Flanges SAE para Solda SN532-1
Flanges SAE para Solda SN532-1
Flanges SAE para Solda SN532-1
Dimensions in mm
Type A
Flange connection
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = bolts
d = flanged welding neck with O-ring
Designation of a flange connection of type A and size DN 2" for flange drilling pattern 6000 psi (6) with
pipe dimension 60,3 x 10,0, semiflanges, flanged welding neck and screws of steel (St), O-ring of Perbunan:
Flange connection SN 532 - A 2" - 6 / 60,3 x 10,0 St
This copy will not be updated in case of changes!
Table 1
3000 PSI (PN acc. to pipe dimension)
Pipe connection Bolt O-ring
DN PN outer inside A T L M Order example
2) 3)
diam. diam. 3) ISO 4762 SN 430
max. max. max.
½" 250 20,0 14,0 17,5 38,1 30 24,3 M 8 x 25 18,64 x 3,53 A ½"-3/ 20,0 x 2,5 St 0,238
¾" 250 30,0 20,0 22,3 47,6 35 32,2 M10 x 30 24,99 x 3,53 A ¾"-3/ 25,0 x 3,0 St 0,405
1" 250 38,0 28,0 26,2 52,4 40 38,5 M10 x 30 32,92 x 3,53 A 1" -3/ 30,0 x 4,0 St 0,500
1 ¼" 250 42,4 33,0 30,2 58,7 45 43,7 M10 x 35 37,69 x 3,53 A 1 ¼"-3/ 38,0 x 3,0 St 0,750
1 ½" 200 48,3 42,0 35,7 69,9 50 50,8 M12 x 35 47,22 x 3,53 A 1 ½"-3/ 48,3 x 2,6 St 1,048
2" 200 60,3 52,0 42,9 77,8 60 62,8 M12 x 35 56,74 x 3,53 A 2" -3/ 60,3 x 2,9 St 1,435
1) 1)
2 ½" 160 76,1 65,0 50,8 88,9 70 74,9 M12 x 40 69,44 x 3,53 A 2 ½"-3/ 76,1 x 2,9 St 2,500
3" 100 88,9 81,0 61,9 106,4 80 90,9 M16 x 45 85,32 x 3,53 A 3" -3/ 88,9 x 3,2 St 3,000
4" 25 114,3 106,0 77,8 130,2 80 115,0 M16 x 50 110,72 x 3,53 A 4" -3/114,3 x 3,6 St 4,260
5" 25 139,7 132,0 92,1 152,4 80 140,5 M16 x 50 136,12 x 3,53 A 5" -3/139,7 x 4,0 St 4,855
6000 PSI (PN acc. to pipe dimension)
Pipe connection Bolt O-ring
DN PN outer inside A T L M Order example
2) 3)
diam. diam. 3) ISO 4762 SN 430
max max. max.
½" 400 20,0 14,0 18,2 40,5 40 24,6 M 8 x 30 18,64 x 3,53 A ½"-6/20,0 x 3,0 St 0,345
¾" 400 30,0 20,0 23,8 50,8 45 32,5 M10 x 35 24,99 x 3,53 A ¾"-6/25,0 x 4,0 St 0,646
1" 400 38,0 28,0 27,8 57,2 50 38,8 M12 x 40 32,92 x 3,53 A 1" -6/30,0 x 5,0 St 1,051
1 ¼" 400 42,4 33,0 31,8 66,7 55 44,5 M14 x 45 37,69 x 3,53 A 1 ¼"-6/38,0 x 6,0 St 1,530
1 ½" 400 48,3 42,0 36,5 79,4 60 51,6 M16 x 50 47,22 x 3,53 A 1 ½"-6/48,3 x 8,0 St 2,465
2" 400 60,3 52,0 44,5 96,8 70 67,6 M20 x 60 56,74 x 3,53 A 2" -6/60,3 x 10,0 St 4,193
2 ½" 320 88,9 65,0 58,7 123,8 75 89,5 M24 x 80 69,44 x 3,53 A 2 ½"-6/76,1 x 12,5 St 8,050
3" 320 114,3 81,0 71,4 152,4 80 114,5 M30 x 100 85,32 x 3,53 A 3" -6/88,9 x 14,2 St 15,10
Type B
Flange-type coupling
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = bolts and nuts
d= flanged welding neck with O-ring
e = flanged welding neck without O-ring
f = solid flange
Designation of a flange-type coupling of type B and size DN 1 ½" for flange drilling pattern 3000 psi (3) with
pipe dimension 48,3 x 2,6, flanges, flanged welding neck, bolts and nuts of steel (St), O-ring of Perbunan:
Flange-type coupling SN 532 - B 1 ½“ - 3 / 48,3 x 2,6 St
Table 2
3000 PSI (PN acc. to pipe dimension)
Pipe connection Bolt Nut O-ring
outer inner A T L M Order example 2) 3)
DN PN diam. diam. 3) SN 430
4762 4032
max. max. max.
½" 250 20,0 14,0 17,5 38,1 60 24,3 M 8 x 40 M8 18,64 x 3,53 B ¾"-3/ 20,0 x 2,5 St 0,464
¾" 250 30,0 20,0 22,3 47,6 70 32,2 M10 x 40 24,99 x 3,53 B ¾"-3/ 25,0 x 3,0 St 1,220
1" 250 38,0 28,0 26,2 52,4 80 38,5 M10 x 45 M10 32,92 x 3,53 B 1" -3/ 30,0 x 4,0 St 0,979
1 ¼" 250 42,4 33,0 30,2 58,7 90 43,7 M10 x 45 37,69 x 3,53 B 1 ¼"-3/ 38,0 x 3,0 St 1,445
1 ½" 200 48,3 42,0 35,7 69,9 100 50,8 M12 x 50 47,22 x 3,53 B 1 ½"-3/ 48,3 x 2,6 St 2,044
2" 200 60,3 52,0 42,9 77,8 120 62,8 M12 x 50 M12 56,74 x 3,53 B 2" -3/ 60,3 x 2,9 St 2,822
1) 1)
2 ½" 160 76,1 65,0 50,8 88,9 140 74,9 M12 x 60 69,44 x 3,53 B 2 ½"-3/ 76,1 x 2,9 St 3,900
3" 100 88,9 81,0 61,9 106,4 160 90,9 M16 x 70 85,32 x 3,53 B 3" -3/ 88,9 x 3,2 St 5,900
4" 25 114,3 106,0 77,8 130,2 160 115,0 M16 x 80 M16 110,72 x 3,53 B 4" -3/114,3 x 3,6 St 8,475
5" 25 139,7 132,0 92,1 152,4 160 140,5 M16 x 80 136,12 x 3,53 B 5" -3/139,7 x 4,0 St 9,615
6000 PSI (PN acc. to pipe dimension)
Pipe connection Bolt Nut O-ring
outer inner A T L M Order example 2) 3)
DN PN diam. diam. 3) SN 430
4762 4032
max. max. max.
½" 400 20,0 14,0 18,2 40,5 80 24,6 M 8 x 45 M 8 18,64 x 3,53 B ½"-6/20,0 x 3,0 St 0,671
¾" 400 30,0 20,0 23,8 50,8 90 32,5 M10 x 50 M10 24,99 x 3,53 B ¾"-6/25,0 x 4,0 St 1,246
1" 400 38,0 28,0 27,8 57,2 100 38,8 M12 x 65 M12 32,92 x 3,53 B 1" -6/30,0 x 5,0 St 2,076
1 ¼" 400 42,4 33,0 31,8 66,7 110 44,5 M14 x 70 M14 37,69 x 3,53 B 1 ¼"-6/38,0 x 6,0 St 3,000
1 ½" 400 48,3 42,0 36,5 79,4 120 51,6 M16 x 80 M16 47,22 x 3,53 B 1 ½"-6/48,3 x 8,0 St 4,830
2" 400 60,3 52,0 44,5 96,8 140 67,6 M20 x 100 M20 56,74 x 3,53 B 2" -6/60,3 x 10,0 St 8,274
2 ½" 320 88,9 65,0 58,7 123,8 150 89,5 M24 x 120 M24 69,44 x 3,53 B 2 ½"-6/76,1 x 12,5 St 16,10
3" 320 114,3 81,0 71,4 152,4 160 114,5 M30 x 140 M30 85,32 x 3,53 B 3" -6/88,9 x 14,2 St 28,70
Here the max. outside diameter of the flanged welding neck must be reduced to Ø 74,5 mm the specified wall thickness,
however, must be observed.
Outer pipe dimensions can also be ordered according to this standard, the standard dimensions of SN 553 must be
observed. The outside diameter of the pipe must not exceed the value M stated in the tables.
The max. inside diameter must not be exceeded, the O-ring groove must be maintained as „compartment“. The demanded
pipe dimension at the joint must be adhered to. This is to be implemented by way of a typered transition or by turning off.
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SN 532-1 : 2001-01
Type C
Flange-type coupling without flanged welding neck (d)
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = bolts and nuts
e = flanged welding neck without O-ring
f = solid flange
Designation of a flange-type coupling of type C and size DN ½" for flange drilling pattern 6000 psi (6) with pipe dimension
20,0 x 3,0, flanges, flanged welding neck (without O-ring groove), bolts and nuts of steel (St), O-ring of Perbunan:
Type D
Flange-type coupling with blind collar
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = bolts and nuts
e = flanged welding neck without
O-ring groove
f = solid flange
g = blind collar with O-ring groove
Designation of a flange-type coupling of type D and size DN ½" for flange drilling pattern 3000 psi (3) with pipe dimension
20,0 x 2,5, flanges, flanged welding neck (without O-ring groove), blind collar, bolts and nuts of steel (St), O-ring of Perbunan:
Type E
Flange connection with blind collar
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = screws
g= blind collar with O-ring
Designation of a flange connection of type E and size DN 1" for flange drilling pattern 6000 psi (6)
semiflanges, blind collar and screws of steel (St), O-ring of Viton:
Flange connection SN 532 - E 1" - 6 St/Viton
Type F
Flange connection without flanged welding neck
a = 2 semiflanges
b = O-ring
c = screws
Designation of a flange connection of type F and size DN 1" for flange drilling pattern 3000 psi (3)
semiflanges and screws of Steel (St), O-ring of Perbunan:
Flange connection SN 532 - F 1" - 3 St
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SN 532-1 : 2001-01