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Safety: A Scoping Literature Review of Natural Language Processing Application To Safety Occurrence Reports

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A Scoping Literature Review of Natural Language Processing
Application to Safety Occurrence Reports
Jon Ricketts * , David Barry , Weisi Guo and Jonathan Pelham

School of Aerospace, Transport & Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Cranfield MK43 0AL, UK
* Correspondence:

Abstract: Safety occurrence reports can contain valuable information on how incidents occur, reveal-
ing knowledge that can assist safety practitioners. This paper presents and discusses a literature
review exploring how Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been applied to occurrence reports
within safety-critical industries, informing further research on the topic and highlighting common
challenges. Some of the uses of NLP include the ability for occurrence reports to be automatically
classified against categories, and entities such as causes and consequences to be extracted from the
text as well as the semantic searching of occurrence databases. The review revealed that machine
learning models form the dominant method when applying NLP, although rule-based algorithms still
provide a viable option for some entity extraction tasks. Recent advances in deep learning models
such as Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding are now achieving a high accuracy
while eliminating the need to substantially pre-process text. The construction of safety-themed
datasets would be of benefit for the application of NLP to occurrence reporting, as this would allow
the fine-tuning of current language models to safety tasks. An interesting approach is the use of topic
modelling, which represents a shift away from the prescriptive classification taxonomies, splitting
data into “topics”. Where many papers focus on the computational accuracy of models, they would
also benefit from real-world trials to further inform usefulness. It is anticipated that NLP will soon
become a mainstream tool used by safety practitioners to efficiently process and gain knowledge
from safety-related text.

Keywords: natural language processing; occurrence reporting; incident reporting; safety monitoring;
Citation: Ricketts, J.; Barry, D.; Guo,
safety management system
W.; Pelham, J. A Scoping Literature
Review of Natural Language
Processing Application to Safety
Occurrence Reports. Safety 2023, 9, 22. 1. Introduction
safety9020022 Safety occurrence reporting systems used within safety-critical industries are capable
Academic Editor: Raphael Grzebieta
of producing large quantities of textual data. In a typical sociotechnical system, these data
will often contain a variety of information from technical issues through to organisational
Received: 13 February 2023 and cultural problems, assisting in the prevention of accidents. Presently, a lot of these data
Revised: 21 March 2023 are reviewed by human beings to classify and identify relevant trends to improve safety.
Accepted: 27 March 2023 The advent of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has allowed machines to undertake this
Published: 5 April 2023
task, be able to automatically classify information and possibly extract knowledge from the
reports [1–3].
NLP is a field of research overlapping computer science and artificial intelligence
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
concerned with the ability to process natural languages; this generally consists of translating
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
the natural language into data that a computer can use [4]. Present day computations
This article is an open access article
on natural language are being undertaken using deep learning and machine learning
distributed under the terms and techniques [5]. Machine learning involves the use of algorithms to parse data and learn from
conditions of the Creative Commons it, before making predictions and providing an output for a given task. Hence, the machine
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// is “trained” on large amounts of data and algorithms that give it the ability to “learn”. Deep learning is considered a subset of machine learning, based upon neural networks.
4.0/). Neural networks consist of one or more layers of neurons, connected by weighted links to

Safety 2023, 9, 22.

Safety 2023, 9, 22 2 of 16

take input data and produce an output. The “deep” term of deep learning is essentially
taking these neural networks and increasing the layers and neurons. This is to create rich
hierarchical representations by training neural networks with many hidden layers [6].
Early applications of NLP to safety occurrence and incident reports began with expres-
sion matching to highlight human factor concerns [7] through to classification, automati-
cally identifying safety issues via a Support Vector Machine technique [8,9]. More recent
papers recognise the specialist language used in many areas, deploying both topic mod-
elling [10,11] and the state of the art machine learning and deep learning models [12–14].
There is currently an absence of comprehensive reviews on the application of NLP
to occurrence reporting in safety. The aim of this paper is to explore the existing litera-
ture covering the application of NLP within safety occurrence reporting across multiple
industries, identifying the computational methods deployed and associated challenges and
limitations, informing future research on the application of NLP to safety occurrence data
(in the context of this review, occurrence reporting is inclusive of incident reporting).
The main contribution of this paper is to present how and why NLP has been applied
to safety occurrence reporting. The findings from this paper can assist safety practi-
tioners to understand what approaches are available alongside their performance limits
and challenges.

2. Method
This paper utilises a systematic review method [15] to identify and discuss academic
papers that relate to the use of NLP within safety occurrence reporting.
In order to locate relevant papers, both the search terms/strings and databases need to
be carefully selected. Safety occurrence reporting covers multiple industries (e.g., transport,
medical and construction); therefore, the search encompasses all these industries for a full
appreciation of how NLP may have been applied.
The databases selected for the search were: ScienceDirect, Scopus and Web of Science.
These databases contain full, peer-reviewed papers while covering journals relevant to this
literature review.
The search term ‘(“NLP” OR “Natural Language Processing”) AND (“Report” OR
“Occurrence”) AND “Safety”’ was used across the title, abstract and keywords. The addition
of “Safety” to the search term dramatically reduced the quantity of search results, ensuring
the analysis of the results was more manageable and relevant to the field of research. A
further search string was created where NLP was replaced by “Text Mining”, from which,
although returning duplicate results, several new and relevant articles were discovered.
The results of the search strings are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Search results from literature databases as of December 2022.

(“NLP” or “Natural Language

“Text Mining” and (“Report” or
Database Processing”) and (“Report” or
“Occurrence”) and “Safety”
“Occurrence”) and “Safety”
ScienceDirect 60 56
Web of Science 92 78
Scopus 306 223

After the removal of duplicates, the paper titles and abstracts were manually screened
against an inclusion criteria that clearly bound this review, where the papers must match
the following attributes:
• Original work.
• Full text is available.
• Written in English.
• NLP is specifically applied to safety occurrence reports.
• Published between 2012–2022.
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 18

• Full text is available.

Safety 2023, 9, 22 • Written in English. 3 of 16
• NLP is specifically applied to safety occurrence reports.
• Published between 2012–2022.
As aa further
As further analysis
analysis to
to enable
enable pearling
pearling research,
research, the
the authors
authors and
and citations
citations of
of these
papers were loaded into VOSviewer software [16] creating an interactive
papers were loaded into VOSviewer software [16] creating an interactive network map network map
based on the bibliographic coupling of each document. The larger the size
based on the bibliographic coupling of each document. The larger the size of the author of the author
node, the
node, the greater
greater importance
publication.The proximity
The of the
proximity nodes
of the indicates
nodes the
the of the
strength of bibliographic content,
the bibliographic while
content, the links
while showshow
the links the citations between
the citations the vari-
between the
ous papers.
various After
papers. application
After of the
application criteria
of the andand
criteria pearling research,
pearling 61 papers
research, 61 paperswere leftleft
were for
review. The overall process is depicted in Figure
for review. The overall process is depicted in Figure 1. 1.

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Overview of consecutive stages and results
results from
from literature
literature review.

The papers
paperswere categorised
were against
categorised industry,
against generalgeneral
industry, aim andaim
computational method(s)
and computational
used. Tableused.
method(s) 2 provides
Table the definitions
2 provides the used to categorise
definitions used tothe papers against
categorise an aim
the papers (typical
against an
NLP task) and
aim (typical computational
NLP method. If a paper
task) and computational featured
method. multiple
If a paper aims or
featured methods,
multiple then
aims or
these werethen
methods, recorded.
these were recorded.

Table 2. Definitions for paper aims and computational methods used in this review.
Safety 2023, 9, 22 4 of 16

Table 2. Definitions for paper aims and computational methods used in this review.

Paper Categories Definition

Methods that seek to predict a category or class (e.g., assigning
occurrence reports to given categories).
Clustering The partitioning of data into similar groups.
The extraction of given entities from the text such as hazards, causes,
Entity Extraction
consequences, etc.
Injury Prediction Forecasting injury based upon available data.
Methods that focus on revealing knowledge from the data such as
Reveal Knowledge
production of knowledge graphs or case-based reasoning methods.
Paper Aim Methods that explicitly highlight risks from the data and demonstrate
Risk Variables
risk relationships.
Ability to semantically search the data rather than traditional
Semantic Search
lexical searches.
The summarisation of a larger body of text into a smaller,
Text Summarisation
concise version.
Topic modelling methods that seek to generate a number of topics from
Topic Modelling
the data, providing an alternative method of analysis.
Accident Prediction Forecasting given accidents based on available data.
Question and Answering Methods that allow for specific questions to be answered from the data.
Database Cleansing Methods used to improve database quality.
Any paper utilising machine learning methods that are defined as
computational techniques enabling systems to learn from data or
Machine Learning
experience. Employing a set of statistical methods to find patterns in
existing data and to then use patterns to make predictions [6].
Papers explicitly stating a deep learning method. Deep learning is a
Deep Learning subset of machine learning creating rich hierarchical representations
through the training of neural networks with many hidden layers [6].
Methods that do not use machine learning but rather programmed
Rule-based algorithm
rules to parse text and provide results.
Methods that explicitly state the development of an ontology.
Ontologies generally describe taxonomic relationships [17].

3. Results
This section summarises the findings of the literature review with particular focus on
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW the
categorised aims of the individual papers and notable methods used. 5 of 18

Figure 2 shows the number of papers published each year and computational method
used. It is clear there is an increasing trend of publications over time. Since 2020 there has
been a shift from machine learning methods to deep learning methods.

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Number
Number of
of papers
papers published
published each
each year
year featuring
featuring NLP
NLP and
and occurrence
occurrence reporting.

A further insight was to understand what industries the papers covered (Figure 3).
Half of the papers featured the aerospace and construction industries, while a quarter
were formed of the medical and rail industries.
Safety 2023, 9, 22 5 of 16

Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 18

A further insight was to understand what industries the papers covered (Figure 3).
Half of the papers featured the aerospace and construction industries, while a quarter were
formed of the medical and rail industries.

Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW

Figure 3. Number
3. Number of papers
of papers per per industry.

TheThe aforementioned
aforementioned VOSviewer
VOSviewer software
software waswas
usedused to understand
to understand the the citations
citations be- be-
tween industries (Figure 4), and it was shown that papers featuring the construction
tween industries (Figure 4), and it was shown that papers featuring the construction in-
dustry were were
most most heavily
heavily cited,cited, followed
followed by thebyaviation
the aviation industry.

Figure 4. Network visualisation

Figure of papers
4. Network grouped
visualisation ofby industry
papers and weighted
grouped by and
by industry citations.
weighted by citations.

Each paper wasEach assessed

papertowas understand
assessed its aim, the results
to understand of which
its aim, are shown
the results in are sho
of which
Figure 5. Popular aims were to classify reports or extract entities such as causes and con-
Figure 5. Popular aims were to classify reports or extract entities such as causes an
sequences. A few paper aims
sequences. A few didpaper
not naturally
aims did fit tonaturally
not the categories
fit to defined in Table
the categories 2;
defined in T
therefore, the aims of these papers were recorded as ”Visualise Safety Risk” [18] and “Simi-
therefore, the aims of these papers were recorded as ”Visualise Safety Risk” [18] and
lar Case Retrieval”
ilar [19].
Case The aim to [19].
Retrieval” reveal
Theknowledge wasknowledge
aim to reveal broken down wasinto “Knowledge
broken down into “Know
Graph” [13] andGraph”
[13] andDatabase” [20]. Database” [20].
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 18

Safety 2023, 9, 22 6 of 16

Figure 5. General aims of the papers.

Figure 5. General aims of the papers.
Table 3 displays the papers associated with each categorical aim and computatio-
Table 3 displays the papers associated with each categorical aim and computational
nal method.
Table 3. Categories of each paper per aim and computational method.
Table 3. Categories of each paper per aim and computational method.
Paper Categories Papers
Paper Categories Papers
Classification [2,3,21–32]
Clustering Classification [33–37] [2,3,21–32]
Entity Extraction Clustering [33–37]
Injury Prediction Entity Extraction [52][1,12,14,17,32,38–51]
Reveal Knowledge [13,20]
Injury Prediction [52]
Risk Variables [53]
Semantic Search Reveal Knowledge [54] [13,20]
Paper Aim
Text Summarisation Risk Variables [55] [53]
Topic Modelling Semantic Search [10,11,56–58] [54]
Paper Prediction
Accident Aim [59,60]
Text Summarisation [55]
Question and Answering [61]
Visualise Safety Risk Topic Modelling [18] [10,11,56–58]
Similar Case Retrieval Accident Prediction [19] [59,60]
Database Cleansing Question and Answering [62,63] [61]
Deep Learning Visualise Safety Risk [18]
Machine Learning [2,10–12,21,23,24,26,28–31,33–39,41,43,45–53,55–58,60,62,63,66,67]
Similar Case Retrieval [19]
Computational Method
Rule-based algorithm Database Cleansing [1,3,19,20,38,40] [62,63]
Ontology [17]
Deep Learning [13,14,22,27,32,42,44,59,61,64,65]
Classification Machine Learning
Classification of text is a common NLP application that can be applied to safety report-
Rule-based algorithm [1,3,19,20,38,40]
ing/occurrence systems in that reports
Ontology are typically classified against a given taxonomy for
further analysis and reporting.
Tixier et al. [1] are major contributors to the research having been cited numerous times.
3.1. Classification
Their study sought to automatically classify construction injury reports against a standard
taxonomy (energy source, injury type, body part, injury severity). The method was based
on hand-crafted rules and a keywords dictionary to extract outcomes and precursors from
unstructured injury reports with over 95% accuracy.
Safety 2023, 9, 22 7 of 16

A selection of papers [2,25,28,31,68] sought to classify occurrences against current

system taxonomies (e.g., air safety reporting system), which is of benefit to current business
and regulatory needs being that NLP would be able to quickly parse reports, while the
alternative manual option would be too time-consuming.
The literature indicates that the machine learning Random Forest (RF) algorithm is a
proven, high accuracy model for occurrence reporting classification. RF builds multiple
decision trees and merges them together to gain an accurate prediction, which has been
shown to achieve an accuracy of 80–93% when categorising aviation occurrences [2].
Although limited data are often an issue, in a study by Tanguy et al. [31], it did
not prove problematic as runway excursion could be reliably classified while, on aver-
age, forming a small percentage of the overall occurrences. It was proposed that reports
being classified with a precision of 95% or higher could be processed without human
verification [31].
A deep neural network for classification using Universal Language Model Finetuning
(ULMFiT) [28] comprising of a recurrent neural network and a classifier using a pretrained
Wikipedia texts language model was fine-tuned with safety record narratives. It was
predicted that with the increasing accessibility of NLP tools, they will soon form part of the
safety analyst’s standard toolset [28].
Closely linked to system taxonomy classification is the classification of occurrences to
specific elements of the accident sequence, such as cause, type of incident and resultant
effects. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) has been used
to automatically classify near-miss information [27]. BERT improves upon single word
embedding models by taking into account the number of occurrences of a given word,
for example, providing a different contextual embedding for homographs such as “a
bat was used” and “a bat flew in”. In this instance, the BERT approach was able to
achieve an accuracy of 86.9%. Recent papers feature hybrid approaches leveraging several
computational methods to improve performance [13,22].

3.2. Entity Extraction

Entity extraction is where the NLP method can extract given entities (terms) from
passages of text, for example, geographical places or people’s names. In terms of safety
reporting, the requirement could be to extract safety events, hazards, causes, etc. These
could then be analysed in a more convenient form.
A training dataset underpins entity recognition models, where many safety activities
would require the identification of bespoke entities. Fortunately, a number of software
tools exist to create these datasets. One example is “APLenty” developed by the Univer-
sity of Manchester, which has been used to annotate hazards, consequences and mitiga-
tion strategies for construction safety [69]. The same methodology could be extended to
other industries.
The extraction of pertinent information from occurrences was another theme identified
within the papers. A natural language framework for automatic information extraction
modelling, identifying features such as accident type, date, etc., has been proposed [44].
Risk factors have been extracted from accident reports with good results [45], while identi-
fying causal relationships from reports has been shown to reduce manual workload [70].
In the medical industry, identifying harm events in patient care and categorising the harm
event types based on their severity level has been undertaken [49].
A combined approach of rule-based gazetteers and machine learning has been con-
ducted where occurrence reports were scanned for causes, consequences and hazards
to validate a hazard identification artefact [38]. An entity recognition model trained on
identifying causes and consequences then returned any new hazards not identified by
the gazetteer.
A recent deep learning approach utilises a Long Short-Term Memory model to ex-
tract causal factors, being more accurate and adaptable than traditional machine learning
methods [42].
Safety 2023, 9, 22 8 of 16

3.3. Topic Modelling

Topic modelling is a collective term for a number of unsupervised machine learning
models that capture meaning from a selection of documents. The development of topic
modelling can be traced back to Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [71], which developed into
Probabilistic LSA [72]. A further development was Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a
generative probabilistic model operating via a three level Bayesian hierarchical model [73].
Topic modelling offers a different view to occurrence report analysis where the entire
collection of reports can be divided into a chosen number of topics. This offers a more
flexible alternative to the traditional classification taxonomies in use and enables emerging
themes to be noticed. However, this does not mean that classification taxonomies are
immediately redundant as supplemented with topic modelling, more insight can be gained
from the data.
Topic modelling has been trialled on safety reports where it was determined that
topic modelling was suitable for the data, with the majority of topics being relevant and
independent from the metadata attributes [31]. Such a technique would be useful for data
without a thorough classification scheme. Further work was carried out applying LDA to
a fourteen-year sample of the ASRS database for temporal analysis [10]. This generated
200 topics, which were further verified by a panel of safety experts who declared that topic
modelling would be useful for safety.
A different form of topic modelling has been conducted whereby feature word vectors
of narrative text were obtained via Word2Vec training [56]. An LDA model was then used
to map the latent semantic space, forming the document topic feature vectors of narrative
text in a report. The approach yielded a marginally higher coherence score than LDA alone
across a number of topics ranging from 1–20 [56].
Structural Topic Modelling (STM) intends to go further than basic topic modelling by
highlighting links between aspects and certain conditions. For example, linking a particular
failure to an aircraft type. STM was able to identify known issues and uncover previously
unreported issues; however, it lacked the specific detail to direct action for which a human
analyst is still required [11].

3.4. Semantic Search, Database Cleansing and Visualisation

A further promising area is the ability to create systems capable of performing semantic
searches on databases. Semantic search refers to conducting a search that accounts for
meaning and context, unlike classic lexical searches for literal term matches. The ability
to semantically search records is of real use within safety engineering to understand past
occurrences, learn from experience and provide question/answer-type responses in hazard
identification activities.
Report similarity had been researched by two papers [19,20] showing promise from
a safety analyst’s perspective where a dataset could be interrogated to understand if an
occurrence had previously happened without specific taxonomy labelling. The French
Direction Generale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC) trialled “timeplot” similarity software in
an operational context as a temporal representation of similarity over time [31].
NLP has been used to improve search characteristics, including faceted search offering
an intuitive retrieval of critical incident reports [74]. The combination of a keyword-based
search and a semantic search resulted in good recall values.
Distilled BERT (40% fewer parameters than original BERT) has been used to provide
answers from free text narratives to set questions [61]. A total of 70% of the questions were
answered correctly, while further work was identified with training the model with safety
expert feedback and investigating the use of more advanced models.
NLP has been used to improve and clean a safety report database where previously
a significant effort would usually be required to identify, address, clean and repair data
errors and inconsistencies [63].
The generation of visual analytics from close call reports, where words are shown
as nodes with their relationships as links within a network, has been proposed [18]. The
Safety 2023, 9, 22 9 of 16

technique was found to be useful for identifying risks in the small test set; however,
the language differences from different groups of people in a larger dataset would be
problematic. The study also recognized that significant contextual safety knowledge
would be required by the analyst using this method and that the human is a vital part of
the process.

4. Discussion
4.1. Key Challenge of Applying NLP to Safety Occurrence Reports
It can be argued that the biggest challenge facing the application of NLP to safety
occurrence reporting is the textual data characteristics. It can be expected that a given
occurrence report will feature a free text field for the reporter to enter information about
the occurrence. This is often the valuable data for safety investigations (and NLP) where
the incident and its surrounding circumstances are described, revealing causes, hazards
and other factors that can be used to continually improve safety. The free text field can
then be further enhanced by additional data such as times, dates, temperature, location, etc.
How these data are analysed depends very much on the industry and task at hand.
As an example, an extract from an occurrence held on the Aviation Safety Reporting
System (ASRS) is shown below:
DAMAGE.” [75]
The extract describes an engine cowling detaching from a helicopter, hitting the main
rotor blades and vertical stabiliser. While the description will make sense to those in the
aviation industry, those who are unfamiliar may struggle with the terse language and
number of abbreviations scattered throughout; APCH—approach, ACFT—aircraft and
CTR—centre. This goes to show that not only does the safety practitioner dissecting these
reports need a grounding in safety theory, but they also need to have a good understanding
of the industry, and its operations and technical terminology. Likewise, NLP needs to
reflect this. Although the above example focuses on an aviation occurrence report, the same
issues are present within other industries.
Freely available NLP tools and models are usually trained on vast amounts of text
such as Wikipedia pages, and therefore have not encountered industry-specific terminology.
This ensures that the processing of industry/safety-specific text (such as the example above)
to provide useful responses can be inaccurate. For many safety activities, accuracy is vital,
as the results can influence safety-related decision making.
In order to overcome the aforementioned challenge with the data, a couple of options
for NLP machine learning models are:
1. Fine-tune the model. The “standard” model is further trained on a specific dataset
(e.g., collection of safety assessment reports) [42,76].
2. Train model from scratch. The model is trained on the safety-specific data, although
this is where the second challenge is presented: quantity. If we take BERT as an
example, this was trained on 3300 M words [77]. Unless the organisation has an
equally large repository of information or is able to accumulate data from a number
of regulators, then it is unlikely to match a similar level of data input.

4.2. Common Issues When Applying NLP to Safety Occurrence Reports

From reviewing the papers discussed above, it is possible to draw out some of the
main challenges when applying NLP to safety occurrence reporting. These are listed in
Table 4 (the list is not exhaustive but can be used as a starting point for NLP projects).
Safety 2023, 9, 22 10 of 16

Table 4. Common challenges when applying NLP to safety occurrence reporting.

Challenge Potential Solution

Use of language/semantics including the use of Use the data to train a model from scratch or fine-tune a model,
acronyms and spelling errors, which can confuse enabling the model to “learn” the new terminology.
algorithms and require extensive effort to normalise text Alternatively, standardise the text by parsing it through a bespoke
prior to machine learning. dictionary of acronyms and domain specific terms.
Language can differ across a single As above, standardisation rules can also be applied to reduce the text
organisation/domain. into common terms.
Incorporate the knowledge of domain safety experts through review or
Contextual safety knowledge is often required to workshops.
understand if the results are useful. Construct bespoke datasets to capture context and feed into machine
learning models.
Allocate enough time to clean and normalise data at the start of the
Data cleaning itself can require significant effort at the project.
start of a project. As above, handwritten rules can be used to speed up this process,
organising the text into appropriate formats for onward processing.
Depends upon the language model; however, one aim is to reduce the
Model overfitting leading to erroneous results. amount of “noise” in the data and ensuring training data are
Classification errors occur between labels that share
Analyse model output samples and fine-tune parameters of the model.
similar expressions.
Data may fit multiple categories, adding complexity to
Consider using a multi-classifier machine learning model.
the machine learning model.
Component failure can be difficult to recognize, given
As suggested by Tanguy et al. [31] “build a relationship with the data”
that it can form part of a wider event leading to surplus
taking time to understand what is required and adapt the model
information that detracts the classifier from the actual
Algorithmic bias is unavoidable; however, it can be reduced by targeted
Care needs to be taken to avoid bias and properly sampling or re-weighting. The “UnBias: Emancipating Users Against
train/maintain models. Algorithmic Biases for a Trusted Digital Economy” project offers
solutions and tools to reduce bias [78].
The results are only as good as the training data.
Invest time and resources at the start of the project to cleanse and check
Therefore it is important to ensure the training data are
the training data are suitable for the task.
Incident reports typically only detail “what went Dependent upon the safety system in use and if data on “successes” are
wrong”. For a balanced view, knowledge of what went recorded. Alternatively, data could be gathered from employees as to
well is required. what safety mitigations work well.
Dependent upon the intended use of the output, due to the nature of
safety engineering, the model may be used initially to enhance a safety
Distrust in model outputs or unable to achieve high
practitioners’ role as a support tool. Evaluation of the completed model
levels of accuracy.
can be carried out via case studies using experienced safety
The data might be imbalanced where one of the classes
Undersampling can be used to remove some instances of the majority
(minority class) contains a much smaller number of
class or oversampling to create new instances of the minority class.
examples than the remaining class (majority class).

4.3. Limitations
Having covered the application of NLP described in academic papers, this section
highlights some of the main limitations, and what is required if NLP is to become a regular
tool in safety occurrence reporting.

4.3.1. Lack of Safety-Focused Datasets

A core element of many language models is a defined dataset on which it has been
trained. This can simply be a large corpus of text or it may be a bespoke dataset created
Safety 2023, 9, 22 11 of 16

to solve a particular task. In the case of entity recognition, this would be passages of
text with annotated entities. These datasets are resource extensive to create. For example,
to create a safety-specific entity recognition dataset, several safety practitioners with the
requisite knowledge would be required to annotate the text, a time-consuming and therefore
expensive task. If interest continues to grow in deploying NLP to safety activities, then
there may be a shift to creating such datasets, although these would likely be industry-
specific due to the differing use of language. Other factors such as model drift will play a
role: if a language model has previously been based upon a crewed aviation theme, over
time, uncrewed aircraft have become more prevalent. The model in this case would not be
ideally adjusted for the new terminology and language that comes with uncrewed aircraft,
most likely leading to poor results. Therefore, model drift would need to be monitored and
models re-baselined with current data.
Closely linked with the creation of datasets is the quality of the data. The raw text data
may need to be pre-processed prior to a language model phase, in which case the output
needs to be accurate and repeatable. Likewise, bespoke datasets need to be fit for purpose.
Where vast generic datasets are created through the use of Amazon Turk workers [79] or
equivalent, this is not possible within safety engineering as the workers require knowledge
of safety and the intended industry.

4.3.2. Model Evaluation beyond Metrics

Depending on how extensive the use of NLP will be, the performance needs to be
assessed beyond typical machine learning metrics such as accuracy, precision and F1 mea-
sures. Feedback from safety practitioners is invaluable to truly assess usefulness. For
example, a question and answering machine learning model may exhibit poor performance
in terms of computational metrics, such as not extracting exact (computer-anticipated) an-
swers. However, when used in an operational context by safety practitioners the generated
answers may capture all that is required to be useful.

4.3.3. Trustworthiness and Model Interpretability

A further consideration is around trustworthiness and the integration of NLP tools
with safety practitioners. “Trust” is typically placed in systems that demonstrate repeatable
behaviour and performance to deliver successful outcomes; a single failure can start to
erode this trust. From the wider perspective, machine learning technologies often fail to
live up to our expectations through being inaccurate, unreliable and discriminatory [80].
Within safety reporting, the results of a given NLP system might influence safety decisions
or risk to life, therefore requiring an element of trust.
Machine learning models can be treated as a “black box” where the internal workings
are not fully known [81]. This is likely to be unacceptable for many safety tasks where the
rationale behind outputs made by the model need to be clear, especially if risk to life is
involved or the output needs to be traceable. In this case, the system could be limited to a
“decision support role”, or if the setup allows, to substantiate outputs with evidence. For
example, supplying the document reference and passage of text that a generated answer
has come from.

4.3.4. Data Protection

The final limitation considered within this paper is that of data protection. Machine
learning models are often data-hungry and require vast amounts of occurrence reports to
improve performance. Where some databases are publicly available (e.g., ASRS), others are
not, and due to data privacy policies, any models trained on these data may not be made
public. It would be encouraging to see larger repositories of occurrence data available for
public use in the future; this could be provided by regulatory bodies in a format cleansed
of personal data.
Safety 2023, 9, 22 12 of 16

5. Conclusions
This paper introduces the topic of NLP within the occurrence reporting context while
providing a review of the research to date.
The latest deep learning developments such as BERT are starting to be introduced
in the most recent papers with promising results. Where the majority of papers discuss
language models trained upon large datasets such as Wikipedia pages, there appear to be
few specific safety-focused datasets available. This is likely due to the unique field and
the fact that the majority of safety databases/repositories are unlikely to match datasets
based upon Wikipedia in terms of sheer size and variety. The construction of safety-
themed datasets going forward would be of benefit to the application of NLP to occurrence
reporting, as this will allow the fine-tuning of current language models to safety tasks.
Semantic search appears to be an area of development where a small portion of the
reviewed papers addressed this [54,61]. At the time of writing, OpenAI’s ChatGPT [82]
has received extensive media coverage with its ability to understand and answer natural
questions and solving tasks such as writing computer code based on prompts. However,
it is limited by only being trained on a knowledge base up until 2021, being susceptible
to hallucination (where it produces an incorrect but plausible response) and producing
verbose responses [83]. ChatGPT or other Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models
could fulfil a semantic search capability for safety documentation (e.g., a collection of safety
assessments or an incident database).
Going forward, it would be satisfying to see regulatory bodies starting to encourage
the use of NLP, although caution should be taken that it is not a case of “one size fits all”
and the application should be tailored to the given task. There could be a temptation
to fully automate typical safety processes (e.g., monitoring trends or indicators) through
NLP. To some extent this is possible; however, the quality of the encompassing safety
management system is important, alongside organisational understanding and motivation
as these aspects will drive improvements [84].
The authors do not envisage the use of NLP making the safety practitioner redundant
but rather offering an insightful tool to aid their work and increase efficiency. It is antic-
ipated that standard NLP tools and methods will soon be used to assist in many safety
activities from the generation of artefacts to ongoing safety monitoring.

Author Contributions: J.R., D.B., W.G. and J.P. contributed to the conception of the literature review.
J.R. retrieved and screened the papers. J.R. wrote the manuscript. D.B., W.G. and J.P. provided
supervision and reviewed the manuscript, providing feedback and corrections. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: The APC was funded by UKRI.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: No new data were created or analysed in this study. Data sharing is
not applicable to this article.
Acknowledgments: J Ricketts thanks the contribution of the IMechE Whitworth Senior Scholarship
Award and sponsorship of BAE Systems.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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