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Protective MACROPOXYTM C251


Revised 06/2017 Issue 11


A two-pack epoxy phenolic coating
At 5°C At 23°C At 30° At 40°
RECOMMENDED USE To touch: 5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 hours
For use as part of a 2 coat system for internal coating of storage To handle: 24 hours 12 hours 6 hours 4 hours
tanks and vessels. To recoat: 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Suitable for insulated external carbon or stainless steel surfaces Max overcoat: 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
including equipment and pipework. These figures are given as a guide only. Factors such as air
movement and humidity must also be considered.
Suitable for use at up to 180°C operating temperature (Dry Heat).
Maximum temperature under insulation 150°C
Airless Spray
Conventional Spray PACKAGE
A two component material supplied in separate containers
Recommended Cleanser/Thinner: No 5
to be mixed prior to use.
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS Pack Size: 5 litre units when mixed
Flash Point: Base : 24°C Additive : 24°C
Mixing Ratio: 4 parts base to 1 part additive by volume
% Solids by Volume: 74 ± 3% (ASTM-D2697-91)
Weight: 1.57 kg/litre
Pot Life: 2½ hrs @ 15°C 2 hrs @ 23°C 18 months from date of manufacture or
Shelf Life: ‘Use By’ date where specified.
Colour Availability: White, Buff

235gms/litre determined practically in accordance with UK
Regulations PG/23
243gms/litre calculated from formulation to satisfy EC Solvent
Emissions Directive
155gms/kilo content by weight from formulation, to satisfy EC
Solvent Emissions Directive
Dry film Wet film Theoretical
thickness thickness coverage
125 microns 160 microns 6 m2/ltr*

* This figure makes no allowance for surface profile, uneven

application, overspray or losses in containers and
equipment. Film thickness will vary depending on actual
use and specification.



Airless Spray Brush
Dry 125 125 75
Wet 160 160 100
*Maximum sag tolerance with overlap typically 510μm wet (375μm
dry) by airless spray
This Data Sheet is specifically subject to the disclaimer which can be found at”
Protective MACROPOXYTM C251
Revised 06/2017 Issue 11


Ferrous Surfaces Drying times, curing times and pot life should be considered
Blast clean to Sa2½ BS EN ISO 8501-1:2007. Average surface as a guide only.
profile in the range 50-75 microns.
The curing reaction of epoxies commences immediately when
Mechanical power tool cleaning, using rotary impact abrasion tools the two components are mixed, and since the reaction is
to produce a clean, bare metal surcae with a surface profile of dependent on temperature, the curing time and pot life will be
>50m, in accordance with SSPC Standard SP11. approximately halved by 10°C increase in temperature and
doubled by a 10°C decrease in temperature.
Stainless Steel
For optimum adhesion all surfaces should be flash blasted using Macropoxy C251 system MUST be allowed to cure for 7 days
non-metallic abrasive and coated with Macropoxy C251 within at a minimum of 13°C before putting into service.
4 hours of blasting. Under conditions of high humidity a shorter
period will be necessary. Epoxy Coatings - Colour Stability:
Variable colour stability is a feature of epoxy materials which
Ensure surfaces to be coated are clean, dry and free from all tend to yellow and darken with age whether used on
surface contamination. internal or external areas. Therefore any areas touched-up
and repaired with the same colour at a later date may be
APPLICATION EQUIPMENT obvious due to this colour change.
Airless Spray
Nozzle Size : 0.38mm (15 thou) When epoxy materials are exposed to ultra-violet light a
Fan Angle : 30° surface chalking effect will develop. This phenomenon results
Operating Pressure : 233kg/cm² (3300 psi) in loss of gloss and a fine powder coating at the surface
which may give rise to colour variation depending on the
The airless spray details given above are intended as a guide aspects of the steelwork. This effect in no way detracts from
only. Details such as fluid hose length and diameter, paint the performance of the system.
temperature and job shape and size all have an effect on the
spray tip and operating pressure chosen. However, the operating Epoxy Coatings – Tropical Use:
pressure should be the lowest possible consistent with Epoxy paints at the time of mixing should not exceed a
satisfactory atomisation. As conditions will vary from job to job, it temperature of 35°C. At this temperature the pot life will be
is the applicators’ responsibility to ensure that the equipment in approximately halved. Use of these products outside of the pot
use has been set up to give the best results. If in doubt life may result in inferior adhesion properties even if the
Sherwin-Williams. materials appear fit for application. Thinning the mixed product
will not alleviate this problem.
Conventional Spray
Nozzle Size : 1.27mm (50 thou) The maximum air and substrate temperature for application is
Atomising Pressure : 2.8kg/cm2 (40 psi) 50°C providing conditions allow satisfactory application and
The details of atomising pressure, fluid pressure and nozzle size film formation. If the air and substrate temperatures exceed
are given as a guide. It may be found that slight variations of 50°C and epoxy coatings are applied under these conditions,
pressure will provide optimum atomisation in some paint film defects such as dry spray, bubbling and pinholing
circumstances according to the set up in use. Atomising air etc. can occur within the coating.
pressure depends on the air cap in use and the fluid pressure
depends on the length of line and direction of feed i.e. horizontal Numerical values quoted for physical data may vary slightly
or vertical. from batch to batch.


Epoxy paints should preferably be applied at temperatures Consult Product Health and Safety Data Sheet for information on
in excess of 10°C. In conditions of high relative humidity, i.e. safe storage, handling and application of this product.
80-85% good ventilation conditions are essential. Substrate WARRANTY
temperature shall be at least 3°C above the dew point and
always above 0°C. Any person or company using the product without first making further enquiries as to
the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at their own risk, and
At application temperatures below 10°C drying and curing Sherwin-Williams can accept no liability for the performance of the product, or for any
times will be significantly extended, and spraying loss or damage arising out of such use.
characteristics may be impaired.
Application at ambient air temperatures below 5°C is not The information detailed in this Data Sheet is liable to modification from time to time
recommended. in the light of experience and of normal product development, and before using,
customers are advised to check with Sherwin-Williams, quoting the reference number,
In order to achieve optimum water resistance, temperature to ensure that they possess the latest issue.
needs to be maintained above 10°C during curing.
If it is desired to overcoat outside the times stated on the data
sheet, please seek advice of Sherwin-Williams
This Data Sheet is specifically subject to the disclaimer which can be found at”

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