Text Books:

1. Purohit S S (2004) Biotechnoology: Fundamentals and Applications 3'o Edition, Student

Edition, Jodhpur.
2. Chawla H S (2002) Introduction to Plant Biotechnology. 2nd Edition, Oxford IBH publishing
New Delhi.
3. ICAR. 2010. Handbook of Agriculture (6th edition), Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi.
4. Panda, S.C. 2012. Modern Concepts and Advance Principles in Crop Production. Aglobios
(ndia), Jodhpur.
5. Balasubramaniyan, P. and Palaniappan, S.P.2016. Principles and Practices of Agronomy (2nd
edition), Agrobios (India), Jodhpur,
6. Bala, M., Gupta, S. and Gupta, N.K., 2013.Practicals in Plant Physiology" Scientific
7. Publisher, Jodhpur.
8. Bagdi, D.L.2016. Crop Physiology. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
g. Agrios G.N. 2005. 15th Edition) Plant Pathology, Elsevier Academic Press, New York.
Semester 2
CouLse f itle Total Contact Number of
Hours Credits
Discipline BTDSCO2 56 4
Specific Course Microbiological Methods and Techniques
& BTDSCO2P 56 )
Practical Microbiological Methods and Techniques
42 J
Applications of Biotechnology in
Open Elective Agriculture
Introduction to Human Phvsiology

Content of Course: BTDSCO2

Creclits: 04 Total Contact Hrs: 56
Instruments used in Biotechnology Microscopy: Principles of Microscopy- resolving power,
nr-ltnerjcal aperture, wolking principle and applications of Compound microscope, Dark field
microscope, Phase contrast microscope, Fluorescence Microscope, confocal microicope, Electron
N4icloscopes- TEM and SEM.
Analytical techniques: Working principles and applications of Centrifuge, Ultracentrilrrge,
Spectrophotometer and chromatography- Paper and TLC. 14Hrs
Stcrilization techniques: Definition of terms-sterilization, disinfectant, antiseptic, sanitizer,
gelmicide, ffricrobicidal agents, microbiostatic agent and antimicrobial agent. Physical methods of
corrtrol: Principle, construction and applications of moist heat sterilization Boiling, Pasteurization,
Flactional sterilization-Tyndallization and autoclave. Dry heat Sterilization-Incineration and hot air.
oven. Filtration -Diatomaceous earth filter, Seitz filter, membrane filter and HEPA. Racliation:
Ionizing radiation-1 rays and non-ionizing radiation- UV rays. Chemical methods: Alcohol,
alclehyqJe5, phenols, halogen, metallic salts, Quaternary ammonium compounds and sterilizing gases as
antimicrobial agents. 14Hrs
Nllicrobiological techniques: Culture Media: Components of media, naturai and synthetic media,
cl'remically defined media, complex media, selective, differential, indicator, enriched anclenrichnent
medizt. Pure culture methods: Serial dilution and plating methods (pour, spread, streak); cultivation,
mainteuance and preservation/stocking of pure cultures; cultivation of anaerobic bacteria.
Stains and staining techniques: Principles of staining, Types of stains-simple stains, structural stains
ancl differential stains. 14FIrs
Antirnicrobial agents: Five modes of action with one example each: Inhibitor of nucieic acid
syrrthesis; Inhibitor of cell wall synthesis; Inhibitor of cell membrane function; Inhibitor of protein
s)'nthesis and Inhibitor of metabolism. Antifungal agents: Mechanism of action of Amphot.ii"in B
aucl Gliseofulvin, Antiviral agents: Mechanism of action of Amantadine, Acyclovir ancl
Azidothymidine. Antibiotic resistance- MDR, XDR, MR.SA and NDM-1. Antibiotic sensitivity
tcsting methods: Disc and Agar well diffusion techniques. 14Hr.s
Course 2: Practical: BTDSCO2P
Credits: 02 Total Contact Hrs: 56

1. To study the principle and applications of imporlant instruments (biological safety cabinets,
autoclave, incubator, BOD incubator, hot air oven, light microscope, pH rneter) used in the
microbiology and Biotechnology laboratory.
2. Sterilization of medium using Autclclave and assessment for sterility.
3. Stelilization of glassware using Hot Air Oven and assessment for sterility
4. Sterilization of heat sensitive material by membrane filtration and assessment for sterility.
5. Preparation of culture media for bacteria, fungi and their cultivation.
6. Piating techniques: Spread plate, pour plate andstreak plate.
l. Isolation of bacteria and fr.urgi from soil, water and air.
8. Study of Rhizopus, Penicillium, Aspergillus using temporary mounts.
9. Colony characteristics study of bacteria from air exposure plate.
10. Staining techniques: Bacteria- Gram, Negative, Capsule, Endospore staining
Fungi - Lactophenol cotton blue staining.
11. Water analysis - MPN test.
12. Biochemical Tests - IMViC, Starch hydrolysis, Catalase test, Gelatin hydrolysis.
13. Bacterial cell motility - hanging drop technique.
ltefcrence Text Books
1. Atlas RM. (1997). Principles of Mimobiology. 2nd edition. WM.T. Brown Publishers.
2, Biack JG. (2008). Microbiology: Principles and Explorations. 7th edition. Prentice Hall
3. Madigan MT, and Martinko JM. (2014). Brock Biology of Micro-organisms. 14th edition.
Parker J. Prentice Hall International, Inc.
4. Pelczar Jr MJ, Chan ECS, and Krieg NR" (2004). Microbiology.
5. 5th edition Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Srivastava S and Srivastava PS. (2003). Understanding Bacteria. Kluwel Academic Publishers,
7. Stanier RY, Ingraham JL, Wheelis ML and Painter PR. (2005). General Microbiology. 5t1i
edition McMillan.
8. Toltora GJ, Funke BR, and Case CL. (2008). Microbiology: An Introduction. 9th edition
Pearson Education.
9. WilleyJM, Sherwood LM, and Woolverton CJ. (2013). Prescott's Microbiology, 9th eclition.
McGraw Hill Higher Education.
10. Cappucino J and Sherman N. (2010)" Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual. 9th edition. Pearson
Education Limited.
11.Prescott, Harley, Klein's Microbiology, J.M.Willey, L.M. Sherwood, C.J. Woolvertor-r,7th
International, edition 2008, McGraw Hill.
12. Foundations in Microbiology, K. P. Talaro, 7th International edition2009, McGraw Hill.
13. Microbiology- Concepts and applications by Paul A. Ketchum, Wiley Publications
1z[. Fundamentals of Microbiology -Frobisher, Saunders & Toppan Publications
15. Introductory Biotechnology-R. B Singh C.B.D. India (1990)
i6. Fundamentals of Bacteriology - Salley
17. Frontiers in Microbial Technology-P.S. Bison, CBS Publishers.
18. Biotechnology, International Trends of perspectives A. T. Bull, G.
1 9. General Microbiology -C.B. Powar
Course 2: Theory: Open Elective
Creclits: 02 Total Contact Hrs: 42 hrs
Urrit- | :

Agricultural Biotechnology: Concepts & scope of biotechnology in Agriculture. plant-tissue cultur.e,

micro propagation, entrepreneurship in commercial plant tissue culture. Banana
tissue culture-primary
and secondary commercial setups, Small scale bioenterprise: Mushroom cultivation.
14 Hrs
T|ansgenic plants: The GM crop debate-safety, ethics, perception and acceptance of
GM crops. GM
cl'ops case study: Bt cotton and Bt brinjal. Plants as biofactories for molecular pharming:
vaccines, plantibodies and nutraceuticals.
14 Hrs
Bt based pesticides: Baculovirus pesticides and Mycopesticides. post-harvest
Protection: Antisense RNA technology for extending shelf life of fruits and shelf life of flowers,
Gcnetic Engineering for quality improvement: Seid storage proteins. Flavours: capsaicin
vanillin. i4 Hrs
ll"eference Text books:
1. Chrispeels al" Plants, Genes and Agriculture-Jones and Bartlett publishers, Boston.1994.
2' Gamborg O.L' and Philips G.C. Plant cell, tissue and organ culture (2nd Ed.) Narosa
Publishing I-Iouse. New Delhi. 1 998
3' Hammound J, P McGravey & Yusibov.V. Plant Biotechnology, Springer ver1ag.2000
4. Heldt. Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.Oxford ana inH-publishing Co. pvt.Ltd.
Delhi. 1997
5' LydianeKi'te and John Kleyn. Plants from test tubes. An introduction to
6. Mic'opropagation (3 rd. Ed.). Timber press, portland. 1996
1' Murray D,R. Advanced methods in plant breeding and biotechnology. panima publishing
B' Nickoloff J.A. Methods in molecular biology, Plant cell electroporation and electrofusion
Protocols-Llumana press incorp, USA. 1995.
9. Sawahel W.A. Plant genetic transformation technology.Daya Publishing House, DeIhi.199l.
L0. Gistou, P and l{r-r, H. Hand book of Plant Biotechnology (Vol. I & il). iohn publi
Course 2: Open Elective:
Credits: 02 Total Contact IIrs: 42 hrs
Unit 1:
Introduction to Physiology: Basic body plan in humans, location of organs and their basic functiorrs.
Circulatory System and Respiratory System: Blood- Composition, Cells, Plasma proteins arrcl
Lipoproteins. Features and functions of RBC, Platelets and WBCs. Haemopoiesis, Mechanisrr of
coagulation of blood. Anticoagulants, blood volume, blood pressure and their regulations. Plasnra
lipoproteins and their functions (HDL, LDL, VLDL and chylomicrons). Heart- Cardiac output, cardiac
cyc1e, Origin & conduction of heart beat. Itespiratory Systern- Lungs, structureand functions, Exchanges
of gases, oxygen binding by hemoglobin, factors affecting oxygenation. 1 zl lirs

Unit 2:
Neuro Mnscular System- Muscle physiology and osmoregulation. Structure of cardiac, smooth & sl<ele tal
rnuscie, threshold stimulus, All or None rule, single muscle twitch, muscle tone, isotonic and isometric
contraction, Physical, chemical & electrical events of mechanism of muscle contraction. Nervous s),stenr-
Nervous and endocrine coordination, Mechanism of generation & propagation of nerve impulse, stlLrctule
of synapse, synaptic conduction, saltatory conduction, Neurotransmitters- types and functions. Dil'lerent
endocrine glands- Hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenals, hypo &
hyper-secretions. 1zl hrs

Unit 3:
Digcstive System- .Digestive Secretions- Composition and functions of saliva, gastric, pancreatio,
intestinal and bile secretions. HCI production in the stomach and Gastrointestinal hormones. Digestion and
absorption of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.
I{epatobiliary and Excretory System: Hepatobiliary System- Anatomy of the liver, blood sr-rpply, cells-
hepatocytes, endothelial cells and I(upffer cells. Secretory and excretory functions of liver and folmatiun
of bile. Excretory System- Structure and function of nephron, Mechanism of urine formation, Norrnal and
abnormal constituents of urine and renal resulation of acid-base balance. 14 hrs

Iteference Text books:

l. Guyton A.C, & HBll J.E. (2006) Textbook of Medical Physiology. XI Ed. Hercourt AsiaPTE Ltd. /W,B,S C.
2, Tortora G.J. & Grabowski S. (2006) Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. XI Ed. JohnWiley & sons, Inc.
3. ClrattopadhyayP. (2011). Practical Physiology. 1't Edition. New Central Book Agency.
4, Manna, M.K. (2005). Practical Physiology. l" Edition. Sritara Prakasani
5. I(hurana, L (2015).Medical Physiology. 2"o Edition, Elsevier India.
6. Chatterjee, C.C. (2016), Human Physiology Vol 2. 11tr' Coloured Ed. CBS.& Distributers Pvt, Ltd.
7. Mahapatra, A.B.S.M. (2014) Essentials of'Medical Physiology. 4 Ed. Current Books International.
8. Sembulingam I(. & Sembulingam P. (2016) Essentials of Medical Physiology 7'r'Ed,JaypeePubl.
9. Note Books on Practical Biochemistrv. Published bv The Phvsio. Societv of India.l(olkata.


Formative Assessm ent : 4Aoh

Assessment 0ccasion/ type Weightaee in lVlarks
Internal Assessmeffi (2 Tests) 20o/o:20 Marks
Ass gnments and Visits ( Industry I}Yo : 10 Marks
Inst tutions and Laboratory visits)

Seminars I Group Discussion 1,0o/o:10 Marks

Total 40Yo :40 Marks
10, (Basic/ Hons.) semester | il Examination
Model question paper Discipline specific course (Dsc, Theory)
Time: 2 h
Max. Marks: 60
NOTE: All sections are compulsory

1. Answer any five of the following

Answer any six of the following


sEcTtoN - C
Answer any two of the following



Notc: Secfion C may include sub uestions a, b

B.Sc. (Basic/ Hons.) Semeste r | | ll Examination
Model question paper Open Elective (OE, Theory)
Time:2 h Max. Marks: 60

NOTE: All sections are compulsorY


1. Answer any five of the following 5x2=10



Answer any sx of the following 6x5=30

sEgfloN - c
Answer any two of the following 2xI0 =24



Note: Section C include sub questions ao b

B.Sc. (Basic/ Hons.) Semeste r | / ll Examination
Model question paper SEC (SEC, Theory)
Time: 01 Hr.
Max. Marks: 30
NOTE: All sections are compulsory

1, Answer any five of the following

Answer any three of the following

sEcTtoN - c
Answer any one of the following


Note: Section C may include sub questions a, b (Basic/ Hons.) semester | / il Examination

Model question paper (practicals)
Time: 3 h
Max. Marks:25

L, Write the principle and procedure of

experiment 05 marks
2, Major experiment (conduct the experiment and report
the resurts) L5 Marks
5, Viva voce
05 Marks


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